THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SAIEH, OREGON, PAGE TEN. ? mmm FEET OF UMBER , CI1SHD8 Portland, Or., Jan. II. Purchase of proximately 660, 000, COS feet or pine timber in Klickitat county, Washing ton, tributary to the Klickitat river, has been consummated by the Easern A Western Lumber company, a big timber corporation of this city, it was announced totay by Frank II. Ran , som, manager nt treasurer of the company. The stand of timber covers bout 60,000 acres, according to ne announcement, and the consideration Is said to be slightly in excess of 1760, 04. Aocordlngto Mr. Ranson, Stewart tc Alexander of Waasau, Wis.: Ishmark Timber company of Marinette, Mich.; Mrs. Grace Gilbert Graff of Duluth, Minn.; Wells Gilbert , Frank Gilbert nd L. A. Lewis of Portland and the Klickitat White Pine Lumber company local corporation, have transferred " their Klickitat timber holdings to the Eastern Sk Western Lumber company. "The Eastern 4 Western Lumber company made this purchase as an in vent men t and has no definite plana of operation," Mr. Ransom said today. "The selling interests had holdings that were scattered and were distant from railway transportation, making it de sirable for them to sell at this time." The timber is mostly pin of good ilHSUHAf.CE AS STEP TO THRIFT IS URGED M SAV1KG CAMPAIGN In every town, city, ham!H and vill age in the United States where there are insurance agencies, possessors of insurance policies and exponents of thrift they are linking the two together in support of the National Thrift cam paign, of which Monday is the third day. All Salem Insurance agents are preaching the gospel of thrift through the possession of an Insurance policy and business men in every walk of life urge the possesion of insurance as thrifty step. Aceord- uw " - ing to those who have heard the artists their entertainment will raas. wua uw -iv of thj Annllo club and John Hand, and an educational as well as extremely entertaining evening w promised for those who attend. Motorcycle Tire Bsrsts; Girl Rider Instantly EEed . Forest Grove, Or., Jan. 1. Venada Garman, 14-year-old girl, was Instant ly killed and Listine Barber, 10-year-old boy, suffered a broken leg when ths motorcycle in which they were riding overturned on the highway near here, shortly after noon today. The explosion of the rear tire of the car caused its overturning. Both were res idents of Forest Grove. 3. B. Hlleman, 291 North Commer cial street, has recently completed ar rangements with the Firestone Tire A Rubber company to handle the famous quality, it is said. ENTER RACE TO BE STATE SECRETARY Kugene L. Coburn, county clork for Josephine county, has announced his candidacy for the office of secretary of state. With Coburn' entry into the lists three competitors can be named to give Sftm Koxer a run In his efforts to havn his aspirations to the secretary ship confirmed by the voters of Ore gon. C. D. Butler, M. V. Parsons are aid to have definitely announced their Intentions of getting into the race. This Is Coburn's first publio an nouncement of his interests in the con test and was made while he was in Balem, Monday. Coburn has taken an active interests In Republican party affairs for yeara He is completing his fourth term as clerk for Josephine county and previous to his election was deputy sheriff undor Sheriff Will C. Smith of Grants Pass. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT ELKS PLAN BIGGEST -C0M1 EVER IN SALEM LATE IN JULY Plans whereby Salem will be host to about 7000 visitors Elks and their families the tt. ti, and 24 of July when they will hold their annual con vention here, were laid at a meeting Sunday afternoon of executives of the state association and members of the local organization. The meeting was held at the Elks' club and was attend' ed by President Harry G. Alien, of the state association of Elks, State Secre tary James D. Olson and the following members of the local antlered herd: Thomas B. Kay, Arthur Benson, Will Evans, Harry Wenderoth and August Huckestein. The last convention of Elks was held in Ashland, and was attended by mem bers from all parts of the state. This convention will be one of the biggest ever to be held in the city and several civic organizations are planning fitting receptions to the distinguished guests. Committee to formulate plans and perfect the convention were named at the meeting Sunday. Firestone line of tires. It was erron eously stated In Mr. Hliman s adver tisement In Saturday's Journal mat both Firestone and Republic tires were to bo carried in stock. The advertise ment should nv read "Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.." instead of "Firestone and Republic Tires." Reception to Rev. Alfred and Mrs. Minnie Bates of Salem given in the parlors of the Wllsonvllle Methodist Episcopal church Saturday evening was big succcess. About eighty peo ple attended. Mrs. Mary Seely pre sided and addresses of welcome were given by Dwlght Seely, who represent ed the church; Sherman Seely, the Sunday school, and C. E. Stout, the community interest. The program of music included selections by the church chorus and solos by Sherman Seely, Mrs. J. J. Thornton and Rev. Alfred Bates. Responses were made by Mrs. Minnie Bates and the pastor. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT if jr". iriuouut j.tai. uf ici fid n Artists To Be Heard la Concert Here Wednesday Sponsored by the Loyal Daughters class of the First Christian church, Estelle Gray, vlollnlst.'and Lhevlnne, .pianist, will appear In concert at the church, Wednesday, January II. Miss Gray has been presented in Salem be fore, when under contract with the Redpath bureau and proved to be the winning number on a program of ac knowledged artists. Lhevlnne is a pi anist of exceptional abllltv and vnn a great deal of favor at his presentation in the I'ortlann auditorium recently. A unique feature of the program will be the brief explanation and h!ntnrirni sketch with which Miss Gray will in- Musical Instruments Many a wonderful bargain in Musical Instru ments is offered in the Want Ad columns of this paper. And frequently these instruments are as. good as the day they came from the factory. Changes in business affairs, musical preferences,1 etc., puts them on the market at bargain figures. If you would like to buy a slightly used, musical instrument, read our Want Ad columns carefully.1 If you are looking for something not offered in our columns insert a Want Ad of your own. A great reading audience sees every Want Ad in this paper. Flash a Wantagram Like This Hill BAJ.R-J18 Mlti will buy Urn cabtDM Ulktnl fntchlna llulitly used. gunUn 42 Inchw bltcst nd ploy, any wcord. Two Jtwfft nitMUra included, toother with X4 rliMloal record!. l'hnn. CwUfti im, cu ia luguud in. ft'ANTKD Medium tin upright ' pluw. Mum b. IB ood condition ud of alMidtrd make, Walnut cam preferred, will pa? euu or part cub and trad faluabla flolin. ADORERS: Our Want Ads are little things to look for but big things to find. Make it a daily habit to Read and Use the Want Ads in CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS BRJNG RESULTS i i i iV - v. in : urw -rtMt?f 1 i ' iTi v Pi,'. ft- Every Week Is Thrift Week at Gale & Company SPECIAL DISPLAY OREGON MADE PRODUCTS, JAN. 19TH TO 24TH. Enter our contest by writing an essey on "Why Buy Oregon Products." $40.00 5n cash prizes. Contest closes, January 24th. Our Prices Always the Lowest - :' Gale & Company Commercial and Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store WANTED USED FURNITURE What have you to sell PHONE 1177 Best Prices Paid W. E. Lucas Ferry and liberty Sts. A family settlement order was Issued Monday by Judge W. M. Bushey after considering the petition of the heirs of James Seism, who died at Stockton, California, January 1. 1914. The order was requested so that certain family Interests could be lnterpaid. The es tate proper has been settled for a num ber of years. In order to permit the re ceipting of payment of certain long standing notes, Elizabeth Seism has appointed as administratrix of the es tate. The heirs at law are: Elizabeth Seism, widow, residing at Silverton; R. N. Seism, son, Gervais;; Nancy Ann Hopgood, daughter, Silverton; Hollie Howard, daughter, Silverton; Leo Seism, grandson, Oklahoma; Isa Dun- agan, daughter, Scotts Mills; John Seism, son, Gervais. Special services were held at the LFirst Methodist church Sunday even ing, celebrating the coming of national prohibition. Airflmg the speakers were Mrs. S. E. Oliver, of the W. C. T. TJ.; W. L. Cummlngs and V. T. Hlgdon, President Carl Gregg Doney and Dr. R. N. Avlson spoke on the Anti-Saloon league and the part played by the church in bringing about the present condition. . For Long Distance Auto Trucking Willamette Valley Transfer Co. WE ALSO DO LOCAL HAULING. The Greatest Values ARE ALWAYS TO BE FOUND AT THE I. C. PEMEV CO I The quality of the merchandise will speak for itself. All we ask is a compan ion and you will see for yourself that quality considered our prices will be the lowest on all lines The "Beauty of It Is" that they are not "ONE DAY" specials", but especially low Prices Any Day You Want Them It Is All Dependable Merchandise . Note just a few prices given as a sample: Unbleached Muslin J7C Q $c Yj Nainsook 17c to 35c Yd IndiaLinon 17c to 35c Yd Dimity 25c to 29c Yd Outing Flannel 29c Berkeley Cambricr....39c anfJ 42c Yd' Sheets, 72x90 98c and $1.68 Yd Sheets, 81x90 Ji gg Yd Pillow Case, 42x36 25c Yd remJes 19c to 39c Yd Ghiehams 29c to 39c Yd Corset.8 $125, J1.69. $1.98 J2.49 Do Not Overlook Our Ladies' Ready-to-VVear Incorporated For Your Personal Gam STARTING TODAY MONDAY THE 19TH UNTIL SATURDAY, THE 24TH C. P. BISHOP WILL HAVE AN EXCELLENT DISPLAY OF ' OREGON GOODS YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO INSPECT THESE AND LEARN HOW AND WHERE THEY .' -V : ARE MADE alem Woolen Mills Store C. P. BISHOP, Prop. EVERY FAMILY IN MARION AND POLK COUNTIES A PATRON