THE CAPITAL JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1920 PAGE SEVEN, "HewToday- ufs at Small Cost vv neve small Jidsu riiASSIFIED AD RATES. - rd Each Insertion one Tdxnsertiou cents. Be ""tJ " -rt.ona. II cents, one J car, per nT Minimum per .d 25 "25 hto only in yew eday. J?.d cash in advance and not tak over Phone, unless advertiser has ZSZu " Ne allowanc9 for hone errors " New Today. ... cfNT 3 room house partly ftoaM- 325 X 23d St 18 ',n,vNTi Leave orders for nil kind of sim.yliiB with D. A- White Sons phone 255 stiite st- .5? ..ok: best material. O. P. St. Clwr. 23 rap SALE 2 Silver Wyandotte rorkfels. March hatched. Price $3.M Phone 6F14. .. SO Tr?T Brown and red Indian blan ket token from Buick car parked xt armors January 13. Reward for ret'irn. ivan O. Martin, Masonic Temple- 20 wiNTEP One large size brooder store. Claude lioone, AumSville, Or. 1 Klfi suction sale at W'oodry's auction house 270 N. Com'l St. Sat. 1:30 ji. m. and 7:30 p. m. See ad in to day's paper. I8 ftp. SALE i-i acres rich bottom Yind. 35 acres in bearing prunes, n!; some peaches. Buildings. Sell for cash or t,lle some small prop erty in or near Salem. Phone 2K U R. H. F. Struckmeir. 27 iiST nold Din with diamond set ting, Monday evening. Reward. 500 . Dhemeteta street. 19 YANTEIV Capital Pilsiness college girl to work for board, room and . small wages, iui rerry i. FOR SALE Large second growth fii uoad S10 nor cord. Phone 13 Kapi'hahn Transfer Co. 20 FOR SALE 16-inch wood at 791 S. 13th St. 1 FOR SALE Five acres, highly im proved; all kinds fruits and ber ries. Cood seven room house, wa- ter system, fruit house, barn, two chicken houses. Beautiful country home, just outside Salem city limits : to the east. Ten minutes to street car and walking distance to city schools. Price $5000 on easy terms. Z. C. Kimball, Rt. 7, box 16. 18 Fttr. SALE 7 room house In good condition. Possession at Ouce. Fine corner location, with 2 lots, excel lent barn, convertnble into garage. Variety of fruit trees. Paved streets and cement walk. A snap at $3000 with good terms. See Childs and M irnadi, 640 Slate St. Phone 1727. 21 HOUSEKEEPING rooms to rent. 1145 N. Liberty. No children. 20 II CORDS of wood for sale. Call at the Salem Heights store.1 Owner . Joe Kasuerg, Rt. 3, box 100. . 19 PANTED By man and wife place : with buildings to plant to small fruit on shares, everything furnish ed. Box 15 Journal. 19 ii the imrtles that took the silver ware from 81) 1 N. Com'l St. will re turn same there will be no questions asked. 18 FOR SALE 8-weeks old pigs, and some small shnatg. Donald Ham- aicn, Kt. s, Salem, Or, Phono 69 I'i. 23 EXPERIENCED dressmaker, work guaranteed. 1640 Hall . fair grounds road. all St. 23 HOME for sale. 9 room house, every convenience. Beautiful grounds. Ad- IhHO! VZZ? G J care Journal or Jone. 1922. Price $6500, terms. 19 it f f'"' sa,a a" 1,1 cultiva-rl-l '.'Uit a,ul berrie- uullding nmLl" movo lnt0' nenr station; Jgg,g;m1,,ice 24- own2c0 'mriH,?"' 6 room bungalow f,re)la(v- lutlt in features. A fcrat w- raben- JtftCo., 275 state street. 18 lanT1?0' fa'-m' ""res fib, ; aance Pasture, fair to, m"5' ,rehM4 w' take J"t&Co., 2.5 State street. Phone 20 o' Vyea'll' anoats- 5 aes nm mlS J'"1? dark so". 11 S. Itl". h0 lae barn. All ock nw ".nl"nients and P(lk countv V )Iacf- Located in l!.eOoT -!c ,9-2 r acre, Iit2 ?"?f.d. ' a f'"-m don't horst i rir iS? " W. H. Gra- ' - ,o liin? street, zo 'lK Zenlnn,!. . " . b, at half n, LSa.'e- fine .youne ' lines riv, 151. Phone ve- zu 'wis. Phone lnon-w W. H, K'I0N"S 17 8. Cornx'5 Cheap' Phone f ARM LOANS Amount Low rates, prepayment privOeges. Vei7 prompt service. Ask ut our 20-year loans at S & ROBERTS 205 Oregon Bldg. Sal, ea Oregon for sale, bareain.' In- Laurel are. wr 311 N. 23 FOR SALE Or Buick bus. ' good condition. $250. Great Western Gar age. 20 WANTED Furnished room or rooms ior two ladies, steam heat prefer red, with privilege of light house keeping, close in. Hon 8g Capital Journal. . jg I OR SALE By owner, 5 lots, 2 bear ing fruit. Prieel2a each. 2015 N. Commercial St. 20 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED seamstress will go out by the day. Phone 1413. 331 WANTED Girl or woman for gen eral house work. Call 2525 S. Com. or phone 65F13. WANTED Mother with two small . children wishes work as housekeeper,- near school. Mrs. Alice Cook, Rt 4, box 64B, Salem, Or. 19 WANTED A woman to care for in valid. Address 2090 Ferry St. 18 WANTED Girl or woman to do housework, no washing; good wages. Phone 2091J. 19 GOOD cook and housekeeper wishes a position with an adult family. 1193 N. 6th. is Real Estate Houses MAKE AN OFFER r6 room house, barn and three lots with fruit, on Laurel Ave., near the new packing plant, Portland ownerj n.ill Ink. ....... I - ,. , l .tivo wvni oiLor maoe ior 11 in 30 days. See John H. Scott Realty Co., 228 Oregon bldg. NEW HOUSE 4 SALE Modern bungalow type 8 room basement, cement walks; a real buy ui fauo, gooa terms. See us today. John H. Scott Realty Co., 228 Oregon 01 ug. FOR SALE Three lots, small house plenty 01 rruit; reasonable terms. 044 state street. . 31 APARTMENT house, 19 rooms, very ciose m, always rented $50 month or more; newly papered, good con dition. See thin now Pri t?nnn OaSV terms. Sffl mp tnv hniWB Inpirn and small In different parts of the city, priced reasonable With terms S. R. Pearson, 405 Oregon bldg Phone 43. FOR SALE 5 room cottage, modern except neat, car line, pavement, oarn, good condition. Price $1850 half cash. Box 25 Capital Journal 20 FOR SALE 7 room house and lot, barn, l block from paved St. on car line on 1370 N. Summer St. $1200, cash. Write J. Fink; Scio, Or. 19 Wanted. vvAiNTiujj to rent, a four, five or six room house, anywhere near car une. jrnone 1671J. WOOD SAW Phone your orders to .Lester c. Cline. Phone 2062M. 29 DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optome trist-opucian, eyes thoroughly ex amlned, glasses made and fitted. 610-12 U. S. bank. Phone 841. HOUSE painting, tinting and paper nanging. t. ti. Keltn. Shop 443 Ferry St. Phone, Res. 821, shop 49. 825 WANTED Garments to remodel; new suits $45. Ezra Sparks, 544 State street. 31 WANTED Several thousand Magoon and New Oregpn strawberry plants ioya crabtree, stayton, Or. 18 FOR plumbing and repair work, call I74btt; work guaranteed, 18 wanted to renf good seven or eight room house, with garage, Furnished or unfurnished. 'Good lo cation essential. In or within eight miles of Salem. Box 55 Journal. 19 WANTED To rent a good farm, 50 acres or mora. Would buy equip ment. Best of references given. Ad dress H. J. Guiles, Gervals, Or.. Rt. 1, box 48. 19 WHEN in need of wood or any kind of hauling call 1608J. Eiederman transfer. 20 WANTED Carrots and parsnips, car lots or less quantities. Salem Fruit Co. 18 WANTED Some one to split cord wood, $1.15 per cord for splitting. Robt. A. Beer, Salem, Or., Rt. 9, 8, miles east of Brooks. 20 LOCAL or long distance truck haul ing of any kind. Phone. 1177. 27 WANTED To buy a second hand typewriter and a flat top office desk. Box 49 Journal. 19 WANTED A furnished house close In. Phone 1932M. 19 WANTED To rent garage near Un ion and Commercial Sts. Call L. Zeiss, 335. 18 PLACE orders for walnut grafting. Pearcy Bros, horticulturists, 210 Oregon bldg. 18 WANT To buy a horse some where 1400 or 1500 lbs., not older than 8 years. Call to Salem Heights store, Owner Joe Kasberg, RL 3, box 100. 19 BEAVERDAM, onion land, rent free for clearing. Address 3-B care Jour naL . 25 WANTED Used Phone 840. filing cabinet. 19 WANTED Single work horse, weight between 1300 and 1450 lbs., must be true worker and sound. State "price wanted. W. O. Radkey, Rt , box 94, Salem. 18 Lost And Found. LOST Auto chain between Salem and Victor Point on Pratum road. Finder please notify M. Doerfter, Phone 43F14. 19 LOST Package of refr coating Sat urday morning. Phone 86F22. 18 Miss Edna McFarland. 1365 Broad way, left this- city Wednesday for Portland where she will visit friends. Miss McFarland expects to return to ! Salem Sunday or Monday. She i: cashier at the Oregon theater. jHgff"jft.B For Sale. SPECIAL SNAP SMALL FARM familyoSrard ZelT' ZZt timber 1? - - a iiiuuci 11 lai III house, plastered; bath and good closets; small new barn;. $3500 on good terms. John H. Scott Realty Co. 28 Oregon bldg. . STRAWBERRY' plants, r regressive Everbearing, Ettersburg 121, Im proved Oregon and Wilson.. Vigor ous well rooted plants. Place orders now. Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Froat Phone- 494. S5 FOR SALE 1 0 acrts good onion land gooa Jarn, small house near the depot. Call or address J. S. Bum gardner, ClaUkanie, Or..., xi1 FOR SALE Baled cheat hay $f2J ton, 1 mile east on pen road. Phone 86 F22 evenings. 25 BABY CHICKS Leghorns, Reds, Rocks, Minorca. Prices reasonable.. C. N. Needham, 658 State St. Phone 400. $6 FOR SALE Or trade, over one acre 01 ground in Woodburn, on high way; orchard, berries and grape vines, good four rooa bungalow, barn hen house, cellar, woodshed. Want improved lots at Salem. 8. N. Hubbard, Woodburn, Or. 18 GOOD apples, price ranging $1 and up. 22 it, N. Front Phone 631R. 18 FOR SALE No. 1 strawberry plants, extra. line, ft per thousand if you dig them yourself. mile east Sunnyside school, Jefferson road. Phone 107F21. , 20 FOR SALE 20 full bearing prune orcnara, some mixed fruit, E room nouse, barn, chicken house, etc. beautiful location in red hills at Kosedale, south of Salem, on rock road; get busy. Price $10000; terms, $3000 cash, balance easy. S. R. Pearson, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. 40 ACRE farm 7 miles from Salem on pavement and rock road, 18 acres bearing prunes, balance cultivated, typical ror rruit; good large house, barn, chicken house, etc. A vers ex ceptional buyas It has to be uold in 6 days. See me and I will tell vou why. Price $9500, terms, $4000 cash balance easy. S. R. Pearson, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. FOR SALE Two 400-egg Xray incu bators. Can be seen at White & Son's feed store. W. A. Springer. 20 FOR SALE Buff Orpington cocker els. 345 Division St. . 19 FOR SALE Jersey cow. Call 2047 Fairgrounds road. 18 FOR SALE Purebred White Leg horn. Rt. 8, box 38, North Front St. Salem, Or. 18 FOR SALE 6 oak dining chairs, 1 rocking chair, 1 nearly new heater, 1 gas stove and oven, 1 bedstead, spring and mattress. About 30 lbs. sewed carpet rags. Must be sold by the 24th. 810 S. 21st. 18 WOOD, dry wood. Phone 1678W. 21 USED lumber for sale, mostly large, 2x12, 2x6, 4x4, etc. See J. Baum gartner, Salem Hardware Co. 19 FOR SALE 1 good work team, wt. 2400, 1 single driving horse, 4 head small saddle ponies. In barn back of White's feed store. 21 FOR SALE Jersey cow, four years old, high tester, to freshen soon. One S-year old, giving milk, to freshen May 1st. D street road. Box 8, Rt. 7. 22 ROLLTOP desk, typewriter desk, afe check writer for sale. Phone 340. 18 FOR SALE 10x15 Job press, 22- inch paper cutter, type, etc. Joseph Ripp, Sublimity, Or. 22 FOR SALE Or trade, quarter section land at Loverna, Sask., valued $18.50 per acre. Will accept city property or acreage close ln, or will take good car and terms on bal ance. Act quickly. Phone 92F3 or box 196, Salem, Or. 'i FOR SALE 4 year old colt ln good condition. Phone 84F11. 19 FOR SALE-Potatoes. Clifford Brown warehouse, 171 Front St. Table stock and seed free from frost. 22 FOR SALE 12 acres, 6 Mi acres ap pies, 8 years old; some loganberries and other fruit; 6 room house, large barn, chicken house, etc. Price $5 000. Will take Salem property for part or all. Call at 817 Mill St., city, after :30 p. m. Terms easy. 18 Used Cars for Sale. 1 MAXWELL lH-ton truck first class condition, $650; also one Maxwell touring car, all overhauled. $275. Moir Bros., 371 Court St 19 LOST Irish setter, red, about 4 Inch es of tall cut off, 2 or 3 years old. H. Folkes, Phone 1946R. 20 Miscellaneous. OSTEOPATHIC physicians. and sur geons, Drs. White and Marshall. 606 U. S. bank bldg. Phone 869. Dr. White, res. phone 469; Dr. Marshall res. phone 834. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic physician and surgeon, 4113-4 Ore gon bldg. Res. phone 68F6; office phone 1894. 2 ESTES & MAGEE. real estate. If we list it we advertise It Portland of fice 909 Chamber Commerce; Sa lem office 428 Oregon bldg, ever electric depot 24 R. W. BALLANTYNE, piano tuner with Cherrlngton'e fiano blouse, 415 Court St Phone 352. 33 Cash paid for CREAM, EGGS AND POCI.TRY. highest prlcr Best Serv ice HAZEL WOOD .COMPANY, J55 Ferry St.,. Salem, Oregon. Salem Auto Radiator Shop Radiators, Fenders and Gas Tank . Repaired Tractor Radiators a Bpeclaif Ford Radiators tor Sale 198 8. 12th 8treet Salem, Ore. I BEFORE selling your old furniture or old clothing, call 493 and get our - 1 high price for second clothing and furniture. Capi- tal Exchange. Phone 493, 337 Coort si. GET THIS HABIT Phone 628 for gooa taxi service. Stand Klette's pool hail and O. E. depot. Enclos ed .and open cars. Capital Taxi Co. .18 LIBERTY -EXCHANGE AH kinds of second hand goods bought, sold and exchanged. Is we haven't what you want, we'll get it. Try us. W. Ludke, 241 N. Com'l St. Phone 841. Salem, Or. , . THE 1 International Correspondence . school wfH. have their local repre sentative at the Bligh hotel every Saturday to give their students all assistance possible. He also will be glad to give the public information regarding the schools and their courses. . . . HAVE a Bulldog Starter put on your rora. mosi practical starter mad 3. Absolutely guaranteed. Coast Auto parts Sales Co., Y. M. C. A. bldg. . 18 HAVE your auto top recovered or re paired now; top material will be a lot higher. Coast Autoparts Sales Co., Y. M. C. A. bldg. 18 AUTOMOBILE painting, furniture re- rimshed. Phone 1673. The Salem Refinishing Co., 156 S. 12th. 28 Good Buys. 6 room house Mastered. lots t! - wvv. i,usit aim iruue. 7 room plastered house, lots 15 Ox 175, not modern. $3000; trade for small farm and assume $1000. 5 room plastered house, modern, 2 lots, S. 19th. $1850; $650 cash, bal ance time. 7 room plastered house, modern, fair condition, 6 lots, 2200 strawber ry plants; paved street. $2100. 8 room plastered house, plumbed, no tub; fruit trees; good district. $2, 250, $500 cash balance terms. 4 room house ceiled; fruit. $850, $300 cash and terms. ' 7 V, acres Halls Ferry, 4 room house outbuildings; 2 acres in cultivation, spring, fir wood. $1200; will trade for house in Salem. 12 lots near Eola, all In cultivation, good buildings, fruit trees: 12580 pash linn .1 i. and terms. 20 acres Halls Ferry, 8 in cultiva tion, 1 acre prunes. 2 acres strawber ries, 1 acre logans, 4 acres beaverdam land, log buildings. $3000, cash and terms. 10 acres 3 miles. 5 acres In cul tivation, 5 acres In pasture, small house, deep red soil.' $1500 cash and terms. 80 acres, IB acres cleared. 40 acres good saw timber, for what have you? Walter McLaren Room 28, 180 N. Com. St. Salem Jackson CountyCheap Place 120 acres a few miles north of Gold Hill, on Sam's creek; 60 acres in cul tivation, balance ln timber. Ten acres in apple and pear orchard, good va rieties; 8 acreB' in alfalfa, four acres in wheat and balance will be in corn this spring. Soiie nice bottom land on the creek. There is a spring from which water is piped to house, , barn, garden and lots, also a good well un der porch roof. Good 8 room house with closets, large porches and at tached woodshed, telephone. Barn 24x32 with sheds, chicken house. smoke house, garage. One mile to school and mail box, 3 miles to store, Good roads, good neighbors and good place. Reason for selling is age and health of owners. Price $9600 and this takes some stock, tools and household goods. Will take half or third in cash and give terms on balance, or might consider a small home in city as part. PEARCY BROS., Horticulturists 210 Oregon bldg. Phone 663 Real Investments. Cattle rnnch, 967 acres. 150 acres ln cultivation, lots of timber', all kinds of outrange, 10 acres bearing prunes, 10 miles of woven wire fenoe; 150 sheep, 150 goats, cows and horses. Stock and machinery worth $10,000. One 7, one 8 room house,, large barn, Price $30,000. Good terms. Prune and walnut farm. 80 acres, 73 H In cultivation, 12 acres ln bear ing prunes of which 4 acres are set to English walnuts. Land slightly roll ing, 3 miles of Silverton. Good build ings, family orchard. $10,500. Good terms. Small' farm in city consisting of one whole block. 6 room plastered house, bath, toilet, basement, garage and other outbuildings. Small payment down. Price $2600.- New 9" room bungalow, bath, two lots, small barn. 1918 Ford car, horse, and $1600 contract for 2 years. All for ZV5U. About suu taken in on the side every year. A real snap. Estees & Magee 428 Oregon bldg Portland office 909 Chamber of Com merce 19 Bargains and Investments. Nice modern S room cottage, large lot, barn, garage, fruit trees; nice lo cation. A bargain for only $2250. Fine 24 acre tract, 21 acres bearing prunes and cherries; fine large bun galow, good prune dryer, barn, water system; l'A miles from town; sac rifice price, quick sale, $10,600. 10 acres near Salem, good buildings, 7 acres bearing prunes and loganber ries. $5200. ... Nice modern 6 room cottage, nice location, full basement, fine lot on car line. $2500, easy payments. . Fine 10 acre tract 2 miles out, pav ed road, extra fine dark loam soil. $2500. For good buys and square dealing. Perrine & Marsters 211-12 Com. Club bldg. Farms 4 Sale 148 acres, 106 under plow and mostly seeded; 27 acres pasture, 15 acres timber, a good family orchard, modern 9 room, plastered house; two good barns and other buildings; good well and running water. Price Z3, 300, $7500 cash, balance long time at per cent. 80 acres of valuable timber close to Pacific highway; for quick sale $75 per acre. 320 acres. 110 In cultivation, fair improvements; 200 acres valuable tlm ber. A real snap. $40 per acre. 40 acres mostly In cultivation, good Improvements, fine' orchard, close in on good road. $11,000, $7000 cash. This is some farm. John H. Scott Realty Co. 228 Oregon bldg. LonT Distance Hanlinc EMPET TRANSFER CO Local and long distance freight haullne. Dnilv service to Portland, outside trips njniwni. neasonaoie cnarges. Of fice 445 Court street. Phone $98: night phones 679J, 674R. Salem. Or. , ss Best Buys. 100 acre farm, improvements first class, modern house, large barn, 3 silos, family orchard.: a miles from town, no better land in vallev.' i00 fr Acre. $5000 will handle. 125 acres, family orchard, all clear ed, good valley loam, 8 room modern house and smaller house, large barn and all necessary outbulldinirs. at rail road station on good road. $126 per acre. s o acres, all cleared, best soil, well drained, fenced in small fields: 8 room house. 2 large barns, ail im provements new, family orchard, 8 miles from Salem. $9000, terms on part 30 acre fruit farm. 20 in prunes. 4 acres apples. I logans, new dryer cost $3604 ta build, house and barn, best fruit land, north and west slope. $12, 500, terms. 31 acres river bottom. , 2 V, mllea from Salem: 14 acres in fruit, paid 40 percent on price last year, orchard in good condition with good Drosnect for large crop next year. $12,000, cash. - 66 acres, 35 ln bearing walnuts and prunes, new dryer, house and barn, spring water piped to all buildings, on rock road, 7 miles of Salem. $340 per acre, easy terms. 22 acres all clear. 1 mile from sta tion, house, barn and other buildings, family orchard, good valley soil. Would make a fine poultry ranch, not far from Portland. $475, H cash. We also have many ther small tracts on paved roads near Salem, as well as houses ln town. 58 acre farm for rent. " For best buys see . . Socolofsky. 841 State street Good Buys. 10 acre timber tract located 5 miles south of Salem, about 350 cords of standing fir timber. Price $1050. S3 acre tract located miles south of Salem on main rock road,. nearly an cultivated. 6 room house and barn, well, fine prune and berry soil. .Price $6600. 20 acre tract, timber and pasture, 5 room house and barn. well. RU miles out. Price $1760. 200 acre tract located 6 miles from Salem, '100 acres cultivated, balance good timber and some pasture, run ning creek, spring, buildings. Price $100 per acre. 10 acres bearing Italian prune. Prce $5500. , Well Improved 80 aore farm, 5 miles east of Salem. - good , buildinss and nearly all In crop. Price $16,500. HOUSE BUYS 8 room modern house located at 745 Ferry street, basement, furnace, paved street. Price $3600, H cash, balance 6 per cent Interest. 6 room plastered house, bath, toi let, electric lights, good basement. corner lot, 1 block from carltne. Price $2600, $900 down, balance terms. Strictly modern 5 room bungalow and two large lots located on Fair mount hill, beautiful view, corner lots, paved street. Price $6009. 6 room modern home located on Slate street; furniture goes. Price $5, 000. - ' . . . 6 room modern bungalow located in south Salem. Price $2300. If you want to buy, trade or sell, see W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State street Good Homes Priced Right . bor yuick Sale 8 room strictly modern bungalow, except fnrnace. A real snap. $3200, cash. 6 room strictly modern bungalow, new $3000; $1000 cash, balance terms. You'll have to hurry if you get this. 6 room house plastered, electric lights, bath and toilet, small garage. $2260, $1250 cash, balance terms. 5 room modern bungalow, a beauty, get busy on this; $2000. 8 room house on N. Liberty St., close ln. $32000, cash. If you want a good home nriced right John II. Scott Realty Co., 228 Oregon building has it . . Scavenger. Salem Scavanger Garbage and re fuse of all kinds removed on month ly contracts at reasonable rates Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals removed Office phone Mala 167 Money To Loan. On good real estate security THOS. K. FORD ver Ladd & Bush Bank, Balem, Ore TO LOAN $5600. Call 744 N. Com mercial St. 19 KARION-POLK National Farm Loan Ass n. Government money to loan at ( 1-2 percent. 803 Salem Bank of Commerce. W. D. Smith. Money to Loan Federal Farm Loans Any amount Long time. 6tt and 6 percent Interest. City building loans. A. C. Bohrnstedt 401 Masonio Temple, Salem, Oregon Salem Auto Exchange. Monitor cars now on display. Come and see them. 221 tSate Bt Phone Hit Safety Razor biades. SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma chine, first installed at A. B. Stew art Roalr Shop. 847 Court St Why Sell For Less? WE will pay you more cash tor your household goods Get our bid be-, fore you sell. Peoples Furniture and Hardware Store, 271 N. Com mercial street Phone 714. Stove Repairing. TOVE8 rebuilt- and repaired. I! years experience; Depot National and American fence, slses ft to 68 Inches high. Pain s, olA" and varn ishes, etc, loganberry vid hop hooks Salem Fence am Stove Works, 250 Court street Phon 114 Water Company. eorner Commercial and Trade Bts ; Wlto tTku; wsathly to Phone 67 Lodge Directory. pC. -HEMEKETA Lodge No. 1 meets every : Wednesday evening at 7:30 at I O. O. F. hall. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. Harry Levy, C C; P. J. Kunti K. R. & S. ROYAL NEIGHBORS F AMERICA. Oregon Grape camp No. latl meets every Thursday evening in McCor- nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle, airs. irrie to. auan. 4 union St. recorder. Mrs. Melissa Persona, 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M. UNITED ARTISANS Captial Assem bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at 8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. halt Ulenn C Niles. M. A.; C. A Vlbbert. secre tary. S40 Owen street W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118. Meets every Friday night at 8 o'clock in McCornack hall, ear. Court and Lib erty St Visiting Woodmen welcome. & D. Rase. C.C. U S. Geer, clerk. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6846 meets every Thursday evening at o'clock In McCornack building. Court and Liberty streets. W. M. Persona. V. C. Frank A. Turner, clerk. 1 Grain: Wheat Ntt 1 $2 2.10; feed oats 80 85c; milling oats 86 88c; cheat hay $1920; oat hay $2324; clover hay $24 25; mill run $48 49. Butterfat: Butterfat, 69c; cream ery butter 61 62c. Pork, veal and mutton: Pork on foot 14 He; veal fancy 22c; steers 78c; cows 607 1-Sc; spring lamb 9c; ewes 45c; sheep, yearlings 6Hc Dressed pork 20o. Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 42c; light hens, 24c; heavy hens 26c; old roosters 15 16c; springs 24o. Vegetables: Onions per pound 6c celery doa. $1.75; potatoes, Yakima 5o, Oregon 44c; sweet potatoes 7c; beets per sack $3.76; turnips per sack $3.75; carrots per sack $1.25; parsnip per sack $3.75; spinach 10c lb.; rad; ishes 40c dos. Fruit: Oranges $4.506.00; Kimons $6.507.00; bananas lie; honey ext. 20o; bunch beets 45c; cabbage to; head lettuce $1.26; carrots 46c; grapes 15c; BruBsell sprouts 16c; caullff lower $2 doz; red peppers 26o lb. Retail price: Eggs dozen, creamery butter, 70c; country 60a: ter 65c; flour, hard wheat $3.25 soft wheat $2.90. 1 LIVESTOCK Portland, Jan 21. Cattle slow; receipts 56; steers best $11.2519 12.00; good to choice $10.50 ft? 11; me dium to good $9 9.75; fair to good $8 9; common to fair $7 8; choice cows and heifers $9 10; good to choice $7.7 5 9 ; medium to good $7.00(8.00; fair to medium $6.00 7.00 canners $3.5O5.50; hulls $6 8.00; prime light calves $15.50 17 heavy calves $7 12.60; stockers and feeders (8 (g) 9.60. , ogs lower; receipts 388; prime mixed $15.25 15.75; medium! 14.76 i 15.25; rough heavy $11. 75 14.75; pigs $12.25 14.25. ' Sheep firm; receipts 89; eastern lambs 915 15.50; light valley $14.50 015.00; heavy $13.50 15.00; feedor lambs $12i15; yearlings $1318.50; wethers $1213. Butter Portland, Jan, 21. Butter weak; cubes extra nominal; parchment wrapped, box lots 69c;" cartons 60c; half boxes Ho more; less than hall boxes lo more; butterfat 56 57c f. o. b. station; 59 61c Portland. - - Poultry and Eggs, Portland, Jan. 21 Extremely weak Eggs selling price case count, 46e; buying price 45c; selling price candled 48c; selected candled in car tons 60c. Poultry: Hens 28 33c; broilers 22 roosters 16c; turkeys dressed 47c; geeso 2025c; ducks 36 40c. WlH-ot and Mill Stuffs. Wheat: $2.20; barley, $72; oat $62.60 hid; corn No. 3 yellow $58.25 rid. Hay: Buying price, valley timothy $2028;, alfalfa $31.60; grain $26; cheat $22; clover $26; oats and vetch $26. Millstuffs: Prices f.o.b. mill, city artage $2 extra,. Mill run, car lots o mixed care $45 ton; rolled barley $74 rolled oats $68; ground barley $74; scratch feed $82. Corn whole $67; cracked $69. BROTHERS MAKE HIT WITH YOUTHS AT TRAINING SCHOOL (Continued from page one) of Mother Eve. Auditorium Is Bare. The auditorium was filled when wt arrived. Lads of all ages, in grey uni forms; so young, most of them, that one wondered how their mothers could bear to have them away from home. Yellow heads and brown heads and the sleek black heads that bespoke souie- ern parentage, or south-of-Europe an cestry. What struck ine first was the big difference between their auditor ium and the one at the penitentiary. In the latter place the slender hands of a Belgian artist have beautified the walls and woodwork, so that no trace of grimness remains; here, except for a few cheap prints Christ blessing lit tle children, the Madonna, and one whose title Is unknown to me, the walls are glaring white and pitifully bare. The sweet kindly personality of the su perintendent's wife, and the fatherll ness of Mr. Gilbert himself, are .the only noticeable home touches In that whole huge building. Which Is, of course, none of my buslnens. It goes without saying, that the pro gram was excellent. It was an easy V, L " T'7 (Arthur Rahn, who answered three 'cores and then bowed and smiled Uke a professional, during as many more; one man whose name 1 have forgotten, who had an excellent voice and sans as though he owned the world; the or chestra, that chose just the sort of lively selections that would please their audience, ami hat and best, IS. Cooke Patton, who, as long as there is s boy in Salem will be the object ot wonder and silent hero worship by rea son et his uncanny knowledge of how to fool his fellow men. : I wish you could have seen the faces of those lads during the entire per formance. Most of aH I wish you could have seen the face ef the littlest rebel, brown eyes as large as saucers, euri? hair in the just the sort of runpieet mess that makes a woman want ta pick a yeungster up and mother him lips always slightly parted like the lips of the Child in the arms of the Ma donna in the cheap print on the wait If those Big Brothers had any doubt as to whether or not their entertain, ment "Was appreciated, they needed only to look at the eager faces ot the boys whom they were amusing to have their doubts dispelled. Well, the program could not last forever, and after Mr. Patton had turned the rioe Into water, and ther water Into candy, and received alt kinds of uncanny messages from the gruesome wax hand, the curtain was lowered and the refreshments served. If any of those lads walked In theie sleep or had ghastly nightmares, the authorities will have to blame the Elks. Ice cream and numberless cook ies have never been recommended by physicians, as I remember It, as an ideal 11 p. m. luncheon. . Big Brother Talks. . .. -,' And just before the evening ended, one of the Big Brothers, recognizing the auspicious moment to address at few words of brotherly council to the boys, gave them a short heart to heart talk about everything in general. . It was a beautiful climax to the whole at. fair. I remember he said something about obeying one's superiors and nev er doing anything one's mother would be ashamed of. Remembering the rapt attention with which the littlest rebel had watched the wonders of E. Cooke Patton's magic art, I had a picture of a contrite little face and wide eyes filled with renewed ambition to be good and sweet as the brother Elk was telling htm to be, and I turned to look. Head on his breast, towselcd hair over the high forehead, And one hand ' sUH tightly clasping the ice cream spoon, the littlest rebel was sound asleep. 32 MEASURES KILLED BY OFFICIAL VETO (Continue from Page Four. slderation of this class of legislation at the special session." H. B. 599, by Gallagher Involving a slight change In season tor klliintt jacksnlpe and other birds in game dis trict number two. "This is a matter that could not have been considered at the special session." ... H. B. 49, by llurnaugh Changing: one of he terms eof court in tenth ju dicial district from May to March an declaring an emergency. "I fail to se that the change noted In any way af fects the Immediate preservation at the public peace, health and safety," S. B. 23, Union couny delegation Relating to salaries of Union county officers and llmlnating provision . n 1919 act referring measure to vote of the people of the county affected. "This act has for Its sole purpose the repeal of that referendum clause." H. It. 60, by Linn county delegation Relating to salaries of certain offi cials of Linn county and declaring an emergency. Vetoed because of objec tion to emergency clause. II. K 72, by McKailund To regu late angling In Willamette rivor south of suspension bridge at Oregon City and declaring an emergency. Vetoed because of emergency clause. H. 11. i3 by Kubll Providing for acquisition owncrhlpi and control of property by Incorporated cities and town within or without their corporate limit and declaring an emergency. Ve toed because of objection to emergency cluuse. S. B. 17 by Lachmutul Providing for use of prosy votes In amending constitution and bylaws of mutual fire Insurance companies. "Not the class of legislation, that should have been given consideration at the special ses sion of the legislature." H. B. 16 by Hughes Authorizing the Inclusion 'of lands belonging to state or any Incorporated towns in Irri gation or drainage districts and de claring an emergency. Vetoed because of no apparent necessity for emergen cy clause. HOT ! FOR Tells why everyone should dtinfe hot water with phosphate in it before breakfast Headaches ate caused by auto-In--oxlcatlon which means self polson 11 g. Liver and bowel poisons called oxins, sucked inte the blood so fast that It congests In the smaller arter es and veins of the head, producing iolent, throbbing pain and distress, jailed headache. You become nerv us, despondent sick, feverish and miserable, your meals sour and al most nauseate you. Then you resort to acetanilld, aspirin or the bromides which temporarily relieve but do not rid the blood of these Irritating tox ins. A glass of hot water with a tea. spoonful of limestone phosphate in It, drank before breakfast will not only wash these poisons from your system and cure you of headache, but will cleanse, purify and freshen ttis alimentary canal. Ask your pharmacist for a quarter pound of limestone phosphate. It Is Inexpensive, harmless as sugar. If you aren't feeling your best. If tongue Is coated or you wake up with bad taste, foul breath or have colds. Indigestion, biliousness, constipation or sour, acid stomach, begin the phos- ! nEAuAuHES en-'Phated hot water cure to rid your ays- ltm of toxins and poisons (Adv 1 '.