THE CAPITAL T-rP"T wrnTF.SDAY. JANUARY 21. 1920; ir air No Successful Man Would Hunk Of Not Usicg The "Home Bank" By depositing your funds in some local bank you not only help the com munity in which you live to grow, but you help yourself far more. You pro tect your interests b ypaying by check; you are more inclined to save when you have a savings account; your money is safe when left with the bank; home industries can be helped more readily where people use their home banks. This is your city and every bank in it is ready to help you along thrift lines. If you have money to invest ask your banker, ho will steer you right. OPEN A BANK ACCOUNT irnnwi Mm AflM 1 1 Mil II 11 t 1 II If f 1 K .1 tl II t 1 VJ D tl SI H I fill ffllf M r cwwmwawww'ww wj.A; t IT M j3 SI u Ls3 INAUGURATED FOR THE PURPOSE OF TEACHING THEPEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES THE VALUE OF "THRIFT .--..h45BtfSa3a The week of January 17 to 24 is National Thrift Week and in over 700 cities in the United States an ef fort is being made to call to the attention of the people the value of being thrifty. Earn a little more and save a little of what you earn. Every person desires to be independent, but lew people have the will power necessary to accomplish their desires. Every person can save something ana tne lives of all great men prove that careful saving was the main factor in their success. You must save i you expect to keep what comes into your possession. The spendthrift cannot hold a fortune even when it is given to him. Think it over and decide to be thrifty along all lines. EVERY MAN SHOULD MAKE A WILL FOR BY SO DOING HE SAFEGUARDS THEJNTERESTS OF HIS LEGATEES "IF" you haven't made a will don't let the sun set before having the matter attended to. And when you make that will see that it is made right. . Complications always arise where property is left and no will is made. Ofttimes a great share of a large estate is dissipated and heirs are caused all kinds of trouble simply because some one thought so little of his or her business that they neglected to make a will. A Home Is to the Man Lie an Anchor To a Ship-Quit Drifting. The banks, the building and loan so cieties and the saving and loan compan ies will all help you to own your own home. You have the most lofty object in the world when you start to save for the purpose of owning a home. When you own a home in Salem you will take ' more interest in civic matters and your interests will grow with those of every other home owner. Every family can own their own home "IF" they will work to that end. There is more satis faction in owning the roof over your head than anything else material. ! OWN Yfll R AWN HOMF i "NATIONAL LIFE HUH DAY" "SHARE WITH OTHERS DAY" A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY PROVES A MAN'S CHARACTER BETTER THAN ANY Rule you can apply. For some 77 years men have been insuring their lives. Every person who died and left an insurance on their lives left an estate and that estate was accumulated from funds that might otherwise have been spent during the life of the insured. When life underwriters try to induce you to take out life insurance, they are simply try- : ing to get you to do your duty. You owe it to yourself, your family and to every member of society to have your life insured. You protect your business interests as well as your loved ' ones. A life insurance policy may be the means of starting life anew should misfortune overtake you. Investigate life insurance before it is too late. THE PERSON WHO DOES NOT LEARN THE VALUE OF SHARING WITH OTHERS IS not well informed. It has been most conclusively proven that man cannot live alone. Every person on this earth is necessary to the welfare of every other person "IF" he. or she could see aright. We are compelled to touch other lives and whether we wish it or no we must share with others. The fabric of life is so inter-woven that we are our brother's keeper. Suppose a man dies and leaves a family destitute, aren't we compelled to care for that family? ' We may not do it as individuals but the state cares for that family and we are a part of the state. Learn the great lesson of life. We are here on this earth to share with others and the best people on earth are the most willing to hare. w . ; rT M 1 i i gg w n N IDE PRODUCTS I,.' : - , MM THE FACTORY OWNER AND THE FACTORY WORKER MUST Recognize thrift. Salem was once called "dead" and truth to tell there was little life here. Industry came and later industries began to multi ply until today Salem is an industrial center and bids fair to become known the world over for her manufactured products. Industry has become so well organized here that we are being advertised far and near. The city i3 wide awake and alive to the interests of her people. The Employer of labor is doing his best to safeguard the interests of his employees. Labor is giving honest service and the manufactured products are of the very highest grade. Oregon made goods are in de mand here for Oregonians know that they are honestly made in clean, open air factories and under the best working conditions. You can be most thrifty by patronizing Home Industry. Let all boost for more peo ple to install more factories of a diversified nature and induce more farmers and laborers to grow products and operate these factories we now have located here. . pll.LI JlipWJ.WlllllllllM iK Every Family Can Better Practice Thrift By Having A Budget Successful business men, manufactur ersin fact all successful people "Make a Budget." It is absolutely necessary in this age to adopt a budget system "IF" you wish to succeed. Every family should make up a budget. Try the bud get system and see how much it will aid you to become "Thrifty." YOUR REPUTATION AS A CITIZEN DEMANDS THAT YOU PAY Promptly. Credit is simply a matter of convenience. ' Every man and woman desires to keep their credit good. There is but one sure way to have a good credit and. that is to "Pay Your Bills Promptly". How can you be sure that you are going to be able to pay your bills when they are due? You must save first and. when you contract a bill you must know m advance where the money is coming from to pay that bill. tZl? t0 blame fr Bad BUls as much 3 the people who S TT'mLTf WCreffit Any one can have things ti it h hW ShUld ,knW that the raan or woman who asks son who 1 L 5 P,r0I?Stly bef0re credit is extended. Every per pav womSl I ZfT ?i ShUld be SUre that the-V wi m a position to mini v llt Cntract a debt 1 will be well. Too the S rfght t9 buy g00d3 on their credit whether "TP'W F an P,ay Pr0mptly- They simply take a chance and ThL tlUTW' f.6 m When due they ! the merchant worry. vourS 7r JTT '"A13 the WOrst handicaP ay can have. Pay jourbills promptly and keep your credit good. THIS PAGE CONTRIBUTED BY THE ATTORNEYS OF SALEM, OREGON.