THE CAPITAL JOURNAL MONDAY, JANUARY261920. THE CAPITAL JOUHMAL A.N INDEPENDENT XEWSPAPER Published Twy evening Mtrpt Bun y tv Hie Capital Journal Printing to.. i$ fcbuth Commnx-lni street. Telephones Circulation nil Business Qf J ice, l; taiiorisu ruuim GEORGE PUTNAM. Editor-Publisher Entered second class msfl mutter at Salem, Oregon. BUBSCKUfiON RATES By mau three tnontha. per year in .llevnere 1 j a venr. ., by order of U. S. government, all mall ubcrlplKuis are payable in advance. Advertising representatives VT. D. H rd. Tribune Hliig., New York: W. H., People Cia Hldg, Chicago. MKMBER OF T1TB APHOOJATED PRESS Tsie Associated Press U exclusively ntitled to the uiie for republication of all news aispatcnes creaitea iu it nut otherwise credited in this pht aud alio local news published herein. Rippling Rhymes. By WAIT MASO.X WOOD Al.t'OHOI..' On New Year's Day I m:idi this pledge, concerning will' I ! not tuilge: "While I Infest thin mumbiine bill. I will nut drink wood alcohol." When I nm thirsty I nmy drink n quart or two of purple ink. and I won't draw the line. I ween, ut foam ling mugs of kerosene; n man nmy Kuril harmless drinks anu not in-cumulate it Jinx; hut since 1 wish to live a while, and kick around and sing mid sinlle, it ml limine the shroud und tiler and pull. I will not sip wood nicotic!. Strong vinegar If not so had, and It's for mile In every (trad; and liquid bluing hits the spot when one Ik worn and tired und hot; mid one cun lay wood milieu hy, and make n lot of wholesome lye; there (ire n hundred tempting drinks which should appeal to thirsty pinks, anil yet, poor simps, (hey weakly fall- for noxious glove-wood alcohol. And then the hearse goes up the road, and taken them to their liiBt abode, and folks along the right of way exclaim, "Alns! Alncknday! Now dee what prohibition means! It spilled our everlasting bonus! The law has shut off gin and rye, and every day Us victims die!" DO YOU RECALL? When Marlon county was known iih ft "wheat country" and when It was no uncommon sight to see a line of wheat laden wagons lined up from "Honest Bill" llorrin's mill at north Mill Creek and Front back to the street to the stale house? The winter drought nnd freeze of 18S2, when no ruin fell In the Wiiliim eile valley from January 3 to April 17, l(e2 When Dlsbrow, lleccham, filrnn, I'i'iuIhIuiw and McKay escaped from the penitentiary on the Srd of July, 3" yours ago. That tlio presvnt site of the T.ndd & Hush bank win oncu occupied by the J. O. Dull, general iiierclmndlse store, and lluit J. C, Murphy nnd A. H. Croxsuuin conducted n gent's furnish ings Htoi'. In the same block? i When J. J, Murphy was sheriff in hint when It was that the first Tolk Mai ion bridge was put across the river (it Salem, replacing the old I'errj sir. ttMH , A hen the Marlon county court houst was liullt in J h V fi ? When t lie slain lunise rornersloim was laid !u 1X72 ? Wh'U Kola wan a (Iron:; favorite a uiie for the eapllol of the state of Oretoii '.' When t lie stale primers dived the rotirt hoiifie statute In calico" Whi-n I'ouxmicHoii wu started on Waller hall. In 1SII2? Whi'ji, about In 1 V,"lll:uuete uuUi'inily was being oomlmWil ill weo'leu htilhliiiKM, near the present iUo of Uie Kiinbiill theological acad fcniy V The ceremony of the aunctlficntton of Joan of Aro will be performed next Way, tiU' Vatican announced Rtlurday, District Attorney Sluioii and 31 dep uty sheriffs arrested lfn men and wo men In Kl t'entro. Imperial and Oulex Ico, Oil., as ullegert houtlejrgctn mid gamblers. At the closing session of the Califor nia Y, M. C. A. convention ut Stock ton, OU,, yesterday, Harry N. Holmes geueial Secretary of the lirltish Y. M C. A,, iWlared that "religion can keep the world from social and pollttcai cilaos. Tl: iers lots o' office within' th' gift in iiropif ii you ve in price. i Tawney Apple says t!i' !.iiumy mated in a cold h.ili. LEAGUE DEADLOCK TIGHTENS. SENATOR LODGE has informed the democratic sen ators who have been seeking a compromise with the republicans upon peace treaty reservations to secure a sneedv ratification, that no change in the reservations af- ' fecting Article 10 of the League of Nations covenant will f 1 A 1 1 i 1 1? De accept a Die 10 repuoncans. I The original treaty text ! follows: Original Tctt Ixxlgc Reservation Article 10 The members of the The United States assumes no ohli League undertake to respect and pre- g(ltion to preserve the territorial in gorve as against Internal aggression, tegrlty or political Independence of th.i territorial li.territy and existing any olher country or to Interfere with political Independence of 11 members controversies between Nations wheth of the League. In case of any such ag- er niemb -rs of the League or not un gresslon, the council shall advise up- ter provision of Article 10, or to em ail the means by which this obligation piov the military or naval forces of shall be fulfilled. the United States under any article of the treaty for any purpose, unless in any particular case tin congress, which under the constitution has sole power to declare war or authorize the employment of the military or naval forces of the United States shall by act-or Joint resolution so provide. This reservation effectually kills participation in the League of Nations as far as the United States is concern ed, for joint responsibility to maintain peace and preserve the integrity of the liberated nations is evaded. Briefly, the senate wanted the United States to share in the ben efits of the league but not in the responsibilities. The lat ter part of the reservation is superfluous for no treaty can change the constitutional right of congress to declare war. A league of nations to preserve world peace in which the members of the league decline to interfere with con troversies between nations to prevent conflict and enforce peace becomes a farce. This reservation destroys the prin ciple upon which the league was organized, and hence would not be acceptable to the president who has asserted that he will only accept reservations which do not destroy the spirit of the instrument. Lodge's object from the first, expressed in his "round robin" of a year ago, was to kill a league of nations. We have in consequence a European league, which lacking the American leaven of democracy, means the perpetuation of the old principle of national at the expense of the wear. ica secures peace but not an to secure world peace. If ihe deadlock continues, as seems probable, it is likely that the League of Nations will become the issue of the presidential campaign, with some league opponent like Lodge as the candidate of one party and some league advocate, like Hoover, the candidate of the other. SHIELDING A H OLLAND, a nation of war profiteers, made wealthy hv pninino" ltlfn mnnov fVio Wnnrl arA anrnnir nf rlo "J ....... 4vu A.fcw.vj vv- uiuuu UUU CigUilJT ui uv- vastated Europe, refuses to surrender the person of Wil liam Hoh.enzoll.ern, former kaiser, responsible for the world-wide conflict, to the allies for trial. In affording an asylum to and in protecting the royal criminal, Holland been pro-German, or rather - 1.. .J. t.l .1 l 1 vsus urn u uuaK unuer wmcn to am tne maa monarcn in his crazed campaign for glory for a profit. As far as hor food and economic resources went, they were placed at the disposal of the kaiser for a profit. Her products of farm and factory went forth daily to feed the kaiser's army, at a profit, while her ships brought his supplies from distant lands, at a profit, until halted by embargoes. The influence of the German prince consort of Queen Wilhohnma, in behalf of the kaiser was apparent from the invasion of Belgium until the kaiser was offered a refuge in Holland. It is still in evidence in shieldng and imiiL-i-iiiii; huh now. Germany should be the first to demand the punish ment of her former ruler, to whom the owes her disaster and humiliation, her collapse and ignominy, her loss of prestige, her loss of sons, her sorrow and misery. And as long as the kaiser goes unpunished, just so long will Ger man junkerdoin plot for his restoration, just so long will the threat of revolution and civil war hang over the latherland. The arch-criminal of nil histnw ... , "'J '"'l v. u u tllKl punished for his crime of submerging a world in a mael- puuiu ui utuuu io gramy nis perverted ambitions, and it is up to the League of Nations to do it, with or without Holland s consent. lOWandMAPfroiffl mil uic norea Idah MSQlone Gibson "THE SOU,, TOO, MI ST BE ITJ)." "That's n beautiful little potfmi said the nurse us I finished. "Did you write it?" "No. lild,.a,l T , . .... , " oo.-nviru, - u was written by Helen Hunt Jackson, the woman who many jem-j agL, Wl.0te Doctor Says Tobacco Causes Hardening Arteries Tobacco causes hardening of the arlerie, niiyii Dr. Conner, and along about forty when a man should be at his best, the excessive tobacco user finds himself with high blood pres sure, headaches indigestion and a lot of other troubles. Vour own doctor will tell yim tins is true If jou want to (jult tobacco entirely or cm down the evcefw. get a piukiiv of Xlcotol tablets from your druggist and you will find it easy, Nicoto! kills the c'rav Ing und makes the tobacco h:Mt quit you. U la sold under ; steel bound money back guarantee bv ull druir. gists. Not Ask. your tlrucUt w hat m i. ers sny about the wonderful omver tf Nlcolol to break the tobacco habit. He knows and he can be tinte.l to tell you the full truth, (Adv) and the reservations are as aggrandizement of the strong Under the reservation, Amer effective league of nations CRIMINAL. pro-kaiser. Her "neutrality" i -i ,1 t , J. autnor novels and verse." "She certainly knew women all right." remarked mv ,,,,. .,...... i tiOUH V". I 1 looked at her In vllriti'iud I ' a.. this time she had not impressed me aa anything except mi efficient auto maton, wound up und set going to uwniuplish certain duties In the sick room. I had not thought of her tt human being. She had simply been 'a nurse" someone to mut. t . . . - v vtllll- fortable. I wondered If I had fl)rgot. ten to treat her courteously in my weakness? The nurse stepped into an adjoin ing room and soon 1 could hear her conversing in low tones with the head nurse in charge of the floor. Although I made no effort to overhear thci conversation 1 soon knew- they were riiM-ussing my husband and me. The floor nurse made some remark that I did not get. And then 1 ceuld hear my nurse reply: '.Mrs. Cordon is a good patient I like to wait on her. Put her husband Excuse me. Good looking and all that, but how he likes himself. He's th kind of Hum who is a fine sweetheart and a poor husband. I just know Mrs. Cordon felt she had to send her flower-. Iff Ik. .hn..t... ..... - ,r .irti Decs use Ihe didn't like them." A ')MhAl THE lilTTTjE BKAK PETER One day late in the summer Cuffy u.. t,iar.viuii-vin?. And on his ,,, hi. dnnnat at the deep pool where the hornets had chasted him. He Btayed there tor a little wnne to watch the speckled trout as tneir bright sides flashed out of the depths of the clear water. As Cuffy stood on the big boulder and looked down, h eoniit ai himself auite plainly, re flected in the still surface of the water. He waved a paw. And the little bear in the brook waved his paw too. Of course Cuffy knew that it was himself he saw. But he pretended for a time that it was some other little bear who was playing with him. And he was having lots of fun. You see, Mr. Bear s family was im only bear family for miles and miles around. And Cuffy often wished he had other little boy-bears to play with. To be sure, he had his sister, Silkie. But she was a girl, and younger than, he was, besides. . ' Well! Cuffy danced a jig on the top of the big boulder. And the little bear down below danced ft Jig. too. And Cuf fy waved his paw again at the little bear In the water. And once more the little bear in the water waved a paw at him. It was great sport. And then. Cuffy happened to look up. Tapping Al The Door. As if to contradict her, there came a tapping at the door and it slowly opened to admit one of the other nurses, her arms laden with boxes and baskets. Ii know my eyes bright ened, for I thought: "John has i'e membered that I am well enough now to enjoy some of 1 the great out-of-doors." Lying in my. bed I forgot that it was winter mid that my flowers must be hothouse flowers. This morning the offering were great dewy Malmaison roses, dozens and dozens of them. Their spicy, slightly musky fragrance was almost overpowering. "You must get my pink bed coat and I'd like my hair tied with a pink ribbon," I said joyously as the nurse brought hie an envelope which I was sure contained a little note from John. I was glad she hud left the bed when 1 opened It for the flowers were not from John at ull. Instead In Alice's sprawiy fashionable hand were the words: "Karl Shepard called me ,up lute last night and said 'Alice iluir, 1 am afraid those violets are sightly withered by this time. My favorite flower is Malmuison rose. Someway it reminds me of Kutherlne. f!o over to Blank's and buy all that he has.' I have done so. They're lovely, aren't they? I'll be over soon to help you enjoy them. Alice." The letter was Just like her. and. oh, how It appealed to me! Letter writing is truly an art. If people would just write down themselves and their own thoughts without formality receiving and writing letters would be so much more enjoyable. As it was, Alice's note almost took away the sting of John's failure to send me any flowers. Silling l'i In Bod I was sitting up in bed in my love !y pink coat and a pink bow tied about my short curls when John came In. "You look about 10 years old!" he said. "Pink always was your most cc npllmentary color! You must be a very popular young lady, too! .May I ask who is the donor of all thes-.' pink roses?" "Alice sent them to me." I said, and then immediately I was conscience stricken. I felt I should have told him that Alice sent them at the request of Karl Shepard. But I did not want a repetition of his surliness of yester day. Alice Is a good girl, even if a trifle extravagant." he said complacently. "Flowers always have seemed t me one of the most senseless giftn one can inuke. The recipient hardly re ceives them before they are gone. If I m going to give anyone anything. I like to give something to tie remem bered." "But you gave me many, many flowers before we were marrid. John," I sld. For Xleo carl Only. "That's different," he answered easily. "I gave them to you because I Knew you were very fond of them tnd because conventionality Insists that a man shall only give flowers or books to a nice girl." 'You see, dear. I remembered them." "I'm glad of that.- he answered, for they set me back a pretty penny. What's the matter?" he demanded, as I sighed heavily. "Nothing.1, I answered, for I could not tell him that he had taken all the Joy rrom the memory of those flow ers that T had kissed so raptuously in our sweetheart days. And through my mind flitted th beautiful words of Omar: "If you have two loaves, sen om, quicklv and buy a flower, for the soul, too. must be fed." Tomorrow My Nurse's Story) ARTHUR SCOTT BAILEY, To his great surprise, there stood a little bear on the other bank of tnj 'brook. rir,ht opposite. Cuffy was as ItonisheJ. The other little bear and the little bear In the brook looked as much alike as two peas. Cuffy had never known that he could see a pic ture of nimself by looking anywhere ! except into water. It was very strange 'he thought. He waved a paw. And the little bear on the other bank waved his paw. Cuffy kicked up one of his hind legs. And the other little bear kicked up, too. Cuffy was puzzled. Was it really himself he was looking at? lie nodded I his head. And the other little bear ! nodded his head. I Then Cuffy tried something else. He (stared very hard at the little bear op posite him and called "Hello!" i "Hello, yerself !" the other little bear said. And then Cuffy knew that it was !a real, live boy-bear over there, and not just a reflection of himself. Cuffy was so tteiighted that he jumped down off the boulder and splashed through the brook, he was in such a hurry to get over there where the strange bear stood. "What's yer name?" the strange bear asked. Cuffy told him. And he larned that the strange bear's name was Peter, and that he lived around on the other side of Blue Mountain, as many as ten miles away. "Aw call me Peter,' 'the new bear said, as Cuffy began to talk to him.' "They all calls me Peto." He stuffed his front paws into the pockets of his ragged trousers. "Suy Cuff what was yer doin' upon that rock?" "Playing!" Cuffy told him. Pet gave a grunt. "That's no wai ter play," he said. "I'll show yer how ter have fun. Watch me!" He led the way to tho bank. And sitting down, he slid and rolled all the way down the s'ep slope and landed plump! in the deep pool. Now, Cuffy was not going to have Pete think that tie; couldn't 'do that, too.. Although he was wearing his best trousers that day (for his mother was mending hia evory-day pair), Cuffy sat down on the top of the bank. And in another moment he had slid and slip ped down the bank and landed ker splush! In the water. ALLEN3Y STOPS GRAFT OF TURK Persecution of Armenians and Confiscation of Property Pre vented by English Officer. The most arbitrary city boss In tht world, It seems safe to say, as well as tho most unscrupulous politician of modern times, has turned up In Alntab, Armenia, to judge from an official re port recently made by Major Stephen Trowbridge, under Gen. Edmund H. H. Allenby's orders. He I? a Turk named Beslm Bey, Until tho Knar East Relief agents stopped htm, he practiced upon the terrified Armenians gucli forms of super-graft as uiiKlit well make every other cor rupt politician In the world green with envy, ami such cruelties as make all other heiu'tlcss rulers, from Nero down, seem sweet and gentle char acters. His office M-ns that of Munic ipal Cliiuf Accouutunt of Alntab; but, us all dishonest oflice-hoklers know, It isn't tha Job that matters, but the sugar-plums that go with It. Beslm Bey plucked sugar-plums with both hands, night and day. Even Inspired city bosses have their day. Beslm Bey'i came when the Near East Relief agents found that no thorough Armenian relief work could be done In that city while such condi tions of terrorlr.atlon existed. General MacAndrew ordered the arrest and removal of the six worst Turks In the ring that ruled the city, nnd Beslm Bey juRllfled, as usualj for first place. At the final session vetor, at Stockton. Cal.. of the convention nf Chinese National league it was decided to can a meeting in San Francisco next month of all branches of the organisa tion in tno United Stutes to protest iigainst the awarding of Sh.-mtn n tr tn Japan. INDIGESTION CAN'T STAY Stomach Pain , Sourness, Gases, and Acidity ended with "Pape's Diapepsin" Out Of orrtfr ninmnoh. 4 t L IBCI 4.1UV once: When meals don't fit and you urivn sua, ncias ana undigested food. When von fool iniVABt .,.u.btoi,wi pHiii, tumps of distress In stomach, heartburn or "u nere 11 instant relief. Just as toon as you eat a tablet or ! two of Pane' A n . u . I Pepsla, Indigestion and stomach dig-j tress caused by acidity will end. These pleasant harmless tablets of; a xjuipepsm always put sick, up set, acid stomachs In order at once and they cost so little at drug stores. ! (Adv) I Community Service Classes Cut "High rr?sagBmimiJ. xxmwki imhaw wwsww i, "---re , m,. v -vV- e"w- ,f '""iSa ' ' fcr-,.--Jl-vt. -.-i..,,,.,, ,. ,,r. ..-...,t;g L,,3sjai3 iiwimn siii m ami n iiua-y- The difficult art of cutting material lor dresses and of fit ting garments is taught to young women in communiti throughout the United States by Community Service instruct ors. The picture shows members of a class watchinc the teacher demonstrate the fine points of cutting. The class! typical of many being conducted by Community Service m eludes young matrons interested in making their own clothes as a means of cutting the cost of living. . DEATH RATE DROPS WHEN RELIEF ARRIVES Lives of thousands of Armenian children already have been saved by the Near East Relief taking over the Armenian orphanages, according to de tailed reports, which have just reached the headquarters of that organization. These Institutions had been run by the Armenians since the beginning of the war to care for the children whose parents had been murdered by the Turks. Because of lack of food, clothing and medicine, the death rate among the children In these Institu tions averaged as high as twentj or thirty a day in some cases. . When Armenian funds became In-" adequate the Near East Relief took charge of the orphanage. Since that time the death rate has been greatly reduced. Given good food and care the children are quickly returning to normal physical and mental condition. 1 It is estimated by persons who have made a survey of Armenia that 120,000 chlldrenwlll die during the next yenr unless they are given food and care. Near Enst Relief Is the only organi zation now operating In Western Asia and It Is making an appeal to save these Christian children, m Each student In the state university has now 99 square feet of floor space in the buildings on the campus, as compared with 175 in 1907 and 196 in 1910. "Where Home Comforts Abound" PORTLAND, ORB. The pleasure of your trip to Port land will depend upon the hotel you select. Cozy surroundings, moderate rates, and the welcome you find in your own home town, await you at the Multnomah. Garage in Connection. 1 j A. t you. v 0M MOTSilKG that we could say would so thoroughly II convince you of the value of Chamberlain's Tablets as a personal trial. We can tell you of thousands who have been permanently cured of chronic constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick headache and disorders of the stomach and liver, but this will have little weight with you as compared pers FOR BETTER BREAD . TRY BAKE-RITE Pure, Clean, Vholesome Baked by Electricity BAKE-RITE SANITARY BAKERY 457 State Street ! LADD & BUSH BANKERS Established 18C8 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. xa. Cost of Living ' BAD BR Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It ' s Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel, act gently on tht bowels and positively do the work. People aftiictcd with bad breath find quick relief through taking them. Di. Edwards' Olive Tablets are it vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. They act gently Lut firmly cn thi bowels and liver, stimulating them to natural action, clf'arir'!; the blood, and purifying ti e entire system. They do that which ctilomel does, without any of the bad after effects. Take one or two every .aght for a week said note the pleasing effect. 10c and 25c a box. . "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at Tongue I Remove Poison Froa Stomach, Liver and Bowel Accept "California" Syrup ofPip only look for the name California on the package, then yon are sore your child ie having the best and Jtost bar loss laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver, and bowels. Children ove its delicious fruity taste. Full di rections for child's dose on each bot tle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "Califonu" (Adr) always convinces. SW JOCRXAL WANT ADS PAY