Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 21, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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City by The Capital Journal Printing Co..
U Sou in Commercial irei.
Telephone!i Circulation ana Business
Office, i; twiionai roum .
GEORGE PUTNAM. Editor-Publisher
Entered a second claa mail matter
at Balem, Oregon.
suBscmrrioN rates
Br carrier 60 cents a month. By mail
jo cents a momn, .i.i iur mrw kw'
12.25 for six months, ft per year In
ilarion and Polk counties. Elsewhere
f i a year.
By oiuer of U. S. government, all mail
euDscrlt'UoMS are payaoiu ui uv,,w
Advertising representatives W. D.
Ward. Tribune Blue;., new torn: v. n
flluckwell. Peoples Gas Bids;.. Cbicago.
Th. A ..i.nim lt Irtsl I. AXCltlfllVblV
entitled to the use for republication of
all news dispatches crectilea to u or
not otherwise credited in this paper
and also local news published herein.
Rippling Rhymes.
Every day Misfortune's handing
rnns of -'!!) and chunks of Ice; all
cuir troubles notwithstanding;, this old
vorld Is worth the price. Every one Ik
cutting capers In a most obnoxloui
tyle; when I read the dully papers
I cait scarcely spring a smile. For
they're full of titles of slnv'nt r-rirt
df dying men's laments; bandits thru
the streots are Btraylnff, shooilnir up
itnd robbing gents. Industry Is shot to
r ' - -rhy Ih largely billed,
bonds are stolen from valises, and
bank messengers ftie killed. Grief
Around us bolls and thickens, till It
borders on despair: things ore going
to the dickens. If they're not already
there. Then I raise a sigh find heave
it, mid this world I roundly curse
'in I'd h"' like heck to leave it, for
the other might he worse. Wo, the
people, hnve the willies, but the world
la not to blame; It's a pines of light
and llllles and enjoys a well-earned
fame. It would be the best old planet
la the solar right of way, If the dele
gates who man It would down
fur half a day. When hot air we cease
to peddle, and get down to sawing
wood, this old world will wear a med
al there Is nothing "Just as good."
The $2,000,000 trust fund st aside
by the Into Henry M. Flagler of the
Hundanl Oil company for his wife, has
increased to $8,1120, 789 In ten years, It
was learned when the committee In
chnt-ire of the estate filed Us annual re.
jiort in the supreme court in New
Constable I'him, who had Ih' buck
linnp t' itrivst a prominent car owner
for parkin' In front o' Ih' fire station,
ia Imln' boomed fcr th' roptiblUxin
I'lC.-.lilciilial nomination. Til' old lime
woman Unit sung at In t work now
lias n daughter unit migs ul her maid.
Indigestion, Acidity, Sourness
and Cases ended with
"Pape's Diapepsin"
M HIUIUI Ul KOW I Ollt it i
needless to bo bothered with indiges
tion, dyspepsia or a disordered stom
ach, A few tablets of Papo's Diapopsin
neutralize aridity uud give relief at
When your n.tvU iVm't fit tad ou
fcol net mfoitnl le when you bctfh
?afs, acids or rnite sour, uodiested
ood. When you fool lumps of indi
gestion pnaii, heartburn er headaolie,
front acidity, just cat a tablot of
I'upe't )inH-)'Mn and Ihc stomach (lis
Crept U
The ('( is jo little. The bwioXiU to
great. 1 on, too, Will be a Diapep-i
enthusiast tftorwards.
Stiff Joints
Sore Muscles
Umktr Up Quickly Undar th Sath.
Ing, Ponatratlns AppHcatton f ,
Hamlin WliartJ Oil
In cases of rheumatism tnd lame
ttark it pnrtr.its quickly, drives out
korencu, and limbers up stiif, aching
joints and muscles.
Wiard Oil is an absolutely reliable,
hntiseptic application for cuts, burns,
S.ilf l ct.'iwra (C,.ii., k n.i
ml A :' "
heal readily under its foottiinj, pen-
Llratinir qualities.
Cct it from druergists for 30 cents.
If not sitistied return the bottle and
i?ct your money back.
Err conilipalfd or have sick head
ache? Jut try Wizard liver Whips,
j'k-aiiiu little pink pills, JO cent.
AS expected, that stalwart champion of reaction, the
- uregonian, approves me suspensiun vx umy cicvi,cu
Socialist members from the New York state assembly,
although the expulsion is a violation of the Bill of Rights,
un-American and destructive of liberty. -
If Socialists can be ousted, merely because their pol
itical tenets do not meet the approval of the Republican
majority, so ca nthe Democrats, whose opinions are equal
ly distastefuland so can Republicans in states where
Democrats are in a majority. Political toleration the
safe-guarding of the rights of the minority, are funda
mental principles of the republic. Violation, under what
ever excuse, is fatal to democracy.
That the action of the New York assembly is recog
nized as a danger signal is shown by the storm of protest
aroused in the east The New York bar association, un
der the leadership of such eminent Republicans as Charles
E. Hughes and George W. Wickersham has adopted reso
lutions declaring that the action "destroys the very foun
dations of representative government, and appointed a
committee, headed by Judge
ing the political rights of Socialist assemblymen and their
constituentsa committee the
to participate in the hearings.
The expulsion is recognized, no; as the fight of the
Socialists, but as the fight of every citizen who believes in
representative government. That such action is possible,
shows how far the nation is drifting away from the ideals
of its founders, lhat it is done
ism, recalls Samuel Johnson's
as the last refuge of scoundrels.
A DMIRAL SIMS seems to
a. m. Tnnnin is vup na Anc
The "best British admiral in the American navy" evi
dently believes that he won the war, and that except for
o: a i. , eiii
oiin, American navai acnievemems were a set 01 Diuna
Sil'rtS annnrPTlMv holds
ppntrat.ed in hi'm thnt. bia
i? iL J??
cuiiuuul ui uie war was a nzzie ana mai ne aione is quai
mea to pass upon decorations for merit and valor.
To Sims hhfi imnnrtaTlt. pffnvt rf tha war woa rr.nn,
eration with the British in
snores, i nis is not surprsinc
President Taft found if. nflpflssnrv tn ronrim a nrl hm
years ago for his 'blood is
To the naw denartmpnt
superior in command, the most important naval opera-
i.! - Al P 1 n a 1
iions were me saieguaramg 01 American troops in tran
sit and the nroteetion nf A
with the British had to wait
aim3 aisgust, ana nis carping criticism of his superiors
auu ineir management 01 tne war.
Sims, who fought no sea battles, denounces decora
tion of those Who did: Sims, whft was nnf tnmprlnorl of
sea, condemns recognition of
saw no sea service, would reserve decorations for those
who served on shore duty.
Admiral Sims is marriing an otherwise fine record
by doing his best to shatter naval morale, destroy disci-
pane ami onng tne navy into contempt, in an effort to
gratify petulant pique and magnify his own importance.
But the more the navy is investigated, the prouder the
American people will be of its achievements.
. The onlv criticism refrardinfr mpdnl awavrlc i'a thnt
V n "iv. n I V . WsJ 4U L11U J
there are not enough of them. Every officer and sailor
vvno servxa at sea or on snore
to a decoration.
xne noxea autnor
Mali M?Qlone Gibson
I do not think my mind wiw us
strung us even my unor weak body,
for when niv hunbnnrt siild to nie:
"Girl, there will be no need for lit
tle clothes," I did not cntoh the Im
port of h(s words.
"Oh. John." 1 wild, "I hope you
hnvon't ifone and, purchased a lot of
ready-made thlnjrs. I expected to
hnva such a blissful time, making th
tiny gnrnisntal
"Vou know In a little while T, 'i
he able to no out verv nim'li in ri
I probably won't be nble to nt all
now, nun l must Imve annieiblnir tn
mke up my time, and atlenlon."
John took inn tin In hla un. in .
Way that made ma feel with r,.,.i
a note of sjrent pity that I hnd never
rtcnitnizcd n his makeup before.
uiri, Kill, uon't you nn.leistand?"
he said "lleeuuH vu hnm hun .n
very III, because wo early had to
ciiixwe wnetner It was your life or
th little one's that niv ilem- iri.i i
the ronsun there will be no need for
bnby elothrs."
It Was then I fnl lv r..,ii..,.i i.....
- ., ,,,, jum
how weak I wan. for I did not seem
to feel so very badly. I rould onlv
think that I wax tired .h u.. n-.,
and 1 wished John would go away
ami let me sleep. I must have stirred
uneasily, for John nut me H,,,.-,,
the pillows gently and said:
"Don't Brieve, girl, r rnn't, for I
Still low ynn. And oh V(h,.., t
thoticrht onee I should have to lose
tYcbi Hh Touch of l.liw
' I don't think .Mrs. (lor, I,,,.
talk more." sold the nnraa n,
eyes closed wearily, r felt the touch
of John's liiw on my forehead, which
tor tne flrsf time. I reiillinil
damp With ion.
I did not even open my ryes as he
Went softly out of the room.
My one great loneing? was for rest,
rest and sleep.
The mirxe busied hersidf In mak
ing vie eomfortil.lo. but t fell I
could not sjieaU to her, even to tell
Hughe? to assist in protect
assembly refused to permit
undc the guise of patriot
definition of patriotism
be suffering from megalo-
that, nil r.nvnl urierlrim ia enn,
annprinva am rlnlfa thot fVio
1 . 1 il- 1 1 1 1
protecting British ships and
wnen it is remembered that
thicker than water" British
anrl Admiral Mavn Ri'ma'
upon this program hence
those who were: Sims, who
m the war zone is entitled
her how grateful I was for her gen
tie and efficient ministrations.
I only wanted to sleep, to rent.
And then all nt once the flooi
(fates opened. Apparently wltnout
reason I began to shake with solm
Cold tremors shook me from head
to root. Bounds that for a moment
I wits not sure nmi from .
throat assailed my ears. They were
'nose or a stricken deer.
"Oh, VOU mustn't! You m,,i"
sftid the nurse In consternation. "I
am arraid you will have a relapse."
Hurriedly she
button near my bed, and in a moment
me nenu nurije appeared. By this time
I had seem to have hist all control
of myself and was groaning una
moaning Incoherent words which fin
ally resolved themselves Into:
"Oh, my baby, my baby, I wanted
you so!" t
rcl It Vividly.
Tt Is strange that ns 1 look back
upon that awakening. 4 am able to
describe it. yet. feel It. . i.,m..,
I have never known anything in my
life, never hav gone through any ex
perience whieh ellni! in
ueh poignant diatresa. I know now
I that I someway had felt that the com
ing of my bahv wnnl.l l i .
happiness, a joy that I had expected
to find In my wedded life, and which
(hnd been dented me.
I And now I was almost In despnir
;na the feeling came that U would al-
"" oe aemett me.
Shortly I fdt a quick prick In my
arm and low-voiced Instructions. A
cool hand rln HriA.1 mi, ...Li, - ..
; n sootn-
u oice wnispered: "In a i,tl,
i While you will feel better."
j I did not open my eyea. for In m
j heart. I felt tnat I should never -feel
i better" A,ii,i .,. ..
' . ine pow-
l r of the drug given me that I tmmed
j lately began to grow calmer. My heart
; Brew . warmer, my brwth came tern
gaspliiKly. ai M IaHt oblivion, sleep!
When opened my eyes again the
jsun wns streaming In and a great
frnamnca of violets seemed to en
jrelop me. My fin thought was Ulat
t, nrm t TrkTTTxTT irrnvrciniV JANUARY 21. 1920.
Itlrli LiAfl 1 tL iJk) RiAI-i mms-m-". "
xf2st. W
?pyfeffi B
It was a very hot summer's day. Ev
en up on Blue Mountain Cuffy Bear
felt tha heat And he wished that he
might get rid of his thick coat But tho
Cuffy was beginning to believe himself
a very wis little bear, he could think
of no way to slip off his heavy black
fur. So he- sat down in the shade of
a big tree, where the breeie blew upon
him; and tried to be as cool as he
Except when he was as'.eep It was
not often that Cuffy was still for so
long. But now he sat motionless for
some time, with his bright red tongue
hanging out of his mouth like a dog's.
Yes, he was quite still all but his lit
tle, beady, bright eyes. They kept mov
ing all the time. And they saw many
things, for something or other Is al
ways happening in the forest.
Cuffyvsaw a gray squirrel stick Its
head up from the crotch of a tree
nearby and peep at him. And he wat
ched a wary old crow as he rested
high In a tree-top and cawed a greet
ing to some friends who were flying
past on their way to Farmer Green's
cornfield. And Cuffy noticed a bee as
It lighted, on a. wild-flower right in
front of him and sucked the sweetness
out of It. But Cuffy didn't pay much
I was dead, but Immediately I found
that It was Alice who bent over me,
her arms laden with flowers.
Tries To Smile.
I tried to smile at her, but my Hps
felt stiff. I was however, Invigorated
by the woody Bcent of my favorite
flower. .
' "Why did you bring so many?" I
"Because, when I was going to buy
them," she answered, "I met Karl
Shepard at tho door of the florist
shop and he insisted upon buying all
they had. 'Tell hef how we all miss
her.' ha said- 'The old Country Club
isn't a bit like itself, and we expect
her to get well just as soon as she
can, and make us all happy again."
"But what about me, Alice?" I ask
ed. "How can I make others happy
when I shall never be happy again?"
"Yes you will, my dear, yes you
will. Whatever you teel now, the time
will surely come when you will know
that 'whatever Is, Is right!' "
(Tomorrow Mme Gordon Is
(Continued from page one)
a bill apparently designed to make It
easier for surety companies to evade
tie responsibilities which they enter
Into when becoming surety upon a
bond. It' has been the pmprienca nf
many Including the state, that surety
companies too often endeavor to us
(he laws to evade their rcsponsibiliies."
S. B. 6. bv cnnimlttA nn rtvfl.lniicra
To validate the organization of certain
drainage districts. "Section 3 of the
bill Provides th:it 'nl nenriiner ir,ln
attacking the organization of district
coming under the provision of the act
shal labnte.' Such a provision I con
sider dangerous and ill-advised."
H. B. 22, by Thrift Providing for
the creation of the office of county
meat and herd Intmeetm- In rnrta nn.
ty. "It Is a purely local measure and,
reKuroiess or wnnt local merit it may
have. Shoild have hiwl rtn mtitaNlln.
nt the special session of the legisla
H. B. 51. bv Gallnsrhnr Amnnriln
law relating to drainage districts.
Among oilier things it imposes upo
districts the creation of a commission
for certain purposes to do work, a
method for which is already provided
for bv law."
B. 7. bv MnlinomAh eoiinlt- iIaIa.
gallon Relating to In
uiHiricis naving more than 2D.or i chil
dren of school age. "ii consid.. od. at
Optometrist .
204-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg.
attention to that And since he soon
began to feel cooler he was just won
idering what he would do next when it
occurred to him that several bees had
'lighted upon the flowers near him, and
ithat they had all flown off In the same
All at once Cuff? forgot how hot
nnrt iincnmhnrtsble he had been; for
now he was wondering If those bees
weren't all of them flying home to
make honey out of the sweet juices
thev had drawn from the flowers. And
iif they were and if he could only fol
low them then he would find the tree
j where they lived and he could have all
I the honey he wanted to eat.
j So Cuffy followed on a little way in
'the direction in which the bees had
1 disappeared. And then he sat down
! again and waited and watched very
! For a long time nothing happened
And Cuffy was just about to give up his
plan when a bee came buzzing past
him and lighted on a mulberry blos
som right above his head; And wnen
the bee flew away, Cuffy followed him.
i until he lost sight of him.
And then Cuffy sat down once more
Again he waited and watched. And
again, just as he was getting discour
aged, another bee flew past him and
Cuffy jumped up and followed him
just as fast as he could.
Cuffy Bear must have spent as much
as two hours doing that same thing
over and over again. But he didn't
mind that. In fact, It didn't seem long
to him, at all, because he kept think
ing of honey all the time, and it made
a sort of game out of what he was do
ing. If he won the game, you know, it
meant that he was going to have some
thing very nice for a prize.
And sure enough, finally one of the
bees Cuffy wa3 following lighted on an
old tree, and Cuffy saw him crawl into
a hole in a queer nest which hung from
;a limb, and vanish. And as Cuffy stood
there looking up at the nest, he saw
as many as seven bees come out of
that hole and fly away.
Then Cuffy smiled all over his face,
; he felt so happy. At last he had found
a bee tree. There was no doubt of It
The time he had alweys wished for had
come. He was going to have all the
honey he could eat.
all should be considered at a regular
H. E. 39, by Burdick Establishing
a county fair for Deschutes county.
"Under the general laws of our state
the establishment of the location of
these county fairs lies In the hands of
the county courts of the respective
couties. This is as it should be. To
allow this bill to become a law would,
in my mind establish a dangerous pre-
cednt which might, in the future, lead
to log-rolling and trading."
S. B. 34, by Moser Relating to at
tachments. "Section 3 of this bill pro
vides that 'in an action against a dc
fendant not residing In this state to
recover a sum of money as damages
arising from a breach of any contract,
whether made In this state or else
where, expressed or implied, other
than the contract of marriage,' that the
plaintiff in garnishment proceedings
may have the property of the defend
ant attached. I can readily see where
such a provision might lead to the
most gross injustice."
S. 11, 6, by Strayer Amending law
creating board of engineering exam
iners and declaring an emergency. "I
am unablet o see how the passage of
tins legislation is necessary for the im
mediate preservation of the public
pence, health and safety."
H. 11. SO. by committee on Yoadsand
highways Reducing the amount of
maintenance cost which counties are
to pay for state highways from 60 per
cent to 20 per cent. "This is a matter
of great importance to the state high-
vjjum.Mi WONT RID
The only sure way to get rid of
dandruff Is to dissolve it, then you
destroy it entirely. To do this, get
aDoui xour ounces of ordinary liquid
argon; apply It at night when retir
ing; use enough to moisten the scalp
and rub It in gently with the finger
Do this tonight, and by morning,
most if not all, of your dandruff will
be gone and three or four more ap
plications will completely dissolve and
entirely destroy every single sign and
trace of it, no matter how much dan
druff you may have.
Tou will find, too, that all itching
nnu nigging or the scalp will stop at
onee, and your hair will be fluffv i.
trous, glossy, silky and soft, and look
and feel a hundred, times better.
You can get liquid arvon at any
drug store .It is inexpensive and nev
er fails to do the work. (Adv)
Peculiar question
Isn't It?
If the letters blur
while you are
reading, come to
me and
I Wiil Give You
way program. I am not prepared to
paas npon the merits of the question
one way or another. I am prepared to
say, however, that for a matter of thta
Importance very scant consideration
was given it by the legislative body. It
is one which might well go over to tne
regular session in 1921 without doing
material damage to either the state,
the counties or our road program."
H. B. 66, by committee on roads
and highways increasing state high
way revolting fund from $30,000 to
$ 75.000 and declaring an emergency.
"I am unable to find anything in tha
act which convinces me that it ia nec
essary for the immediate preservation
How Much More Tobacco
Will My Heart Standi
A Question Vital Ta Eyery Man Who Smokes Or Chews
May Cost Life to Hnd Out
By Experiment
The heart of every user of tobacco
tears a double burden. It does its al
lotted task and then fights nicotine
for supremacy. As long as the heart
wins he lives; when it loses he dies, but
before the final victory of nicotine
you pass through many stages of de
fine and decay and suffsr many pangs
Hearts sre like human beiugs some
are stronger than others, therefore
some hearts will stand more tobacco
-nan others, but there is a limit to
what any heart can stand. Tho man
who puts this additional strain on his
heart a dozen times a day by smoking
cigarettes, a pipe or cigars or chew
ing tobacco b taking a madman '
nance with health and life to lose
and nothing to win but the chance that
he may lose them He is indulging in
a costly habit at the expense of pre
cious health. Ask any doctor anywhere,
and he will tell you that using tobacco
is injurious and that it is far better to
quit the .hnbit than to experiment to
find out how much tobacco our heart
will Btand without serious results.
But the thought of quitting is un
pleasant to most men even to those
who know that tobacco injures thetn
and to really quit takes more will pow
er than they have and eauseg more
suffering than they can voluntarily en
dure. To qnit the habit, make it easy
for yourself by getting Nicotol tablets
"Some Men Don't Know It Yef
says the Good Judge
This class of tobacco
gives a man a lot more
satisfaction than he
ever gets out of cnlin
ary tobacco.
Smaller chew the good
taste lasts and lasts.' ,
You don't need a fresh
chew so often. Any man
who uses the Real To
bacco Chew will tell
you that.
Put Up In Two Styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
, W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
pnuiininuiiiiJim ii 111 i r .
1 " w V4 VV VliftUJiV -
Tablets for constipation. When the proper
dose is taken their action is so agreeable and so
natural that you do not realize that it is.the effect
of a medicine. These tablets possess tonic proper
ties that aid in establishing a natural and regular
action of the bowels. Chamberlain's Tablets have
cured many cases of chronic constipation.
Pure, Clean, WholesomeBaked by Electricity
457 State Street
Established 1868 ' . .
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. ra. to 3 p.m.
of the public peace, health
ty." " 104 safe.
y committee 0
Uons-Extending corporate S"
oorations. .S
emergency existed a. require, th,"
"LI T ma
30 an COUGHS
and taking them as directed. Ths hala
Really quit you and its departure ii
pleasure equal to its indulgence.
If you want to know how much m
ier it is to quit the habit with NicoW
than without it, go twenty four lout
without tobacco and note what as ef
fort it costs you, then begin using it y
usual and take Nicotol tablets. At tit
end of a week discontinue smoking
chewing for a day.and it is probaWs
you will have no desire to resume. At
least your aesire will be greatly &
minished and another week or tm
should make it not only possible, ht
a pleasure to quit."
NOTE Dr. Connor, formerly ot '
John Hopkins Hosnital. unrler w
advice Nicotol has often been used,
said when this statement was shows
to him : "I have known Nicotol to cot.
quer the tobacco habit in less than ten
days' time and I can therefore iws
lOmmend it highly." When the doc
tor's statement was shown tn nt
our leading druggists he said; "Nico
tol is truly a wonderful remedy for
the tobacco habit, way ahead of any
thing we have ever sold before. w
are authorized by the manufacturers
to refund the money to every dissat
isfied customer and we would not per
mit the usa of our name unless th
remedy possessed unusual merit"
Nicotol ,1s sold in this city under an
Ironclad money back guarantee by al,
up to date druggists. Including D. II
Fry, (Adv)
1st St