Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 16, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Published ever)" evening except 8un
iy by The CapiUil Journal Priming C
touth Commercial street.
Telephones I'treuUtion and Purines
r.j. . . , . L' i.( I a 1 t
GKOKUE PUTNAJH, Editor -Publisher
iSiterf scetAid clan mail nutter
I S&iasm. Oreton. '
euaacRiPTio.v ratcs
v . - r . ,(. . Mimilh Ti v mull
JJ miiraf . " ' . . ' '
M cents month, f MS for three month.
3iS for six months, $4 per year In
Harion and Polk counties, Elsewhere
'''rJy'onlef of U. 8. government, all mall
subscriptions are payable in advance.
Advertising representatives TV. D.
- , , K ' Vnalr, W U
T- aru, iru.ullB iud' i.r. w , . ...
SLocka-all, Peoples Cat Bids, Chicago.
The Associate Preas is exclusively
entitled to the use (or republication of
a 1 new dispatches credited to It or
jt otherwise credited in this paper
ud also local news published herein.
IT IS hoped that the legislature will complete its effort'
to bring harmony in fish and game matters by nam-1
in? a commission reDresentitivfi nf all funt'mn amnnatho
sportsmen. Only such a committee can insure peace.
The state league of game clubs, the Portland sports
men who have been warring upon the present commis
sion and southern Orpp-rtn am pntirlorl tn
With all factions rpnrpspntprl unnn tha
i . . v m w . . V . .V. jyii, ucqll
.V...1J II i! ... - 11. ... ' i
miuuiu prevau, ior a ume at least, ana tne work of pro-
iwuuji aim prupagauon go iorwara unimpeded.
The lefrisl.iturp has the nnnnrtnnifv fn
rml.f !.. v, Ur. :: 1 . . . 'Cuffy Bear had foun
uuii ii Din i.iit- i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ix.n i f i r i . riv m'lirinrr onnnmrwinnto . n . . ,
, mj .A.u&k.ii ojpwiiiciiiciiLa cagie naa caugm him eating ncr sue nau seizeu uii., soie wuuiupu
S!?f ICf npf AMr frt all foif inwo nt,J .4. I t. J J11 I. I 1 unaa It ... i. l,.,t ula was - hiphnr nnrt hii'her tntn ttlA ir BO
Ripping Rhymes.
saiisiactonr ta an iaption.? nnd it is Vinnort w
. , . tfiiA uxudu": ... ...
ysioned enough to act for the welfare of game and fish;! Ztr X
v-hTk-j Jir uuiuru j (i
p.wixt; i:f
Pome kinil of homo you'll h;ivp to
fixn. a huniblp nh.-iok of brick or
f-aine. or one of stucco, muit or stone,
if you would beat the landlord's Rnme.
For lonp sail yeara I paid my rent,
mil there'll be siiiujhine in my houI If
I now had the coin that went to swell
the landlord'! gorgeous roll. The
landlord owned a row of shacks, and
evory month ho walked abroad, left
i".M.iliKi(ion tn tils trucks, and touched
:,ch tenant for his wad. I muttered.
aa I dug the dimes, cotiKhed up the
sweat MUilneU, hard earned seeds
"I've bought this coop a down times,
and yet the landlord has the deeds."
Anil when 1 fell and broke's a limb.
the landlord came to get the rent;
there was no sympathy tn htm when
I could not produce a cent, lie said
lie didn't care a whoop for all my suf
ferings nnd sores; he fired me from
thnt lowly coon nnd chased my weep
ing out doors. There is no thrift In
paying rent to landlords who have
hearts of stone; far better hftve a
canvas tent, and know the blamed
thing Is your own. You cannot bor
row seven dimes on all the wealth
you've ' paid for rent; on your own
house, In crucial times, you'll get a
luin front some kind gent,
QNE of the great needs of the hour is a public awak-l1
'emng to interest in the public schools and school I'
Open brum
To the Killtor: This afternoon 1 re
ceived your letter of the gd, detailing
the result of the ballot on the ratifi
cation of the pence treaty, compiled
by your paper during the hitter days
of December. I thank you for this In
formation. You are oulle familial- with my no
li. Hon, so I shall not repeat It, and 1
only desliv to remark, that I have giv
en u great deal of time nnd effort to
ward composing tlm differences that
eilst umoiiK the senators concerning
the reservations voted into the cove
, rout of the league of nations.
I'lankly the covenant can not be
ratified without reservations, linil this
thought must bo dismissed, Very few
tl 'iiiocints will vole for the league In
the form presented to the senate. Th
rosei'Vat iuus now uttaiiied to the cove
limit are In the main Inlerpivtntlve were framed by friends o tlio
treaty, To say that thest reservations
voulil'klll the league, Is to speak with
out u knuwiedge of the subject.
I am very glad that yoa furnished
r e with this data, and with every
fcooil wish, 1 am sincerely yours,
CHAS. 1. M'.N'Alt V.
l . -c . t Ulra IT i o.i ,1 ;.l Inland in IiVa Tnffv
The legislature has the opportunity to eliminate Tes! u was n eagl'!' nest that home with her ana serve hi.'n upor
t Til.. ifcuiuiji iu cuunndLe;Cuffy had founJ And Mr8. dinner that very' night. At first, after
ius II wu me t-UIIlIlUbMOn DV' ma King appOmtmentS ' Eagle had caught him eating her! she had seized Cuffy. she mounted
And it was no won-1 that she could at last swoop down on
ils life. I the top of the mountain, right beside
heau at the foot her nest. But Cuffy was a very fat
j of the first cliff. Jumped up like a little bear. And goon Mrs. Eagle
'flocl, n v. .1 ln 1.. 1. K . Ua u..,a -nil fnitn c,a Kq a i ... ,1
- K.dU BllU All M llTllimiltS 11U OHJ ..UU . IHHtJ ,u,..
ing heels over head down another! And it was only a few minutes before
cini. i sne aiscoverea tnat sne couian t ny
Again Cuffy fell In a heap at the , up any higher with Cuffy. In fact.
! bottom. Asrain hn tnmned no. And sha heenn to Rink. littlA hv littlp
aeain he sturtAd tn run I tut this time i Yes Poffv xentt sn he.i vv tht n Atrc
alas! Mrs. Eagle seized him. She: Eagle grew tired his weicht dragged
nmineon nnn n . i. . l- . . ctia hh ........ , a.. ... l. .. . ..
. " " . . i , ... . i' , ...... j tin v 11 IUH.IU 1 1 1 u rani! again,
ine DUllain? Or AmpriMn riri7oe cJiM,!! Un 4-V,. . sung -ner claws right into (Jutrysi Mr, r.airiB wh.,, w... vn
Obl'ectof OUr nilhlif !fhnn1 the tfj Sil V "laul nek' The" lrs- Ea,e fla"p,d Ripening. But she didn't want to let
uujttL in our pudiic scnooistrie titting of the rising gen- "'"g" hard as she could nap Cutfv she atw tar out froill
eiation to assume the duties and responsibilities rf ttlm Cliy hs-if riBie. j the of the m0Unm. hoym
uvuia lira tat til was Itir- lilt uriit-.iiu . K.. eh. .1 . t ...
. . , , - , , " nwwi otwii irri oiruiiRfr
I llffl' A n A Y, St, rn V, n HLint fIrV ...
, ., , " uut all the time she kept growing
ened little bear you could imagine, weaker. And all the time she kept
' ! falllinc faster and faster, until sit nt
I once Mrs. Eagle was afraid that she
i would lose her balance and go tumb
! ling down onto the ground herself.
She was still very angry. And she
hated to lose the fine dinner she had
been counting on. But she saw nnth
ing else to do but let go of Cuffy
near, ho she gave one last scream of
rage; and the next instant Cuffy felt
nmiseir dropping through the air
like a stone.
Now, Cuffy had shut his eves tiirht
just as he did when he was drifting
down the river on the cake of ice; so
he did not see what was happening
liUt as luck hud it. When Mrs. Rnirle
lei mm go she was flying right over
the top of a big fir-tree. And as
Cuffy fell, he dropped plump! Into
the branches, and down ha
crashing through the soft, springing
Cuffy clutched wildlv .it the
branches. And though he tumbled
through them one after another, at
last he managed to hold tight to a
big limb. And then. nfA
caught his breath again, he crept
carefully down to the ground.
He wondered where hB
place had a strangely familiar look.
It seemed to Cuffy that he must have
been there before. A tld thou no V. t
peered cautiously around," what
snouiti ne see but the door of his
father's house, right in front of him'
Yes!. Mra, Eagle had dropped Cuffy
right In his father's door-yard! And
Cuffy wasn't even late for dinner.
As he grew older Cuffy often went
to the top of Blue Mountain. But
never, so long as he lived, did he get
home again so quickly.
Trial? Fnr Men dialled
With Haring Venison Set
Fololwing their pleas of not guilty in
Judge I'nruh's court Thursday morn
ing, trials for Clarence Monroe, Frank
Jackson and William Harland, charged
with having venison in their possession
were set for next Thursday, Friday
and Saturday. The trio were arrestee
Wednesday at their homes near Idan
ha, (0 miles east of Albany by Con-
emmer. D Ing returl
Thursday rooming wUh h
The large foreign element in our midst, the growth
of industrial unrest, thejigitation of alien theories, make
it imperative that the principles of Americansm and of
fet-uuuie uemuci aey De inculcated in the youth of today
Statistics show that a large proportion of our citizens
are illiterate, that onlv ahonf fi i.f? re nof .wj
ren enrolled m schools finish the 8th grade, and that this
wuuiuuu cdnnut ue construed as making the future Fen
eration safe for democracy. "A little learning is a dan
gerous thing "as Russia has found out, and the' education
of all the people should be advanced to make the nation
safe for democracy.
It is necessarv tr tmlovn-a j n
education. The M3S "should VtSS3 Z
make a brofld fniinrlfifinn fm. v, a, a.-
f:n i- r Vm ""..xvi xutuie citizen, and tne
frills eliminated. The narrow school courses, commercial
business and vnpflt.Kin n,iW jm, L; .,7 . , :
fn n kj 1 ""1V au'awge oe eliminated
,SSlTKe'that a. pupil
There is a mi7P fnr
: u . z r ivuwui o 4iu uusuiess trainine
Vk "''f- " tuea oorrowea irom the Ger
mans, whose rulinp- lripn i fn iMnt ;t i t..ri
, . , o - vi v,oic IUUC13 LU OU11Q tin J1
working class, rather than citizens. The superfM train
in sr received s ,n wncfo f; .v,i. ..i , . . irdin
Ployed-it does not qualify tU Z oSpA
few weeks in a nunh no cV, r, .r.A
hpffp,. h,n "T" z:r?sr1.. youth tar
vvvv viaclia an v vim ii. iinj ufi ninir l i i
There is time enough teZtr$e aWS
school has built up a foundation for citizenship g
jij. the noted author
ldahM?Glone Gibaxin
he was ever going to get out of It
Well that was what happened.
He was afraid Mrs. Eagle would drop
him, and that he would fall down,
down, down onto th erocks below.
And he was afraid- that Mrs. Rairle
wouldn't drop him, too. Because if
she didn't Cuffy felt only too sure
that she would take him home and
mat sne and Mr; Eagle would eat
him for their dinner.
You see. Cuffy Bear was In n sari
fix. And for my nart. whnn I firut
heard of his plight I did not see how
To the Killtor: l'ermlt inn to ac
luowleilgi' the receipt or your favor
oi' the second insirint. in w'-ilch vnn
h 1 li me of the result of ballot which
I i" ln't'ii running In the Capital Jotir
i il in connection with the sentiment
14' the people- of Oregon with respect
j the ratification of the league of
rations oowuant nnd peace treaty.
1 am indeed pleised to have this In
formation and I will see that It is In
( rteil in the Congressional Itecord.
Vljh kindest personal regards, I
0;n your very sincerely,
(1KO. K. CUAMIllMtl.AI.V.
Opposition To Leasing
Klamath Lands Voiced
Opposition to the loaning of the
lauds mound Upper Klamath Lake as
proposed by the federal department of
ti e Interior la voiced In a memorial
Introduced Into the senate, Wednesday
oflernoon, by Senator l'alteison, call
l;.g upon congress to take favorable
M-tlon on the rUnnott 1 which would
throw the ten thousand acre inv.,iv,i
0,1011 to homestead entry and giving
, ....... v iA,Mi iuvm-i ti-i men.
A TALK WITH K lt, KIIKl'.lti.
Apropos of nothliiL'. veliii
wultins for Alice
tome: """""
'1 wonder if
nialies a man over lm,, i.n.i , "
Idiot?" '
"Thanks for eulllnir
ntoirnpteil. "Now of cuih6 I ni at
ibcrty to call you 'Katherlue.' Do vou
know I have always called ,.
erlne,' since the flrui ii.,.., t
., iin'i you r
ion seem to emhoilv Mm ,.i,.. - ...
wiileh your nanio. stands. I thought of
."ii nun oiprnt as a pearl, "
i I couldn't help It Jt commenced to
I know it was exconilndu ....... '""'ed to make n
tuit tho llkenhiB .,f . 'i'au;
.. . " " ijcnn on my
not chaitKo his human status In
"Hoes a woman .!, .... i'. n
asked. h" "Bl8;
"No wom has human status in a
lo ks at '6 miiniu a man
"oks at a woman as his sweetheart
and these two characters are as widely
separated as the poles."
"Which would you rather be?" asked
rith ,r b'(!,i,,',aU1,,ldln,Sl5 ' "Would yim
MUnra inans sweetheart or a
ansl;!:.','!"''? '"lu" "" the man." I
..arc V. "S':IVnsIpro-
isa f ii . .. ' uue' Ana he- be-
. !. , " ,K" n 8 lilw' "ad perforce
Pi... ..." I.. "-""'" vn Itn ,m,.l ' . ""'
...... ....... .,,,,,.-e ainonir t ie nrnwri mt . "" "'"in ami keen hi ,.,i....
, nil Lr:i "
: f A -;
the Country club
membered how 1 did look, all "travel
stained and tired from my ions trio
In a navy blue suit
I think. Karl." I said- "ii,
. a, - null. JUU
have forgotten the night you first saw
Hie anil only remember my appearance
at the club the next ib.v I.. .i,n.
sports suit,"
I knew by his face tlmt n,i
true, but he lied ti,-i,i,
, . , 1 Kl '11110-
inan should as he sold- "v ..
hot your frock that Impressed me, but
... ..u. oi iiHiisiucent opamieness if
one may the paradox, of your skin
and the absolute sincerity and counme
that was in y,JU1. eyes."
'I'lioiujhts Fly nackwards.
Jly thouiihts went buck in .i,.
ana I remembered that John had said
hat I was not looklnK partlculnrlv well
that I was too pale, mile In . .i-.
nave my eyes a -feverish luster that was
It iiotMw't mnkrt it
"ot t man y, Karl," I said, nMwer.
Ir the iioestion he had asked. "Hut
I i cally think It puts a pair of spectac
les over his ..,. .J.
, . , , ...... . . iiiroiiKn
which hs sees the defects to which ro-
" '' " mane him blind."
i nen you would advise a ....,
to maci y? ' he asked, .niiiaicaUy.
"No," I answered "I ,..,.i.i ' .. ...i
nil men to marry, because m(m need
IMavs a l'.i,... f -
tornTlwlL!:"'- 't
,,.,., "uiuu'ur would ""
the time I was wandering if i,. ' half.
i- , . " "'""i to the clulihons.,
',' , f""lil,1 !,t rather
fathom the depth lf h, 10 l"
e,ie," " "Hum, Kath-
"I .u ....
W-nt at wi no,"f
"lon t tell limn, ,
Tiints iij.vk -I. i
Superior ahootlns ability enabled
Coach Borleskes Whitman Missionar
ies to ngain triumph over the Willam
ette Bearcats last night with a score
of 39 to 23. The local team showed
Improvement over their first game, but
the supernatural ability of Dement and
Rich of the visitors in connection with
the basket proved too much for them.
Dement muile shot ufter shot from the
middle of the. court xx hiia nini, .
a wlisard at getting behind the WI.
lumette defense and nokinif them In
from underneath. The iit- i..
excelled In passing, which seems to be
ine grentest weakness of the Bearcats.
The first half was rather slow, end
ing 17 to 9 for the visitors. In the
second half the spectators saw some of
the fastest basketball ever wtinessed
on a Salem floor, both teams speeding
UP noticeably. Jackson ni, i k...
offensive game for Willamette, while
uarey distinguished himself at guard
Couch Mathews used a number of sub-
mes in the latter part of the second
hitman 139) i9 -n,-iiim.t.
Ourlnn (4) p v 9 m..l' i
"lch -'" UV (4) Wapato
!,lpnt 15 C (12) Jackson
"y :: - Harey
tt"7,,4 Li (5) Gillette
Substitutiuns Willamette: Irvine
i ..-Hicivitmck, Honey for Irvine, Aus
tin for Jackson.
Referee Fabre.
Quite recently it wa my pleasure to
spend several very interesting days
in your beautiful City of Salem.
But first, let me introduce myself, A.
Swain Mitchell is my name, ot Rich
mond, Va.
I occupy the position at tne head of
the Scientific Department of the As
sociated Optometrists of America,
And the object of my visit?
I was looking for an Optometrist of
the highest type to represent the As
sociated Optometrists of America,
Inc., in your city.
Like Diogenes, I went gunning for
my man with a lantern. But MY lan
tern was a complete knowledge of
what such a man should be.
I wanted a man of high character:
a man who in accuracy and reliabil
ity could safely be trusted with your
eyes and the eyes of those near and
dear to you.
Did I find him?
More Anon!
To Gum a fYM in t,..
(Tablets. It t. ,-...,. 7 .
Headache and works off the cold E
W. GROVE'S signature on each box.
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
- ' J
For Better Bread
Thirty six children
at the baby clinic, held Thursday af
ternoon in the Commercial club audi
torium by th JUrion county chil
dren s bureau. on f th.
cessful hold this ivim a . .
InterestliiK feature .,r n', tinol
Nunc JeIis i called Jakey when
ti er only modest. No husband ever
;.ii In I .ud by sto-iii' away from home
In ih' il.iv ii:oe.
Your earningpower
when it rains is
made sure ijsrS:
loo far tht
telle Mjjt
Batabtiihed ittit
Boston. Mill,'
We u
Bv thi ti,i .
wh-re the. clubhouse pia, w.nsTn f m ! 0Xavt, mfa of the measure
' -"'v. i lie autumn tmv,.i, v... . '" I "'V" will be explained, in
'"'me a little colder toward thechL ,! . Uu" """"xms will fully un-
!ll." day. and there no onl T ' "MW th FebrU-
en except John and Kl l,h l.b i"r' 19 haS eh 'Vte
vcre wa kiiiir ., '" ior next rum
"'"'- convcrtioV, VWM,tly
I could no, Hu,nk. p,,,.,,,.,,,,,., '
when we mounted th ..... . a
IW Cor a ,n '
When we tva. hed ih- . .
;v-. John and she faced uT he" W
was nowhere to be seen. K
""""' ""--A """..lex Situation.
ClatKtii r.ttk..- i..
, t v , r v
jfZ f. "t -
Be Better Lookinir-Take
Olive Tablets
To have a clear, pink skin, bright
eyes, no pimples, a fceliraj of bucya- cy
like childhood days, you ,must l.ttp
your Iiody free fnm poisonous wastes.
I rxiwartls' Olive Tablets (a f ro
table conijtifl mixed with olive o:l)
act on tlie liver and Ix.wels tXe caUnrel
vet have no dangertn after u'tect
lake one niclitly and nous Ksuit?
Ihey stait tiie bik and overcome
jonsupation. That's whv miUkms of
am suU auauallj-. ICc and iC
We Use
Baked fresh every day, te the mstsanitarv;t! ... .
done bv elert,Mt, .' a our making
a, v.
"Tfeey Have The H?me-Made Taste"
' ma
457 State Street