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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1920)
FACE FOUR. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON MONDAY, JANUARY 12. 1920. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL AN I.VDKI'ESflM.NT NEWSPAPER FuhliRhed every .renins fun- -ny by The f atdtnl Journal I'rMUinc; Co, ti HohiIi C.rnrclit Ktret. Cffw. U. JCrlltoril rvuma. M. A HINT TO THE GROWER. aiMV.UK I'VTXAM. Kditor-rubltsher Rr,frd M Mniwt UM mail nwior kt fcaiem. tHtua. car-r , month, ny mmu cuee to foreign concerns, that pay no taxes in Oregon, de-i 'v, t;t mi ,!,. m i, ir i feJop no acreage in the valley ana sustain no local pav-1 Marian and Putk cuUDllei, Klsr wf.'jr I 11 A t i i i i . . i A WASHINGTON concern is making a strenuous ef- fort to tie up the next Willamette Valley berry and I otner crops ior shipment to outside points, where they; will be procesHed and shipped abroad as "Washington' Pure Fruit Juices" "Washington loganberries" and' "Washington canned fruit, preserves and jelly." j vjiuwcis Bjiuuju tmiiK. twice neiore selling tneir pro-j ! J I'm ion and 1'oik cwuatifcs, Klrwh , a Hr exlor of I'. S rnvernnxnt, all innil Subscriptions are payat.l-t In adMinca. Advert '(.Ins rent War. Trlun lilati , Kt r..rk; W. M fUtrkweii, J't,oi.Jes Ua JlldM , t.'lilri(o. H'VIII I! OCTHE AHS'M'IATKli PKKH8 The Aoet,tr.l I're.s I eiieltn,,vl -.t.Ud lo Ut lies for reptf t.llt-itlon or J I ri li.) I" credited to l ur at fti'crwwf credited In this paper lid l9 total Mll)lihlll ll'.l.lltl 'lltki B ARTHUR SCOTT BAILEY ITHRFT WEEK PROGRAM 'DEMANDS COOPERATION (Continued from page one) Rippling Rhymes. H WALT MiSON T1IH1IT The K.irunl tlili'ir on e;,ilb hi thrlfi; ! In the !' in of tin , without I... l.itm.iti b Insr dtlfi in tnltifs where p'tllfM-r w;it 111.' flll'B ! Portland to pet ideas as to what was ' to be done there and reported that i plans were under way to make Thrift j Week a deew long to be remembered land the entire city is combining to do 'everything possible to feature this . - fV ; , j wormy euon. rolls. As bait they hold out the distant nrosDect of Can- TJIK II I: (MM OI T Ol niK IU Kit irreat fun to no down into the valley! Program for the Week. neritS in the futurethe Same old bluff Rlirh nnntruot and find out tor bimlt it the ice! Saturday, Jan. 17. will be "Bank ini. vo til , kZa,,!7 X l it 0ntraCLtSS Farmer Green bad tak-n his sap- really did o out. He had an idea that! Day" and the banks of Salem will have injUie trie lOCa! producer Ul the long run. He loses the .bucket- off tb maple trees and that ft caused a terrific ipiming and crash-, the feature, of that day In charge. SUlVprt.KintT cffMiwirl liv on firnirnn k..ol Ul meant iht mrhx, r, i. Ini? and thundering nnise and he Sunflas', January 18, will be "Church Utt inVtiS , 'ra"tlhat waVwhVMr. lVar An thought that perhaps some fish would V" the minteters of Salem will Up institutions in another State and retards home devel- Cuffy noticed that .verv dav there be tossed up on the bank and then he1 lalk akl"S tthrift hnes and the neces-l Onmeilt. a little leM mow thai, ih rn hH h..n Tould have a mod lunch. ,stly of thrUt in character building. f ,irul v-Tnoa o-o nmmnA , 1 t' i . he day before. When Mr. Bear had gone off down' Monday, January 19, will be "Lifej UM Values at e gOVemed not Only by production, but "Tile k. will ftl:, P K. the mountain, "to see a bear." as h. Insurance Day" and he life insurance ; by population. The greater the Cultivated areas the more "d,oCuff5 mtheratbiakra on. explained to his wife, little Cuffy "len f're Panning to put on a program .... i . i ,V . . ""Jlc mnminu .. ., . . .v. . for this dav that will be a benefit tn irrien j cross ti om uie jiuuse. nia , . " h .ve to win, mother was makine the beds, and cver'r Person 'n tms city. fiilkie waa nretendlnir n heln h.r V 1U'JJ' January , is to oe t ..uua oi commercial j presBioa pemniea accnmnia,I ?T treasuries, but when trad. they flow oat rapidly. rw Nursing fliers MO There u notion so good for Yon and Baby a Vinol, our Cod . liver and Iron Took. 'Own IM'Ortll KiI?,nr.i-tH tho rrMolo. ..!.,-. lU. .-".iiini,, ana tnen . , - '.uuc tji me Jicieaje. i-ieasant Valley I nhull LvCrV lOCal-UlStitution Simnnrtmir u nnvrnll rinlno the river." thf Value Of adl'acent land thf mrl-pt f , nrf'Jl,.f0 Cu"y k"w ,hat " ''"'" meant ""body sneaks unless he knows'he to: Tou Own Home Uay" and realty deal. ; li t. VrflUt OI a(ljaC(.ni lanU, tile lor products and fm river. In nmr Curfv. couI(, doing something wrong. Cuffy knew 1 IS "f the cit' wi atten'it to show the . mt: uuuw.rt.-i ui tuiwuillLTs. LiUJKl IS CrOWinC more ValUah P UJW" Irom "ue .Mountain and '""t his parents would not let him go ' """'c J" U..t . ..i . i 1 i i . . . the stream jr.uiy JK I C:alMUln rff'CHUStt ( C'H 1 n filler tMcj n nffiif it. ,.-n. V i "'sn v g neill Sa- a constantly expanding market for products developing aim aiming population. Unless local canneries and factories are loyally sup potted by local producers, and secure sufficient. ndiir Ail workers I to ODCraU'. thev will hnvo tn fnt, th, ;, ,lr.,.j tK .ow r It. rt,mnd. tint's no , ...Jit" ( lw i , i ,1 V ' 1 ' K'"t;r .. for idi., i..di e,,,pioyr in tn.. ! vv Ulen ,,(" a i 'u' mercy of the speculator and distant Market sinml sod i.ff..r fit Itlti-H nf Caillier and 1IK llU lfK-il vntii'L t.t ....Ki'l. 1 1. :i-. i,,,,!,.. , i . "'"- inc uuiiunuiiiiv win me ice gn out of U !aj ?" Cuffy asked. Well, now" air. R(.ar without asking. And when he did at , eOreKday, January 21, will be "In- (2) Worlt inlPKH a loidly ier ;ifl. fwiiw, stii'li hi it inMnr lit'ouuht f'tf; im (tel. tn. with any nu-ns. will l-t a wolf rump by Inn door It ''" ' t'niK fur ll.osH who ttiMh a bunk Mfi'i.tint to rnr and rutan, t liul nuuw moio r-lii A dih, ami tu it ur th rainy tiuH. HuUi rainy .l.i te Louiirt to come, with uuiiihk wliidn ).f,tven dnik; lion hsppy h wui im. n homi of kiii k mini in Oie lriiik, li iiitiiiin not lifw mtn h yu ern, If yml Indlev. and think, (id tlml duiii ftns merely iimdn t! l.orii. to tl.rovi' t l,irds, and foot! " . Wlmt proflln II tu nl,. ,1 jout i and '.htouffli II,.. loim hour! t HI m, mia no.isioff UniltffM and their KinT r irlfiy now. whllo money fiw ta v t y till In tii,kHiiB um. and b pre,,r.ol fnP (.te' loud l.lowk. nod kpend ol.l hkv in pl until "ernna. suffers from loss of population and industrv The foreign canner is not interested in the valley's! welfare spends no money co-operating with the Droducpr! does nothmir to advertise the vallr anA lfu t'lUAHfflOrj rtnl bring peojile herebut is here as a poacher to grab what he can from home institutions and make what he enn to build up his distant institution. As a runner-up of prices, the outside canner may be userul to the local growers but when they sell their pro ducts, they should go to the local institutions that are co operating m buildinir im the indusr. , .. .. li At' ... - - - j ,,W vim i;c in- CZ.ZZ:ZZX i n.Tm i? lT U 10 ro market prices. v.uu.iHuiiiiv (u-veiopment is a co-operative affair tch contributing his quota and sharing in the lienefits. OLD SOLDIER TO BE I ! . i . ; ! j f Mh m it . ss I ! ' imzjz I . i liver to- '"St come to the rived there was ice along both banks; but between them if ran a broad stream of nwift w:itr i -The Ire must have gone out in the! , ':w,lui"l "'"' inuustriea. Thursilay, January 22 "Make niEht." Cllffv U..I.1 in hlr.ioolf ,! looked about in the hope of finding1 , J;ay an1 tne Iawe,s ,,f the city some fish on the banks. Put not one v.ulul"n'I't to prove that it is the part fish could he find. i thrift for every man and woman He was disappointed. And he crept i "akw a """ be liiw-vers fail to opt onto the Ice as far as he could go !.'r"VP !",ove thp" J0U can take it and pp..p,.d over the edge into the' "'r er"nXvx ,hilt they would perfer not i... tniiiui ,iHe uie maKing oi a will be- iaus'- they generally profit most when he Alfred Klipimy, 71!, tnemlMr of toe O A It,, dli") Mifwrday t the Hid ndillnv home In llonebum, follom luv lmil IMiikw, The body nrrlwd III t.iU fit dunddf. and i fcirt sl ,tlff lilo( of the lil.loM Hon eom Pti M'tie fuoMiil will he held at tl.elr chnpet Wedliefclnj. m eioek. vtlli boHsl follimlnir In ('iv PH' umWery. It will I.,. un,Wr (la I ft the i a, It iniWmhU J.I KK oil tlie noted author IdaTi M?Glone Gibson -initgiu. And thon again, It might not." broken awv ,m.i t, , ... i Mr. Hear never said a thing was so down the stream ' ' y ".ZT.!!.:1- , I" t -kh, the fiKh, ellher . .. , ....,.., ,miiu err nut lie lOTgOt all "Why AJ-T" I usked, llVled rue. "I am tin) aelfioh. was flint innirled I of the ninth member who shall be th cmiii iiuin and who must he "Independ ent and not Identified with either the name or the comtmwclul fixhlng inter i him," Hegulur nieetlnns would be held quarterly with spetilal meetings at the rail of the chairman. iOltlN!'M MttM V lll wi' . Wnrk ,H lvldd. .,' ':7nr rrnm 1 wm '"" ' over. ialiei,solly affecting the game in. don I you h;.ve Iut. Alio. Il itM-. ... . ... , ,7. " ' '." - -"-.tii noi 10 in - " mtt ma!? wouiii iie under the li' it l. lold me no.. Madiiiu (Jordon to" do this m.rt of I 'lus:vi Jurisdiction of the game 00m- , ! ... L ner very exiravair.inre, oiiiwion unci matters solely uffactlng 1 !UeM When 1 1 will keep Jo, frnlll ttlvlll .... . the coir.nierrlMl fl.hhm M Ullte. I ) uu ...... Mllolllic V1.11 . .... i I a .....I.... .. ...... .. .. - . ml tilmuiii. 1 " . ..... .... : .7' " pays ' wu-ion or tn fish hint that f wen 1.,.. - -os ...m ne tiiinks that women oniit.ii and 'In all mutter of Mnt y .0 ,mZ n I ,tt t"'1"!. m" "'u",,, ' ...oner." and fish commissioner, , "Wht ,to'rjr W"V .J"h" "mh- - -.. Alice, "t together, tn such cai ' " nj , you Know ,. r wletl, l.o.h coninL.o ' l"" a great munv ..11..... ...... tepresented. shal l.-.i.... ai.m u.i i..i,.. ... .... ... . r now. you see u . 1 .... . 11.. .,.... . .. .... t "Mumnm, a ii..ui iti .t Vi.. .0.1 '1 . .. . :i''pend upon d.,r 11; . '"ihh, Zuz: " ' : :.":in.c,:mm'Mi"n. -n tv. ht ,.. . . ; ";. rent h.,.. t . "";'".' . " " ih n.i. . ' u ,,t" the .- (.... h. . .,.,OKe c,.i Tiitu,., , "o to cum "po" it in liiivmenj f h i.iii l-lrttlft-. Al.ruhaoi. ...!..,.,.. ...1 if"' lo , ; which, if i, ., . . ... ' ". I.,.,., , ; . !).. yu 1 .. : "",1K ......o ui millins TOHIHV, I . 'on IIIMI foul H Would ...,. auii utNt ail..r rvai.iina Hi """"" T W.e.iua llnm to l'tu.ivaMa, "'" 'ooom ln i, f. 1 iwn for i.,,i1, ; ln fitnuh i..i .1... l'"Jo Ml III. 11, , -.m iiiimtriani in 'it. lll;.H r.e I. .... ... . . .r ..... t. . .. . ' ' v v. ..." unit ne Knows If l, i, .. ., '" con. o.lxsi .0 Wmil.i 1.- ... no blarlim- of 1 '"" "V taexpend all funds ; lor III,, p, , ,,,., ( water. He thought rcayhe he cmnn ill Urnst C.'.leh n fiah n-ith l,ja Curry lay finite still fr inn.r fw !And then nt last to his delieht he saw I l"J'u'aV Jan"i''.v 13. is "Family niw a fish right before him. He made a:" !!'y the women's clubs of the (liii. k reach for it. And then there1 6 th'S lily in ctlurSe ilnl will was a sharp crack! The ice tipped and:1'1"!'! "le auvatages of each family Cuffy . lung to It with nil his claws toi m'''k f bu?get' , keep from falling into the river HL-n JanU,lry U' ,s "P,ly Your backed awav from the edf;e and looked I '" by the Business Men's around. The hank was moving pasti 1 ortland papers carried news him. He had never seen such a thine "e'"s eallln attention to the fact that and he was surprised. j 'lI llrpl,arations were being made to Thon lie gave a cry which sounded U'h' " T a 8rettt Keek in that In his threat like One'" a,i pri., ? hp rt.il1 estat' dealers of Por with "1-s-s-s!" through his nose. It P'anned a parade, and will try in meant that Cuffy was frightened. For.. . , w the l'pple of Port saw tnnt the Ice be uinB ' . u'er to De thrifty thev ""L" "" ii a noine in t'ortlaiid. no u goes through the .n.. wek each day will teach lessons of ...... 1 ami i.oa Knows the American cum need to se the advantages of be mg thrifty. "If" one thousand people in the city of Salem will decide to save in the year w-v oniy tu per cent of their earn ings jest think what it will mean to this city. The banker will tell vo that you mi.ko 1100 the best way to save is t take at least $10, now- get 'this (take the first ten dollars) pu it into a sav ings account. This Is a movemen in which every man, woman and child in this city is expected to take part. Watch the pa pers for further .'ee-iopments. dustrial Day" and the manufaetorine- .10 ""P3" e lite givine and bodv k industries of the city are working to !n8 elements to your baby, you mast h. bring to your attention the thrift ac- ,n Bood condition yotuseJf you must T! a"u v"li" you must have real red blood, and your own food must be well digested and readily assimilatei viuui win give you ail this. H xm need strength and your baby is not doine as well as he might try a bottle of Vinol and see how baby will improv1 onu iuw uiuta oetter you wul feel yourself. NOTE: Tour loading druggist has for many years specially recommended Vinol because he knows there is nothing better than this famous Cod Liver and Iron Tonic to create strength and build one od. Th formula of Vinol is on every label. Your money back if it fails. about that now. ANOMER CARLOAD OF Another carload of surnlns nm,.. - "rriveu 111 .Salem and will be sold at the army store here, near oe ,,o.ei A,go. Chemeketa street. . ur.-nasers will be reipiired to ...... iiiein me articles they buy "'ore wnere thev might be stored i i,mited. Nu personal w. , accepted In payment for me mimagement said Mondav takd Brifish Represeiitativc To Berlin Leave To Start Work mo ne hi. 111 Ml..lli,.- tfoes s -e in,. 1,1 , '..."-in..iinitl, ,,ty . j " i" mother woi ,1 l,ii,,u, jh, u.-ijij 11,1 ...,l ;"" on i,im..- ti!..iolin i,itl ,),.., Vv , ,t tn jlnMii?" I H-W!dere,. ... it. ).,.. (,.. I, .,,(, ; It,,),!,!!.,,,) I ' U'l'0!.L. ,Ult ,;,,),,. ' -1- i I1 If iihiiLliwIuuei.t f ,111,11,, , r ' H'i.llJ .1,1 mil Hall. .'lll,.. IwUxeil titV'.l iirlllln ' ' " "'otllei llfld. tMi.itHiiy tab!. '.''.t i.iui.e.lirtJaij 'I. Bvoe.m Kid I. t. H Isiil uuie' fill Ic In i will be i l.v, i. : . t'l.lllll ,4,1,1 CUB- i .' ."..lns.,( kI V II. I .til liflOKIIU-j bi.H 1 1 brr tn alrtii-y bittm. for ney. i ,ni l'l li la WHeved the " " '"'. m i .ii,,, i( ttKt of r in for , ms.,.r e..v .,, ,u ,ilMll ,i( "t them ,..t..., h... , n "; h th- , m.k.t and ,. ., ,hrt Utttrn, , ' "n "..,1 r ,h loonth," t'n Iterraml H.-i- ,, ., ' m, you ,eS , ,, ,, A f Al.i-.Ulll ,,.1 .. J JohU IliOlhee .. . " !H .... ..... "- ...e, P !,,! n ,;, " ' . t: ' ' " -" H 111.' (.1, 1,4 of ,,,, ,.rr , 1,!(C ih,,it"n to d.-f(iu i,, mr naih j I dot. t e:,l u , "'"t"" It'-t lUU-atlej !, "wered Alice lot) mj l;U'"U '" ji'-v loouo.. ,ie.,ve. !( " ... n ,v. flitf MJ i, M)UI lllv Mh t know was out- Kiva llio woiiuin ,.,f sum. And this i "imply because he llli;iKn ehe. k .""'. nun neem .eyes ,,f ,, of Ui firm io us (Her., villi be .,, liuiopets nlion. o I Mhy. Katheiine," h,e .i..inni,-. ,,. eautcstly. lB m. f,ro l( fr ""filed Tom b'!l,. w., i... I"ld John when he Inf,.., .. ... !' I' "ettlr t.'SO u'.ie t of each coniiiilsNlnn.' Til.' The shipment Includes: Six thousand two hundred forty-two round-, of bacon, 1500 chocolate cream cases tomatoes; 37 bales m.ijoritv j candy: COO Kiiine cotnuilxaion would be idv. I 1 lankits: 0uo ' ex.-lush,, authority to expend all of j . Articles , prices follow: " "' 'or tne protection preseiVKtion , .,op,,gttiun f Km tf game hii. . 'aide b ids win,.,, , illB aHsIl front luenses, .,ft. .., - ,h......... I, on propngiiiio t Vtn noil i 'II. tlon," n.l III lhl .' k'.-Ut tu..l!y d.fimtuia.'. h - ' it ltd ;e. I. :,t the tlitia i.Mi !... , K I . . . ... . " " .'I'' e ti I thinli Huil.v. y'U, K .the iii, ri) for )uti ev.-r m, ...(.. Af.ka, fis ,,.,., "" they i'P keel. ....... i. ........ ... .. , ., .... .. , """ " ".-r i.a 7 , , ,h "r .lay " "-. o. e, iMtaa.1 of - . u!,vmn1f , -."... t c.Mll. j,..,, Uk. (H j ,llv 1. Bln p.e f 'lav. uil .l,.l.u ... ., . . . lie . . ... .. 1.1 l.fAl,il.i.,. .i. t . ... At a... ...... . I.ta - tf IB y-r ' ' -., IO ' Itwl rtvtwa ... .."" tW .... Tom oe clothe " ' H tu 11, m ,AI, '. 11,11, ""'""'J IIU.IV M t,'n for iar hit w k f AiitI' dS IVIu nit All. w K ,t lav.,. n, h, j,m.u, uu ,,u,ll4s)M(. ... ,. ,rt lh. ' 1.1 I ) 1,. vas,t u. io i, v . ?n wins ei 'r mother I l-.i " I'iother. HHe j ' VsU :iti,t . " I !.. 1 III,.! ll.t 111 on Hie -V-ml did John .,, ,tm,r. 1 "OUItl -Mk.. , (Ibh-Cllol, ! -.t-l he would o,.,ke r... ,.,j,.... ! . ho, ki. d All, e . I m.,n i,ik, ,,u, ..f hlm,..i( l. .. member ,.f hit f,ih- w k",nK i.. ,. PeiieftleJ t a smrv for e I'eell , iy ' - "" ,r,p i your moil,,., MoU ,,.d no.Ke me (h,k uJt John had forgot,..,, ,,. u , aiv. v.... ..... . re i ' """" P to tint tin,,. . ,h"'h, frhai-a he hd . " "l't"- in favor of h; ..... ..., , K1U)ft u S"l to .uffer an ,,, ... un.i more thai xlrl "I The m,,ey w yours i.m kll.m ... f .1 .'"a., ir you cub, ;." -,ki;riJ lr coniinue, ,Hmxl(riv, !,,.,.,,.. (i..te(l , t ,ntl ,..,,,. t ; MMENDATIONS OF ! OtCOTT ARE IGNORED ! Kalinon and licenses for ii;u r ' preservii- ,iol develoo., ... the ....,.,,.,,,! f.s,,n t,uls.y riN. rn n ,ae ,.,.,..lrtw,miH lu.,liWs foi persons ea.;, . , ,.,., , - "..,,! . ei ! e.MMih oilier () parklnt: find , , ( moil fish, ssui-rtf..,, cr sh. 'l ft,! ,,, f.,,, ' hl.-h belong ( u, tne fund. The .-.'mtiiissi,,,, , to en, i ,i ,,,.,.,, .Ul. re l.her boots . h"c. lute cream bars, 3 lbs. 2 oz Wool and cotton blankets, re t liiin.'d ... ... All wed bhinkeis. reclaiiiunl AH wo, I blankets, new "'" ' "'ton hlankets. double. 'it woi tin, lei All new i'1-wear . t'oltoll t'ottol t'lavv b ! Hocks invrcerixed socks towels ...Kllels . V. : irri .1 in- .1! I'M Killt, f Cel rt r.tul IhoS" ll,,- ''"'III leces.irv c-iri'v out ih,, lu, thin act." ,Vj , ;'ool-tliti, Atu 'Hll!,.S.-i, I to the lle.V .'U ale titimilU- aotfeied ; Eyes Examined cannera sellliu- H) dealing i,, Ml-1 ':'o,oi. r any other ...... W;tt.h liny other source : I" dine 1-kiIS .onii.ier. ial fili-! " ooi i,ni. .'Wool mufriei M ..iil,1 be authorised 'K; I'ki s. aafet.v i ltsh warden rtn.i "i u,'..s ii.d "such other of- l"'o-oii In a.ldiiion ii I by law as Ii lmiv I PiM"r to fy ' "! and put-poses of I 'I' O'lty, power, re. I iittiea veated in the! ould he transfer- .'-oiasion. ,y ttnieil '.. Hew -. street or giirau, 5.23 1 00 3.50 6.0D B.00 3.00 1 (10 .SS 1.00 I In Kurope and Asia the reindeer was domesticated in prehistoric times. STOP ITGHIfiG ECZEi Penetrating- Antiseptic Zemn Will Help You Never mind how often you have tried and failed, you can stop burning, itchiru eczema thickly by applying Zemo. F urmshed by any druggist for 35c, Extra large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins the moment Zemo is applied. In a short time usually every trace of eczema, tetter, pimples, rash, blackheads and similar skin diseases will be removed. ; For clearing the skin and makirw it vigorously healthy, alwaysuse Zemo, the penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not agreasysalveanditdoesnotstain. When others fail it is the one dependable treatment for skin troubles of all kinds. The E, W, Rose Co., Cleveland, O. 6 30S?8COUGHS TH Pl'M Mil -IpJW: If i first aid i .'Mies for. .50 ( .15 ' . 5 d .50 .24 .111 : .20 - .VH.,1 ' I i v: Whtatles for the . , ,.,.. j n.l scldiers " . .-.. . etuen. i.-.uh are r wrisiiei liiounled Fowls are now n!uck.i i,v .... . h'a.-hin which pun, ,h . , vacuum. eons u trtc rs out Glasses Fitted to .1. ft .a ud ; to kltvlu If ..... ....; v ft.ei cum ., ,.,, ,h.-j .... lair If tr nivthrr wit! .... ,. . ftw Vt lte - i. w lamri A Nastv told "l WA.NT MY TOOTH lJUl'SU DADDY" .1 iivMrr sorry. But At M and !Uff!li?.. A ( ll".M- ,r -.!lH OH Irf tVr Air '......ii.l.. . ! TW tnn,,iiv. ,,r o, ..'. 1 -"' lor a ,..r... ... . "' "l .-!,!d wv...i ........ ., .:. """'! a.- v.. m. . " Bm aio.'.hol thruMi.e4ra -ned at th Klo lra . ..e .ii,, to ;!. rfjju-ttfc, ff I e ur, fciev :feam ..... . ?. , . , ' " ""ea tt.k.a USI r4..a- .. . .1 "d I o.... -.? 'S W' -; J " ? "' wtl ?C hrt ..w, uoiii .... ........ .. iwk A..,,. : l-4. examined hon the strenuouTY of f fu! more or k strain on them J Khwl ,rean .tiai Worn Out In Mind and Body f tamped upon vou reflect" im Z,? hl.s. ''ttle voice. The deprsssk.n tule. He at 6nee droPS hi" Dial hiT'1 b'!31 bel4,use of his Profound sohc happy smile has di apnear'in mk a"d nshea to 2 bat his Y,-m owe n to th. h,w,l! ,f "earing of hopelessnesa. mie.iect. ,iu Bre tlM. , , . " euare of your family to k trim iv Ktfvlw saw) Liuin ,n IV, imL" -,h. in'M JSSffi l!V' ,lt,'cio7d. hm W" ' ""Br'1 ar by nctacnti, yw hwmT ' " w under th" W""1""--" r . - 1 a.--.., j .: - , liai IMCO I vtn l,k.-.,. i ,a.i...i: w,i. JAT6 General Tonic l"ii P1",! Ji"1 fe""l dispel th.twem-.ot J f.-nB:th and visor, orereom. viuimmr L..I-Z f?1 !M,'J.. bwauw of ,. positive ns rd.neT 0f i,,"f''',n. "Jealar or mental fmurn . , - -'" - ..... ana seeps . your dnwirut for a bottk today. SbL. u LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY Kama. City. Ma "fa it 'Mrs t. Oa,t !. fA.SJ V.KMii,,r . - " '' IT if JT . . known r4 1 1,, ' '"." va- -.w, c r.u. .. . . .... 1 t-or. J. ... ....... JUr J,; MaTrH ; V44' ,W f W.Uv .11 ;'tlt. le ' i.v parents are extivmAU. . Prtwr caw of their children1 Vyw m the to 'he I f i rl.t ... .. . . a ,V l" are ntied we shall ... j wu, as par Rl. and serioiK i r iTr ,- .i v.m v ui uitir eves. HENRY C MORRIS & CO. State Stitft none ir.) i i a ill BAKE-RITE bread tomor?"" t17 3 l0af ,oday. fall buy loaf Has the home-made taste. BAKE-RITE .SANITARY BAKERY t cLaie street LADD & BUSH BANKERS Established 1SC8 General Banking Businesa .: