PAGE EIGHT THE CAPITAL thttpvat.- THURSDAY. JANUARY 22, 1920. Coming to The Grand Cri'e Viili'nllnc, who plnys tlio fi-niiii !n It ml III Irfiniljnrdl, Ltd.. which come lo 1lu t.rniut Monday, Juiuiury :!il. "Lombardl, Ltd., Oliver Morosco'a establishment and reveals things that famous comedy success opens at the have not hitherto b en shown be liiand opera house Jan. 26. hlnd the footllnhts. Leo Carlllo, the star of "Lombardl, Crace Valentine as palsy Mahoney, Ltd." hag added rreatly to his already i the little mannequin who haa ob brllllant rvputatlon by hla work in tallied her knowledge of dressmaking this I)lay. etaldiKhments In particular and era- 'Lombard!, Ltd." la distinctly un- plovers In general from the "movies" like anything; that has come to tha has a role which is quite as new and native stage, and haa brought to the amusing as Lombardl himself. titage a new sot of characters char acters that are genuinely human, tru ly Interesting and at nil times exceed ingly funny, while It goes behind tho scenea of a fashionable dressmaking CM OF WENATCKEE REDS IS POSTPONED Wena tehee, Wash., Jan. 2!. The case of the nine men arres.ed and charged with being members of the In dustrial Workers of the World was ad journed yesierdp.y afternoon, until Monday morning at :3 In the super ior court,. Upon the request of the defendants. Judge Grlmshaw yesterday afternoon appointed three attorneys to assist Frank Lebeck to defend the alleged I. W. Wi The state was rpresented by Prose cuting Atorney W. F. Whitney and As sistant Prosecuting Attorneys Corbln and A. H. Easton. Seattle SupbuiMers On Jury Probing Graft Charge RADICALS Dabcock, 43. wife of the caretaker on pulled and will be able to t the ranch of J. SI. Jerry, and her 16 action thia season, he announce Z vearold son, Vernon, were found dead ; day. t " TAILORS MAY OlST in their home today, both having been San Francisco. Jan. 21. The elim inatinn of radicalism and a policy call- ing for no lurmer oeuuip i . . v, vj - . I".. . .u. i.Mnn .minns now OH Victims OI a muiuci - - Seattle Wash Jan. 2z. several m- ....... . -..T.:.-w...?? wit- strike, were before the first annual shotgun n esses to be called here today by a fed Arbitration Plan For Trade Disputes Approved eral grand Jury which is investigating charges of fraud in shipyards of Ore gon. California and Washington, ac cording to members of the United States district attorney's office. Bert Schlesinger. San Francisco, special as sistant United States attorney, spent over an hour in the Jury room yes terday. Mr. Schlesinger haa charge of federal investigation of shipyard ac counts. No report on the shipyard probe is exptcted from the Jury for several days. DISABLED SHIP RKPORTED O. K. New York, Jan. 22. A wireless mes sage received early today said that the army transport Powhatan, disabled at sea about 200 milfs south of Halifay, The message said weather was mod The messge said the weather was mod erating. The steamship Wes'ern Com et and the Lady Laurier were standing by, the message said. Washington. Jan. 22. Chilean dele, gates to the Pan-American congress in session here have recommended to tho general conference the suggestion of j FIGHT OVER WELL FEARED John Hays Hammond that machinery Wichita Fails, Tex., Jan. 21. Fears for the permanent arbitration of Pan-!0f an armed clash were expressed here American commercial disputes be set today when it was unofficially reported up. The proposal involves the creation j Texas rangers -planned an attempt to of a Pan-American high court of equal regain possession for Texas claimants ity lo be composed of representatives of an oil well now in the hands of an of the republics participating, to which Oklahoma receiver in the territory in- can be referred for arbitration and fin-jyolved In the Texas-Oklahoma houn al settlement any differences that m- dary dispute. 1st between business men of different countries engaged in American Inter-1 HUXS RETURN FROM PRISON national trade. I LiHe. Jan. 21. Renatriation of Ger- - man prisoners from the Lille A statewide- movement has been started at Eugene to Interest the chil dren in clubs for the raising of regis tered livestock. Money will be ad vanced at a low interest to be repaid when the stock is Bold, region has begun. Three thousand of these prisoners left for Germany yesterday. They appeared to be in excellent health and were wearing new clothing. They took with them large quantities of food. lfC)gl('lf(l(()C)k)fC)t3f(3C CROWING DEAF WITH HEAD NOISES? TRY THIS sk Two Persons Bruised And Autos Damaged In Accident If you are growing hard of hear ing and teat catarrhal donfness or It you have roaring, rumbling, hissing noises in your ears go to your drug gist and get 1 ounce of Parmlnt (double strength), and add to it 54 pine of hot water and a little granu lated migar. Take 1 tublcspoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick rMat from the dlstrensliig head noises. Clog ged nostrils should open, breathing become easy und the mucus stop drop ping Into the throat. It la easy to pre pare, posts llttlj and la pleasant to take. Anyone who Is threatened with catarrhal deafness or who has head noises should give this prescript ion a trial, . (Adv) Severe bruises on his right shoulder was sustained by J. J. McDonald, 2609 Fairgrounds road; Mrs. McDonald was bruised, and two children riding In Mc. Donald's auto narrowly escaped prob- nlrte death when the machine, at 10 o clock tills morning, collded with a delivery auto of the Peoples Cash .Store, at the corner of Chemeketa and Church streets. The delivery enr was oauiy uamuBeo., ooin rear wneeis Being broken off. Police, who Investigated, reported that .Mr. McDonald was driving south on Church street, and George Allen, driving the delivery truck, was bound east on Chemeketa street. Mr. Allen had the right of way. Mr. McDonald, looking the opposite direction, drove h's machine Into the rear of the deliv ery car, completely overturning Mc Donald's machine. GRAND 85ES M0N., JAN. 26 OLIVER MCROSCO PRESENTS'' LEO CARRILLO Grace Valentine EXCELLENT SUPPORTING CAST RETURN ENGAGEMENT BRILLIANT COMEDY "LOMBARDI LTD." Seat Sale Saturday A. M. Opera House Pharmacy TRICES 60o to $2.00 RESERVE EARLY Frank Howard of Newberg, who has been visiting his brother II. C. Howard, of 1309 Waller 'street, re turned to his home Wednesday. WATCH For Our Avertisement . TOMORROW We will have news of Special Interest To You : 'ill I i Saving Time At the Dentist's PEOPLE with liaio uo to spare can get their denal vvcrk done, promptly in oflices using ilie E. R i-'arkor System. Tha old idea that you , .had to do a lot of wailing, make a lot of visits and go through a lot of pro fessional red tape, is all wrong. That idea is what made old-styla dentistry oo costly and unsatisfactory, Under the E. R. Parker System your teeth are examined without de lay hy an experienced dentist, who AM- . . 1 t Kiis you a i once wnat work your teeth need and what the price will be for doing it. If you decide to have your teeth cared for, the work can be done immediately. The work then proceeds without a single useless post ponement, and is completed cs socn as good dentistry can possibly be done. The result is not only a saving of time, but of money as well. And, best of all, you will be satis fied, for E. R. Parker System dentists are just as particular as you arc. Examinations end advice free. V io- jf J 1&t DR. PAINLESS PARKER JiuM VSYSTEM Registered Dentists Using the E.R. PARKER SYSTEM Dr. D. M. Ogden Manager. TOMORROW SATURDAY CHARLES DOROTHY LOUISE RAY DALTON GLAUM "THE WEAKER SEX" SENNETTS 4 THE STAR BOARDER" WITH LOUISE FAZENDA, As the Kitchen Slavey TOMORROW 2:15, 7 and 9 p.m. y..". . i.i.i.i m i, CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY 7 j X i4 i .iv IV IV "iV IP ' L r J J 4 J in blowing off their heads. conference OI me raciuc : uic uuou."u ' ; chant Tailors association here today following the adoption of resolutions ITALIAN RAILWAY STRIKE FAILS touching on these points. ; I Home, Jan. 22. Energetic steps by CHICAGO TEACHERS SliUHJS ; the Italian government anu me uuvcibo attitude of the pudiic seemea to nave brought about a failure of the railway strike. The national congress of em ployes in the postal, telephone and tele, graph sen-ices has voted to resume work. Chicago, Jan. 22 The board of edu cation, it was announced, will meet with representatives of teachers' or ganizations this week to discuss rais ing of salaries. More than 14,000 pu pils were in consolidated classes today as a result of 33 teachers falling to report yesterday. MOTHER Denver, Col. AND SOX SLAIN Jan. 22. Mrs. Orrine TYLER REMOVES TEETH Chicago, Jan. 22. George Tyler, southpaw pitcher for the Chicago Nationals, has had his "sick teeth" HIDES and SACKS WANTED Abo Junk of All Kind .Best Prices Guaranteed CALL 398 CAPITAL JUNK CO. Tha Sonus Deal Hou 871 Chemekets St. pfcons I Ill 7""' ' rfhtrkt Y:-k. x v : 1 i "Look! Thtn't tht Light of Hope an Unfailing Omen of Good Health and a Long Life. " LYKO Illuminates the Future With Its Rays of Hope For All Who Would Enjoy Perfect Health This remarkable tonic- is the inspiration and joy of the weak and debilitated. It brings back the sunshine of existence to those of lost vitality. It opens up wonderful visions of the future to the down-cast, weary-laden souls depressed in spirit and body. It creates the . strength and the courage to fight winning bat hes in those who have lost heart, given up exhausted under the strain and weight of their daily burdens. It kindles anew the vital spark of life in the slumbrous body of the languishing, causing it to burst forth at fest in a radiant glow of perfect health. "LYKO" is, Indeed, of great restorative power; n ict, Nature's first aid in nearly all sub-normal cond dons. A general tonic in the broadest sense, h rebuilds the entire system because of its effective and beneficial action upon all of the principal organs of the body. It increases the appet.e, promotes digestion and proper assimilation, strengthens the nerves, tones the heart, im proves the function of the liver, regulates the bowels and tends to relieve suppressed conditions of the kidneys. If you are thin-blooded, pale and weak, physically and nervously exhausted, generally run-down, devoid of animation, or lacking in endurance and staying qualities and mentally depressed in consequence, let "LYKO" recreate your vital force and bring back to you that buoyancy, energy and cheerfulness of former days. Try " luaay ana see now MiuiiUl much better vou feel a tomorrow. Your drug gist has "LYKO." Get a bottle today. mm 5 The Great General Tonic "As Strengthening As the Bracing Sea Breeze" Sole Manufacturers LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY New York Kansas City, Mo. LYKO It lold In original package! only, like picture above. Keluae all i vsjltutea. For Sale by all Druggists. Always in Stock at Perry's Drug Store January Clearance Sale CONTINUED FRIDAY AND SATURDAY All Winter Coats, Suits and Dresses Must be hurried away to make room" for New Goods, now arriving. Misses and Women's Coats . V------..--...-. .......1., $1475 Misses and Women's Silk Dresses....::....;.... ..... . $1500 Misses and Women's Suits, up from.......J.... $23 75 AT - I A AT id M WA r mien. mm - . &0L The Old White Corner Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store V