Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 26, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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If Of
-rrTr word Each insertion one
, Rte , . Mnts. on month.
""i-ions. 17 cent, une ear. per
Jfil'i Minimus, per sd 25
"5t motion only In New Today.
.di cash in advance and not tak
S over nnone. unless advertiser hag
Jonitf account. No allowance lor
New ToOay.
p,,r SLK No- 121 strawberry
extra fine. $3 per thousand
,f vou (lis them yourself. H mile
Lit Sumiysude school. Jefferson
""l Phone 107F24. 26
f-iR SLE Wilson strawberry
p(WS-50 1" thousand. Phone
' '.if I-
R mLE Cord wood, stum page
bodv and second growth fir. $1 per
cord. Phone 2f 1 4. .
ror S4.LE 1918 Chevrolet In good
condition, or trade for Ford. F. L.
Wood. Bayne bldg. -4
FOR SU.E 3 arres. 75 cords wood
imlin; 1 minutes walk from
car line. Box 34, Rt. 8. 24
vd s T. E Five dozen thorough
l,mi White Leghorn hens, $1.50
Phone S7FZ. 22
TOR i LE Sacrifice 5 room bunga
low and 2 'arse lots. 132 feet front.
CU1 at 1242 N. Front St. : 27
WANTED Man to cut 30 cords fir
and corns piuu itii wu. o
mid ii.ii per. Phone 36F4, Ed A.
FOR SALE 1 Hudson speedster, us
ed four months; 1 lfllS Dodge; 1
ISIS Giant six; a 1916 Ford road-
' ster in A-l condition, a classy re
painted job. We have ttte Bruns
wick tires, "the up to the minute
tire" Cherrv City Garage, 170 S.
12th St. 27.
FOR SALE 8 Rhml Island Red pul
iets. Price $1.50 each. 1561 Mar
ket. 22
FOR SALE Strawberry plants- Et
lerlmrg 121, $5 per thousand.
Phone 87F2o. 27
FOR SALE First class clover nnd
cheat nnd oat nnd vetch hay.
Phone 39FG. 27
LOSI 33x4 tire chain on- S. Com
mercial St. between end car, line
uaj town. Phone 51 K3. - . . 22
WANTED Exchange White Leghorn
cockerel, good bird, l'hone 51F5. 22
I HAVE 200 acres rich bottom land,
40 acres In cultivation, balance pas
ture, $70 per acre. Easy terms, Al.
Tompkins, Amity, Or. 27
LOST On High street Moonstone
ring. Reward, l'hone 340. ,24
FOR SALE flood gas range, $17. In
quire 1389 Court jiftev 0 p. m. 23
FOR RENT Furnished housekeep-
ing rooms, also sleeping rooms. 264
Front St. . -21
, POTATOES First class" for table or
' seed, 4Vi cents per pound by the
suck, delivered within eitv limits.
Phone 115. Clifford V. Brown, 171
K. Front street. - 24
FOR SALE A shoemakers patching
machine. 504 Belmont St. 24
WANTED A man to work In an in
' auranee office, and to assist in
bookkeeping. Write P. O. box No.
33, city, giving references. 23
BARGAIN 5 room house, small
barn, lot 80x123. price $900, Lo
cated In West. S.ilo1n. W. H. Gra
benhorst & Co., 275 State St. 23
F01. SALE 6 room house with base
4.. niem. corner lot. lot 76x100, locat
'1 on Lincoln street. Price $2000,
'I iWTOft W. H. (Irabenhorst & Co.,
-ij State street. s
SNAP 5 mom house with basement,
a". 10x150. located on Court St.
Price $2300. Y. a. Grabenliorst &
Co-2i 5 State street. 23
fALEr10 t0 40 nc. "0 bet
I h ;.n (rr' '"'"I,. right' in. Terms
JJ- Koltes, Hotel 1)1 igh. 27
ln7u?- I''onced saleslady
Mleslauy for millinery dept. Gale
r,ZiALE(ius,,i"e dra saw, al
Jnefarniers feed bam. 24
Fl?NHED r,,(""s and apartments
FtdhiL.B,-M'.l'f-''' ear. good con
- T Jiroauway. . 24
one?ALE-At either all In
Trade. " " corner
B0llei'h,,'' new Hoover
""ill' iu, T
amount. Low rates.
Payment privilefpq
Vei7 prompt service. Ask
y our 20-year loans at
203 Oregon Bldg.
1 Ad7 KTa 5x12 iiecont' hn"J
I --lJcare Journal. 24
I PtionLlf7hA hWh' home' best Io-
I ""rth en.i "y' 1 Rc'uai'e m
I jnPhone 653M. ' 22
I eAfL0r7f " milk or will
J fdt c"8. Call 87F24 24
(DRY woud lor sale, four foot, and
sawetl. Cull evenings 167SW. -is
i -iiv ball o room bungalow, $2000,
modern; $SuO down, rest oa month
ly payments. Plioue. 635.M. ;j
Help Wanted
EXPERIENCED seamstress will go
out by the day. Phone 1413. . in
WANTED Girl or woman for gen
eral house work. Call 2523 a Com
or phone 55F13.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, all
work guaranteed. 1640 Hall St
fair grounds road, 23
! WANTED Febluary 1. man for
dairy - and chores at Oregon state
tuberculosis hospital.- Muet be a
good milker. Pays $60 per month
with board, - room and laundrr
furnished. Write supervisor, Rt. 6.
box 28, Salem, 22
WANTED Work by 18 year old box-.
Phone 584R. , 22
WIDOW Will do plain sewing at
home, children's preferred. 5SS North
Church street. 22
WANTED Middle aged or elderly
woman for general house work. 820
N. Commercial. ' 24
Real Estate Houses
FOR SALE Three lots, small house
plenty of fruit; reasonable terms.
644 State street. 31
Six room plastered house, city wa
ter, $750. Choice lot with poor
house; close in, $400.' Five room
house, macadam street, $850. Good
8 room house, good location, $1750.
Six room bungalow, 19th St., $1,
800. Five room cottage, South Lib
erty St. $2000. Fine five room bun-
galow with sleeping porch, $2500.
, Dandy bungalow, paved street and
car line. $4000. 40 acres with
, prunes and loganberries, some tim
ber, good buildings, $13,000. Choice
acre tracts close in. 100 acre ranch
new bungalow, $5300. F. I Wood
tsayne mutg. 22
FOR SALE 6 room beautiful home,
oiose in on in. winter, 2 lots, barn;
Owner going east, furniture goes.
Cash or terms. S.. R. Pearson, 405
wiegun oiug. i-none 43.
FOR SALE 6 room modern home on
excellent lot. Call 236. Bush St. 25
FOR SALE By owner a modern ten
room nouse wun garage, 1133 Court
01. .mce ouuu; terms J20U0 cash,
balance to suit. Inquire of H.
Pohle & Son, 240 S. Liberty St. 25
FOR SALE 5 room cottage, modern
except neat. Car line, pavement.
nam, goon condition. Price $1850,
half cash. Box 25 Journal. 26
FOR SALE 7 room modern house
except basement, walking distance
on in. cottage St., large lot, barn,
good location,- $2300, terms. 10
, room double modern, close in, ex
ceptional buy; $4000, easy terms
fliany others. S. R. Pearson, 405
Oregon bldg. Phone 43.
OSTEOPATHIC physicians and Bur
geons, Drs. White and Marshall,
500 U. 8. bank bldg. Phone 859. Dr.
White, res. phone 469; Dr. Marshall
res. phone 834. ,
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res. phone 68F5; office
phone 1394, 29
ESTES & MAGEE, real estate. If we
llBt it we advertise It. Portland of
fice 909 Chamber Commerce: Sa
lem office 428 Oregon bldg, over
eiectnc aepot. 84
R. VT. BALLANTYNE, piano tuner
with Cherrlngton'8 Piano House,
415 Court St. Phone 352. 83
second hand goods bought, sold
and exchanged. If we havn't what
you want, we'll get it. Try us. W.
Lubko, 241 N. Com'l St. Phone 841,
Salem, Or.
THE International Correspondence
school will have their local repre
sentative at the Bligh hotel every
Saturday to give their Btudents all
assistance possible. He also will be
glad to give the public information
regarding the schools and their
LET us list your property.. A. L.
Seamster Realty Co., 416 Masonic
bldg. Phone 353. .
WILL trade for prune or hop ranch.
, my 850 acre valley stock and dairy
ranch. Address X care Journal. 22
WOOD to cut, close in. Inquire 302
u. 8. bank bldg. 24
TALE Hand laundry. 194 8. 12th
St. Phone 8. -
Used Cars for Sale.
HUPMOBTLE for -sale, bargain. In
quire 2360 Laurel ave. or 311 N.
Com'l. . 23
FOR SALE Nearly new 2-ton Dia
mond T truck, all equipped. Phone
1608J. A. H. Biederman. 31
Lost And Found.
SPRAYING Leave orders for all
kinds of spraying with D. A. White
& Sons, phone 160, 255 State St.
Good work; best material. O. P.
St. Clair, 23
For Rent
FOR RENT 8 room house; also cow
nnd 8 hens for sale. Inquire 1395
N. Liberty. Phone S14W. ' 22
FOR RENT Vacant apartment
The Miller, 633 Ferry.
Construction work at the steam
J power plant of the Bend Water &
Light company is progressing rapinij
and the plant may be ready for pow
er production by March 31. The cost
of the plant will be in excess of $100,
Cash paid for CREAM, EGGS AXD
POULTRY, highest prices. Best Serv
Ferry Si, Salem, Oregon.
For Sale.
STRAWBERRY plants, progressive
Everbearing, Etleraborg 121, Im
proved Oregon and Wilson.' Vigor
ous well rooted plants. Place orders
now. Ward K. Richardson, 2395
ront. Phone 494, 35
FOR SALE 10 acres good onion land
good barn, small house near the
depot. Call or address J. S. Bum-
garaner,, Clatskanie, Or. J7
FOR SALE Baled cheat hay $23 ton,
I mile east on pen road. Fhone 91
F15. . 25
Leghorns, Reds, Rocks, Minorca,
.Prices reasonable. C. N. Needham,
558 State St. Phone 400. 36
iTOR BALE Jersey cow, roue years
uiu, iiigu itsier, 10 iresnen soon.
One 3-year old, giving milk, " to
freshen May 1st. X street road.
Box 8. Rt. 7. 22
FOR SALE 10x15 job press, 22 H-
mcn paper cutter, type, etc. Joseph
Ripp, Sublimity, Or. 22
FOR SALE Or trade, quarter section
innn at t,overna, Sask., valued
$18.60 per acre. Will accept city
property or acreage close in, or will
take, good car and terms on bal
ance. Act quickly. Phone 92F3 or
box 196, Sojem, Or. 22
FOR SALE-Potatoes, Clifford Brown
warehouse 171 Front St. Table
stocK and seed free from frost. 22
ONIONS for sale cheap. Phone 399.
197 S. Com'l. 23
FOR SALE 8-weeks old pigs, and
some small shoats. Donald Ham
mock, Rt. 8, Salem, Or. Phone 59
F4. 23
FOR SALE 42 H acres rich bottom
miiu, do acres in bearing prunes,
also some peaches. Buildings. Sell
for cash or take some small prop
erty in or near Salem. Phone 92 F
11. R. H. F. Struckmelr. 23
LOOK 8 acres near -oar line, on rock
road; good soil, mixed young orch'
ard, 100 young walnuts, 6 room
house,' $4200, terms. 6 room bun
galow, paved street, assessments
all paid. See It. Room S16 Masonic
bldg. Phone 353.
FOR SALE Old papers for wrap
ping and packing 10c bundle. Cap
ital Journal office.
FOR SALE Sow with pigs, 3-months
oid;fresh cow with calf. J.'A. Pick
ens, Rt, 8, box 104, Salem. -' 25
FOR SALE Fruitland nursery has
a few thousand Italian prune trees,
grafted Franquet walnuts, and al
so other nursery stock. Phone 111
F21. Rt. 6, Salem, Or. 25
APPLES delivered, 3 varieties. Phone
your order to Walter Pearmine, 98
F2. 26
FOR SALE Two young Jersey cows,
Shire mare, 1500 weight, 7 years
okh Phone 87F13. 23
WOOD for sale, also take contract
hauling wood. Phone C74R after 6
p. m. . 26
FOR SALE 3-months old Berkshire
and Poland China pigs, fat and
healthy; your choice at $9 and $12.
495 Turner street. 22
FOR SALE 10 head of horses rang
ing from 1000 to 1400 lbs. Center
Street barn. , 24
DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician,
eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
510-12 U. S. bank. Phone 341.
WANTED Garments to remodel:
new suits $45. Ezra Sparks, 544
State street. 31
LOCAL or long distance truck haul
ing of any kind. Phone 1177. 27
BEAVERDAM, onion land, rent free
for clearing. Address 8-B care Jour
nal. 25
WANTED To borrow $1500 on good
real estate' security. C. W. Niemey
er, Masonic bldg.
WANTED To rent good seven or 8
room furnished houso, with garage.
Good location essential. In or with
in eight miles of Salem. Willing to
pay up to $75 pent. Address box 55
Journal, 24
AUTOMOBILE painting, furniture re-
rinisncci. pnone isia. rne aaiem
Refinishing Co.; 156-S. 12th. . 28
WANTED To list property. What
have you to list. A. L. Seamster
Realty Co., 416 Masonic bldg.
Phone 353. .
WANTED Span of horses, must not
be over 7 years old of weigh less
than 1500 lbs. Call 491 or write P.
O. Box 62, Salem.
BULL DOG wanted. Telephone 348.
NOTICE Having purchased tne Lib
erty Exchange, 241 n. commercial
St., I wish to state that I will not
be responsible for any bills or debts
contracted by the former owners.
W. Lubke, Prop. 22
WANTED Lease and option. Want
to lease with option to. buy froi
five to sixty acres. Prefer place
with berries or gardening. Do not
want Improved buildings. Address
P. O. box 125, Redmond, Or. 25
WANTED Old junk, old clothing,
tools, .gems, musical' instrument
cameras. Will call day or evening.
Capital Exchange, 337 Court. Phone
WOOD SAW Fishers boys will saw
your wood. Phone 1004. to
WANTED Used windows and doors.
Phone 65F21 evenings. z
WANTKD Fluff fcnd Colonial rag
rug weaving. Cor. Mill ana ttin oi.
n, onnii-,1 piinvffntlnn of the Chris
tian and missionary alliance will open
at Hood River February 1.
Salem Auto Radiator Shop
Radiators, Fender and Gas Tank
Tractor Radiator s BpectoUjr
Ford Radiator for Sale
198 S. 12th Street. Salem, Ore.
Very Good Buys, "
' 5 room house, plastwieJ, modern, S.
. ISt'h. $1800., Sell or trad..-.
j T room plastered house, very sub
stantial, east, good locality. $2100.
r- 5 room house, fair conditiuu, plen
ty of fruit, lot 75 150. close in. $1100
j 5 71-108 acres close In, mostly in
; 2-year old prunes, no buildings. $2,
! 100.
j 10 acres close in, deep red soil, 5
in cultivation, more easily cleared.
$1500. Cash or terms.
40 acres, 26 .acres in bearing fruit,
mostly prunes; 10 acrea brush and
pasture, buildings; 36 stack drier.
$300 per acre; owner wants to live In
city, -will take city property up to $8 -
000. .
40 acres bearing prunes, no build
ngs, $400 per acre.
Walter McLaren
Room 28, 180 N. Com. St.
City. Buys.
A nice S room hoiiKn 0..,,.!
soil. Terms. $800.
6 room house close in. nnvoil .iwu,t
Terms. $1000.
A good buy On Cmiitnl stroot
Terms. $850.
A new 5 room bungalow plastered.
Terms. $600. -
Choice acre and. Wiv hnnninn
$1850. - .
6 room plastered house, modern
plumbing, close to car. sphnnl i .
room house, 2 lots, barn, electric
lights. $1600. t
9 TOQiri hnilUA. OVtra Klnsa Jn
. - . .... v. , wa
tered, lights, bath, fireplace. $2500.
o room nouse, z lots, close to ear
line, basement, lights, bath, fruit;
fine location. Price low. $2250.
Good cottage, lights, corner lot,
fine aoil, south Salem. $900.
. 1 rOOlllH. llffhtH: httlh navt t Qlala
on paved street; this Is 'a buy. $1800.
Room 8, Bayne bldg. 22
Long Distance Hauling.
long distance freight hauling. Daily
service to Fortland, outside trips
anywhere. Reasonable charges. Of
fice 445 Court street. Phone 998;
night phones 679J, 674R. Salem,
Or. 36
26 acres, 13 acres in apple of stand
ard varieties; four acres prunes;
acre grapes; chickens, 2 horses, 3
Jersey cows and two calves, besides
equipment worth $2000 goes with It.
2 miles from one of best county
seats Tin." western Oregon. Price $17,
600. 1 "Ja -
300 acre tract, 22 acres 8-year old
apples, -Spitssenberg and Newtons;
22 acres prunes, 8-year old. Nice
home, bath, fireplace; running wa
ter; $3000 barn with modern stan
chions, water, etc; two silos, mod
ern hog house, with concrete floors,
water; family orohard from grapes
to apricots; 75 aereg in hill land,
balance cultivable. ,, On macadam
road two miles from railroad town
in Douglas county. Grand place for
stock and fruit Price $25,000.
20 acres, 16 acres in walnuts and
prunes In good eonditlon. Well lo
cated, beautiful scenery. Price $6,
500. $3500 cash, balance to suit.
PEARCY BROS., Horticulturists
Apples, Prunes Walnuts
210 Oregon bldg. Phone 663 '
Good Buys. ' i
6 room house plastered, 2 lots. $1,
000. Cash and trade.
7 room plastered tiouse, lots 150x
175, not modem. $3000; trade for
small farm and assume $1000.
5 room plastered house, modern. "2
lots, S. 19th, $1650; $650 cash, bal
ance time.
7 room plastered house, . modern,
fair condition, 6 lots, 2200 strawber
ry plants; paved street. $2100.
8 room plastered' house, plumbed,
no tub; fruit trees; good district. $2,
250, $500 cash balance terms.
4 room house ceiled; fruit. $850,
$i300 cash and terms.
74 acres Halls Ferry, 4 room house
outbuildings; 2 acres in cultivation.
spring, fir wood. $1200; will trade for
house in Salem.
12 lots near Eola, all in cultivation,
good buildings, fruit trees; $2500 cash
and terms.
20 acres Halls Ferry, 8 In cultiva
tion, 1 acre prunes, 2 acres strawber
ries, 1 acre loxans, 4 acres beaverdam
land, log buildings. $3000, cash and
10 acres 3 miles, 5 acres in cul
tivation, 5 acres in pasture, small
house, deep red soil. $1609 cash and
80 acres, 15 acres cleared, 40 acres
good saw timber, for what have you?
Walter McLaren
Room 28, 180 N. Com. St. Salem
Good Buys.
?0 acre tract located 5 miles east of
Salem, good house and barn, fruit,
good road. Price $16,500.
Well improved 32 acre tract, good
5 room bungalow, barn, fruit, paved
road, close to school. Price $12,800.
56 acre tract located 4V4 miles
from Salem, 40 acres under cultiva
tion, balance timber and- pasture,
spring, 18 acres bearing prunes, fam
ily orchard, 6 room house, large barn
rock road. Price 18,600.
61 acre tract located on main high
way, close in, house and barn, 8 acres
bearing prunes, about 1500 cords of
standing fir timber. Price $300 per
Well Improved 20 acre tract on
rock road, close to main highway; 6
acres cherries. 4 acres logans, 6 room
plastered house, barn, well. Price
10 acres all in bearing prunes, close
in, hard road. t;ood plastered bunga
low, electric lights. Price $8500.
80 acre timber tract, located on
gravel road, house. Price $80 per acre.
32 acre tract, ia acreB cultivate'!,
balance slashed and timber: family
orchard; spring water to buildings, 7
room house, good barn. Price $5000,
cash, balance terms.
Well improved 56 acre farm locat
ed 6 miles from Salem; good 8 room
modern house, barn, orchard, beat of
soil. Price $200 per acre.
200 acre farm, 100 acres cultivated,
house and bam, lots of timber, (
miles from Salem. Price $100 per
360 acre farm located near Silver-
ton, house and barn, best of dark
soil. Price $100 per acre.
$ room house located in. South Sa
lem, corner lot. Price $2600, $900
down. Balance terms.
5 room bungalow located in Houtn
Balem. Price $2800.
( room house locatea at 1330 Koum
Commercial - street, bearing fruit.
Price $2800,
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 State street
. Best Buys.
5 acres all in cultivation. 7 room
house, barn, fruit, joins Salem. $2000,
$500 cash, balance -easy -terms.
6 acres, 2 cultivated, house, garage,
i miles out. $1600.
1 acre, modern fi room huiie.liv
chicken coops. $1250.
30 acres, all cultivated, joining
town. $3000, easy terms.
100 acres. 90 euitivaioil snm tin,.
ber, runnir.g water, fair improvements
7 miles of Salem. $11,000.
iO acres, all cultivated, good Im
provements, some locar.s. clos in.
good road, fin kigan land. $22,000.
160 acres, 100 aeres -crop. ome
timber, fair Improvements. 4W miles
from Salem. $175 per aore.
zu acres, bouse, barn, fenced, the
oest ot sou, miies of Salem. $7000,
Have a client who wants to buy a
small dairy with a $l0O payment.
40 acres, 16 bearing prunes, house,
barn; all cultivated, close in. $4000
will handle it.
30 acres, 20 bearing prunes, some
logans. fully equipped for the busi
ness. 417 per acre, easy terms.
37 acres, 16 bearing prunes, bal
ance pasture and timber and grain.
$200 per acre.
21 acres, 14 acres ?n commercial
fruit, family orchard, all cultivated,
modern bungalow, good outbuildings,
close in, in first class location. $16,
000, easy terms.
7 room modern bungalow, garage,
good location. $4500.
6 room modern bungalow, best of
location. $4250.
8 room strictly modern bungalow.
au, easy terms.
7 room modern house, good loca
tion, $2500, easy terms.
5 room modern bungalow, base
ment, lots of fruit, large lot. $1800.
If it is real estate you want I would
be pleased to have you call. ,
For best buys or exchanges see
841 State street'
Own U-R Own Home
7 room modern house, bath furn
ace, electric lights, two lots, improved
street, close in. This a choice proper
ty. $7000.
8 room, full basement, electric
lights and hath, Improved Btreet, three
lots, all kinds of fruit and berries.
T room modern bungalow, large lot.
This is a beauty; will give possession
April 1. $360(r:-
6 room bungalow type, modern with
4 basement. $3000.
6 room plastereed, electric lights,
bath, improved street, close In. $1400
6 room plastered on Improved
street. $650 cash. A snap.
5 room, 3 lots, north Salem. $1250
Will glv good terms on the above
houses. If you hre looking for good
property on easy terms.
John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldg.
Well Improved 20 acre tract close
to Snlem with from 8 to 10 acres of
prunes and loganberries.
0 acre tract with at least 6 or 8
acres cherries or prunes and some
berries, within 8 miles of Salem or
R. R. town, with good buildings.
Modern 5 or 6 room bungalow near
car line with good garden spot and
Borne fruit. t
From 5 to 10 acres with some fruit
and fair improvements in exchunge
for 7 room house and several lot in
Salem. " ' - -
A good general farm of at least 80
acres with some orchard, fair build
ings, stock,; tools and machinery.
We have clients now for the above
described places.
List your property with us If you
want to sell or exchange.
for results give us a trial.
. Perrine & Marsters
' 211-13 Com. Club bldg.
Real Investments.
19 acres set to apples 6 years old.
RVmilM Vlcuro Annuel. nimlaa In
season to pay for place. Small house,
Binall barn; place worth twice the
money asked. Price $2125, terms.
ao .uvrifs, uuuui idv cnerry iraes,
loganberry tips to set 2 acres; all
In cultivation, good district. 12000.
8 room bungalow new, new barn,
TTnfl ",,. Cn lolrn ...III.
salary of $1600; work about 6 hours.
n.uwvier van mane anoiner goou sai
ury in side money.
Lstes & Magee
428 Oregon, Salem, Oregon
Portland office 909 Chamber Com.
Salem Scavanger Garbage and re
fuse of all kind removed on month
ly contract at reasonable rate.
Cess pool cleaned. Dead animal
removed. Office phone Main 17.
Money To Loan.
On good real estate security
Jver Ladd & Bush Bank. Salem, Ore.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass n. Government money to loan
at 6 1-3 percent 80S Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith. -
Money to Loan ,v
Federal Farm Loan
Any amount. Long time. '
6V4 and 6 percent Interest'
City building loans.
A. C. Bohrnstedt
401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon
Salem Auto Exchange".
Monitor cars now on display. Come
and see them. 229 tSate St. Phone
86. , '
Safety Razor blades.
SAFETT razor blade aharpenlng ma
chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop. 847 Court Bt
Why Sell For Less?
WE will pay you more esh for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. People Furniture
and Hardware Store, 271 N. Com
mercial street Phone 714.
Stove Repairing.
8TOVE3 rebuilt and repaired. It
years experience; Depot National
and American fenos, 16 to tl
Inches high. Pain:, ol and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry Vid hop
hooks, Balem Fence anv Stove
Works. 250 Court street Phon 114
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade St.
Bill pavable monthly In advance.
Fhone 67
Lodge Directory. .
pC- JHEMEKETA Lodge No. 1
meets every Wednesday
evenin at 7:30 it L O. O. F. halL
MoCornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. Harry Levy. C C; P. J. Kunts
K. R. & S.
Oregon Grape camp No. 1S60 meet
every Thursday evening in McCor
rack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie E. Burin, (48 Union Bt
recorder. Mrs. Melissa Person. 141$
N. 4th St. Phone 1436M.
bly No. 84 meet every Thoraday -at
8 p. m. in I. O. a F. hall. Glenn C
Nile. M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secre
tary, $40 Owen street
W. O. "W. SALEM CAMP 118. Meets
every Friday night at 8 o'clock in
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib
erty St. Visiting Woodmen weloome.
C. D. Rosa. C. C. L. S, Gear, clerk.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 8240
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock In MoCornack building,
Court and Liberty streets. W. M.
Persons. V. C Frank A. Turner,
Grain: Wheat No. 1 $22.10; feed
oats 80 85c; milling oats 86 88c;
cheat hay $19f20; ont hay $22g'2S;
clover hay $2426; mill run $4748
Butterfat: Butterfat, 69c; cream
ery butter 2ff65c.
' fork, veal and mutton: Pork on foot
14 3-4c; veal fancy 22c; steers
7jSc; oows 6 0 7 1-So; spring lambs
ll(R12c; ewes 45c; sheep, yearlings
Dressed pork 18 21c.
Eggs and poultry: Eggs ensh 45c;
light hens, 24o; heavy hens 26c; old
roosters 15 16c; springs 24c. ,
Vegetables; Onions per pound Be;
celery doz. $1.76 potatoes, Yakima
5c; Oregon 44c; sweet potatoes 8c
beets per sack $2; turnips per sack
$2.50; carrots per sack $1.25;cmfwy
per sack $2.50; spinach 10c lb.; rad
ishes 40c doz.
Fruit: Oranges $4.506.00; 1 mom
$55.50; bananas 11c; honey ext.,
20c; buncn Deets 45c; cabbage 60;
head lettuce $1.26; carrot 45c; grapes
15c; Brussell sprouts 16c; caulifflower
$1.75 dox; red peppers 25c lb. rhu
barb 12c.
Retail price: Eggs dozen, 60c;
creamery butter 68ia70c; country but
ter 65c; flour, hard wheat $3.25 3.40
soft wheat $2.90.
i Portland, Jan. 26. 1 Cattle steady;
receipts 1819; steers best $11.25
1?.00; good to-cholc $10.6011; me
dium to good $99.75; fair to good
$89; common to fair $78; choice
oows and heifers $9 10; good to
ohoice $7.7509; medium to good
$7.008.00; fair to medium $6.00
7.00 canners $3.505.50; bulls $6
8.00; prime light calves $15.5017
heavy calves $7 12.50; atockers and
feeders $8 9.50.
Hogs steady; receipts 1107; prime
mixed $15.5018; medium $15.00
16.60; rough heavy $12,0015.00;
pigs $12.50 14.D0.
Sheep steady; receipts 497; eastern
lambs $1516.00; light valley $15.09
16.00; heavy $14.60 15.50; feeder
lambs $1215; yearling $1313.50;
wethers $1213; ewes $910.60.
Portland, Jun. 26. Rutter higher;
cubes extra 58c; parchment
wrapped, box lots 62c; cartons 63c;
boxes lc more; butterfat 69(f()60o f.
0. b. station; 62 64c Portland.
Poultry and Egg.
Poitlund, Jan 26 Extremely weak
Eggs selling price case count,
50c; buying price 51c; selling price
candled 63c; selected candled In car
tons 56c,
Poultry: Hens 28 33c; broilers 22
roosters 16c; turkeys dressed 47c;
geese 2025c; ducks 3540o.
Wheat and Mill Stuff.
Wheat: $2.20; barley, $72;
$61.50 bid; corn No, 3 yellow $58.00
Hay: Buying price, valley timothy
$2028; alfalfa $31.60; grain $26;
cheat $22; clover $26; oats and vetch
Mlllstuffs: Prices f.o.b. mill, oit
artage $2 extra. Mill run, car lot o
mixed cars $45 ton; rolled barley $74
rolled oats $08; ground barley $74;
scratch feed $82.
Corn whole $67; cracked $69.
Real Estate Transfers.
Susan 'B Lage to Rosa Jordan
Lt bl 8 Hubbard
Susan B Lage to John R Jor
dan, It 3 bl 8 Jluulmril
D A Terhune and Julia Ter-
hune to Fred Weinman and
Elsie Weinman, 60 A, T I, C
Agustus Lambert 6S 2W
Warren F Pohle and Gertrude
Ij Pohle to F L WUkenson
and Npra WUkenson, Pit
John Haker D L C No 42 In
7S 3W
Etta M Eyre and George K
Fyre to William H Cave It
8 bl i McCoys add
Theodore Lengele to Melvln
Holllster.Jt 5 bl 9 Fair
mount Park add Salem
Ernll Carlson to It 3
bl 2 Yew Park annex alem
O M Alexander to Adrian
Kromwell 1.09 A, D L C
Henry Smith and wf 8H 2W
Marsha A Decker, Frank B
Decker and Daisy Pearl
Decker to J F Mack and L
A Thomas, 2.48 A sec 10 98
1W 1000
Alphonse Barten and Mary F
Barten and Thrlfley Hnrten
to James It Shackelford
and Elizabeth J Shackelford
105.68 A 111 D L C Peter Mi
nard and wf 4H 2W 15,850
Frank Clark and Frances Clark
to Alexander Kggert and L-;rn
ma Eggert pit bl No 7 N
E S Coute and Rilla Cootes
to W J Meier, 19 A sec 12
88 3W . 7B00
William Blumenberg and Lou
ise Blumenberg to Jessie K
Falk, F Brady and Delilah
Brady, It 4 W 10 Meyers add
Salem 3500
Time'Tables. " "
No. Nortljbound
54 Oregonlan ... 6:00 a.m.
IS Oregon Express :ai a,m-
28 Willamette Limited 9:17 a.m.
18 Portland Passenger P-m.
24 Coos Bay I IS P-m-,
14 Portland Express 7:45 p.m.
65 Oregonlan :1 m.
25 For Eugene 10:5 a.m.
15 California Express 11:06 a.m.
17 RoBeburg Passenger 4:08 p.m.
27 Willamette Limited 6:44 p.m.
IS Ban Francisco Pass 1:03 p.m.
7S Arrive at Salem 9:10 m-
74 Leave Salem 4:09 p.m.
161 Leaves Salem, motor 7:00 a.m.
163 Leaves Salem, motor . 9:28 a.m. ,
165 Leaves Salem, motor 1:55 p.m.
Thru car to Monmouth and Alrlie
171 Leaves Salem . :15 p.m.
162 Arrives 8alem . 9:26 a.m.
164 Arrives Salem ....... 11:90 a m-
166 Arrives Salem 8:29 P m.
172 Arrives Salem 7; 40 p.m.
Train Leave Arrive Arrive
No. 'Portland Salem Eugene
6 Ltd 8:15 am 10:15 am 12:30pm
7 10:45 am 12:60 pra Salem enly
9 2:05 pm 4:16 pm :3S pra
IS Ltd 4:45 pm 6:40 pm 8:50 pm
17 6:05pm 8:07 pra Salem only
19 9:20pm 11:20 pm & Hem only
North Bank station (leave Jeffer
son Btreet 15 and 20 minute later)
Train Leave . Arrive Arrive
No. Eugene Salem Fortiano
9 7:15 am 9:30som
10 Ltd 7:25 am 9:45 am .11:30 am
12 1'2:5 pm 2:3 pm'
16 Ltd 1:65 pm 4:00 pm 6:6 pra
20 Salem only 6:30 pm 7:40 pra
22 4:26 pm 7:65 pm 16:00 pra
North Bank station (arrive Jeffer
son street 15 minutes earlier.) 'Leave
Northbo! jd
Leave Corvallia . Arrive Salem
8:20 am t:45 am
2:35 pm 4:00 pin ,
6:18 pm 7:65 pm
Leave Salem Arrive Corvallia
10:15 am , 11:37 am
6:40 pm 8:00 pm
4:12 pm ; 6:40 pm
Near East Situation
. Now. "Most Desperate'
in World," Says Hoover.
Hooter, - who
ha now he
come a ' mem
ber of the Ex
ecutive Com
mittee ot Near
Bast Relief,
which la car
ing for nearly
!i,UUU,000 Ar
menian and
Syrlun refu-
B 1919, Underwood ' A h
ft Underwood. and wtl0'
Herbert Hoover. " n
speak with
authority when he tells of bu
nion suffering, lay In a formal
"Iu my opinion, the situation
n the Near East la the most
lesperute In tho world."
Mr. Hoover lias sent a letter
to Cleveland H. Dodge, treasurer
Near Knot Relief, 1 Mndlson
avenue, New York, In which he
says :
''In Bjrceptlng your Invitation
to become a member of the Ex
vOtitlve Committee of the Near
Kust committee, I do so with
reluctance, but out of a seine of
dirty towards one of the most
illlticult situations In Europe.
Until aoine political settlement
can be obtained for tli Near
East and tome government es
tablished In responsibility for
the rare anil .epatrlatlou of the
Armenian population In the Cau
casus, this uiRss of people must
live Bheerly by the charity of the
United Stales. , There are In th
Caucasus approximately 1,8K),
000 Armenians, of whom 800,000
are entirely destitute refugees
from Turkey and amongst Iheui
tremendous mass of children.
"I caunut too atrongly urge
upon the members of the com
mittee and their ittpportera O10
critical necessity of concentrat
ing every possible effort to sup
port Colonel Haskell' adminis
tration in the amounts that he
require; otherwise we shall
witness on ot the greatest trug
edle of the entire war."
RealEitate S
... . B
rvo one wno desires to
buy, tell or exchanja
property can afford to
mis reading our Real
Estate Want Ad a single
day. Bargains pop up In
the most untxpecttd faahion.
Even though you may not
wish to invest now you
should make St si mulu
practice to . i j
ftaaaUeellMWsBaslB) t
J .: f 9