Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 26, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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mmm bills
Sunday Sermons
W. C. Kaiiincr
1st Congregational Church
Thm following Is the order la which
thm several proposed constitutional
amendments and measures referred to
the people by the legislature under
bouse bill No. 40. special session Jan
nary 11-1'. 120, will appear-upon
the of flcial ballots for the special elec
tion authorised for Hay 21. 1829.
Constitutional amendment extending
eminent domain over roada and ways
purpose to amend aection 18 of ar
. tide 1 of the constitution of Oregon bo
a to declare that the use of all roads
and ways requisite for the transporta
tion of the raw products of mine, fartn
and forest is a public use and necessity
to the development of the welfare of
the state.
The foregoing amendment was pro
posed under senato Joint resolution No.
IT of the 10th regular session for ref
erence to the people at the general bi
ennial election In November 1920, but
by the direction of house bill No 40.
special session, January 12-11, 1(20, is
Included with those proposed amend
ments and measures referred to the
people at the special election author
ised for May 21, 1920, being the first
measure filed, consequently it appear
first on the balolt, as the law fixing
the order In which measures shall ap
ear on the official ballot provides that
they shall be arranged in the order of
their filing in the office of the secre
tary of state.
House Joint resolution No. 11,
amending section 7 of article 11 of tne
constitution of the state of Oregon, re
lating to the lending of the credit of
the state and limiting the powers of
contracting indebtedness.
Senate joint resolution No. 9, repeal
ing section 39 of article 1 of the con
stitution of the state of Oregon, abol
tohlng the death penalty, and adding to
aald article 1, a. section to be designat
ed as section 17, article 1, providing a
penally for murder in the first degree,
and also adding to said article 1, a
action to be designated as section 38,
artlclel, revising the lag abrogated and
repealed as In conflict with suid sec
tion t, article 1.
House joint resolution No. 7, amend
ing section 10 of article U of the con
stitution of the state of Oregon, relat
ing to debts and liabilities of counties.
, Bunato joint resolution No. 10,
amending seclon 8 of article S of the
Constitution of the state of Oregon, re
lating to the office of governor.
House bill No. 88, an act to provide
addliional revenue for the Oregon
Agricultural college, University of Ore
gon and the Oregon Slate Normul
Senate bill No. 40, an act providing
for an additional levy of two-tenths of
one mill on the dollar of tuxable prop
erty of tho stuto of "Oregon to be used
for financial aid to honorable dis
charged soldiers, tullors and marines
who deslri to put sue a course of study,
House bill No. 31, an act levying an
annual tax of two mills on the dollar
on all taxuble property of the state for
the support and maintenance of the
public and elementary schools of the
state and providing for the diHtrlbutlon
of the fund created by said tax.
House bi'l No. 77, an act to provide
for a tax levy of one-sixth of a mill on
all assessable property In the state to
be used for the purpose of erecting and
equipping: an institution for teaching
the blind and providing for the locat
ing thoreof, etc.
As directed by law, the attorney gen
eral is now engaged In the preparation
of appropriate ballot titles for the sev
eral proposed constitutional amend
ments and measures.
Under the terms of house bill No.
9. providing for the special election
affirmative or negative arguments,
whether submitted by the legislative
remmltteon or by other persons or or
RknltHtlons, must be filed with the
secretary f state not Inter than March
1, 1920. This is the flrxt time that any
measure which In Its ordinary course
would have been referred to the peo
ple at the next ensuing regular bien
nial election 1b by the direction of the
tcfclslaturo taken out of such order and
referred to the people at a special elec
tion us Is the cane wllh the measure
which will appaar first on the official
ballots for the special election, relat
ing to eminent domain over roads uud
PRArTiriXG TOE COLD EX RtXEteven while a member of parliament
in seeking out and bringing to places
"Therefore all things whatsoever of shelter and food, unfortunate men
ye would that men should do to you, (whom he found sleeping under Wj
.1.. ... - in ihpm- for this is the tf Hon and Blackfriars bridge and
law of the prophets." Matt 7. 12. I who made the great purpose of
Th vaina and lunerioritv of the life the setting In operation of n
Golden Rule is universally acknowl- jnients to help the poor and oppressed.
edged. The fact that soma other fa- j than to have my name in every one's
moot teachers have uttered precepts .mouth like napoleons ana oe cnnrgo
resembllng this one does not detract 'able with Napoleon's record, brilliant
from its importance but proves that ! tho it may aeem in the thought of the
in nondrlnET the srreat Questions of I world.
life and conduct, they too have been The man who has to battle with his
led bv the Divine mind to discern the ! conscience and suppress its voice in
the still small hours when It reminds
him of his departure from God and
the, plain path of right Is not living
the Golden Rule life. He knows it.
God knows it, and usually the world
necessity of perfect Justice and genu
ine goodness In meeting the responsi
bilities of our membership In the so
cial organism.
Jesus in stating It, declares that the
attainment of a life Illustrating the ap (knows it too, and sits In judgment
plication of this Golden Rule is the
real purpose of the law and the
The teaching of the law and the
prophets has for its end that men
may live a Golden Rule life. All thru
the ages God has been trying to lead
men up to such a life. For that rea-
and renders its verdict accordingly,
There is an old legend to the effect
that a holy knonk reproached the
devil for stealing a young man. The
devil promptly replied, "I found him
on my premises and took him."
The life that takes only the pleas
ant and beautiful and delightful, and
"Duko" has been returned to his
rightful home. I. L. McAdams, who
rescued hint from hanging, Friday, re
luctantly turned him over to the city
poumlmaster where he was claimed
by Mrs. Dumholton, 11(13 South Liber
ty street, Iiuke Is a dog, and not an
ordinary dog at that. He Is a king
maltimute and his owner Mrs.
Mary Uumbolton would not sell
him for any Hum. Recently she was
offered J250 for the big husky, but
refused tho proffer, because she knows
that the big nulmiil would die of a
broken heart, if torn away from his
Anyone who notices Duke, taking
his exercise ti'ider tho leash of hi
heavy breech chain, might dlstruct the
big fellow until better acquaintance
with him proves that the city ordi
nances are responsible for the heavy
Thin chain nearly became Duke's In
strument tit execution Friday, when
the big dog decided to go out upon
un explorative expedition, which was
suddenly terminated when the trail
ing chain tangled in a neighbor's
clump of berry bushes. Duke strug
gled for freedom until Mr. MoAdaiu
released hi in from predicament. To
show his gratitude, Duke followed his
savior and because the Duinboltons are
strangers, Mr. McAdams escorted the
dog to the police station, where It was
certain that a report of the loss would
he mads, Here Duke made friends
with everyone.
Duke wutiths a hundred pounds and
Is a, big dingy white husky with
yellow and Mack wolf markings, in
fact he has a liberal share of wolf
blood. He was born In a log livery
stable In Alaska and has been a team
leader, being thoroughly versed In hur
ncsa lure. No horse understands and
obeys the commands, "Whoa!" (lee!
Haw! belter than Duke for that Is his
profession. He, perhaps would not
.uiulesland what "(letup" means, but
"Mush on" would trunslato the com
mand for him.
He was brought to the United States
,by Mrs. Duiubolton's son, S. J. Dum-
The federal order Is said in -n ,:boll". who spent many years lu Alas-
a much higher rate for demurrage 11,1 1)UK In the coin-
charges than that specified In the state i plo"Hm ,no "lMnK White Trail."
trdwr. As a consequence small roads I JuM whllt ,h" hl fellow thinks of
In using cars from foreign roads are tne c",fln,nients of civilization would
soreiy re worm recording, tf dog 8 Inn
guiige could be understood by humans.
What stories he could tell of the big
white wastes, where "ships and shoes
and sealing wax" are Important Items;
but where "cabbages and kings" are
little known.
lecaraf e Charees To Be
Temporarily Suspended
lleciiuae of a conflict with the fed
eral order covering demurrages, un or
der promulgated by the Oregon public
wrvlce commission on December 8,
11. covering demurrage rhargea in
the use of railroad cars will be tem
porarily suspended February 1 until
ueh time as the federal regulations
i io Da operative.
son He gave the law and men to ex- lcaves tne unpleasant and disagree-
pouna it. ror mat reason lie nas sent able - tne other man aoe. not have
prophets with a message divine. tne 8ulrit of jesus, and has not stud-
First of all it implies that life in led tne Bch0ul of the Christ "Here
this world is designed for action and by Dercaive we the love of God. be-
not for dreams only. It places upon )caUHa he laid down his life for us:
us the positive duty of doing good. nJ we oucht to lav down our lives
V urn not uuiy lu leiiaiu iiuiu uuiiik .,e brethren
harmrul things but we are to uo those
things which will help others, make
others happy, promote their Interests
and seek their good. Life, true life is
a ministry for the world's betterm ,nt
for the salvation of men, for the estab
Ilshment of the kingdom of God
which Is the kingdom of righteous
ness and peace and Joy.
It is opposed to the plan of sit
Mg idly by while men are starving
or suffering In any form and with
holding the deed that may relieve or
encourage. Jesus says "Do.". Do the
things you would have men do for
you in similar circumstances.
According to the Golden Rule, the
men who accumulate great wealth at
the cost of others, at the sacrifice of
kindness, and by grinding down of
their fellows, ure dcBplte tlielr treas
ures, "weighed In the balances and
found wanting." and heaven wjll pro
nounce their career an Inglorious fail
ure. '
1 would, rather have the record of
Shaftesbury who spent his evenings,
"By this sign conquer," says the
Christ to us today as he lifts up the
cross luminous with the glory of
thousand victories.
No man has ever lived up to the
spirit and letter of the Golden Rule
unless he was filled with the grace
of the Lord Jesus Christ. One of the
first requisites in the illustratioa of
the precept is the victory over self
and no man gains that victory with
out help divine. The man who affirms
that he has always done unto others
us he would have others do unto hlra
and yet lives without Christ is a man
of short memory, of dull understand
ing, or self deceived.
Only Jesus Christ, the man of the
cross, the man of sublime sacrifice,
of Infinite power and unmeasured
love Is able to help men put Into ev
ery day practice the rule of Gold. The
day that witnesses the practice of it
universally, will witness the dawn of
the Golden Age of Righteousness and
lovd, the universal reign of Jesus.
Salem Merchant Calls
Buff Of U. S.. Attorney
Hall S. Lusk, assistant United States
attorney, has been "called," says the
Oregon Journal.
He told members of the fair price
committee recently that a man could
not now buy a good pair of socks for
60 cents.
C P. Bishop, Salem, clothier, heard
the statement. Today Lusk received
Iwo pairs of soc ks of standard make
which bore price marks of 60 cents.
"These are good socks. Try them
and see," Bishop in effect wrote
"Sorry," sighed Lusk. " 'Twould
look like bribery to some onlooker
hereabouts." He had to send the socks
Herr von Reldermann, who organ
ized the German-American Petroleum
Corporation, has died at Lugano,
Switzerland, it was nnnnnnnerl In R.
Head or chest2)
'are best treated)
'"externally" with,
inquired o py the higher federal rate
while at the same time collecting from
their patrons nt the rate promulgated
by the state commission.
Table Drink
used in place of
tea and coffee
Costs less to com
fort as well es to
AbKhise In Price.
Zemo, the Clean, Antiseptic
Liquid, Just What You
Need. Is Not Greasy
Don't worry about eczema or other
skin troubles. You can have a clear,
healthy skin by using Zemo. Ob
tained at any drug store lor 35c, or
extra large botUe for $1.00.
Zemo generally removes pimples,
blackheads, blotches, eczema and ring
worm and makes the skin clear and
healthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrating,
antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor
greasy and stains nothing. It is easily
applied and costs a mere trifle for each
application. It is always dependable.
The E. W. Rom Co.. Cleveland, 0.
House Furnisher
You get more for your
Money at Moore's.
Bills Enacted At Special
Session la Force April 17
All bills enacted by the special ses
sion of the leKlslature last week and
which tild not bear the emergency
clause or some other provision as to
the date on which they should be
come operative, will become effective
on April seventeenth, this being thel
ninety first day after their receipt by
Uuvernor Olcott. ,
Remnant Store
64 North Comm.reiei
That the Douglas county Light &
Water company is already receiving
ample remuneration for service, as
serted C. R. I'm n non before the Roan
burg city council In the discussion of
an appeal filed by the company with
the public service commission asking
for Increased rates.
Also Junk of AO Kinds
Baal Price Guaranteed
Th Sonar Deal Ecus
171 Ctsmeketa St Pbom 591
.tttm MIC iiii"
ea eAi'iiip"""-
havtiOOO Plus V addmnnfor
each dependent; cud this exemption
,av 1 taken by either or divided in
any manner decircd. , ,,rin -
. .., who was widowed dunn-
1919 has an exemption for the full your
on the oasis of her status as oi
'cember SI.
A wife whose husoanu is in ""
tarium or temporarily working in an
other city, and is sepr.rated from his
Women who had incomes during only ihrougn nec ...,,
1919 are reminded by Collector of In- skier her status as mw i
ternal Revenue Milton A. Miller that, her husband. wt . .h.-
they ar. subject to all of the provisions tary. continuous separation, wo"
of the federal income tax. Many thou- or not granted by court decree
sands of women file returns and pay must taks the status of a single per-
taxea regularly, and there are new
names added to this list each year. The
high wages and salaries received by
women last year will perhaps double
the itumber of those who are required
to file returns.
A public school teacher, or other
city, town, county and state employe, is
not taxed on her salary or wages, but
must file a return it her taxable income
from other sources was sufficient to
come within the law's demands.
Exemptions tfttc Same.
An unmarried woman, widow, or
married woman who is living apart
from her husband, must file an income
tax return if her net income for 1919
was $1000 or more.
She is entitled to an exemption of
$1000. If she is the head of a family,
as defined in the Income tax regula
tions, she may claim $1000 additional
exemption. Also, she may claim fur
ther exemption of $200 for each per
son for whom she is the chief support,
if the dependent is under 18 or is men
tally or physically defective.
A married woman who has an In
come from a separate source than her
husband is entitled to file a separate
return with respect to that Income.
Ordinarily a husband and wife file one
joint return, Including the income of
both; but if the husband -does not in
clude his wife's income ,the wife is re
quired to file her own return. Separ
ate returns of husband and wife are
required if either had a net income ex
ceeding $5000.
. Marriage Provisions.
A married woman who lives with
her husband is not allowed a prescrlb-
840 Court "Brest
mi of
Chinese Medicine and Tea C,
i Has medicine which will ear. any
known disease.
Open Sundays from 10 A. M.
until 8 P. M.
163 South High Bt
; Salem, Oregon. Phone S8S
son with respect to income tax.
A local women's auxiliary of the
American Legion is being organized
in Hood River.
Business Woman
Is Back At Desk
Makes Strong Statement for
Makes Strons tSatcment for
Mallory Heirs Object To
k m .
Alleged Double taxation
Objections to what they term double
taxation has been filed by the heirs of
i the Emery Ellsworth Mallory estate
'in Multnomah county with State Treas
urer Hoff. In their complaint the
(heirs set out that the state is aiteuipt
ing to collect inheritance tax on both
the Emery Ellswortn Aiaiiory estate
and the Rufus Mallory estate which
they contend, 'is virtually one and the
same. Upon the death of Rufus Mal
lory the estate in question descended
to Emory Ellsworth Mallory. About
eight months thereafter, and, as the
heirs now contend, before Emory Ells
worth M.Ulory came into the enjoy
ment of the estate he died leaving the
estate to the present heirs. The neire
contend that they shoud be required to
pay inheritance tax only on the last
named estate wher. as the state In
heriance tax department regards the
two estate as entirely distinct and
would collect the two taxes. The estate
Involved in valued at approximately
S71 Court Street
Phone bS5
"Tanlac has certainly proved what
it can do by restoring me to health
and I am recommending It to my
friends and customers," was the state
ment made recently by Mrs. Minnie
Atkins who is the proprietor of Moth
er's Place, a well patronized restaur
ant at 129 West Broadway, San Die
go, Cal.
"About a year ago my health be
gan to fail me and I got In a terribly
weakened, run down condition," con-
tinned .Mrs. Atkins. "I had almost no
appetite at all and what little I forc
ed myself to eat did ine more harm
than good, and all the time I felt so
weak and tired that it was all I could
do to keep the place going.
"After I had been in this condition
several weeks, the clerk in the hotel
next door told me about Tanlac and
advised me to give It a trial. Well, it
was no time after I began taking it
before I was feeling better and by
the time I had finished my second
bottle my appetite had come back, I
could digest everything I ate perfect
ly and was feeling just as fine as ever
"I was in the very best of health
until about three months ago when I
had a bad case of influenza and was
in bed a week and unable to attend
to my work for two weeks or more. I
was left In such a weakened condition
that I was hardly able to get across
the floor and had pains and aches all
over my body. I lost my : appetite
again and was troubled so with Indi
gestion that nearly everything I ate
or drank disagreed with me.
"I sent for Tanlac again and took
two more bottles and It did just like
it had done a year before and it was
no time before I was able to do my
work with as much ease as ever and
without getting tired or worn out. I
can eat anything I please without any
bad effects at all and the pains all
left me and I am never troubled in
any way. Tanlac Is certainly a fine
medicine and it is always a pleasure
to me to recommend it whenever I
get a chance."
Tanlac is sold In Salem by Tyler's
Drug Store, In Hubbard by Hubbard
Drug Co., In Mt. Angel by Ben
Gooch, in Gervais by John Kelly, In
Turner by H. P. Cornelius, In Wood
burn by Lyman H. Shorey, In Silver-
i by Geo. A. Steelhammer, in Gates
by Mrs. J. P. McCurdy, in Stayton by
C. A. Beauchamp, In Aurora by Auro
ra Drug Store, In St. Paul by Groce
teria Stores Co., In Donald by M. W.
Johnson, in Jefferson by Foshay &
Mason and In Mill City by Marketeria
Gre. Co. (Adv)
rr-,5 "1
Complete lirvo of
The thousands upon thousands of Thomson's "Glove
Fitting" Corsets bought here in recent years, by Sa
lem's women, would indicate that these are truly
garments of real merit.
And, their popularity has never slackened but is con
stantly increasing. In this daily scramble for mer
chandise, we feel very fortunate inteed, to be able
to meet your wants with so complete a line of these
justly famous corsets.
We make no promises for the future. We advise ear
ly purchasing. '
La Yictoire
For tlumn who wish a
finer quality material
trimming and finish
ft jiCuRstrs.
- Wo are Knowing a very
1 fine line) of
M fobodVn. V, ltuQ
M Gerv-. JpUrtonJnj
M Brooka. ) kmon.
The 0:
For l?anls and Invi
The Gorman diet will shrti .
j voafid..
er a measure providing a settle
uciwren rrussia ana ce Hohenid.
lerns with regard to the former royal
famiU's movable and SmmovaM,
Five delegates to represent the V'i.
ted States at the meetings of the
oral council, League of Red Cross w.
cieties at Geneva .the week beninni,
March-1, have been appointed, th,
American Ked Cross announced yester
day at Washington.
Grip, Influenza
Hamlin'. Wizard Oil RalUlla,
Antiseptic Preventive
During influenza epidemics' tpra)
the nose and throat' several times 1
day with one part Wizard Oil ui4
two parts water, using an atomizer.
If you haven't an atomizer, gargli
the throat and tnuS the mixture of
the nose. This treatment sets tip in
antiseptic wall of defense against
"Flu" germs.
Chest colds and sore throat lead
to grip. Stop them at once witd
Wizard Oil before they can devtlog
into dangerous influenza.
Get it from druggists for 30c. U
not satisfied, return the bottle inf
pet your money back.
Ever constipated or have siclchtad:
ache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips,
pleasant little pink pills, 30c at drug
gists. Guaranteed.
Iknow somethirt;
ihatclearyour skirt
"When my complexion waa .
red, rough and pimply, 1 was so
ashamed that I never had any
fun. I imagined that people
avoided me perhaps they iidl
But the regular use of Resinol
Soap with a little Resinol Oint
ment just at first has given me
back my clear, healthy akin, I
wishjwV try itl"
' Rttinol Ointment and Reaiaol Sop loclef
in dandrufi nd keep U hair healthy and
attractive. For trial free, write to Dept. 2 R.
Reatooi, Baltimore, Md. .
rr mi" ITT Tr irfinrrfrfi'i i """""Sf
. , . . . ....... ., " -r-
Invest your money in
Those of you who are seeking an investment that of -
fers the greatest return may well consider buying
diamonds. Never before were conditions so certain
of producing such big returns. We have diamonds
of all sizes, but of the same high value, no matter
whether you buy a small one cr one that .is larger.
In charge of Dr. Burdette offers' you eye service
of the highest character. Come here for modern,
efficient attention to your eye troubles.
Jewelers and Opticians
Corner State and Liberty Streets
-that Hat
of Yours-
You will soon need that
new hat or cap, so why not
get it now?.
1'' a ,
We are showing new arri
vals in
For late winter and early
spring in styles and shades
that will meet with your ap
"Correct Apparel for Men"
416 State St I