THE DAILY CAPITA L JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1920. i PAPS HIRE KORBLAT-BEAN BILL SHIFTS TO SENATE ..the senate this afternoon a stren .nrt is being made to defeat the rtUd-Bean fish and gam commis ... .v!. named the house yes- Hne noon after an hour of !0mtory.'yoteof47ton. No: ntfoven has narrowed down Question - " . ?r;.h and game. commission ffb. sustained by the legislature. f JduTl- large part, to the atti f f the governor himself, who has throughout that he would tended in ..B bl even " ,h It took away from hi. office the ft" appoint the member of the Vision or any direct and effective Scion over its conduct in the ad- , uimtlon of the law. "Cn M the fight for the bill and J by Smith of Baker, and Haines i?ri smith of Multnomah, of Hiiisboro and Scheubel of il a (ha mAfliaiirA as .n cuckama ovv Inference with the powers of the ,ve by the legislative branch of -nuornment. wZt measure received Its support as means of sustaining the fish and Cub, commission and preventing its removal by the governor ana me dcb. " . onttle the controversy without with the commission's work of propogation. 1. 1. Emitted frankly by many sen tore and representatives both publicly in debate and privately In conversation Sat the structure of the Norblad-Bean bill it fundamentally wrong and bad la but they contend that it Is a rem edy'to meet a condition which must be They openly argue, also, that it will stand only until the coming reg alar session of the legislature when, rtnrm having died down, the ap pointing power will be returned to the governor, where they admit It should be. The vote stood: yms Ballagh, Bean, Bolton, Brand Brownell, Burdick, Burnaugh, Childs, Coffey, Crawford, Cross, Dedman, nniM. Edwards, Fuller, Gallagher, Gordon. Core, Graham of Lane, Griggs Haines. Horner, Hosford, Hughes, Hunter, Huid, Idleinan, Jones of Lin coln and Polk, Kuhli, Lafferty, Looney, Martin. McFurlaml, Merryman, Moore, Richardson. Roman, Sillier, Smith of Raker. Stewart, Thompson, Thrift, Westerlund, Wheeler, Woodson, WrlBht, Speaker Jones 47. Nays Dennis, Elmore, Graham tu Washington, Hare, LcJfgren, Richards, Bchuebel, Blieldon, Smith of Multno mah, Thomas and Weeks 11. Absent Lewis 1. POLK FARMER FREED HOG BRINGS $33,000 Noblesville. Ind., Jan. 15. Chief's Best, a Bpotted Poland China hog. brought $35,000 In a sale here this week. The hog was purchased by an Iowa state breeders associa tion. A sow brought $8000. For ty head brought a total of $64,380. PURCHASE OF SITE EMERGENCY PLEAS BEFORE COMMUTE EXCEED $1,000,000 An executive session of the Joint ways and means committee was held Wednesday evening to act upon de mands fr appropriations exceeding a million dollars now pending in the legislature. The committee faces a deficiency ap propriation of $300,000 made by the emergency board to take care of the administration of the soldiers' educa. tional act It Is estimated that It would require something like $400,000 to take up this deficiency and provide suffi cient funds to administer the act until the next legislature meets. It seems to be the sense of the many committees, however, to appropriate approximately $250,000 for the aid of the educational act. In addition to this Mrs. Thompson has introduced a bill appropriating $40,000 for the construc tion of a new building at the state In stitution for feeble minded. The com mittee will probably star.d for $25,000. LThe public service commission has ask ed for $8000; the gasoline bill carries an appropriation of $10,000; another $10,000 Is asked for the reconstruction of the barns broken down by snow at the state fair grounds; county fairs are asking for $10,000; the child welfare league wants $150, and there are mis cellaneous requests of merit which will total something like $50,000 more. In all there are demands which are backed either by emergency or expedi ency totaling $583,000, not taking info consideration the mass of demands which are yet to be put )nto definite form. ROBERT PAULUS TO LEAVE TONIGHT FOR EASTERN TRIP Dallas, Or, Jan. 15. Ray Slater, a prominent Folk county farmer residing near this city, was freed by a Jury In Judge Harry II. Belt's court Tuesday on a larcency charge after being out but a short time. Slater was accused of tho theft of a steer from a neigh bor awed Martin, but testimony in troduced by the attorneys for the de fendan showed the Jury to their satis faction that the animal in question was the property of Mr. Slater. The case of B. Fritz, charged with assault with a deadly weapon Is oc eupring the attention of the court to day. Fritz Bhot two local boys who were fooling about his place Hallo we'en night. One of the lads received a charge of some sixty shots and the ether about forty shots. For a time they were thought to be a serious con ditio, but at present they have fully recovered from the effects of the shoot ing. Testimony Introduced during tho trial was to the effect that the boys tad been shooting with firearms that night and that at least one of them was armed wih a revolver. Fritz claims Jat he did not shoot to Injure the yi but only to frighten them away. The case is creating quite a little !n the court ' room being crowded with spectators at all sessions. Robert C. Paulus, president of the Salem Fruit Union, will leave this cltv Thursday night for a three weeks' bus! ness trip in eastern cities. The purpose of Mr. Paulus' trip east Is to attend the American Fruit & Vegetable Ship pers convention at Chicago January 21-23. From there he plans to go to Cleveland to attend the National Can ners association, January 26-29, where he will meet sales representatives of the Salem Fruit Union. .Following that Mr. Paulus expects to visit New York, and return In time to attend the Western Fruit Jobbers convention In San Francisco, February 2 to 6. Because of this trip east Mr. Paulus was unable to accept an urgent lnvl tatlon to address a fruit growers con vention at Vernon, B. C. Br the explosion of a five gallon can f oil while she was stiu-tlne hA Uitoh- n r. Mrs. Rosa Carlson of Astoria .fciT. r burne1- h 6-months-old w severely burned and the furniture w Personal effects of the family de- 8E COCOANUT OIL FOR WASHING HAIR V rOU want tn .. u.i- . .v awl, jvur iinjr m 04 Condition Kb ........... i it With v"u uu Most soaps and prepared shampoos TOOtaln too much alkali. This dries we scalp, make, the hair brittle, and on v barmful- Mulsifled cocoanut thvd vwmcn, is pure ana en- Zl,gr6,ett3)' 18 much better than "nhlng else you can use for sham ans, as this can't possibly Injure Simnl ... t """inn, your nair with wa- fttl. m " U ln' Ono or two teaspoon trLT ,mak9 an abundance of rich, nail, er an(J cleanses the hair es JrP thorouehly. The lather rlns- 1i-L . r. 7' ana removes every par- or flUBt, flirt, dandruff mil or. The hair driB quickly silk. kJ , na 11 leavea " "ne and brlBnt' nffy and easy to man- Tea . .... . than, B 1 ""'eiriea cocoanut oil J" at most any drug store. It is n..u . p' an a few ounces Is month CTer7ne the ROUP Spasmodic crown is tuuallv a Pyramid Pile Treatment The Great Honuhold Treatment tor Itching Bleeding or lro trndlns Piles, SEND FOR FJlfiK TRIAL.' Aimosi every iuumy hub hi least one suffer er who should bare the blossed relief -V f'ji Pyrnmid Pile i rent mem. You can hove a free trial by mail or It you cannot wait, get a 60 cent box at any drug store. Take no substi tute. Join the hnp py throng vflio nna the nralses S--f Pvpamtfi. I'p la the Moraln Feelloa yse jni9 con. Fine as tb RhhII af non for free PTrmmld Keller. trlai, mm ORDERED At the regular monthly meetlnv nt the state fish and cam commiaainn held in the governor's office Wednes- c Hicrhpst 'Sticrar I 5 O " Price Ever To Be Charged On What are said to be the highest sugar prices in the history of the coun try will be effective here within a few i days, wholesalers and retailers an nounced 'Wednesday. The continued scarcity of sugar is said to be respon- BILLS TO REGULATE day. the purchase of7h."tC naton-prv vna mthn-.. j u . i ter fish'warden med to g'o.heTd i"," wun construction to the extent of J5000 appropriated from the hatchery fund. The site consists of 5U aerra and the assistance of local sportsmen in supervising construction pledged. ine commission approved the plac ing of all employes under the state compensation act. Master Fish Warden Clanton renew ed favorably upon the upper site for a hatchery at Enterprise but action was postponed pending engineer's report. The rechecklng of trout propogation figures was ordered as those given in the auditor's report were stated erron eous by Mr. Clanton. Appraisal of the value of the Bonne ville hatchery pondB and plants was or dered from Messrs. Price and Kendall, who have charge of the investigation into hatchery operations. The uper forks of Hood River were ordered closed until June 1 upon re quest of local anglers and sportsmen. Application of E. 8. McCormick ol Carleton for appointment as state biol ogist was placed on file. BELL KfiDING EMPIiOYMENT OF ALIEN HELP PROPOSED Under the provision of a bill Intro duced by Senator Eberhard, Wednes day It would be made unlawful for any officer or agent of, or any contractor with, the state of Oregon, or and coun ty, town, city or municipal corporation to employ any alien, whether a declar- ent or otherwise who claimed and was granted exemption from military ser vice in the war with Germany on the grounds that he was not a citizen of the United States. Violations of the provisions of the act would be made a misdemeanor. Cut This Out Old English Catarrhal Rwlpe DcafncsH Noises for Catarrh, und Head five cent in crease over the present price. According to advices from Portland the wholesale price ln Portland and here will be 1 cents. This means, the advices state, that every article of food or drink of which sugar is an in gredient is going to rise ln price. Retailers here said Wednesday that they tire unable to get any sugar at all. and many of them have none on hand at the present time. It Is understood here that a carload of beet sugar has ben routed from refiners at San Fran cisco to Portland, and that represents the total shipment from there for many days. It is believed here that the new nrlce of IK cents a pound will be effective when a new shipment arrives. NOTED ALIENIST DEAD Morris Plains, N. J., Jan. 15. Dr. Brltton D. Evans, noted alienist and superintendent of the state hospital. didd here last night He was 61 years old. His testimony was the basis for the "brain storm" defense for murder presented by Harry Thaw. Coffey of Multnomah county and Mrs. Thompson, formerly of Wasco but now of Multnomah, are out to regulate dance balls maintained and operated outuide the limits of any city or town. Both introduced bills with that object in view during the afternoon session of Tuesday. The Coffey bill defines a dance hall as any place where public dancing is permitted, an admission charge being collected. His measure makes it unlawful for any such place to be kept open between the hours of 1 and 7 o'clock a. m., in counties having a population of 100,- 000 or more. A violation of the law is punishable by a fine of not less than $15 nor more than $200, or by impri sonment for not to exceed 30 days in the county Jail. The Thompson bill simply amends that section of the code defining the powers and duties of county courts, with the addtilon of a provision that county licenses to dance halls outside the city limits of a city, and to regulate their operation and conduct. POST ROAD UR( AS Hi ( . r If you know of some one who is troubled with catarrhal deafness, head noises or ordinary catarrh cut out this formula and hand It to them and you may have been the means of saving some poor sufferer perhaps rrom total deafness. In England sci entists for a long time past have rec ognized that catarrh is a conB'itution al disease and necessarily requires constitutional treatment. Sprays, Inhalers and nos! douches are liable to Irritate the delicate air passages and force the disease Into the middle ear which frequently means total deafness, or else the dis ease may be driven down the air pas sages towards the lungs which Is equally ' as dangerous. The. following formula which Is used extensively In the damp English climate is a consti tutional treatment and should prove especially efficacious to sufferers here who live under more favorable cli matic conditions. Secure from your druggist I ounce of Parmlnt (Double strength). Takd this home and add to it pint of hot water and a little granulated sugar; stir until dissolved. Take one table spoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick relief from distress ing head nofsds. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become easy and hearing improve as the Inflam mation in the eustachian tubes is re duced. Parmlnt used in this way acts directly upon th blood and mucus surfaces of the system and has a ton ic action that helps to obtain the de sired results. The preparation is easy to make, costs little and is pleasant to take. Every person who has ca tarrh or head noises or is hard of hearing should give this treatment a trial. (Adv) 170 120 FREE SAMPLE COUPON pyramid rmoa company. V 8Pjrmld Bldg., UarsbiU, Mica. Kindly me 'fee Mmpln ot Pyramid riUXreatirfeat, la plain wrapper. Nam,. Street. , City..1. .State. Buy Land Now 4A ACRES. Only 1 mile from street car line. No better loganberry land and its right in, the city. Owner leaving town and will sacrifice if sold by Jan uary 20th. Paved road from town to the place. Might divide. See us at once. $250 per acre. ACRES about 7 miles from town. Not far from paved road. 140 acres in cultivation. Several hun dred fruit trees. 10 good buildings, Including a big modern house. Water pip- ed to all buildings. This farm can't be divided, hut If you want a real farm don't miss this. For a short time only izu per acre. ACRES only 7K miles from Salem. No buildings some timber, but 75 acres , can be cultivated very soon. A snap at $35 per acre. Of! ACRES not far out on pav U ed road. Fair buildings. Land all under cultiva tion. About 60 fruit trees Will trade for a good home ln Balem. Must be modern. ACRES. Only mile from car line. Good buildings. electric lights. Electric water system. Wants to trade on larger farm. ACRES, 2 blocks from car line. 24 acres in fruit. Fair buildings. For a quick sale, $2600. ACRES on car line. Under cultivation. No buildings, '$2500. " ACRES under " cultivation. Good 4-room house about 10 blocks from car, $3000 1 C. A(CRES on Liberty road, all IV fruit and logans. Fine buigalow and good build ings, $16,000. . For Results List Your Property With Vg. I Laflar & Laflar 1 408-7-8 Oregon Bldg. 14 5 5 5 With the purpose of securing federal aid by establishing the St Paul-Wood- burn line road as a post road, a dele gation of citizens from these two cities waited upon the sjbte highway com mission yesterday, after conferring kwith the Marion county court and com missioners. The St. Paul-Woodburn road Is on the Pierce market road program, but will not be subject for sufficient funds under this bill to provide adequate sur facing. The road when bnilt for regu lar traffic will connect the two great valley routes the Pacific highway and tho Newberg-Portland road. If designation can be secured for the St Paul-Woodburn route as a post road, federal aid will make adequate Improvement possible. The state high way commission is empowered to make SMUGGLERS ARE CAUGHT San Francisco, Jan. 14. Admission that they attempted to smuggle in thousands of dollars worth of silks, pearls and other articles ot value from the army transport Logan fol lowing her . arrival In this port from Manila last Thursday was made to customs officials here today by six of ficers and members of the Logan'3 crew, according to John S. Irby, sur veyor of the port A woman passen ger, Mrs. D. C. Palston, wife of an army officer stationed at Manila was employed to secrete and bring the goods ashore, it is said. these recommendations, and action In regard to the matter is expected by the beginning of the coming road mak ing season. Members of the- delegation were Harle Moores and Blaine McCord. HEAL SiDISEASES Apply Zemo, Clean, Penetrat ing, Antiseptic Liquid It is unnecessary for you to suffer with eczema, blotches, ringworm, rashes and similar skin troubles. Zemo, obtained at any drug store for 3oc. or $1.00 for extra large bottle, and prompt ly applied will usually give instant relief from itching torture. It cleanses and soothes the skin and heals quickly and effectively roost skin diseases. . Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, disappearing liquid and is soothing to the most delicate skin. It is not greasy, is easily applied and costs little. Get it today and save all further distress. The E! W. Rose Co, Cleveland, O. UCKHECH1 ARMY jf SHOE The Shoe that gives you "ex tra Service every step Comfort every minute." Sold in Black Gunmetal or Mahogany Calf or In A petition signed by every teacher In Eugene has been presented to the board of education asking for an In crease ln salaries. Foa practical, everyday wear for lasting comfort for tne ort of ervice yo have i right to expect look tothe Buckhecht Army Sloe. It will give you a new kmc of thoe-comfort a new understanding of shoe-economy. Made on the famous Munson Last from top-grade materials by top-notch workmen. Worn by thousands of men in all walks of life. Get a pair today! Exclusive Agent PARIS B BOTHERS SS7 State Street, Salem, Oregon Manufacturers BUCKINGHAM ft-HEOHI San Tranclsco iH SERIES 20 , yr : PC: Time A Vital 'actor The most precious thing you posess today outside of your faculties la time. Conserve it! A good watch will help you. Our Watches : We are selling more watches today than ever before. Our stock is ample for your every need. : Let us show them to you. , HARM BROS. CO. Jewelers) and Opticians Salem " 0reffon WHILE its beauty and grace appeal to your pride, its reliable power convinces your reason. Under its hood is the demountable head motor of 50 horsepower; under its beautiful body a perfectly balanced chassis of 119-inch wheelbase, giving riding ease over all kinds of roads. The rugged dependability of this car will prove itself in the most strenuous service. Five passenger capacity; outside and inside door handles; genuine leather upholstery; improved windshield with bullet-shaped cowl lamps; extension tonneau lamp; black wal nut instrument board and steering wheel; cord tires art standard equipment. $2,035.00 p. o. B. Salem MARION AUTOMOBILE CO. Sale of jSeason's Newest Skirts The necessity of a separ ate skirt to relieve con stant wear of your winter suit is., fully., realized by every woman. This sale makes it possible to own a smart practical and sty lish skirt for what the ma- -terial alone would .cost. The materials are wools, silks, plaids and mixtures. 1 : PriceFrom $4.95 to $19.50 IiADIES' STORE 466-474 STATE BTREET MKN'S STORK 416 STATE STREET the Papers for our Big "Sale of Flour, Syrups, Lard and Oils. Also Big Bargains in all kinds of Dry Goods and Merchandise. The Prices are going up BUY NOW. WateSs one application of wuc . A nw.i B0DYGUARD--30f.6Qf??f JOURNAL "WAWT ADS PAT 20