Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 16, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    ew I oday --Where Small Ads Get Results cdSmallCosi
rank Inoprtlon On
XJttion t cent one month,
t. l7 cents, uno jcar. per
iK'l Zr,,l Minimum per ad 25
"" imertion only In yew Today.
in advance and not tak
00 r nhone unless advertiser has
i error
New Toaay.
cite Two bicycles in good
"JUtVn. new tire on back wheel
" . u.,mer. Journal. 16
aj our.
ivtf; Oir! or woman for Ken
work. Call 2525 S Con,.
rVE TOl-R EVENINGS By'ling for the new class in short
S' ka will be started at the
Tel Purines College next Mon
i'v'nipht. perhaps the Just class in
itthatid to be commenced in
. . . this winter. 14
tt iVTEt) 2 men to help clear land.
bJ.ird and best wages for two weeks
...vtED To rent a good farm, 60
ff'res or mora. Would buy. equip
ment Best of references Riven. Ad
?rfH. J- "'''. Oervais, Or., Rt.
I m 48. 19
mtt ULE 6 room house, lot 50x
IVm ,,. f .iol.ft,! fnll,rl-
ioi'ulaver piano, 75 quarts canned
fruit, garden tools, etc. Price JJ200.
Bx 14 care nipiiai juurnai.
inivr,nni). Call 744 N. Com
.i.ql St. 19
rOR StLE Team of black mares,
weight nbout 10r,0. 28G5 Brooks
avf. near lairgrounus. 1.1
l!!i FORD touring in (rood condition
. . ..v. ...., if. ff ifi
or sup ui ii""' v v.
model. Phone 7S4. 15
FOR SALE Or trade, you want a
fmi house where living Is cheaper
t!,n In &ilem. 1 have it. Will sac
rifice for cash, trade for Salem
propertv, acreage or timber land.
Plume 1361M. 16
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, paved
street and car line. $2500. L.
Rood, Bayne bldg. . lb
10ST Auto chain between Sulem
and Victor Point 011 Pro turn road.
Finder please nutily hi. Doerfh?r,
Phone 4K14. 19
EXCHANGE California property,
120 acres of good, clear valley land
near Oukdnle, Stanislaus county,. In
the San Joaquin valley; 4 room
house, tank nouse, garage and good
barn; on main county road, 4 'miles
(roin town; land under famous Oak
dale Irrigation district, one of best
systems In Calif., assuring plenty of
irater: cash price $24,000. I will
trade at this price for Oregon im
proved city or farm properties, as
1 have Just bouslit me a home in
Salem. Write me and give, full in
formation about your properties.
For one week address T. IL Pear
man, Cherry Hotel, Salem, Or. 15
FOR SALE Some thoroughbred
Burk pigs and some Lincoln sheep.
Cull evenings, Phone 87F24, . - .15
I0R SALE Almost new piano, high
(Trade.- Sell for half price. 172 Ma
rion St. 15
Km SALE High grade piano (llc
fnail) cost S4U0. will sacrifice for
half price. 172. Marion St. 15
JOR SALE-307 acres 6 miles from
Saem in Polk county at a bargain.
a in cultivation, balance pasture
and timber. Located in the great
Prune 1 and 'berry belt. Terms to
nit. Call at or address room 403
-"n ui nimmeire bids, Salem. 15
WE llENT-Kurnished 6 room
house. 325 N. 2:;d si. . 14
J . w ? ai',M a" !wed, close
let -T- W- ffabenhorst
Buu7V,00m house in
E ,i"em with food concrete
wsenient. corner lot. P,-ie iorah
2i rtftnJH- Crabenhomt ft Co.;
Wate street. 15.
Ward k- r I ";d,s wanted.
1ra K- Richardson. 2395 F,.nt
hmbvji. L :
cicrht room 1, BuuU Siven ur
mil's of T 1,1 0'" w,,hi lRt
lJnr, Journjil. 19
TroS?"aKood 5 or 0
bulldimr- 4 ar,'e8 Wlth
oeh Z, nfw aml small bearintr
are , ;' e,Jt cul"vation. If
we interested .nil m .
'Jston, 484 Court St
kH' P care ? Prrter Chear-
ount. Low rates.
payment privileges,
Prompt service. Ask
1 MAXWELL l4-ton truck first class
condition, $650; also one Maxwell
toUiins car. all overhauled."' $275.
Moir ilios.. 371 Court St. 19
WANTED To buy 30 to 40 acre
dairy ranch with buildings. Address
R. O. F., (leu. Wei.. Salem. 16
GALVANIZED corrugated iron heav
and in good condition. 1387 sq. ft.,
at 8c per sq. ft. -Write or call Kt'
2. box 169. 16
FOR SALE Attractive bungalow in
signuy place on paved street close
hi, I rooms and reception hall,
strictly modern, furnace, garage in
basement, many built in features. A
beautiful home for $5150. W. H.
tirabenhorst & Co., 275 State St.
WANTED All kinds of Junk and sec-
ona nana goods. Liberty Exchange.
241 N. Commercial. Phone ' $41.
Lubke & Soot t, props.
BIDS WANTED Bids are hereby re-
hucsibu iur ine ouiicung or an out
side entrance and stairway Into the
basement of the Salem Masonic
temple. Plans may be inspected at
the office of this association 403
Masonic temple, Salem, Oregon.
Salem Masonic Temple association,
Elmo S. White, secretary.
WOOD SAW Phone your orders to
tester u. enne. Phone 2062M. 29
DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician,
eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made . and fitted.
610-12 U. 8. bank. Phone 841.
HOUSE painting, tinting and paper
uauging. xt.. ti. iveun. Shop 443
Ferry St. Phone, Res. 821, shop
849. 825
WANTED Garments to remodel;
new suits 145. Ezra Sparks, 644
State street. 31
WANTED To rent baby carriage un
til April -, or will buy. T. H. An
derson, 720 Mill street. 15
WANTED Thrashing machine boiler
enquire Phone 171. 16
WANTED Several thousand Magoon
ana isew Oregon strawberry plants
Floyd Crabtree, Stay ton, Or. 18
WANTED-r-Ship's knees. Salem Sand
mm unuci comufiny. rnone lavu.
PLUMBING and repairing. Phone 731
VOR plumbing and repair work,- call
1I4DK; work guaranteed. 18
WANTED Any kind Of team work.
Phone 745W evenings. 17
Help Wanted
EXPERIENCED seamstress will o
out py tno day. phone 1413., 331
WOOD cutters wanted, two or three
men wno can take contract for one
to two hundred cords fir, ash and
maple, house and cook stove furn
ished, parties to furnish their own
beddifig. Call Phone 26. 14
WANTED Two experienced prun-
ors. l. x: Arnold, Kt. 4, phone 65
n. 15
WANTED Wood cutters for 600
cords. Phone 44F5. 16
WANTED Practical nursing, espe
cially maternity cases. Prices reas
onable. Call on or address Mrs. L.
E.. Hurtwig, 2229 fair ground road.
WANTED Experienced saleslady for
millinery, also trimmer. Box 19 care
Journal. 14
' Real Estate Houses
FOR SALE $800, four room cottage
large lot, garage, electric lights, city
water, Nob Hill district. Owner,
phone 1390R.
6 room house, barn and three lots
with fruit, on Laurel Ave., near the
new packing plant. Portland owner
- will take best offer made for it in
30 days. See John H. Scott Realty
Co., 228 Oregon bldg. .
Modern bungalow type 8 room,
basement, cement walks; a real buy
at $3200, good terms. See us today.
John H. Scott Realty Co., 228 Oregon
bldg. ,
FOR SALE Three lots, small house
plenty of fruit; reasonable terms.
544 State street. 31
FOR SALE Six room house, full ce
ment basement, furnace and mod
ern conveniences, located two and
one half blocks from state library.
Price $3500. Phone 648 between 0
7 p. in. - . 16
FOR SALE 8 room nlodern house,
1 acre ground mostly in fruit, pav
ed street and sidewalk; furnace
heat, fine location, $6500, terms.
7 room modern except basement,
larce lot, barn, close In. $2700,
6 rooms, close In. $1750, terms.
7 room- modern bungalow. $4250,
4 rooms with barn. tlOOO, terms.
Bearing fruit farms for sale of 10,
20, 30 acres with improvements, in
rai hills south of Salem. These
orchards are in sound condition.
$400 an acre and up with easy
terms. Now is the time to buy if
you will buy right. See S. R. Pear
son, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43.
30 room apartment house, good lo
cation, good building, well furnish
ed, modern including heating
plant; always full. Can be bought
right. Consider some trade. H. M.
Baker. Phone 1806W. 1
FOR SALE By owner, S room house
modern excepting furnace. Located
420 8. 22d St Call at house. 16
Used Cars for Sale.
FOR SALE 1911 Ford fully equip
ped, A-l ' condition. Liberty Gar
FOR SALE .1. 19J7 tudebaker, 1
1918 Dodge, 1 1917 Ford roadster,
1 1918 Grant Six, Hudson Super
six, only run three months, 119
"model. Cherry-City- garage,- 170. a
iztn. to
191S FORD for sale." 2234 N. Liberty
su call before 2:30 p. m.
FOR SALE 1 Ford sedan; 1 Buick
Six coupe; 2 buick 4; several good
buys in secondhand cars; Olds S.
Olds 6. Marion Auto Co. 15
For Rent
FOR RENT 4 room -cottage, large
lot, east end of D street 15
FOR RENT Furnished house. Call
at 558 Slate St. 15.
HOUSEKEEPING room for rent. 144
N. Front. 14
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms,
luquire 636 N. Front. Phone972V.
FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeep
ing rooms on first floor. Call 574
N. 15th, near Marion, 15
Lost And Found.
LOST Crank on truck in Polk coun
ty. x-none.iDitsw. 14
, For Sale.
SO acres, 12 In cultivation, good
family orchard, some good wood
timber and pasture, a modern farm
house, plastered; bath .and good
closets; small new barn; 33500 on
good terms. John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldg.
FOR SALE Fruitland nursery has
a. to muusaiiu nanan prune trees,
grafted Franquet walnuts, -and al
so other nursery stock. Phone 111
F21. Rt. 6, Salem, Or. , 17
STRAWBERRY plants, Progressive
Everbearing, Ettersburg 121, Im
proved Oregon and Wilson. Vigor
ous well rooted plants. Place orders
now. Ward K. Richardson, 2395
Front. Phone 494. 35
FOR SALE Gentle driving mare and
rubber tired buggy and harness,
cheap. Phone 41F5. 14
WANTED To lease 20 or 26 acres
with buildings, for berries. Lee
Yates, Rt. 8, box 30, Salem, Or. 14
PROGRESSIVE Everbearing straw
berry plants, $1.60 per 100. Ward
K.. Richardson, 2395 Front. Phone
494. 15
FOR SALE Italian prune trees. 2123
N. Broadway. 15
FOR SALE 10 acres good onion land
good barn, small house near the
depot. Call or address J. S. Bum
gardner, Clatskanle, Or. 37
TY: If you are not afraid t your
judgment we can sell you 80 acres
about 73V4 cultivated, 12 in bear
ing prunes of which 4 are mixed
with English walrtuts, S bottom
land, balance cultivated land first
class. Good buildings. Price $10,
500, tems. Estes & Magee, 428
Oregon bldg. Portland, 909 Cham
ber of Commerce. 13
1 BAY mare for sale, weight between
liov or izuu; 1 larm wagon lor
sale, 34 -inch; one light driving
noise ror sale eneap, must sell. No.
1390 Waller St. 16
FOR SALE 12x25 Monarch tractor
and 3-bottom John Deere plow, or
win trade ror property, or what
have you Fred W. Durbin, 275
State St. Phone 615. 15
FOR SALE Baled cheat hay $23 ton,
1 mile east on pen road. Phone 88
F22 evenings. 25
FOR SALE Will be delivering wood
this week.. Phone 764. 14
FOR SALE Full blood Rhode Island
Red cockerels. Phone 82F3. 14
FOR SALE One heifer calf, 2 weeks
old; one Weber wagon, 3-inch tire,
nearly new. One set double farm
harness. P. OfJudd., Salem, Or., or
phone 108F3.
FOR SALE Child's sulkey, willow
basket, mohair top. White enameled
crib with springs and mattress.
High chair. 1902 N. 6th St. 14
FOR SALE 3 cords maple wood, al
so 600 feet small pipe. C. D. Trick
12F21. 14
ONIONS and carrots for sale by ton
or sack. Phone 399. 14
FOR SALE O. A. C. White Leghorn
cockerels and Buckeye Conley
brooder for sale. John W. Yates,
Rt. 4, near feeble minded. 16
FOR SALE 8-weeks old pigs and
some small shoats. Donald Ham
mock, Rt. 8, Salem, Or, Phone 69
F4. - 17
Leghorns, Reds, Rocks, Minorcas.
Prices reasonable. C. N. Needham,
568 State St. Phone 400. 36
FOR SALE Or trade, over one acre
of ground in woodburn, on high
way; orchard, berries and grape
vines, good four room bungalow,
barn hen house, cellar, woodshed.
Want Improved lots at Salem. S.
N. Hubbard, Woodburn, Or. .18
A REAL SNAP 4 acres extra close
in, ready to plow and plant to ber
ries for $1000. Call first house west
at end of S. Commercial car line be
fore 10 a. m, H. Brown, Rt. 3. 15
FOR SALE Choice cheat hay at Mid
die Grove farm. Phone 15F4. 15
FOR SALE New Victrola and rec
ords. Call 626 Belmont. . 15
GOOD apples, price ranging $l and
up. 2275 N. Front, mono 8 3 in. is
FOR SALE 2-year old colt for sale.
Phone 74 5 W evenings. 11
FOR SALE Good eating and cook
ing apples. I'none 3rn. i
OSTEOPATHIC physicians and sur-
.-. nn.,. 1 It I L, 'i ) T
geons, urn. vvnue miu
606 U. S. bank bldg. Phone 869. Dr.
White, res. phone 469; Dr. Marshall
res. phone 834. '
Salem Auto Radiator Shop
Radiators, Fenders and Ga Tank
Tractor Radiators a specialty
Ford Radiatori for Sale
111 S. 12th Street Salem, Ore.
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
j physician and surgeon, 443-4 Ore
1 gon bldg. Res. phone Sti;'5; office
, phor.e 1394. ' 29
I EXCHANGE Will exchange part or
an, 01 tnirty raw prairie quarters
in the Red River valley, Marshall
county, Minnesota, for a running
garage, city property, or small Im
proved farms near Salem or Eu
gene, Or. These lands re level,
well drained and rich soil. Give
particulars first letter. H. Hadrath,
Thief River Falls, Minn. 15
ESTES & MAGEE. real estate. If we
list It we advertise it. Portland of
fice 909 Chamber Commerce; Sa
lem office 428 Oregon bldg, over
electric depot. 34
R. W. BALLANTYNE. piano tuner
with Cherrirurton'B Piano House,
415 Court St. Phone 353. S3
ROOM and board may be had with
private family. Phone 1781J. 15
WILL exchange for Oregon property,
36 acres near Lindsay, Cal. Beauti
ful citrus fruit land almost level;
perfectly adapted for oranges, lem
ons, figs, olives. No improvements.
Price $400 per acre. Property near
Salem preferred. Owner temporar
ily in Salem. Write at once. Address
T. H. Peat-man, Salem, Or. 14
FARM near Eugene for exchange for
city property in Salem, value from
$5000 up. Address F. L. Chambers,
Eugene. 15
BEFORE selling your old furniture
or old clothing, call 493 and get our
1 WILL pay high price for second
nana doming ana iurmture. Capi
tal Exchange. Phone 493, 337 Court
GET THE HABIT Phone 628 for
good taxi service. Stand Klette's
pool hall and O. E. depot. Enclos
ed and open cars. Capital Taxi Co.
Good Buys.
23 acre tract located 514 miles
from Salem on .rock road. 6 room
house and barn, well. Price $4600.
80 acres of good timber land lo
cated east of Saiem. Price $80 per
18 7-8 afire tract located i mils
south of city limits of Salem, house
and barn, sightly location, good fruit
and berry land. Price $10,000.
ISO acrd farm and timber, located
on main gravel road, best of prairie
soil, located east of Salem. Will con
sider part trade. Price $100 per acre.
improved 1 acre tract, good bun
galow, barn, 1 acre logans, 1 acre
m-unes, good road. Price $7000.
360 acre farm. 200 acres cultivated
land, buildings, CO acres of fine tim
ber. Frice 1100 per acre.
270 acre farm all cultivated. huiM.
lugs, good road. Price $126 per acre.
muubk tsuirs
5 room plastered bungalow located
south Salem, sightly location. Price
Strictly modern 6 room bungalow
and two fine lots located on Fair
mount hill, paved streets, east front.
vnce 16000.
Fine view lot located on Falrmount
hill, 75x150 feet, paved street. Price
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 StateBlreet ,
Best Buys.
10 acres in Polk county, and cash
exchange for house in Salem. .
40 acres, all cultivated, 16 acres
bearing prunes, fair buildings, best
buy in the vicinity of Salem. $9600;
easy terms.
66 acres, all cultivated, number 1
improvements, best of soil, 4V miles
01 good town. $9000.
17 acres, 14 prunes bearing, (
miles from Salem; rock road. $7400
30 acres, 10 bearing prunes, 3 acres
apples and cherries, 3 bearing lo
gans; (air 5 room house, barn, new
drier. (12,500; $5500. cash.
146 acres, 60 cultivated, 96 tim
ber,-4 logans, 1 peaches, 1 family or
chard, fair house, old barn, well fenc
ed, rock road, 3 miles of good town
all river bottom. $85 per acre, 14 cash
100 acres, 92 cultivated, 4 timber,
4 stumps; 7 room modern bungalow,
hot and cold water, bath, toilet, elec
tric lights; fine barn 42x70, garage,
chicken house 60x20, 1 tile silo, 1
frame silo; fenced hogtight; 1 acre
family orchard, well drained, the best
of soil; 1 mile of school, 5 miles of
good town, everything first class. $200
per acre, $5000 cash, balance 6 per
cent to suit.
641 acres, 240 cultivated, 201 good
timber, fine saw mill proposition; old
house and barn; well fenced, running
water; 3 miles of good town. The
biggest snap in the valley. $50 per
acre, easy terms.
11 room modern house, 3 blocks
from the post office, $5500, hi cash.
11 room modern notme, lot 80x200
ft., lots of fruit, on pavement. $2760.
7 room modern bungalow, good
condition, basement, furnace. $4600,
6 room bungalow, close in, fine lot,
fruit, near school. $4250, V4 cash.
7 room modern, paved street, car
line, good lot. $2750, $750 cash.
5 room house, 1 vi acres land, lots
fruit, car line. $2!i00, ft oash.
6 room house, basement, lot loox
150, lots fruit; hath, plastered. $1800
5 room furnished house to rent, $16
per month.
If your property is listed wttn me
I would be glad to have you make any
suggestion you may thing of to help
effect a sale. I am a long ways from
knowing all that is to be learned
about the real estate business and
have frequently found that sugges
tions from my clients have been very
For beBt buys or exenanges see
341 State street '
53 acres at good R. R. town in Polk
county's best fruit belt 22 .acres
prunes, 4 acres strawberries, 314
acres logans, 325 bearing apples,
125 grafted franquette walnuts;
pears, cherries, grapes; good house
with modern conveniences; water
piped to house and outbuildings; 3
tunnel fruit dryer. Grand place,
hoantifiil or-pnerv. Price $16.000. .
20 acres 2 miles from Oregon City,
14 mle from K- K. station; iz acres
In bearing prunes, apples, berries,
walnuts, etc. 7 room plastered
house, fruit drier, chicken house,
t7noo. Nice home.
20 acres full bearing prunes In Rose-
dale section. In excellnt condition.
Ctifn an nfre.
Our specialty is choice fruit, nut and
berry property.
PEARCV BROS., Horticulturists
219 Oregon bldg. Phone 663
Long Distance Hauling.
long distance freight hauling. Daily
service to Portland, outside trips
anywhere. Reasonable charges. Of
fice 445 Court street. Phone 998:
night phones 679, 674R. Salem.
Or. 36
Bargains and Investments.
Nice modern 6 room cottage, large
lot, barn, garage, fruit trees: nice lo
cation. A bargain for only 1250.
Fine 24 acre tract. 21 acres bearing
prunes and cherries; fine large bun
galow, good pruna dryer, barn, waUr
system; 114 miles from town; sac
rifice price, quick sale, $10,500.
0 acres near Salem, good buildings,
7 acres bearing prunes and loganber
ries. $5200.
Nice modern 5 room cottage, nice
location, full basement, fine lot on car
line. $2500, easy payments. v ,
Fine 10 acre tract 2 miles out. pav
ed road, extra fine dark loam soil.
For good buys and square dealing.
' Perrine & Marsters
211-12 Com. Club bldg.
FOR SALE Late model Maxwell car.
new battery, good tires, 1920 li
cense, tire chains, etc. Will sell on
terms. 172 Marion or Monty's Tire
Shop. 15
Great Opportunity.
31 90-100 acres peach orchard, pro
duced 100 ton last year, contracted
at $00 a ton, 2 miles from Salem.
Price twelve thousand, terms.
5 acres on Salem Heights, beauti
ful home; 4 acres in cultivation; new
7 room bungalow, close to car line.
Price $4000.
6 room cottage with furniture or
without, and 2 lots. Price $2700.
Modern 6 room bungalow close In.
New S room bungalow. Price $2000
4 room furnished cottage, close in
for $1250.
Enquire room 3 Bayne bldg. 14
Sawyer & Emmett
Kinney & Smith
Phone 1061W
Big Values In Farm Lands
Choice River Bottom 80' Acres
Only 114 miles from Corvallis, 76
acre of sandy loam soil in high state
of cultivation; it is the equal of any
berry or garden land in the Willam
ette valley. The gross returns from
this farm last season were actually
equal to the selling price of the farm.
Large new barn and big concrete silo,
house is poor. Few acres of alfalfa.
Price $13,600. Terms. You can't beat
63 Acres. 7 acres fine bearing
prunes. Located 7 miles from Albany
and Corvallis. Close to school, not far
from station. Buildings and improve
ments are good. More than 40 acres
under cultivation. Price $7500.
25 Acre chioken or dairy ranch.
One mile from good little town; on
fine highway. Dally stages, mail,
cream route, etc. Close to schools. 23
acres good soil under cultivation; well
drained; good living stream on place.
About 15 acres in crops now. Barn is
fairly good and houtw is old but can
be made quite comfortable. Will soon
sell at $3600.
164 Acre general farm. Located 4
miles from Corvallis on fine road; 14
mile from paved highway, 1 mile to
electrio station; close to good-school.
130 acres of fine land under culti
vation; will grow anything has been
in beans the past 2 years. 24 acres
pasture with good living stream.
Buildings are surrounded by trees on
nice little knoll. House is small but
In fair condition. 35 acres in fall crop
Immediate possession. Price $135 per
Kinney & Smith
Phone 1861W
Farms 4 Sale
148 acres, 106 under plow and
mostly seeded 27 acres pasture, 15
acres timber, a good family orchard,
modern 9 room, plastered house; two
good barns and other buildings; good
well and running water. Price $23,
300, $7500 cash, balance long time at
6 per cent.
80 acres of valuable timber close to
Pacific highway; for quick sale $75
per acre.
320 acres,. 110 in cultivation, fair
improvements; 200 acres valuable tlm
ber. A real snap. $40 per acre.
40 acres mostly In cultivation, tsnod
Improvements, fine orchard; close In
on good rond. $11,000, $7000 cash.
This is some farm.
John H. Scott Realty Co,
228 Oregon bldg.
A new shingle mill with a cupaclty
of 80,000 shingles a day, began opera
tions at Lebanon this week.
30 acres cultivated, bal
ance stump pasture and
timber. House, barn
and spring, 5 horses, 5
head of. cattle, some
hogs, farm machinery
and feed. Located 6
miles from Salem.
Price $7500
W.H. Grabenhorst & Co.
Good Homes Priced Right
For Quick Sale
8 room strictly modern bungalow,
except furnace. A real snap.- $3200,
room strictly modern bungalow,
new $3000; $1000 cash, balance terms.
You'll have! to hurry if you get this.
room house plastered, electric
lights, bath and toilet, small garage.
$2250, $1250 cash, balance terms.
5 room modern bungalow, a beautv,
get busy on this; $2000..
8 room house on N. Liberty St.,
close in. $32000, H cash.
If you want a good home Briced
right, John H. Scott Realty Co., 228
Oregon building has it.
Bargains? Eight Of Them
1 To exchange 13 acres: 8 ronm
house, with lights and water system;
about 7 acres of walnuts and fruit.
Situated on paved road. Owner wants
a dairy ranch with good buildings, up
lo flv.DUU.
2 To exchange 11 1-3 acres of
land, with a four room house; six
acres of six-year old prunes, balance
in cultivation, near school. Want
more land. Priced at $3000.
3 For sale on installments. 4 room
cottage and nice lot; near car line
and near school. $200 cash will han
dle it. Price $1000.
4 Fo sale 6 room house, with
bath, lights and furnace. On paved
street,, for $3000.
- 5--For sale 6 room hoase, wind
mill, two acres of land, inside eitv
limits. Price $4200. , .
6 For sale 6 room house, barn.
abundance of fruit, two acres of land,
near car line, on Pacific highway.
7 For sale 8 room modern home.
Lot 60x150; paved street; 3 blocks
from supreme court building. Price
8 For alewi r0Om home, strict
ly modern, and 4 room cottage on
same lot; three blocks from state
house. Price $6600.
W. A. Liston
- 484 Court street
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, as administratrix of the es
tate of Arthur L. Whiteman, deceas
ed, has filed In the county court of
Marlon county Oregon, her final ac
count as administratrix, and the said
court has fixed Saturday the 24th
day of January, 1920, at the hour of
10 o'clock a. m. of that day as the
time for hearing objections to said
final account and the settlement
thereof. '
Any and all persons having objec
tions to said final account are here
by notified to be present at said time
In the county court room in the court
house In the city of Salem, Marlon
county, Oregon, and then and there
make such objections.
Administratrix of the estate of Ar
thur L. Whiteman, deceased,
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop, S47 Court St '
Why Sell For Less?
WH will pay you more oash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store, 271 N. Com
merclal street Phone 714.
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. B0
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 26 to 68
Inches high. Falnls, oU and varn
ishes, etc, loganberry "Mid hop
hooks. Salem Fence ant? Btove
Works, 260 Court street Phone 124
No Cash Required Good overcoats,
shoes and suits, all kinds of musical
Instruments, shotguns, riles, heating
stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 1000
other useful articles to srVl or -trade.
What have you 7 The Capital Hi
change, 837 Court St. Phone 493.
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Bts.
Bills payable monthly In advance.
Phone 57
. Scavenger.
Salem Scavanger Garbage and re
fuse of all kinds removed on month
ly contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animal
removed. Office nhone Main 167.
Money To Loan.
' On good real estate security
Over Ladd Bush Bank, Salem. Ore.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 6 1-2 percent 80S Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Money to Loan
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount. Long time.
614 and 6 percent Interest.
City building loans.
A. C. Bohrnstedt
401 Masonio Temple, Salem, Oregon
Salem Auto Exchange.
Monitor cars now on display, Come
and see them. 229 tSate St. Phone
Lodge Directory.
JCv wHEMEKETA Lodge No. 1
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. halt
McCornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. Harry Levy, C. C; P. J. Kunti
K. R. at S.
Oregon Grape camp No. 1360 meets
every Thursday evening In McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, (48 Union St
recorder. Mrs. Melissa, Persona, 141B
N. 4th St Phone 1436M.
bly No. 114 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall. Glenn C.
Nllea, M. A.;' C. A. Vlbbert, secre
tary, $40 Owen stceet -
r. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 Meets
every Friday night at 8 o'clock In
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib
erty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome.
C. D, Rosa. C. C. L & Geer, clerk.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 524fi
meets every Thursday evening at t
o'clock In MeCornack building.
Court and Liberty rtrkets. w. M.
Persona V. . C Frank- A. Turner,
Grain: Wheat No. 1 $22.10; feed
oats 80!g 85c; milling oats 85 88a;
cheat hay $1920; oat hay $2324;
clover hay $2425; mill run $4849.
BulUrfat: Buiterfat 65c; cream
cry butter 64 65c.
Pork, veal and mutton: Pork oa foot
1414c; veal fancy 22c; steere
?C6c; cows $07 l-2c; spring lam be
9c; ewes 4 6c; sheep, yearlings 6 He
Dressed pork 20c.
Eggs and poultry: "Eggs cash 55c;
light hens, 24c; heavy hens 26c; old
roosters 15 (i 1 6c; springs 24a
Vegetables: Onions per pound 6c
celery dox. $1.75; potatoes, Yakim
5c; Oregon 4ia. 414c; sweet potatoes 7c;
beets per sack $3.75; turnips per sack;
$3.75; carrots per sack $1.25; parsnip
per sack $3.75; spinach 10c lb.; rad
ishes 40c doz.
Fruit: Oranges $4.606.00; lemons
$6.607.00; bananas 11c; honey ext.
cue; ouncn oeets 45c; cabbage 6o;
head lettuce $1.25; carrots 45c; grapes
15c; Brussell sprouts 16c; caullf flower.
$2 doz; red peppers 26c lb.
Retail price: Biggs dozen 62c;
creamery butter 6566c; 'country but
ter 65c; flour, hard wheat $3.253.4
soft wheat $2.90.
Portland, Jan. 16. Cattle steady;
receipts 2; steers best $ 11.25
12.00; good to choice $10.50 (f 11 ; me
dium to good $9 tfj 9.75 ; fair to good
J89; common to fair $78; choice
cows and heifers $9 010; good te
choice $7.75 9; medium to good
$5.7507.75; fair to medium $4.75
5.76 eanners $3.56 G.60; bulls $8
8.25; prime light calves $12.50t16:
heavy ealvee $7 12.60; stockers and
feeders $8 9.50.
Hogs slow; receipts 340; prime
mixed $15.5016.00; medium $160
$15.60; rough heavy .$12.00 14; pigs
Sheep strong; receipts 902; eastern
lambs $14fJ15,25; light valley $13.00
15.00; heavy $12,50 13.60; feeder
lambs $1214; yearlings $12j13;
wethers $11.50 12.50. -
Tortland, Or., Jan. 16. Butter
firmer; cubes extra 60c; parchment
wrapped, box lots 63c; cartons 4c;
half boxes Ho more; less than half
boxes le more. Buterfat 61062a f.
o. b. station; 67 68c Portland.
Poultry and Eggs.
Portland, Jan. 1 Extremely weak
Eggs selling price case count,
51c; buying price 50c; selling price
candled 64c; selected candled In car
tons 68c.
Poultry: Hens 2833o; broilers 26
30c; roosters 18c; turkeys dressed
456c; geese 2025c; ducks 35040c.
Wheat and Mill Stuffs.
Wheat: $2.20; barley, $72; oav
$63.00 bid; corn No. 3 yellow $58.06
Hay: Buying price, valley timothy
$2028; alfalfa $31.50; grain $25;
cheat $25; clover $26.
Millptuffs: Prices f.o.b. mill, city
artage $2 extra. Mill run, car lots or
mixed cars $45 ton; rolled barley $76
rolled oats $69; ground barley $76;
cratch feed $84.
Corn whole $76; cracked $72.
$10,000 FOR A
A jury was drawn Friday afternoon
In the trial of the suit of Violet M.
Grimm of Portland against B, Cun
ningham, Sulem fruit grower, Mrs.
(Jrinnn asks that she bs awarded $10,-
060 because of alleged mnliclous ar
rest, upon a charge of larceny of a
tent. Mrs. Grimm charges that she
was arrested upon a warrant sworn
out by Cunningham and that, upon
hearing the charge by Judge ITnruh, la
justice court in. Salem, she was acquit
ed and exhororated of the charge.
The plaintiff claims that her good
reputation In Portland was injured in
ihe sum of $10,000. In addition to this
amount, mental anguish and suffering,
which she alleges were caused by the
unfounded charge, brought on a nerv.
ous breakdown, Mr. Cunningham being
asked to pay the $10 Item In this mat
ter. The extra $50 Is accounted for by
attorneys fees accruing from the first
hearing of the rase.
In an answer to the complaint filed
by Mrs. Grimm, Mr. Cunningham stat
ed that the entire affair was a mititake
and that the Portland woman was re
leased from the charges wtlhout un
due troublt to her.
A resolution providing for the ap
pointment of a committee of five mem
bers, three to be named from the house
by the speaker and three from the sen
ate by the president, to prepare an
argument against the so-called mini
mum wags law initiated by J. E. Med
ley of Portland and have the same
printed In the voters' pamphlet was
unanimously adopted by the bouse
Following a Mtter debate during
which several representatives asserted
that the people of Oregon were at the
mercy of the cement trust, the bill giv.
ing authority to the state highway com
mission to purchase, construct and op
erate manufacturing plants and ma
chinery for the production of cement
or other road-building material and te
expend from the state highway funds
such money as might be necessary te
accomplish the purposes of the act,
was defeated In the house yesterday.