LSESSIONOF -IfDSUUBE COST STATE NEAR $17,000 n, legislative orgy In which the u. makers of the state engaged last Lk cost the tax payer, of Ore . east $17,000 In direct xpen- -reach $20,000 before .U the T,m are finally rounded up. T. and per diem of the legisla !CJago ana p h ith . k ftfthe twd houses during the I0. ,., 12789 to the ex- C account. Printing bills, and Taars for the sossion Is estimated ,t cost of $1000 while the printing L binding of the laws enacted by SL WSsion and the Journals of ths WH1 cost another $3000. Sup litai for the session cost approximate w600. TWae items, together with tt extra Janitor service and numer " other expenses Incident to the as Lmbling of the solons have already . grand total of $15,800. In dications instituted by the session d which will be charged as part of a, expense of the session, are ex Meted to bring the cost of operating the legislative mill for the six days Md night close to' the $20,000 majrk. Additional appropriations approved v, the session and already filed with the secretary of state's office amount to $479,458.85 w,tn still other bills involving appropriations awaiting ac tion by the governor. ' The following opinions were hand ed down by the supreme court this morning: Robert N. Parks et al vs Wm. R. Smith et al, appellants, appeal from lane county; suit to foreclose mort gage. Opinion by Justice Bean. De cree of Judge G. F. Sklpworth modi fied by elimination of attorney's fc'es 1 Andy Erickson vs City of Marsh field et al, appellants; appeal from Coos county; suit to recover money retained by city as bail; opinion by Justice Johns. Judge John S. Coke iffirmed. Montesano Lumber and Manufac turing company, appellant, vs Port land Iron works; appeal from Multno mah county; action for the convers ion of personal property; appeal from Judgment of non-suit; opinion by Justice Bean; Judge W. N. Gatens af firmed. Robert Looney et al vs James K. Sears et al, appellant; appeal from Gilliam county; petition for rehearing denied in opinion by Justice, Burnett. George Gardner vs City of Port land et al, appellants; appeal from Multnomah county; suit in equity seeking cancellation of assessment levied upon property to aid In pay ment of paving Holgate street. Opin ion by Justice Burnett Judge W. N. Gatens reversed and case dismissed. Ukase Investment company et al vs City of Portland et al, appellants; ap peal from Multnomah county; writ of review seeking to overturn ordl jance assessing property relative to taprovement of Holgate street; opin ion by Justice Burnett. Judge W. N. Gatens reversed and case remanded. Joseph Rohrbacher, appellant, vs IH. Strain; appeal from Multnomah onty; suit In equity to set aside a . Opinion by Justice . Burnett; 4 J. P. Kavanaugh affirmed. 10 REPLY TO ALLIES II FEW DAYS oaLmgUe' Jan' 20'-The demand the a,,, HoUand fQr g(jr "ached TL h61, Emperor W,lllam tto SIk HagUe late Saturday night Mac. c!n7. secretary of the 2,nc6' The Dutch govern- jesterday acknowledged its re- aern- er to th .,, ai an an- d for ! a"ea, deman "Pn Hol ,K,ri ltta of fer Em--"""wdayl"' be igb,etnnt.'Ab0lnB advIsea ln coSrrWyer8and Bjes Await Soldiers If WessWiUctlsaaim "rou of e-toKii i. "ervice men' "bt4l flftvtaobli,,hln'f 'arm homes ""Wion Torn. t" .tracte on xl9 cnre88 grants J 'WPr" tioV ih A0'000 reclama wmmut" . ?UW way8 ana " WnifA ... iVT ln tne west mlKht 2 ' land. Wi,h71ClaIm ,-00"." w0f ArCa. hi v"-nor Camb- &iTooho?v!r-- "". on the Una.8"1 01 BMJ Sure . a 1 1 rm JVr INDIGESTKWj I Bell-ans Hot water ! v.. . r m . The Willamette university glee club Women Urged to Forget Idea of Lure of Dress New Tork, Jan. 20. Women were urged to lower the cost of colthes by aoannomng the world-old tradition that thev must dress t'o capture the fleeting fancy of the male" or m t ao otners or their sex. in an ml,1,- will leave next Thursrtav mnminir today by Helen Louise Johnson, edi- January 29. for a two weeks tour of tor or the General Federation Maga- 'astern Oregon and southern Wasa zine, before the Columhla tty,i,,,-.i,. ington. Thev will irivj -n,, Institute of Arts and Sciences. Lower Gollendale. Wash., the 29th, at Was prices could be brought about h... , Ore., the 30th. and at Arllnirtnn ed in her talk on "The Ethics of Dress" tne JlsC They wi" sing Feb. 2 at oy me adoption of a standardized rA. ;ermiston, at Pendleton the 9(L and tume. iat Athena the 4th. "Man," Miss Johnson said, "can ' Milton, Feb. B, they will give a mat dress properly and becomingly on a lnee at Pasc. Wash;, and sing at limited number of suits. Hla re.i.-. , Kennewick the evening of the th. ing seems to be that beaut J unadorned Performances will be given at Sun is adorned the most. Hi sclothea are nslde February 7, at Yakima the 9th far from beautiful." and at Ellensburg the 10th. It is pos- Women would become les B1I1' that they will sing in Seattla uous and more impressive bv wearing ana rernerton later. standard dress, she declared, fir "the i elee club is Erected by Dr. active, healthy woman creates a spirit-iJonn R' sites" dean of tha school of ual impression by simplifying her dress !music- Most ot the members are ex and thus enhancing her facial beautv Derlnced. a number having returned wiiiia uor i use auvancea sister clings I Uco,Ucb uiums wuu were ... w.w .uu moi civi . new memoers are Ros Miles, baritone; Ben Rickle, second tenor, and Vernon Backett, bass. The returned service men are Lor en Basler, baritone; Everett Craven and Fred McGrew, basses, and Herald fc-mmel, first tenor. Miss Evelyn De Long Is acting as accompanist. The program consists of numbers by the glee club, a piano solo by Miss ueL,ong, Bpeclal solos by Floyd Mc- Intire and Vernon Sackett, a cornet solo by Loren Basler, and selections by the varsity male quartet, Francis Cramer, Mclntire, Edwin Socolofsky and Fred McGrew. Emmel and Crav en stage a vaudeville stunt which keeps the audience in a roar of laugh ter for several minutes, the program lasts two hours, and is always declar ed too short Laughridge, Eloise Wright and Alice' sent to th rr,nn THE CAPITAL JOURNAL WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 21, 1920. wmm glee 10 TOUR SOUTHERN , N OREGON Claxton. Older pupils were Evelyn Poulson. Thelma Peed, Marion Rob erts, Georgia Sneed, Jeanette Olson, Alice McKinnon, Flayvella Haines, Hazel Glaser, Marion Rowley, Evelyn Kinnanian, Mary McKinnon, Loyal Gray, Lucile Anderson and Blanche Rowley. prevent this threatening disorder. Both Texas and Oklahoma claimants threaten to shoot anyone who inter iors with their occupation of the prop erty, he claimed. to the older dress forma" PORTLAND YOUTHS TAKEN AFTER THEFT Earl Young, 13, and Austin Hender son, 14, tWO boys Who escaneri SimAnv from the Fraser dentention home In Portland, were captured near Marion Monday by Deputy Sheriff B. R. Smith The boys were apprehended after they nau uroKen into a store at Marion. Deputy Smith happened to be in the vicinity on subpoena service and caught the runaways within an hour after they had robbed the store. The boys had taken several articles from the store, including $3 in cash, a watch, a ring and various supplies. iney are being held by the sheriff's office and will be turned over to rep resentatives from the detention school this evening. Young Henderson was formerly at the state training school hear Salem. Earl Young is said to have iourned to Oregon from Oklahoma, his committ ment to the Fraser home endlns his search for adventure. . IIUNS ACCEPT PROPOSALS Berlin, Jan. 20. Allied nronosals that there be a postponement of five days in preparations for the occu na tion of Upper Silesia, Allenstein, Ma rlenwerder, Memel and Danzig have been agreed to by the German gov ernment Transport delays made this step necessary. As Influenza Is an exaggerated form of Grip, LAX ATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets should be taken' In larger doses than la prescribed, for ordinary Grin. A gi od plan-is not to wait until you are sick, but PREVENT IT by taking LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tab lets ln time. (Adv) She Didn't Buy That New Dress She "Diamond Dyed" All Her Old. Faded Apparel Just Like New Don't worry about perfect results. Use "Diamond Dyes", guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether It be wool, silk, linen, cotton Ait mixed goods dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers, draperies, coverings. The Direction Book with each pack age tells so plainly how to diamond dye over any color that you can not make a mistake. To match any material, have drug gist show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. (Adv) NEURALGIA or Headache) rub the forehead -and temples with' VICRS VAPORUi "YOUR BODYGUARD" - 30'. 60f. ! 20". Miss Dalson s Piano Pupils Heard In Two Recitals Here Two inteerstlng piano recitals were given recently by the pupils of Miss Lena Dotson. The first evening was given over to the junior pupils, the older students appearing in recital the following evening. Numbers on both occasions wero rendered in a creditable manner giving evidence of careful training. The younger pupils who took part were Paul Allen, Louise Allen, Frances Harlan, Eugene Harlan, Howard Rib erts, Gertrude Herrell, Aubrey Craw ford, Howard Kurtz, Evelyn Cum- mlngs, Eleanor Wright, Janice McKin non, Elizabeth Bennett, Katherine FORD TRUCK WITH TWO TON ATTACHMENT. RUNS LIKE A TOP OSCAR B. GINGRICH MOTOR & TIRE CO. 87t Court Streetr Phone 3R WAR OVER TEXAS 0!L --LANDS IS FORESEEN iOTERWW Austin, Texas, Jan. 80. Serious threats by claimants of oil lands in dispute between Texas and Oklahoma that they will take the law in their own hands, present possibilities of fighting along the Texas-Oklahoma boundary, eaia W.-.A.- Keeling, assistant attorney general, today and rangers have been W.W.MOORE House Furnisher HOME OF THE VICTROLA You get more for your Money at Moore's. ' BUY REMNANTS . AT THE Remnant Store 251 North Commercial L.M.HUM we of YickSoTong Chinese Medicine and Tea 0 Hat medicine which will cure any known disease. Open ftandays from 10 A, IL until 8 P. M. 163 South High fit Salem, Oregon. Phone 281 FREE DEMONSTRATION How to Save Your Tires A Goodyear tire expert will be at 208 South COimnercial street all day, to talk with you about tire conservation. 7 He gives a free illustrated talk at 10 a. in., 3 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. on the manufactured care of tires both for. passenger cars and trucks and. the : proper use of tire savers.' In a half hour you can learn much about tire conservation. Don't fail to hear this man sometime during the day. His advice will make your visit here well worth while. " Remember the day, January 24th. VALLEY MOTOR CO. , O.J.WILSON, IRA JORGENSEN Thousands Have Discover J J)t. Edwards Olive Tablets - Are a Harmless Substitute Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are the result of Dr. Edwards' determination not to treat liver and bowel complaints with calomel. For 17 years he used these tablets (a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil) in bis private practice with great success. They do all the good that calomel does but have no bad alter effects. No pains, no griping, no injury to the gums or danger from acid foods yet they stimulate the liver and bowels. Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets when vou feel ' loev'" and "heaw." L Note how they clear clouded hrain and perk up the spirits, lUc and Zx a box. Baby Sleeps at Night when the stomach works naturally and bowels move Ireely. Mrs. Winslow's Sir up is especially recommended for quick ly overcoming wind colic, diarrhoea, constipation, flatulency, and other dis orders. Help baby's digesuon by e-ving MRS. WIN SLOWS SYRUP Ts. latW ai CbiUm'i RiccUtor and note the health-buildin.T derp t!--t follows. Nothing better for tic h time. This remedy contains no r . narcotics, alcohol or any harmiu' - - 'rfients. The formula is r ; of this safe, vegetable r At all drascisC J. O. Perry L-A LOOK I ffflSMI THE RED TRADE 1 LOOK FOR 0 THE RED HAIL H TRADE MARK J 3 1 Rfearms Ammunition -U.Welproof What is a good tea for tne? The kind 'you like, un- ' less you like common tea j which is full of tannin you know tannin is tad for the insides. i Fine tea has very little tannin; and you don't get ! even that little unless you 1 steep it too long. Schilling Tea is the fine tea with real tea-flavor. j There are four flavors of Schilling j Tea Japan, Ceylon India, Oolong, English Breakfast. All one quality. In i parchmyn-lined moisture-proof packages. At grocers everywhere. A Schilling & Co San Francisco WE SELL GOODLY AK RON EAR TIRES TUBES AND ACCESSORIES Valley Motor Co. We own and offer subject to prior sale City of Salem 5 Refunding Bonds Dated Jan. 30, 1920 Denomination $1000, $500 Maturities And Prices (Accrued Interest To Ba Added , . . $3500 Jan. 20, 1921 J100.15 $3500 Jun. 20, 1926 $108,77 $3500 Jan. 20, 1922......4100.29 $3500 Jun. 20, 1927 $100.89 $3500 Jan. 20, 1923 $100.42 $3500 Jun. 20, 1928... $101.00 $3500 Jan. 20, 1924 $100.64 $3500 Jan. 20, 1929 $101.09 $3500 Jan. 20, 1925.. $100.68 $3500 Jan. 20, 1930 ..101.17 Yielding about 4.857o Delivery may be arranged through any Salem Bank Ralph Schneeloch Company Lumbermen's Bldg. Telephone Brodway 5298 " PORTLAND, OREGON. I' til Unusual Value -In Tires for Small Cars ? 5? mm . Kf l W. Wit II I I t mi tr ' ' ... . ' Not only is characteristic Goodyear merit conspicuous in Goodyear Tires for small cars but ordinarily the first cost is found to be not greater than that of other tires; often it is actually less. The combination of unusual value in first1 cost and very low final cost, of course, is a' result of Goodyear experience, expertness and care employed as insistently in the making of 30x3', 30x3y2- and 31x4'inch tires as it is in the construction of the famous Goodyear Cord Tires used. on. the highest! priced automobiles. . ' . For this reason morecarsusing these small sizes were factory equipped last year with Goodyear Tires than with any other kind Get this unusual tire value to enjoy on your tbrd, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell, or other small car, at the nearest Goodyear Service Station. Get these tires and Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes at this station A i t i 6x3 Goodyear Double-Cure raixrtc. AOi-Weather Tread 03Vi Ooodyotr Single-Cure Fabric, Anti-SUd Trcmd - $2022 Goodyear Heavy Touriit Tubea are thick, ftroof tube that reinforce caiingi properly. Why rUk a good eating with a cheap tube I Goodyear Heavy Touriit Tubet coot little mora than tube of 1cm merit. 30i3'a tiza in wtttr- A'JQQ 9 X t IN DIGESTION