fljlflfound Towoli i ttz UAfi LALi KNAL THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1920. by Miss Leland who i Mr tM,w. niece. PAGE FIVE. Is. hlocal hospital flays ago from wart for Marion county. The plain-iCTstskoni-. re., receive treatment !t:ff so.:oreyi presented a stipula te Jan. I7-! Home ProducU .rft-'th Anna! Miton County Corn. Stow. Sm Motor Co.. tractor d Stat, and Frost "J? !'-Woman's Republic J, club meets in Comnmr L club. 2:30 P- m. Jan. J3 Lad'es Aid Soelety, Presbyterian church, meet at Jome of Mrs. O. A. Hodge, v 12th street; 2:30 p. m. Jan. 24. -Meeting of Salem w mothers in Commercial dub chambers. 3 p.m. Jan. 27-28 Diaio hicouhs, Major F. W. Leadbetter of Port land, preside o the Oregon Pulp an Paper Co., !rt Wednesday in Salem inspecting construction work on the new paper mill. Work is to be Hons witf be well under way before roxhed tut that nuMMifacturing opera- By Order of County Judge Bushey, rn win oi w. w. Spayd was admit- ted tw probate Wednesday, and J. G. 7 tieitaei appointed administrator of T estate. Haxelle Gearhart. Robin J I Day and F. L. Wood are named as appraisers. The funeral for Mrs. iloby J. Stroud, 75, who died at her home -In jkjRosedale Tuesday, was held at the KosedaIe Friends church at two v,, Farm Loan associa- o'clock Thursday afternoon. Burial allonl iwas In the Rnsediitn ronutm f i - j i i C. A. Par of Selem. wh m.-nn-fs n rater iid g. oauipaaiy i - it (registered at the Seward, savs :he Oregonian. Mr. Parks oceunies a sm office down near Mill creek, , outmung joke is, "When vou 9M .1 ....... ..... . ' way, drop in." Mr. Parks is responsible for the kind "of water that is served to legislators at the statehouse, and his bubble foun tain was viciously bitten last week. Eli Seward, 82, a retired farmer, died at the home of his daughter. Mrs. F. Sewald, 1098 Mill street, Wed nesday epening. The body is at Rig don & Son's undertaking establish ment. Arrangements for the funeral have not yet been made. Mr. Ballard besides his daughter, is survived by two grandchildren, Morris Sew.-Id and Stella Sewald. Mrs. Dosia Craig, 42, who came to f.i- a kvo. Uluee. died Mon- Jioa sko dan 'be- fa.-.eal waa held at thVcorapron vr...p-L i nejs e ! . ;:i company ;8t 13:30 o'clock Wedm-sda;- r-.-oruiiis, ! burfc.! fjl'.owins in J. O. O. r. cer.ie- ing that the case had b?en fed tar agreement ketweem tie pr.rtie hTroired. Th-e-. eo corned to:ur sought by a t"ale:u n . j ... tery. Mm Cra:3 is survl-d bv her.L - uea ere- " c--n aM"-l husband Ed C. Crals and two dausa-, , fhlI,mfnt ot automobiles ha 1 ters aged seven and 10 yea. !bcen inJarcd in transportation. "V 10-U-Y. W. C. A. campaign in Salem. - "Lefty" Schroeder and Fred Gar diner, both well known to baseball fans I0' the Pacific northwest, were Salem visitors Thursday. The two kniglits of watchmaker, Jeweler, Salem.."18 ctlalk diamond were here to con- WatcnmaKer, jcw , UM,lj T!lKhnr n.hn I- ,,.1, i low, I T Hanley of Medford was a bus- ' ln ,en?rse'ic,iJI1y i establish JM.T. Maniu Thiiwdav ,menj of- a ball club here. less visitor m fTou must see that wonderful film, A meeting of the Salem chapter, o thd Boy on the Farm," now ""'"" "r motners, win be hekl I1M is. ,in th Commercial club chambers lowinff at ie Saturday Januarv i at 1 0vinif rt Mr A H. Knaus of Portland is - - n .m.iuon aitenu, Mrs. . , and those who- hnv not rtal thai nwmbership fee of $1 are requested to- come prepared to do so, so that the !r eapita check may be forwarded to the national at once. e guest f friends in the Capital city bring a Uriel vim nicrflnn company, leading funeral irectort Buperier serrlee. Moderate William J. Garborg of Portland is tending to business matters in Sa- and visiting with acquaintances. E. S. Hawker ot Albany was among business visitors in Salem Thurs- Mrs. Lee Gilbert, 1355 State street, the guest of friends in Portland for few days. "Keep the coy on the Farm" is a lature film worth seeing by all, es- dally the farmer, at Ye Liberty. 19' W. M. Smith, county superintend- bt of schools, went to Aumsville bursday. Superintendent Smith will iiit schools and confer with lnstruc- n tt that town. Basket social given by the Neigh- brs of Woodcraft and Woodmen of its World at their hall, Friday night, in. ii, 1920. 19 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bailey of Forest fave are expected to arrive in Salem piursday evening for an extended Islt at the homa of their daughter, .m W, D. Clarke, 835 Union street. The case of T. B. Dean against pude Cole was being considered by jury m department No. 1, Thursday. uiis case, the plaintiff alleges fraud the sale of real estate, A film of excellent merit, keen in vest and great bemfit to bovs and pents, "Keep the Boy on the Farm" Nwing at Ye Liberty 19 The fire department Wpdnpsdfl v ping, responded to a call at 2031 W street, where they extinguished "'uuney maze. No damage to the Pse resulted from the fire. County Sunerintenrlpnr w tit pith returned Wednesday night ' uma" where he was called by fJainess. "Keep the Boy on the Farm" is a "i that answers thnt i At Te Liberty. i uncement was made Thursday f 'oral Officials nf th. tt- . 11 the date fnr th ,.i...' ' , ' . . unvo iur xunns J J? trT FrtruJr 10 to Feb M. L " U' G- """y ha been EPneraI ehalrman of the i m charge. aW-I!eintS. fnrn,-I.. ..... t"rs ! 7 1 cierK.or Iowa, I, a guest at the home 'f. Rein?. , the Garden road- Chi1' lnklng 8erlously f . B h re and has expressed him- 'kthrXy Trably lmPressed Sd'L?l,the bi and sec- to TWi auctlon a' Wood action house on sai . fc and 7:30 p. m. Tell your 20 Ssrsss- p,iou th eie- " "ie Bank of Cn ftednesdav. mi. - fanl 7" beinS Installed. t lT whlch is n-eg-f kl ow J!1 '.n.t5rvals. as these h Wear "ot given atten- T fABlTM, ' a. 7. e M ' ru... an h. ra-ta.2L"fecent iiine88 and t. son and h.t... 'ot Z. prepared to do tour We Juilnf na " reasonable ?tis:"r?nle all our Wnrlr in - uune B45 19 - Members of Sedgwick post No. 10, G. A. R., and other Civil war veter ans are asked to turn out and attend the funeral of Comrade Eli Ballard, Co. F, 7th Minnesota volunteers, at the undertaking parlors of W. T. Rigdon & Son, at 2 o'clock Friday af ternoon. Interment will be in the Grand Army circle. The call was is sued by J. M. Watson, commander, and D. Webster, -adjutant. R. B. Smith, B. Gizby and Syd Ev ans have filed appraisers Inventory in the matter of the guardianship of the Eskelson minors, Oscar, Harold, Laura, Orville and' Hoover. Real prop erty to the value of J3506.65 Is not ed, from which other estate Interests to the amount of $2150.66 are de ducted, leaving $1355.98 as the min ors' share. The largest turkey shootlr.g match of the season will take place at Mid dle Grove nursery, 4 miles east of Sa lem on Garden road, on Sunday, Jan uary 25. There will bo over 60 oholce turkeys, beside ducks. Lunch and am munition on grounds. Grounds are good with Western automatic trap. J. C. Herren will conduct the match. 21 The social meeting of the Ladies Aid society of the First Presbyterian church will be held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. D. A. Hodge, 158 North 12th street. Hostesses for the gathering are Mrs. Hodge, Mrs. H. A. Sonne, Mrs. G. W. Shand, Mrs. J. A Pooler, Mrs. Eliza beth Lamb, Mrs. Wittschen. Sam Rlchey, 15, the boy whose jail has been the city hall, and streets of Salem, for about two weeks, was sent to his home in Grants Pass Wednes day night by Parole Officer Compton. Sam was sent here for" forging a check, but because of failure ot au thorities to send committment papers with him, he was given every liberty, and finally was freed Wednesday to return to his home. A shooting match will be held at Middle Grove nursery, four miles east of Salem, Sunday January 25. There will be ducks and 50 large turkeys, and the grounds are one of the best in the country. There will be hot luncji served, and ammunition may be secured at the grounds. J. C. Herren, proprietor, invites all persons Inter ested In the match to attend. H. H. Corey, of the Oregon public service commission will probably at tend the session 6f the Idaho commis sion at Boise", February 10, as the representative of the Oregon com mission when the application of the Idaho Power company for an increase In its power rates Is to be up for a hearing. The Idaho Power company operates in both Idaho and Oregon and Its application for Increased rates applies to its business In both states. After thirty minutes deliberation, a jury In department No. 1, Judge Kel ly's court returned a verdict, Wed nesday In favor of the defendant Mat tie Leland, in the case of Mrs. E. N. Erickson against Mattie Lrfland. In this case, Mrs. Erickson,- who is an elderly woman, claimed $10,000 as damages for the alleged alienation of the affection of E. N. Erickson, 76, 1 I Oi.rrrZ,..'" " i J I-""HAS ' E 1 W I "THE t ' SPITE 1 J U. BRIDE I EWIJOBTEJI thy daughter Is the. 7 reel, all star cast picture which will be shown at the armory tonight for the benefit of the Aban doned babies of Oregon. It is the most tremendous moral force the screen has ever seen. Two gfrls-Ruth, brought up la tfie atmosphere of loving parents who guide her . every footstep: Liiliart, brought up In an equally loving at mosphere, but through a sense of false modesty the mother hesitated en lightening her daughter ontil it was too late. The disaster that befalls Lillian and the influence it works directly upon Ruth's life tells a powerful screen story that will never be forgotten. It Is a story that we see in everyday life, but :' goes unobserved until brought home forcibly to us. "Enlighten Thy Daughter" reveals ft to you with a shock, tt handles a delicate problem, in a way that tells tl... . . I. , : . 1 . .. with. j .ruin, muMuiiK nuiiinig, .,..., ,out offense. 19 f4I)r.CB.0Neill U Li-OFTOnETRISTOPTKlAN Divorce proceedings have been in- At a meeting of Centralis Temple stituted by C. L. Burson against Fan- , " ,' , . S!a,:rs' 'Iui,av nie Burson. Trie couple were married " n i IT'Au W" at Yreka. California. Julv S. 1912. f , 0,lw," " M"' 1 R,lr. n.M .Knt ,,-. .tV V . 1 Anderson, past chief; Cecelia Barboar him, June 13 . Hl. and that she nasi excellent senior; Nellie M. Cronise refused to return since that time. The w ,,' Mj ' t, ,- petition state, that no children were maagar of the temple ; Susie Par : bora of the marriage and that no pro- mentier, mistress of records ..rd cor perty rights are involved. respondence; Emma SummerviHe, ! T " " , . ' mistress of finance; Ida M. Tecken- U-'n IderJ8'end bJue Percy berg, protector of ths temple; Minnie R. Kelly Tuesday, the suit of D. Sam- wtckher, guard of outer temple uels and P. N. Andresen against Walk i er D. Mines, director general of rail-! ODDOsition to the advent nr t.. ways, is dismissed from the circuit r.ese into this country, and to grant- jing the right of citiiensliip to chil ; dren of Japanese. Chines and Hindus born in this country, was voiced at The meefina- of the iiritn County o.r.e.i iifuB:;an. c:b at f.e ir.to.iiis in the Corr.nieial club which l-osan at 2:30 Thursday after noon. The topic waa continued from the last meeting of the club and is at trscting a great deal of interest among women interested in vital top ics of the day. Instructions of the court to find ifor the p!a:ntiff. terminated the suit of W. H. S3 mi against A. A. Colvert. ! in Judge KeKy's court, department jNo. 1. Thursday rnornlng. The jury's I correr;onding verdict was, therefore, j returned agnir-st A. A. Colvert. In ithis case, the defendant had made al legation that a certain note to the jamount of $300 and signed in favor jof the plaintiff had been so signed I under duress. Due to the fact that the case was based- purely upen legal findings, plaintiff motioned for an In structed verdict New Years crectins, long delayed, were received Thursday o iu;nas-r" T. K. McCroijkpy of the cnminerWjf Cub. frsr.1 l'ii:!::ppA Baata. in Ml l'.Ul. -1 d a . n p.trfy frMB Br Islam- that camo l.irough lh:s city aevtyra! months airw investigating the pissibilities of growing flux and producing linea here. It is believed here that thefr itivestipation may result in the rec ommendation that Belgian capital bs directed to this valley tnt this pursuit. An action instituted by the T. A. Livesley company, against Strauss land Company of London, England, at j tempts to recover ISflfiS.lO from ths British firm of hop bokcrs. The com plaint alleges that the money wus paid to Strau3 and Company for the benefit of the Salent firm and thai terms of the conditions involved were not lived up to. Ths T. A. Livesley company further claims that the British firm has refused te return the sum of money in question. - i i ; structed verdict , : . . n No Reserve Special Discount on all Merchandise No Reserve Extra Special Waists GEORGETTE and CREFE DE CHINE Lot 1, values to $8.50 . $3.98 Lot 4 values to $14.50 $65 NEW SHiPiENR OF iiERCHANDISE RECEIVED It all goes into this Big Anniversary Event 4-4 Bleached Sheeting same grade and count as Hope Muslin, yard 25c 1000 yards of Devonshire Cloth, yard ...........1 39c Full size Crochet Bed Spreads, regular $5.00 value's each $2:79 Fine full size Crochet Bed Spreads, cut corners, regular $6 val. each....$2,98 SOO.cans Colgates Talcum Powder, 25c size, each ...... J5C Cotton Huck Towels, regular 25c values, 3 for 5QC Large siz.e, high quality, Huck towels, regular 40c values, each . 25c fTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Its Fordson Day-Tomorrow's the Big Day at the Com ShowIts Fordson Day HOSTS OF, OUR FRIENDS FROM THE FARM WILL BE IN TOWN, SO WE WILL MAKE IT A Gala Day at the Big Store REMNANTS AT ONE-HALF PRICE New Shipment, Black, White and Brown, Anniversary Price Ladies HERE ARE A FEW OF THE Mf H OF THE F IHEJII ANNIVERSARY SALE These are taken at random throughout- the store. Remember SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON ALL MERCHANDISE, including the vance Spring Shipments already received, and .whatever new merchandise arrives during llllb iiiu lWhJNi. Java Rice powder - 35c Pears Unscented soap 12c Bayer Asperin, 24 tablets : 20c Bayer Asperin, 12 tablets 10c Mary Garden perfume r......$1.98 Odorono, small lflc Odorono, medium .... 59e Colgate's Talcum, all scents 15c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 32c Colgate's tooth paste, small 9c Colgate's tooth paste, large --19c Pebeco' tooth paste - 32c Men's work shirts, in ch&mbray and cheviot, not mail order shirts, but heavywegiht and full cuU.....83c t ni rr riMh ... ; 39c Yard JJVJlg - 4he " 1 Fruit of the Loom Muslin...... ....:....35c Yard Lonsdale Muslin 35c Yard Devonshire 39c Yard Ozara Outing Flannel high grade 39c Yard Men's heavy cotton Munsing Wear suits $1.85 Spool silk 7c All wool Auto Robes, made in Oregon City $9.15 Men's black' cashmere hose .....39c Royal Worcester corsets : $2.19 Model Brassieres, 75c grade 59c Ladies' sweaters, .ONE-IIALF PRICE Garza 9-4 sheeting ....:.... 56c Yard Garza pillow cases, 45x36 39c each 150 Berkeley cambric .. 49c Yarrl Jap Crepes, white, 30 inch 45c Yard . . . -r mTTrcn yXf TT A f1TttTTTT . rpxjTQ t3 TTTF RTfiGEST SHOPPING EVENT EVER STAGED IN SSALtiM. inuori vvnu znvrr&u in TH AFTERNOONS KNOW HOW CROWDED WHi WriXtrj. ir xuu vain onur jmuiviuud , , w wmjvy vviuujulju a.a..aaa 1 1 1 1 immumtutm You Can Always Do Better At -Tie famous "Merode" make, made from the finest selected ' yarns and hand tailored. While they last 79c Garment LADIES MERODE 'UNDERWEAR-'-'- Made from the finest selected yarns, hand finished TIGHTS VESTS ' 39c. 39c - STATE STREET Who Always Do Better By You c , LCUUlWOM 1 1 ITft- Slste apt