SDCTtEN OREGON YARTAXTOSTATE ON "GAS" VETERANS GET PENSIONS, IS$341,643.X58 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1920. hinrton. Jan- !7-In n omni . pension bill Just reported to too . Sot representatives an unusual ber of Owgonlans are Included, !T. for original pensions and soma ureases. All are based on claims ? or illness growing out of rf,SWservice. The beneficiaries are d i SalbUry' Salem ,2: CJcVnmngham, 157 Winches Tnet. Portland. 112; Spanish war "JSTb. Mellinger. 964 Savier Portland, mother of Walter A. deceased Spanlsn war W& Bales, 1171 Bothwick street PcS regular army service $17. imhoff. 810 Thurman street, rrtland Spanish war, J 12. Fort H Sheaffer. 614 Nehalem ..met Portland, Spanish war. 17. Renshall. 251 Broadway, ft'w Bowdoin Portland, Spanish war, $17. "fflrtatopher L. Einkopf, I. O. O. F. nm Portland, Indian wars, $20. William Bell. Roseburg, Bgular ar mY service, $17- , Thlraa M. Dolph, Eugene, widow of Tunc N. Dolph, Spanish war, $12. Katherine Retter, McMinnville, .idow of William Retter, regular ar my $12. and 2 additional for each 'S two minor children. William W. Shortridge, London, In dian wars, $30. Oliver Hull, Waldo, Spanish war, 124 Nathaniel N. Robbins, Oregon City Indian wars, $30. Mary Silvers, Roseburg, widow of William Silvers, Indian wars, $20. Gasoline consumed In Oregon from February 26, the date on which the fuel oil .license law became operative, until December SI, totaled 31,853.988 gallons with an additional 4,680,747 gallons of distillate on the total sales of which the tax aggregated $341.- according to a SUmmniir nwk. pared by Sam A- Koier, deputy sec retary of state. I Bales of motor fuel oil for Decern-' ber dwindled to considerably below the record of any previous month, the summary shows, this being due In large measure to the heavy snoVs dur ing that month which prevented the operation of automobiles and motor cycles. Sales for December totaled 2, 102,982 gallons of gasoline and 137, 5S3 gallons of distillate, the tax on these sales aggregating $21,717.72. Dallas Woman Gets Photo Of Son's Graye In France Dallas, Or.. Jan. 27. Mrs vm., Chase of this city has received a photo graph of her son's grave in France. Private Orley P. Chase, a former mem ber of company I Third Oregon, was killed at the battle of Cantigny, May 28, 1918. The photograph was sent to Mrs. Chase by R. V. Coleman of Mult- nomnn, wno stated in a letter accom panying the picture, that mm Aav era! months ago he was passing mrougn a cemetery near the Cantigny battlefield when he was attracted to the grave of an American soldier be twen the graves of two French sol diers. On the cross above the grave was the Inscription "Pvt. Orley P. -nase, wauas, or." He took a snap shot of the 'grave and sent a copy to the dead soldier's mother as soon as he learned her address. DALLAS BOOTLEGGER CAUGHT; FINED $50 Dallas. Jan. 27. Sheriff John C. lOrr of this ritv mnri . ... i or a bootlegger for this year about midnight Sunday night when he caught Peter Reddekopp. a resident 01 tnis city disposing of an Intoxicat ing drink to a local citizen. Reddekopp, who is known through out the county as "Wildgoose." has been under suspicion by the police authorities for some time and has been repeatedly warned. It is alleged he has been making a drink which is a mixture of hard cider and wine. eaiuraay night several drunks were noticed upon the city streets and one was arrested and placed In the city bastile by Marshal Chase. He stated that he bought the drink from TtoHHA. kopp. Another drunk was feeling his uais ounaay ana was watched by the police until about midnight when he went to the Reddekopp home in the south part of town for an additional supply. It was then that Sheriff Orr made his arrest. . ReddekoDD is nlWprt tn hn selling his wares to high school boys and others about town, and has been the cause of many Saturday night sprees. He was taken hpfnro .tmiiM nf , Peace John R. Sibley who fined him au. nut ror the fact that he has a large family the officers staff thnt hp would have received a jail sentence. 4 POLK COUNTY TO BE Astoria, Or., Jan. 27. The army tug Slocum, which left Astoria last Thursday with four concrete boats in tow, bound for San Francisco, wire lesseS to the local station last night that she had lost two of the boats but had taken the crews off. The boats were said to be in a sinking condi tion. The SJocum is returning to port with the remaining two boats and then will endeavor to recover the two elie lost, the message said. Captain Fritz Hirsch, .. Columbia part pilot who took the steamer Aber cos out yesterday for a trial trip, said he sighted the Slocum off Cape Mears with two concrete boats in tow and sighted two other concrete boats about ten miles southwest. Members of the Central Trades and Labor council of this city will hold their regular meetlnir at thp. lnhnt temple at eight o'clock Tuesday night organization plans for new crafts, and other matters of im portance, will be discussed by the assembly. Good Health for You Dr. Carter's K.&B. Tea Costs but Little and You Can Mate a Whole Ltt from One Package More people are drinking Dr. Carter's R. & B. Tea than ever before, became they have found out that for Irver.etomach and bowels and to purify the blood there Is nothing surer, safer or better. The Utile toll just love it. Water Permits. The construction of a reservoir and the appropriation of 80,000 acre feet of water from Big Marsh creek for the irrigation of lands near Lapine Is contemplated in an application fil ed with State Engineer Cupper today Dy J. P. Newell of Portland. Other applications for water rights filed with the state engineer's ornce today follow: By Plainview Irrigation company covering the appropriation from a tributary of Sparks Lake for the ir rigation of land in the Plainview Ir rigation district, near Gist. By Sophronia Nesbit and E. E. Hays of Hood River for the appropri ation of water from an unnamed spring for the irrigation of land and a domestic water supply. By Carl Sandstrom of Dayville for the appropriation of water from the West Fork of Payton creek for the irrigation of 75 acres near Dayville. "Founders dav" will ha r-plhi-atoil in the Chanel of Kimhall Kfhnnl nt Theology Wednesday at 3 p. m. Doc tor E. S. Hammond will give the ad dress. This will ye a public meeting. $100,000,000 Fund to Finance Baptist , Plan for Curing Unrest with Religion Dallas, Or., Jan. 27. Polk county will soon be the hop center of the world asain. This county will again have the two largest hopyards in exist ence; For several years the yards of E. Clements Horst company and the WigginsRichardson company, near Independence, had the disinction of be ing the largest During the war, when the hop market fell off, the vines in both these yards were plowed up, the acreages plant to vegetables and sugar beets and the large dryers converted into vegetable evaporators. The high price that hops are now commanding has caused a resumption of the business of growing that crop on these two large farms and the Horst company will have 650 acres in bear ing this year, with an estimated yield of 4000 bales. At the Wiggins ranch about 350 acres have been planted. Other yards, smaller in size, through out Polk county, which had abandoned the growing of hops, are being replanted. OPTOMETRISTS EXAMINED Ten applicants for permission to practice optometry in Oregon took the examination before the state board of optometry here Monday. The exam ination was under the charge of Dr, Floyd B. Dayton of Portland, presi dent, and Wm. H. Peare of La Grande secretary of the state association. PAPS THREE OREGON TO BACK DRY LAW IN TEST SUIT Oregon will join with other pro hibition states in the union In defend ing the eighteenth amendment to the federal constitution th nrnhihiiinn amendment the validity of which is io oe testes in a suit to be brought by the state of Rhnrta TsinnA , no.. mission of the supreme court of the United States. The movement to en list the prohibition statin in im. the federal government iii defense of tne amendment wa initiated by Gov ernor Carl E. Milliken of Maine. Gov ernor Milliken's susrestlnn thn r,. mer Justice Charles Evans Hughes be retained as counsel for the states is approved by Governor Olcott and At torney General Brown. No expense win anacn to the state in the suit. Oregon is the fourteenth state to lend its moral support in defen.A nt th. amendment. .' Marshall Hooner. fpdpml Kinv aminer, accompanied by A. Schram, state bank examiner, went to Portland Monday. HEAR Mrs, 0. F. Lamson LECTURE On the Situation in Armenia and the Near East at M. E. CHURCH Thursday, Jan. 29, at 7:30 p. m. EVERY person in Salem is invited to hear this: entertaining speaker tell about the life and customs of the people now making an effort to exist in her native land "ARMENIA". Come and learn what HERBERT HOOVER has been doing since the Ar mistice was signed. This will be an instructive lecture and FREE! No collection or subscription to be taken. ,., MHHHM Don't Suffei Frooi v. Sample Package of the Fmnous Pyramid Pile Treatment Kow Ottered Free to I'rove What It Will Do for Vou. Pyramid Pile Treatment gives Quick relief from itvhlug, bleeding or protruding piles, hemorrhoids and a.HK. .. 1 J ' ::S ,-,vS Pyramid Is Certnlnly Fine and Works Such Wooden Ho Quickly. such rectal troubles, In the prlvac of your home.' (10 cents a box nt ail druggists. Take no substitute. A single box often relieves. Free Rum ple for Trial mailed in plain wrap, per, if you send coupon below. FREE SAMPIE COUPON FYRAMID Dnud OOMMNY. 676 I'f ramld mug., Marshall, Mica, JLflni,.'-c"l " FlW ,8011,1 of pyramid ruo Treatment, in plain wrapper. Name .,. , . ; Street.. I....'.'; .Stato. rv . M fjtiyl J' " L?a I S XV-v -iii i 'Jf fr3 - -,f m ' 1 10,666 Local Churches UsJM m Pledging Members to New World Movement of Northern Baptists. The Baptists of 35 states and the District of Columbia will have defi nitely embarked by February 1 on what leaders in th? denomination say "the grtest task in its his tory and one of the most visror- ms unified advances any Christian 1 iiri.s ever made- ne ww World fnvmnt C wptists, defined as "the lining up gi Americanization of Foreign born, Expansion of Mis sions and Great Educational Effort Outlined by Leader, by this. apportionment. Continued, work for the American Indian is planned. An investment - of practically $10,000,000 for new equipment in the foreign mission fields in addi tion to normal operating expenses is included in the new program of the denomination. The last North ern Baptist Convention adopted a report calling for the sending out of 128 new missionary families and 176 single women missionaries, and the erection of loo missionary resi- ap-cressive anoli "tion of Christianity to the prob' iwns of the world," is swinging un. far way. Several thousand of the 10,666 fashioned requisites of prayer and dences, 241 missionary schools, 76 churches involved, ranging in loca- faith. ' dormitories, 75 church buildings, S on from Arizona to Maine and "We are going forward on the industrial schools and 19 hospitals. om Washington, D. C, to Wash- theory that the denomination or "It is always necessary to re "JSton State, have already pledged the church or the man who hangs member," Dr. Aitchison said, "that "err members personally to the back-now is what President Roose- neither money nor buildings nor, movement. December 7 to 14 velt would have called a "pussy- additional workers serve to express generally observed under the footer.' Where Christianity dom- the terms of the New World Move W t if Christian Enlistment inates, there cannot be lust and mcnt. It is not a campaign. It is Intt j i a" Janu&ry has been al- greed and hate. Certainly there the advance of an ideal. The rais ,d fr those communities where cannot be Bolshevism." ng of the money and the spending wi campaigns, or other plans The scope of the Americanization of the money are incidental to the ? canvasses inconvenient rtnr. clans of the Baotists is Iartre. supreme task of offering Christian- ? the week oriirinallv set Children in the S.mday Schools ity like a healing bandage to the n enare work among American will be urged to treat the children wounds of the world." "Mis and foreian-born work, of the foreien-born as friends. One domestic trend of the move. wort r epansic" of missionary Baptist women will be asked to ment, leaders say, will be a steady . .',n,e;n fields, the COntinu- cultivate friendship as individuals hammering on the problem of in- ice Of active rlii.:nM.l .:j .L. ...Ui. I. ...... mnm.n 'Mic- ffAacincr tvtiniatpre' ealarie Th listitraCe' ttle f,lrthnce of Bap- ions will be established in min- average salary of the 8,823 ordained ik. ' er'ts in South America and ine. manufacturing and logging Baptist ministers in the United Vision nf n .i a:. t.- r,rnnnr. Ca.a t! B7 . Aa m tKt Mir ionm? fnj r . " . . . . ... ii r-i.. Li fc inn' -- ioruri ministers and mis- tion ot tne population is snian. wniy cigm uui oi cvaj iw n- aimi i 4re amone the concrete Speaking of "future citizens." the ceive as much as $1,500 a year. m Ran?'0"4 by the ,ast North- report of the Field Survey Com- Many amusing and appealing !et- k-4 T. , St Convention. Plans are mittee says: ters have been received since it be- vt vea?, ?'0,000in the next "We cannot honestly preach to came known that a determined edu- lor a" w,.,nin the denomination them and teach them national ideals cational campaign to remedy this "The t, al,ie(1 Purposes. " if we are silent while they, because condition is under way. One letter, J v .5" "!h is facing up," Dr. they are strangers, are being ex- from Peru, Indiana, says: General p S?IU dirlr . of the ploited. It is our Christian duty to "In my opinion the greatest fin- " Norther t of Promotion of the assist in the bettering of factory ancier of the tunes is not Frank : i, . Baptist Conventinn ri;tm. tanA.rrf nf emolov- Vanderlin or J. Pierpont Morgan. the ralngTp statemen'' "to ment for women in industry, living The wife of the average minister all ot tne great nnanciers oi country beaten to a standstill. in rait. . "icin;ii' to mem ior women in inuusuj, nin . -o- , T!e Ban U, if its history, conditions of foreigners and social, has all of the great financier of Wierini , :,,jr.;ne ft the North, educational, civic and religious op- tne country saira o !""" W .v 8 !na9aivpr-ai riiricf;,-!.J .1,- fnr.;n.Wn " If the ame decree of efficient man- for Of the money to be raised, i,- agemeni as nd- 000,000 will be devoted to the ex- ministerial household could be ap- pliea to our uluuairiai 'uu jwiu-i institutions we- could successfully the iLPOMib.1. s.0,utic"- are ioinin ,., l" effort f ?rotestant bodies pansion and improvement of Bap- plied f Gott.' , 5read the Kingdom tist educational institutions. In- instit conL? methods of eluding 16 schools for negroes, 88 compel; in th. markets of coatIcd wIth the EOodt c 4. academies and c0Ueges will benefit world and come off victors. Unusual Bargains; FOOTWEAR f Are offered at our I in CLEARANCE SALE This is the .last week 4 and your last opportun ity to purchase shoes of ? highest quality at LESS THAN FACTORY COST Buster Brown Shoe i Store! t 125 N. Commercial t " ' MIMMM M un M Clearance Sale of twor tarn ps This Week Only SALE CLOSES SATURDAY t We are reducing stock to make room for lamps now on order, and every lamp now in stock is marked much below our usual low, figures. ,v SE WINDOW DISPLAY ' Mifemtot -t-i mmmttMjmmK-STf $49.00 lamp and shade $33.50 ;: $50.00 lamp and shade $43.00 :: $40.00 lamp and shade $32.00 : $46.00 lamp and shade .! .....$37.50 , : $36.00 lamp and shade $31.50 $34.00 lamp and shade $29.50 $38.00 lamp and shade $29.50 f $38.50 lamp and shade $22.50 J $35.00 lamp and shade $29.50 t $30.00 lamp and shade :i...............$27.00 f Every lamp in this sale is a beauty and well executed in Adam brown mahogany t with a suitable shade of pleasing color. Buy this week. Next week will be too late t t to make a money saving. . t C H amrM ItOBl 340 Court Street Salem, Oregon. USED Clearance Sale FORD CARS At prices to suit your purse $300 to $500 Having received 92 new Fords during the past 6 weeks owing to receiving extra allotmentswe are overstocked on used cars and we must move them to make room for our regular business. A greater portion of these cars have been overhauled and repainted and are in perfect running order. Remember last season's conditions on used Fords. They were not to be had at any price and the same condition will prevail this season. If you are in the market for a car. Now Is the Time to Buy ACT QUICK BEFOREJHEY ARE ALL SOLD! j aZfey 'Motor