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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1920)
-MCFTVTO. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, MONDAY. JANUARY 12. 1920. .... ., i n nnan Qwm m ? KMII HIIMII 1 I n III III r T- UrtlLUUttU OIIIIIIL 111 IDMIfB TODAY . IS HISSING DOCTOR Sunday Sermons By James I lvlli (T. M. C. A. Kecretary.) ! , Rickey News. Philadelphia. Pa, tea. It. The mu rfrr4 la a "J'rofeasor X" suffetlue; from lorn of mnnry til tainbertsvlile, S. 4, today was Iden tified a. Dr. John U. Urand. The Identification in mad by hi son, Lieutenant Commander Charles I Prand. Itr. Ilrano"s horn Is In Worcester, klaaa. H. has been nlaln this Mri. Ha wu unable to recognise hla son when lha latter approachca him and aid "don't roll know mo. father!"' Dr. IV.'! ml u found deetituto at Moorea H'ntion, Ihrea miles from lambertavfll, on Iimrmlir 23. Ilia clothing, of good quality, ra thread hard and bla appearance dlahevclert Hlne that time hi, hue sat In the hum of lha K-v, J. 1. Itenlley, at Ijunbcrtsvlll.. amaaln scientists with hla profound knowladsa and strutr n tn find th. "optm seaams" to a blank memory. Ha baa revealed an aatanlohln knowledK. of tha law, medicine, astronomy, architecture and kindred subject, yet apparently la unable to rwan anyihltiB; ei-rt Indistinct fweollectlona of hla past life and evenia sine this alnklnic of the Tl lanir. He la an accomplished mtlaic. aa and on several nttrturlnna him uluvcd the orimti In Kf Andrews Kpiacopal hurch, of Mlili'll Jr. JHem ley bt rector, Trefeaaor TC ma flial thouaht to a trump and was fmnflned In the Jail al Lambcrtsvlllo, a 111 tin town atone; lha Itelaaara river a few mile """III of Tre-nton. Hla unusual ijunl Ilka aonit became evident and r. Ilenfle, invited him In live. In the ?tory. Ir, Huntley, an Knallaliinan and rradiinte or Oxford, formed Ilia opin ion baaed on conversation that "Pro feasor X" attend- d ftaftird. ar.-.l uatlnir about Ki. and aperit hkt early af UMuaaippi, life VQNSTEIN CASE IS POSTPONED BY COURT ' New York, Jan, II Federal Jud Kno Iml.iy il)ourimd until neat Tne4ar piudliiHa on pennon fur rlta of halt.. an corpua in tha caaea f Urenui y Welnatelii. "rhlef of ataff" t tudwl C. A. Mariana, eovlot "tin. iNiaaador" and evin nlher rmll.ulH awaiiiiv riepurtutlon ptoceedliiua on Kllla Uiaod. l ulled Hlalea alli.tney Caffey n, erted thai ihn tuiurl had no jmla tlit'llon over idic4tla held al the l land, diHlaiiog mm laiy ,f aiMir and tha liurenu tif l.n Mlnttii had tmiadlftUm, The proiieedlnua lu rM.tH..i th Welnatein and allbai pnli,atja r wina are helna made 'leal raaea H,r1lint la Iminlitratmti umin aioner I'hl, flarcl Green Nolcs. Vhai la the I'roteitant ehurrh golmr to do aKut ila yunn pmiple? Kverv live mtnhtter arirl church t,iem ber i arroalnn-d with the word aur- r-y. And from the rnreful atlrveya of church work that have been Hia,l we are getOn ame valuahle Information. Motr. ona hna ild that the church 'ir tOOilb la (llvld.t Iriln Ih.o i.irt. "na-lhird does the work and paya the hilla, one third do little atid pay little, on-third do nothing and py nothing nd net nothlnir. it In tton to any thut the majority of the cna-thlrd Ihut doca the work anil u tha hum comet from then young peo ple wlum the church ha manuged to reep in ila aervl'-. One flf Hi of Ihn onmiluifon ,.t tt, country 1 enrolled In thj inrnherhlp or tue humiajr tw liooi. Jlowttver there In a aad aide t Die piclurn. More than B i,er ,,.nt .,r. u-atjint paciora of Aiuii.,i have tut plan nor not the allKhtf-xt l,lin of ptau or program for their wmnir peopl. 1 can mention certuin flumhiy achoola In H,ilctn where a imrhm meellr.g hua not hcen held In the htal live yi jta An iti K") from hi'iiven would fin.i it lflipoaljt, to Ket the aupertntendcnlM innu tne la. ticra mid nrfp-era of (he fa lem Hnrdn? achoola together fur a unl. led priiKiHin for Hundny arhool work. Thouannda of circular h-tiem wcib re eanlly aent to imatota in n. i'..ii,... KIhIcb iieklnK what plan tin y ha, I fr Iheir tromluy arhoul aiirt over two thou wind rt piled thev hud .. i,i,, i ll. A an eiithuMnatlc atol In li.ii.t,.,t worker umunu muim neonii. in a,.. lea 1 Wild liitenacly Inlet rated n t(, work carried on hy the Koi.mui Cttthn Ila church for lia youin ui,i,i. i n. country of I'Kince. In Hint country epeciallata liolii men and wuioeti devote 'ill Hull (line to the young people. In nearly ew iy ,,t, f r tance on Kim- y aiicrnoona It la a coiumou ig,t to we a young prllmt out u.,ili,,., i.i, . group of from Ofty to ,, humlred lMVi. Ui aooie linn wi(, tr tliuK a,,rtm nnfl h.r hlg wliiu, i,(,ii tt,i,h i group of girl. The g1(mB f the a.vt, cnnalatlug of r.,nm ,, "to all curilml mi , ,i .... ,.. vialtoi of the paUrat. 1 heao wuikere ra . uloae frlenda uml - . unu cil ia in their rharga. The allly Anierlciin propaguiida thai i hiin l, aervh e do not inieieat rlill.lieti ami young people ta not impular lu franco, fhldlien day In furl, I. ,,e Of lh.t big event of Hie vu,. -...I ., cruwda blocked the alreet , ,,,, .... iim wneii u.o children a procea Ion maicluol around una of the hirg. ai chtirrt ea In Hie city. 11 la rellnhly t,l ,n( ,).,. , i oneu piiilea lO.lKHI.iliifl prmoim 'I yeiirj oi under, one h,.lf .. wlhoul any rcllsloua Itialrucii.ii, n. i Vur I'tolcul. fHiholo, ..r i tfrttne wave and Initumiini ,iii....i. u. awe,,,!, V,.P )sm, uive M )( had an i) never will ii..... n. I t III" iinii pMilila of .,i ..-. ,.. ,.,. at'tiiMiie, Hea). tiifm ..- .. .. . ,,lrt, ,1,,,,, lhymt t ilhla (lily, wlieii cro.l i , . W KIM I ,",. .,., Ui-e,i I lirough lln. all ecu '..! a-tuare. of JJo.,,,., bent ,,,, ,, Plllitdvr (hat ,ot of the disorder hy ylu flm u ( s f " ami nn, prof,.,!,,,,,,, .,,, .l Ih.m 1, tt, 1(,vll4ll, f i he e!nien, f .i... , , coiiHol .f uiiciii,,,!!,,,! I.., ,,.,:' hie lnUtuli,.u of aoclely the riot hue i..,.i.. i HIM, ll.llllClt Oodapted the day when all I'roteatam church and all Christian organtrarxma will have a well organized union pro- gram for the rreatct offonaiva and ifr- tAu E'n!alr; U: ' prank Harrta. Mian Hz-1 Hrri. Mr P.Ickey. Jan. 12. S-.liuol haa open ed ajaln after th hoi;dav vacation. A family reunion dinr-r Wiifl Biven at the M. M. Mage- Iec. 29. Covent wer laid for the following, Mr. and Mm. A. L. Baker, Mr. and GERMANY IS SERIOUS Berlin, crunade for our young people Chruttibndom haa ever known. ROYAL NEIGHBORS INSTALL OFFICERS The Itoyal Nclclihora of Amarica. Oregon Crape Camp No. 13. and Modern Woodmen of America, Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5241, met at tne Mc'oimlck hall Thuraday evening. Aflr rtgulur buaineaa held the In utallallon of officer for the year 1S29. Carrie K. I'.unn, oracle; fiarah Pctwaon, vice oracle: Anna M-itten P-Hl oracle; Uhoda 1'eraona, chancel lor; R-iivih Nnlaon. recorder: Annn f lienni'tl. receiver: I'earl Murah inn.. aentliinl; Vera Alugee, onicr aentin.,1; r.tlwnrd Klmnk, manager: I-vlii V'-in uwlel, inualclun; Mellaaa I'ersona, nla-tii-t deputy; It. N. of A. acted uaj installing officer: Kather Hull,,-- cereiiinniul mnraiiHl. 'J'lie following officera for M. W. of a. were: ft. t. Cnuraey, venerable coiihiiI; II. Neiaon, ndvutor; F. A Turner, clerk; W. Knapp, banker; A. liunn. eacort; M. O. Itarlon, wat h niftii; (luy McC'urlney, geniry: I.erov Htover. nninnger; flM, I.. Cooper, dla- trlei rt-puiy M. W. A.. w inatitlllna i-mmul. K, R. Watten inmalllng e-eort. I,li:ht refreahmnntH were aerved. Jan. II. The situation created by the railroad strike be came worse yesterday, espeialy in tht Huhr district where there are ad ditions to the ranks of the strikers. The committee of social democratic hat and Mra. M. M. Masrt and duuifht r ; railway men here emirgea tne com- .Martrarct. I muniata witn responsiDiiiiy ior me r, .. . , , , strike, alleging that while it la osten- Miaa Ituth Wallace of Sa em auent . . . ..... . ... . .igitjly an economic movement it us in Sunday with her parent, Mr. and, , , , . , , . , , lira, T 'Wallafse , - . , rt.lllty Jn political measure intended I to accompimn tne inirouuciiun vi au Mr. and Mra. Geo. Edwards have i ,,,,.,.. , ,.,,ii c,.,m ,, -u. purchased a new Velie car. I,..nii, ,., The Thendora club was entertained i last week at the home of Mra L. Dickman. ' Frank Harria left for California January 2. Mr. and Mra. Loyd Drorbaugh have turchaaed a new Ford. Clifford (leaner tit Auburn wai a visitor at the home of his father. B. 15. fianer. Wdnend-v Mlaa Helen Havmi hits accented n position aa atenoirranher in the of fice of flov. Oleolt. ASK FOR and GET Horlick's The Original Malted Milk Par Infanta and Invalids Aroid Imilatioaa and Ibobfttitutea Hy lomt perverse Instinct cats are aald to be very fond of persona with a marked aversion to them Columbus received a salary of $300 a. month as commander of the expe dition which dlscoveren .merlra. The new null of the Island Lum ber compnny on Hauvlea Inland has begun operatlona. The mill cost 11 5(1.000, employs SO men and haa a rutting ciipaclly of 75,000 feet in eight hours. "SKIN THE CAT' But If you won't exercise vigorously you must take "Cascarets." BLUE MONDAY B A TRIAL Will CONVINCE NOTHING that we could say would so thoroughly I rnnvlnre vmi of till value rvf fliiamkerl-i;-". I A a J - wMwMiuvnaujij Tablets as a personal trial. We can tell you of thousands who have been permanently cured of rhronic constiDation. indigestion, biliousness c-VU l o -w w-va headache and disorders of the stomach and liver, but this will have little weight with yoa as compared to a personal trial. That always convinces lie eSTl a ifi 1 1 wpi up - - , yrver iJavId K, llurrows of Ontnrio haa filed application with the state engin eer covering appropriation of waste water from the Malheur dral (111 1' A lM. met for the Irrigation of 155 acres of) taking Cnsoareta land. ltoiunna tnugiit the Rrltlah to ,ib cheese and Hie pupils outstripped the ivacneia in the art. There la nothing like hi ndinff e-v- erclsee, taking long walks, or chop ping wood to keen the I !,..' ,.,ul bowela active, but most folks take their exercise In an ensv ehnir u,,i. folks need Cascarets. else they suffer from sick headache, sour ncid stomach, Indlgeatlon, colds and are miserable. Rut don't stay bilious or constipated. Keel splendid always by occasionally. They uct without griping or Inconvenience niey never sicken you like Calomel, Malls, Oil, or naaty, hnrsh Pills. They COSt HO little too CiKm,.!. I while you sleep. Ad.v What Is Rheumatism? Why Suffer from It? Suffrm Should Realise That H a Blood Infection. DoubllfM tike other aiifTrrera. ou have often asked yourttlf this qurtion, which couUuuc, to tt nwin unanswered. Science his proven that Rhea- ItlllllMl I. r..,...l l. , ... ki, " i i . '7 a germ in your Mood, and the nfy w.y ,0 rrach aud remove, ,he Utile p.U de "'Mo., Ik., explam, wj,r jj0j. JaTrii.""4 Mn d0 no Per- tnmilfflt nnnA na al . y ho-mi, wnicn in row Wood by fb, mitlion. S. S I,., v .ndyoT'wlf.Tn'd L. on III. elb. r.. l,ai. io net rid oi your Rheumatim. For treatment of vonr i.t,;.i..i ur r"Wien CVi.f u i i i . , '. ddresi i ij, AUaat. u. Who started that anyhow? Some say it was on account ot women having to wash Monday and maybe they would about it. And then others say men have all kinds of bad luck and accidents nnd verythinp at their work on Monday and they cuss.too. and ctissin' makes the air blue, and hence P.LCE MON DAY. But I don't think MONDAY any worse, only the the contrast with SVNIUY; you have such a GOOD TIME, no care, no worry, just rest und only go to CHl.'RCH once in the morning and once in the evening, and sit around in the shade all afternoon and read the "PACIFIC CHRISTIAN AD VOCATK" and other KEUOI Ol'S papers. Just fine, isn't It? Then contrast that with the hur ry and scurry to get up eurly Monday morning to get to wors.. and the kids to school, and It kind of puts a had taste In" your mouth, and a fellow is apt to say things besides "Amen," but CilEEIl VP, there'n onlv FIVE MOVIE DAYS to work this week. The miners want to cut off one day, but we've all got to go SIX PAYS a while yet, till we get in little better shape, and so The MEETINGS start at 7:30 EVERY NIGHT, exwnt Mondav and you'll find the hoia-e WARM, preaching GOOD, Binding FINE, ushers POLITE, members COR DIAL, and the Janitor ready to do ANYTHING from ilnKiug the L'KLL down. BAPTIST CHURCH Cor. Liberty and Marlon Sts. I LOGANBERRY WIRE AND HOP WIRE THE LARGEST STOCK OF WIRE ON THE PACIFIC COAST Salem is the only city on" the Pacific coast to have No. 8 to 14 wire. For several weeks I have combed the entire country and have secured all the wire of this kind that could be bought at any price. I HAVE STILL MORE WIRE, NEW AND OJCiCUrNJU HAJJL You must suffer the consequences if you don't buy Your wire now from the Steinbock Junk Co. 320 N. Commercial St. Phone 305 We also have a large stock of tools and garden tools, machinery, forges, vices, anvils, blowers, press drills belting, pulleys, shafting, hangers, etc., etc. We buy and sell all. kinds of junk and second hand goods. Remember to call 305. hllil lb., . . tUatl nrin. Jan. I.-. Mra. W, U ! ,'""b, I'tlMl,. t private ie hem. a f rbHd". and"''""'""" "'towi,, a ,. Waoford, , il. wm.k wllh (ti -r luir;ii,l4t tt.. I, fiictin, awother in iu, e,.r ,f,, mtf ,,,,, )lau' l' Mm. Ann petutaon ut eklm and'"'1""' wild with v-,..., , Umtig ,r U.a " -!ida. ,reg,hBtI al Pater lii.a.i.aoo a on Januaiy I "'""' Mia Kva MenOenhalt f , Jude J..I.I, NVwvt.mer of the mm, "r HM "lw wtH.k-.n4 at l'u. i 1 ' "r hi..o I,,. ,(M,U; fcaamtaaen a. ; Malemrnt lb.,i ,111.1, 1,,. ...... b.. n.ittiioiiiti- ton IK Wui.auv. M' tlt.4 th ..t ... ... kJ. al,; - .. , III....... .. I . tVtl i It.lttiitAaH a.ii....i ' ' -.iu JUUI'.al lit, u .,!,.... ... .... r ZizZzl m 'iew(j I Pre-Inventory Clean-Up I (t D-,J. f: M7L ... If n r, . I ' - I.f with f. I.., i,.. ' " "d 'b.t be e .1 ,, 1-Ufceli.. that ,VKUi,. .,," - hMw lw pi,T on all ..,r ...... " e'linlai . (,(, " ," ,"; "-.-. i, . " J- to ,,(.., ,!,,. Ht imml . h.,i, .. r , . . lb ... .. I : . ... , ui, n I. . , 1 1 1 . 1 1.. . . iv.ii..d w,,i!V , th, Joi. Iltld ,-lwlw, ,ntl . Kl Pyrn !.. vt Niiwrtno rnt!y Vt ttt a n.upi. uf iyi, WHh f4,,r le i!.t Mr. and Mt Weine,t N,.rsl a. vi.nmg ,iia hum. KJdl ll.lto.,her W. ui,,,, . tt..r uf f !, (,tr,u. TI(4 lv - Ufl, luwrm h-, . ..... ... . I' " ivilihiua rvfr "I"" b the uiaeioa, Hr Hi. !.,! Tuv vfMted !il,.. .. . "" .' )l-iig pr,., llf ! Vl" '' ''' '. -hall w W , ' ;i wu it uM h.M.Iej r;:;;';: - 1 , ' !' If ,.,.,. ii rte a,i. ... . whea e,s - .: ". : I!!UU1.1 r. enen He Purs , ta. Mr. - f ' Kuudan ' w uwl ... , 1 . ' " mutllplt L iL o!" '"'.d .t .., , t ctfiM.A,, , I llgn cy ivcn.u, ,aj mklk 1, n i. the 4, ' a stall mim jj l;e.t.i. ,! ktler iU mmm Met llliti "WU I li,e;lrf ta aWleut. ia Krl rv.a W,ir W bulb, alei W Itk trails' V I 43! ... I 'SMWV OF FliN C1IIL0S UWATIVE aT tUl :f "'"' 1 uui,!.., ,,r t.r d.iW Kar.h ,. ,.,va tka Chaw,-.. ahhirt th4r t. v( f1 w .!, ..). w,, Pt'uad. and Mia foe A a engmved rw -rd u of aronatloa f U, K-ih,,,,,,,, A,mlm ,. C. i. I . r.ii-o. " rranci. li,..a died . ,,jM1 , auiewe. by etching .vlj akil. .,n' aaaulMia- ia ilh H.ld " No aubatitut. h vr eea fft anitrgjia . a laaaw fur Um ta.. Mfacl a ra of perfumary. Tfca hn ckawlitanun Is wail, from cb.ltiieiou Irwa f UmOtm, 1 . of flg Pf.:-l Ckf.M..' ... aa. t..l,Mt(ua . il, tie. , ,w , a Ur.t aai k.r-a asaa Ui... w 1 J.,t (BI u ,lti l.aa,k. ber and bi. CktMlt.. iu a.iuwiu r.y ti, taU V je eaek M tl. O.te it BKH --t-ajirwraMi". (A4)l Of Broken Lines Wherein May Be Found thoice Bargains. COATINGS The entire line of Wool 't.lour Coat ings, regular prices $1.-13 to UX, reduced to, yard $35 SUITLNOS-.Thrn' pieces of excel leiu wooT'Serire v v - l 1IiKS' black an(i brown 4o rshIS- -A ot of splendid (iulity white and colored nets reduced to van! . 50 lM of IK to plain ami fancy nets, til II .. Sa, - ALL OVER IvVCKS-L laa-s mluml to yard ... 2V ' 10 l.ou all overs 75c Another lot of to $2,10 Silk AU overs miucod to 1 o- SILK GUVKSU;? Silk Olo I. and, pood old tune quality, Too grades 45c i. w grades now g-, $l io gnules now 95. IHAI)WKAi:-Still a Rwd assortment of chUdren's OMLVS l.' NI)KR KAK -Unrce lot of Women's vouon lubUtl rants and 'ests to close out at cn arui ' i garment 5 A lot of splendid two-piece uinlerweaneach ton Drawers and Shirt, our V&ZrKc grade, each Men's grey mixed ZZZ " '""$Zc OurWstall wool Drawers MShitta. SIIIKIA broken lot of j Men's plain white ban. X T atmln hu,mVd sllirL- choice....50c Also lot of Hovs nl;.i ..I..... j u hrU m stzes 12 toU'i, choice ...50c 75c WHEN YOU BUY Jf5gl5ITO,pi'.(eBJelu : ; : IT- 1 fea. ; it j Bop" Black Fell Hats, Clotce 1 ou Buy the Latest and Most Perfect of Phonographs While other makers of talking machines have been content to follow the older ideas in construction and practically all along the same lines. The Brunswick makers have departed from the set plans and introduced new and-improved meth ods. The Ultona reproducer used onlv on the Bruns wick Phonograph is a big step in advance of all talk ing machines. The clear natural tones of the Bruns wick are free from metallic and nasal sounds. No wasting of the high notes of a song. The Brunswick is not an assembled machine, as so many others are, but it is made completely in one of the seven factor ies which the Brunswick company are now operat ing for talking machine manufacture. Every ma chine of the Brunswick make plays all records. T". runs wick Records Victor Records Edison Records Columbia Records Pathe Records Gcnnett Records -Emmerson Records A T.' Tl -1 v iv xu'corus Arirl ill J . , v au uiiicr cusc records S Ztof1' K-,ii0" r W"0Ut -die sound, offer U Crh,,WS Vh - exchange Khich we 100.00 Concert, mahogany case, used price . $100.00 Sonora, oak case, used price $200.00 Victrola. , e., v, ueu price $17500 P i our phonograph in good condition. Call cn us when Your Machine Needs Attention C. S. HAMILTON Complete Home Furnisher VA1 The Brunswick Plays $ 65.00 a..., $ 60.00 .4U court btreet