LEATHER FORECAST O-gon: Tonight .nd Wednesday continued cold, gentle nor ' therly winds. Minimum, 41 Maximum, 55 CIRCULATION Anngt for Quarter Endinj December 31, lilt 5 4 5 8 Member Audit Bureau of Circulatiea urn Associated Press Full Leased Wire flRXY-THIRD YEAR.- -N0. 17. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1920. EIGHT PAGES. PRICE 2 CENTS. - v 1 v. Ifll BILLS IE APPROVED BY GOVERNOR Restoration Of Death Penalty For Murder in uregonis Passed Alon? To Voters Ulceus aancuon. CHIEF VARXET GETS RING FROM FAITHFUL OFFICERS With verbal presentation expressing their regret at his departure from the depart ment the members of the Sa lem police department Monday gave to ex-Chief Varney a gold ring bearing the Masonic em blem. The chief recently was in ducted into the order, and had all credentials barring the ring. He Is greatly pleased with it. RUSSIA Hi Ann ON in UJ 1 Elaborate Flans Completed ror Resumption Of Com mercial Relations With Al lied Countries. SIBERIA WAITED The restoration of capital punish ment In Oregon is now up to the peo fll of Oregon for their approval or disapproval at the May election. Gov ernor Olcott today filed the bill passed by the special session of the legisla ture with the secretary of state's office this morning and becomes effective, .i.-i . tha onnrnvnl rtf thtk HAnntA five i days from the time of its final ac- aUIed representatives are awaiting an in hv the legislature last Saturday, .announcement as to the results of Jap anese ana aipiomauc negotiations at Washington regarding Siberia, which Vladivostok, Jan. 13. American and A total of thirty-two measures out of the 97 passed by the legislature have reeclved the approval of the governor. Twelve of these have been filed with the secretary of state's office to auto matically become law and twenty have been signed by the governor. The list follows: Twelve Bills Filed. Providing punishment for murder in first degree. Providing for enforcement of death penalty. To provide a penalty for treason. Providing Indemnity money for cat- are expected to clear up a peculiar sit uation here growing out of the with drawal of American forces. The United States troops have re ceived orders to evacuate Siberia, with out the issuance by the American gov ernment of a statement regarding its policy toward Siberia and Japan, an agreement with whom on August 9, 1918, brought the American and Japa nese expedtlions here. Since the an nouncement January 8 by Major Wil liam S. Graves, commander of the tie slaughtered during 1917 and 1918. 1 American expeditionary forces In Si- Amending Sec. 9, chapter 345, Laws 191?, xtending time for appropriation of funds by the United States to make operative Roosevelt Coast highway law. Repealing chapter 404, Laws, 19,19, providing for inspection of cattle hides. Providing for special election. berla, that the war department had ordered his command to Manila, he has nade no statements regarding the eva cuation. American Troops Move. American troops continue their movement from the railroad sectors towtrd Vladivostok and vicinity which Providing for tax levy for and estab- remains comparatively free from po . ... . HHJnnl rtlot .. K J 1 .11 lishlng Oregon emplojenent institution for blind. (Continued on page soven) EOF " Washington, Jan. 20. Answering charges that attacks by American troops on the morning of armistice day beria ,vou,wm "i neeuieas luss OI Hie, Jjieu- tenant General Hunter Liggett, com mander of the First American army, told a house war investigating commit tee today that the advance in the Meuse-Argonne sector could not have been stopped because two divisions were astride the Meuse river. Cessation of hostilities in the face o' enemy action with these two divis ions in that position would have been dangerous, he said. . Relay of orders stopping the fight ing at 11 o'clock on armistice day was remarkable piece of staff work, Gen eral Liggett testified. (i "The American forces," he said, stretched over a 400-mile front and many units were In detached position. The staff work in reaching the great number of units before 11 a. m. was remarkable." Changes In the orders to stop fight ing before 11 o'clock. General Liggett SlhTI? have been made on'y Marsha! Koch's headquarters. e would never hnv nr.TOT,n,i lull,! h . -'"",, ne aaaed, h rea.d'"erent oers and modl- Z " ."use trm the French hlcrh com. litical disturbances and other tllsor dors. The first troop trains from Hpass koe arrived last night but the -.n wi-re unable to board the transport lireat Northern because she wan an nblo to dock owing to a blizzard, and now is frozen in the ice at Churkin Point. single-handed opposition to ihe bolshevik! in Siberia is an exceeding- iy :mvy uuruen on japan, Dotn in it r.iilii.t.ry sense and financially. How ever It is unthinkable that Japan will w11liri;aw her forces from Siberia and thus abandon to the reds country con tiguous to her own territory. There fore the wisest policy seems to be to dispatch half a division of troops and reinforcing guards to the important centers where the railway is necessary in maintaining the peace of eastern Si passu is REPORT SENT TODAY tnand." Halifax, N. S., Jan. 20. The trans port Powhatan, disabled about 250 miles from this port, reported by wire less today that her 271 passengers would be taken off by destroyers when the sea moderates. The message timed at 10:46 a. nl orf board the transport, said: "Our situation not being definite Steamer Cedrlc proceeded on ap proach of destroyers who will take off passengers when weather moderates, Steamer Bardic trying to get a line aboard now. Both fire rooms full to "if subordinates water line. Bulkheads shored up and tight. Northern Pacific due tonight Will ask her to stand by also. (Signed) "Randall." ; READY TO N ml Amir alMayo Says Charges of JNFIS HOW Sims Are Without Foundation iiil.lv iiuii (IFEII COMMANDER IN CHIEF W NAVY DURING WAR HEARD BY COMMITTEE 'OWN YOUR OWN HOME IS PREACHED TODAY AS CRY FOR TRIFT WEEK Paris, Jan. 19. Elaborate plans for the resumption of commercial rela tions between the Russian Deonle and allied nations have been worked out and It is expected the bolshevikl will permit the free interchange of manu factured goods and raw material and It will be a comparatively simple mat ter lo distribute goods among the Rus sian people under the agreement an nounced :ast Friday by the supreme eounc.il. It . said by Russians who ta inted in the negotiating that pr.-ced- ed Ihe r. rcuncement Surplus stocks of wheat, i'ux and jur-.her await ex port from Russia, and all that is nsU- p Is ocean tonnage to carry theso in ducts to the markets of she wor'.d. Details of the plan to be followed were given the Associated Press toi'av ; Alexander M. Berkenheim and t m- siantln Krcvopouskiff. resoootivilv president i'rd meme- of the forek-n board of the Rusisan Cooperative Un ion, through which trade will hA rnp. ried on. They, conducted the negotia Hons with the supreme council which brought about the adoption of a policy reversing that followed by the allies during the last two years. System Non-Political. "It must be understood the agree ment has no political character what soever," said M. Berkenheim. "It is merely an economic, financial and hu manitarian arrangement. Russian co operative unions, organized fifty years ago, now number BOO branches and have 60,000 local societies with 25,- uuu.uuv members. These societies op erate throughout Russia whether un. der bolshevik rule or controlled by oth er governments. It is a sort of Russian economic Red Cross. "In February, 1919. we laid before tne British foreign office and also be fore the secretary of Premier Lloyd George our plan, which now has been adopted, for the exchange of Russian raw material, for' manufactured goods from allied countries. This plan Is very simple. We have in Russia great stocks of wheat, cereals cattle arid flax which are now larger than Russia ever disposed of. Three problems must be met in or der to arrive at an exchange of goods first, transformation of raw material outside of RuRsla; second, the mode of payment to the Russian producer, and tmra, distribution of imported good to Russian consumers. " Implements Needed. "We require farming and agricul tural implements,' cloth, shoes, loco motives, motors, automobiles and med-. ical supplies, Ship tonnage must be furnished by the allies as Russia's shipping has completely disappeared. We must Import first in order to ex port." . . Mr. Eerkehheim would not say whe ther this tonnage had been promised by Great Britain. The correspondent Informed M. Berkenheim that it was the belief in France that the bolshevikl would super vise distribution and allow goods to reach their adherents while the rest of the population might go barefooted and naked. "Our stores are not under the con trol of the bolshevikl," he replied. "When the Moscow government na tionalized all stores and closed them, our stores continued business undis turbed. This was not through any un due friendship with the de facto gov ernment but because of the high es teem in which the co-operative socle ties are held by the population through out Russia, We feel sure our head quarters in Moscow can reach a satis factory agreement with the soviet au thorities for an Impartial distribution." Washington, Jan. 20. Rear Admiral Henry T Mayo, commander in chief of the United States fleet during the war. told the senate committee investigating naval awards today that his letter to Secretary Daniel on December 23, de claring that the Knight board did not given sufficient consideration to serv ice at sea:, particularly to the duties and responsibilities of members of the staff of the commander in chief of the fleet, was not to be considered in any sense one of a firotest He read the letter at the request of Chairman Hale. Admiral Mayo took a view diametri cally opposed to that expressed by Rear Admiral Sims, who told the sub committee that .the Knight board. In granting awards,' gave too little con sideration to the record of officers who served on shore. The navy de partment made public Admiral Mayo's letter on the subject some days ago. The examination of Admiral Mayo began the .ruling made yesterday by the senate naval committee that the present Investigation should be con- oration at all." fined entirely to the quesion of war! Testifying that decoration awards, charges made by Admiral Sims that the navy depart ment did not cooperate fully with the allies during the war being deferred for subsequent investigation. Admiral Mayo said his letter was written after practically all of his rec ommendations had Keen changed or disapproved by the board of Secretary Daniels. "I made very few recommendations for awards," he said, "mostly in the cases of members of my personal staff, force commanders and commanders operating independently. In the case of Captain O. P. Jackson, my chief of staff, took a very conservative view and recommended a navy, cross. In view of other commanders recommend lng their chiefs aids for distinguished service medals the board increased my recommendation to a distinguished service medal, but Secretary Danism reduced It back to a navy cross. Cap tain Jackson was the only of my stiff. I believe, who finally received any dec- Admiral Sims was medal. "supposed to be" under his command during the war, Admiral Mayo said that in order to facilitate matters Ad miral Sims did not report to him, but directly to the navy department Lack of a well defined policy for the award of naval honors may have had a bearing on - the decoration situation, Admiral Mayo said, adding: "Both the board and the secretary were acting within their rights and prerogatives in changing recommenda tions for awards." "But don't you believe, admiral, that the board and the secretary should have consulted you before' changing your recommendations?" asked Chair man Hale. "No, I do not," replied the admiral. "I do not beleve it would have been practicable. It might have been de sirable, however." , ' "I do not say I was satisfied with the result of the action of the board and the secretary," added Admiral Mayo, "but I do say that they had the right to take such action as they wish ed and to assume the responsibility." Chairman Hale said there was no record that Commander P. W. Foote, now personal aide to Secretary Daniels had been recommended by any officer for a decoration .although the secre tary awarded him a distinguished serv ice medal. Admiral Mayo replied that he had approved a recommendation by Admiral Gleaves, commanding the cruiser and transport force, that Foote be awarded a distinguished service DEPORTED REDS II WELCOMED BY BOpiKI Berkir.au, Emma Gcldsna And Associates Greeted Along Border By Official Representati?e Of Soviets. HUNDREDS MISSED BY CENSUS TAKERS; CITY COMBED BY CHERRIANS HAVE YOU BEEN ENUMERATED? If not, or If you have any doubt, fill our this coupon and mall to C. R. CRAWFORD, Supervisor of Census, federal Building, Salem, Or. To the best of my knowledge I have not been enumerated. Name ; HOME PRODUCTS' Street and No.. Between what two cross streets?.: City ....".. SHOW IS CREDIT TOLIVESALEH Virtually panning the city In a final effortt o boost the population above any competitors, the Cherrians, in their census campaign Monday after noon discovered 661 persons who had not yet been enumerated, seevral out of the city and a few who were oppose:? to the government's knowledge of their personal affairs at all. Although the official census period ended at midnight Monday night and all gov ernment and Cherrlan enumerators ceased work, many telephone messages of persqns who had been skipped were being received throughout the day at the Commercial club. A vstaff of Cherrians were busy Tuesday morning compiling the list of persons they had enumerated and pre paring them for submission to Census Supervisor Crawford. It was estimated that the list of those not enumerated would extend above one thousand. were It not for the commendable ef fort made by the Cherrians to preserve the city's rank in the municipalities of the northwest. ' It is possible that the careful canvass made by the Cherrians failed to find every body not yet enumerated, so if you haven't been enumerated, fill out the accompanying box and mail it in. ta0nt the Unlted State" Tue Mk w, T'.ance of Nati"a1 Thrift 'Wed m S "brated and con- l?nug yUr 0Wn homB' In urance rl ' th! day "". In- drjLana ,her8 dea"s wit'. W ere ure"e e owning of 'MliIW,ng st!Uement. written by "e daj : sounds th keynote of To Purpose. he lmo of n -Owning his own home, n-h.lv Motto. ' Wsn,m,ber' brlck' r -'one,' Yr o e1J Home lf You Own thawn hannv , e molner and r P1y h owning yours. Tour u rl01?nns. 0W it! nie" Yo"r Own-If Tou Invest ln a HomeIt Pays Best Better p. , l , r wn' s'1e" Home: ? "earth nf v ' 1 Korder Than a Board TS'l,r ri ,ce L'ke Home"-If hem. fTI,rlrt"Rr!,Ins 2 ,aWlardwJ Wn U Worth o of ,u,n 4url. ti ? your home un. wwtiiiwa . -- you.r neighbor - fte mree) Pan-American Congress Gets Down to Work Washington, Jan. 20. Organization completed and the formalities of wel come over, the delegates to the second Pan-American Financial Congress buckled down to business today with the ald'of 300 of the most successful financiers and business men jat the United States. Group committees, representing the twenty Latin-American republics di vided into sub-committees this morn ing for the purpose of studying trans poratatlon, banking and credit and the miscellaneous problems from the standpoint of the needs of their respec tive countries. They will report to the full -committees t the afternoon ses sions. TTie transportation committee, headed by Secretary Alexander, wm hold Its first meeting today. King Alfonso of Spain received Capt Thomas J. Scnn of the U. S. S. North Dakota at the palace yesterday. IS IDE TARGET Kf PERSHING IN PARADE THROUGH SEATTLE Seattle, Wash., Jan. 20. General Pershing today got acquainted with Se attle. Before noon he made an automo. bile trip through cheering crowds on the downtown streets. A tour over Se attle's park, lake and residential d's- trlct boulevards was planned for the afternoon. Thousands of school children looked forward to seeing General Pershing this afternoon as the committee in charge of the trip planned to have the general's automobile stop at all the schools on the route. The children were dismissed from school at noon. General Pershing let it be known to day that he does not want to talk about politics or military matters on the tour. "Everybody should know where I stand," he said. "I am not a candidate for nresldent "I am making the Journey in order tn Inspect the coast defenses and army ..ntnnmentu of the country. This is the first time I have visited any of the Repeal of the law enacted by the special session of the legislature creat ing a new state board of fish and game commissioners will be sought by the Oregon Sportsmen's league who will carry their fight to the people of the state by initiating a measure to be placed on the November election. Word to this effect was brought to Salem Monday evening by Senator Thomas, of Jackson county, who led the fight In the Interests of the sports men on the floor of the upper house of the legislature. The sportsmen of the state, accord ing to Senator Thomas, are not so much opposed to the form of the new commission with Its two departments and neutral chairman as they are to the elective feature of the bill whlc. strips the governor of Jils appointive power and makes the commission re sponsible only to the legislature which elects Its members. The Rogue river fish fight which died in a house committee as well as other fish and game legislation will be carried to the people through Initia tion according to Thomas. Paris, Jan. 20. Alexandre Mlllerand the new premier, attended the meeting of the supreme- council this morning. He was introduced to all the members fo the council, but took no part in its proceedings. M. Clemenceau presided at this morning's session and will pre side at a second meeting this after noon. In the meantime at a meeting of Premier Lloyd-George of Great Britain M. Mlllerand and Premier NItti of Italy, the future organization of the council probably will be settled. An Immediate decision is necessary, ,. as Signor Nittl announced that he was obliged to leave for Rome tonight, while the British delegates are unable to remain more than a day or two. Marsal Koch Informed the counui! that the Bruisn had notified him ot their inability to send their quota of troops, numbering 25,000 to the plebi scite areas. The marshal recommend ed that the British troops be replaced by French and Italian forces if neces sary. The council will come to a de cision on this matter this afternoon. A veritable monument to the enter prise of a progressive city is the im mense display, this week, ln almost all shops in the city, of Salem and Oregon made products. The displays have been carefully arranged, and have elicited much comment. All this week various Oregon made products will be exhibited in stores downtown in carrying out the general plan of home products week here. Fifteen or more products manufac tured by Salem plants are on display In- downtown windows. Among the lo cal manufactories having products on display are: Phez company, Salem Kings products company, Chas. K. Spaulding Logging company, Salem Tile & Mercantile company, Gleason Glove factory, Gray Belle, The Spa, Kurtz Canning company, Marlon Creamery, Gideon Stolz cider and vin egar company, Capital City Soap and Tannery, Hunt Brothers, Thomas Kay Woolen mills, Valley Packing com pany and the Cherry City bakery. Many Factories ltiprvwiitcd More than 100 manufactories thru out the. state are represented in tho extensive displays. Their participation in nome prouuets weeK nure was ar ranged by the Associated Industries of Oregon. In every shop and store ln the city the gospel of advancing home Indus try by the purchase of home made products is being advanced;, and there is a general Inclination on the part of consumers,' merchants say, to heed the call and purchase Oregon made goods. Success Foreseen Home products week here will con tlnue until Sunday. Salem Is the first city ln the state to stage a home pro ducts week, and there Is every In (ilea tton that, through the support ot the consumers of the city, that It will prove a huge success. Of COAL PRICE IMS Helslngfors, Jan. 19. The United States transport Buford, which brought 249 Russians from the Unit ed States to Finland arrived at net Pueet Sound forts, although I passed ed states u r.manu arr.vru ul c attl. once years ago enrouv. W tb afu ,,,, , ha .ving sal ed inroug.. ifrnm ane0 this morning from ancouver, . io -, -,al,ard( conyojr Cisco. , Washington, Jauu- 20. Attorney General Palmer Bald today he had re ceived no Information that bitumin ous coal operators had added to the price of coal the 14 per cent wage in crease to miners authorized by Presi dent Wilson pending final settlement of the wage controversy. "It Is true," said Mr. Palmer, in some sections of the country a larger price Is being charged for coal than that fixed by the fuel adminis tration. This makes It appear as if the operators had added the 14 per cent Increase in wages to the price of coal. "Where the price Is greater than the fuel administration price, It is caused by the fact that the operator alleges that the coal was bought on contract before October SI, 1919, which contract coal was expressly ex cepted from the government ift-ice by an order Issued by Dr. Garfield on November 12." Tertjokl, Finland, Monday, Jan. It. Russians who were deported from the Unfted States were given what might be termed an official reception Just outside this village today. In the crowd that greeted Alexander Berk- man, Emma Goldman and their "com rades" was M. Zorlen, member of the all-soviet executive committed; who after a brief conference with Berk man agreed to permit the whole party to enter bolshevikl Russia. There Is no question they Will b welcomed In Russia," said M. Zoreln. We will give them work according to their professions and trades, but first we must provide them with comfort able homes and feed them well." Madame Gorky, wife of the novelist. said when she met the deportees: Russia opens her arms to all who are politically persecuted." ." ' Meet in Mld-strcam. There was a slight delay In getting- ln touch with - the bolshevikl, whom lines were about a mile distance from the brook marking soviet territory. When finally a conference had been arranged, Berkman, accompanied by Finnish officers and newspaper corre spondents, went out on the Ice, meet ing the bolshevikl ln the middle of the stream. Both parties conspicuously displayed white flags, the one carried by the bolshevikl soldiers being a table cloth tied to a red pole. After a short parley the soviet officers summoned the members of the soviet committee of Petrograd, which Included Josepn Felndeberg, former British labor lead er ,and M, Zorlen. The committee wan conducted to Terijokl, whero a confer ence was held. On the way back to the village M. Zoreln told Berkman that Admiral Kol chak had been made prisoner ln 81- " bcria. This news was shouted to other deportees who were leaning out of the windows of the train and was received with cheers. ' . .. " Finnish" Soldiers Guard. Shortly after the decision to recrlve the deportees was reached the fhoie party detrained at a point where a wood road leaves the railway and runs towards the forest A tew who ware unable to walk were placed in sleighs. Finnish soldiers guarded the road and the transfer was made without a hitch. Captain Emll Nielsen of the British Red Cross entered soviet Russia with the deportees for the purpose of ar ranging a shipment of supplies to Brit ish prisoners. The train waited 'or him at Vlborg and It was not until 9 o'clock this morning that It reache.t Terljukl. Conditions have considerably Im proved ln Petrograd, according to M. Zorlen, who says everyone there was getting one and a quarter pounds of bread per day. There was compara tively little Idleness and wood and f-iel were more abundant, making life more pleasant than heretofore, he said. Tho greatest difficulty had been experi enced In getting coal to operate fac tories but recently as a result of Im proved transport , some had bean biought up from the south. M. Zorlen spoke enthusiastically of ah experi ment begun last week ln organising military forces for work. Third Army Withdrawn. "Our crack Third army, which was the best of those used in Siberia against Klochak, was withdrawn frorn (Continued on page three) DAY POLICE SERGEANT ROWE NAMED TO ACT AS SUCCESSOR TO VARNEY Chicago Fights Rapid Increase of "Flu" Cases Chicago, Jan. 20. Influenza In B mild form continued to sweep thrmgh Chicago today at the rate of 1109 new rases every 24 hours. All available trained nurses were being mobilized by tha4the health department. At least 10,000 additional nurses would be needed. lr. John Dill Robertson, health commie sloner, announced. During the last 48 hours 2271 new ceses were reported and tho deaths numbered 26. There were IHi new caes of pneumonia and 66 deaths.' Lieutenant Charbrler and Colonel Debaudlez of the French military avia tion mission were killed In Lima, Peru. SINN FEINERS ATTACK AND ATTEMIT TO WKECK GARIIISON Thurles, Tlpperary, Jan. 19. Sinn Felners on Sunday night attacked Drombane village hall which Is occu pied as a police barracks. After un unsuccessful attempt to blow It up with dynamite they besieged It for several hours. Finally they were driven off by the police, who returned their fire. So far as known there were no casualties. Day Sergeant Harry A. Rowe Mon day night was named acting chief of police to succeed Percy M. Varnov, whose resignation was accepted b the city council. The election" of .1 new chief of police was deferred un til the council could glvo consider ation to the matter, because of tha surprise the chief's resignation en tailed. The council had before It a statement asking for the Installation of Sergeant Rowe as chief of police. The statement was signed by Kx Chlef Varney and the remaining members ol the force. As a token of annexation of his services during the past year as chief of police several councllmen discus sed the proposal, to come up ut the next meeting of the council, of grant ing full salary for February to Mr. Varney. Reasons I'ersonul. In his statement ot resignation, which follows, (Chief Varney declares that his reasons for leaving the ,ost were "personal to himself and give no further causes for his act. The chief's nore of resignation reads: "Owing to a pressing necessity the nature of which Is personal to my self, I find it needful to resign my office as City Marshal, of the City (Continued on page two)