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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1920)
V THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY. JANUARY 12, 1920. PAGE 1JINE. New Today - Where Small Ads ma H if 7Th Mm 0 O llCdst uerMtesuitsata IEDADBATES. word-Each InserUonone B T-r Jw.on 6 cents, one outh. . it cents. one ' Per inns. 1' . - --,t 6.1 insertions. r.nth. 9 cents. Minimum per ad 25 .. - i in Sew Today. ,at insertion "' Xninun' advertiser has B5y account No allowance tor hnDfl New Tocay. ".'nM.lEe gOO'i U f'J i.iom-ity, e room icaiiou. lull lot. iluiio. This week it i ,1 . ., o,i for one muusuro i.. fv pilars. K50 bula"ce at ,lrn.ontn. A good buy. I Hun- i ,rcun and sacrifice properties 4 Bayne bId8' 1 WANTED Some one with high blood pressure who can't get relief. Call 664 or 1310J. 11 WANTED Room and board or furn ished housekeeping rooms, by man and wife. Box 122 Journal. 10 For Sale. WANTED To buy a wide track wa gon, 3 to 3i4-inc.h. 905 Spruce ave. ' 11 FOR SALE Or rent, at Sublimity 136 Vi acres. 100 acres plow land, 45 acres good loganberry land, 40 acres in fall oats and wheat, 38 14 in pasture and 10 of this in ever green blackberries. Will take city property or acres iri exchange. On rock road. O. I. Miles, near Sub limity. 11 WANTED Girl for light housework. 2 in family, washing outside.- Af ter 6 p. m. Phone 1933. . miles room FOR SALE Young pigs; also 3 fine brood sows. Phone S6F4. 11 DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician, eyes thproughly ex amined, glasses made and fitted. 410-1 J u. a bank. Phone S41. Help Wanted .I-. 6 acres pood standing fir t m lui.. v ,..),. niveil road. 5 Box 11 nits from Salem, from owner. Laud, Journal. iTFD Young women to take likst'd training, for further iufor nion aiily to superintendent of "urC Oregon City hospital. Ore- gou City. or. " EXPERIENCED seamstress will go out by the day. Phone 1413. 331 WANTED Two farm hands, mostly team work,' steady employment, prefer men with families, house fur nished; come and see, do not write. Phone Jefterson 36F22. W. J. Turnidge, Talbot, Or., O. E. railroad.- 10 SPECIAL. SNAP SMALL FARM 30 acres. 12 in cultivation, good family orchard, some good wood timber and pasture, a modern farm house, plastered; bath and good closets; small new barn; $3500 on good terms. John H. Scott Realty Co. 228 Oregon bldg. WANTED Laundress, for the deaf. State school 11 WANTED Woman for housework. Apply 320 N. Commercial St. Phone 305. 10 rvip'-Y TRr'ER CO., local and tire distance freight hauling. Daily rvic? to Portland, outside trips -ha, Reasonable charges. Of- ,111 i, ... flOP. fieV 445 Court street, p night plumes CTi'J, G74R. WOOD cutters wanted, two or three men who can take contract for one to two hundred cords fir, ash and maple, house and cook stove furn ished, parties to furnish their own bedding. Call Phone 26. 14 IT.FH bug for sale. Enquire ureal witem garage or phone 702M. 11 FOP PfE One l?'-0 model Maxwell 4-toii truflc. equipped with cab. ,..-..i.;M onii stnke body, only wrt .lightly, for two months. sell rheri) .c"' , State SU Phono 93 mr.irs. . LOST Tennis shoe between 17th and Market and Y. M. C. A., Tuesday night. Return to this office. 10 E. Loose. 3 or 1146 Will 226 eve-13 F r LF. White Wyandotte cock erels' Ancona. Burred Rock, all fill 'Wood. Price $2. each. Rt. 8. box IE", Salem, Or. . 1- TvANTED Thrashing machine, quire baiter phone 171. En- 15 ARE you wanting rash for your prop- t iuf it with me. I have cli ents wsntintr city property and small tracts. I have a demand for ;r.t.riiiient property. Bargain and sacrificed properties handled. H. S. Rulcliff. room 4 Payne bldg. 11 IfiR PALE Italian prune trees. 2123 r.niadwav. 15 TCP. SALE 3 1'ui'oc Jersey sows for sale. Also Plymouth Rock cocker els Phone 1T87W2. 10 F0I1 SAI.E Silverton liillt.S. -16-ii;ch fir wood oad. Call 113F3 near eve- 12 H'UNISHED rooms for rent. 168 N. 12th St. Call before 10:30 a. in. or .after 6 1). m 10 V'ANTKIi To rent bahy carriage un til Airil -, or will buy. T. H. An derson. 720 Mill street. 15 Lost And Found. For Rent TO RENT Fifteen acre tract located 1-4 mile from Waconda station, Oregon Electric R. R., with dwell ing, bars, orchard, pasture and farm land, together with monthly cash payments for board and wash ing for an elderly gentleman. Ad dress Gervais, Rt. 2, box 45 or phone 3F11. HAVE the old furniture made new. phone 1673, the Salem Refinishing Co., 156 S. 12th St. 10 1 WANTED Secondhand furniture, f Onod RuV? rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and j . v , , V'.u .r, ih. nrinu fnr 33 acre tract located 5 evervthing The Capital Hardware from Salem on rock road, roo iS. "ri,. r m onm-ilhouse and barn. well. Price $4600. . V iii" 8 acres of good timber land lo st. Fhone Sl. - !rtA, ui ' nf rtnlom Vriha JXO -ner' acre...- ........ .... 18. 7 acre tract located . mile south ef rlty limits of S,alem. house and barn, sightly location, goodruit and hrry land. Price $10,000. .160 acre farm and timber, located on main gravel road, best of prairie soil, loeated east of Salem. Will con sider part trade. Price $t0 per acre. Improved 10 acre tract, good bun galow, barn. 1 acre logans, 1 acre prunes, good road. Price $i000. 860 acre farm. 200 acres cultivated land, buildings. 60 acres of fine tim ber. Price $100 per acre. 270 acre farm all cultivated, build ings, good road. Price $125 per acre. HOUSE Bl'YS 6 room modern cottaee and large lot. located in south Salem. Price $3200. 6 room plastered bungalow located south Salem, sightly location, Prire $2000. Strictly modern $ room bungalow and two fine lots located on Fair. HOUSE painting, tinting and paper hanging. R. H. Keith. Shop 443 Ferrv St. Phone, Res. $21, shop 849. " ; 325 WHEN you think of a transferman. Call the Veribest Transfer. Uood service for-1920. Phone 1344. Loca tion 2' doors south - Perry's drug store. 1 1 WOOD SAW -Phone your orders to Lester C. Cline. Phone 2062M. 29 vrr bit p Vr,.;.!,,,,.! .-..,..,- qa a few thousand Italian prune trees, j WANTK1 ro rent nrra. i grafted Franquet walnuts, and at- ..or more. " "' so other nursery stock. Phone 111 I "rial. 10 icm i-?t a r... 17I1 .in , M, ' ' ' .'HIGH grade enamel and varnish Water Company. SALEM WATER COMPANY -Office corner Commercial and Trade Sta. Bill payable monthly ia advance. Phone (0. Safety Razor blades. SAFETY raitor Wade sharpening ma chine, first installed at A. B. Stew art Repair Shoo. $47 Court St. Why Sell For Less? WB will pay you mare oath lor your Household goods, uet our oia De fore you cell. Peoples Furniture and Hardware Store, 171 N. Com mercial street. Phone 73 4. Scavenger. Salem Soavanger Garbage and re fuse of all kind; removed on month ly contracts at reasonable rates. Cesa pool cleaned. Dead animals removad. ornce pnone Main m. Real Estate Transfers. FOR SALE! Full blooded White Leg horn cockerel, O. A. C. strain. Call 1287 N. Summor. 1$ FOR SALE SI. 95 acres, whole, or part, 1 i miles east of State street carline, has 5c car fare. Immedi ate possession of part. Paved road. No better loganberry land. Thif will sell. Better hurry. J, H. Koltes, Hotel Bligh. 12 FOR SALE Ash wood." Phone 1356W 10 FOR SALE 17,000 feet second hand lumber. .Inquire Goodman Grueg, 2576 fairground rd. Phone 1467. 13 FOR BENT 2 keeping rooms. Phone 1413. furnished house 262 S. Church. 10 FOR RENT 3 unfurnished house keeping rooms. 758 N. Commercial. 10 SLEEPING room for rent. 236 Court street. Phone 1005. 10 FOR RENT Three furnished house keeping rooms on first floor. Call at 574 N. 15th and Marion. - 11 FOR RENT Single housekeeping room suitable for one person. 365 N. High. Phone 645. 10 FOR RENT One furnished down stairs froul room. Phone 1436J. 11 FOR SALE Good team. weight about 1150 each. 1390 Waller St. 10 FOR SALE Italian prunes. 2123 Broadway. FANCY wrapped and packed Spitz- enbersr. Northern Spy and other va rleties of apples, $1.76 per box. 160 S. High. Phone 10. 10 A BEAUTIFUL Tiigh grade new pi ano for sale at a big discount This is a bargain and easy terms. The Wiley B. Allen Co., 519 Court St. - ' 10 A FINE Conn cornet for sale. ThJ Wiley B. Allen Co., 519 Court St. ' 10 REMINGTON player piano for sal Only used a few months, Just as Kood and like new but 1-3 less in price with terms. The Wiley B. Al len Co., 519 Court St. 10' FOR SALE Grade ctuernsey, heav; milker, fresh Jan. 2, fine heife calf. A. M. Chapman, Rt. 3, box 110. 10 FOR RENT 5 unfurnished rooms. inquire after 5 p. m. at 485 S. - Church street, H FOP. SALE Wide track wagon, sev en iron hubs, suitable for hauling lieavy loads on highway. Inquire at Ciub Stabks cor. Ferry and Liber ty. 10 (OR PALE 1 1917 Studebaker, 1 ISIS iKKlgc. 1 1917 Ford roadster, I 1918 Grant Six, Hudson Super six. only run three months. 1919 model. Cherry Citv garage, 170 S. 12th. " 15 FOI! SALE Fresh Jersey and Hol cow, heavy milker. 1311 N. 4th at. 11 WANTED To borrow $700 on $1,-i'-uiortgace. Cull 200 State St. 11 FOR RENT Close in sleeping room. Phone 1525. . , u Real EstateHouses FOR SALE 5 room bungalow with or without furniture; terms. W. A. Llston, 484 Court St FOR SALE Fresh Jersey N. Winter. cow. 640 11 work. Phone 1673. The Salem Re finishing Co., 156 S. 12th St. 10 'mount hill, paved streets, east front Price $8000. Fine view lot located on Falrmonnl hill. 75x150 feet, paved street. Price $1600. W. H, Grafcenhorst & Co. 275 State street . I WANTED To rent by Feb. 1, 5 or 6 room housi will taKe lease ior long time. Phone 1604 or 1743. 11 FARMS OF ALL SIZES WANT ED Kinney & Smith, real estate dealers from Con'allis. are opening, an office in room 201 Bank of Commerce build ing In Salem and are out for llst- Bargains and Investments. 10 acre tract 4 miles from Salem, of farms of all sixes. If your 8 acres fine bearing prune orchard, oaiance nne loganoerry iiina, nice lo cation. Bargain, $4000. Fine . Howell prairie farm, extra nice location, good Improvements sacrifice price for few days $13 per acre: terms. 10 acre tract near Salem on good rock road, good buildings, 3 acres bearing prunes, a acres bearing lo ganberries, 1 acre mixed orchard and strawberries. Snap $5200, terms. For nice home residence, good farm, loganberry or prune tract, acre age or good investment, and a square deal see Perrme & Marsters 111-13 Com. club bldg, Salem, Or. farm is for sale and you will accept a fair price -for "it, write us at box 264, Salem,, ur, ana we win sena you a listing card for description of your farm.jWe want to personally inspect each ope of our listings and will follow an extensive advertising policy, describing your farm as it really is. Write us now at box 264, Salem. Our office will bevopen af ter January 15th, with Chester L. Smith in charge. H WANTED -Wood cut on shares. H. E. Gilbert, 8195 'State St. 11 WANTED Garments to remodel; new suits $45; Earn Sparks, over Grey-Bell. 81 WANTED Wood In large quantities, also transfer work. Phone iosum. 13 , Stove Repairing. STOVES rebuilt and repaired. ( ye are experience;. Depot National and American fenoe, eisea 26 to $$ Inches high. I'stn s. olf and varn ishes, etc, loganberry id hop ' hooks. Salem Fence an Stove Works. 150 Court street Phoo 114 90 No Cash Required Good overcoat, shoe and suits, all kinds of musical instruments, shotguns, riles, heating tovea, gaa stoves, suit ease and 1000 other useful articles to srU or trade. What have youT The Capital Ex change, 837 Court St Phone 48. 120$ Lodge Directory. iCtV JHEMEKETA Lodge No. 1 meets every Wednesday evening at 7: at L O. O, F. hall. KNIGHTS OF pf THIAS MKBT AT McCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. Harry Levy, C. C: P. J. Kunts K. R. A S. I HAVE legitimate cash buyer for 6 room modern house witn furnace, on paved street would prefer place with fruit. Also have buyer tor a suburban home or acreage well im proved, within 8 miles from city. W. A. Liston. 484 Court St. 11 WANTED A water incubator. Phone U2F11.- 1U HOMESTEAD relinquishment 10 acres 80 miles of Salem, 2ft hour drive. mile of school; running water. 30 sacks of potatoes raised on place this year. Price $450. Estes & Magee, 428 Oregon bldg., Port land office 909 Chamber of Com. FOR SALE $800, four room cottage large lot, garage, electric lights, city water. Nob Hill district. Owner, phone 1390R. STRAWBERRY plants, Progressive Everbearing, Ettersburg 121, Im proved Oregon and Wilson. Vigor ous well rooted plants. Place orders now. Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front. Phone 494. 35 FOR SALE 6 room house, barn, chicken yard, 2 lots-50xl40, fam ily orchard. Price $1850. 2164 Ma ple street. Address W. W. Blakeslee Chemawa, Or. 1 B'OR SALE Gentle driving mare anil rubber tired buggy anu names, cheap. Phone 41K5. 1 LOST r.oll of frit paper between Silvertun ruir) and the first road .tag west south of Brooks. Return to this office. Reward. 13 MAKE AN OFFER 5 room house, barn and tnree lots with fruit, on Laurel Ave., near the new packing plant. Portland owner will take best offer made for it in 30 days. See John H. Scott Realty Co., 228 Oregon bldg. T'ANTEn Two experienced prun 'is. L. F. Arr.irtii, Rt. 4. phone 65 Fit. IB' f F.AOE f.,r sale, rustic and shingles, ell built, can be readily moved. I'iione !-", I 10 FOP. SALE Am leaving for Califor- ui a-ul will sell my late model Maxwell reasonable. Car fullv eauiD fed- 172 Mat-ion St. 12 FjR SALE A in leaving Salem and 'ili sell my Cadillac car, 1909 mod el, cheap if ukon at once. W'ould 'e suitable fcr bug. Bos li Capital Journal. 12 'H t.t., 5 room plastored house M -10. t I ..iir-pl A-r HQ v.f.vttVt ii. i,r,inr-r.hnrsr - Cn st ' 10 V. IC,'?; Kr'E 60 acres all in cultiva from Wacnii.!:t ',,, mai rond. This s a Ko.i for $6600, H cash, h. G: a! nliorvt r an 10 NEW HOUSE 4 SALE Modern bungalow type 8 room. basement, cement walks; a real ouy nt S3200. srood terms. See us today. John H. Scott Realty Co.; 228 Oregon bldg. FOR SALE Three lots, small nouse ulenty of fruit; reasonable terms. Room 2 over Grey-Bell. 31 FOR SALE A house on corner Lib- and Lincoln, pnone 1180. iv FOR SALE 5 room house, modern cent furnace. $1500. 795 South 19th street. Paul Papenfus. 13 KtWt FOR SALE 7 room plastered house, modern except basement, has barn, ware house, large lot, a good home i .in.. i nr, v Cnttaee St. Pnc- .i nh. 5t30fl. easv terms. 6 mnHom fn State street. 19 150. a few blocks f.-n, stnt Rtreet: great bargain t9,.n., ttrnii Manr others. Fruit fo..o tnr .t1p S. R. Pearson, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. F-0OM an .Htl liO.,rri .,, k. K.l riv.v. f,i, ,.;!v p., " 17R1 ,' A-ith 15 -Crr.rpetenl maid for gen- t'AVTF.r. r,i! housework. Phone 1304 rOR KENT 2 furnluho alAnr.infir ' r. '-'. -t. s Church street. 10 fi'0(a:Es,lVE Everbearing straw P'ants. $1.50 per 100. Ward J1 r-'ctiaroMjn 2395 Front: Phope 15 ,'RN'AI WANT ADS PAT FARM LOANS FOR SALE McClanahan 220-egg in cubator and two proouers, a-i condition. R. E. ' Waldorf, Rt. 5, box 151. Phone eve, 74F2. 10 WANTED To lease 20 6r 25 acres with buildings, for Hemes. Vnt.a Rt 8. box 30. Salem, Or. 14 PARTIAL list tot sale, by H. E. Bo- linger 328 Oregon bldg. A good 5 room house, modern, ex cept basement, 3 . large lots, good barn, some fruit and shade trees, good location and a snap if there is one in Salem. Price $2350, terms, One small 4 room house North 23d St. not modern,, good barn and largo lot for $1000, reasonable terms. A fine building lot North Cottage at olose in. snlendid location, for $700, easy terms, jsr i One large douh Usijouse, 3 live room 4ts., rented for.' 50 per month. One large house suitable ior apis, cio" in, both properties clear, win ex change for merchandise or land This la good income property. . Available Feby. 1, $1000 to loan on -rllt ecleed security at 6 per cent. Available March 1, $3000 twin ai- uirioi tn lnnn at low rate, must oe good security. ., , C also have plenty t money to loan on the easy payment plan. If you con template building, it will pay you to see , me, very liberal terms, material will be no cheaper for years, so wn wait? I write insurance on any and all kinds of property, and surety bonds furnished while you wait. See me today. H. E. llOLINGER. vnv kxt v. ? old Cotswold ram C. S. Teeule. Salem, lit. l-i'nune o to 10 p. m. 11 FOR SALE 4 Jersey cows. 3 milk ing, 1 to freshen -In a tew uays. Call at 2015 ,N. Commercial St. Phone 2064J. 12 GOOD HOMES FOR LITTLE MONEY 5 room houBe. 3 good lots, north. $1200. 6 room house, good lot, trade for acreage, south. $1500. 8 loom modern house, very close in $4000; trade for farm and pay cash $3000. 6 room house, ground 200x230; numerous outbuildings, fruit, good black soil, $3500, cash and terms. 4 room house, barn, 1 lot, run. $850, $300 cash and terms. 4 room house, lot lZftxaso, rruit, on Pacific highway. $1600, cash and tAmiH. 8 room house plasteded, in good district, plumbed, bath tub not In. $2250. $500 cash, balr.nce terms. 5 room house. 3 fine lots, rruu. $600 pavement paid. 8. High, $2100 cash and terms. 2 1-acre tracts, good houses, iatu and 12500. 10 acres, buildings, ready to plant, prunes, etc., galvanlxed tank, gaso. line- engine; 12,000 peach pits plant Ad- nn rock road. 13500. Also numerous fine farms for saio. Walter McLaren Room 25, 180 N. Com. St. 1 1 ROYAI- NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA, Oregon Grape camp No. mo meets every Thursday evening In McCor nack hall. Elevator aervlca. Oracle, Mrs. Carrie B. Bunn, lit Union St recorder. Mrs. Melissa Persona. 141$ N. 4th 8t Phone 1436M. UNITED ARTISANS Captial Assem bly No. (4 meeta every Thursday at 8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall. Glenn C. Nllea. M. A.; C. A. Vlbbert. secre tary, 140 Owen street MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Oregon Cedar Camp No. fin meets every Thursday evening at I o'clock In McComaok building, Court and Liberty ttreeta. W. M. Persona. V. C. Frank A. Turner, clerk. W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118, Meets everv Friday night at 8 o clooK in McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib erty St. ViBltlng Woodmen welcome. C. D. Ross, C. C. L. S. Geer, clerk. I "' " FOR SALE Good second hand car. Call 2000 State street. i" Used Cars for Sale. FOR SALE 1917 Ford fully equip ped, A-l condition. Liberty Garage. FOR SALE 90 Overland, model 1919 Phone 44F5. I1 Wanted. First Class Buys 254 acres close in, with modern farm bulldiiiKS. 20 acres in cultiva tion. Price $90 an acre. 64 acres on paveo roaci & nines oul, good buildings, with stock and ma chinery Price $12,500. 25 acres all prunes and cherries, fine buildings. Price $14,500. Modern house on worm ,v-apni. vi,,,i,., n house on Mill street. Price I&000. r . Modern house on N. Winter, com pletelw furnished. 20 acres 2 miles out; 16 In cultiva tTon Vrice 12UO0. 160 acres to trade for city or atre- We have otner koou uuj. - see us and list your property witn E. C. Derrick Kealty o. Room 7, D'Arcy oiug, 3 "ue " WANTED All kinds of Junk and sec ond hand goods. Liberty Exchange. 241 N. Commercial. Phone 84 1. Spier & Scott, Props. FOR SALE Furnished or unfurnish ed 5 room house. Call 530 -N. l'tn street 1 1 Miscellaneous. OSTEOPATHIC physicians and sur geons. Drs. White and Marshall. 606 V. 8. bank bldg. Phone ': White, res. phone 469; Dr. MarshaH res. phone 834. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopat.iic physician and surgeon. 403-4 Ore gon bldg. Res. phone D8F; office yilULG AW''" Any Full amount Low rates, repayment privileges. lUt OUr 20-War lnoT,e of 6. HAWKINS & ROBERTS 205 Oregon Bldg. Salem n uicguu t-vr-mvnp will exchange part or all of thirty raw prairie l"arters in the Red River valley, Marshall county. Minnesota, for a running garage, city property, or small Im proved farms near Salem or Lu gene. Or. These lands are lewL well drained and rich i Give particulars first letter. H. Hadratn. S'all filin. 19 I 1 1 1 , I ' BIDS WANTED Bids are hereby re quested for the DUiiaing oi . m. mi,.nM mid stairway into the nf the Salem Masonic temple. Plans may be inspected a. the office of this association 403 Masonic temple. Salem. Oregon. Salem Masonic Temple association. Elmtt S. White, secretary. - n-.wen is uAven foot seasoned H Cunningnam. Phone 21F2. " In For Sale More Real Bargains. AUTOMOBILE painting, f orniture jre finlshing and brass work. We call for and deliver. Al rk guaran teed. The Salem Refmishuig Co.. lit S. 12th St Phone ' ESTES ac MAGEE. real f!f- " list It we advertise h. -""""" fice Chamber Commerce, lem office 42 Oregon bldg. over electric depot Um MORTGAGES We have good loans for Investment at all times. Farm Mortgages do not fluctuate in value. They are a home invest ment. Inquiries invited. HAWKINS & ROBERTS 203 Oregon Bldgr. Salem, Oregon ' No 1 Five room cottage rurnwneo. with all canned fruit, winter's wood, garden tobls. and porch swing; house is equipped with private water sys tem; lot tlxUl feet on corner with cement warns, ciuk r. carline. Abundance of fruit. Price including everything $2000. No 2. room cottage with furnace t.iiimhine. ci-ment walks and pav- .i fiv blocks from state house. Price $3f00. xin 4 mom cottage and good lot tarn blocks fr-.rn car line and four blocks from school. Price $1000 on terms of $200 cash and $10 per month with Interest at e per w . v.v. a t room cwttage with light and water, two lota with fruit. Price i'1!?' S 1 acres of "loganberry' is -. fall plowed, one acre in timber, livliit water, no numiing. . ir uu. nut 1'rica ijuuo. No. t. S acr-s in Hollywood.all In cultivation, no buildings, ronuig iana Price $1400 W. A. Liiston 44 Court street 11' Best Buys. 10 acres in Polk county, and cash exchange7or house in Salem. 40 acres, all cultivated, 16 acres bearing prunes, fair buildings, best buy in the vicinity of Salem. $9500; easy terms. 56 acres, all cultivated, nuniiier i improvements, best of soli, 4 4 miles of good town. $9000. 37 acreB, 14 prunes oeiiriTiK. u miles from Salmii; rock romi. nu". 8 acres, 20 bearing prunes, 6 acres ipples and cherries, 3 bearing lo- ganu; lair o room nousw, i,n, drier. $12,500; $5500 cash. 146 acres, (jO cunivaieu, lim ber, 4 logans, 1 peaches, 1 family or chard, fair house, old barn, well fenc ed, rock road, 3 miles of good town; riv..r bottom. 85 per acre, V cash 100 acres. 92 cuillvatetl, 4 iimoHr, 4 stum us: 7 room modern bungalow, hot and cold water, bath, toilet, elec tric lights; fine barn 42x70. garage, chicken house 60x20. 1 tile silo, 1 frame silo; fenced rtngtigm; i acre family orchard, well drained, the best of soil; 1 mile of school, 5 V4j miles of good town, everything first class. $200 per acre. $5000 cash, balance 6 per cent to suit. 841 acres, 240 cultivated, 201 good timber, fine saw mill proposition; old bouse and barn; well fenced, running water; 3 miles of good town. Hie ,biggest snap in the valley. $50 per acre, easy term. HOl'SE.1 11 room niodern house, 3 blocks from" the post office, $.1500, i cash. 11 room modern house, lot 80x200 ti i...u nf fruit ort tinvement. $270. 7 room modern nuiimuuw, ndition, basement, furnace. $4600, terms. ..... 6 room bungalow, close in, line ioi. f,.,iii near school. 14250, casn. 7 room modern, paveo si rem, cm irnnd lot. 12760. cusn. 5 room house. 1 acres iuiiu, ii fruit, car line. $ZftWu, casn. 6 room house, uasemeni, ioi i en fniif hnih. tilastered. $1H0I ' s'room furnished houae to rent, $1$ r nilinin. If your property m nmcu wo I would be glad to nave you maae any suggestion you may ttnng or to iibim effect a sale. I am a long ways from i,rw.wi,iu. il that is to d nwinu .,K., ,l.n ral estate DUKinium havi. freuuentlv louna mat " tions from my clients have been very helpful. For best nuys or unmiiic-i Socolofsky. - $41 SUte street Oraln; Wheat No. 1 $2,2.10; feed oats 806itc; milling rials 80A'H8c; cheat hay $1(20; oat hay $23(24; clover hay $2425; mill run $4HW49. Buttorfat; Burterfat, 71c; cream cry butter 4(it'll5u. Pork, veal and mutton: Fork en fool 14 Ho; veal fancy 22c; steers 78o; cows 67 l-lo; spring lamb 9c; ewes 4W5c; sheep, yearlings flftc Uressed pork 20c, Eggs and poultry; Eggs cash 58o; light hens 22c; heavy hens 20o; old roosters 15b16c; springs 22c. Vegetables: Onions per pound 6c celery dot. $1.75; potatoes, Yakima 6c; Oregon 3Aa; sweet potatoes 7c; beets per sack $3.75; turnips per suck 3.75; carrots per sack $1.25; parsnip er sack $3.75; spinach 10c lb.; rad ishes 40c dox. Fruit: Oranges $1.50$ fl. 00; lemons $8.60 7.00; bananas lie; honey ext. 20c; bunch beets 4&c; cannage oc; head letluce $1.25; carrots 4&o; grapes 5c; Brussell sprouts 16c; caullfflowei doa; red poppers 25o lb. Retail price: Eggs down 5c; leaniery butter (870c; country but 65c; flour, hard wheat $3.25 ft 3.40 soft wheat $2. 90, R. W. BALLANTTNE. P"".o with Chernngtons njn" h 415 Court St Phone J a 2- " The newest garage feature is a show er spray fur cleaning dusty cars. Balem Auto Radiator bhop Radiators, Fenders and Gaa Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators speetairy Ford Radiator tat Sal 11$ B- 12th Street Salem. Ore. i tT Yfil R PROPERTT If you want to sell your property In ,w ,r country. aw the Jonn n j...... k.uv Co at once. We certain iy have been wiling property. There is reason for It. We endeavor at all times to give both the purchaser and seller a square uesi nj we si " ...i,. w. now have a large list o prospective purcnaani ior ! .nntrv property. We can sell ,, nn.aertV WltnOUl OOUDl u 7VU price is right. If you do not desire to ell do not it It with us or you will be without a home, aure. John H. Scott Realty Co. ill Oregon bldg. Money To Loan. Oa good real estate security thou. K. FORD ver Lad d Bush Bank. Balem, Ore. u riirw.POT.K National Frm Loan Amtn. Oovernmem money w at t 1-$ percent 0$ Salem Bank of Commerce. W. V. ormin. Money to Loan Federal Farm lan Any amount Long time. I and ( percent Interest City building loan. A. C. Bohmstedt 401 Masonic Temple. Saleco, Oregon Salem Auto Exchange. Monitor ear now on display. Com . A ihc- lit uxm aa $(. R S Shaw and Caroline Shaw to Mill City tSate hiuik. Ha No 3 bl s Mill City ait sec 29 9S 9E O W Needham ad Anna Need- ham; Bertha M McFarland and Mark McFarland: O 1 Needhum and OUru Need ham to W LNeedham and Eva Needham. L 5 and N Vs of It. 6 bl 80 Boisen sec ond add Sulem Inex 3 Cable and Elbert Ca ble to Thomas Holt 1-3 Int. W 67.61 ft It 8 bl Charles Cartwrtght add Salem $I0 Pearl M Thomson and Joaeph Thomson to A W Fowler and Cora Fowler, N tr . Jef ferson Institute, 10 a tr Jef ferson ex at 10 ft W si rdwy Fred A Vrick and Mae I'rick to 'Bart H Roberts and Neva ; Roberta Lt IS bl 4 Willam ette add Salem Ada Strong to T L Bllrckmun and Edna Blackmun, prt It 8 bl 5 (ieorge H Jones add H R Srholx to William J Mi Derby and Clara MclVrby 10 A in D L C Oliver Plck- avd and wf, 9S SW Anna M Townsend and O t? Townaend to Charles Town send. Lt 3 and 4 bl 12 it Jones add Salem B M Illmlck and Clara Dlm Ick to Andrew Welshaar and Annie, Marie Weishaur. Lt S Id 3 Oak Lodge add Salem E W Powers and Oelte Powera to Louis Villwock and, Anna Ylllwock. 62 A in D L C Hi ram Taylor. 8S 2V John I McDonald and Edith McDonald to O F Murson and Frances Manmn. Lta S3 and 88 Mdgewend Ida K Van Slyke and V R Van Slvke to F D Martin anil Maud Martin, 22 i A seo 13 8S SW Lewln Manning and Alex Man ning administrators or tne. estate of Henry Manning, dec, to John Manning. .99 acres sit in Deloitne 1) L O 5S 2W Michael Feraehwelber to Ame dy Lachapelle. Lt 7 bl 13 St Louis s.... Marv Uourty to H C Held and Edna Held, ' LIS t ana lu oudy Utirdens, be 20 acres 4M 1V F V Kelly aud Mattl Kelly to Peler Tonve and Kather Ina Toevs. N 14 Its 7 and 8 hi 11 University add Salem I w niinn and Emma Enberto Nick ffiichers 3 A see 8 iw A O Condlt and A L. Conaii to Ella McCaffury and Frank McCaftery. Prt bl 67 North Sulem - .-- J H Rhodes and Eunice Rhodes to Mrs Mary A Penr sall. Lis 1-2-3-4 bl 11 High land add Salem 1" Wlllliun M Welch and Emma Welch to F A Erixon Lie a and 3 bl 4 Riverside add Sa lem George C Ewen and Tlffle Hiwen to Kranit li raymr. Prt bl 1 University add Ha- lem Mrs 8 E ilonnell to Alice u Pugh. Lis 5-6-7 HI Em- glewood add Salem 1400 I. Brown and Ethel Brown to ole Olson Opaahl. 1.0 litres 78 IW Cdun W Loomls and Helen Mae Loom Irt tu M Hi Murney. 28 bi 7 Ame add Sllverton. W II Btreet and Dart rune Rtroet to OlnT (Meson, W It 1 bl 7 N Sulem John W Koerner and Anna Koerner to Joseph Oallowny mid Sarah Uallowuy. Lt 41 Hollywood fleorgo F Peed and Nancy Peed to W J McWllllams and Ida, McWIlllnms, Lt 27 Holly wood i Isaac 1 Sawyer to Amos J Jiirvis and liopomine .isrvis l.t 21 Itanshuw fruit farms C J Terhuar to Nurrls .1 Thotn- iih mid osa Thomas lo.uo n In sec 18 S IW, iiIho 18.08 A sit sec 16 6H Iff lohn r'otee mil IsaDeiie t-oimi to Fred 11 rlmlth, pit ui a Capital park add Balem .... f C WaKcman and Helen wage man to llaltle tilinert. nnn Charles I. Hnlvely. M, A, l L C Hradford H tlomiey mid wf firt IW Thrond f Hliitliim and inga Hliiltum t H! A JonnHiin. 15 A. t I. r Wesley Nowell and wf H 2W - H Small and Louisa HnuiUl to Annie M Husliliy. Lt and 4 bl 9 Turner 800$ ' 2508 700 00 489 1T7I I.IVKSTOCK $458 Portland. Jan. I2--Cattle higher; receipts 2122; steers best III. .SOW 00: good to choice $10J50ll; .me dium to good $9 9.75; fMir to good $89; common to fair $7&$; choice cows and heifer $9 10; good to hoice $7,754( 9; medium to. good 5.76i7.75: fair to medium $4.76 5.7S ranners $3.50 5.50; bulls $ow 5: prime light calve $12.60015; leavy calve $7 12.50; stockcr and feeder $8 60. lllg higher; rcelp(a- U'; prime mlxeil $ir,.501Sf 16.00: luedlum ll-U-15.50; rough heavy $ 1 2.50 14. 00, pigs I2.60I4.60. Sheep firm; receipts 280s; eastern nub $14t15; light valley $12.60 014 00; heavy $ 1 1 60 ft 12.50; feeder lamb $1012; yearlings $11I2, wjthers $1011: ewes $78. J1I1IHT Portland, Or., Jan. 12. Butter lower; cubes extra ooc; parenmeni wrapped, box lots 2c; carton tic, half boxest 14c more; less than half boxen lc more Buterfat l62e f. o, p. atation; 67j68c Portland. I Poultry and F-gK. Portland, Jan. 12.--Effective Mon day: Egg elling price ease, count 5c; baying price 84c; smiirig price candled 6c; selected candled In car lo ns 72c. Poultry: Hen 28 33c; broiler l t0c; rooster ISc; turkey dressed 465c; gm-se 225c; ducks 3(0 40c. Wheat and Mill Muffs. Wheal: $2.20; barley, $72: oaia $63 68 bid; corn No. 1 yellow $58.50 bid. Hay: Buying price, valley tlmotny $20&28; alfalfa $3150; grain $26; cheat $25: elover $2$. MlHstufr: Price fob. mill, city arlaga $1 extra. Mill run, car lot or mixed ear $45 ton; rolld barley $7 rolled oaU $89. ground barley $7, Mcratch feed $84. Corn whole $7S; disked $Z. Breckenridge, Colo., Jan. i.-B. D. (Uert) Acton, old-time prospector, hunter and trapper of Summit county caught a big wolf by the tall and killed lt wKh a club. Yep, he did, and what' moro the point he's got the skin of the an imal to prove It. Of course the wolf was at some what of a disadvantage when Acton grasped Its tail, or even a man a rave and fearless a he Is known to be, might have proceeded with great er caution. A few days ago Acton set out one of hi No. 2 steel traps for rabbit. When he visited tne spin wncm im placed the trap the ne:rt morning, It was mlssslng, the chain having been broken, Aoton decided that ft neighbor's big dog had been caught In the trap and his heart ached for the nnlmal In Jt' suffering. The trail that the animal left showed that Its right front foot wa caught between the steel saw-teeth Jaws of the trap. Acton roiiowen n trail for gome distance and then made a close examination of the footprints. Then he discovered the anttnal that was carrying the trap away was a wolf. By this time Acton decided it wa too far to return to hi cabin for a gun, so he broke off a stout limb from a tree d again took the trail of the wolf. Acton followed the trail for six miles a. d finely came oprm the wolf on the bank ef the Blue river, whluh wa covered with Ice except for a distance of four fet tn the center of the stream. The wolf started to eos tho lee. and when lt cam to the open epac". It tried to Jump across. Ilanmcappeo by the trap. It missed the other de of the lc by a foot and fell Into the water. Acton grabbed tin wolf by the tall and slowly dragged It back on tho lee. Just a tho animal turned to asiap at him. Actor, hit It a terrlfie blow on the head with hi club, killing I Instantly. The wolf measured five feet and live Inehe from tip to tip.