Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 22, 1920, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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CM 1 noi OF
la the 1 msiuifacturlnf plants na
establishments in Bslera Thursday
"Industrial Dy" the firth Uy of Na
tion Thrift week the gospel of sav
ins; wm being preached Each em
ployer with the interest of hie work
nan at heart, waa posting notice! urff-
: gin thrift, or making verbal pleaa to
observe the occasion.
The tenor of the campaign Thursday
was that while thrift now, might se-n
nnavillng the benefits to be reaped
later would be four-fold. Employers
- war urging the saving of parts of
wages and salaries, that, they claim are
highor now than ever before and af
ford big opportunity for saving anu
Interest la thrift during the entire
baa been marked .and many person
re heeding the eal lof economy. la
that, they see, the only chance to bring
he dollar "back to earth."
Friday will be devoted to another
Craft, and the plea, being sounded na
tionally, for thrift will be furthered
ogene, Or., Jan. 12. In an ad
dress to the State Dairymen's asso
ciation today, John D. Mlckel, stato
dairy and food commissioner, an
nounced he would retire to private
life at the expiration of his present
term. .
Efforts are being made to induce
C U awley of Polk county, former
state senator, to become a candidate,
the state association promising Its
Sheriff Needham has received word
that the systematic! looting of stores
In smaller cities Is continuing. This
is Indicated by the breaking into of
a store In Oregon City on the night
of January it. Women's garments, to
the value of 1400 were taken, a large
automobile or truok having evidently
been utilised In carrying away the
stolen good.
' On the night of January 17, stores
t Molalla and Canby were burglaris
ed. The Robblni and the Hendrlck
son stores at Molalla were entered,
the thieves securing knives and r lu
cre to the value of 1150.
Simultaneously, the J. It. Vineyard
store at Canby was broken Into and
It pairs of shoes and other articles
were taken. All or these then are
supposed to have been committed by
thuvs working out of Portland.
Circuit Ooait.
W. L Needham to A. L, Seamster.
Certificate of redemption.
J. A. Lincoln et al vs. O. V. Miles et
aL Motion for a new trial.
Lucetta Wheeler vs. Rufus E. Ed-
mundson et aL Order of dismissal.
D. Bamuel and P. N. Andreson vs.
Walker D. Hints. Order.
J. A. Lincoln et ui to O. D. Miles et
ux. Cost bllL
A. J. Kays va L. H. McMahon and
Ladd Bush, a corporation. Supple
mental complaint
T. A. LI veal ty and Joha J. Roberts.
doing buelnees under the firm name
and title of T. A, Llvesley company, vs.
Edwin Strauss, doing business under
the firm name and style of Strauss ft
company. Amended complaint
Violet M. Orlmm va B. Cunning
ham. Cost bill. i
A. J. Kays va L. H. McMahon and
Ladd A Bush, a corporation. Sum
Phes Farms company vs. John P.
Wilbur et al. Demurrer.
D. Samuel and P. N. Andresen VS.
Walker D. Hines. Stipulation.
John Nelson et al vs. J. H. West
J. A. Pattison, doing business under
name of J. A. Pattison Lumber & Hara
woods, Ltd., va Mark S. Skiff et al.
Mary P. France vs. Robert E.
France. Mandate.
O. U Burson vs. Fannie Burson.
Charles Cladek, claimant, vs. Eph
rlam Shepherd, appellant. Cost bill
of plaintiff on appeal.
Mary Erlckson vs Mattle Leland.
Probate Court
Godfrey Dental estate. Order.
Godfrey Dental estate. Petition.
J. N. Starr estate. Findings of facte
and conclusions of law.
J. N. Starr estate. Order appoint
ing administratrix and apralsers.
In the matter of the estate of Oscar
Eskelnon et al, minora. Inventory and
Godfrey Dental estate. Affidavit of
publication of notice to creditors.
Lewis C. Fisher, estate. Petition.
James F. Goode, estate. Petition,
Lewis C. Fisher, estate. Order of
D. C. Sherman, estate. Petition to
probe will.
v. yj. Bnerman, estate. Order ap
pointing commission to take testimony.
Marriago L1mim
Gustav F. Bahnson, 24, a farmer of
Turner to Marie Welth, 8, of Salem,
route 6.
. , 3 u.. mnA T n vfnrnhv are eieciea
died at Fresno, m., - - - .
I directors. The banks deposits have
V a , tti en nvr.thoae of a year
The body wui pe smpp j tl 5 -TerwUllg
Home parlors. Salem, and ago and the total deposits
i BaAA in Mn i, Mmtui has lncreas-
is exDected to arrive inursuaj .w-.vw. .,,,
ning. Funeral announcement will oe
made later.
Slewert To Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bie-
wnrt. 1I4 South Commercial street
a boy. Weight I pounds, Jasvary M
Few Salem Smallpox Cases
Epidemic Threat la Check
Ug- to the present time, Salem has
been dealt with lightly by epidemic
Smallpox, which has been prevalent In
Other oitlea At the present time thero
are six cases In the county Isolation
ward. City and county health author
ities state that most of these casds are
from the district near Salem and not
from the city itsolf. .
In addition to the oases under coun
ty survelhance, other pliyslolans have
reported two or three cuties under pri
vate quarantine. Not more thun
dosen cases exist In Marion county
and officials say that thotie cuses are
tnlld. Bale muhysluliuis, ui'KO however
that all care be taken to observe and
report "any Buspectod smull pox oon-
During the past six months, Port
land has experienced long drawn epl
demia of this disease, nearly 1500
casus having been reported, Only six
fatalities have butn reported from the
Portland outbreak, health officials In
that city claiming that the disease Is
completely under control. A recent
bulletin reports 60 smallpox cases At
Hond, the cuses having boen Isolated,
n a wlt hna twMin annotated ad-
mlnistrator of the Rebecca K. Walt
estate, upon petition of Ellen South
wick, who waives right to the- place
nt trnat fViHntv Jtldea Bushev SjSO
appointed J. N. Bkaife, L. D. Gibson
and Samuel Phillips as appraisers or
the property which has an Income of
$1000 per year and is valued at $11.
006. Mrs. Walt died Intestate. Kindred
and heirs are: Ellen Southwlck, a
daughter, tS. and Mary O. Walt 41.
daughter and O. C. Wait SS. all re
siding at Salem; George Wait 40. Cal
gary, Canada, and O. S. Walt Kick-reall.
AMnraava MnmMnttnf O. D. Mil
ler Vin filed motion for new trial la
the case of J. A. Lincoln against Mil
ler. Vnls action waa recently reviewer
by a iry In Judge Kelly's depart
ment of circuit court, a verdict being
returned- against Miller. The Judg
ment concerns the recovery of cer
tain moneys represented bv two notes
the total value of the notes being
about $700. In the motion for retrial,
the defendant states that, the court
not only erred In certain instructions
to the Jury but also failed to instruct
the Jury in accordance with the re
quest of the defendant
When the driver attempted to cross
the street car track in' front of the
car, the delivery truck of the No
Vary grocery which waa being driven
east on Court street was struck Tues
day by a street car going south on
Liberty. The driver was unhurt but
the rear wheel and rear axle were
badlv damasred. A second accident
was reported to police Tuesday when
H. A. Davis, 1315 South Fifteenth
street struck a south bound street car
as he waa driving a delivery car
south on Commercial street But
slight damage was done and no one
was injured in the collision.
Chas. Kuenstlng, the well known
invwiar rtt Rt. Paul, has moved to Sa
lem and will make this city his future
home. At the recent meeting of the
stockholders of the State Bank of St
Pniil Wr. Tfiienntlnir was elected vice
president. Other officers elected are
J. E. Smith, president; S. J. Smith,
cashier, and in addition to these, 8.
ed to $20,000 or aa Increase of $4100
in the past 2 years.
T&7 a eVil no-inn Tan t Immediate re
ductions in governmental expedltures
and appropriations, to "avert financial
.,,,." nrvaii in h senate today by
Senator McCumber, republican. North
Denouncing the government s "who
orgy of spending, Senator
said the high cost of living was due to
governmental extravagances.
Immediate dissolution of the ship
ping board was recommended by Sena
tor McCumber. who said "ths most
ahamaful f ail our criminal extrava
gances have been the expense Of
building our ships."
VaAiiKtlnna In annmoriatiOIUI fOT
fortifications; and the navy, elimina
tion of appropriations for pudiic
buildings, rivers and harbors lmprove-
manta anil ntlhlln works together With
cuts In the estimates for the various
government departments should db
made, Senator McCumber sold, adding
that a saving of $2,250,000,000 could
be accomplished in this way.
Rfnra tha flila anidamlo of last Win
ter Brownsville has suffered from baa
colds which are widespread.- City Re
corder Craiar alone: with several dosen
of citizens has been afflicted.
BALLARD Ell Ballard, 82. died
Wednesday evening at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. F. Sewald,
1095 Mill street. Body at Rlgdon
Son's. Funeral arrangements not
KUDLINQ---Edward RudUng aged 6$
Crrrmi fnnrt Statement
VU " -J-was-
Reversed By Upper Bench
A supreme court mandate of rever
sal has bven filed at the county
clerk's office, in the case of Mary R.
France against Robert E. France.
This Is a case in which parties In
volved In a divorce settlement appeal
ed from a Jury verdict In department
No. 1, of circuit court
Th rnnnia were divorced Novem
ber 1, 11J, but later the question of
responsibility for certain maeoiea
ness arose, and the case cams Into
circuit court, where a Jury returned
a verdict for $445 in favor of Mrs.
Wanoa .Tuna IS. 1918. The Case Was
appealed by W. C. Wlnslow. attorney
for the defendant Robert France. The
decision of the supreme court reverses
tha ilnMlft iurt finrilnpa and favOrS
the defendant The mandate was Is
sued December i, lsis.
What have yon to sell
PHONE 1177
Best Prices Paid
W. E. Lucas
Ferry and Liberty Sts.
mka- Of fftirjnisist Party
Surrenders io Aumcnuo
Chicago. Jan. - S2.-William Bross
Lloyd, millionaire "parmr -and
sergeant-at-arma of the Commun
ist Labor party, Indicted yesteraay. or
to overthrow the govern-
!ment by force and for advocating the
overthrow of the government surren
dered today to State Attorney Maclay
He furnished $10,000 Donas.
, hnaa indictment resulted
from newspaper interviews which he
was quoted as referring v
A. .'.Haast of the reds," recently fur
nished bond for William D. (Big Bill)
Haywood, former secretary 01 m -"
W., when Haywood waa released from
. ' ,u nanltantiarv. and again
!HBlvroiu, "
when Haywood was caught in the Ted
round up.
... ..a t as
5aia usual Manoa tcr,!?
Cera Slow Opens TeJ-j
Th Sixth Annual Marion
corn show opened at nln
. v t.urr
Thursday morning In the tractor et.
- ' aa,
nartment of the Vallev Mntn.
pany, Bute and Front streets, jt
maicnitJSB cjuiiuiia vi corn adoraiw
rows of tables. Farmers from all psrS
nt tha eounttf alre&dv hara kAj. .
hibits at the. show, or are bringa.
than Into the cltv to nartlMno,.
... - - . -t
Vumeroaa neraena. both frnm .
- - . - uil.
side of the city and Salemites, visit-
tj ura " . -w...v. uu.,k ma
The corn in display was regarded b,
many aa excelling any heretofqn
shown la the exhibits.
Portland, Or., Jan. 22. Formal fc.
portatiea hearings . for Victor SauBt
and his wife, Julia Saulit, have bet
set for next Tuesday. W. F. WatVina,
inspector of the United States Imntf.
gratlon office announced today.
For Long Distance Auto Trucking
Willamette Valley Transfer Co. tS
Seventeen Taxis In Salem
Take Oat Running Licenses
To date 17 taxi drivers in Salem have
obtained lloenses for this year from the
city treasurer, ctly hall. Al those driv
ers who have not yet secured their II
eeni- -iiv bet them now, Treasurer
Rice said Thursday.
i'h" who have taken out licenses
are; L. C. Davis, J. W. Pease, J. B.
ITnderwood, W. W. Johnson, T. J.
Clark, It R. Stephens. II. M. Olmstead,
John ' Mlnnlckol, W. T. Prime, W. I.
Albright, Salem Taxi company, C. V.
Cooper, 1. A. Larmer and Z. J. Zlnn,
Salem's Favorites of the Spoken
Some people think that western pho.
todramas are always "shooting" ple
turns, but you'll find out the differ
ence when you see the most popular
Wrvtrra Actnr on the Sitn-o
' In Ills Big WfMi-rn Piny
The Greatest Values
nfppodroinb Vauilrvilla
The quality of the merchandise will speak for itself. All we ask is a compari
son and you will see for yourself that quality considered our prices will be the
lowest on all lines The "Beauty of It Is" that they are not "ONE DAY"
specials", but especially low : ' ' .
Prices Any Day You Want Them
It Is All Dependable Merchandise;
' z
Note just a few prices ivenasasample: S: " .
Sheets, 72x90........;..-98c and 51.68 Yd
Sheets, 81x90.' ....Jg Yd
Fillow Case, 42x36,..:......1....25c Yd
. Percales wt....:..19c to 39c Yd
Ginghams ... 29c to 39c Yd
corsets ... jus, $1.69. $1.98, ?2.49
Unbleached Muslin -Jc Q Yd
Nainsk 17c to 35c Yd
India Linon yjc j0 35C Yd
Dimity : 25c to 29c Yd
Outing Flannel 29c
Berkeley Cambric .....39c 42c YfJ
Do Not Overlook Our Ladics' Rcady-to-Wcar
?n 0
$40 In Cash Given Away
Why should Salem people Buy Oregon made products? : .
In order to stimulate interest in Oregon Products week, Jan. 19th to 24th
Gale & Co. will give $40.00. in cash prizes for the best essays on the above
subject as follows:
First Prize $15.00
Second Prize 10.00
Third Prize 5.00
Fourth Prize 3.00
Fifth Prize 2.00
Sixth Prize $1.00
Seventh Prize 1.00
Eighth Prize LOO
Ninth Prize - -00
Tenth Prize .... 1-00
Rules that govern this contest:
1. Anyone residing in Oregon is eligible to compete for these prizes, ex
cept employes of Gale & Co. . '
2. Essays must be plainly written or typewritten, one side of paper being
used. . ,.-.
3. Essays must not consist of over 300 words.
4. Essay must be accompanied by the name and postoff ice address of the
writer. '
5. Essays must be received by Gale & Co., or deposited in the post office
properly addressed to Gale & Co., contest department, Salem, Oregon, on or
before 6 p. m. Saturday, January 24, 1920. "
6 In awarding prizes the judges will consider: First, strength of reasons
given; Second, style and forcefulness of composition; Third, neatness and
JUDGES OF THE CONTEST-In order to insure absolute fairness and
impartiality in awarding prizes, the following judges of the contest have been
selected: T. E. McCroskey, manager Salem Commrecial Club; R. J. Hendricks,
manager Statesman Publishing Co., and George Putnam, manager Daily
Capital Journal. .
Prize winner's names will be announced in the daily papers as soon as
awards are made by the judges.
Address all answers to Contest Department ''
Gale & Company
Commercial and Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store
Stock Reducing
Feltex 80c Yd
Warcloth : ;. $1.15 Yd
42-inch, solid oak $22.00 up
$22.00 and up
We are overstocked in furniture and must
make room for new shipments due to ar
rive soon. For two days only we offer
On every article of furniture in the store,
everything goes in this salenothing re
Prices are Going Higher
$10.00 and up
$1.75 and up '
$30.00 and up
BEDSTEADS have recently advanced 25 per cent, but we will sell all bedsteads dur
ing this sale at 25 per cent less than regular prices.
2S5 N. Commercial Street Don't forget the number
Capfa Hardware and Furniture Co.