Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 24, 1920, Image 1

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Oregon: Tonight find Sun
day rain or snow, fresh to
whole southeasterly gales.
Minimum 31. -Maximum
Average for Quarter Ending
December 11. 11-
54 5 8
Member Audit Bureau of Circulation '
u in
Associated Press Full Leased Wire
mm ... - 7 ' A AVU-JU. J. td VUil X kJ.
Gompers Attacked By Blan
- ten For Opposition And De
, parteent Of Labor Said To
ge Nest Of "Anarchy."
Washington, Jan. 84. Enactment
of anti-sedition legislation was urged
before the house rules committee to
day by Representative smiuun, u
ocat, Texas, and Davey. 'democrat,
Ohio. The Texas member vigorously
attacked President Gompers of the
American Federation of Labor for his
opposition to such legislation and
charged that the department of la
bor was "honeycombed with anarchy"
Asserting that Mr. Gompers had
not been patriotic during the war, Mr.
Blanton charged that when Provost
Marshal General Crowder issued his
'work or fight" order the labor lead
er openly opposed It, declaring he
"would call a revolution." Blanton
added that six thousand strikes occur
red In this country during the war
and that at times President Wilson
had to "compel men to work."
"Congress must either pass a sedi
tion law which would squelch anar
chy or else bear the mark of having
- bowed to Gompers," , Mr. Blanton
i aaid. He added "it is simply a ques
' Hon of whether you want to be re
. elected." .
"Attacking the department of labor,
Blanton said he hoped the republicans
would be victorious in .the coming
presidential election "if -it is impossi
ble to obtain a democratic cabinet of
ficer who stands for Americanism."
"The republicans will win any way"
Chairman Campbell interjected.
"Not If you vacillate on this bill,"
Representative Blanton retorted. 'The
people won't stand for you bowing to
Gompers." , .
Representative Davey, who introduc
ed Attorney General Palmer's antl-se-dition
bill last November, told the
committee he was a "friend of labor
until It Joins hands with ranarchy."
Davey criticized the American Fed
eration of Labor for participation In
the Boston poltee-'strtkeT but said Mr.
Gompers was the dominant influence
which stood between organized labor
anj anarchy.
f lITRACTOF 1915
Attorneys for Strauss and Company
British hop brokers have filed an an
swer to the amended complaint enter
ed by the T. A. Livesley company in
their suit against the English firm.
Uvesley company claimed that
w Strauss company had refused to
m certain money to which the
Arm had a claim.- The Strauss
Wttipanjr a Cl)Unter complalnt
barges that the plaintiffs agreed to
oatl00'!00 poum, of h0"9
nil , Ve UP t0 the contract terms
no ,? Z " SlnK,e urnover of 20.n42
SifJti8v,fUrther that the
mT8 VLlvPty com"'-
Th. i contct advances.
IBs English fir,,, asks (or a j ,
vain. V.t G2' "Presenting tho
oreditedM?, er 8um BhoM be
a4 butL1yef1P5' he firm
82 0 with ,Clflm8 th8 ba'a" $.
' - W"h '"'--" " per cent ' '
hstlicnre;,dcrea by Dr' R- a
'lriH of .hi "S nine mon'hs as
liW laud m ? priaon her "re
Cm by ?overn"- Olcott in
office L8aSUed from the execu
.,br'" rlday night.
f4rronn?LWf "Anally trans
Pri" at l'le sta!e hosI'tal to the
"nor dH ' 1,18 wi8hes," the
!h Mndlna- nhl explanation of
th0PrLen, teinerWlU retUrn
in thl e,,ruar- 1 to be sue-
Common " enshlp by Louis
"' "will 'T1 Sia,e parole
resln o, 6d hIs con"t only
ft was Z the 8,a,e a l or-
5- h 'CtZTi that at uch
hoKpltal hi t0 he turned to
,hirUld beaIed to
Crtu8 b hl a first
ined. the results
, mat nP,rVement "hich
SU. ma,Je luring ,he sten,r
"With yen.' -
'7niVrl tw lm.
2l?Mi of thtner,a"y iiaiat-
t wlh. Dr 'nsti,ttion to con-
brouSht a"08. Th0 "hanee has
out larse:y through
Thrift Director
To Visit Oregon
In Coming Week
Seattle. Wash.. Jan. 1 ni. T"
. . ... VMUl Jtfc
Lester, associate director of the sav
ings division of the treasiii-ir
ment,.ill leave here tonight for Ore-
ku" na -aiiiornla to continue a series
ui western lanes m which he is declar
ing that the nation must become thrif
ty and adopt a sane economic prob
lems left by the war.
Mr. Lester will speak In Portland.
Or., Monday. He will speak In San
Francisco, January 28 and 29 and In
Los Angeles January Jl. From Los
nigeies ne win go to Salt Lake City
He arrived here last night from the
east . , - .
Information that he has been men
tioned favorably as successor to for
mer Chiof of Police Percy M. Varney,
and the urgent requests of several
councilmen that he announce him
self in favor of accepting the position
impelled Traffic officer v... vr
Moffitt, Saturday, to make public an
nouncement ot his willingness to ac
cept tho post. Officer Moffitt would
only make the announcement oftor
Acting Chief of Police Harry Howe,
" morning, declared that he prob
ably would not accept the appoint
ment even if it Were conferred iir.
him by the council. .. .
Business Men Want Moffitt
Numeous business men. wlin in.
terviowed on the matter, expressed
me wisn tnat the traffic officer be
appointed successor tn mv Vor,,.
Officer Moffitt. while anHnir up t-e'
fio officer and patrolman, has had a
ciose association with business meu
and has won many friends, both In
the residence and business . districts.
When asked why he would not ac
cept the appointment to ho nhiof
Acting Chief Rowe said:
. . iwwb explains Position
"It is plain from the action nf tho
council in making mv snnnintmont
as acting chief of police temporary
nut nciu iuit in meir iav-
or, and bolievlng that" -this fact would
work detrimental i hnrninninna .
lations between the department and
tne council I would rather not ac
cept the position under those condi
"I realize that if the council want
ed me for chief of police they would
have appointed; me at the meeting
Monday night." :
After learning that Acting Chief
Rowe would not accent the chieftain.
ship the other members of the de
partment voiced support to Traffic
Officer Moffitt.
Moffltfs Record Active .
It was through Traffic Officer Mot
rin's efforts that the numerous traf
fic violations, nrlncinallv nn rtnwn
town streets, last fall were hrnnirht
to a halt. This has won for him high
commendation from many citizens.
So far as is known only two other
names those of Jack Welsh and Joe
Wright have been mentioned as be
ing considered for appointment to be
chief. The attiltude of the voters of
Salem toward these two men is
shown by the fact that both have
been denied the place at the polls.
Welsh lost In two elections: and
Wright was defeated by Varney,
Bandits Rob Paymasters
At Factory Of $20,000
Itedbank, N. J.. Jan. 24. Three
armed men held up four employes of
the SIdmund Eisner comnanv nn the
factory grounds today and robbed them
of f?n nn the comnanv nnvrnll.
Initiative and knowledge of how to do
"The morale at the prison has never
been excelled as far as my knowledge
of the Institution goes. The men are
all at work and are going at their
work apparently contentedly and in
good spirit. To find worlt for these
men when practically none was pro
vided for by law or legislative appro
priation was one of the most diffi
cult tasks which faced Dr. Steiner
and one which he carried out amazing
ly well.
Dr. Steiner has established what, as
far as I know. Is the first successful
wood camp that has been operated In
connection with the prison. This is
near Aumsville and splendid work is
being done there.
"I am decidedly proud of the re
sults obtained and it Is a pleasure for
me to be able to say that Dr. Stein
er's temporary labors at the prison
have been of wonderful value to the
"Louis H. Compton, who will be
come warden to succeed Dr. Slelner,
has been state parole officer through
out Dr. Steiner's incumbency and has
made a careful study of Dr. Steiner's
methods and is entirely familiar with
the plans which Dr. Steiner has been
maturing for the future of the In
stitution. Mr. Compton will take over
the wardenship with the idea of fol
lowing and advancing Dr. Steiner's
methods and plans."
SALEM. OREfUW SATURDAY JAMttapv oa igoa immiTT.r,n.nnn ,
Senator Reed Declares For
mer Food Administrator So
Close To London Powers
As To Be Connecting Link.
W ashington, Jan. 24-Charging that
Herbert Hoover was "one of the go
between of Colonel House and mem
bers high in the British government
during the negotiations preceding the
entry of the United States into the
war," Senaor Reed, democrat, Missou
ri, launched a vigorous attack today In
the stnate against what he
ised as Mr. Hoover's "semi-promoted
boom for president."
Senator Reed said Mr. Hoover .
sa close to the British government that
"he constituted a convenient connect
ing link" and challenged any member
of the senate who doubted his state
menu o introduce a resolution of In
vestigation. '
Sever Voted Here.
Declaring that Mr. Hoover "served
a tutelage all of his adult life" in the
British service, Senator Reed said
Hoover "never cast a vote in the Un
ited States, 'unless he had voted since
this war to qualify himself."
"When he was asked as to what
party he belonged he said he thought
he was a 'liberal' " said Senator Reed.
"Apparently he hasn't been in the
United States enough to know the
names of the political parties in this
country and has to designate himself
as a 'lfberal', a British political or
ganization." "I think Mr. Hoover's nomination
would put the finishing touch to the
League of Nations and that :the
league would surrender the sovereign
ty of the world to the British em
pire," the senator continued.
, Would Give Control.
"In addition to her own votes Great
Britain would control the votes of
Portugal, Freece, France and Belgium
In the league, Senator Reed said, ad
ding that Belgium "was in no con
dition to resist Great Britain's im
perious will" and that France, accord
ing to high French officials, had ad
mitted that she was dependent on
the British army and navy for pro
tection against German attack.
Senator Reed said that if a Brit
ish controlled League of Nations were
to be established, this country ought
to have as nearly a British sublect as
possible to represent It "so why not
Mr. Hoover."
Referring to reports that Mr.
Hoover made $10,000,000 before he
was 30 years old. Senator Reed said
he was a "get rich quick" and turn
ing to Senator Lodge, the republican
leader, declared that If Mr. Hoover
were nominated for the presxiemiy
the only thing that could save the
republican party from defeat was for
it "to nominate J. Rufus Walllngford"
"Then we'll have two horses bred
alike," he added.
Washington, .Jan. 24. Opposition
to the proposed $150,000,000 food re
lief loan to Austria, Poland and Ar
menia and to an appropriation of $1,
000,000 for additional army airplanes
was expressed In the house today by
Representative Mondell, the republi
can leader, who replied to charges by
Representative Kitchin, of North Car
olina, former democratic leader, that
the republican steering committee
had blocked the relief bill before the
ways and means committee.
Sareful consideration should be
given before "taking the moneys of
the people to provide funds for Eu
rope," Mr. Mondell said, adding that
not all the sob stories about Europe
were to be believed.
Referring to his opposition to the
aeroplane appropriation, the republi
can leader said some one had said
Great Britain was expending $35,
000,000 on her air service.
"If England can do that," he said,
"then a resolution ought to be pass
ed by congress compelling her to pay
interest on her debt to the United
Washington, Jan. 24. By a margin
ot one vote the house appropriations
committee today .refused to include hi
the deficiency appropriation bill a
fuid of $10,000,000 asked by the navy
denartment for repairs to ships. Nav
al officials had informed the commit
tee that unless the money was made
available necessary repairs to many
capital ships and destroyers couldn't
be made and that 13,'JV navy yarn
employes would hare to be discharg-
ed next mo-.itn.
. Seattle, Wash., Jan. 24. -More evi
dence of alleged irregularities in the
handling of money the government
paid to carry out its huge war time
shipbuilding program! in the Pacific
northwest will be preanted here next
week to a federal grand Jury which
yesterday indicted Captain John F.
Blain, Seattle, formerjnorthern Pacific
ndlinho at CJapd alcteyesFy. rtednv
district manager ot the Emergens
Fleet Corporation, according to Bert
Schlesinger, special assistant Unlteo.
States attorney general.
Evidence Points High.
Mr. Schlesinger. who presented the
grand Jury with the evidence on which
the indictments of Captain Blain were
based, left at midnight for San Fran
cisco, his home. He declared he would
return to Seattle In a few days. Mr.
Schlesinger will handle the prosecu
tion ot the cases when they come to
trial. . L
"In the Indictment of Captain Blain
we have produoed evidence ot Irregu
larities against the biggest man in the
government's ship; building operations
in the Faclfle northwest)" Mr. Schle
singer said.
Several other Indictments should
follew In the neat future, according to
Walter C. Foster, special agent of the
department of Justice, who has been
her two months checking Oregon and
Washington Shipyard accounts. '
' ' Secret Commissions.
Captain Blain who was charged In
the indictments with accepting secret
commissions on skies made to the
Emergency Fleet Corporation while he
was manager; will be arraigned here
Monday. He was arrested yesterday
and released on $10,000 cash ball. The
secret commission. It was charged, to
talled approximately $17,750.
"Well, wouldn't tj-at make your hair
turn gray?" CaptftiA Blain said when
a deputy United StaUs marshal hand
ed him the warrant for his arrest yes
terday. Captain Blain later declined
to make a statemnt but promised he
might have something to say later.
Paris, Jan. 24. Conference be
tween the premiers of Great Britain,
France and Italy will be held before
the next move In the proceeding to
extradite former Emperor William
from Holland is decided upon, accord
ing to Information given to the Asso
ciated Press by the French foreign
office. Whether the next demand for
surrender will be directed to Tha
Hague or Berlin will be the main sub
ject to be determined.
The next meeting will be held In
London but as no date has been fixed
and the matter cannot be left pend
ing a long time the foreign office ex
pressed the opinion that the question
might be settled through diplomatic
channels between Rome, Paris and
H. H. Kloepping, who has been
chief deputy in the Marlon county
clerk's office for more than mree
years has tendered his resignation, to
take effect, February 1.
Mr. Kloepping has accepted a po
sition with the State Industrial Acci
dent Commlission, the proposed
change to be made about February
During the time that Mr. Kloep
ping has been In the county clerk's
office, he has made many friends,
who are confident thathewill find a
better scope for his efforts In his
new position. County Clerk U. O. boy
er stated Saturday that Deputy
Kloepping had established a record
for efficient and faithful work while
in his office.
C. R. Ellis, until recently employ
ed In the office of County Recorder
Mildred R. Brooks, will assume the
circuit court clerkship, Mr. Kloep-
plng's former duty. Mr. Ellis is a
student In the la wdepartment of
Willamette University and an ex-ser
vice man. He enlisted in the navy,
from Vale, Oregon, early in 1917 and
served until June 19l, when he re
ceived his release.
The Three Link Neendle club m
Friday afternoon at the home of Jfrs.
W. A. Welst. The hours were passed
with needlework and games. Mrs. Mary
Adams and Miss Hattie "Williams as-
slsted the hostess In serving dainty re-
fresh ments to the 32 guests who wer(
Rev. Cyrus Townsend Brady
Is Pneumonia Victim Today
Yonkers, N. Y.," Jan. 24. The Rev.
Cyrus Townsend Brady, well known
author and Episcopal clergyman, died
of pneumonia at his home here today.
He had been ill since Thursday. A
graduate of the naval academy and an
army chaplain in the Spanish war. Dr.
Brady had written score of books deal
ing with adventures and battles on
land and Bea, most of them novels with
an historical foundation,
A warrant charging him with false
representation of a charitable organza
tlon was filed in Judge Unruh's court
Saturday against D. 8. McBride. It
was expected that he would be ar
raigned Saturday afternoon or Mon.
day morning. .
McBride was arrested Friday fol
lowing the receipt of a complaint
from a man that he had solicited him
on North Commercial street by Offi
cer Morelock. He had $11.96 in his
pockets and bore printed statements,
which, he claimed, were credentials
from Portland Salvation army heads.
It developed Saturday that Mo
Bride la an ex-convict from Walla
Walla prison, and police said that his
criminal record is long. This, howev
er, was denied by McBride.
Under cross examination in jail he
finally admitted that he had his cre
dentials printed In Portland hlmselff,
and that they were forged.
'According to attaches of the local
home service bureau a man who said
his name was "McBride" has been so
liciting for funds here. Police believe
that It may be the same man.
McBride is 88 years old. He first
gave the name ot Dan, Murphy to po
lice, When arrested he wore a Sal
vation army Bult, and a marine's hat.
He said that he has a wife in Port
The Hague, Jan. 23. While there
may be a future exchange of notes with
reference to th allied demand for sur
render of the former German emperor,
the government of the Netherlands is
declard inclined to the belief that Its
decision will be considered as final.
,The Dutch press does not expect any
belligerent action by the allied powers
and the government la believed to
share this view on theory that the de
mand for the former monarch's extra
dition was made merely to satisfy some
political clamor in the allied states and
was not intended to be pressed by the
statesmen who signed it.
The reference to the league of na
tions In the reply to the entente was
explained to the correspondent today
by a high official as meaning that Hol
land considers the former emperors
case beyond even the power of the
league of nations tribunal ,as no lea
gue law covering his case was in effect
at the time his alleged crimes were
As far as the Dutch government
knows, the former emperor expects to
stay at Amerongen and. Doom, and the
former crown prince, who was not
mentioned In the allied note, shows no
sign of an Intention to leave his refuge
on the Island of Wlerlngen.
Mrs. Ffankie Wilamina Bangs
Dies After Lengthy Illness
Following an illness of almost tnree
years, M-s, Frankle Wilamina Bangs,
440. wife of Gale C. W. Bangs, 1042
Saginaw litreet, died at the family res
idence laie Friday night. The funeral
will be held at the chapel of the Webb
& Clough company at 11 o'clock Mon
day morning. Rev. Dr. George Koeh
ler, of the Lutheran church, will have
charge. Burial will be In City View
Mrs. Bangs was born In Illinois and
was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Carstens. She came to Salem
with her husband and daughter, Doro.
thy Elizabeth Bangs, age 10, five years
Navy Essay Contest For High
School Students Ends Today
The essay contest, between students
In high schools In all parts of the state
on the theme: "The U. S. Navy Air
Service," ended Saturday, according, to
an announcemnt from the local re
cruiting jtation, room J, Patton build
ing. The contest has ben on for sev
eral weeks and according to attaches
of the recruiting station here, several
manuscripts from Salem students were
entered In the race.
His varied experience Included work
tor the Missouri Pafifio and Union
Pacific railroads after being gradu
ated from Annapolis In 188J He stu
died theoiogy under Bishop Worthing
ton of Nebraska.- His religious career
Included service In Missouri, Colorado,
Kansas, . Philadelphia, . Toledo and
New Rork. He was born In Allegheny,
Pa., 61 year ago.
New York, Jan. 24. Bringing safe
ly back to port the 271 passengers of
the disabled transport Powhatan as
well as the last contingent of Ameri
can troops In France, the transport
Northern Pacific docked at Hoboken
Although they suffered from the
cold while the leaking Powhatan was
tossed about on a raging, storm swept
sea far off the Nova Bcotian coast,
the passengers here bore their dis
comfort without 'complaining and
were rather Inclined to treat It as a
lark. Only one ot them was HI when
the Northern Pacific reached her
pier. That was Mrs. John A. Worden
of McKlnney, Texas, wife of a lieu
tenant colonel. She Is suffering from
a light attack of pneumonia.
The transfer of the passengers, who
include 11 women and 8 children was
made without incident late Thursday,
The civilians on the disabled trans
port were praised for their calmness
and courage by the army officers who
were their fellow officers. The pluck
of the women was praised especially.
When the water rose until it flood
ed the engines, putting out the fires
and leaving the ship without heat or
light with a tempesfraging, the pas
sengers took their discomforts philo
sophically. They seemed to place ev
ery confidence in the seamanship of
the captain and crew.
Prisoner Breaks From Jail
At Albany; Po'ice Here Hunt
News of the breaking of a man
from the Jail at Albany, and a re
quest to Salem police to aid In the
search for him, was contained In a
message from Sheriff Tlndall, from
Albany Friday night The man's
name was not given, He is said to
huve escaped early In the evening.
He is described as weighing 150
pounds, being of stocky build, dark
complexion and Is five feet seven
Inches tall. According to police re
ports he wore blue overalls, dark,
dirty shirt, black shoes and a split
tall coat.
Gerard To Degate On Issues
Of Presidency With Monroe
New York, Jan. 24. James W. Ger
ard, former ambassador to Germany,
whose name was filed as a democratic
candidate fur president at the South
Dakota primaries, has accepted the
challenge of George D. Monroe of Chi
cago, an Independent candidate for a
Joint debate on the presidential Issues.
The challenge was made and accepted
In compliance with South Dakota laws.
The debate will be held at Sioux
Falls, Mirch 2, Mr. Gerard announced.
Former Kaiser
Not Surprised
At Dutch Reply
Amerongen, Friday, Jan. 23. For
mer Emperor William of Oermany
was not surprised by the formal re
fusal of the Dutch government to
comply with the allied demand fur
his surrender, It was declared today
at Bentlnck castle, ,where the ex
ruler "makes his home. News of the
decision was first communicated to
the castle by the Associated Press
correspondent here.
A refusal of extradition has been
expected from the Irst, thd corre
spondent was told, but the castle's
residents had never been officially
informed that such a decision had
been or would be reached.
The cornerstone of the new Catho
lic church at Bend will contain an
American flag and a number of Amer-
lean coins.
mm- -
com K!
Protests Against Fcrisr
. Compromises By Mzsm
And Borah Lead To Confer
ence Of Senators Today.
, Washington, Jan. . 24. Republican
senators met In Informal conference
today to consider procedure with the
peace treaty in view ot the protests
against further compromise made yea-
terday by the eight republicans bead- .
ed by Senators Johnson of California ,
and Borah of Idaho.
In order that the republican confer- -ence
might proceed freely. Senator
Lodge, the republican leader, cancelled .
the meeting planned with the demo-,
cratic committee, headed by Senator
Hitchcock, to discuss compromise res -ervations.
Mr. Lodge called a cumber
ot republicans. Including those of the
"mild reservation" group to his office ,
to consider the situation presented by
the threatened defection pf the John-.
son-Borah group. ' . -
After the conference, Senator Lodge
announcad that his Informal commit--tee
on compromise would meet wttb
the democratic committee again on
Monday. . ; .
The eight republicans headed by ,
Senators Johnson and Borah had
served notice that they positively wnl ,
not agree to any modification ot the
so-called Lodge reservations as pro
posed, with a threatened split in th
party's solidarity as ths alternative. In ,
this attitude they claimed to have thst
support of thirty other senators,
enough to defeat ratification of - the
treaty If presented with the Lodge
reservations compromised.
County CCerk U. G.iBpwer Is busy re
turning remittances to applicants for
dog licenses, pending the establish
ment of the legal status of the license
provision. The law, passed by the 1919
legislature, has been held conBtlutional
as the result of a test case recently
settled in the circuit court for Mult
nomah county. . r .
-This case has been appealed to the
supreme court and an early decision I
expected regarding the question, aa
many county clerks are awaiting settle
ment of the legality of the statue, be
fore Issuing the tags. In accordance
with this action, sheriffs in these coun
ties are not enforcing the licenses re
quirement. It is estimated that there are near
ly 4000 dogs In Marlon county and the
office of the county clerk has been de
luged with applications for the per
mits. Tho qnandry In which the coun
ty authorities are placed, has also af
fected dog-owners, who are anxious to
comply with the law rather than to risk
losing their canine friends.
Pershing And Party
En Routs To Trisco
Sacramento, Cal., Jan. 24. General
John J, Pershing and his party left
Sacramento this morning for San
Francisco. There will be a brief stop at
Bernicla whore Inspection of the Uni
ted States arsenal will be made.
The hours spent In Sacramento by
General Pershing were strenuous onea
for into them were crowded Inspection
of Mather flying field, a public din
ner, two formal addresses and a recep
tion by a fraternal order to which the
general belongs.
By Gertrude Ilolilson.
Adam began It. There still are per
sons In the world who will try to con
vince one that Eve brought the trou
ble upon herself, but all intelligent
persons Know that Adam began it And
since then the one convincing argu
ment In the favor of the theory ot
heredity sons of Adam have laid the
blame of all their misfortunes, upon
the daughters of Eve. I used to rave
about it an awful lot when I was little,
and I still do once In a while. But the
affair came to a climax when I went
out to the state training school for
boys with Jie Elks Tuesday night
It was nice and brotherly ot the Elks
to sponsor the entertainment. Just the
kind of thing the Elks are always do
ing ,and it is certain that the program
was appreciated and thoroughly enjoy
ed, from the opening Orchestra selec
tion to the last bite ot cookie. Which
is all very well aa tar as It goes.
But did it ever strike you that when
ever any organization or private Indi
vidual has a philanthropic brainstorm '
it never ieem to point the way to the
girls' training school T Thanksgiving
day a local church orchestra bethought
(Continued of Tags Seven.)