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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1920)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JQTTRTJAt gALEM. OREGON MONDAY fff kmM.M9fi4 7SllBfikli ilgruuuu bu wiij i ZZZ ,.Icture by S. H. Ilerfcn -Special 8Cwin at tate house. ttab in Commer" fj.'TlpolloClubCon- ! '"""I .Una. at 11 low u'"" ,.,,jirt. Myra Shank, city 'H- . ... Mnnthl i uKgu' I- . rL fTom Forum i"1 L, bureau clinic Cora L club auditorium 2 p. U-Ameriean Legion "I'wiome Products ,, at Commercial club. U Sunday ichool , course at library. ' 19-25 Sixth Annual County Corn Show, Motor Co., tractor ue Int, State and Front county Hear "Can the dead communicate with the living" at Uoesd hall Mon day at T:J0 p. m. Mrs. Frank Spears is enjoying brief visit with- friends in Seattle. Civil service examination for a rural mall carrier at Jefferson will be held in Salem, Albany and SHverton on February 14, 1920. Information as to the eligibility of those aspiring to the office will be furnished - at the post office. Air. and Mrs. A. J. Evans of Park er, S. Dak., are -visiting at the home oi the former's brother F. E. Evans, near Salem, They will also visit rela-, tives In Los Angeles on their way home. Mr. Paul Hauser returned from Eu gene yesterday, after taking inven tory of the branch store which he and his brother, Lloyd Hauser, oper ate in that city. A permit to repair their warehouse on Front street between State and Ferry, was issued Saturday tothe C. I K. Spaulding Logging company by the city recorder. Werk of altering the building will cost $2500, according to the estimate. Friends of Russell North Church street, Patterson, 4fl4 who has been confned to his home since November reute 3, and an automobile bearing atchmaker, jeweler, Salem. company, leasing funeral Superior service. Moderate Mrs. John Foster, of Dal the guests of friends in urday. 24, will be pleased to learn that he is recovering from his severe illness, and hopes to resume his duties in the near future. ' The Iowa society will meet Tues day evening, January 13, at 7:30 o'clock with Mrs. Myra Shanks, at her office in the city hall. All Hawk eyes are invited to attend, whether or not they be-long to the club. Uie New Mitchell Snith'8 cigar store. car. 12 bo rar savings certificates haT arrived at the post siar be had upon applica- jostmaster Huckestein. joted. Armenian refugee Monday at 7:30 p. m. at lian, farmer and fruit grow- ivai, spent a few hours In number of the Lyceum ight at the armory. 10 visitor' to Salem during business hours, was John farms near Gervais. S. H. Tontjian, Armenian refugee who escaped the Turkish massacres, will give a lecture at Moose hall Mon day at 7:30 p. m. Seats free. City Recorder Race issued a per mit Saturday to B. A. Thompson to remodel his homeCtt 1645 North Cap ltol street. The estimated cost of the improvements are $500. For the purpose of doubling his contract for Fordson tractors, George Vick will leave for Detroit, Mich., Tuesday, where he will visit the Ford factory. The call for the tractors Is ' a . v. . irui. t Y- .1 1. utors for Oregon territory, are not able to supply the demands of the farmers. (e Katherine Carrol Smith mpany tonight. E. Sparks, 2320 Mill street, to the Salem hospital Sun- king three weeks illness. like music visit the armory 10 PS to a bulletin issued by ster general Jo the local t. there are $2,575,959, in savings accounts in Ore Sing to 8.085 depositors. The Business and Professional Women's club will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 13, at 7:30 p. ra. in the Y. W. C. A. rooms. As the Apollo club concert is on the same date the meeting will be brief and confined strictly to busini-fs. A good attendance of members is in vited. . Miss Frelda Young, 495 North Com mercial street left for Portland Mon day afternoon for a combined busi- sister, Mrs. Elsie Woods, is filling a professional engagement at the Hip podrome theatre in that city. it of Fairfield was a Monday. Sa- K. Lawson is attendine the Nlon of legislature in the Curry county fish indus Uwson was formerly war e Ute penitentiary under -egime. : next Wednesday. G W :M. 10 'owned annual storkhold ' of the Mutual Savings I, wwuon win be held 13. 5 o'clock p. m. at the secretary, 275 Stat" holders are urged to at-A- Lee, Pres. 10 I ' "Evans-eline" n. r. Friday, Saturday. 13 'endars for tir!t(i Smith, McCornack bldg. i-Tc'.0' Eus. spent -- eaicm. d ilrs, Webster arrived n Salem, Mr,.i.. n. The $70,000 worth of City of Sa lem serial refunding bonds was re ceived at the office of the city re corder Monday morning from the printers at Portland. The bonds will be signed by the mayor and city re corder then given to the Ralph Schneelock company, of Portland, successful bidders for the bonds at the recent sale. The bonds are to be in the hands of this firm not later than January 20. The W. C. T. V. will hold 'a victory celebration at their hall. Commer cial and Ferry streets, Friday, Jan uary 16, to celebrate the inaugura tion of national prohibition. There will be a praise service at 11 o'clock, a lunch at noon and a program at 2 o'clock. All friends of the cause are invited to attend. Present legis- :!wrtne Carrol is hi, Smith con cerns. Hear The funeral of Mrs. Lucille S. Cor bett, who was killed in an auto acci dent near Everett, Wash., several days ago, was held at the chapel of the Rigdon & Son Undertaking com pany at 10 o'clock Monday morning. Rev. Putnam of the Bungalow Chris tian Church, officiated. Burial fol lowed in City View cemetery. CanLtW;; f?B Powder of I Mntt J Lesion.! ffor " lnat ,ne medals ,ior ex-service mm .-v.;u r . . .... .. V lit M .1 1" has donated as a token of apprecia tion for their servi. ... world war. have been Tn w.U presented at the American Le- on dance in the armory Friday eve- ."..5. January i. The da.ico i .11 ex-service men. their friends. As a great many ex-service men do not belony t) Amerfcan LegIOn, it was thought that this would be a good time at which to present the medals. Money for securing the medals was appropriated bv the last legislature. J. P. Read, assistant, cashier the vapuai national bank, has accepted.! - wun me iecieral reserve bank of San Francisco and with Mrs. Read will leave Friday for the Call fcrnia city where they mill make their home. Mr. Read has been connected with the Capital National for 11 years. Mr. and Mis. Read are well known in Salem and leave a host of friends. Mr. Read will be connected with the auditing department oi the federal reserve system at the bay city. JANUARY 12, 1D20. Police received the roports 'of three automobile accidents SatunKy. Mis A. A. Gueffroy, 1275 North CHj.nol street, collided with the .?sivei".0!i stage at the intersection of Capito' and Gaines avenue, According to Mrs. Gueffroy, who reported the accident, her signal was nft noticed by tno stage driver. J. A. Remington, 891, North Winter street, struck a Mrs. Yoger, at Liberty and State streets, when the woman started to cross the street and came back unexpectedly. tne was not hurt. Paul Winslow. of PIECE OF OLD car RECALLS ROUSING DAYS OF ELECTtOi'lS Silverton, Jan. 1 2.-1 n excavating for a garage at the corner of First and Lewis streets a few days ago Ver non Wolcott unearthed a niece of iion which recalls an incident In early history of considerable Inter est. It is the butt of a cannon that Silverton owned many years ago and wnu-h was frequently used in cele brating the ectin of presidents. In the celebration ef Cleveland's first election some of the enthusiastic democrats overloaded the "howitser" and it was bdown to fragments, piec es flying in all directions. One piece of the cannon was hurled five- hund red feet to- R. C. Ramsby's barnyard and killed one of his eows. The epi sode treated a let ef talk and some hard feelings, and to make peace with his neighbor, and show fidelity to his party, Jake McClaine. founder of the Coolidge & McO-aine bank of Silver ton paid Mr. Ramsby for the cow. Both Mr. Ramsby and Mr. .Mc Claine have passed on to th other world and there are but few men hero today who attended the patriotic rally in Cleveland's time. The piece of- cannon is now 011 ex hibition in the front window of the Coolidge & McClatne bank. PAGE FIVE. license number 11,207 cn'lirtod on South Church street between Trade and Ferry. Mr. Winslow reiwried the accident but owing to the fact that the 1920 license numbers have not yet been given to the police, they have not been able to identify the other party. QrntWws Meet Me at Meyers fB8SSBS8B6SBSB6Sesa388 Advance Shipment of Draperies It is time to think of SPRING HOUSE CLEANING To replace those smoke stained Curtains and Draperies with New, We are now showing some new things in SCRIM, CRETONNES and NETS, and all are priced close for quick selling. 1 NT.W DKFUXSK BEGIX Los Angeles, Cal Jan. 12. When the trial of Harry S. New, charged with murder, was resumed today, argu ments for the defense began. "Jud Rush, one of the attorneys for New, began his summary of the evidence. Mr. Rush will be followed by two other attorneys for the defense, and pistrict Attorney Thomas Lee Woolwine will then close the argument speaking for the state. It was believed that the case would be ready for the jurors consid eration some time Wednesday. jrT- ' .m -v r- 1 fMX r-WiVnc r. w-, v ri ri v w ttjt: m 'mm once: Edward A. Dunnigan vs. Elyin Ar nold el al. Order confirming the sale of real property. H. W. Simi vs. A. A. Colvert, Answer. City of Silverton, a municipal cor poration, vs. E. J. Brown and J. M. Brown. A stipulation. Jack Fletcher vs. A. F. Lange et at. Second amended answer. August Kehrberger vs. Lizzie Cppen dahl et al. Complaint August Schnuelle vs. Cass iSanders et ux. Complaint J. A. Pattison, doing business under the name of J. A. Pattison Lumber & Hardwoods, Ltd., vs. Mark S, Skiff and Joe M. Crahane, eo-partners, doing l usiness under the name of Orville Tie & Lumber company. Answer to plain tiffs amended complaint. Probate Court. Susan Will estate. Publication i executives final notice. Charles Henry Davis estate. Affida. vit of publication of notice of final hearing. Lydia Kinyon estate. Semi-annual report of executor of estate." Lydia Kenyon estate. Order for dis tribution of personal property by ex ecutive of estate. Lyd'a Kinyon estate. Petition of ex. evutive for distribution 6f property. Rebecca Caroline Wright estate. Semi-annual report and petition to pay bills. In the matter, of the guardianship of Nicholas Turano ,an insane person. Or der. Susan Will estate. Final decree. Rebecca Caroline Wright estate. Or der approving report and to pay bills. Marriage Licenses. Clement E. Turnidge, 25, a farmer ot Talbot, Oregon, to Mabel Inman Hawkins, 16, of Talbot, Oregon. Clarence E. lngeisoll, 20, a battery mechanic of 1145 South 16th street, Sa pm ,to Winnifred Gladys Ritchey, 19 of Salem. John A. Rohween, 25, a farmer of Scio, to Anna M. Bauer, IS, of Salem. Mrs. Zook Freed Of Charge Of Purloining Goods Mrs. F. E. Zook, charged with pur loining some linoleum and window shades, was found not guilty by a jury p riday evening in Judge Unruh's court. 1 The Jury returned its verdict after oh i minute's deliberation. The prosecuting witness in the case j was Mrs. C. C. Blanchard, who charged ' that Mrs. Zook had taken the articles i when vacating a house which she' had rented through Mrs. Blanchard. We are almost through with the Inventory. This is the last call on this ODD LOT SALE. We have the cleanest stock in the country and it's going to remain clean no ODDS and ENDS and ancient accumulations. Always bear this in mind- we handle only "GOOD GOODS," what you get from us is Vjuamymercnanaise. . v mil Quality First MOOXSU1X1CKS AUK XABBKD You Can Always Do Better at Who Always Do Befter By You 'r Quality First Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 12. By shoot ing into both rar tires of an automobile containing three alleged "moon shin ers deputy sheriffs today captured three Italians and lodged them in the county jail eharged with violating the pronituon law. One of the largest still yet found in this county and said 10 belong to the men, Pito Catalano, Gu l.ino Socciello, and Marioa Tallwrto, was located. MAYOR SITES PKIXTi:it Seattle, Wash., Jan. 12. Mayor C. H. Fitzgerald was named as complain ing witness in an Information filed here today charging criminal libel agalrs: Joe Smith, politician and secretary of a Seattle- printink company. Mr. Fiti gcrald claimed Smith lik'led him by circulating a card givinf the impres sion that the mayor was making the city pay for a campaign circular isued on his behalf. BOY SLAYER'S TRIAL Itl til- Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 12. When the trial of John Kuiep, uge 17, charged with the murder of Nazzurena Bra coni November 3, besran in superior court today the attorney for, the vuittli entered a supplementary, plea that the boy was; insane when he committed the alelged crime. The egg output of a flock of hens was increased almost 40 per cent by lengthening the day through the use of electric lights in the chicken house in the morning and evening. It was an agricultural station experiment. Funeral services for Ell Emanual Johnson, wh died at his home near Salem last Friday will be held at the ehapel ef the Rigdon & Son Under- jtakiiig company Tuesday morning at 10 1 11 o'clock. Rev. F. T. Porter, Chris- en,,., . "n chureh. will officiate. Burial will wurt reporter, re- bo i r "ash., j Lindsey, from Vancouver, B. C. Mr. r4 th funeral f ff , Johnson's niece, has arrived In Sa- "in. ana will attend the funeral. 1 - " onrp . tne Washinmnn ' an un- er resi- Z "1" raneral of 1 . taulds- a form The funeral for Mrs. Reulnh Hunt. 2H. WiTA Of rSlnr fZ. TTnt nrao noaanA . - 1 . . . 1 . . . v . . , Sister f " " iiie iarft?t siiaiiciti trecn ifbck in n nt it hi ner noirte. 74 soutn iztn nh wr.rlrt f in Cit, uy' was , street, early Saturdav mornimr. was! PTlon. f..n c'nw,terT i held at the Chanel ef the Rie-.lnn i x rmr -ith . norUr r.o ti,.,. M the chan-n Lntaking company Monday at ; ment enable the photographer to take sun r.j . ""pei or the J D. m T.r A.,i.n ... fs.hi,: "w.mors of the tk. Mrs. -v VI Jr,hn ; namer of ,h ' .-"emoaist Episcopal church, officlat-; surrounding him. "jiuii was in juy view cemetery I i I r si I. 4ld fi Joh' A ' S',n Cal. IX p I nr.s Tnc. h i 1 An an experiment one automobile manufacturer has turned out several cars with their bodies covered with Imitation leather instead of paint. It is hoped to demonstrate that this is more enduring. A nt w savings bank has a top re sembling an umbrella and is appro priately Inscribed "Save for a Italny Day." The privately and nationally ewneil submarine eahH-m of the world total 2628 in number, with a length of S5, i95 ncutical milea Australia has a little less than il.l 000 miles of railroad, which includes Many friends attended the services. Drying fruits and vegetables is now which were simple and impressive. ja loondry by-products. The mrchanl- ical driers are thus made use of when A banquet, for the members and not otherwise empolyed. their wives, will be held at the Com-j mercial Club Tuesday evening at six! Range cattle are shipped into Call o'clock by the Salem Rotarians. An i fornia from neighboring states to avoid illustrated lecture on Alaska scenery tne '"''' ment season on the home pas will be given by J. L. Burnside. dis--lures. trk-t agept for the White Pass Yu- kon route. This banquet and meet-! Breeding of roosters for cock-fight-ing will tie held In lieu of the regular !lns waa practiced by the early Greek -eKiy meeting at the Hotel Marl The cost of establishing flie cantpri tnents in the United States during the war ranged from $, 700,000 to $11, 300,000 for each camp. Don't fail to attend the Open Forum Meeting at the Commercial Club next Wednesday, January 14. II you miss this meetiing you will never get over it. Something on you'll never forget. The Apollo Club of Salem IN CONCERT WITH JOHN HAND, New American Tenor ARMORY - TUESDAY . (TOMORROW) NIGHT, JANUARY 13. SEATS, $1.50, NOW SELLING ARMORY BOX OFFICE Polyandry in the Marquesas Islands in the South Seas Is attributed to the fact that there are about seven men to every woman on the Islands. The nut peach of the Euphrates Valley, with a smooth skin and edible sweet kernel. Ut declared to be the link connecting peauhes and sweet almonds. Prof. W. H. ilckering. noted as tronomer, says the vegetation on the moon is gray, like our sage uruh ami some forms of cacti, and black, like our lichens. Vasco de Cania made about 8.000 per cent on his Investment in Had, when he sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and brought home a car go of spices and pepper. Nine years ago, before the inaugur ation of the pig club movement in the southern I'nlted States, most of the hogs in that section were of the razor-back variety. and Romans. It is predicted that In 1 yeam every other house will have its own radio r. L. Eksward. jrtate senator for California, arrived in Salem Suntlav. and will remain here daring the spe- !ililnt "nd theocrqpanta will be enabled ' tskl iluu.: - .... . if- -.11 .-.. .1 r, . r. . i . u r . . . .. If gasoline prices had advanced at Ihe same rate as crude Oil prices, it is estimated that the consumer would have to pay 14 cents a gallon more for his petrol than he doe. The British tnuwum has sinfimens of Chinese bank notes issued half a century r-fore the firtit European bank was establixhed in 1401. FOItD TRlt'K. WITH TWO TOX ATTACHMENT. RUNS LIKE A TOP OSCAR B. GINGRICH MOTOR & TIRE CO. S71 Court Street Phnns FINE WATCHES rift iiisn irimt iit i it tiitn ft . I Our ft.etritles are of the highest charac ter. We are equip ped to satisfy the most exacting cll tnt Th courteous conduct of our staff matches the up to dateees ot " equipment In ancient times Socotra was the only home of the dragon's-blood tree, bnt Hun, aim and b'outh Anriei.ta now furnish the world's supply. A strong current from the Atlantic t paitms ihroHgh th- mr.Ua of Cibral-j ler and it Is suppwd a eouttterj current psuswes unit?roeth. S The state highway rumf"ion ba Rodeii Stewart. 17 year oiil son of lvirun readvertisinK for bid on the behaif of traffic lesislatlon. Mr. ! wil -Eksward is working tar tk. X-,inli ; Traffic Officers A uw.iu I an M f 'cently gnnke hfr .,. K,,.ir, Jirs- Fltirw Strwart, who ran away j prop d Vu:is Hnv tridge at As 'men's luncheon on twttrr froffir.' utalt,om home two ream airo to fain the jtoris. snd th will b optned In ' or Oreron r i. .... . .-.. inavy arfd from whom no word had : Portia:; d February S. Mariu nee ttefn received, ty Monday. returned to Ilal i JOCItNAL WALT Ai8 PAT LM.HUM tars of YickSoTosg CbIbm UtCUXtxe ui Tea Oa. Bs sudieise waieh will cm MT ksowa dissaao. Open 8uds from 10 A. M. at:i 8 V. M. i:3 Beailt Hi St. Ealem. Oreuon. Fhoce III We have a few extra fine adjusted movements in Koiillomen's pocket watches shws at exceptionally low prices.' If you need a good time k$ltr, come In and sec these speclula of ours. HARTMAN BROS. CO. Jewelers and Opticians j SALEM OREGON U-J STATE .STREET as UJ x: 8 r.C.R O'Neill - OPTOnETRIST-OPTICIAN - bddDush Bank M!dii$ XrfCo: Slate wxl I.KAD MtlC'K ILVLSED New York, Jan. 12. -Ths American melt.'nif Jtpflfilng (oiiipany today m.-('d the price of lead from H to t V, c ids a pound. HIDES and SACKS WANTED Abo lank ef All Kinds Best Prices Outran t4 v CALL 398 . CAPITAL JUNK CO. Ths Sqtuur Si IlonJS 371 CbemekeU Bt. Pbona 398 BUY REMNANTS AT JHK Remnant Store 254 North CmiureUl W.W.MOORE House Furnisher IIOMH OF TUK VICTHOI.A You get more for your Money at Moore's. DRAPERIES UADH TO OUIjKU TO FIT VOIT KWI.VI)W8. CS. HAMILTON 310 Court Breet t