Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 17, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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- iliilU-
WhemSmallAds Get Results at Small Cast
eu) i oaay
1 1.-,
-rTTord-Each inserUon on
" i. -insertion 6 cent ".
K'-nti" Minimum per ad 25
ptcta, S "
Sf- Irsertlon only la Nw Today.
F". hin advance and not tak
OfS?na unless advertiser has
New Today.
-"TTTte Start the rew year
K.r .-j hv this farm, you can-
rT.u r4 acres, about 160 un
n0t Tr hilauce pasture and tim
r P'?l improvements, located
fr . VJ, ,ues from good town of
i A Vol t.-a.J. harness,
" icW bT harness and six
"nj ;,k cows goes with place.
Ttalan time in reason,
ut plac once yon will
Ur"Tli down, for it is .he best
in the valley. Chaa. Ransom.
Au'msville, Ore (
-n-. Poultry fence netting;
HZe-BuK Orpington cocker-
1 345 Division
iTTi. oak rise player piano.
ST.? with tr'Th. Wiley
S. Allen Co , 519 Court St. 1.
W fd Tont.lel by . clears
,40 B(,r day for sales
Tn M o t V-nUal. Government
rated demand. Law territories
JTuWnwn able to handle crews.
ttmw m 'nc- " yuc?n:
ise this specialty you will tail
SlM preservers on a sinking
"7 Vefinite cooperation. Jerome
Sdt, Prea, South Dearborn St
Chicago, I"- 806
TAKEN' UP At 2253 Fairgrounds
road I Wack imu'e' alK 1 J'UnB
Inv horse, owner can "
l,v proving them and paying for
.j ..,,,1 m. 1
ail ami care.
W-INTED-A lady or girl for house
Call at 6S0 Center St. 17
A COMPLETE stork of late records
and' player rolls. The Wiley B. Al
ton Co., 519 Court St. '
WANTED To hear from owner of
good ranch for sale. State cash
price, full particulars. D. F. Bush,
Minneapolis, Minn.
WE have a real bargain in a high
made piano, terms If wanted. The
Hlter l1'- Allen Co.. 51 Court St.
FOP. SALE Ford in Rood condition,
good tires; bargain if taken at once
J800. 218 N. Liberty St. over Brew
w drug store, room 4. 16
6?1RELLA corsets sold by Mrs. 'Alice
A. Miles, 451 N. 21st. Measures tak
en, fit guaranteed. Home Thursday
afternoon. Phone 1902J.
JOB SALE Two 400-egg Xray Incu
. bators. Can be soph at White ft
SonHsed store. W. A. Springer. 20
LEAVE your children under compe
tent care while you shop or call,
25c an hour, between 1 and 6.
l'hont 1221. 15
KiRRT If lonely; for results, try
me; best and most successful
"Home Maker;" hundreds rich wish
marriage soon; slriotly confiden
tial; most reliable; years experi
ence; descriptions free. "The Suc
cessful Club," Mrs. Ball, box 566,
Oakland, Calif. 277
WANTED Rome- one to split cord
wood. $1.15 per cord for splitting.
Robt. A. Beer, Salem, Or., lit. 9,
miles east of Brooks. 20
A GOOD opportunity for blacksniit'.i
and wrap man at Aumsvillc, well
established corner, cheap rent.
Phone or write Shenn Swank.
Aumsville, Or. 17
WANTED Carrots and parsnips, car
lots or less quantities. Salem Fruit
Co. lg
WOULD Tou invest a dollar a week
'or ten weeks on chance to make
51000 or more? Write for particu
ars. No obligation. J. A. Carlton.
Jwt 6,6, Ft. Worth Tex. 396
WST-Irish setter, red. about 4 inch
es of h,i cut off, 2 01. ., yeiirg ok,
n- 'alks, Phone l!i46it. 16
vyour M,y cllix 'ram your
rhT.i aU'tery' are 8'ronKer
i"" ,,lan thse shipped a long dis
tance, pure bred English White Leg
mJ Pefln!,J'- HlamI f01' f
? ' aterlow Poultry Farm,
box 264C. 15
1wIrLa?'M tlin l,ui"se Tuesday or
"J-e-mmercial St. 16
feet m , IT?0""' 4 Jots nntl 15
iSm. L ,nd" of f,uil on it, 6
S CtV'M' cil toll.
thicker m, a wuod shed larn,
i and fa ?wa ,nilk K0!,t3' o"' female, he f,-h i nr.,..
amount. Low rates:
Payment nriv;iorrQe
. r 'vo.
Prompt service. Ask
ww-year loans at
"vu Oregon Bldg.
i aEf7l C0WS- 1 to flMh-
Cal1 A Frank. i Rood n'Ks-
-"l'e. U. 6, box 103. 16
'mttlL i,l(-"lntor, Peta
- e'erred, I'hone 68F2. n
KOI I SALE 5 room cottage, modern
except neat. Car line, pavement,
barn. Rood condition. Price $1S50.
half cash. Box 25 Capita Journal!
BLOODED Airedale terrior pups for
w nJiew. van 9QU is. Cottage
St. after 4 o'clock. 17
KOR SALE 5 acres, 1 block carline,
ft in fruit, house; ft terms. 469
State St. . 15
WHEN In need of wood or any kind
of hauling call 108J. Biedennan
transfer. u
FOR SALE Second growth fir wood.
Cull 1244 after 7 p. m. n
WIDOW and maiden worth over $50,
000 anxious to marrv honorable
gentleman. Write Mrs. Warn 2216 ft
Temple St., Los Angeles, Cal.
LPVE men and women capable of
making big money, selling- Flower
Bouquet Holders. Every . woman
buys on sight. Florists and caterers
buy by the gross. Send retail price
2.25 for 3 samples, rebate when
you order dozen or gross lots. Ed
wards Novelty Mfg. Go.,' 845 gutter
St., San Francisco. - 15
Monday night, at the Capital Busi
ness College, probably the last one
to be started in jthe night school
this winter. If Interested vou should
Plan to register promptly. 15
FOR SALE-55 acres, 34 acres prunes
and grafted walnuts, franquette and
. mayette; house, barn and drUr,
$340 per aore.
30 acres all clear, east slope, $6500
52 acres, 80 acres clear, balance
grub oak. $6000.
Running water on all the above
tracts, mile west of Rosedale.
Phone 86F4. Ed A. Jory, owner. 15
96 acres, 36 in cultivation, balance
pasture, fine eleven room house,
spring water piped In,' barn 38x40.
Lots of fruit; 1H miles from town.
$4500, $2000 ash. Might take some
trade. .
6 acres all in cultivation, 3 acres
bearing orchard, 7 room house,
barn 26x30; running water; city
water in house. On muin street in
city. $2300, $500 cash, balance easv
7 acres, 4 tillable, garden patch
cleared, small barn; stream through
place; 3-4 mile from town, would
make fine chicken and berry ranch.
Only $350.
For full particulars write A. Ander
. son, box 197, Falls City, Or. 15
SALE or exchange, Tulare countv,
Calif,, only two miles from Lind
say, center of California's wonder
ful citrus fruit district, 36 acres of
choicest land, level as a floor, no
improvements; price $14,400; ad
joining land improved to oranges,
olives, figs and grapes, value -of im
proved land in Lindsay country
from $1000 to $3000 an acre. I have
just bought me a home in Salem,
and will trade this property for
Oregon improved city or farm prop
erties. If interested write me for
one week. T. H. Pearman, Cherrv
City hotel, Salem, Or. 16
BICYCLE for sale. Cheap for cash.
558 State St. , ; 17
FOR. SALE A few cords of choice
dry Tir wood. 1205 N. Cottage. 15
FOR- SALE Large dark Rhoda Is
land Red cockerels, Utah -strain. M.
"Reedy, S. 12th St. Rt,'5 box 40.
Phone 1788W2. ' 17
40 ACRE farm 7 miles from Salem on
pavement and rock road, 18 acres
bearing prunes, balance cultivated,
typical for fruit; good large houss,
bam, chicken house, etc. A very ex
ceptional buy as it has to be Hold
in 6 days. See me and I will tell you
why. Price $9600, terms, $4000 cash
balance easy. S. R. Pearson, 405
Oregon bldg. Phone 4.
FOR SALE 20 full bearing prune
orchard, some mixed fruit, 6 room
house, barn, chicken house, etc.,
beautiful location in red hills at
Rosedale, south of Salem, on rock
road; get busy. Price $10000; terms,
$3000 cash, balance easy. S. R.
Pearson, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone
43. -
APAItTMENT house, 19 rooms, very
close in, always rented $50 month
or more; newly papered, good con
dition. See this now. Price $2000
easy terms. See me for houses, large
nnd small in different parts of the
city, priced reasonable with terms.
S. R. Pearson, 405 Oregon bldg.
rhone 43.
FOR SALE Only 3 ton No. 1 wheat
straw left. Phone 58F12, $L0 fla
ton. 16
FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow at 640
N. Winter.
WANTED Young man with small
family wishes work in country. Ad
dress F, D. Brooke, Gervas, Or. Rt.
2. 17
FOR SALE No. 1 strawberry plants,
extra fine, $3 per thousand if you
dig them yourself. mile east
Sunnyside school, Jefferson road.
Phone 107F24. 20
WANTED Woman 'o do house work.
Inquire 320 N. Commercial. 16
FOR SALE -St. Andresburg rollers
from Imported stock, deep yellow
singers and females. Phone 95F2.
FOR SALE One clarinet, Boehm
system Conn, B flat, low pitch, with
' case and equipment. Used two
months. 257 Bellevue St. . 17
FOR SALE Full blood White orp
ington cockerels. 871 N. Commer
cial. Phone 957. 17
With outfit. Rent free to
Work in conjunction with i
tire store 5
NEARLY 1000 acres. 150 acres cul
tivated, 150 sheep. 150 goats, cows
and horses stock and machinery
worth $10,000. Lots of timber, 10
acres bearing prunes, 10 miles of
woven wire fence, one T ne 8 room
house. $30,000. Good terms. Estes
t Magae, 428 Oregon bldfr, Port
land office, S09 Chamber of Com.
WANTED Buff Orpington cockerel
Phone S8F31. 17
I LOOK for contract hop yard. 60
to 100 acres. I do best work If any
body wish. Write me soon, address
Mike Parsegian.-Rt. 3, box 20S, Sa
lem, Or. 17
FOR RENT 5 room house 1 miles
. from city limits, on Pacific highway
S. Willis, Rt. 9. 17
second hand goods bought, sold
and exchanged. Is we haven't what
- you want, we'll get it. Trv us. W.
Ludke, 241 N. Com'l St. Phone 841.
Salem, Or.
FOR RENT 60 acres all under cul
tivation, no buildings. Terms $225
cash. 5H miles south of Salem.
Address J. H. Robins, Rt. 5, box
30, Salem, Or. 17
WOOD SAW Phone your orders to
Lester C. Cline. Phone 20.62M. 29
iibi-uiui;iuii, eyes morougmy ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
610-12 U. S. bank. Phone 341.
HOUSE painting, tinting and paper
nangirnf. tl. it. Keltn. Shop 443
Ferry St. Phone, Res. 821, shop
849. 325
WANTED Garments to remodel:
new suits $45. Ezra Sparks, 544
State street. 31
WANTED To rent baby carriage un
til April -, or will Duy. T. H. An
derson, 720 Mill street. 15
WANTED Thrashing machine boiler
enquire Phone 171. 16
WANTED Several thousand Magoon
ami jew Oregon strawberry plants
Floyd Crabtree, Stayton, Or. 18
PLUMBING and repairing. Phone 731
FOR plumbing and repair work, call
.hhik; worn guaranteed. 18
WANTED Any kind of team work.
i-none now evenings. 17
I AM wanting a modern v home in
south Salem. What have yu to of
fer in 5 to 7 room house. Will not
pay over $4700 and prefer cheaper.
Address P care Journal. 16
WANTED To buy 30 to 40 acre
dairy ranch with buildings. Address
R. O. V., Gen. Del., Salem. 16
WANTED To rent good seven or
eight room house, with garage.
Furnished or unfurnished. Good lo
cation essential. In or within eight
miles of Salem. Box 55 Journal. 1?
BRIGHT, clean lard pails wanted.
Ward K. Richardson, 2396 .Front.
. !6
WANTED To. rent a good farm, 60
acres or more. Would buy equip
ment. Best of references given. Ad
dress H. J. Guiles, Gervais, Or., Rt.
1, box 48. 19
Used Cars for Sale.
FOR SALE 1917 Ford fully equip
ped, A-l condition. Liberty Gar
age. FOR SALE 1 1917 Studebaker, 1
1918 Dodge, 1 1917 Ford roadster,
1 1918 Grant Six, Hudson Super
six, only run three months, 1919
model. Cherry City garage, 170 S.
12th. 15
. t
1916 FORD for sale. 2234 N. Liberty
St, Call before 2:30 p. m. 15
FOR SALE 1 Ford sedan; 1 Buick
Six coupe; 2 buick 4; several good
buys in secondhand cars; Olds S,
Olds 6. Marion Auto Co. 15
FOR SALE Late model Maxwell car,
ne,.' battery, good tires, 1920 li
cense, tire chains, etc. Will sell on
4erms. 172 Marion or Monty's Tire
Shop. 15
1 MAXWELL lft-ton truck first class
condition, $650; also one Maxwell
touring car, all overhauled. $275.
Moir Bros., 871 Court St. 19
1918 FORD touring in good condition
for sale or trade for 1915 or '16
model. Phone 794. 15
Help Wanted
EXPERIENCED seamstress will go
out by the day, Phone 1413. '331
WANTED Two experienced prun
ers. L. F. Arnold, Rt. 4, phone 65
Fll. 15
WANTED Wood cutters for 600
cords. Phone 44F5. 16
WANTED - Practical nursing, espe
cially maternity cases, i-rices reas
onable. Call on or address Mrs. L.
E. Hartwig, 2229 fair ground road.
WANTED 2 men to hell) clear land,
board and best wages for two weeks
Phone 107F24. 1
WANTED Girl or woman for gen
eral house work. Call 2525 S. Com
or phone 66K18. '
For Rent
FOR RENT 4 room cottage, large
lot, east ena 01 u siiuet.
FOR RENT Furnished house. Call
KKft Stnte St. 10'
FOR RENT 2 furnished housekeep
ing rooms on first floor. Call 674
' N. 15th. near Marlon. 15
Salem Auto Radiator Shop
Radiators, Fenders) an4 Gaa Tank
tractor Radiators a specialty
Ford Radlatora for Sale
198 S. 12th Street. Salem, Ore.
VfcM Foreman Morgan of the O-W.
R. & N. yards at Rieth nearly tost his
ne. hv atmhvxiatlon Sunday morning
while lighting a heater in a refrlgera-
OSTEOPATHIC physicians and sur
geons, Drs. Wrtit and Marshall,
606 V. a bank bldg. Phone 869. Dr.
White, res. phone 469; Dr. Marshall
res. phone S3 4.
DR. JOHN Tu. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surfreon, 40S-4 Ore
iron bldg. Res. phone S8F5; office
phone 1394. 19
EXCHANGE Will exchange part or
an ot iniriy raw prairie quarters
in the Red River valley, Marshall
county, Minnesota, for a running
garage, city property, or small im
proved farms near Salem or Ku
gene. Or.' These lands are levat,
well drained and rich soil. Give
particulars first letter. H. Hadrath,
Thief River Falls. Minn. 15
ESTES A MAGEE. real estate. If we
list it we advertise it. Portland of
fice 09 Chamber Commerce; Sa
lem office 428 Oregon bldg, over
electric depot. $4
R. W. BALLANTYNE. piano tuner
with Cherrington's Piano House,
413 Court St. rhone 352. IS
ROOM and board may be had with
private family. Phone 17S1J. 15
WILL exchange for Oregon property,
a acres near unasay, cal. Beauti
ful citrus fruit land almost level;
perfectly adapted for oranges, lem
ons, figs,- olives. No improvements.
Price $400 per acre. Property near
Salem preferred. Owner temporar
ily in Salem. Write at once. Address
T. H. Pearman, Salem, Or. 14
FARM near Eugene for exchange for
city property in Salem, value from
$5000 up. Address F. L. Chambers,
Eugene. 15
BEFORE selling your old furniture
or old clothing, can ivi and get our
I .WILL pay high price for second
hand clothing and furniture. Capi
tal Exchange. Phone 493, 337 Court
GET THE HABIT Phone 628 for
good taxi -service. Stand Klette's
pool hall and O. E. depot. Enclos
ed and open oars. Capital Taxi Co.
THE Nob Hill grocery, 1960 S, Com
mercial St. is now open for business
with a 'complete line of groceries,
under the managemen t of Mrs.
Rosa Allen. 14
BARGAIN 0 acres all plowed, close
to Wacohda on main road. Price
$6600. Terms. W. H. Grabenhorst
& Co., 275 State street. 16
EXCHANGE California property,
120 acres of good, clear valley land
near Oukdale, Stanislaus county, in
the San Joaquin .valley; 4 room
house, tank house, garage and good
barn; on main county road, 4 miles
from town; land under famous Oak
dale Irrigation district, one of best
Bystems in Calif., assuring plenty of
water; cash price $24,000. I will
trade at this price for Oregon im
proved city or farm properties, as
I have just bought me a home in
Salem. Write me and give full In
formation aboutvyour properties.
For one week address T. H. Pear
roan, Cherry HofcJ, Salem, Or. 15
Real Estate Houses
FOR SALE $800, four room cottage
large lot, garage, electric lights, city
' water, Nob Hill district. Owner,
phone 1390R.
5 room house, barn and three lots
with fruit, on Laurel Ave., near the
new packing plant. Portland owner
will take best offer made for It in
80 days. See John H. Scott Realty
Co., 228 Oregon,hidt.
Modern bungalow type 8 room,
basement, cement walks; a real Tiuy
at $3200, good terms. See us today.
John H. Scott Realty Co., 228 Oregon
bldg. .
FOR SALE Three lots, small house
plenty of fruit; reasonable terms.
644 State street. 31
FOR SALE Six room house, full ce
ment basement, furnace and mod
ern conveniences, located two and
one half blocks from state library
Price $3500. Phone 648 between 6
1p.m. 16
FOR SALE By owner, 8 room house
. modern excepting furnace. Located
420 S. 22d St. Call at house. 16
FOR SALE Attractive bungalow in
sightly place on paved street close
in, 6 rooms and reception hall,
strictly modern, furnace, garage in
basement, many built in features. A
beautiful home for $5150. W. H.
Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St.
TO EXCHANGE For a good 5 or 6
room modern home in eaiem, a
small ranch of 18ft acres with
new buildings nnd small bearing
ochard, 2 miles from Salem, land
all in a high state of cultivation. Jf
you are Interested call on W. A.
Llston, 484 Court St. 1
SNAP 7 room plastered house In
south Salem with good concrete
basement, corner lot. Price $2600.
Terms. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.,
275 State street. 16
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, paved
street ana car nne. 4o. r. u
Wood, Bayne bldg. 16
FOR SALE 6 room house, lot 60x
132, completely furnished. Includ
ing player piano, 75 quarts canned
fruit, garden tools, etc. Price $2200.
Box 14 care Capital Journal. 16
Farms 4 Sale
148 acres, 106 under plow and
mostly seeded; 27 acres pasture, 15
acres timber, a good family orchard,
modern 9 room, plastered house; two
good barns and other buildings; good
well and running water. Price $23,
300, $7600 cash, balance long time at
6 per cent.
80 acres of valuable timber close to
Pacific highway; for .quick sale $75
320 acres. 110 in cultivation, fair
improvements; 200 acres valuable tim
ber. A real snap. $40 per acre.
40 acres mostly In cultivation, good
improvements, fine "orchard, close in
on good road. $11,009, $7000 cash.
This is some farm.
John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldg.
I " i ii . mmm
For Sale.
80 Mrr IS f n , 1 , , -1 , i . , . 1
- . u... .... .uli, Bwq
family orchard, some good wood
timber and pasture, a modern farm
house, plastered; bath and good
Closets: Rmnll nttw Havn HeitA .
good terms. John H. Scott Realty Co.
ureson oiag. , , -
FOR SALE Fruitland nursery has
a lew monana Italian prune trees,
grafted Franquet walnuts, and al
so other nursery stock. Phone 111
F!l. Rt , SaUm. Or., . 17
STRAWBERRY plants, progressive
rjveroearing, Ettersburg 121, Im
proved Oregon and Wilson. Vigor
us well rooted plants. Place orders
now. Ward K. Richardson, 2893
Front Phone 494. J5
PROGRESSIVE Everbearing straw
berry plants. $1.60 per 100. Ward
K. Richardson, 2395 Front Phone
FOR SALE Italian prune trees, 2123
FOR SALE 10 acres good onion land
good barn, small house near the
depot. Call or address J. S. Bum
gardner, Clatskanle, Or. 37
1 BAY mare for sale, weight between
iioo or izuo; i rarm wagon for
sale, -inch; one light driving
horse for sale cheap, must sell. No.
1390 Waller St. 16
FOR SALE 12x25 Monarch tractor
ana 3-bottom John Deere plow, or
will trade for property, or what
have you Fred W. 'Durbin, 275
State St. Phone 616. 15
FOR SALE Baled cheat hay $23 ton,
1 mile east on pen road. Phone 86
F22 evenings. 25
FOR SALE One heifer calf, 2 weeks
uiu; one weDer wagon, s-inch tire,
nearly new. One set double farm
harness. P. O. Judd., Salem, Or., or
phone 10SFS.
FOR SALE O. A. C. White Leghorn
cockerels and Buckeye Conley
brooder for sale. John W. Yates,
Rt. 4, near feeble minded. 16
FOR SALE 8-weeks old pigs and
some small snoats. Donald Ham
mock, Rt. 8, Salem, Or. Phone 69
F4. 17
Leghorns, Reds, Rocks, Mlnorcas.
Prices reasonable. C. N. Needham,
658 State St. Phone 400. 36
FOR SALE Or trade, over one acre
of ground in Woodburn, on high
way; orchard, berries, and grape
vines, good four room bungalow,
barn hen house, cellar, woodshed.
Want improved lots at Salem. S.
N. Hubbard, Woodburn, Or. 18
A REAL SNAP 4 acres extra close
In, ready to plow and plant to ber
ries for $1000. Call first house west
at end of S. Commercial car line be
fore 10 a. m..H. Brown, Rt. 8. 15
FOR SALE Choice cheat hay at Mid
die Grove farm. Phone 16F4. 15
FOR SALE New Victrola and, rec
ords. Call 526 Belmont 15
GOOD apples, price ranging $1 and
. up. 2276 N. Front. Phone 631R. IS
FOR SALE 2-year old colt for sale.
Phone 745W evenings. 17
FOR SALE Good eating and cook
ing apples. Phone JF11. 15
GALVANIZED corrugated Iron heavy
and In good condition. 1387 sq. ft.,
at 8c per sq. ft. Write or call Rt.
2, box 169. 16
FOR SALE 307 acres 6, -miles from
Salem in Polk county at a bargain.
220 in cultivation, balance pasture
and timber. Located in the great
prune and berry belt. Terms to
suit. Call at or address room 403
Bank of Commerce bldg, Salem. 13
FOR SALE Some thoroughbred
Burk pigs and some Lincoln sheep.
Call evenings. Phone 87F24. 15
FOR SALE Almost new piano, high
grade. Sell for half price. 172 Ma
rion St. 15
FOR SALE High grade piano (Mc-
Phail) cost $400, will sacrifice for
half, price. .172 Marlon St. 16
FOR SALE Or trade, you wnnt a
goon home where living Is cheaper
than in Salem. I have it. Will sac
rifice for ensh, trade for Salem
property, ' acreage or timber .land.
Phone 1361M. 16
30 acres cultivated, bal
ance stump pasture and
timber. House, barn
' and spring, 5 horses, 5
head of cattle, some
hogs, farm machinery
and feed. Located 6
miles from Salem.
Price $7500
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
FOR SALE Team of. black mards,
weigni aoout 1050. 2S65 Brooks
ave, near fairgrounds.
FOR SALE Two bicycles In good
condition, new tire on back wheel
of one. Harper, Journal. 16
Lost And Found.
LOST Auto chain between Salem
and Victor Point on Pratum road.
Finder pleas notify il. Doerfler,
Phone 43F14. 19
Kinney & Smith
Phone 11V
Big Values In Farm Lands
Choice River Bottom 80 Acres
Only 1U miles from Corvallis.
acres of sandy loam soil in high state
01 cultivation; it is the equal of any
berry or garden land in the Willam
ette valley. The gross returns from
this farm last season were actually
equal to the selling price of the farm.
Large new barn and big concrete silo,
house is poor. Few acres of alfalfa.
Price $13,500. Teams. You can't beat
63 Acres. T acres fine bearing
prunes. Located 7 miles from Albany
and Corvallis. Close to school, not far
from station. Buildings and Improve
ments are good. More, than 40 acres
under cultivation. Price $7500.
25 Acre chicken or dairy ranch.
One mile from good little town; on
fine highway. Daily stages, mail,
cream route, etc. Close to schools. 23
acres good soil under cultivation; well
drained; good living stream on place.
About 15 acres in crops now. Barn is
fairly good and house is old but can
be made quite comfortable. Will soon
sell at $3600.
miles from Corvallis on fine road: A
mne irom paved Highway. 1 mile to
electric station; close to good school.
130 acres of fine land under culti
vation; will grow anything has been
in beans the past 2 years. 24 acres
pasture with good living stream.
Buildings are surrounded by trees on
nice little knoll. House is small but
in fair condition. 35 acres in fall crop.
lmmediatd possession. Price $135 per
Kinney & Smith
Phone 1061W 15
53 acres at good R. R. town In Polk
county's best fruit belt. 22 acrjs
prunes, 4 acres strawberries, 314
acres, logans, 325 bearing apples,
126 grafted franquette walnuts;
pears, cherries, grapes; good house
with modern conveniences; water
piped to house and outbuildings: 8
tunnel fruit dryer. Grand place,
beautiful scenery. Price $15,000.
20 acres 2 miles from Oregon City,
4 mle from R. R. station; 12 acres
in bearing prunes, apples, berries,
walnuts, etc. 7 room plastered
house, fruit drier, chicken house,
eto. $7000. Nice home.
20 acres full bearing prunes In Rose
dale section. In excellent condition.
$000 an acre.
Our specialty Is choice fruit, nut and
berry property.
PEAHCY BROS., HorttouKuriHts
210 Oregon bldg. Phone 663
Long Distance Hauling.
long distance freight hauling. Daily
service to Portland, outside trips
anywhere. Reasonable charges. Of
fice 446 Court street. Phone 998;
night phones 6T9J, 74R. Salem,
, Or. 36
Bargains and Investments.
Nloe modern 6 room cottage, large
lot, barn, garage, fruit trees; nice lo
cation. A bar gain for only $2260.
Fine 24 acre, tract, 21 acres bearing
prunes and cherries; fine large bun
galow, good prune dryer, barn, water
system; lYi miles from town; sac
rifice price, quick sale, $10,500.
10 acres near Salem, good buildings.
7 acres bearing prunes and loganber
ries. $5200.
Nice modern 5 room cottage, nice
location, full basement, fine lot on car
line. $2500, easy payments.
Fine 10 acre tract 2 miles out, pav
ed road, extra fine dark loum soil.
For good buys and square dealing.
Perrine & Marsters
211-12 Com. Club bldg.
Bargains? Eight Of Them
1 To exchange 13 acres; 8 room
house, with lights and water system;
about 7 acres of walnuts and fruit.
Situated on paved road. Owner wants
a dairy ranch with good buildings, up
to 110,500.
2 To exchange 11 1-3 acres of
land, 'with a four room house; six
acres of six-year old prunes, balance
in cultivation, near school. Want
more land. Priced at $3000.
3 For sale on installments, 4 room
cottage and nice lot; near car line
and near school. $200 cash will han
dle it. Price $1000.
4 For sale 8 room house, with
bath, lights and furnace. On paved
street, for $3000.
6 For sale 8 room house, wind
mill, two acres of laud, Inside city
limits. Price $4200.
6 For sale 6 room houso, barn,
abundance of fruit, two acres of land,
near car line, on Pacific hlgnway.
7 For sale 8 room modern home,
Lot 60x160; paved street; 3 blocks
fiom supreme court building. Price
8 For sale 10 room home, strict
ly modern, and 4 room cottage on
same lot; three blocks from state
house. Price $6600.
W. A. Liston
484 Court street 17
'" " A Business Buy.
One two story brick store building,
also one frame store building on
main street, close In, price low,
5 acres close in, all cultivated. $2,-
6 acrss close in, new house, $3200.
5 acres close in, above the average
11 8-4 acres sandy loam soil, run
ning water, buildings old. $1250.
18 acres, A-l soli, buildings, run
nlng water, stock and (mplemnts,
49 acres, house, good soil, lots of
timber, running water, $2600.
60 acres, good buildings cost $1500
before the war, well, creek; team,
cattle, furniture. $6000. Will consider
small nlaoe on above.
66 acres, good buy, 87S per acre.
H. Brown, Rt. 3, box 92.
Drop postal for appointment, or
cal before 10 a. m. end ot tsoutn
Commercial car line. . IS
Best fcuys.
100. acre farm, improvements first
class, modern aouss. large brn, !
silos, family orchard, S miles from
town, no better land m valley. $3t9
per acre. $50 will handle.
. 125 acres, family orchard, all clear
ed, good valley loam, 8" room modern
house and smaller house, large barn
and all necessary outbuildings, at rail
road station n good road. $125 per
56 acres, all cleared, best soil, well
drained, fenced, in small fields; $
room house, 2 large barns. a)t im
provements new, family orchard, $
miles from Salem. $9000, terms en
80 aore fruit farm, 20 in prunes. 4
acres apples, I lagans, new dryer cost
$3000 to build, house and barn, best
fruit land, north and west slope. $12,
soo, terms.
31 acres river bottom, 1 Mi miles
from Salem; 14 acres In frvn, paid
40 percent on price last year, orchard
In good condition with good prospect
for large crop next year. $12,000, Vi
55 acres, 35 In bearing walnots and
prunes, new dryer, house and barn,
spring water piped to all bunding. ...
on rock road, 7 miles of Salem. 84t
per acre, asy terms.
22 acres all clear, 1 mile from sta
tion, house, barn and other buildings.
ramily orchard, good valley soil.
Would make a fine poultry ranch, not
far from Portland. $4760. cas.
We also have many other small
tracts on paved roads near Salem, as
well as houses In town.
68 acre farm for rent. ,
For best buys see . '
841 State street
Good Buys.
10 acre timber tract located $H
miles south of Salem, about 860 mrds
of standing fir timber. Price 4150. ' i
'80 acre timber tract, good cord
wood proposition, house and barn,
several acres cultivated. Price $80 per
S3 acre tract" located 54 miles
south of Salem on main rock road,
nearly all cultivated, 6 room hens
and barn, -well, fine prune and berry
soil. Price $6600.
20 acre tract, timber and pasture,
6 room house and barn, well, S Vt
miles out. Price $1750.
18 7-8 acre tract located Just est
slde. of city limits south of Salem,
sightly location, beautiful view, first
class fruit land, house, barn, well,
located Just 900 feet from Commer
cial street carline. Price $16,000.
80 acre tract, 3fl acres cultivated,
balance pasture and timber, 4 res
Italian prunes, house and bam, spring
water; 6 head of horses, 6 head of
onttle, some hogs, machinery and
feed, 14 acres in crop, 6 miles south
of Salem. This is a snap. Price $7500.
200 acre tract located 6 miles from
Salem, 100 acres cultivated, balance
good timber nnd some pasture, run
ning creek, spring, buildings. Price
$100 per acre.
10 acres bearing Italian prunes.
Prce $6600.
270 aore farm nil cultivated, house
and barn, rock rond. This Is a good
grain and clover farm. Price $125 per
Well Improved 80 acre farm, I
miles east of Salem, good buildings .
and nearly all in crop. Price 116,600. .
8 roin modern house located at
745 Ferry street, basement, furnace.
paved street. Price $3500, r.ash,
balance 6 per cent interest.
6 room plastered house, bath, toi
let, electric lights, good basement,
corner lot, 1 block from oarline. Price '
$2600, $900 down, balance trms.
Strictly modern 5 room bungalow
and two large lots located on Fulr
mount hill, beautiful view, corner
lots, paved street. 1'rlcs $6000.
6 room modern home located on
State street; furniture, goes. Price $5,
000. '
5 room modern bungalow located
in south Salem. Price $2300.
If you want to buy, trade or sell,
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 State street
Good Homes Priced Right
For Quick Sale
8 room strictly modern bungalow,
except furnace. A real snap. $3200,
ft cash.
6 room strictly modern bungalow,
new $3000; $1000 cnah, balance terms.
You'll have to hurry If you get this.
6 room house plastered, electrlo
lights, bath and toilet, small gurage.
$2260, $1250 cash, balance terms.
6 room modern bungalow, a beauty,
get busy on this; $2000.
8 room house on N. Liberty St.,
close in, $32000, cash.
If you want a good, home priced
right, John H. Scott Realty Co., 228
Oregon building has it. ..2.1
Notice ts hereby given that the fin
al account of Robert I'caa-ce, execu
tor of the estate ot Elizabeth M.
Pearce, deceased, was duly filed In
the county court of the state of Ore
gon for the county of Marlon, on the
9th day ot January, 1920, and that
on said data the said county court
duly entered an order fixing Monday
the 16th day of February, 1920, at
the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at the.
court room of said Court In the elty
of Salem, county of Marion, and stats
of Oregon, as the time and place for
the- hearing of objections to such fin
al account and the settlement there
of, at which time any person Inter
ested In said estate may appear and
file objections ta said account or the
settlement of said estate and contest
the same.
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY rsjsor blade sharpening ma
chine, first installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop. 847 Court St
Why Sell For Less?
WB will pay you mors cash for Tour
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sail. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Stora, $71 N. Com
mercial street Phone 114.
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. It
. years experieaee; Depot National
and American fence, elxea M to H
Inches high. Pain '.a, olf and tarn
ishes, etc., loganberry a Stop
hooka Salem Fence amf Store
Works. 150 Court street. Ffceoe 124
Water Company.
corner Commercial and TraSe Sta,
Bills payable monthly ta advance.
Phone 67 Mm