MTOirS GARAGE IS ROBBED; THUGS GET IN AiY N DM Although further search wa made Tntat mr"in8 for clueS nothlne uli be io"nd by pollce wou,d L light on the pair, who at lt :Z0 morning, entered and robbed WATER' POWEIt DUX PASSES Washington, Jan. 15. Ending a ten yars' fight the senate today passed the water power bill, which now goes to conference for the composing of dif ferences between the house and senate. Final enactment of the measure within a few weeks is expected. The vote was 5S to 18. POLICE GATHER CLUES AGAINST SUSPECTS AS THEY DENY ALL GUILT nure at S88 North Commercial continued from page oney iTo-ned by Mayor O. J. Wilson. I - 1. .,tnt were found U Uie mua oi . " uy me reproduction In XTbtek of the gar&e. butthese the cast tt iTL.dited by police who lnvestl- T"e story of a conductor, who said weIyirem ,r . 'that the night of the shooting a mys- Pt. tires taken by the' prowlers f teriously acting man rode on his car vwe recovered. Nothing else of value found missing. attention of Officers W. J. wilts and JJoffitt was first called to 11 robbery when O. W. Holmes, of n V C. while taking a girl friend the pair making away from wrage through the alley with the mm He called to them, and they r it., iroa. Mr. Holmes then Sward at the tires while the girt th shooting occurred. The strange Mil for police, who were two blocks , manner in which the man acted imme- out to the south end of Commerma, stret and was whisked away lit a new high-powered auto was told to police rnuay. i ne man mounted the car at Trade street three-quarters of an hour after the shooting. He told the con ductor that he had missed three cars before that This police claim, would place he time when the man would have mounted the car at the same time THE DAILY Frank Otter, also from Portland was down on the register for the same room. While Grace and Gavigan claim that they were in their room at this place at the time of the shooting, the propri etor told police that he heard them come in at about 11 o clock an hour and 15 minutes after the holdup. Gavigan Ex-So!llcr. Gavigan bears a discharge from the United States army. He persistently charges police with persecuting him and hold out his army service record as a token of his character. . He fre quently insinuates that police are un patriotic because of their treatment of him. Grace is locked In a separate cell Neither of them will talk. Gavigan, when the conductor was brought In to identify him Friday morning, angrily shouted: "The shooting isn't over when I get out of here," And he hurled epithets at Chief Varney. bursters, having a 10-NyoungladyCM twar Pursuit was given, but the bur glars," having a 10-minute start, made l complete get away. Entrance was gained to the garage by breaking the lock on the rear door, police reports said. Dallas Boy Convicted Of Larceny And Sentenced Dallas, Jan. 16. Charles Gosso of this city, Indicted by the grand Jury for larceny from a building was sen tenced by Judge Harry H. Belt yester day afternoon to serve a term of from one to three years in the state peni tentiary at SiUem. Gosso at the time of his hearing before Justice of the Peace J. K. Sibley confessed to a num ber of robberies which took place In Dallas early last spring, and also ad mitted participating in a series of robberes in Tortland during the past year. An appeal by Gosso's attorney for a parole was denied by Judge Belt. MIXES FLOAT LOOSE Stockholm, Jan. 16. Many marine mines carried away by the heavy storm weeping the North sea for several days are floating through the Scandi navian straits, according to report aiaieiy incited tne suspicion of the streecar man. He said that the car sped away so fast that he could not see how many occupants it had, or what number it bore. Police reports do not show what connection this epi sode may have with the shooting. Room Is Searched. A search of the room, at the Salem Rooming House, where Grace and Gav PAPfi THREE Just Yellow Mustard SENATE DEBATE BILL SICMFOKCED (Continued from pagj one) The legislative mill was Interrupt ed for about thirty minus's Just pre ceding the noon recess while the sen ators extricated Representative Gal lagheVa Jordan valley road from the entanglement Into which it had been thrown by the injection of a monkey wrench in th shape of a new Coos county road by Senator Ira C. Smith. Gallagher's bill which provides for the designation of a road in the Jordan valley as a post road and its survey and location by the state highway commission, was passed by the house over an adverse report of the roads highways committee. It came into the senate this morn- Vnr I)wUl. T . t. ing on a divided report with the ml wr naCKaCne, LUmbagO nority members of the committee submitting an amendment Involving the addition of a road in Coos coun ty from Bandon to Coquille. The move was characterized by friends of the Gallagher measure as an attempt to defeat the Malheur county road while the advocates of the Coos county road insisted that It was honestly submit ted in an attempt to afford needed relief to the people of the section ef fected. The Gallagher measure won by a vote of 1 to 10. Grandmother's old mussv mntni plaster or poultice generally brought relief alright even in the severest cases, but It burn ed and blistered like blazes. 'Heat eases pain' reduces the In flammation a nd scatters c o nges tion but you'll find that whlla Begy's Mustarine, made of true yel low mustard and other pain destroy ers is Just as hot as the old fashion ed plaster it is much quicker, cleaner iro r nla moil tUm. k --t ! IV .1, " " Sl )mg' reTtl""an more effective and cannet blis- c iiuuiiiiS, xnv room was oare. iter, Grace s name appeared on the register as from Portland, and the name of Dye That Skirt, Coat Or Blouse "Diamond Dyes" Make Shabby, Faded Apparel Lllgo New Don't worry about .perfect results. Use "Diamond Dyes", guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether It be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods dresses, blous es, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers, draperies, coverings. The Direction Book with each pack age tells so plainly how to diamond dye over any color that you can not make a mistake. To match any material, have drug gist show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. (Adv) It's a great external remedy Just rub it on wherever aches, pains, in flammation, congestion or swelling exists and in a very few minutes the relief you have longed for surely ar rives because "Heat eases pain." 30 and 60 cents. ROUP Spasmodic croup Is usually relieved with one application of ICR'S VAPOM YOUR BODYGUARD" -30f.60f7fl.2O Eastern Hams Sugar Whole or Half 30c Per Lb. Cheaper than Fresh Pork Picnic Hams 25c Per Lb. A full line of fresh, smoked and salt fish Kuan Haddies, Kippered Herring, Smoked Salmon etc Now is the time to secure a supply of Hams, Bacon and Lard. From all indica tions, prices on all pork pro ducts will advance soon. These prices are less than most wholesalers charge. We guarantee the quality. Fancy Light Bacon Sugar Cured 35c Per Lb. Whole or half strip. This ba con is the equal of the grade that costs you 45c at other stores. Pure Lard No. 5 pail $1.40 Per Pail BEST SHORTENING No. 5 pail 1L25 Per Pail WBARE NOW IN A POSITION TO GIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION TO RESTAUR ANTS AND BOARDING HOUSES NUKEI Originators of Low Prices 351 State Street Not in the Combine Creamery butter per lb 65c STOMACH ON A STRIKE "Pape s Diapepsin" puts Sour, Gassy, Acid Stomachs in order at once J r TYLER'S FOR OILET ARTICLES Perfumes, Soaps, Every thing that a first class drug store sells. TYLER'S DRUG STORE 157 S. Com'l. Phone 35 y BAD fJJ T0 YOU WANT your friends to avoid you? They 1 will certainly do so when your breath is bad. There is no excuse for anyone having a bad breath. It is caused by disorders of the stomach' which can be corrected by taking' Chamberlain's Tablets. Many have been permanently cured of .stomach troubles by the use of these tablets after years of suffering. Price 25 cents per bottle. Wonder what upset your stomach has fermented And turned1 sour; head gassy and upset, and what you just ate which portion of the food did the dam agedo yout Well, don't bother. If your stomach is in a revolt; if sick, dizzy and aches; belch gases and acids and eructate undigested fobd just eat a tablet or two of Pape's Diapepsin to help neutralize aciduty end in five min utes you wonder what became of the indigestion and distress. If your stomach doesn't take care of your liberal limit, without rebellion; if your food is a damage instead of a help, remember the quickest, surest, most harmless antaicd is Pape's Dia pepsin, which costs so little at drug stores. (Adv) GR OCER FREE With every Dollar Purchase One Package of Golden Rod Wash ing Powder Free For Liver and Bowels Dr. Carter's K. & B. Tea k Mild, Gentle Vegetable Laxative and Healthful Drink. For the stomach, liver and bowels and to purify the blood, there's nothing more reliable. Give it to the little onei when they pstfevemh and can't eat. They like it and it does them , lots of good. Creamery butter, per lb . 68c Olympic flour, per sack $3.25 White Wonder Laundry Soap, 5 bars .......30c Kneedit shortening, per lb 36c Large dill pickles, per doz 35c Sardines, 10 oz can 17c Sun Maid seedless raisins, 2 pkgs 45c Bartlctt Pears, per can 19c Libby's pine apple, 2 cans 35c Palmolive sOap, 3 bars for 25c i .2 a 83 so 81 o 0 x Eh o o -t- w o Large market baskets 15c White Lily tomatoes, can .". 15c Large can Uncle John maple syrup .. ; $1.45 Bird seed, per package 15c Split Peas, per package 15c Pop Corn, 2 lbs. for i. 25c Corn Meal, per sack 75c English walnuts, per lb 35c Cocoa, per lb. ...38c Phez. jam, 5 lb. can for $1.15 FOLLOW THE CROWD AND YOU WILL GO TO NO-VARY GROCERS THE QUALITY STORE 385 Court Street 899 North Commercial Phone 409 Phone 456 Mr. Orchardist: Have you looked over your pruning tools? Its time you were using them. Let us fit you out this year with a complete set of new and efficient tools ""the, kind that cut clean allowing the wound to heal quickly. Our stock is complete. ' . ' - You'll need a pair of gloves for this work. Prices 25c to $5.00 Pair Wood Cutters Tools Axes, Wedges, Sledges and Cross Cut Saws -'""lamtVNWWHVmH'rwn'ni' You always find Our prices the lowest in the city, on the same grade of G)ods . .. " Cor. Court Com'l. weeta Phone 191 RAY Lf ARMER HDW. CO. The Willamette Valley's most complete and up-to-date Hardware Store THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Wise Businees ... .. . Won't wait until springBut will act immediately to place his order for a Ford Truck or Motor No business house in Salem can afford to be without a Ford roadster. It's a great business getter and the best advertising medium that any live firm can have. While we are receiving an extra allotment of cars and have eight carload rolling from fac tory, we are booking orders faster than we can secure cars. DONT DELAY PLACING YOUR ORDER, FOR ITS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE MORE THAN OURS TO DO IT NOW! Place Your Order Today INSIST ON GENUINE FORD " FARTS Valley Motor Co. INSIST . ON GENUINE FORD PAIIT8 ... &