Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 15, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Netv I may - Where Small Ads Get Results at SnmllCo
Ossified ad rates.
' " a wrh Insertion one
S eentt. on. ,uth.
"h ir.nns 17 cent me jcar. per
Insertion only In New Today.
P rash in advance and not tak
0 pne unless advertiser ha.,
account No allowance tor
, .hnne errors
New Today.
iTVT-3 furnished housekeep
ers on first floor. Call 574
".s..i. n:ir Marion. 15
!. Hi-
triilTOP desk, typewriter desk, safe
Zck writer fur .ale, Phone 340. 18
rnn SALE-Good eating. and cook
F Apples. Phone mi. 15
rop. SALE 2-year old colt for sale
Phone' 745W evenings. 17
.. vTED A n v kind of te'" work,
phone 746 W evenings. 17
rT THE HA HIT Phone 628 for
imod taxi service. Stand Klettes
,! hall ami O. E. depot, i-nclos-W
i oi" cars. Capital Taxi Co.
FOR SALE-1 Ford sedan; 1 Buick
Six coupe; 2 buick 4; several good
buvs in secondhand cars; Olds . 3,
Olite t- Marion Auto Co. 15
FIE Gervais Weekly Star is for sale.
Hiving bought out another payer
in' the county. I offer my plant for
Kile Cimie quick if you are inter
red Will move it in tuirty days
if not sold. Hugh D. Mars, editor. 13
E4RLY Row potatoes SVi cents lb.
delivered. Phono 1789W. 15
noon apples, price ranging $1 and
up. 225 N- Front- Phuile 631U- 18
FOR SALE By owner. 8 room house
modern excepting furnace. Located
40 S. 22d St. Call at house. 16
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms.
Inquire 630 N. Front. Phone973W.
HOUSEKEEPING room for rent. 144
N. Front. H
FOR SALE New Victrola and rec
ords. Call 5G Belmont. 15
FOR RENT Modern furnished roofn
hot and cold water, steam heat,
bath. 218 N. Liberty St. Over lii-ew-'
er drag store. ' 15
FOR KENT Furnished house. Call
at 558 State St. 15
Save Honey on Your Plumbing
If you have plumbing work to be
done, a hot water coll to be made
or repaired, we will be glad to do
your work at reasonable prices. We
'guarantee all our work. I'hone 645.
WANTED Boy 18 years old for
crating and shipping work. Apply
410 S. Winter St. 13
R)R SALE Choice cheat hay at Mid
T die (trover farm. Phone IGF4 -15
FOR bluinbing and repair work, call
174SR; work guaranteed. . 18
A REAL SNAP 4 acres extra close
in, ready to plow and plant to ber
ries for $1000. Call first house west
at end of S. Commercial car line be
fore 10 a, 111. H. Brown, Itt. 3. 15
FOR SALE 1 0 acres 214 miles north
east of fair grounds on good road.
Price J10UQ. U 1;. Hart, 208 .Ore
gon bldg. 13
FOR SALE 60 acres rich chocolate
"oil, all in cultivation on Pacific
highway and near railway station,
f'ood buildings and a fine property.
Price 13!i per acre. I). E. Hart, 208
Oregon bldg. 13
FOR SALE 3 Uercs bearing Royal
Anne and King cherries, some lo
gan and strawberries, very rich
soil, close in. price $1750. D. E.
Hart, 208 Oregon bldg. 13
KM SALE 6 room modern house, 1
Mock to car line. Price $2650. I). E.
Hart, 208 Oregon bldg. 13
room apartment house, good lo
cation, gooa building, well furnlsh
"'0,dM'n in;ldinP heating
tht'nhvi,,5's u11- Cn be bought
Mker. Phon,. isofiV. 14
Bl?LN.E?,s tm' salf'. making over $100
honf. .o,.l'uiture ot 6 room
Uull " pla"' cost ,0 about
! It m , neflrly "PW' Will sell for
' tor Ah' re,,t house to bu
for Ji nln,nt,L 0n rom rented
tarn I n "lh- Close " This is a
Z have ?hm,t a"SW,r thiS Unless
AdareTLthTnpZ .jo pay cash.
" " journal otnee. 13
SjSTAT new"
M t V. r.rt"'?"d wiu be commenc
W Mn?ltl11 Kusiness College
lvwigatonif t,Bch01 winter.
t'gate if interested, 13
rroundrt,raaSLovt,r on"
barn k fuur rom bungalow,
a,.tT"nu"r-,ef''ar. woodshed!
Woodburn, Or. 18
amount. Low rates,
repayment privilepes.
e,7 promnt spwion am.
y our 20-year loans at
Oregon Bldg.
WANTED All kinds or Junk and sec
ond hand good,. Liberty Exchange
141 N. Commercial. Phone 841.
Lubke & Scott. Props.
BIDS WANTED Bids are hereby re
quested for the building of an-outside
entrance and stairway into the
basement of the Salem Masonic
temple. Plans may be inspected at
the office of this association 403
. Masonic" temple, Salem, Oregon.
Salem Masonic Temple association.
Elmo 8. White, secretary.
WOOD SAW Phone your orders, to
. valine, x uuuv i y u - al. j y
DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician,
eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
610-12 U. S. bank. Phone 141.
HOUSE painttnir. tinting and paper
hanging. R. H. Keith. Shop 443
Kerry St. Phone, Res. 821, shop
WANTED Garments to remodel;
new Buits $45. Ezra Sparks, over
Grey-Bell. 31
WANTED Wood In large quantities,
also transfer work. Phone 1090M.
WANTED To rent baby carriage un
til April -, or will buy.'T. H. An
derson, 720 Mill street. 15
WANTED Thrashing machine boiler
Knquire Fhone 171. IS
WANTED Late model light road
ster. Phone 19 or inquire at 644
Ferry St. 13
WANTKD Several thousand Magoon
unu ew uregon strawberry plants
Floyd Crabtree, Stayton, Or. 18
WANTED A grain drill. Ella M.
rinney, m. a, Uervais, Or. IS
WANTED About a 5 room house, at
east partly modern. Address box
House Journal. 13
WANTED Ship's knees. Salem Sand
auu uravel company. Phone 1970.
PLUMBING and repairing. Phone 731
WANTED Goat or goat's milk. Call
131UM. 13
Help Wanted
EXPERIENCED seamstress will go
out Dy tne aay. t'lione 1413. 331
WOOD cutters wanted, two or three
men who can take contract for one
to two hundred cords fir, ash and
mnpld, house and cook stove furn
ished, parties to furnish their own
bedding. Call Phone 26. 14
WANTED Two experienced prun-
ers. 1 r . Arnoia, ut. 4, phone 65
Fll. 15
WANTED Young women to take
hospital training, for further infor
mation apply to superintendent of
nurses Oregon City hospital, Ore
gon City, Or. 13
WOMAN wants work by the day.
i'hone 111F5. 13
WANTED Wood cutters for 600
cords. Phone 44F5. 1
WANTED Practical nursing, espe
cially maternity cases. Prices reas
onable. Call on or address Mrs. L.
E. Hartwig, 2229 fair ground road.
WANTED Experienced saleslady for
millinery, also trimmer. Box 19 care
Journal. 14
Lost And Found.
LOST Roll of felt paper between
Silverton road and the first road
going west south of Brooks, Return
to this office. Reward. 13
LOST Crank on truck in Polk coun
ty. Phono 1678W. 14
Real Estate---Houses
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow with
or without furniture; terms. W. A,
Liston, 484 Court St.
FOR SALE $800, four room cottage
large lot, garage, electric lights, city
water, Nob Hill district. Owner,
phone 1390R.
5 room house, barn and three lots
with fruit, on Laurel Ave., near the
new packing plant. Portland owner
will take best offer made for it in
30 days. See John H. Scott Realty
Co,, 228 Oregon bldg.
Modern buneralow tyne 8 room,
basement, cement walks; a real buy
at $3200, good terms. See us today.
John H. Scott Realty Co., 228 Oregon
FOR SALE Three lots, small house
plenty of fruit; reasonable terms.
Room 2 over Grey-Bell. 31
FOR SALE 5 room house, modern
except furnace, $1500. 795 Soutn
19th street. Paul Papenfus. 13
FOR SALE Six room house, full ce
ment basement, furnace and mod
ern conveniences, located two and
one half blocks from state library.
Price $3500. hone 648 between 8
1 p. m. 16
FOR SALE 8 room modern house,
1 acre ground mostly In fruit, pav
ed street and sidewalk; furnacf
heat, fine location, $6500, terms.
T room modern except basement,
larre lot, barn, close in. $2700,
t rooms, close in. $1750, terms.
7 room modern bungalow. $4250,
4 rooms with barn. $1000, terms.
Bearing fruit farms for sale of 10,
20, 30 acres with Improvements, In
red hills south of Salem. These
orchards are in sound condition.
$400 an acre and up with easy
terms. Now is the time to buy if
you will buy right. See S. R. Pear
son, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43.
FOR SALi: Modern cottage, fine lo
cation, ort car line and paved
street; two bed rooms. Price $3500
one half cash. Phone owner 20O6.T
FOR SALE Swell bungalow on pav
ed street and car line. F. L. Wood
Bayne bldg. 13
For Rent
FOR RENT 4 room cottage, large
lot, east end of r street
For Sale.
30 "acres, 12 In cultivation, good
familV nrfhnrri nma trnrA ...1.1 A
timber and pasture, a modern farm
house, plastered; bath and good
closets: small new barn; $3500 on
good terms. John H. -Scott Realty Co.
" Oregon oiug. . - .
FOR SALE Fruitland nursery has
a few thousand Italian prune trees,
grafted Kranquet walnuts, and al
so other nursery stock. Phone 111
F21. Rt. 6. Saldm. Or. IT
FOR SALE Full blooded White Leg
horn-cockerel, O. A. C. strain. Call
1287 N. Summer.- 1J
FOR SALE 17.006 feet second hand
lumber. Inquire Goodman Grueg;
2576 fairground rd. Phone 1467. 1$
FOR SALE Italian prunes. 212$ N.
Broadway. 1$
STRAWBERRY plants, Progressive
JSvorbearing, Ettersburg 121, Im
proved Oregon and Wilson. Vitror-
ous well rooted plants. Place orders
. now. Ward K. Richardson, 2395
. Front. Phone 4S4. 35
FOR SALE Gentle driving mare and
rubber tired buggy and harness,
cheap. Phone 41F5. 14
WANTED To lease 20 or 25 acres
with buildings, for berries. v Lee
Yates, Rt. 8, box 30, Salem, Or. 14
PROGRESSIVE Everbearing straw-
Derry plants, $1.50 per 100. Ward
K. Richardson, 2395 Front. Phone
494. 15
FOR SALE Italian prune trees. 2123
KT T-'..r.a- ?
FOR SALE 10 acres good onion land
good barn, small house near the
depot. Call or address J. S. Bum
gardner, Clatskanle, Or. 37
TY If you are not afraid of your
Judgment we can sell you 80 acres
about 73 cultivated, 12 in bear
ing prunes of which 4 are mixed
with English walnuts, 3 bottom
- land, balance cultivated land firBt
class. Good buildings. Price $10,
500, terms. Estes & Magee, 428
Oregon bldg. Portland, 909 Cham
ber of Commerce. 13
1 BAY mare for sale, weight between
1150 or 1200; 1 farm wagon for
sale, 3 -inch; one light driving
horse for sale cheap, must sell. No.
1390 Waller St. 16
FOR SALE 12x25 Monarch tractor
and 3-bottom John Deere plow, or
will trade for property, or what
have you Fred W. Durbin, 275
State St. Phone 515. 15
WOOD for sale. Phone 1356W. 13
FOR SALE Or trade a Holt 30 h. p.
tractor for city property or stock.
Particulars. E C care Journal. 11
FOR SALE Baled cheat hay $23 ton,
, 1 mile eaiS on pen road. Phone 86
F22 evenings. . 25
FOR SALE Will be delivering wood
this week: Phone 754. , 14
FOR SALE Full blood Rhode Island
Red cockerels. Phone 92F3. 14
FOR SALE One heifer calf, 2 weeks
old; one Weber wagon, 3-Inch tire,
nearly new. One set double farm
harness. P. G. Judd., Salem, Or., or
phone 108F3.
FOR SALE Child's sulkey, willow
basket, mohair top. White enameled
crib with springs and mattress.
High chair. 1902 N. 5th St. 14
FOR SALE 3 cords maple wood, al
so 600. feet small pipe. C. D. Trick
12F21. 14
ONIONS and carrots for sale hy ton
or sack. Phone 399. 14
FOR SALE Or trade, good team of
horses. I'hone 3bF14. 1J
FOR SALE-Stecr, buy by the quarter
or side, 14 to 16 cents. At Price's
Market, 32a N. Commercial. 19
FOR SALE O. A, C. White Leghorn
cockerels and Buckeye Conley
brooder for sale. John W. Yates,
Rt. 4, near feeble minded. 16
FOR SALE 8-weeks old pigs and
some small shoats. Donald Ham
mock, Rt. 8, Salem, Or. Phone 69
F4. 17
Leghorns, Reds, Rocks, Minorcas.
Prices reasonable. C. N. Needham,
558 State St. Phone 400. 36
Miscellaneous. ,
OSTEOPATHIC physicians and sur
geons, Drs. White and Marshall,
506 U. S. bank bldg. Phone 859. Dr.
White, res. phone 469; Dr. Marshall
res. phone 834. ,
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res. phone 58F6; office
phone 1394. 29
EXCHANGE Will exchange part or
all of thirty raw prairie quarters
in the Red River valley, Marshall
county, Minnesota, for a running
garage, city property, or small im
proved farms near Salem or Eu
gene, Or. These lands are level,
well drained and rich soil. Give
particulars first letter. H. Hadrath,
Thief River Falls, Minn. 16
ESTES & MAGEE, real estate. If we
list it we advertise it. fortiana 01
fice 909 Chamber Commerce; Sa
lem office 428 Oregon bldg, over
electric depot.
R. W. BALLANTYNE, piano tuner
with Cherrington's Piano House,
415 Court St. Phone 352. 33
ROOM and board may be had with
private tamiiy. mom
WILL exchange for Oregon property,
36 acres near LJnasay, uai. jseauii
ful citrus fruit land almost level;
perfectly adapted for oranges, lem
ons, figs, olives. No improvements.
Price $400 per acre. Property near
Salem preferred. Owner temporar
11., ir. Sninm. Write at once. Address
rp IT Pinntliul. Salem. Or. 14
A X-- v- - w
Salem Auto Radiator Shop
Radiators, Fenders and Gas Tanks
Tractor Radiators specialty
Ford Radiators for Bala
191 S. 12th Btreet Salem, Ore.
FARM near Eugene for exchange for
city property in Salem, value from
I taOOO up. Address F. L. Chambers.
' Eugene. is
: BEFORE! selling your old furniture
I or old clothing, sail 493 and get our
! price.- ,
1 1 WILL pay high price for second
hand clothing and furniture. Capi
tal Exchange. Phone 49$, $37 Court
St. - v '
Used Cars for Sale.
FOR SALES HIT Ford fully equip
ped, A-l condition. Liberty Gar
age. .
FOR SALE! 1 191T Studebaker 1
1918 Dodge, 1 1917 Ford roadster,
1 1918 Grant Six, Hudson Super
six. only run three months. 1919
model. Cherry City garage, 170 S.
12th. is
P'OR SALE One 1920 model Maxwell
1-ton truck, . equipped with cab,
windshield and stake body, only
used lightly for two months. Will
sell cheap. See F. E. Loose. 226
State St. Phone 933 or 1146 eve
nings. 13
1916 FORD for sale. 2234 N. Liberty
St. Call before 2:30 p. m. 15
Good Buys.
2$ acre tract located SU miles
from Salem on rock road, 6 room
house and barn, well. Price $4600.
8u acres ot good timber land lo
cated east of Salem. Price $80 per
18 7-8 acre tract located V, mile
south of city limits of Salem, house
and barn, sightly location, good fruit
and berry land. Price $10,000.4
160 acre farm and timber, located
on main gravel road, best of prairie
soil, located east of Salem. Will con
sider part trade. Price $100 per acre.
improved i acre tract, (rood bun
galow, barn, 1 acre logans, 1 acre
prunes, good road. Price $7000.
360 acre farm. 200 acres cultivated
land, buildings. 60 acres of fine tim
ber. Price $100 per acre.
270 acre farm all cultivated, build
ings, good road. Price $125 per acre.
5 room plastered bungalow located
south Salem, sightly location. Price
Strictly modern 5 room bungalow
and two fine lota located on Fair
mount hill, paved streets, east front.
.price 6Ul)u. .
Fine view lot located on Fairmount
hill, 76x150 feet, pavBd street. Price
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
75 State street
If you want to sell yeur property In
the city or country, see the John H.
Scott Realty Co. at once. We certain
ly have been selling property. There
is reason for It. We endeavor at all
times to give both the purchaser and
seller a square deal and we get re
sults. We now have a large list of
prospective purchasers for both city
and country property. We can sell
your property without doubt if your
price is right. If you do not desire to
sell, do not list it with us or you will
De witnout a Home, sure.
John H. Scott Realty Co. .
128 Oregon bldg.
Best Buys.
10 acres in Polk county, and cash
exchange for house tn Salem. -
40 acres, all cultivated, 16 acres
bearing prunes, fair buildings, best
buy in the vicinity of Salem. $9500;
easy terms.
56 acres, all cultivated, number 1
improvements, best of soil, 4 Mi miles
01 good town, jsiuoo.
37 acres, 14 prunes bearing, 5
miles from Salem; rock road. $7400.
30 acres, 20 bearing prunes, 3 acres
apples and cherries, 3 bearing lo
gans; fair 6 room house, barn, new
drier. $12,600; $5500 cash.
146 acres, 50 cultivated, 96 tim
ber, 4 logans, 1. peaches, 1 family or
chard, fair house, old barn, well fenc
ed, rock road, 3 miles of good town;
all river bottom. $85 per acre, cash
100 acres, 92 cultivated, 4 timber,
4 Btumps; 7 room modern bungalow,
hot and cold water, bath, toilet, elec
tric lights; fine barn 42x70, garage,
chicken house 60x20, 1 tile silo, 1
frame silo; fenced hogtlght; 1 acre
family orchard, well drained, the best
of soil; 1 mile of school, 5ft miles of
good town, everything first class. $200
per acre, $5000 cash, balance 6 per
cent to suit.
541 acres, 240 cultivated, 201 good
timber, fine saw mill proposition; old
house and barn; well fenced, running
water; 3 miles of good town. The
biggest snap in the valley. $50 per
acre, easy terms.
11 room modern house, 8 blocks
from the post office, $5500, cash.
. 11 room modern house, lot 80x200
ft., lots of fruit, on pavement. $2760.
7 room modern bungalow, good
condition, basement, furnace. $4000,
6 room bungalow, close in, fine lot,
fruit, near school. $4250, Vi cash.
7 room modern, paved street, car
line, good lot. $2750, $750 cash.
5 room house, l'A acres hind, lots
fruit, car line. $2600, cash.
5 room house, basement, lot lOOx
150, lots fruit; bath, plastered. $1800
6 room furnished house to rent, $15
rer month.
If your property Is listed with me
I would be glad to have you make any
suggestion you may thing of to help
effect a sale. I am a long ways from
knowing all that is to be learned
about the real estate business and
have frequently found'that sugges
tions from my clients have been very
helpful. For best buys or exchanges see .
341 State street
53 acres at good R. R. town In Polk
county's best fruit belt 22 acres
prunes, 4 acres strawberries, 3
acres logans, 325 bearing apples,
125 grafted franquette walnuts;
pears, cherries, grapes; good house
with modern conveniences; water
piped to house and outbuildings; 1
tunnel fruit dryer. Orand place,
hoaiitifnl arenerv. Pries. 1 14.000.
in ooren 2 miles from Oreeon City,
14 mle from K. R. station; li acres
in bearing prunes, apples, berries,
walnuts, etc. 7 room plastered
house, fruit drier, chicken house,
.1. t7nno Nice home.
20 acres full bearing prunes in Rose-
dale section, in exceueni conaiuou.
t AAA an ncre.
Our specialty Is choice fruit, nut and
beiry property.
pvKfV BROS.. Horticulturist!
210 Oregon bldg. Phone 663
Loner Distance Hanlincr
f3 uuunct irrigni naming. Ually
service to Portland, outside tripe
anywhere. Reasonable charges. Of
fice 445 Court street. Phone 988;
night phones 679J, 674R. Salem.
Of- . S6
Bargains and Investments.
Nice modern 5 room cottage, large
lot, barn, garage, fruit trees: nice lo
cation.. A bargain for only $2250.
Fine 24 acre tract. 21 acres bearing
prunes and chrriw fi t .o k..-
galow. good prune dryer, barn, water
ojsieiu; i!i miies irom town; sac
rifice price, quick sale, $10,500.
10 acres n:ir sb. !tv miul ki.ii.ln.
7 acres bearing prunes and loganber
ries. $5200.
location, full basement, fine lot on car
line. .ou, easy payments.
Fine 10 acre tract J miles out, pav
ed road, extra fine dark loam soil.
For good buys and square dealing.
Perrine & Marsters
211-12 Com. Club bldg. '
FOR SALE Late model Maxwell car,
new battery, good tires. 1920 li
cense, tire chains, etc. Will sell on
terms. 172 Marion or Monty's Tire
Shop. . x., 15
Great Opportunity.
31 90-100 acres peach orchard, pro
duced 100 ton last year, contracted
at $60 a ton, 2 miles from Salem.
Price twelve thousand, terms.
5 acres on Salem Heights, beauti
ful home; 4 acres in cultivation; new
7 room bungalow, close to car line.
Price $4000.
6 room cottage with furniture or
without, and t lots. Price $2700.
Modern room bungalow close in.
New 5 room bungalow. Price $2000
4 room furnished cottaee. close in
for $1250.
Enquire room 3 Bayne bldg. 14
Sawyer & Emmett
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Stt
Btlls payable monthly In, advance.
Phone 67
Safety Raisor Blades.
SAFETY raxor blade sharpening ma-
cnine. nrst installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop. 847 Court St
Why. Sell For Less?
WE will pay you more cosh for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store, $71 N. Com
mercial street Phone 734.
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 26 to 68
Inches high. Painls, oif and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry od hop
hooks. Salem Fence am? Stove
Works, 260 Court street Phone 124
No Cosh Required Good overcoats,
shoes and suits, all kinds of musical
Instruments, shotguns, riles, heating
8toves gas stoves, suit cases atid 1000
other useful articles to srU or trade.
What have you f The Capital Bx
ohange, 387 Court St Phone 493.
Salem Scavanger Garbage and re
fuse of all kinds removed on month
ly contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals
removed. Office phone Main 167.
Money To Loan.
On good real estate security
Jver Ladd A Bush Bank, Salem, Ore.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 6 1-2 percent 303 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Money to Loan
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount. Long time.
6Vi and 6 percent interest.
City building loans. v
A. C. Bohrnstedt
401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon
Salem Auto Exchange.
Monitor cars now on display. Come
and see them. 229 tSate St. Phone
Lodge Directory.
pC. JHEMEKKTA Lodge No. 1
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at L O. O. F. hall.
McCornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. Harry Levy, G C; P. J. Kuntz
K. R. A S.
Oregon urape camp no. iaso ma
every Thursday evening la McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St
recorder. Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1416
N. 4th St Phone 1436M.
bly No. $4 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall. Glenn C.
Nlles. M. A ; C. A. Vlbbert
tary. 140 Owen street
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6241
meets every Thursday evening at
o'clock in McCornack building.
Court and Liberty streets. W. M.
' Persons. V. C. Frank A. Turnor,
W- O. W. SALEM CAMP 11 (.Meets
every r naay nigni ai s o ciock in
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib
erty St Visiting Woodmen welcome.
C. D. Ross. C. C. L. S. Geer, clerk.
Real Estate Transfers.
Frank A Baker and Minnie V
Baker to H R Curtis and Bal
ly Curtis. Lt 3 and S 60 ft
of lt 4, 6, t of bl 3 In Queen
Ann's add Salem $1400
John Spranger and Minnie
Spranger to Martha Swart,
Lt 1 bl 1 Oak Hill tract 2000
Christian Kaufman to Emil
Kroeplln, Pit bl 72, North
Balem -
L F Butler to David D Soco
lofsky and Anna Hocoiorsny,
30 acres u u 1; jonn iayiur
and wife 6S 1W ..".....: . 2000
William H Brayles and Nora
Belle Brayleg to Elmer Ells
worth Kieinsmith and Ida
Kleinsmith. .47 acres Wood
burn ... see
Harry De Bart and Orpha, De
hart to D A Thompson, cem
etery ,
P Smith and Annie y Smith
to J K Smith, Lt t and ( sec
15, Its 1-46-6 sec 14. Its
-6-7- see 22, NB see
it In 4S JW . j.25.000
N Lewis and Anna M Lewis -to
Josephs Rlchter and Au
gusta Riehter, 40.39 A sec
34 6S 1W 5o
RolUn K Page and Alice H
rage to Charles A Park and
Mary Park, Lt 2 bl 4 Queen -Ann's
Grain: Wheat No. 1 $203.10; feed
oats 80 85c: milling oats 85 88c;
cheat hay $1920; oat hay $23324:
clover hay $24 025; mill run $48 49.
Butttrfat: Butterfat 65c: cream
ery butter 64065c
Pork, Teal and mutton: Pork on foot
144c; veal fancy 22c; steers
7Sc; cows 6QT l-2o; spring bun be
9c; ewes 45c; sheep, yearlings 4 He
Dressed pork 0c.
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 55c;
light hens, 24c; heavy hens 26c; old
roosters 1516c; springs 24c.
Vegetables: Onions per pound 60
celery dor. $1.75; potatoes. Yakima
5c, Oregon 4414c; sweet potatoes 7c;
beets per sack $3.76; turnips per sack
$3.76; carrots per sack $1.26; parsnip
per sack $3.76; spinach 10c lb.; rad
ishes 40c dos.
Fruit: Oranges $4.606.00; lemons
$6.5097.00; bananas lie; honey ext.,
20c; bunch beets 45c; cabbage 6a;
head letluce $1.26; carrots 46c; grapes
15c; Brussell sprouts 16c; caullfflowet
$2 doi; red peppers 15o lb.
Retail price: Eggs dosen 62c;
creamery butter 65i66c; country but
ter 65c; flour, hard wheat $3.25 8.40
soft wheat $2.90.
Portland, Jan. 15. Cattle steady;
receipts 8; steers best $11.25
12.00; good to choice $10.60011; me
dium to good $9 9.75; fair to good
$86; common to fair $7 8; choice
cows and heifers $9 $10; good to
choice $7.75(9; medium to good
$5.75g7.75; fair to medium $4,759
1.75 canners $3.50 5.60; bull's $6 0
8.25; prime light calves $12.5018;
heavy calves $7012.50; stockers and
feeders $899.60.
Hogs steady; receipts 612; prime
mixed $16.60016.00; medium 15
$16.50; rough heavy $12.0014; pigs
Sheep strong; receipts 33; eastern
lambs $14015.25; light valley $13.00
15.00; heavy $12.50 13.60; feeder
lambs $12014; yearlings . $12013;
wethers $ll.tO512.'60. , ?
Portland, Or., Jan. 15. Butter
weak; cubes extra 60c; parchment
wrapped, box lots 63c; cartons 64c;
half boxes Vic more; less than half
boxes lc more. Buterfat 61 062c f.
o. b. station; 67068c Portland.
Poultry and Eggs.
Portland, Jan. 16. Effective to
day: Eggs selling price case, count
63c; buying price 62; selling price
candled 56c; selected candled In car
tons 60c.
Poultry: Hens 2833c; broilers 26
30c; roosters 18c; turkeys dressed
455c; geese 20025c; ducks 86O40e.
Wheat nnd Mill Stuffs.
Wheat: $2.20; barley, $72; oau
$63.60 bid; corn No. 3 yellow $68.25
Hay: Buying price, valley timothy
$2028; alfalfa $31.50; grain $26;
cheat $25; clover $26. .
MUlatuffs: Prices f.o.b. mill, city
artage $2 extra. Mill run, car lots or
mixed cars $46 ton; rolled barley $76
rolled oats $69; ground barley $76;
cratch feed $84.
Corn whole $76; cracked $72.
(Continued from page one)
the loganberry center of the world;
that Salem is an unexcelled hop mar
ket; that th best Jersey cow In the
world is housed within u few miles of
Kalem; that this county is ranking
high in the production of walnuts;
that the fisherman's paradise may be
found within a few miles of Salem,
and that only 25 percent of the till
able land in the county is under cul
tivation?" He dealt at length with the possi
bilities of flax culture here, and re
viewed the great strides already tak
en In this activity In the county. He
mentioned the paper mill, now under
construction, and said that It should
be advertised, through the medium of
the Commercial club, in all parts of
the world.
Wonld Spread Word
''But this can't be dope unless we
have the Commercial club to do the
advertising," he concluded. "Where
we have accomplished much it can
not be continued unless we bring peo
pie in to do It, and how are they go
lug to know of these things unless the
Commercial club advertises them?
"If we recognixe our duty and get
behind the Commerclul club with our
dollar" I am sure that the Willamette
valley, outside of Portland, will have
two million population within a very
few years."
"The necessity of supporting the
Commercial club" was discussed by
Mr. Kay. He said that now Is the best
opportunity to make the Salem Com
mercial club the ranking one in the
Kay Scorrs Slackers
Ilu. rivB. v - .w... ...
time when hay grew between the ties
In the street car tracks and when the
farmers drove up State street in
small seas of mud, was traced by
Mr. Kay op te the presn't conditions.'
All this, he declared, has been ac
eomplished through the orts of the
Commercial club.
The civic slacker.and the man wh
knocks all mov?s for development
nd denies his aid to any civic enter
prise was flayed bitterly by Mr. Kay.
He likened them unto parasites, and
declared that they are th mn h
have reaped most ef the benefit front
me eiiorts or the Commercial elub t
make this a Setter and
The war cam as an unnatural ob-
siacie for the club to surmount, he
said. "But now Is the crucial mo
ment," ha asserted, "to put things
over. Now is the time to take ad
vantage of the new spirit that has
gripped the cltv. and tn Anuh t !,..
the ranks of the leading cities of the
Opportunity is Here
"There Is more money available:
there are more men araurinar ih
country for satisfactory factory sites"
he continued, "than ever before. How
are they to know what Salem holds
for them unless they are acquainted
"in me iaeis by the Commercial
There lire many big firms in fhe
cily, Mr. Kay charged, that have con
tributed nothing to the elub.
Mr. Deckabach stirred Interest
with these remarks:
"What a church Is for the spiritual
welfare of a community; what a
lodge .Is for the fraternal welfare of
a community, a commercial nin 1.
for the commercial and Industrial
welfare, and it is up te every cltlsen
of Salem to look i it thai -
Improvement Chid Jmtaraprf .
With enthusiasm . at its height F.
English, reeldins- In north Halam
rose from the audience and demanded
civic attention to Capitol street. He
abhored the fact that motorists com-"
irg into the city from the north hava
airect route of entry, and demand
action of the Commercial
vard opening the street straight thru.
r. 14. TiuinghuBt, president ef ths
North Salem Im
tion, supported Mr. Eiurlkh- Im.
'Oiuptu speech and said thut hi.
soclatlon is now working to open up
uese mam tourist arteries into the
:lty from the north. A resolution, en
Ic rslng the efforts of the North Salem
mprovement association In fiirthu.
Ing this work was passed by the Cora-
'erciai olub members. J
Frederick Schmidt, af h Ph..
company, told of the success of that
urm mrougn advertising. He likened
the Commercial club to an Industrial
enterprise, each member a stockhold
er, tie Hum that if success will com
to the Phes eomptiny through adver
tising surely fortune will befall Sa-lf-m
If its Commercial club circulates
broadcast reports of its possibilities.
FoIIowinir thfl hllfllneMM neuulnn and
the boxing bouts the crowd left tha
ipera nouse and went to the Com
nerclal club rooms where a buffet
lunch was served. 1
Clifford Devereaux. who with his
company, and Zlnita Graf, his talented
leading lady, will fill an engagement
at the Salem Grand opera house on
Thursday, January 16, has high ideals
for the stage, and in his productions of
classical comedies seeks to Interpret '
those Ideals in all the performances.
Unltey and poise are the cha'snteris-
Clifford Dcvercanx
tics thai make the composition and
work cf the Devereux company so ap
pealing to audiences and acceptable to
critics. As a star, Mr. Devereux him
self Is generous to his company with
his 1 rextige, and is careful not to wan
der too far away from Its supporting
individuals. There is consequently a
refreshing evenness and harmony In
the whole membership and general re
sultant success In the stage perform
ances. He encourages every Indication
of tuc rlt, however slight, in the or
ganization, and often yields his stage
cepter to aspirants and sincerely com
mends well-doing.
In the early days of his career Mr.
Dtvcreux wan watchful for artlstlo co
operation for a leading actress espe
cially one with whom he could share
opposite honors In his repertory nd
ho was successful in securing Miss Zl
nlta Graf. This charming leading lady
has hud a spectacular rise to popular
ity, ui.tll today she Is recognized as
being enc of the favorite actresses In
clussicul plays. Miss Graf is a post
graduatt' of the Kmersoa School of
Oraloiy In Boston, and a graduate of
the I'pper Iowa university. Prior to her
Joining the Devereux company she was
a member of the faculty of the Texas
college, und one of the most efficient
educators In the College of Industrial
Arts of Denton. Since her debut on the
professional stage four years ago Miss
Graf hus played twenty-one leading
parts in the extensive and difficult re
pertoire of the organisation.
For the engagement of the company
here the "School for Scandal" By Sheri
dan, one of the greatest comedies ever
written, will be preesnted.