PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1920. c i i 7 GROWERS PLAN SIX BIG PLANTS OVER STATE; BUILT THIS YEAR UPON WARREN $200,000 FRUIT UNIT FOR SALEM INCL UDED IN TENTA TIVE PLANS Tentative plans shaped at a meeting Monday night of members of the Oregon Growers Co-Operative Associa- Hon call for the construction, this year, of at least six plants at different places in the state. Because of the in adequacy of the Salem Fruit Union's plant to handle the mammoth business expected this season, Salem, without A dmihf. Will trot nnt tt tha nlanta riffifiaJa nf tha ncionti'r. tion said Tuesday. This building will necessitate the ex penditure of approximately $200,000, it is estimated. Def-I ivanun ui iw;s iwr wiu piuiiuj win oe announcea Boon it is reported. "- unrtar th MOIMIon tut waning In anJ with tb tcrwii up tu J ,u v l rchln It, 009 crn. th aiociatlun eipvct lo do from two to ffU or flv million dullar worlh 01 kiafi thla comln ncaaon. Thl wimatrit mors thiin a 100 per rent tnrr over th work dont (ho punt fin. The ftropoMd plant will ba for tha H"-'"" ' anolaa "n.naa, and on enact y plant ennnioarafl In tha larila U plana. C. I, Uwla. put.ll.-lty m.n- " aaaociation aalil. They Will ba located at placae whir tha e--'jln ha tha ratt , ha aid, Kite for tha plant iro now ba. I r-ct by la , (unli ot land who, during- lu.t y,r cU1 M armddi nt of Ih aaiwdlatlon. . Ilia nivalin uha,. .....i.. .. iiimik III in mamU-ra w. tha aaaoclaHon a flrat ,n. liuaJ maotln. Member of tha board of dirHlora. tha aiM-utlva board and affWrs wara lact.l th. ..... I ha aalaUo,,', 0ttto In tha ""' "lllltlinaff anil HVMM .lt-.. I a a MARION MOTOR DEALERS CUM (I TO HAVE f PRIZES OFFERED . A priaa of II 00 la offered br tha Oraron (Irora fio- operative aaaociation for a trad name, to be tiaed on all its product. According to C. JL I-wla, In charge of organlba Uon for the aaaociation, an nounced Tueaday that the name muat not b olly lo cal, but muat be capable of application to all part of the tat. Name mjch a "Italn klat," "Liewmade" and "Mlt klat" are not wanted, hecaum they would not apply to aouthern Oreiton when there la little rain, ddw or mint. The name rmiat be able to express condition all over the at ale. The content close April 1. A acond prlre may be offered laUr, Mr. Lewla aald. When the trade name la aecured an other prize may be offered for a deaJgn to illustrate it, he auld. All contratant ahould and th trade nam, their name and addrea to C. I. Lewla, Ort-gnn (Irowera Coopnra tlve aaaociation, Kalem, Oregon. iowsi of IT CdliCTION CO. RENEWED IN SENATE NINE IS FAVORED BV COI-ITTEES The Norblad-Handley-Bean bill cre ating a mate board of fUh and game comrnlaalonera of nine memhera thru to handle th flahing Interests and five the came problem with a nuAtrii? chairman to be elected by the commla r,.on. aaa favorably reported and cent to the htuae by the lolnt flh and nm ccmrrlttee Tueday afternoon. nenaior I noma, of Jackson conn. ty. announced that he would carry the flpht On the bill to tha flnnr .n. oner tin would ba Introduced. Mexico raise mora cattle in rutin io population than any tjhor part of ui globe. Th fight on the Warren Construc tion company was renewed in the sen ate today br the Introduction of a bill by Laclunund of Marion prohibiting the payment of a royalty on patented pavement and making payment of aame a felony punishable bv ImDrisnn- ment In the penitentiary of not mor man t years; tne act to be submitted to the people at the next special elec tion The measure was referred to the committee on highways. The bill fol lows: bection 1. No royalty shall be paid on arj patented pavement or for the Use OI BnV Datent.ri navamon. a, rtnf- ented pavement specification or design oy li e state or Oregon or any county or ciy thereof. Bcct:on 2. It shall be unlawful for any c If leer or officers of the state of Oregon or of any county or city there of to pay or cause to be paid out of the funds of stKll state, county or city any royalty on any patented pavement or lor ine Use Ul ijr yuoiHCU j;.wii5m specifications or aesign. Cm(!a 9 Jnv AfeiJUkP AP ffff(Ari! who shall violate the provisions of seo- guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by Imprison ment in the Oregon state penitentiary for a term of not more than five years. Cail!nn A T1 i. 'J lt 01 1 1 1 A mih- mitted to the people for their approval or rejection at the next special or gen-: eral elecUon. held throughout tv. ofOrei;. Section 8. The secretary ' shall set aside two pages in cial pamphlet containing initiative m referendum measure to be vnt at eneh election in vhir-k - supporting the said act shall berf ed. A committee of one senator? to ere Dare and file with k. "Pointed of Btate, arguments In support of uJJ For Long Distance Auto Trucking Willamette Valley Transfer Co. pftg WE ALSO DO LOCAL HAULING. j jiaano, 345 feet from floor to stream, T! tb hlghet In America. SHOW Conliol of atat fair exhibition prlvi- Ugea for motor vehlct exhibit wa nefiuird l,y h ,, Automobll II mam bar iii nw of fleer arat I'realdent, W. 11 w . 1 , ' "",","'"ni PrealdaiU ('low, Kugen; artary-tr,.aa Armour Jo,,., , naZ w. m m, John. BrwMir Jone B w Jathaw, 0f AnilIy, tUHntti Th II m.mbar, of ln, b,,,,,,, of raclor wara chiHwn a follow! li w T I ' """nbark, IttHwbtir h 8 gr. IVntJ. Mill., H.ytm; -ar, KrJ Rwlng, im It, ., Ore' nutr, roraal J lr, Bherldnn; (laorg Blnllsr. . W ajaithew, Amity; y, u jKjn- Khar; Carl N?. A RUB VImI J u. .. 1 it n Z. " fhoaan. It. "-"Pan. .an4 i ?Z7u 4 , ,u , .... iMaraa. drug IJealirr aaanclatlon at tha t, .,,,..! n-eetlnir of th atat board of flr di rector. Monday night. Th privilege nave nn in th hand of the rrt land drains fur yar but the change ! hoi imply that ther l any dufl nll compailllon conoarnlnir th. trol ,f exhibition rlahla f ha NiU.m aaeoriMion, throuuh it i.r.-i,iHn. tted i. Kelono, nil ecretary-tra-uter. tieorge Halvorn, Invite all deal. r lutcrealed In th fair to maka early uliina for nn nf tim ,. hlt'la exhibit In tha hlainrv ,r ih. ..n show A li. I WR linsilltiiliiiul vr i to anrv hi fifth eonaanntli.. I. .. acrelary of th fair board and man- nr ot in Rial f.i. whit. a- Clalon wa renrlilwt at i. .... tiellng Secretary La' reooinmenda- ... ...nt me ainia rlr period ha In crtaaed to ten duva Inaixa.t r k. 1; r week' run. wa taken ., .a Vl!llkl until tha I.... ... .... hoard' ctpnfr.ranc with tha North I'a clft t-air aaaiwlatlon. January J. Tt dlia. tor took a firm aland gamat all questionable oonreanliina and a reilullan wa adopted, prohibit k" ""B't.n of of ehane and (how savoring of Immor ality on th. fairground M. U June waa A .. ... . . ' - preai- r ui m noard of dlrHtora. W '-Mealdrnt, and . o inian r-alentad an l, a . uum.meiu ot !ipartinnt head w .w (tmuo inter. ahead f (, ,am., having cp,r.d Up , - ..,-........(, le-vtug auiiHll tu .... vre.ui .1,1 or tl, ledger. The building of a new tractor ,ni1 ImH-tin'iit )!,, .......... . V .ii.ii. . . . . 7 """ upon, i im -" anout jio.oua, uthBti , Improvement authorized were: walk. fcuntnln and other Innovations. Th estimated cot for th rebuilding livestock barns I 110.000 and the leg- iMinture will be asked to appropriate thl amount for th purooae num. These building were badly damaged winter UnUUttl of now urlnK the An all-steel building, 90 by 10 feet Wll lent bV mnlnr , ! . ' ir.iin oungatown, Ohio, to Mllwnuk.. wi. More than 13 nan Ann i. imvaa,nt wholeaale manufacture of ice cream In New Tork Cltv. A device In Minn, tnw wheat with warm ntr t mut ha proved (uccessful. Native of the Kouth H.-.i. m.i. copra by solltLlnv ,.r.,.,.n,.i. i.. ...... and drying them on the ground. WANTED USD FURNITURE What have you to sell PHONE 1177 Best Prices Paid W. E. Lucas Ferry and Liberty Sts. BIG DOUBLE SHOW ROY STEWART m "FAITH ENDURIN" REAL STORY OF THE BIG WEST CHESTER CONKLIN COMEDY HOWARD FOSTER PLAYERS BLIGH Theatre Women of tha Iiayanxl tribe of' Central Africa shave tha - : l: L-..T""ffw We Hiv mm Retting NEW ARRIVALS in Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Direct from the U-rn fashion tvntm go Wing appniachos we have a Smart Showing of New Modes This Spring fi,uls us Opening 100 NEW STORES AJ with thia we to even greater advantage than we have in the p nt Our Luym have mad i.xaTtiona!!v chuUv " " , U" iUm m W1 M of .uoney, tune a,ut trouble. t 0LTR PRICES ENAHLK YOU TO ECONOMISE VET HAVE WHAT YOU WANT TO EAR. RIIV 11. M- PUL1 !IN CASH PRIZES Why Should Salem People OREGON -MADE PRODUCTS? In order to stimulate interest in "Oregon Products Week-January 19th to 24th Gale & Co., wiG give $40.00 in cash prizes for the best essays on the above subject ,as follows: 1st prize $15.00 Cash .2nd prize $10.00 Cash rd prize ....$ 5.00 Cash 4th prize $ :5.00Cash 6th prize ....$ 2.00 Cash 6th prize 7th prize 5th prize 9th prize -$ 1.00 Cash -$ 1.00 Cash $ 1.00 Cash 1.00 Cash 10th prize $ 1.00 Cash IN CASH PRIZES Incorporated " CAPITAI, JOURNAL WANT ADS BlUN'G KESULTS RULES: THAT WILL GOVRR TV rurc n l-Ks,,, ,us, t consist ()f (Wr ;i0;'wo,.(k '" "1 f W Paper being used. lth.-Kssays ,ust ammpmiM by (hc namo wh.- ln awarding rrizo the judp.s win consiJ. K ' '" ' 1h,..k,; third, e.t,,s ad brevily. S'" f rras"s i Second, style and Wuhess of com- Judges of the Contest lt,'in?'"r M"7 fain,oss impartiality in the awrdin, GALE, & COMPANY Commercial and Court Street Salem, Oiegon. Formerly Chicago Store