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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1920)
ACT ABUSED IS PIERCE CIRCE Osrrsetloa at flagrant abuse of tsa spirit of tha oldlsnr' educational aid act, aald to ilat la numerou srboots throuxhout th state, tha ap propriation of 140,008 to eovr fl uancal deficiencies In tba original act Bp to January 1, 121, and an in eraaaa In tha mlllage Us provision In tba act from two tonlha of a mill to four tantha of a mill will be provided la threa amendments to in Introduc ed In tha special session of tha legislators. Thl preitram waa agreed upon at eonferoma ostareen Benator 1'lerce. tha author of tha original bill, and bad of various educational Imrtllu tlana bra lUturda? afternoon. Hana tor Plarea'a "Interpretative amnd nant" to tha art designed to correct tba abuse of tha maaaura will pro vide for a minimum atendanc of IS hours par month at day achool and 1 houra par month in night achool In order to antllta tha bsnlflclary to tba mailmum of 121 par month alate aid provided by tha act. Many Instamm flint. . According to ffcmator Pierce a tiunv hr of concrete Instances hava bran eallad tr hla attention In which e ervlct man have boon merely "sitting In" at a arhonl to draw tha financial Id prrivldad by tha atata. In ona In slsnr lha applicant ) said to b at tending atata achool for only ona tiour aai-h day, clerking In atora downtown for tha remal"dr "t h" day whlla ha drawa tha flnanrlal aid provided by tha act. Another Insane elted ht Prnator l'lerc Involve sev- aral aervlc man who ara aald In ha r !a.i.d at a high achool but who da tola tha greater Bart of tbalr tl a in loaflnf abou town whlla drawlnf alata more In ordar to furthar correct the aba tha "Interpretive amendment" , l ba offered by Henatnr Marc will provide Ins' tha etsrutfvs he of the Institution Involved muat certify lo the secretary of atata to tha effsct that lha applicant la applying himself lo ,hl amdlse with due dlllKlsnra and l ikr. aatlafaptory progress In arhout. Other Nafrgoarrls I'lanncd. Y furthar f-urd against eon. tinned tHuan of i,s spirit of the nl wBI fee provided In tha amendmant by delegutlttg to tha alata superintendent of pulllti Instruction general upervla ery powara in lha administration of the BIGGEST FIGHT OF SESSION CENTERS 0.1 GAME BUREAU It la probable alao that a eotieurrem miuinm will b Introduced Into the ssna. appealing to tha American 1- rln otttanlaatlon throughout Oregon for co-operation with tha ( admin istration In preventing further etuis, af tba eut. Both Henetor I'terca and Senator w. T. Vinton, whn alao ant In on tha eonfertnee, declared that tha Interpre tation of the act had been fr broader then the legislator had originally In traded In that all el of rboola. In rtudint: business college and trade school, r now admitted under the provisions of the act, but neither were of tha opinion that any change should ba made In line interpretation at Ihla lint a. An appeal by U f. Ntohi.l of the T M. IV A. business oolle of I'nnlnnd for lha admluai,,., lf wu,,wlt n) IraJnlitr- .ria men ia the beneflta of lha a fd t iiIM.t wh ,n, Bl,ro. l of the eutune preaent, MNW l..lU y Undar the kmin w.ieniht f mill ptvl.i.n for the fluanclai rt,d f the meaeura. J,. to provided annually, Thla. i rlem haa proven, Vfl., ,,,,,. ii.ll tr iiia nerd, of At the pr-Miit time JuiiO ea-eerv-Ka men ara re.ui,, flnaiuial aid in puraums; their du(l , ,,,, a J ft V a l a ednrauottal UietHoU.m, We. thai e..h of tl. ,,,.,, 1 K a.imum f j (M.r wun,ft ISM In one year n. not to eoe,d lu. Ut Of 14.9 all Md. H hlle , . p. Pilranu at. ti,,- adnt f Uia 'Tm :-."""" " u -""' that IW wr jrtr r Fleh and cam maitara promise to turnlah the bla flint of tba apccial " organ' rpreaentad In tha lobby by H. 11. Van Uo-r of I'ortland, I'realdent I'rtca o: tha Multnoman AnKlora and 1'roa Idem towna of tba aut lea rue of cruba, whlla tha Korue river anglers ara represented by I'realdent Uaurga Uanafleld of Medford. Tha sportsman sack a separation, of fish and game matters Into two commissions while tha Ilogue river anglers suk consti tutional amendments cloelng the Ho cus to commercial fishing and the cesNttlon of state aid to salmon hatch- eriea Tha fish and game commlaslon, Warden Hhoamalcer and Clanton ara also present demanding an official In vestigation of their administration. Their request resulted la a measure calling for tha appointment of prob ttd, which waa under debate when tha house adjourned. It waa favored by I. tan but attacked by Hmlth of Mult nomah as being designed to tie the governor's hands by dragging tha In vestigation over until tha regular ses- eKin. Hmlth of Dakar declared that tha governor ahould ba tied up to keep him from wobbling any mora. The house la reported favgrabla to on! commission of seven members to ba choaen by the leglelature, three for game, three for oontmerclnl finding, and a neutral chairman. The sports men oppose thla bill, holding that no irglelullon at all la preferable, and ship of tha church "had Increased by lit rfurtner lha Bast vear. Office ra ejected for the ansulng year ara aa follows: Albert Bather, trustee; John Ooppleruda, secretary; h. II. Myers, treasurer and P. K Ja cobnon, janitor. IRISH PREACHER URGES GROWING OF FLAX III STATE Urging tba planting and handling of flag In Oregon because the cli mate la ideal to that here. Dr. S. J. Raid, Irish preacher, addressed the busnees men at the Commercial club Monday noon. Pr. Iteld talked on Commercial possibilities of Ireland , and becauna the fla Industry ia ona of tha greatest on the Emerald Isle, and because of the similarity of cll p.atM of Oregon and Ireland declared that ha could aea no reason why this stats cannot grow sufficient flax to support tha United Hiatus, If not for eign countries. "I cannot see why the legislature doesn't appoint a committee to In vestigate," he said. "Bo long aa Ore gon la developing Its resources, It strikes ma strange that It doesn't take this up, for I'm sura that for tunes ran ba made In It here aa they are being made In Ireland." Talk is Humorous Dr. Raid's talk was fraught with Irish humor. lie told of the great po litical problem that seethes within the Island's borders, and likened It unto "just an Irish playful prank. "I know that that Is a tremendous Insist the governor should nam tha Problem," ha asserted. "I'erhaps csuimlaslnn. Pledging themselves to work for '100 per cent thrift education for Mar- lun county school children" twenty-one prinicpais, representing all school In Marion county, gsihered at the mid winter conclave of tha Marlon County rrincipsis association, Haturday. "The main purpose of the thrift campaign Is to Inculcate tha habit of economy and sayings In Ihs boy or girl," aald Coun ty Huperlntendent W, M. Hmlth. The prliu'lpnls aim lo encourage the say. Ing bavlt among the 7Q0S pupil or Marlon county achools. The plnn In to eitcouiage each pupil to save at least with tha vl of having a totul anowlntf for Marlon county of nt least1 l,M by Det-ainbar II, 1110. Uurlng lha afternoon. Thotims V. Juntlo 0f Monmouth to IK ml on A New Course of Bludy for Nur mal rlihuul." This w followed by a dlscuation rvgnrdlng t tin turrit of pro poses manges. Htitte Huperlntenneni Churchill gnvs a sliurt address on 'High Mt-hool organisation," The pedngugurs designated Kebru- ary II. 1120, as tha n.ii meeting date ami liiKtrticted lha program and enlr- litiiimittl commltlne to pruvl.le a ban- met and ipuclal prugram at the Febru ary at salon, A eoiiitnltto (traded by E. H. Htli of th Jefferson schools, wus formed which aui revlso rul.-s and rcgtilHllun for the coming meet This committee will mI make provisions for achrd ile and rules of county buscbnll Itmguca. ENDS BANNER YEAR Hilverii'.n, Jan. I,AI Iht. mmnii bualtirss ni.ctmg t,f Ti lost I.utttt-iuti tiut.-n i..,t recently a most ancouiait ' report .is red by the secretmt M. ), liutiilcrson, no, nt,uy t (he so. '.'!. ....I that sufficient tnoite) Hj,d Im euliscilhed to p t.rf ell iu- ft....... , r ' ah ' ' ' oi in,i new tliuivl, Ituiltl. tnTer th. 1! ,,,',u,"'"' the act ber, and th.t lh.r3 will b a lrd ? 7 1 "U" -,"r'"' ' ! ' Lotted lh,,i the clly had W.I .2.IT' ,'lri,,r,' of "v' aMWribed It ,Mta to the mt. - eiwxtvii at?u I rt I si at at kltiitu kii.1 ,i...l.h..i s... , vT- ;""ss ni'll fit llUtlll A lUinii. Att.tllv.f- li!imrlan nrtUm df Uu of tha aa..,s, , M4, , , lima, '"vprit , tSfHAf. Mum Hatlfy. Tha pt.p,.d Inctvaaa of tha null. H,UM H , Vul , h appro,., )f uew(. muh -XtThir:,:,- r;: t ,K M Novell EUROPE RELIEVED WaWtigtR. JaL ltu lha-wssrwously Jmwr- MMttWn "T? ' l-l.... aaC . uui ,ba Meat harv , octotw, tiol t..he burden (,f ih Amencs sWtttHal that It aa last ye., ,h ana (Stli..ltt, told lo.tay by tiarhan llvcr, . rrV" ,h! ,,,," " .! H W'lUI last Jul I, Mtoau, . -fcaif ,;iti eMIej,' ha said, 'Ttoat a as a tardea on eor gHarnmeiit and tha ttpera In form m aatn. ,he t H) Kiataa treasury aJtr.iJ t . sua -. sw-a . .. ; " "'"I' nut ttsis una J44"' lbs largely abla la IWd It. elf by lb saehanaa 4F gHMl. sad rradlta or U, , Ilea see froan Om Vailed Mtelea la all, Ihe att uailon ia that f frvinuig tba sf ho f tha asiaatloa wa bad t frsat Urn nieitiiM-ts was the lntressw c-f Kv llendlkssn'a salary five hundred dot lra a year. Thl Is considered etcep tionatly well when It 1 routentber.! Mlml the minister twtlvol an Iticre.isi' in aaiary last rar 0r ;otj greater political problem has never faced any country. Hut I'm sura that there ara great things ahead. And I'm sure that after this Is solved, no matter what the aoiutlon, that the Irish will havs their fun, and some thing elss will ba started. You don't think they're going back and sit down do youT Oh nol It's Irish they ara, and being such, sport and fun they must hava." Ireland Is prosperous and happy, In Us commercial life, Dr. Held de clared. IUcaum of its great coopera tes commercial scheme, eliminating the middle man. and undermining competition, It Is on of the most prosperous countries In the world, he sold. Ireland Fn-ds Kngland Koch night, except Hunduy, tha preacher said, many shiploads of Ir Ifch products sail from Irish porta for blngtand. "Ireland Is tha supply house for tlreal Ilrituln," he declared. There Is mure money por cuplta In Itlnh bank, he asserted, than In eith er England, Bcotlnnd or Wales. All their prosperity, shown by this, Ir. Held declared, Is because "tlwy are naturally thrifty." "rou don't nee many autos In Ire land." he declared. 'That's because the Irish believe In doing things right. They don't believe In getting a machine, not even a tin I.iiaie, If they cc n't gjt a chauffeur for 11. A man with a machine Is even regarded as a nob. "You can't Judtre an Irishman by Ma appearancca They don't try, like Americans do. to muke themselves ap t'i'nr Just a little better than tucy are. lUllier, they try to look just a little worao than they really are. Kor Ui Irishman always tuukea his iki on the other fellow. Ultra Key to I'nwprrlty "I'll bet Ihul If today you anw Lluyd-tleorga ou'd think he'd be sshaiiicit. Von would find his pants batiKliiK, bis tout shabby, and that ie needs his Imir cut. Hut you can't Jwlif him by thosrf things In Ire land they wear their clothes until they are worn out. That's why thev ei.Joy prosperity and happiness. Their Itfy Isn't ahum." John W, Troy, singing evnngetlst. who, with Hr. Held, have been eon. ducting evangelical services here sang for the businem men. The larg .l cruad that has ever attended one f the lunches was mt hand, several being tunwd tmu. Array Leaders Meet In Capital To Discuss Reorganization Washington. Jan, II, IH'partmrniiil unit d'vlslonal coiiutiandeni O'et here! today at lbs cl lof cVt retary llaker lo i illm-tias army reorgaiiisatlon. They In. eluded IJeutettant Cvnvral ltuntrj 1-lKgett, Major lleneruls Leonard! Wood, Illnea Ila Sh.trr mid IHiIkii.I and Itr.'gadlvr tleneral W. I I lvicharlon. j On Put txise ..f the conferences is i to f.tiiilllariss the commander with! me policies under which Ihe bureaus It was r. imn.. I ik.i n. k. I aT iieratlllg, rattter than to de- U wa. reported that the member-'i.rmlna uh. an changva. S.H.TOUTUAN Armenian Lecturer-Refugee Will give Bible tatemnta in regard to table rapping, ouija Ixml, spiritism, Higher CriU icisnis, etc. He talks on the subject : "Can He Dead Communicate M The Lirag." TONIGHT AT THE MOOSE 1IAIX 7;30 l M. SEATS FREE KO CX)LLECTION Ministerial Associates Endorses Thrift Campaign National Thrift Weeg. Ita alma and aspirations, was heartily endorsed at a ' meeting Monday morning of the Salem Ministerial association, that pledged iu aid to tha movement National Thrift Week will ba observed here Beginning January IT. Tha movement was a!so endorsed by tha Hal era Women's club, that mat Sat urday at the Commercial club. WANTED USED nMlTURE What hare you to sell PHONE 1177 Best Prices Paid W. E. Lucas Ferry and Liberty Sts. Va,. ',,. y- "THE MAN BENEATH" Starring HAYAXAWA (. An absorbing drama of racial barrier into which is woven a thrill ing blackhand conspir acy. :y TODAY YE LIBERTY ' AT Dress Good MONEY SAVING PRICES 36-inch plaid dress goods, per yard - - - 69c 34-inch navy serge, per yard : 79c 36-inch silk poplin, all colors, per yard $1.49 56-inch tweed coating, per yard $3.45 44-inch all wool French serge, per yard $2.98 38-inch all wool poplin, per yard $1.98 56-inch wool flannel, per yard - - $1.49 52-inch chiffon broadcloth, per yard $4.98 46-inch all wool serge, sponged and shrunk, per yard $1.98 Amoskeag ginghams, per yard : 29c and 35c Percales, yard wide, per yard 29c and 35c Romper cloth, per yard 39c OUR PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST Gale & Company Commercial and Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store The telephone system of Czecho-Slo- vakla la to be remodeled on the lines I of that of tho United States, which Is regarded as the best In the world. Statistics for the horsa have so far failed to diminish his numbers on the , farms where the animals are mostly bred. For Long Distance Auto Trucking Willamette Valley Transfer Go. e WE AL&) do local hauling. asssBasaaaaatsaBaBsjsjSMsjsjssagM m mam 111 Jfw9 Wmm Man or Men Look at His Fellow Do You Envy Him or Do You Pity Him? He is a man who has not cared much about his health appearance. You see many just like him every day. They are all the same- they have no purpose in life. in yopSS th 0 least resistance and become shabby we wiS aW&Tu. yUr reSOlUt5n t0 drcSS Uer me to BISHOPS, and Trade with a store where SERVICE is the ruling power.THAT store is BISHOPS HART SCHAFFNER AND MARX SUITS AND OVERCOATS JUST WRIGHT SHOES. MEN SEE OUR WORK CLOTHES. IT WILL PAY YOU. Overalls, $2.23 ' Tr . Gloves, 25c up .0l Slurts ?L25 ; Work Shoes, $-1.00 up tV k Pants up . . ' Umonalls,$4.50up have mry thing for the man who is working You Do Not Take a Chance to Lose if You Purchase Here Salem Woolen Mills Store Every Family in Marion and rolk Counties a Patron C ? BISH0P' Prop'