Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 17, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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catttpdaY JANUARY 17. 1920.
" - I V . . "'---sa.
Burglars Enter
Store As Mayor
Stands In Front
oh-! Hrf rotative to 0:ecia fruit pro-,
duets. ., i
H. U. 51. by Oallngher Amending;
irrigation district code.
H H 3 v house highway
mitte rrnvidiiis for J10.000.000 road
H. B. 53. by Thrift Kixinz
of Coos county officials. I
H. H. J4. by Thrift Fixing op-n s.
Silverton. Or., Jan. 1 6. Early Fun
dav evening and almost In the veryfi n Billhead trout
presence of Mayor Adams burglars) 1L 15. 50, by Woodson rising salar-
entvred J. K. Kishwcod'a harness Bhopies ( Morrow county officials.
hv nrviiiK onen a rear window. Mr. I it i s. hi- Wes'erlund Relative
Kihwood said the next morning thatj0 re.ovals of county sea's.
. ;. 'be had missed nothins and It Is oe
An excess of 11X00 over first esf m- , may0I,8 preseD(.e in
tet or damage u inun.airu ... "".front of ,he building while the men
final adjustment of losses occasioned Jn th? ghop friKntened ,henl
through the fire suffered by the - awny
lem Public Library. January 4 Tht'j jIr. Adams, as he was passing on
damages were not estimated to be In trtet. noticed that the front door
J1O00. when casual P- ni,.i,. i,i,h i. .n
trsa of 13000. when casual BP
praisement was made, following the
fire' but the Insurance companies
have allowed H.877.91. Itemized as
follows: damages to books, furniture
and fixture. $2S52.51: on build
ing $2225. Allowance was made on to
tal and partial damage to 803 vol
umes. Because of the damage to the refer
ence room and contents. Miss Flora
SI. Case, librarian announces that it
will be impossible to continue refer
ence work in the usual manner. How
ever, the librarian at the desk will
co-operate readily in any research I
possible under the present conditions.
U. .pairs on the building will be I
started at once and during this per
iod, the library will be open, when
possible, between the hours of 1 to 6
p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m. Any changes
In this schedule will be announced
through the newspapers.
The annual report of the activities
nf the Salem library Tor tne year
was open slightly, which is an uncom
mon thing on Sunday night. He no
tified the police of what he had ob
served, but before the officer arr:ved
on the scene the burglars had made
their escape.
A shoe shop adjoining the harness
shop was also broken into the same
night, but nothing was taken. It is
supposed that the trick was turned by
young men of the city.
H. B. 57, by military affairs commit- i
tee Relative to Impersonating mili
tary officials or enlisted men. :
H. B. 58, by Burnaush Relative to j
granting pardons.
H. B. 59. by Gallagher Fixing open :
season for certain game birds. j
H. B. 60. by Linn county delegation
Fixing salaries of Linn county of.l-cials.
, A plan, calling for the opening of '
Capitol street through to the fair;
jgrounris, has been prepared by a com- ;',
'mittee of the Commercial club, and I
will be submitted to the next meeting
of the city council for action. Tacit
'action on the part of the Commercial j
club follows a demand made at thej
Delegate and representa'lves of th" : last open forum meeting of the club
Central Oregon Assjclatiun of the Hap- the "nera house when F. A Brick- j
son oi rortn Kuem, arose in ine ;
tlst Young People's Vnlon will meet In
crowd and charged the club to act. It
' Cf.,1,..., 1..., 1 tf . tt... Trt..i. . ... . . . .......
ending. December 31. ll. snows. - u..uC..wu uc
that 53 059 bookj were circulated. Of : tlst church. . ted to the council demands action,
this number 17 352 volumes we. e !ak- This is the semi-annual gathering of .and members of the club have said
en out by Juvenlle'readers. Adult pat- the Baptist young people and an ln-jthat further bickering on the mattei
rons of the library, secured the use ; terestlng program and special working jo( opening upthe street shall have to
ir. 7fi7 i.,.u ..f which -Id 22K Werei!,chertu!e Is planned. The progmm for 'stop.
rtuiioiiv tonuns. i no upnuiiK ... ...c Rt.rci ...-
2:30 P. M. Devoaliona). service, gong 'cessitate the purchase or acquisition
leader, Edwin Soeolofsky. through condemnation proceedings
3:00 P. M. Conference, Kvangtlism: jot a strip of property approximately
tl) "Won Hy One," Allan Banks, j two blocks long. The plans prepared
Albany; (2) "Soul Winners In tut by the civics committee of the club
Kuriday School," Mi.-B Neva Dalas. calls for paving.
works of fiction. During the year.
191; new volumes to the number of
930 were added to the adult dtvision
of the library's collection. Advances
In the prices of books has aeiiou.dy
limited the year's purchases. In the
juvenile department, 301 new volumes
were added.
The Salem Public Library Is one of
the few public institutions, able to
"break even" financially, despite ad
vancing prices. The financial state
ment of the library shows that It Is
able to match expenses with receipts.
During the past year, Stll patrons
have been added to the lists of the
library. A a reaction from war con
ditions, the' librarian makes c mnnent
that calls for fiction have Increased.
Another post-bellum Influence Is
found In the noticeable demand hy
returned soldiers, for works on indus
trial nit and social and labor prob
lems. This demand Is unprecedented
and has taxed the resources of the
North Palestine; (3) Recruiting
" Service, Lebanon.
3:30 p. M.i-Muslc, Salem.
3:40 P. M. Business. Report of So
cieties. 4:0; p. AI. Discussion of Four 1'ro-gre-slve
Principles led by the
State President, liaiicy K. ih,
gren of Portland: (1) "(in-del-'K.u";
(2) "Keep It doing"; I ,'l I
"Stay With It"; ( I) "Get Togeth
er." 5:00 P. M. Adjournment.
530 P. M. Lunch.
0:30 P. il. "Out of the Ruts." 13. Y.
P. 1). meeting, topic, "My Favorite
Psalm," Wader, Vernon Elwell. .
7:30 P. ,M. Song Service led by J. XV.
1 rny ii nd din. us of 40 voices. .
:0tl P. M. KviingpllHtlo Address by
State Kvangellst Dr. S. ,1. Reid.
He beat them at their own
game. "Fierce, implacable,
steeled to any outcome,
quick like a panther, som
bre as death"-- from
Zane Grey's novel
Completion of umlcrtalilcg of appeal
to the lie court of Oregon has
been made by the Salem King's Pro
ducts company In their action atialnst
R V. Ttamp, Bruce Cunningham, Brill
Asplnwnll, C. 11. Denser, 0. L. Denser,
Clyde Harris, August Lent?., L. S. Mur
dlck, XV. Howard Ramp and A. K. Har
ris. These defendants are loganberrv
growers near Sulem. Judges George O.
Bingham and Percy R. Kelly of the
Marion county circuit court rendered
a decree In favor of the grower-defendants,
November 12, HUB.
The King's Proline's company In Its
declaration of appeal, asserts e.nipll
auce with Hie decree payment of $26,
815.07 having been made to the grow
ers, This sum, according to the coun
ter petition of the growers, represent
ed the difference between the low con
tract price for berries mid the n arket
price for 1919.
Hhoiild the mipreine court reverse
Seventeen new bills found tlielr wny
to the olerk's desk in the senate Wed
nesday and were Immediately rushed
through to second reading In a de'er
mlned effort to have them placed on
the calendar before final iidjoiinmic:iT
Sill unlay noon.
The bills are:
S. P.. 25, by Tin. mas Providing 10
per cent license tax from canneries,
etc., for propogatlon of commercial
S. Tl. 20, by Pierce mending illw
providing for educational aid for ex
service men.
K. II. 27, by I. S. Smith Relating to
foreclosures on delinquent tax certifi
cates. 8. 11. 28. by lOlicrhiud Prohlting ex
empted aliens from being employed on
public work.
H. B. 29. by t. B. Smith Creating
stale rivers and lakes commission us
part of state land board.
S. B. 30, by roads and highways com.
mltlee -Providing that counties shall
...A (.,....... ... II . .. . ! A . ...
...... .ui. mum) ruung in : i'" -v per rent or maintenance cost of
this case, the growers think it possible state-built roads.
that the products' company will lnstl- B. 31. by Ortun Giving half-
.... i.umcumie ucion ror recovery of nounays on Saturday to
the various distributive payments county deputy clerks'
maue recently.
By a vote of 15 to 13, with one mem
ber absent, the senate Friday' refused
to adopt Hurley's resolution which
would have submitted to a vote of the
people a proposal for the repeal of the
six per cent tax limitation In tKe state
constitution. The vote on the proposal
to submit the repeal to the people
sN.od as follows:
' Aye Banks, Bell, Hundley, Howell,
Huston, Hurley, Moser, Norblad, Or
ion, Ritner, Shanks, Smith of Jose
phine, Vinton.
No Baldwin, Kberhard, Kddyi Far
rell, Gill, Jones, Laclimund,, I
Nickelsen, Patterson, Pierce, Smith of
Coos and Curry, Strayer, Thomas audi1
Wood. ,.' "
Representative Martin's bill com
pelling the branding of all fruit and
cannery products with the Oregon la
bel went through the house Friday
afternoon by a vote of 42 to 6, after
, . " " l
- fH
i - i P
( I W h
I V . t . f t
; : , ' I
! ' ' '
'WJ , ! h I,
.l f ' v V it
, ' v '. 1
Cattle thieves, urganUtd e,
poverful band that had j,,,
ana uei:ant through long
tion tlileves whose won) g
throughout a wide district-,
"secretly controlled the goverj
of cities' and towns who bar,
their enemies and terroriaj
cent citizens such is the It
one of the most absorbing pi
plays ever produced.
9:15 P
i::r,mJ OF TTjOVD
James French, a lieutenant In Uncle
Sam's forces across the Atlantic dur
ing the war, purchased this week
through the XV. M. Ellott real estate
Bill Licensing Drivers
Of Autos Up To Governor
The bill was prepared by the Port-
. H. J2, by Pierce Increasing sal
ary of attorney general from J3II0O to
$4a00 annually.
S. H. 33, by medicine and pharmacy
committee Amending law creating
state board of pharmacy:
...u w . I 77" ! s-I'-31. by Moser Providing for at-
lh house last night concurred wlf.t tachment of non-resident del. nd.ints
the senate in the passage of the bil H. 11. 35, by Orton-Amendlng s ate
providing for the licensing of aulo-, highway act.
mobile drivers, and the proposed act H. II. SO, by Pierce Validating act
"" KM-.i.or ir s.g-;apiioriiomng liiubwav f, ,.,,!
! counties.
S. 11. 37. bv Porter
a strenuous fight against the measure i Albert Teal dwelling on .Mill street by set the place out to prunes this sprinj;.
by Elmore, Smith of Multnomah, J. Tl. Craven of the Craven Hardware Tne purchase mice of the tract was
Haines and Idleman. Speaker Jones ; company.
iint ine cnair to speaK in iavor or tne
bill. Others speaking In Its favor were
Mrs. Thompson, Westerlund, Martin
and Gallagher.
A measure calling for a referendum
levying a tax of one sixth of a mllljaKlcy of this city the 80 acre tract of
for the erection of an Oregon employ- '! a short distance north of Dallas
ment and training Institute for the known as the Dunlap ranch and be
bllnd passed the house Friday after-, longing to J. M. Card. Mr. French will
noon. It also proposes a one twenty I a.,
Multnomah ."'th of a m'H tax for maintenance. "
All goods manufactured will be sold wammmmmmKmammmmmttKKM
and the proceeds go to the general
fund to provide compensation for the
$11,000. Alany tracts of prune acre
age have already changed hands in
ihls vicinity this year.
Silverton Resident's
Estate To Near Kin
The bulk of an estate, consisting of
land branch of the nalio,,,,, safety ! fu.ids ,r' trnvH ,TS"
counnll, composed of a number of lug circuit Judges. "
prominent Portland men. ami Is de-1 S. lit, 38, bv Shanks Muklmr
signed to curb traffic accidents which ti..i ,' ...,..' . Muk'"R. ad 1U
l.a multiplied rapidly, during ,h creased s'ala y of supreine Judge's
last two vnra T,u .,,1,.,,.,. Mil ..j , , ... . "' juoes as
last two years,
amended before
lay for in-
,M "' "". '"" VMisiiulhorl.ed at last legislative .,!.,.,
rvavning me nous.M X i ! i... n
to the extent that the annual license tlnil, ,,;,.,.,' " ,a? "ff u""
Van reduced from II to 25 cents, and ' i, J 11 , . rW" wnl
..rovislo,, was made for Issuing ' " "V ' ' 'V. ' byT.,'', IS ,,U?B.
clal permits to persons physically de-1. "',, Jl '"'"'vlding fa,
,'ional purposes for discharged s .Idler.
Ulurs and marines.
1 J 8- H. 41. by Hanks Providing for
km, -.,u i uva i .mulctary.
S. 11. 42, by Thomas Increasing sal.
arles of Jackson county officials.
S. '. 43, by Pierce, orton and Rber
lard -Increasing salary of state super
intendent of public Instruction fr,Mi,
?1"00 t0$ 1.100 uummllv.
S. 1!. 44, by Patterson ' hill'; h-vy
f six-tenths of one mill for Oregon1
Agricultural college.
S. H. 45. by Ritni'r un,1 ei,,w.
Providing that discharged service n.en
mav record discharge papers with
county clerks without charge.
S. 11. 4ti, by Porter Increasing min.
Imum Indemnity to t5 for soma class-
ofs'aughtered cattle.
S. H. 4J. by Washington county del.
gation Providing for salary Increase
for Washington county officials.
S It. 48, by Lane county delegation
Hiving caunties authority to erect
memorials and Club rooms for returned
service men.
House. .
It. B. 4J. by Thompson Providing
for new building fur state Institution
for feeble minded.
H. 11. 48, by rturnaugh Fixing
times for circuit court session In tenth
Judicial district.
I H. B. to. by Martin Amendlnr th
Nine persons, both men and women, !
have filed claims for the reward of- j
fered for information leading to the nr-'
rest and conviction of the murderers
of the late Frank Cowan, an Astoria !
Chinese merchant. ,
i IS
Mil Cm
1. 1 "-fest-J lLi!5.S-
1 1? ComfortabU Honied
Good meals, a comfort
able bed and attractive
unrounding f on be had
and ct a reasonable
prica. Among our Board
and Lodiing Want Adi you'll
almost surely find th jMarr,
pric and location you art
kmkini for. O
jjj Rm mi Uw tlx Want iUt la
Hallas, Or., Jan. 15. One of the big
gest deals in lallas residence property
to be made In recent years was con
summated this week when Dr. IS. ...
McCallon sold his beau'iful residence
on Church street to H. A. Woods, a
prune grower of this city. The prop
erty Is one of the finest in Dallas and
is of modern construction throughout.
Several other pieces of city properly
has changed hands recently, eht-t
among them being the buying of the
Is a good, faahlonaote,
dependable car, with
equipment absolutely
complete. It includts
items ordinarily listed Its
extras, even on the most
luxurious automobl'ei.
Among these are a mo
' tor-meter, engine driven
lire pump. Inspect I'm
light, etc. See the two
way lights.
I18 South Commercial Street
ttetsteftstewatt SUNDAY ssawftw
Acts appear at 4, 6, S, 10 p. m.
real and personal property valued at
$18,500 is left to his w.fe, Anna Wen
ser, and to a son and (laughter bv
the terms of the will of Christian C.
Wenger, who died at Silverton, Janu
ary 8, 1920, at the age of 75 years.
Sundry bequests of $10 each are made
to the following: Emma Brunner,
Louise Mliler, Ida Zurcher, John
Hanna, Christ Hanna, John Preston
and Lena Chandler.
The remainder of the estate is be
queathed to the wife, son and daugh
ter, as follows: Anna W
ton, personal property and !'
land near S lvciton; to Dan'
and Mary M. K..r! of Pn:
each and Joint interest In !
also near Silverton.
Th. n-iii wns admitted t
January 16, and Frederick J
pointed administrator oMj
.j-. ..., .Inrob Zul
v ni.ain iYuuiint.", ..
Philip Storta are named ii
BiD and Bob Millard Arthur Laf luer
Mclrov Sisters - ....
in Matt and Jeff
Pictures Start at 2:15
4:30, 6 -SO, .8:30, 10:30
When your bicyclei s in need of repairing, H
to us. Ihen you will know it is repaired iw
at a reasonable charge, too.
For we have the largest and best eqiuppei
pair shop in the city With only competes -anics
in charge.
Complete line of Bicycles, Tires and Acce
147 S. Commercial St.
nrt - nnriM TPMITC?
1 tit, LKlUUOni
Arising from eye strain requires
To combat it. That service I am competent W
offer you.-
: Optometrist .
204-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg-