page ninin I ' . 83 I TITF DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1920. - , - - - - . , .-, i- - AAflArAAVVVYFTVI V ' T I X I V I VTV YVYUW MR. CITIZEN: You Live In Salem Your Home Is In Salem If You Are a Family Man Your children go to Salem; then you're interested in Salem's Industries; Salem's Schools; Salem's Business Establishments; Salem's Civic Center-in fndt-You, as a good citizen, desire to see Salem Grow and become the First Gity in the State outside of Portland. You want Salem to have the best schools and churches, great indust ries, business houses second to none in point of service, in fadt, you want Salem to lead the state, Portland not excepted. Salem can grow into a city of 50,000 Population in a few years "if" every citizen can be made to see -the " vision." VFr (Hitiypn ' arc .you willing to give an evening in order v J-Liz.CH. to iearn how to make Salem a bigger city? Of Course You Are or You Are Not a Good Citizen Wednesday, January 14, 1920, at 8 p. m. You are to be at the GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Every member is expedted to be present. The Best Entertainment Ever Seen in Salem will be staged. Don't try to ,guess what if is- Don't Expecl: to learn nhn J-yJll L next day. But Come to the Club and see it. ' Come WEDN?SDAY NIGHT by all means and prove that KjuL you are lnterested inyour home townTHIS MXm YOU NOTE THE PLACE OF MEETING: It has been changed from the Commercial Club t ,A Grand Opera House because of the very large attendance exported h BSH;