WEATHER FORECAST Oregon: Tonight and Fri day unsettled weather mod erate northeasterly winds. Minimum 27. CIRCULATION : Average tor Quarter Ending December 31, 191 54 5 8 Member Audit Bureau of Circulation Associated Press Full Leasod Wire Maximum 37. TY-THIRD YEAR. NO. 19. SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 192a TEN PAGES. PRICE 2 CENTS. flWLAl i ELABORATE UBOR SYSTEM Resolution Introduced. Today Proposes Establishment Of : fermanent Court. For Ad justment Of Disputes. Washington. Jan. 22.' Elaborate machinery for settlement of disputes between capital and labor Is proposed h, concurrent resolution Introduced today by Chairman Kenyon of the sen ate labor committee. Prealdent Wilson would be requested by congress to call a national Indus trial congress, composed of 300 dele gates divided equally between labor uniens and industry, which would rec ommend a plan for permanent indus trial courts and also formulate a pro gram of principles to govern future in dustrial relations. Temporary Board Plan. It also is proposed that, pending ac tion by the national labor congress, the president establish a national labor board, to function temporarily like tu war labor board In hearing industrial controversies. Senator Kenyon told the senate that the preparation of an industrial code was the primary thing he sought. "If employer nnd employe could get together and agree on an industrial code recognizing the eight-hour day, a living wage, the right of collective bar girnlnglng and other fundamental matters," said Senator Kenyon, "then disputes over these fundamentals could be taken care of In the industrial court English Test Plan. "The conference proposed goes ir beyond the present conference or the former one which ended in disaster. England tried this plan and It was mo. cessful. "In the adjustment period throutrh which we. are now passing there exists no general national agency for the set tlement of industrial disputes, or for the determination of a general labor tucy, and no general arrangement lws-as yet been worked out bv renre- Mtitativcs of employers and employes "mine ninciamental principles which should contain in the adjustment of in dustrial relations. ine general public has suffered much rem this state of affairs and will wrter further loss and inconvenionce the present situation is allowed to wuunue. ALLIANCES Sixty Cases of Flu Reported In Burns Today Portland, Or.. Jan. 22. Sixty cases of Spanish Influenza have . fceen- re ported at, Burns and the nursing de partment of the Portland chapter: of the American Red Cross today des patched three nurses to the aid-of the health authorities of the town following an urgent call for assist ance. FIVE MORE BILLS FALL VICTIMS OF GOVERNOR'S MO CE OF TO BE POLICY OF FREE "-'"tenance of the uuees that have saved the world" 'Li0"6,01 the ch,ef "M ot the I 'rtlnI"''anCe' P"ier Miller arat nTeei;ln h" "'"'terial dec Nation of poijcy todnv. he declaration began with a grace- l t0 Gror ClemeSwau, ! t ( i "e "ad been called a mil, We honor of succeeding Oration continued: r or feelm"'S"e 11 wlth"t vio- ma,!'" ,,eS lhe cl08e an" oor Wch havl t,?Ce1 ot the a'ances tour a ,L ,?d the WorId- With la t hi : "T of ' m a, of h"' n i lr?,at trlal not been th f e,,0r Us? What would rre h"dlt 6 f r allies If HOOVER RtLIEF PLAN fiPPHOVED B! BERLIN Thirty-seven measures jammed through by the lawmakers in that wild est week of legislation in the history of the state have fallen by the wayside, laid low by the governor's official veto, and the casulty list Is expected to show several further additions when reports from the front are all in. "Emergency" measures bills of lit tle general Importance, many of them of purely local interest have been at tacked with particular glee by the of- j ficial executioner, the governor taking occasion In numerous of his messages accompanying the returned bills to call attention to the abuse of the opportun. ities offered by the special session as well as the misuse to which the emer gency clause has been put in connec tion .with measures which not be inter preted as emergency legislation by any' stretch of the most vivid Imagination. Norblad BUI Killed. Senator Norblad's bill conferring upon the port of Astoria wide powers of bonding without consulting the peo ple of the district, came under the dis approving eye of the governor today. In his message accompanying the re mains of this1 measure back to the sen ate from which it emanated Governor Olcott declares: "This Is a measure making very ma terial amendments to the general port laws. Ostensibly it is designated to affect the port of Astoria alone but In reality It affects every port in- the state, . , With the exception of the pro vision relative to he issuance of bonds its would apply likewise to the port of Portland at such time as a bill affect ing that port passed by the special sssion beebmes a law. It will be noted that section three of this bill declares an emergency. By the use of this emer gency clause the people within the con. fines of those ports as well as of the stte at large are deprived of an oppor tunity of expressing their approval ot disapproval of the terms of the bill." Clerical Error Fatal. A clerical error In house bill 42, de signed to make more definite and cer tain the powers of the state board of fish and game commissioners in pur chasing land for game farm purposes has resulted In the death of that meas ure at the hands of the governor, As pointed out in the official death mes sage both the title and body refer to the measure as amending seclon 3 on 'page" 2S7 of the general laws of 1915 whereas it is evident that the legisla tors intended to amend "chapter" 287, as the "page" referred to deals with pawn shops and not with game farms. 'The title of the bill in question even fails to mention that its subject matter relates o fish and game In any manner, consequenly to allow It to go on the statute books would In no way enhance the powers of the. fish and game com mission and it might very materially affect the validity of the act relating to the business of persons loaning money other than banks and trust com panies," the governor's message concludes. Other Measures Die. Other measures falling under the executive exe today together with the governor's message explaining his veto fololw: H. B. 20, by Edwards Giving au thority to the state for the construction of a bridge across the Nestucca river. "It Is a measure of purely local type covering construction of a privately owned bridge and should have had no place In the consideration of the spe cial session." S. B. 14. by Hurley Regulating the grazing of non-residnt owned live stock upon unenclosed lands. r M'DONALDTRIO ACQUITTED OT iBTODAY Return Of Jury's Verdict Is Mowed Immediately By Re-Arrest On Giarges Of Perjury And Larceny. ! Spokane, Wash., Jan. 22. Verdicts acquitting Marie, Fay and Ted Mc Donald of the murder here last June of W. H. McNutt were returned by a Jury in superior court here this fore noon. ... The defendants were immediately re-arrested, Marie and Fay on charges of perjury and Ted on a charge of grand larceny.' Alleged ' discrepancies in their testimony in the present trla form the basis for the perjury charges and the grand larceny charge is based on the alleged' theft of McNutt's auto mobile after his death. ' The defendants, who were associated with McNutt in the ownership of a lodging house hre and a farm near Scotia, Wash., were charged with hav ing killed him in the lodging house and having buried his body on the farm where it was found several weeks later. They were arrested in California last October and returned here for trial. Self-defens was urged by the defend ants, who testified their brother, Will McDonald, also charged with first de gree murder, but never arrested, struck McNutt with a hammer after he had intervened in a quarrel between Mc Nutt and his sister, and the former had drawn a gun and fired several shots. The Jury rtired late yesterday after noon. Governor A Mppr gves 4b iJSUis Enacted At Special Session Berlin, Jan ?. m, """""it in German gov- exnrell mentment lssued "over in . , "L -neroert U. u t ? Amerlean n. central Eur- order tn . ' the ... "nale the warehouse ! 6",Brnment deMa . .i,:. aU import rt lit loo " necrll . - c6- E U AND i TO CLASH IN BATTLE Washington, Jan. 22. As a result of the clash between a detachment of American soldiers and Semenoff forces on January 10 near Posol sakya, one general, six officers and 43 men of the Russian forces were captured and still held, the war de partment was advised today by Major General Graves, commane'er of the Siberian expeditions. ' General Graves described the at tack as entirely unprovoked. The American casualties were one man killed, one man died of wound3 and one severely wounded, while five Russians were killed and one severe ly wounded. Crest Of Flu Epidemic In Chicago Thought Past Chicago, Jan. 22 The Influenza epi demic in Chicago today was believed by health department officials to have passed its peak. There was a decrease in the number of new cases reported, but the death list for the last 24 hours reached- 61, the largest during any day since the outbreak began. TEN MILLION DOLLAR HIGHWAY MEASURE IS SANCTIONED TODAY Grosvenor New President Of Geographic Society Washington, Jan. 22. Election of Gilbert Grosvenor as president of the national geographic society to success the late Rear Admiral John E. Pills bury was announced today by the so ciety's board of managers. Mr. Gros venor has been director of the organ ization for 20 years. Troy Branson, former police patrol man Tuesday was placed In the de partment to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Chief Varney. Branson's appointment, according to Acting Chief Rowe, is temporary only PERSHING IN SALEM FOR v FEW MINUTES BUT VISIT HERE WAS NOT EXPECTED A total of 49 of the 57 measures passed by. the special session ot the legislature last : week had safely run the gauntlet of executive approval up to this noon. Thirty seven have met sudden death under the official veto of the governor and 11 yet await the verdict of the court of last resort. The ten million dollar highway bond bill passed by the special ses sion of the legislature last week and about whose fate there has been con siderable doubht since Governor Ol cott began wielding his official axe against measures appearing In public under the chaperonage of old famil iar "emergency clause" went to the secretary ot state's office this morn ing; to automatically become a law.' Although the governor did not use his veto on this measure as he has been doing all down the line on "emer gency" legislation passed by the spe cial session, neither did he honor the bill by affixing thereon his official signature. He has simply kept hands off, leaving the measure to take Its course and automatically become a law by failure of the veto to operate within five days after the receipt ot the bill by the governor. The bill oar- rlea the emergency clause, thus shut ting off any chance for referring the measure to a vote of the people. It will not become fully operative how ever, unless the people approve the Stewart bill increasing the bonding limitation of the state tor road pur poses from two to four percent. Un der the present limitation It is pos sible to issue a total of only $19,808,- 709.44 in road bonds. Bonds author ized to date for road purposes aggre gate $17,818,280.55 leaving a balance of only $1,989,428.89 which can be Is- sued under the new ten million dollar bill until the bonding limitation is In. creased as provided In the Stewart bill which will be up to a vote of the peo ple at the May election. Limitation Saves Four ' In addition to-thevte-n million dol lar bond bill four other measures were forwarded to the secretary of state's office this morning to become law by the rule of limitation. These Were as follows: H. B. 41 providing a penalty of a Jail sentence and fine for killing elk. H. B. 78 directing secretary of state to audit certain vouchers for labor and material in connection with game farms in Lane and Benton counties. S. B. 33 relating to the practice of medicine and surgery. , 8. B. 1 providing"for the employ ment of additional bank examiners. Olcott Signs Twelve An even dozen measures were hon ored by the governor's official signa ture this morning in addition to those which were signed earlier in the week. These were as follows: S. B. 11 increasing state aid to in stitutions caring for homeless, neglect ed and abused children. S. B. 37 appropriating $1500 for traveling expenses of circuit Judges wnen on duty outside of judicial dis trict or county for which elected. S. B. 38 appropriating money for payment of salaries of supreme Judg es. S. B. 48 providing for building at state institution for feeble minded. H. B. 63 providing for oil portrait ot Governor Withjicombe. H. B. 64 appropriating additional money for expenses of public service commission. H. B. 67 providing $50,000 toward completion and furnishing of womens building at University of Oregon, H. B. 80 appropriating money for homes of orphans, wayward girls, Crittenden home, etc. u xt 61 Inr m n In t An our. ItnnmvA. mcnta wtjrmpiili nnn1 renolm at I state institution for feeble minded. H. B. 83 for necessary repajrs, al terations and furnishings for armory at Dallas. . . H. B. 84 appropriating $250,000 to meet deficiency in funds for adminis tering soldiers educational aid act. H. B. 23 authorizing industrial ac cident commission to establish reas onable safety standards In places of employment and empowering state la bor commissioner to enforce observ ance of those standards. RACE RIOTING CALLS FEDERAL TROOPS TO ARKANSAS VILLAGE Dumas, Ark., Jan. 22. Federal troops, accompanied by Governor Charles H. Brough of Arkansas and large parties of civil officert and posse I men from nearby towns .arrived here eariy luuuy 10 lane cnarge 01 a race situation arising froman attack upon a deputy sheriff by armed negroes near Dumas late yesterday. According to reports today the dis turbances started when J. H. Breed- loce, a deputy sheriff, and two white companions went Into the negro settle ment to capture a negro charged with stealing hogs. Armed negroes, it Is said, demanded that the officer re lease the prisoner and when he refused opened fire, Breedlove, who was arm ed with a rifle returned the shots ana pwtih his companions withdrew to ob tain reinforcements. Shortly after the shooting the wires leading from Dumas to the negro settlement were cut The detachment of federal troops ordered here Included six officers and 122 men from Camp Pike". Dumas Is about sixty miles south west of Elaine, Ark., scene of a negro uprising last October when a number of persons-were killed before the out break was' quelled by federal troops. Dumas is ten miles north of Winches ter, headquarters of Robert L. Hill, al leged leader of the Elaine insurrection ists, r '.' 'wuni 9nJ tU. . "eec u-s ,.. "I it will ai; Iorma"- ces in Germany ' Speclal fa" face 0h 'I .r'mmoc1i"e would ue Hon... lre watchfulness of Zf-s. Which rWonld "lirer.. " K0"'d result In k ....I 'nance nf .1 k4 "'isundr"?" ,0 interact an al ith n?ln ' the United PM, Hensmi .Tnhn J. PerHhlntr. leader shing was of the American Expeditionary For- France, was in Salem Thurs day. For ten minutes his special train stopped at the Southern Pacific de pot. He is en route to Mather Field, Sacramento, to review conditions there, "Black Jack" was accompanied by his complete staff, several of whom accompanied him through all ths months he spent in France. Visit Unknown. ' It was only ignorance on the part er plan, j of citizens here that the general was due that prevented a reception pro- Siin, Un-22 iaue that Preve 'o Pari, g A,t,ert of Eel-'perly due him, yester- " long time with Only seven persons were at the de pot during all the time General Per- here. Only two greetings rose from this group, as the war lord, grim and silent stood on the plat form of the train. "Good luck, sir!" It came from the heart ot a former soldier. And: "God bless you!" General Bows To Woman It was an elderly woman; she could say no more for emotions de nied her voice. She sobbed the moth er of a buddy who sleeps under the poppy-sprinkled fields of Flanders as the general solemnly bowed, his cap in hand. No word that General Pershing would arrive in the city had been re ceived since the first mention of his itenerary, several days ago, that In cluded a non-stop here. GOMPERS BRAItDS ANTI-SEDITION Bia AS ENSLAVING Washington, Jan. 23. Attorney Gen eral Palmer did .not appear today be fore the house rules committee to pre sent his views on the anti-sedition measures In dispute between the house and senate. Representative Graham, republican, Pennsylvania, author of the house bill, also was unable to ap pear because of Illness. Samuel Gompers, president of the American -Federation of Labor, open ed the hearing In opposition to the bill. Declaring that the Graham measure would make "all free men slaves," Mr. Gompers asked If addtllonal sedition legislation were necessary. "Will It bring solidity, a better weld ing of our Institutions or will It work the direct opposite to the desired re- suls?" he asked. w The history of other nations, he said, ought to guide America in this matter. Centering his attack on the provis ion of the bill prohibiting the circula tion of all literature and periodicals of radica nature) Mr. Gompers oala tne workers of the United States were seek Ing Industrial changes and the im provement of social and moral condi tions and that the bill would prevent the use ot moral force in labor cam-' palgn. Palmer Disapproves. Washington, Jan. 22. Disapproving both the Sterling and Graham sedition bills, Attorney General Palmer, In a letter today to Chairman Campbell of the house rules committee, proposed a new measure which would provide fines not exceeding $10,000 and lmpris onment of not more than 20 years for persons convicted of attempting to overthrow the government or of acts of violence against the government or tls employes or agents while In the dls. charge of their official duties. LIVELY JILTS FEATURE HEARING OF CASES OF UNSEATED SOCIALISTS 8 FAMliim mqfiiuri; LUUL LULU 111 LEAVING SHIP Boat Transferring People To Relief Craft From Disabled Transport Powhatan Cap sizes In Opea Sea. Halifax, N. a, Jan. 22. Eight Uvea were lost when a boat from the trans port Northern Paclflo overturned yes terday in an attemptt o transfer pas sengers from the disabled transport Powhatan, aocordlng to officers of the Bteamshlp Bardic which arrived hero this morning. The Bardie's officers said this state- received while on the way to Halifax after having failed in an attempt to take the disabled transport in tow. Officials of the navy department here . said they had no record of this mes sage. - ,. A wireless message from Captain Randall of the Powhatan timed 10 a. m. today said he had started for Hali- fnx In Mimtulnv nf tha Pb nation mn. ' j w - ernmAnt Tja.rtv Tjtiirlr nl A m. VTm announced that there was no change ih the condition of the ship and that m transfer of passengers would not he at-', tempted "unless everything la abso lutely favorable." -.- ,i BUSK I Old 'L m itETAIiiS II CHOATE AS HEAD P TNEW- Paris, Jan. 22. Premier Millerand, II. Francois-Marsal, minister of fi nance, M. Isaac, minister of commerce, and Maurice Paleologue, former am bassador to Russia, have been ap pointed French plenipotentiaries to the peace conference. The cabinet ap proved and President Poincare signed a decree to this effect today. The new appointees replace Mm. Clemenceau, Pichon, Koltz and Tardleu, who re signed with their retirement from the ministry- Jules Cambon remains the fifth member of the peace delegation. A similar decree was signed ap pointing Charles Jonnart as the dele- Albany, N. Y., Jan, 22. Julius Ger ber, secretary of the New York local of the socialist party, was the first wit ness called today at the trial before the assebly judiciary committee of the five suspended socialist assemblymen charged with disloyalty. Committee counsel began presenta tion of evidence after Chairman Louis M. Martin had denied an application by Morris Hlllquit, chief counsel for the defense, to introduce certain "ad missions of fact," which he said would serve to clear the issues and save call ing of a large array of wtlnesses. Ob jection was taken by John B. Slanch fleld, committee counsel, on the ground that his side considered itself able to select what evidence it thought neces sary to establish the desired facts. Plutfonn Introduced. As soon as Gerber had been sworn, Mr. Stanchfield obtained from him a copy of the constitutional platform of the socialist party In 1917 which'was introduced in evidence without object ion by the defenst. Mr. Stanchfield also Introduced in evidence the state constitution or me socialist party, from which he read ex cerpts, Including one providing that candidates for public office should on receiving nomination leave their reslg. nations with the party to Insure their fulfilling party party commands. By laws of the New York county so cialist organization were Introducer. Mr. Stanchfield read extracts from the national constlution of the party to show that any soclalis: any appropriation for military or na val purposes shall be expelled from the party. The Instrument further pre- witt and Samuel Orr, two of the sus pended assemblymen, were introduced as exhibits, and Mr. Hillqult admitted for his clients that the other three members, Charles Solomon, August Clacssens and Louis Waldman, had signed Identical cards. The card bore the flaming torch, which is the socialist emblem, as well as the declaration by the applicant that he recognized the necessity of or ganization in struggle between the "capitalistic class" and the workera I L OLriLI ASSUMES CONTROL London, Jan. 22 A Peking dispatch of. January 17 Says that General Semenoff has assumed full powers oi government In far eastern Siberia. Gen eral Horvath has assumed similar pow ers in the territory served by the Chi nese Eastern railway, the dispatch adds. A Harbin dispatch dated Januan y 17 voting for eral gomenoff who as commander In chief of the all-Russlan armies had Is sued a proclamation declaring his as sumption or supreme rutershlp In HI scribed that socialists elected to legls- bera The dIgpatch said General Sem- lative bodies should organize Into a grouu separate from all other parties and should always vote as a unit. Party Support Required. Expulsion from the party Is the pen. ally provided In the constitution for voting for any man for public office other than socialist party membors, who has not ben Indorsed or recom mended b ythe party organization. .The by-laws described the organiza tion and administration of the local, and also contained the stipulation that candidates for public office must, upon accepting nomination, tile thair resig nations with the organization to be come effective whenever they should prove disloyal In political acts, to their party. j Atier uerocr naa iwuiiu umi was familiar with the literature of the socialist party in other countries, Mr. Hlllquit asked If it was not true that the same rule prevailed in tho soclalis; part the world over. Gerber replied In the affirmative. The charges state that the socialist party had exprersed solidarity with the Russian soviet. Gerber testified that all national con ventlons he had attended had been open to public and press. The witness said no excerpts of con- emfff's representative in Harbin as sumed that Semenoff was only taking over supreme authority temporarily be cause of the lack of knowledge of the whereabouts of Admiral Kolchak, NEW LUMBER RATES gate of France on the reparation com- sttlution or bylaws read by Mr. Stanch mission. Ife'd were Provisions revised in recerv mission. Controller Ccneral Manclalr named as assistant delegate. recent ' years. I The applications of Samuel' A. De- Portland, Or., Jan. 22. Because of Drotost from local lumber exnorters land mlIlAt tha Pnrtlann' fhnmhti nf commerce has telegraphed to John Barton Payne, chairman of the Unit ed States shipping board, a vigorous objection to the new trans-Pacifie rate on lumber shipments, Informa tion of which was received from Wash Ington Tuesday by C. V. Kennedy, agent of the operations division of the ergergency fleet corporation. The new rate on shipments of lum ber to the orient in shipping board vessels, determined upon by the traf fic bureau of the shipping board and effective on all future sailings from Portland to the fur east. Is $40 per 1000 feet, an advance of $5 per J.000 over the old rate. E. H. Choate,- director of the Sa lem Business Men's league, at a meet ing ot that organization. Wednesday night, was unanimously reelected to the post. Mr. .Choate's election to succeed himself follows a careful sur vey of possible timber by a nominat ing committee that cast an undivided nomination for him. " Because of the absence of the ma jority of the members little business was transacted at the meeting. Re ports on the progress of the home ,1 ,. .. . 1. 1. u. n. .. 1 V. were read, reflecting disapproval ot the participation of the Associated Industries ot Oregon, that previously had been promised. Copies of the re port were ordered forwarded to that organization and to the state cham ber of commerce. Action toward the naming of 23 delegates to attend the annual con vention of the state retailers associa tion at Astoria in February was tak en. That the Interest and assistance ac corded by business mon of 'the city In making possible the Christmas deco rations here during the holidays, t.iat were reputed as the best In the val ley, is highly commended Is contained In the committee appointed to further the decoration movement. A balance o money left from the decoration work was ordered returned to the con trlbutors. Endorsement of the Business Mens league to a rousing welcome to Shrln ers hero June 23 one of the days alloted for their convention In Port land was voted. JAPAN TO OBSERVE TERMS OF TREATY STRICTLY IS CLAIM Washington, Jan. 22. Declaring that the success or failure of the peace treaty depended "altogether upon the spirit and manner ot Its op eration," Pieir.ler Hara In an addresit at the opening of tlfe Japanese diet yesterday at Toklo said Japan would "be one of those states which will strictly carry out every term ot the treaty." ... The text of the premier's speech was received today at the Japanese embassy and made public. Mr. Haru reiterated Japan's determination to restore the leased territory of Kiau Chau in the Shantung peninsula to China, and said the government was taking "the necessary steps to trans late their often declared determina tion into actual facts." "It Is a matter of regret," said the premier, "that there are some foreign critics who remain undor the errone ous Impression that the whole prov ince of Shantung Is involved In the s' called Shantung questions. I am hap py to assure you that the determina tion of the Japanese government to auiutj uy uittir i'iiKllu wuru in iw- store the leased territory to C'.itna and to work the railway as a Joint en terprise of the two countries has nev er been shaken." Theodore Gilbert of Albany sold more Red Cross seals than any other school child In Albany last Christmas, winning a $5 prize. H turned In $14.23 to the fund. ' acare.