SALEM MEN NAMED COMMnTEES OF STATE ELKS LODGE Portland. Jan. 26.-Appointive of- UI . ,-. , ctatn Rika' asan- ra in tne -"6"" " ' X nd n'bers of committees I 1920 were named Saturday by during- f tha aaao. Hirrr G. Alln, jii - V. tat association is com SSTof 'the membership of all the P0" in-. nf the stata of Ore- lTIk rrairrui"'" - nn and is composed of more than 15 The appointive officers named are e a Jerome. Meaiora iuubo, 1188 sergeant at arms; Walter L. tmW. Sr.. Salem lodge. No. S36. chap tain, and J. W. Hildenbrand. Marsh fldd lodge. No. 1160. tiler. ' These officers will serve with the i-tive officers during the annual 1m .reunion which will be held in Salem July ,,ii.-it,'d for this convention (r elaborate, and it is expected that Dproxlmateiy " lr of their families will gather at th capitol cny ourms iuo uuuiouuuu '"'to committees and members ap pointed to serve during the year are u follows: Committee on laws: William R. Lo gos, Oregon City lodge. No. 1189, chairman; T. E. Daniels, Medford lodge, No. 1168, and F. P. Leinen weber, Astoria lodge, No. 180. Committee on auditing: J. Gordon Baker, McMinnville lodge. No. 1283; Dsnton G. Burdick, Bend lodge, No. 1311, and Francis J. Toomey, La Grande lodge, No. 433. Credentials committee: E. Cooke Patton, Salem lodge, No. 336; J. K. Choate, Jr., Ashland 'lodge. No. 944, and Dr. R. J. Pilkington, Astoria lodge, No. 180. Publicity committee: James D. Ol son, Oregon City lodge, No. 1189; George 0. Brandenburg, Portland lodge, No. 142, and Lee D. Drake, Pendleton lodge, No. 288. rtiatrihuHnn committee: Charlea H. Burgraff, Albany lodge, No. 859; Dr. H. U Toney, Jlcllinnvllle lodge, No. 1283, and Charles C. Bradley, Port land lodge, No. 142. Grand lodge committee:: P. H. D' Arcy, Salem lodgo, No. 836; K K. Kubli, Portland lodge, No. 142, and Dr. William S. Kennedy, The Dalles lodge, No. 303. Committee on relationship with other state associations: Wilson S. Wiley, Klamath Falls lodge, No. 1247; Dr. Clyde Mount, Oregon City lodge, No. 1189, and Tom O. Russell, Eugene lodge, No. 357. WHAT X YOUNG MAN KNOWS I "Presumably every young man bows, as a physical fact, that he can to nothing next year which be cannot D some degree, do today. The Important question Is whether the time Ml come early enough In life to do Blmny particular good. A lazy man tannot possibly make himself Indus, trioiu in the future; or an extravagant nan, economical. If it Is done at all lie must do it at an immediate present fcoment-itt some 'light now I No man jver saved a penny in the future, or w will, He has got to save the Nnny in his hand at the moment or he ( W be broke to the day of his death. To save the nenav in hand ha tait resist the temptation to spend It. Every year that he does not re wt weakens his ability to resist. It U within the knowledge of everybody ... luo uruiuaiy circle or acqualn mwi that, after a certain time, the m who Uvea up to the limit of his In-wme-whlch about nine times out of w means a little beyond-accepts that 7.H..T cono"'on and Just auto jMUcau, spends all that he gets. If he ran . . that i,7 i uy lamy' or ooner, Ed.;;;, . l msooQ. L,mn for nlm-"- uul ,ne eaturday Evening i Start haw ul tt Oetm m. ""savings Stamps, M t budget basis. Make W. 8. S. Al ter a job tbn feUow " tmJu of of twenty-six War Baring Kun Down v - Men S faiH1 u'UP aftcr erythin? e h7lt VgaV,e me new blood t ratify ked " tti Beef back if it fail,: Quit Meat If Kidneys Act Badly Take tablespoonful of Salts if Back hurts or Bladder bothers Drink Iota of water We are a. nation nf . . en i a ana our blood is fUled with uric acid, says . V umonty, who. warns u, lu ua consianuy on guard against kidney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of this irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork they get sluggish; the eliminative tis sues clog and thus the waste is retain- THE CAPITAL JOURNAL MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 1920. TODAY Herbert Rawkson III "A ninrAtnn I Affair" . TOMORROW Bert Lyteil in "Tie Lion s Den" Liberty ed in the blood to poison the entire system. When your kidneys ache and feel like lumps of lead, and vou hava aUnglng pains hi the back or the urine Is cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder is irrltnhio nhnrin. I to seek relief during the night; when JUU severe Headaches, nervous and diziy 'spells, sleeplessness, acid stomach or rheumatism in bad weath. er, get from your pharmacist about lour ounces of JnA !, . jblespoonful In a glass of water before ureaiuasi eactt morning and In a few days wour kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithla. and has been naeA fn Tol erations to flush and stimulate clog- sou moneys, lo neutralize the acids In urine bo It Is no longer a source of irritation, thus ending urinary and bladder disorders. . Jad Salts la SLUM VCLUIlUi .Injure; makes a delightful effovescent lithia-water drink, and nobody can make a mistake bv taking utti. casionally to keep the kidneys clean acuve. (Adv) POOR REASONING Chicago. J. Cgdea Armour of Ar moar A Co., Ermest A. Uastill. pres ident of the Cora Excaaag NaUosal Baak; Julius Koaeawald. presideot 9f Sears. Roebuck ft Co, and sev eral other Chicago mniioaalres. are going about today clad ia shoes re cently half-aoled. They refuse to pay JH. SIC and tig. the price "good shoes" are eell lng for here. Armour says ho boaght his (rst pair ot m ahoea ia tare years last week. Roseawald. whose company owns a ahoo factory or two, hasn't takes a pair ot new ahoea oat ot stock lor two years. All ot which basal aaytkiag to da with limousine. Toa caa bet your bottom dollar that Araaoar aad tha rest ot them "half-sola- their iixaoa lines toc JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT TODAY-TOMORROW PARISIAN BELLE'S MUSICAL C0S1EDY COMPANY New Show New Songs New Comedy LION THEATRE PARS THRES GRAND 8SS M0N JAN. 26 OLIVER MOROSCO PRESENTS LEO CARRILLO Gl ace Vaentine EXCELLENT SUPPORTING CAST; RETURN ENGAGEMENT BRILLIANT COMEDY "LOMBARDI LTD." Reserved seats sa sale at Opera House Pharmacy PRICES-50ctot2.00 RESERVE EARLY m r k' "N f Jf m w. m MjapttM' Room Of Russia, tella na that a bed vtm itraw covered boards. To cayaigrn a room with a eo'zxrtsbtt bed, food fumi fcaw and fa s congenial home pram merely a pkssact little Jwrney through the Kooma to Kot Want Ada la this cwapapoe, O tn sa ! n.. fl Wmt a, t- CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING RESULTs!TAlE CAPITAL JOURNAL aL limn mm i i .Biian m M1 , . s J ft- i 1 Rain Coat Sale We have remaining in stock Twenty-three Genuine Rubbered a few Cravenette Coats, Various colors, and all sizes which we are offering in some instances away below regular values. . Your Choice H " $14.50 values t $16.50 values Y&Q f $18.75 values dfr 9 fl Jr The Old White Corner Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store Clearance Sale USED FORDS At prices to suit your purse $300 to $500 Having received 92 new Fords during the past 6 weeksowing to receiving extra allotments-we are overstocked on used cars and we must move them to make room for our regular business. A greater portion of these cars have been overhauled and repainted and are in perfect running order. Remember last season's conditions on used Fords. They were not to be had at any price and the same condition will prevail this season. If you are in the market for a car. Now Is the Time to Buy ACT QUICK BEFORE THEY ARE ALL SOLD! . ssMsaasMssaasassaaaaaaaaaaMsaaaaasaaasea The Reason Whv m We began business in this room February 1st, 1917,-First Reason. We take our annual inventory Februarv 2nd ?n wmt tn jnn stock to the very lowest figure po&blJnfge! UV We Can USB t,hf Mah tn o trnnA orl,m- nir.i why we make this 6 inree 00easo Before Inventory Sale of SHOES FOR ONE WEEK af. 4. St?4?.lil waning Monday, January 26, and tnaing Saturday, January 31 With A Most Tremendous Cut in Prices FOR SHOES OF HIGH QUALITY. IN SPITE OF 'TRPat Anirtvrrc. $1.95 Lot 152 ladies' patent vamp cloth top button. ; Lot 301 ladies' patent and kid lace and button. Lot 403 ladies' black cabareta, 2- strap slipper. Lot 486 ladies patent and kid pumps, small sizes. Lot 602 Child's black kid button, sizes 5'2 to 8. AND THEN SOME! MISSES SIZES 11 TO 2, AT $2.95 Popular Price Style 534, gun metal, button welt, S. D. sole, spring heel $3.65 Style 535, calf lace and button, welt S. D. sole, spring heel $1.15 Style 505 kid lace, English last, low heels $3.45 Style 517 brown elk, button, spring heels $4.25 Style 501 black kid button welt S. D. sole, spring heels .....;..$3.95 Child's sizes, 8a to 11 $2.95 Style 633 gun metal, button, Neolin soles, spring heels $3.50 Style 643 smoka elk, button, belting leather soles $4.25 Style 612 brown elk, button, oak leather soles $3.45 Style 604 black kid, button, oak leather, soles ... $3.65 BOYS' SIZES 2 TO 5 AT $2.95 Style 816 black calf, lace and but ton ..$3.50 Style 834 brown, grain blucher $4.00 Style 831 black heavy oil grain blucher $4.00 $3.95 LADIES' SHOES AT $3.95 Lots 107-107 "Selby" all black lace, sizes up to 4'2 only. Lot 114 "Selby" black kid, cloth top, sizes up to 6 only. Lot 141 black, all kid, button,' sizes up to e'i Lot 112 black, all kid, button, 8-inch top. . Lot 109-110 black, all kid lace, French heels. Lot 214-213 black, all kid, lace, Cuban heels. Lot 146-179 dark grey and Ivory kid, matched cloth tops, lace. Lot 142 "Selbys" black kid, tan and gray cloth tops, lace. Lot 141 black kid vamps, pearl grey cloth tops, lace. Lot 154 patent vamps, black cloth tops, button, Cuban heels.' Lot 274 gun metal lace, school heels; $4.95 " MEN'S SHOES AT $4.95 Lot 709 black Aristo kid blucher, welt soles $5.00 grade. Lot 746 black gun metal blucher, welt soles, $6.50 grade. Lot 724 brown grain army blucher; welt soles $6.50 grade, Lot 754 brown heavy work shoe, welt soles, $7.00 grade. THERE ARE MORE GOOD BARGAINS, TOO, IN THE SAME PLACE Our 1919 business was 54 per cent greater than 1918. Why? Many thanks' We will try ta Deserve it Again in 1920. 167 North Commercial St. Salem, Ore. At the Electric Sign "SHOES" LITTLER & UPMEYER