THE CAPITAL JOURNAL FEinvr. IAXUARY S3. 93. PAGE EIGHT SUED 1HTEREST . H DEKLOPKENT OF POWER EVIDENCED legislation pending before comrress anil affecting the development of pow er sites has created a revival of inter est In power development In Oregon ns rfflfcted by applications for watr rinhts filed with the state engineer's office here this week. The appropriation of 3700 second ftet of water from the Deschutes rivet fur power development is contemplate- in an application filed by Frank L. ).;chke of Milwaukee. Lischke plans th development of a sorios of power plan's at the Aletullus. Frienda. Cole man, Mecca. While Horse Kapids and Velton power sites in Sherman, Wasco and Jefferson counties. Other applications for water rlh;s have been filed this week as follows: iiy the KiiKeno & Coos Bay Land company covering the appropriation of thtee second feet of water from sev eral branches of the Wlllanche crcer. for a municipal water supply for Craw ford Tolnt in Coos county. ISy W. 1. Kirby and Otto Larson of Hood ttiver covering the appropria tion of waste water for the irrigation pttrpoKcs- , lly Hubert Kinley of Kerby, Oregon, covering ihe appropiiation of water fioin Seem J tlulch, for the Irrigation of ,i 80-arro tract in Josephine county. ISy David Lehman of Speaker, Ore gon, covering the construction of a reservoir for the storage of water for mining purposes. I Opentarinn . Kdltor Capital Journal: In your Is mie of Tuesday I read with delight your editorial "Hack to Fundamentals," which suiily meets with my hearty upprovul, and as I do not approve of the idea of hnnilliiR all the boiuets so lulu that they have become odorless, I feel like saying in the Iiiiikuiiko of Teddy "Hully for you." It is certainly unite rofiOHliinir to know tlmt there is one paper with sufficient courage to warn the people tlmt the pendulum that swings north will sometime swing Just as far south. It does seem to me we have almost gone daffy on soma things. For lnatnnce It appears to be n Hort of mania each trying to make ill hers believe he is a better American mill more patriotic by making more noise, or oy cultivating a spirit of hat red agal'iHt those with whom we dif fer. I remember correctly when a boy it was taught that the United States was the asylum for tho persecuted of nil nations, but today it looks as though HTniie other country would have to be come the asylum for those persecuted here. Now I am nntmn apologist for the law breakers, "but when our peo ple are nelng hounded from place to pUoe; houses being searched; printing prcHNes being destroyed, and men being nn listed without charge to be turned loose and told to move on and then to go thrnur.h the same experience some where else is pnoiigh to make I. W. W's or holshevlki of most any of us. If free discussion Is to be prohibited It will not be long till either the demo crats or republicans one will be com pelled to clone shop and move on, but I might go on Indefinitely, so I will close by saying, let us return to a sanet piwlllon lest we go too far. Give us freo upei'rli, a free press and the right of assembly us guaranteed by our coii Ht II ut ion. Your for a fair deal, B. F. II AM P. 617 North Capital, Salem, Oregon, To the Editor: I notice you rather make lig'.it of Senator Lewis' bill to move the slate capita) to 1'ortland. Hut mark my prediction that some day this will be ti reality because now It seems Salem and Marlon county m chief conk and bottle washer of our whole slate machinery, oven had to export from there "tho push" to run I lu only sluts Institution we of eastern Oregon me granted and we are getting tired of such treatment and since our infancy age has vanish and our swml tiling cloihes are removed, we posses! dome fil mils in Portland too and at next election It Is going to be only a guess who will be secretary of state, bee. liespectfully, JOHN T. MZNKK. Vanora, Jeffursnu county, Oregon, tATI'ltlAY JAMWUV 21, IS TIUK ' tXNNF.UVATION' HAY I 8A1.KM One of tho most remnrkahla recent movements to attain national promi nence is the ono that has for lis ob- joct the pointing out of methods by which motorists may obtain Increas wd mileage from their tiros. One would imagine that tire deal era would be pleased to have tires wear out quickly so that new pur chases would be necessary. Hut this I not generally true. There Is more rejoicing today over one car owner whose tires run 10,000 to lu.uou miles, than over a hundred whose l.ult of care prevents them from get ting many miles they are entitled to, This national tire conservation movement will reach Salem on Jan 24th, when Tire Conservation day will be observed. Carrying out th? Men of helping all local motorists to wecure more service from their tires, V alley Motor Co., O. J. Wilson, Ira Joigensen, of JOS Commercial St have arranged to have an expert from the Goodyear Tire & Itubber com pony, present ut the demonstrations. who will give an entire day over to the consideration of the tire problems Of all local motorists, pointing out til must Insignificant repairs which. If made In time, will add Immeasure- ubly to tire mileage. The tire dlffl rullies of ach motorist will be given individual attention. Sections of tires will be exhibited showing the different kinds of wear that tires are subject to, und the methods of combatting them. Tire ronxtrui-tion will he followed from the crude rubber of the forest to the finished tire, ready to start on Ita ca reer of service. There is nothing mysterious about tires, and therefore, no good reason why motorist should not know all about them, and be eaved many of the dimippolntments they experience whrs discarding tires which have tasiu'd away befoic their time. 0' It wi 11! si If J Yearly Expense Budget k r i V I oAoceAt66 I U 1 villi ' wamm " r - 1 7A V I TODAY IS "FAMILY BUDGET DAY" In figuring your expenses for the present don't overlook the fact that the future must be provided for. LIFE INSURANCE serves a double purpose. A semi-compulsory method of saving and the safest protection. "IF" you haven't an adequate amount of Life Insurance, lets talk it over. INFORMATION FREE ! J. F. HUTCHASON, Dist. Mgr. The Mutual Life of New York. 1371 State Street, Phone 99. Salem, Ore. Men Do Not Wear Yourself Out Buying a Suit. Come to Bishop's where the salesmen treat you as they would like to be treated. l'mKSSSS& Don't let the talk of advanced prices of Clothing fright en you. Bishop has clothes to fit the purse and shape of every man in the county. . ... Why hesitate? If you hesitate in-buying, thinking that the price will suddenly go down you will be badly disap pointed. The people of America are using more clothes be cause they are commencing to realize the comfort of being well dressed. Hart Schaffner and Marx Suits and Overcoats. They are guaranteed to give good service. Bishop Fabric Pure Wool Suits. Michael Stern Suits and Overcoats. You do not take a chance to lose Salem Woolen Every Family in Marion and Pclk . J USk. " WE HAVE PURCHASED THE A. E. CUMMINS (C0RVALLIS) STOCK OF DRY GOODS L SHOES YARD GOODS-NOTIONS-WHICH WILL BE PUT ON SALE IN OUR Bargain Basement AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES THIS STOCK IS CLEAN AND HIGH CLASS AND REPRESENTS BEST QUALITY MERCHANDISE ON SALE SATURDAY ' '" 'in 1 mi MTimBsui 1 7 " "t- Just Wright shoes. Stetson hats Arrow shirts. If you let Bishop outfit you, you can rest assured that you will be satisfied. if you purchase here. Mills Store C. P. BISHOP, Prop. Counties a Patron. II . w n THE UNIVERSE At CAR ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER OF FORD CARS There are mighty good reasons why you should buy your Ford car now But the biggest one is that there are only so many Ford cars Hust 'specified limited number-allotted to this terntoiy. Those who buy their cars now will be wise. They will have them to use whenever theyDon't put it off-next spring, even next month, is an uncertainty. We cannot take orders for spring delivery. Even now, we must have sismed bona-fide orders before our monthly allotment is shipped us. So the only way for you to be sure of getting a Ford car, is to order it now. Get your nam- on an order. It is your protection. Aeain we tell you, the allotment for this territory is limited and vou must buy now while deliveries are possible. As ever, the demand for Ford cars is away in advance of production. So, it s first come, first carved Snrintr summer, autumn and winter are all the same to the t voinnWp servant VV Ull U lit possible. PLACE YOUR Iky When buying meats quality is your first consideration. We handle the best ob tainable at prices you can afford. WE ARE NOT OWNED, CONTROLLED OR ALLIED WITH ANY MARKET IN SALEM. The only INDEPENDENT down town market in Salem, that buys direct and does their own slaughtering. PICNIC HAMS, PER LB BEST SHORTENING. No. 5 REGULAR HAMS, SUGAR CUR ED, PER LB 3QC DRY SALT PORK, for season ing, per lb 22c PURE LARD, No. 5 pail 35 When you need FISH, don't fail to call our fish department in charge of Mr. C. T. Doty, which is ready to serve your needs. A full line of all kinds of FRESH, SMOKED AND SALT FISH, OYSTERS, CRABS, CLAMS, ETC. Mid "Originators Of Low Prices" 351 State Street GROCERIES Great American coffee, lb 54c Peaberry coffee, lb 48c Good Trade coffee, lb 44c Petite Prunes, lb 15c Pierces Pork and Beans large 5 can 23c X 0 Eggs, per dozen 50c Quaker Corn Flakes, 2 for 25c I & X Nice Oranges, per dozen GOc FOLLOW THE CROWD AND YOU WILL GO TO NO-VARY GROCERS THE QUALITY STORE 383 Court Street 899 North Commercial every day of the year. Rain or shin ORDER" TODAY Motor Co. Pail , $1.2 PURE RENDERED BEEF SUET, No. 5 pail 95c BEST CREAMERY BUTTER, per pound fjOc NUCCOA AND MARIGOLD NUT BUTTER, per lb :.-35c Swift's Pride Washing Pow der, per package oC' Pink Salmon, per can 4c Potted Meat, 2 cans for l5c Armour's Very Best Milk, can 15c White Lily Tomatoes, can l5c Damon Sardines, 2 cans for 35c A good broom for : $1,00 Sugar, per lb 13c A 1- be, B Phone 4v pinne 4i