Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 17, 1920, Page PAGE TWELVE, Image 12

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t - -r tttt? n A TT.V r A PIT AT. jnTTBKAT RAT.EM OREGON. SATl
IRDAY, JANUARY 17. 1020.
I j
HE.T. CHRISTIAN'- CirUP.CH ,a. m.. A cordial welcome and a class
T-pt.Ti.d Porlfr. jjartor. liiblf school 'for all. The morning worship and
t.ii a. m. Worninar worslii 11. "Thalpri-aching servics at H a. m.. "Con
N. 'J'. Irtrine of liberty." C. i at evictions, the Need of the Hour." Chrls
C:30 . ni. Evening worship 7:S0. jtinn Kuuaavor service at (:30 p. in.
I anil e-erHng worship and sermon
ASSOCIATED BWUS STUDENTS ! by Fv. a & Munly at j
i.t t Moose Hall, corner Hixh and! 7: p. m. The two churches of the
Court aUceta, for studies in Sixth Vol. j Evangelical asnociation will unite w ith
and Tubernacle Shadow every Sun- us In our prayer meeting on Thurs-
div lro.n It a. in. to II ni. Junior i4Uy evening.
cUs at 10 a. m. You art welcema.
niary department meets In Leslie Halt,
with Miss Sue Williams in charge. 11
a. m. public worship, with sermon by
the pastor. Theme. "Character Build
ing." :3 p. m. the Epworth league
will discutd the topic ,'The Worth
While Life." under the leadership of
Raymond Atteherry. 7;30 Song service
led by the chorus choir and an evan-
geliviatic address by the pastor.
ALLIANCE Services at 2:15 o'clock
next Thursday afternoon. January S2.
at 8S2 South Commercial street. Rev.
J E, l-'ee of Portland, conducting the
I;. Mo study. A cordial invitation to all.
THREN Corner of Nebraska and l'h
streets. A revival service is In progress iop Eworth ,eague M hy ,)agtor;
and will continue for two or three
week s sei vice every night exc?pt Sat
urday nights. All people are Invited to
attend every service. Rev. Goodrich is
l proving valuable help. Sunday school
Clll'RCH State and Church streets.
Dr. Richard N. Avison. pastor. 9:15
down stairs, W. L Cummings. leader.
9:45 Sunday school. Prof. John W.
Todd, superintendent 11:00 sermon by
the pastor: To boys and girls from
I Kings 8-0. Regular ' service topic.
The Hearts Cry for God." Chorus
choir accompanied by pipe organ. 3:00
p. ni. services at the Old People's
Home, 12th and Ferry streets. Prof.
J. T. Matthews, leader. 6:30 p. m. Sen-
Clark will furnish secial music morn
ing and evening. We cordially invite
the public to worship with us. Two
important week items to be remember
ej are: The tea served by Mrs. R. E.
lunlap and Mrs. Fred Barker to the
Indies of the church Wednesday after
noon, and p rayer meeting Wednesday
evening, 7:J0 o'clock.
Avison. Junior league In Epworth hall.
Church Corner of North Seventeenth
and Court streets. We want the mem
bership to begin planning for the re
vival service which we hope to begin
the latter part of next month. This
preparation can be mad in two ways:
private prayer and by talking it to
your neighbor. The evangelist is now
holding a big meeting at Vancouver,
Washington, and comes to us imme
diately at the close of that meeting. A
splendid interest is shown in every de
partment of the church and we trust
that it may continue to grow. Let ev-
tery ti'.ember be prompt in attendance
sured. Begin by being at the Bible
school Droniptly at 19 a. m. The pas
tor will tell the story of "Saul, tee
King" to the children. This Is eauca- ;
tional dry and the "Call of Christian
Education" will be presented in the
mcining sermon. The Junior C. K.
3:30 p. m.. under direction of Miss
Fleta Caspell, superintendent of Young
Pennle's society of C. E. 6:30 p. m. A
special program each meeting. E. B.
Flake, president keeps things hum
ming. Song sen-ice and sermon ftso
p. m.. subject, "The Dark Cloud None
Can Dispell." Wednesday 7:30 p. m.
choir practice. Thursday 7:30 p. m.,
prayer meetin: 8 p. m., teacher train
ing class. The seventh lesson "Instinct
and Habit" Prof. tp.,. . .
he next assitm
day evening Miss Tart.
Pupil" b;
us make
program for the benefit of 1 t
Roll department ThesSi
be 35 cents and 25 cents. t
Invite to attend any of tW'' 1
or meetings. R L. PutnaJJ j
7:30 p. m. a platform meeting: "A at the services and this growth is as
naiooniess fsuuoii. Addresses oy w.
CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL '10:00 a. m. W. W. Rosebratigh in the
C:.mor South 19th and Kerry streets. Id of a growing school. Morning
II. C. Stover, minister. Sunday school Worship 11:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m.
li eharze of Mrs. Burton E. Edwards, t-eorge t nupmnn, pastor.
16 a n. Addrens at 11 a. m. Chiistlan
I'ndeavt'i' 6:45 p. m. Evening service
1 30 p. ui. Thursday evening service
Thomas 8. Acheson minister. Cimecn
fc lluo! 9:45. Jnwiili H. Albert, super
intendent. Afot'ii ttitr worship 11a. ni.
K'Tiiiou by the pastor l!ev. I.uthei
Kirknell, Theme: "Poured Out." Come
and hear hiin. Young People's sei vlce
:SU. Evening worship 7:30. Theme
JTe,.'iii; the Mr-nit With litllger-!."
Sunday after Epiphany. 7:30 a. m. holy
communion; 9: 15 a. m. church school:
1' a. m morning prayer and jernion;
7:30 p. m. evening prayer and address.
Ever; -body welcome. Chas. it. l'o'v
ell. pastor.
Oliver. Mrs. E. M. Vandervort, Dr.
Doney. and Dr. Avison. Midweek pray
er and service Thursday 7:30 p. m.
Plinth Commercial aid Washington
treds. H. K. Peinberton, pastor. Bible
('hold It) n. in. Classes for nil ages and
oil t"i o velrome. Carl Miller, superin
tendent. Meeting for worship 11 a. m.
topic "Redemption." Young People's
icetiiig in C. E. at 0:30 p. m. Gospel
meetiiiK at 7:80 p. ni. Hebrews at 7:30
p. ni. Thursday,
Market street. Sunday service: 10
a m.. Sunday sclinol; preaching at 11
u. in., Hmv. A. H. Anderson will bring
the message; preaching nt 8:30 and
T:30 p. m Rev, B. W. Huokabee will
tuiiiR these messages; prayer meeting
Tliursilay night at 7:30 p, in. V. J.
Johnston, pastor.
eiclentlsts Sunday services Is held at
440 Clieiuttkuta sheet at 11 a. in., sub
Jest of Mble lesson, "Life." Sunday
fii'hool at 8:40 a. m. Wednesday even
ing testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock.
Reading room, 302 Masonic. Temple,
ujieu prfti-v rlnv A-rent Kimiliiv ami Iml.
-id.iyH. from 11:46 a. m. to C p. m. All ,eVe,,t ftr corullllly nvite,
are Invited to our service nnd to our
reading room.
ing Saturday evening 7:15. Testimony,
chorus and preaching at 8:00. Street
meeting Sunday morning at 10:30.
Sunday school at 2:00 p. m. sharp. Y.
P. L. at 6:15. Street meeting at 7:1
Gospel singing, good preaching ill the
hall at 8:00. Public cordially invited
to worship with us. Ensign and Mrs.
Hunter officers in charge.
FIRST M. E. CHURCH The going
into effect of the constitutional am
endment making a saloonless nation,
will be celebrated nt the First M. E.
church Sunday evening. The great or
ganizations which have made possible
this day of triumph will be represent
ed. Mrs. E. M. Vandevort, who has
been a member of the I. O. G. T. for
fifty years, nnd who has reached her
eighty-fourth year, will be guest m
honor and will speak briefly. Mrs. 8.
15. Oliver will represent the W. C. T.
V. Remarks will be made by Mr. W.
L. Cunimlngs, and Mr. W. T. Rlgdon,
veterans In the cause. President Carl
Grogg Doney will speak of the part
played by ths anti-saloon league, and
Dr. R. N. Avison will speak of the
churches' purt in the great reform.
Music by the chorus choir with special
putriotlc numbers. Those who feel like
celebrating in recognition of the great
Corner South Commercial and Meiers
NAZARENE CHURCHNinteenth Btret''-Hoce N Aldrlch, pastor. :45
and Msrlon Streets, Sunday school at ' " ' DU,,ully n0"" P's with a
.45 n. m W. B. Hardy, superintend- "I011?,1" "K wrvlce' Come E
ut; preaching at 11 mi I o'clock by Iil""tl1' "Ul'erlntendent, The prl-
the panto. Young People's meeting at -
S;30 p. in. Mid-week prayer meeting
tt 7:30 p, in. Wediuwday. This Is a
tiome like place where the stranger
f.Vls at home and the old fashion go.
pel-Is preached in every service. A.
Wells, pastor; Florence Wells, denson-
l 'l KST CONOR IS (I A T I O N A ,
t'liuri h, Liberty and Center streets, W,
C. KuiHmtr, minister 10 a, m., Sun
day sellout with classes for all, W. I.
Ft.iley, superintendent; tl a. m "On
tbe Ttiif biild on a New Church Yenr. '
;S0 p. in, riirlsllnn Endeavor, " Live
H'.cii-ty Willi Live Meetings"; 7:30 p.
en., 'The Heart Cry of Christianity."
I-Allowing this two motion picture
libits: "The Full' Ground nt liieuos
Ayres," "Naval and Military Training
Blatlnn, Argentine Republic."
Cottage and Center streets, Ruv. G.
1,. I.oveli, paslor. Sunday school at 10
The Moore Multiple Ex
haust system Is an exclu
sive Lexington feature.
This device conserves fu
el by producing more
horsepower per piston
displacement. This ex
haust develops a maxi
mum of 23.8 per cent
more horsepower than
does the same motor
without it. it's a fuel snv-
178 South Commercial Street
Ittmftltr 4 " . tf?tt!ft-!
' THREADED Rubber" Insntfl.
ji tion permits the Bone Dry
shipment and storage of batteries,
60 that no matter how long the
f. ( dealer keeps them in stock they are
brand new when they go out of
the door on his customers' cars.
i 1 Ask us about it.
Dcgge Si Burreli
Auto Electricians
233 North High Street
1 A i
Through Service We Grow
J. Reid will speak at the First Baptist
church morning and evening. At 11 a.
ni. hu theme will be: "Can a Chris::an
Be a Successful Business Man?" At
7:30 p. in. his topic will be "Camou.
flage." The large chorus choir under
J. tV. Troy's direction will sing. Serv
ices will continue throughout the week,
every evening except Monday. Sunday
school, 9:45 a. m. Semi-annual rally
of the Iiaptixt Young People's t'nion
of the central association at 2:30 and
6:30 p. m., with lunch between after
noon and evening sessions. Dr. S. J.
Reld, the evangelist, was at his best
last night nt the First liaptist church.
He delivered a strong, tender message
on "The Love of God." His remarks
were based on Christ's words to Judas
when he betrayed him with a kiss, and
Jesus said, "Friend, wherefore art thou
come." The teacher of Judas was pic
tured vividly and then contrasted with
the love of God us revealed in Christ's
life and appeals. It was one of the
strongest messages Dr. Reid has yet
delivered. The audiences are increas
ing and the interest in the meetings Is
ft r r r r a
Corner of Winter and Jefferson
streets, Thomas Acheson, pastor. On
Sunday, January 18, the following pro
gram will be observed: Sunday school
9:45 a. in., class for all ages under the
care of capable teachers. Strangers are
welcomed. Public worship, 11 a. m..
subject, "Praotical Patriotism." Cluss
meeting, 12:16 p. m. Epworth League
meeting, 6:30 p. m. A rousing time is
assured. Young people cordially invit
ed. Evening service 7:30 n. m.. tmh.
jent., "The Great Inquiry." The choir,
under the leadership of Professor
Fl SuPPer
Any time that any one.
wants a delicious drink
with a real, satisfying,
sustaining food value.
We guarantee its purity and
high quality. We have
been making chocolate and
yocoa tot nearly 140 years.
Healthy Babies Laugh and Play '
Health in babyhood comes from proper digestion by regulating
the stomach and causing the bowels to move as they should.
The Infants' and Children's Regulator
for this purpose produces most remarkable and gratifying results.
Best of all children's remedies to relieve constipation, flatulency,
vind colic, diarrhoea, and. other disorders.
This health Rivintt preparation is purelv venerable contain no opiates, nar
cotics or alcohol jimt an nKreeable, lughlv beneficial and potent remedy, made
ot the very best hiirmleas iugteuients obtainable, fid the foiniula below shows
Snns Sodium Citrate Oil of Anise Cnrnwny Glycerine
Whubaib Sodium Bicarbonate Fennul Conaixler Sugar Uyrup
1 215-217 Fulton St.. N,Y.
lUreld r. RitcUt a Co., he.
Nw VqiI Totonts, Ctetiti
7 m
J i
J. C
: s t
QUALITY is the keynote of the 60-horse
power Series 20 BIG-SIX. In the most
strenuous service it assures perfect
satisfaction in the hands of the most critical
StvtH PasJtngtr capacity; 126-incM uthut-
bast; 60-hontpower dtmountabU head
motor; kolspol tntalu manifold; tnuvjuiuim
tarriid in an inttrmtdiatt position juM Uch
molor;cardtira;t)uKkabrbm;impnvt4 A
itraightside wndshitld Kith ttormjnof
Mutilator best and inttgmi tin tifhls; tnd
multiUittrol steering wheL
f. o. b. Snli'in
1 1 I- s
ft t'f -S " '
( P"" rS
&j3$ -.1. .1 & 1 I
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j Best of Everything
Perhaps you cannot afL. ; the best of everr
thing, but you can afford the best coffee that J
j money will buy Folger's Golden Gate.
Different in taste from other coffee and 1
NotMhelragrangB ;
We Wish to Announce
That we have completed arrangements with
the FIRESTONE and REPUBLIC companies to.
handle their tires in this city.
A cordial invitation is extended to you to visit
' us and inspect our most up-to-date salesroom and
. repair shop.
One of the most valuable features of our ser
vice is the stock of high grade. . ,
We have a complete new line of the FIRE
STONE grey side wall tires. They have establish
ed a new and higher degree of service such as mo
torists have never before enjoyed. Our record is
proving it.
We have also a full line 0f Accessories' and
Supplies and are ready to do your VULCANIZ
ING promptly and thoroughly.
Let us relieve your mind of all motoring anx
ieties. J. B. HILEMAN
ft I "IM'l'li II
f 2 k 4 b
I -, K w in- ia hi
By.j (- .--'I
I I mi
f " 1 4 ( C "
Jj, Vv I Tl ' f M"'
v l - i 'jiH 1
291 N. Commercial St.
Salem, Or.
4;;" V.i 4,'-