MflrounflTown j lT.jHonr.e ProducU "ixth Annul t V- Corn Show. r;;it State NOTICE Teoman meets Saturdav night Instead of Friday night. Hurst, State street. By order of committee. tliorouehlv .1 . . ProTessor Clmore of the uer.r;:; or farm mechanics, spoke on "Power tanning." The afternoon scss'0a Tractor Fuel" by R. o. S.nellins. Ma- nnn twin-... - me caa-s? at ,- p. m. wfch an address on lubri cation At,, ir,. . . ; - is local manager or the Standard Oil. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1920. !frfnpTuriiT ta rr IftUJUOIflLrtl IU DL PAGE FIVE. T1FXS PLACE KWOY IX PARTS. (dAXIFX '.S AXD BltTAX CTiASH mm mm "uowr Co.. tractor ue P , and Front M.-Meetins of Salem AT b chambers, J P- .T.-s State meeting, rarm Loan ass0Qia" apipi in Salem. 14 ! Please meet at the club rooms at 1:30 t$1't,F,j Saturday to attend in a body the Elk tunerai ot Drotuer X. I. iJavidson, from the Kigdon chapel. A. D. Boyd and M. L. Henderson of Portland, factory representatives of the Goodyear Rubber company, are in Salem today on official business, j J. C. Holcomb. and William Monroe : of San Francisco, visited friends and ; business acquaintances in Salem Fri- aay. Howard Foster Players, today at the Bligh. ' 20 Attention B. P. O. E. . Members tchmaker, jeweler. Salem. ird foster Players, today at, Klgdon company, leaaing funeral h 20 ! directors. Superior service. Moderate prices. - I Fvr the purpose of furthering jun ior Red Cross work in this section, was a ! Bort Adams, of the divisional head- armory Saturday night. quarters in Seattle, is making a tour 01 me tiume service otiices in the Willamette valley. Mr. Adams was a Salem visitor Thursday. ,. uMmes of Corvallis visitor In Salem Friday. . ,. sat. nieht. Good and gooo t Miss Thelma Beamish of Livesley I 0. Hickman, a Gervais phy- station, underwent a serious operation Sas a Salem visitor Thursday, at the Salem hospital Thursday, for 'perforative appendicitis. She was at- Auburn hall Saturday niglit. 'tended by Dr. W. B. Morse and Dr. G. 20 E. Prime. It is reported that she is I doing as nicely as could be expected. r. n Sherman of this city j Portland Thursday for a few Arriving in the United States Feb- TLt, rt li uarv 15' 1902' Carl NicoIal Anderson, ,iit wiin irienut. . hag (,ccllled that America ,g a ,. citniiliv nieht iBod country to claim citizenship in " 90 and so announced his intention, Thurs jduy. Mr. Anderson was born in KJol- Waaainonlc orchestra, 7 art- jhavn.' Denmark, but is now a resi- ,; ,rt0 tonight. Koads great, dent of Garvai 20 The Salem chapter of American c, o. Bingham, wife of , war mothera will hold their regular "'Ce of County Recorder Mildred Robertson Brooks, became NoMan s Land" Thursday, when C. R. Ellis resigned his position in that or.lce in order to accept a better op portunity in clerical work smu. a taw student at Willamette univer sity and has been mninl,i,ri county recorders office during the i.-aai iwo montns. Recorder Brooks' domain received th -nir, -k'.. Man's Land" about three years ago because of the fact that mere man, has been a rarity among the clerical force employed there. Mr R.,r,i- nles that there has been any employ ment discrimination against the mas culine sex. but has observed that the feminine staff persists in individual- ij. -urs. i5i-ooK.s has now two assist ants, Miss Helen Savage and Mrs. Dora Webb. The office is very ur; aespite the fact that this portion of Use court house is being altered in or der to make more commodious quar ters for the recording department of county work. ..iis:-.n;tas, -tis. 24 The aate t- fl;.-' passed and sen; to the house a bill authorizing the sliinpir.s KarJ ta j ?ra glowing out of the cancelaiiion of ' ! contiKcts. The board has estimated i that the measure will affect about : $13,000,000 in claims. , Paris Jan. i44. The appointment' Washington, Jan. 24. Secretary of .Major Kaufbwen as German char-1 Daniels yesterday took issue wish Wi! ge d' affairs in Paris has been accented Ham J. Bryan, who wared in m.i.H.'. my the Kiecch government. Tfce Ger- j addresses that Chsinnsi Cummincs of man authorities communica ed The tj. ! h? .--a-'c r.atirr..! cm.nitt e ' rmr's inaueuiol dinner, at which an Kdnards presidtntial nomination fc Joru was lanr.chmt. and in reply lo .Mr. i'.ry un said he was piesunt only as u "lunula!." Pui.umeiU cf Kerr Koufiverpo ;o povmiraont V eCr.esdny throiisj Sais minister t- France. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT Pacific university has accepted an ' invitation to ioin with Willamette iini- : nersuy and Oregon Agricultural col lege in a woman's debate league. Out Of 1S69 casea filed in the Plnolr amas county courts during 1919 426 j were divorce suits. Many of them i were by residents of Multnomah cor.n ty. ' tno -- v.n:a a:sssoi'ia;e hi:i."f from ftjitlOTrw; K.l'.rr!gf New Jeis-y, wh-i iw:i? elec.eU on a -v et" platform or ' tho committee cbulr Mr. Cumminss sttended the gover- Vrs. B A. I.ei -.on, a pioneer of Bonton comity, is deal Rhe cras-se l lne plains- fro.n Mi' souri in 1S32, set tled ne;ir Jlimnw, where she has since resided. JOURNAL WANT AOS PAT 4 i Pendleton, Ore., Jan. S4. Wallace 1 ; Wilder was found guilty of second de- ; gree murder for the death of Bert W. ; H. MeXeece, former serviee man, by a I jury in the curcuit court here last night after deliberation of three hours and a half. Hi Stated meeting of DeMo- lay Commandrey No. 5, K. T. this evening. Important business. Visiting Sir Knigists welcome. 20 STATE StKtT DrCRO'NeiU i . OnonCTRIST-OTTKtAN 1 fo0'.b . SinQ ' i, 4 i i ft IS. Hartratn in rv '-IVn O " " VMl If you want a good automobile, and pric is an important con sideration, tak a Journey through the Auto moUio Want Ada in ouf Clasaifled Section. We pro mie you a pleasant trip and many price and quality sur priaeiQ Rut aaa Um ths Want K ln CAPITAL JOURNAL I Arriving daily. Within a few days our stock will be the most complete in the city. We desire to serve you right. Our prices will always be low and the quality of our goods will be kept at a high standard; A cordial welcome awaits nil visitors to this store. uasSlil V anety Store 152 North Commercial Street. wwwwwWWXrXVvW business meeting in the Commercial club chambers Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. It is Imperative that all mothers attend, and those .who have not yet paid thoir membership fee of $1 are asked to come prepared to do so, so that the check for per capita may be forwarded to national head quarters at once. Bineham of the circuit court, Thursday in Woodburn as tho of friends. ,ard Foster Players, today at ;gh. , 20 and Mrs. George Elgin, 1099 High street, have as their guest .,nt,lna tflirln nf Portland. Don't forget ths big new and sec- nd the good dances at armory on hand furniture auotion at Wood- Saturday night. Hear the good i r auction nouse on aaiuraay, at and singing while you dance. 1 1 30 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. Tell your 20 friends. 20 JI. Roberts, 1237 North Winter was a business visitor in Port- fhursday. nd the good dances at armory Saturday night. Hear the good and singing while you dance. 20 Js. Knapp of Portland attended train alialrs in the capital city The loss of her purse containing a post office money order for $50, a $10 bill and 75 cents ln coin, was re ported to police Thursday night by Mrs. A. E. Harris, 965 North 16th street. Mrs. Harris said that she be lieved her pocket was picked by some one. She missed her purse after leav ing the Woolworth store. DOROTHY DALTOlf AND ' 'CHARLES RAY IN "THE WEAKER SEX" SESSETT COMEDY , At the regular meeting of the Ma rlon County Women's Republican club which was held at the Commer cial club Thursday, the following off icers were elected for the coming year, Mrs. C. P. Bishop, president; Mrs. iHelen Southwlck, first vice president; Mrs.- Seymour Jones, second vice : president; Mrs.. A. L. Johnson, secre tary; Mrs. O. P. Hoff, treasurer. Be cause ot the Inability of the club to secure the Commercial club rooms on the date of the next meeting, the date has been changed and will be an nounced later. A Bhort course of lectures were giv in in the Commercial club Friday, ex plaining the uses and advantages of tractors, and their operation, were Every Day Wearing Apparel Al Our Every Day Prices Men's Heasy Work Shoes, black or tan M. J1R5 in C7 Kft ' plus line we have a mock ior you to choose from fllAm & u 5111211 ions f er Style Shoes $7.45 to $11.95 fc Black Shoes at for Dress wear , to to $9.50 , come in English or round toes. Last Shoes various weight Leathers to $9.50 En?!i.;!i cw. 'or dress wear 1 to $6.85 " Brown Hi 2 to 6 $3.98 Sfevy Shoes 30, $4.85 Mens Union Suits Cotton Rite, $1.75 Fleece lined, $1.98 Part wool $3.45 Bradsford, $4.50 Shirts or Drawers Cotton Rib, 98c Wool Plush $1.79 Natural $1.98, $2.50 Men's Coat Sweaters . $3.95, $4.50, $4.95 Men's Logger Shirts Plaids and Khaki $6.45, $7.50, $7.85 Men's Kersev Woolen Pants, $3.85 to $4.95 Men's New Style Hats, $1.90 to $4.85 Men's Khaki Overall Suits.. $2.98, $3.45 Men's Gauntlet Gloves 75c, 98c, to $2.50 Men's Mackinaws - $11.85 to $13.85 n Sample SidM I tMMHIMIIMMMMt TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY OF OUR CELEBRATION No Reserve Special Discount on all Merchandise No Reserve Extra Special Waists 7 GEORGETTE and ' CREPE DE CHINE Lot 1, values to $8.50 $3.98 Lot 4 values to $14.50 $6.95 EW SHIPMENTS OF MERCHANDISE RECEIVED It all goes into this Big Anniversary Event 4-4 Bleached Sheeting same grade and count as Hope Muslin, yard..V...;.25c 1000 yards of Devonshire Cloth, yard - --39c Full size Crochet Bed Spreads, regular $5.00 values each ..... -- $2:79 Fine full size Crochet Bed Spreads, cut corners, regular $6 val. each....jJ2,98 500 cans Colgate Talcum Powder, 25c size, each 15c Cotton Huck Towels, regular 25c values, 3 for '. Large size, high quality, Huck towels, regular 40c values, each 25c Tomorrow fxtra Selling Event, 2-in-1 Shoe Polish 10c, 3 for 25c HERE ARE A FEW OF THE MANY ITEMS OF THE FORTIETH in siy SALE These are taken at random throughout the store. Remember SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON ALL MERCHANDISE, including the ad vance Spring Shipments already received, and whatever new merchandise arrives during THIS BIG EVENT. Java Rice powder 35c Pears Unscented soap 12c Poiror Aonon'n 9A fnmAfs . 20C ' ste AJUJ i .lOWlUif . Vfcvw m. Bayer Asperin, 12 tablets 10c Mary uaraen penume Odorono, small 19c Odorono, medium 59c Colgate's Talcum, all scents 1 - 15c Pepsodent Tooth Paste - Colgate's tooth paste, small 9c Colgate's tooth paste, large - 19c Pebeco tooth paste 32c ! Men's work shirts, in chambray and cheviot, not -mail order shirts, but heavywegiht and full cut...!....83c Long Cloth 39c Yard 3 Pi St y 32c f T&opntnjk TO "hpst fc Fruit of the Loom Muslin 33c Yard Lonsdale Muslin 35c Yard Devonshire ......: ; 39c Yard Ozara. Outing Flannel high grade.. ......39c Yard Men's heavy cotton Munsing Wear suits $1.85 Spool silk ., 7C All wool Auto Robes, made in Oregon City.......;..$9.15 Men's black cashmere hose : 39c Royal Worcester corsets .- ..$2.19 Model Brassieres, 75c grade 59c , Ladies' sweaters, ONE-HALF PRICE Garza 9-4 sheeting ....56c Yard ! Garza nillnw rasps 1 on r .. , catn . H 150 Berkeley cambric 49c Yard cxai Jap Crepes, white, 30 inch 45c Yard T ' 1 T T 1 I 1 n . adies' Silk Clocked Hose C New Shipment, Black, White and Brown, Anniversary Price r THIS IS THE BIGGEST SHOPPING EVENT EVER STAGED IN SALEM. THOSE WHO SHOPPED IN THE AFTERNOONS KNOW HOW CROWDED WE. WERE. IF YOU CAN SHOP MORNINGS IT WOULD BE MUCH PLEASANTER AND WE COULD GIVE YOU BETTER SERVICE. U(H Mill I I II It I I tt 1 1 M 1 1 I ntttttttttttt)ttttMtM''"lt"'""M'tt'('t)tttt"""fttitiii. LADIES UNION SUITS You Can Always Do Better At bnvuiu . , JJV n -t r.-r ix 0i"7: The- famous - "Merode'f ' make, made T i ( zL H f" from' the- finest" selected yarns and H )SS .' - hand tailored. While they last i : U"V UGOClOSJifi- rJ- . LADIES MERODE UNDERWEAR Made from 'the 'finest, selected yarns, nana iinisnca TIGHTS ; VESTS 39c 33c Who Always Doc Better By You lo Do Better Here For Less" 79cans5mt f