Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 10, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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ftjeu) Today - Where Small Ads Get Resu
Its at &
f0r(j Each Insertion one
J? . Insertion 5 cents, one tnomH,
!f LSrtions. 17 cents. ar. pe.
ath. 8 cents. Minimum, per an .
"rust insertion only In Kew Today.
.j, rash in advance and not tak
2tVove puone unless advertiser ha.
hone errors
New Today.
SALr Siart the few sear
t and buy juu
. o.-.. "4M acres, auuui iou uu-
1 balance pasture and tim-jA
-r fair improvements, located!
; ' m miles from goon town or,
2w0 i.oAilr.tion and 4 mile of
I. ,;,l 14 miles from R. R.
station. A good team, harness, wa- , poR SALE Grade Guernsey, heavy
P.""- ' . with nlaee.
head n'" .,,,n,7 r.
balance own time in reason.
If you si-e tais place once you will
not turn
it uown, ioi ii. is ......
tiir val -"V. UAas.
sville, Ore.
i-M lv ji.inine L'nited Accountants
''"i f;Mkkeepers association ot
'i'rWiea. Particulars freo. Chas. A.
ieetiaml. Pres.. 10 Auditorium
blJe., Chicago.
KENT Close in sleeping room.
..ue I'
y,,X.! cutters wanieu. !CAR for sale. 156 S. 12th St.
men who f'11' lHKe " ,
fvo hiMiJred cords fir., ash and
ni.wi- house and cook stove furn
ished .'parties to furnish their own
heiHiug Call Phone 26. 14
FOR SAI.F. Good srcoi'j
.hand car.
Pdi i 'lii1 Ptute strei;
FOR SALE 4 Jersey cows, 3 milk-
1 IO TiPtiell ill .v v....'.
HOIS N. Commercial m.
2 of. 4 J. H
V AXTEI' 125 sewn foot seasoned
nil; lio'j'ts. B. Cunningham. Phone
I,,-NT -Tennis shoe between 17th and
Market and V. M. C. A., Tuesday
night. Return to this office. 10
C'.inru.A rnrsets sold by Mi's. Alice
A. Miles. 4P1 N. 21st. Measures tak
en, tit guaranteed. Home Thursday
afternoon. Phone 1902J.
FOU KENT 5 unfurnished rooms,
inquire after B p. m. at 485 S.
Church street. 11
F' P. SALE -C.
S. Teeph
'.. l' p. m.
year old Cotswold ram
Salem! Rt. 1. Phone 8
rs fi out room.
furnished down
P.'ione 1430J. 11
W A XT El 1
-A witer Micubator.
WANTED Jlan and wife to cook for
1U men. man to work outside. See
Merlin Harding at Salem Hdwe.
WANTED Men to work on donkey
Misine, that are .used to "handling
r:iile. Merlin Harding at , Salem
WANTED To hear from owner o
good ranch for sale. State cash
price, full particulars. D. F. Bush,
Minneapolis. Minn.
C'OI) bright straw for sale. See Cap
ital City Transfer Co. 9
PER month seliing a new pat
ented fuel vaporizer guaranteed to
s,tve up to BD percent in gasoline.
40 miles per Hlon made with Ford
nr. Solil on money back guarantee.
One sample fre . Stransky Vaporiz
er Jif. Co.. i'ukwana, S. Dak; 9
L;tT One ferry boat. got away
from Siniiam i-ive,r during firat
il.iys of Nov. high water, aud pass
ed down river below Salem. Anyone
turnUuing information EU3 to its
'l;raliouts will be reasonably re
,.nle.i. w. J. Turnidge, Talbot, Or.
I- Mi.s l.e .ii will address box
:! V.noouver. Wash., sh may; something to her advantage. 3
V AN F.D Immediately by U. S. gov
ernm nt. Thousands men-women-Birls,
or over. Permanent for
life positions. .$1100 to $1800 year.
N strikes or layoffs. Easy, pleas
ant offue or outside work. Quick,
cprtMn rai.-e Vacations. Common
eat- j'tion sufficient. Write imme
diately for free list positions now
open. Fianklln Institute, Dept.
iA I'. H hester, N. y. 9
'P. SALE Secondhand flat top oak
- A" 14'J. 9
ted To leaqA 50 ni 9K anrAA
with I'uH.iings, for berries. Lee
1-t. 8, box 30, Salem, Or. 14
1. .-ALL MeClanahan 220-egR in
cti'..yor and two brooders, A-l
coral hnn. p.. K Wihlorf Rt. 5.
1"1 li.ore eve. T4K2. 10
1.1..VT - Simrlfl hnusnlrAftriln
- 1 Muianie tor one Derson. ju.i
'ii-'a. I'Uotie 645. 10
APPtr Kc-d Cross or phon
Gent'A driv-lncr -.- nn.l
Phone 41KB. 14
1-. Kl I. lt,
-n-.B. h;ttershui-i 181. Im
I'lovw) OrTcon and Wilson. Vlcor-
.rooted plants. Take orders
tv-L . . K- Richardson. 239
- "' l-lioi'e
Any amount Low rates.
Full repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask
about our 20-year loans at
Hawkins & Roberts
2 Oregon Bldg.
HAVE legitimate cash buyer for 6
room, modern house with furnace,
on paved street, would' prefer place
wit 11 fruit. Also have buyer tor a
suburban home or acreage well im
iroved, within 814 miles from city.
v. a. Liston. 4S4 Court St. H
HOMESTEAD relinquishment 160
acres. 30 miles of Salem, 2& hour
drive, y mile of school; running
water. 3ft sacks of potatoes raised
on place this year. Price $450. Estes
& Magee, 42S Oregon bldg., Port
land office 909 Chamber of Com.
FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. 6-10
is. winter. n
GOOD paying business for sale
Salem, with big future. About $3000
Might consider some trade. Address
Box ABC Capital Journal. 9
milker, fresh Jan. 2, fine heifor
calf. A. M. Chapman, Rt. 3, box
110. io
FOR SALE Furnished or. unfurnish
ed 5 room house. Cull 530 X. 17th
street. 11
Used Cars for Sale.
FOR SALE 1917 Ford fully equip
ped, A-l condition. Liberty Gar
FOR SALE 90 Overland, model 1919
Phone 44F5. 11
FOR 9 ALE Chevrolet roadster.
S. 19th. Phone 1777M.
Help Wanted
EXPERIENCED seamstress will go
out by the day. Phone 1413. 331
HIGH -school boy wants work eve
nings and Saturdays. L W care Jour
nal. . 9
WANTED Pianist for music depart
ment. F, W. Woohvorth Co.
WANTED Two farm hands, mostly
team work, steady employment,
prefer men with families, house fur
nlshed; come and see, do not write.
Phone Jefferson 36F22. W. J.
Turnidge, Talbot, Or., O. E. rail
road. 10
WANTED H. S. boy wants to work
for board and room. Box Work
Capital Journal. 9
WANTED Laundress.
State school
for the deaf.
WANTED Wood cutters. Fearcy
Bros., -210 Oregon bldg. Phone
683. . 9
WANTED Woman for housework.
Apply 320 N. Commercial St. Phone
305. . 10
Real EstateHouses
FOR SALE 6 room bungalow with
or without furniture; terms. W. A.
Liston, 484 Court St.
FOR SALE $800, four room cottage
large lot, garage, electric lights, city
water, Nob Hill district. Owner,
phone 1390R.
FOR SALE Truck for light hauling
or transfer. $300 for quick sale or
trade. 1296 Market St. 9
FOR SALE 6 room house, barn
chicken yard. 2 lots 50x140, fam
ily orchard. Price $1850. 2164 Ma
nia street. Address W. W. Blakeslee
Chemawa, Or. 19
5 room house, barn and three lots
with fruit, on Laurel Ave., near the
new packing plant. Portland owner
will take best offer made for it in
30 days. See John H. Scott Realty
Co., 228 Oregon bldg.
Modern buncalow type 8 room
basenlent. cement walks; a real buy
at $3200. good terms. See us today,
John H. Scott Realty Co., 228 .Oregon
FOR SALE Three lots, small house
nlentv of fruit; reasonable terms.
Room 2 over Grey-Bell. 31
GOOD 5 room house, lot 100x100
H850. 20 acres. 4 cultivated, new
barn, house not quite finished. $1
600. Estes & Magee, 428 Oregon
bldg., Salem, or 909 Chamber Com
merce. Portland. Or. 9
FOR SALE 7 room house, modern
conveniences (except furnace) witn
one or two lots. Terms. Address box
X Journal.
FOR SALE A house on corner Lib
erty and "Lincoln. Phone 1186. iv
FOR SALE 5 room house, modern
except furnace, $1500. 79o Isoutn
19th street. Paul Papenfus. 13
FOR SALE 7 room plastered house,
modern except basement, nas oarn,
ware house, large lot, a good home
and close in on N. Cottage St. Pric
ed cheap, $2300. easy terms. 6
-,,., n.ri,) nn State street. 19
r-nnma rents 150. a few blocks
from State street; great bargain,
$2800, terms. Many others, truit
farms for sale. S. R. Pearson. 405
Oregon bldg. Phone 43.
OSTEOPATHIC physicians and sur
geons, Drs. White and Marshall.
506 C. S. bank bldg. Phone 8 J 9. Dr
White, res. phone 469; Dr. Marshal'
res. phone 834.
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon. 40?-4 Ore-
blug. Kes. pnone .,
EXCHANGE Will exchange part or
all ot thirty raw prairie quarters
In the Red River valley. Marshall
county, Minnesota, for a running
garage, citv property, or small Im
proved farms near Salem or Eu
gene, Or. These lands are lveL
well drained and rich i soil- Give
particulars first letter. H. Hadrath.
Thief River Falls, Minn.
AUTOMOBILE painting, furniture re-
... , .. -ifir ve call
rmisning ana oiw. -" , " .
for and deltve r. All work K'
" teed. The Salem Co .
15$ 8. 12th St. Phone l-- "
ESTES tc MAGEE. real !' "
list it we advertise "- "
fice 90 Chamber Commerce sa
lem office 428 Oregon bldg. oter
electric depot.
with Cherrmgton s Piano House.
41S Court St. Phone 151-
For Sale.
PIGS for sale. Flume 167SW.
FOR SALE Or rent, at Sublimity
136 acres. 100 acres plow land, 45
acres good loganberry laud, 40
acres in fall oals and wheat, 36
in pasture and 10 of this in ever
green blackberries. Will take, city
property or acres in exchange. On
rock road. O. 1). Miles, near Sub
limity. 11
FOR SALE Second hand galvanized
wire No. 10. Address Frank Beut
ler, Macleay, Or. 9
FOR SALE Young pigs; also 3 fine
brood sows. Phone 86F4. 11
30 acres, 15 in cultivation, good;
family orchard, some good wood ;
timber and pasture, a modern farm t
house, plastered; bath and good
closets: small new barn; J3500 on
good terms. John H. Scott Realty Co. 1
28 Oregon bldg.
t'AD C V T -! .1 . . . XWT
a few thousand Italian prune trees. J
1 1 . t k'r.nm... 1. 1 n.,,.. 1 .
so other
nursery stock.
6, Salem, Or.
Plume 111
17 1
F21. Rt.
-Large wood range. 13S6
Ferry St.
FOR SALE 22 acres, about 20 acres
of peat and beaver dam, fair house,
barn, onion house and silo, 14 acres
cultivated. Located one half mile
off Salem and Portland road. See
Fred W. Duibin, phone 515, 275
State St. 9
HAVE the old furniture made new.
phone 1673, the Salem Retlnishlng
Co., 156 S. 12f.i St. 10
FOR SALE Full blooded White Leg
horn cockerel, O. A. C. strain. Call
1287 N. Summer. 13
harness and wa
St. 9
gon. 791 S. 13th
FOR SALE Good 1913 Indian motor
cycle, first class condition, good
tires, new license, a bargain for
some one. 1356 S 12th St. 9
FOR SALE Full blood White Mi
norca cockerels at 696 N. Cot
tage. 9
FOR SALE SI. 95 acres, whole or
part, 1 Vi miles east of State street
carline, has 5c car fare. Immedi
ate possession of part. Paved road.
No better loganberry land. This
will seU. Better hurry. J. H. Koltes,
Hotel Bligh. 12
FOR SALE Ash wood.
Phone 1356W
ONIONS and carrots for sale cheap
by ton or sack. Phone 399. a
FOR SALE 33 acres, 31 cultivated.
buildings worth $1500; 12 acres
seeded. $3550. Estes & Magee, 428
Oregon bldg., Salem. 909 Chamber
Commerce, Portland. 9
FOR SALE 17,000 feet second hand
lumber. Inquire Ooodnmn Orueg,
2576 fairground r'd. Phone 1467. 13
NEARLY new electric
24th St.
, -9
chine for. sale. 448 N.
FOR SALE Or trade, a few fine it.
1. Red cockerels. Call 7S0 or 643
N. Winter street. 9
FOR SALE Good team, weight
about 1150 each. 1390 Waller St. lu
FOK SALE Italian prunes.
FOR SALE Full blooded
China boar. Phone 53F5.
FANCY wrapped and packed Spitz
enberg, Northern Spy and other va
rieties of apples, $1.75 per box. 160
S. High. Phone 10. 10
A RKAI'TIFT'L h eh grade new pi
ano for sale at a big discount, 'l his
is a bargain and easy terms.
Wiley i!. Allen Co., al
Court St
A FINE Conn cornet for sale. Th
Wiley B. Allen Co., 619 Court St
REMINGTON piayer piano for sal.
Onlv used a few months. Just as
good and like new but 1-3 less In
price with terms. The Wiley B. Al
len Co., 519 Court St. 10
For Rent
TO RENT Fifteen acre tract locaieu
1-4 mile rrom v aconua numo".
Oregon Electric R. R., with dwell
ing, barn, orchard, pasture and
farm land, together with monthly
cash payments for board and wash
ing for an elderly gentleman. Ad-
a aao r.Arval. Kt 2. box 45 or
phone 3F11.
ron RENT Furnished housekeep
ing rooms, also sleeping rooms. 254
Front street. Phone 1802. 9
fOIl RENT Close in, sleeping room
phone 1525. 9
FOR RENT 2 furnished house
Iruutiinff rooms. Zo- 3. iiui
Phone 1413.
FOR RENT $ unfurnished house
keeping rooms. 758 N. Commercial.
SLEEPING room for rent. 236 Court
street. Phone 1005. 10
FOR RENT Three furnished house
keeping rooms on first floor. Call
at 574 N. 15th and Marlon. H
We have good loans for
Investment at all times.
Farm Mortgages do not
fluctuate in value.
They are a home invest
ment. Inquiries invited.
205 Oregon BWg.
Salem, Oregon
Balem Auto Radiator Shop
Radiators. Fenders and Gas Tanks
Tractor Radiators specialty
Ford Radiators for Bale
1I 8. 12th Street. Balem. Ore.
Lost And Found.
5 I LOST Bunch of keys between Salem
ana tnaepenuence. r inaer pieas
leava or notify AI Feilen, 502 Sa
lem Bank of Commerce bldg, or
phone 32. Reward. 9
LOST Bunch of ribbon violets Jan.
1 on State street. Reward. Phone
WANTED All kinds or Junk and sec
ond hand goods. Liberty Exchange,
341 N. Commercial. Phone Ml.
Spier & Scott, Props.
BIDS WANTED Bids are hereby re
quested for the building ot an out
side entrance and stairway into the
basement of the Salem Masonic
temple. Plans may be inspected at
the office' of this association 403
Masonic temple, Salem, Oregon.
Salem Masonic Temple association.
Elmo S. White, secretary.
A 1iTf'lT'T . QaAnnithiinil fni-n till fs
rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and:""" '" ' "V.,v,. m i i,,,.
tnnta t u nnu IMA ni.nMt T. inr '
everything. The Capital Hardware
and Furniture Co., 285 N. Com'l
St. Phone U47.
trist-optician, eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
610-12 U. S. bank. Phone 341.
HOUSE painting, tinting and paper
hanging. K. tt. Jveitn. Shop 4J
Ferry St. Phone, Kes. 821, shop
S49. 825
WHEN you think of a transferman.
Call the veribest Transfer. Uoou
service for 1920. Phone 1344. Loca
tion 2 doors south Perry's drug
store. 11
WOOD SAW Phone your orders to
Lester C. Cline. Phone 2062M. 29
WANTED To rent farm. 160 acres
or more. Address Box Farm Jour
nal. 10
HIGH grade enamel and varnish
work. Phone 1673. The Salem ue
finibhing Co., 156 S. 12th St. 10
WANTED To rent modern furnish
ed or unfurnished house. Phone 718
evenings or 22 during day. 9
WANTED To buy up to date mod
ern 5 or 8 room house, close In.
Phone 568M. 9
WANTED To rent by Feb. 1, 5 or
6 room house will take lease for
longtime. Phone 1604 or W43. 11
ED Kinney ft Smith. ' real
estate dealers from Corvajlis,
are opening an office In
room 201 Bank of Commerce build
ing in Salem and are out for list
ings of farms of all slies. If your
farm Is for sale and you will accept
a fair price for it. write us at box
264. Salem. Or., and w will send
you a listing card for description of
your farm. Wo want to personally
inspect each one of our listings and
will follow an extensive advertising
policy, describing your farm as it
really Is. Write us now at box 264,
Salem. Our. office will be open af
ter January ifet'.i.: With Chester -L.
Smith in charge. 11
WANTED Wood cut on shares.
E. Gilbert, 2195 State St.
WANTED Garments to remodel;
new suits $45. Ezra Sparks, over
WANTED Wood ill large quantities,
also transfer work. Phone 1090M.
Lodge, Directory.
SX2. JHEMBKBTA Lodge No. 1
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. hall.
McCornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. Hairy Levy. C. C; P. J. Kuntz
K. R. & S.
Oregon Grape camp No. 1360 meets
every Thursday evening in McCor
...ii hnii Klevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie B. Bunn, 648 Union St.
recorder. Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415
N. 4th 8t Phone 1436M.
blv No. 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall. Glenn C.
NUea. M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secre
tary, 340 Owen street.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. S24
meets every Thursday evening at 8
n'rlock in McCornack building.
Court and Liberty ctreets. W. M.
Persons. V. C. Frank A. Tumor,
W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 Meets
every Friday night at 8 o'clock In
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib
erty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome.
C D. Ross. C. C. L. S. Oeer. clerk.
Salem Auto Exchange.
Monitor cars now on display. Come
and see them. 229 tSate Ht. Phone
Good Buys.
23 acre tract located 5 '.i miles
from Salem on rock road, room
house and barn, well. Pries $4600.
KO acres of good timber land lo
cated east of Salem. Price $80 per
C18 7-8 acre tract located 'i mile
south of city limits of Saiern. house
and barn, siuntiy location, go irm.
... ,.,.. I-.. ml. Price 110.000.
1 160 acre f irm and timber, located
on main grav -l road, best of prairie
soil located east of Balem. Will con
sider part trade. Price $100 per acre.
t Improved 1 acre tract, good bun
galow, barnt 1 acre logans, 1 acre
prunes, gon road. Price $.000
360 m re farm, 200 acres cultivated
land buildings. 60 acrs of fine tim
ber. Price ll')0 per acre.
270 acre farm all cultivated, bulld
iiics good road. Price $125 per acre.
6 room modern cottage and large
lot, located In south Salera- Price
i room postered bungalow located
n.utrr Salem, sightly location. Price
Htrictly modern J room bungalow
and two fi 1"'" located on Falr
iiioutil hill, paved streets, east front,
price $6000 .
Kin view lot located on Fairrnount
bill, 73x1 SC ft. paved street- Price-
w! H. Grabenhorst & Co.
75 8Ute street
If you want to sell your property in
city or country, see the John H.
Scott'ltealty Co. at once. We certain
have been selling property. There
reason for it. We endeavor at all
times to give both the purchaser and
seller a squard deal and we get re
sults. We now have a large list of
pivspective purchasers for both city
and country pmierty. We can sell
your property without doult it your
price is right. It you do not desire to
mil. do not list it with us or you will
be without a home, mire.
John H. Scott Realty Co.
US Oregon bids.
Good bungalow,- one acre.
5 room plastered house, corner lot
on Broadway. J 1200.-
6 room house. Capitol St. $1000.
Another on Capitol street. $SBU.
5 room plastered house, good buy,
Good house buy, !2d street for S00
6 room house modern plumbing.
one block from school, car, paved
street $1450.
House and almost t lots. $1200.
Drop nostal for appointment or call
oial car
' . ...... - ----
Bargains and Investments.
10 acre tract 4 miles from Salem
5 acres fine bearing prune orchard,
balance fine loganberry land, nice lo
cation. Rargnin, $4000.
Fine Howell prairie farm, extra
nice location, good improvements;
sacrifice price for few days $135 per
acre; terms.
10 acre tract near Salem on good
rock road, good buildings, S acres
bearing prunes, 3 acres bearing lo
ganberries, 1 acre mixed orchard and
strawberries. Snap $5200, terms.
For nice home residence, good
farm, loganberry or prune tract, acre
age or good investment, and a square
deal see
Perrine & Marsters
211-12 Com. club bldg, Salem, Or
5 room house, 2 good lots, north.
6 room house, good lot, trade for
acreage, south. $1500.
8 room modern house, very close In
$4000; trade for farm and pay cash
6 room house,- ground 200x230;
numerous outbuildings, fruit, good
black soil, $2 500, cash and terms.
4 room house, bam, l lot, rruu.
$850, $300 cash and terms.
4 room house, ot 125x260. fruit, on
Pacific highway. $1600, cash and
K room house pliisteded. In good
district, plumbed, bath tub not In.
$2250, $500 cash, balance terms.
5 rrfom house, 3 fine lots, fruit.
$600 pavement paid. S. High. $2100,
cash and terms.
2 1-acr tracts, good houses. $1850
aud $2500.
10 acres, buildings, ready to plant
prunes, etc., galvanized tank, gaso
line engine; 12,000 pench pits plant
ed; on rock road. $3600.
Also numerous fine farms for sale.
Walter McLaren
Room 25, 180 N. Com. St. 11
Fruit, Nut and Berry Tracts
53 ucres at good It. R. town in J'oik
county's best fruit belt. 2 2 acres
prunes, -4 acres strawberries, 314
acres louatis, 325 hearing apples,
125 grafted frtinqucltc walnuts;
pears, cherries, grapes: good house
with modern conveniences; water
piped to lmuM.i ami outbuildings; .1
tunnel fiult dryer. Grand place,
beautiful scenery. Price $15,000.
20 acres 2 miles from Oregon tii .
M mile from R. It. station; 12 acres
ill bearing prunes, apples, berries,
walnuts, etc. 7 room plastered
house, fruit drier, chicken house,
etc. $7000. Nice home.
20 acres full bearing prunes in ItiiMft-
dale section. In excellent condition.
$600 un acre.
Our specially Is choice rruu, nui rau
berry property.
PKAIU'Y I1KOH.. Horticulturist
210 Oregon bldg. Phone 663
Best Buys.
10 acres In Polk county, and cash
exchange for house in Balem.
40 ucres, all cultivated. 1 acres
bearing prunes, fair buildings, best
buy in the vicinity of Salem. $;ifiU;
easy terms.
56 acres, all cnmviucn, nuninor i
improvements, best of soil, i 't tulles
of good town. $'J0n
3T acres. 14 prunes bearing.
Hides from Salem; rock load. $7400.
30 acres, 20 bearing prunes, S acres
apples and cherries. 3 bearing lo
gans; fair 5 room house, bain, new
drier. $12,500; $5500 cash,
146 acres. 50 cultivated. 96 tim
ber. 4 logans, I peaches, 1 family or
chard, fair house, old barn, well fenc
ed, rock rood, 3 miles of good town;
all river bottom. $i per acre, , cusn
100 acres, 92 cultivated, 4 timber.
4 Mtiiinim: 7 room modern bungalow,
hot and cold water, bulb, toilet
ti iv lights; fine barn 4xiw,
chicken bouse 60x20, 1 tlie
frame silo; f-nced hngtight;
family orchard, well drained.
silo, 1
1 acre
the best
uf soil: 1 mile of school. .. 'ft
IlliU-H of
uood town, everything First cmss
oer acre. $.0000 caah, balance 6 per In lllt.
f.41 acres. 240 cultivated. 201 good
Un. her. fine saw mill proposition: olc
l.ouse and barn; well fenced, running
,i..r- J miles of good town. The
hnurest snap In the valley. $50 pel
acre, eay terms.
it H,im nmflerri house. 3 blocks
f the bust office, $5309. '. cash.
11 room modern house, lot sO2o
Ift.. lots of fruit, on pavement. $27'.)
7 room modern miiira"", -
condition, basement, furnace. "')
rm.m buniralow. eio in, un iw,
.on nar school. $4250. '-i cash
i naved street, car
...,.,! lor 4275. 1730 cash.
s'room house, 1 "4 acres land, lots
fruit, car line. $2500, cash.
h room nou-, ".
150, lots fruit. biUh, plastered. $5''
5 room furnished house to rent, $!
t house tmm-ioeni. loi nu
. .f .rtliOt n
If your property Is listed with rns
i ..M trl;i.l to have you make any
suggestion you may thing of to help
effect a sale I am a long ways from
knowing all that is io m
alioul tne real estat business ami
have frequently f;und that UfTg--
tions from my clients have been very
For bent buys or exchanges w-.!
141 Htate street
The trial of Warren HasiitiKS, governor-general
of India, lasted from
17J to 175.
For Sale " - .
More Real Bargains.
No. 1 Five room cottase furnished,
with all canned fruit, winter's wood,
garden tools, and porch swing; house
is equipped with private water sys
tem; lot 7ixl$7W feet on corner
with cement walks, racing east on
carlimv. Abundance ot fruit. Price
including everything $2000.
No. 2. t room eotiaso with furnace
and plumbing, cement walks ami pav
ed streets, five blocks from state
house. Price $3000.
No. 3. 4 room cottage and good lot,
two blocks from car line and four
blocks from school. Price $1000 on
terms of $200 cash and $10 per month
with Interest at 6 per cent.
No. 4. 5 room cottage with lights
and water, two lots with fruit. Price
No. S. 18 acres of "Loganberry
land. 15 acres fall plowed, one acre
in limber, living water, no buildings.
3H miles out. Price $3000.
No. . 5 acres In Hollywood, all in
cultivation, no buildings, rolling land.
Price $1400.
V. A. Liston
484 Court street It
First Class Buys
254 ucres elosw In, with modern
farm buildings, 200 acres in. cultiva
tion. Pried $i'0 an acre.
54 acres on paved road 3 miles out.
good buildings, with stock and ma
ohlnery Price $12,500.
26 acres all prunes and cherries, buUdlum. Price $14,500.
Modern house on North Capitol.
Price $3500.
Modern house on Mill street. Price
.Modern house on N. Winter, com
pletely furnished.
20 acres S miles out; 16 In cultiva
tion. Price $2000.
160 acres to trade for city or acre
age. .
We have other good buys. Call aud
see us and list your properly with
E. C. Derrick Realty Co.
Hoom T, D'Aicy bldg, 42 State St. 10
Notice Is hereby given that the fin
al account of Robert Pearce, execu
tor of the estate of Elizabeth. M.
Pearce, deceased, was duly filed In
the county court of the state of Ore
gon for tho county of Marlon, on the
9th day of January, 1920, and that
on said date the sum county court
duly entered an order fixing Monday
the 16th day ot February, 1920, at
the hour of 10 o'clock n. m. at the
court room of said court In the city
of Salem, county of Marion, and state
of Oregon, as the time and place for
the hearing of objections to such fin
al account and the settlement there
of, at which time any person inter
ested In said estate may appear and
file objections to said account or the
settlement of said estate and contest
:iie same.
Salem Boavanger Garbage and re
fuse ot all kinds removed on month
y contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess cools cleaned. Dead animals
removed. Office phone Main 187.
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt aud repaired. 80
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, slses I to 61
Inches high. Pain s. oU and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry hop
hooka. Balem Fence an Stove
Works. 160 Court street Pboo 124
No Cash Required -Oood overcoats,
hoes and suits, all kinds of musical
Inutruments. shotguns, rl'les, heating
toves, gas stoves, suit eases and 1000
other useful articles to eVI or trade.
What have youT The Capital K
fthange, 37 Court BC Phone 4.
Money To Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd A Bush Hank. Salem, Ore.
UAHION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 6 1-2 percent. 303 Halem Hank of
Commerce. W. I). Smith.
Money to Loan
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount. Long time.
B Vi and percent lnterent.
City building loans.
A. C. Bohrnstedt
401 Masonlo Temple, Balem, Oregon
Why Sell ForvLess?
WH will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our ma Be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store, 171 N. Com
mercial etreel. Phone 7J4.
PARTIAL ilitl for sale l.y H. M Ho-
linger 32 Oregon bldg.
A good 6 room house, modern, ex
cept bimement, 2 larg. lols, good
barn, somo fruit ami sliaiiw treew, goou
location and a snap if there In one in
Salem. Price $3250, terms.
One small 4 room house .North d
St. not modern, good nam arm iuii-j
Jot for $1000, reasonable terms.
A fine building lt. North Collage
St.. close In, splendid location, for
$700, easv farms.
One largs double house. 2 five room
apt, rented for $50 per month. One
large hous suitable for 4 apts. close
In, both properties clear. Will -cnaitge
for merchandise or bind.
This Is good Income property.
Available Feby. I, $1000 to luun on
gilt edged security at per cmt.
Available March I, $3000 (will di
vide) to loan at low tttlJ. mum be
good security.
1 also have plenty of money to loan
on the easy payment plan, if you con
template building, It will pay you to
see me, very liberal terms, material
will ha no cheaper for years, so why
1 write insurance on any and all
kinds of properly, and surety bonds
furnished while you wait.
See me today.
Tradition ascribed the downfall of
Die Toilers, who antedated the Ad
tee, to pulque, the common strong
drink of Mexico.
Buying. Property?
Read This! ,
FIVE acres all In fruit. Four
miles out of Salem on paved road.
Has 4000 strawberry plants; 1
acivs In $-yeur old prunes. Bal
ance divided with Uartlett pears
.,,! Rnval Anne cherries. Small
house and burn. $2850.
ONE and one quarter acres all
In bearing orchard. Good, e room
house and good barn. North Sa
lem. $3750.
FIFTEEN acres on read blng
..LV...I All cultivated. Five acres
nf fins n ru nes 14 acres apples;
i acre strawberries. Splendid
.i.-,i fnixltv orchard. With atx
acres of absolutely the choicest lo-
nanberrv land In the country.
room house In excellent condition.
Fair born; new silo. Windmill anct
water tank: water piped to yarn
and buildings. With this property
goes six really good w; heltr
calf: horse; span of mules; 1
young hogs; 35 chickens; all Kinns
of Implements; buggy, wagons,
harness, etc. Price $&00. This
place Is in first class shaps and
one of the best little home Invest
ment tracts around Salem.
In the way of
r Viokh n nrtl t V ennd range. If
.im of the following are too small
or are not located right, or if the
price is not right, give me ft call,
and you may have a selection from
about 250.
f'OZY K room bungalow on K
h' stitiot. Lot 60x130. A rall
good buy at $1700.
Another on Pelmont street for
$2600, Has all built In features.
Fullv modern, six room bunga-
.... . a n n ii rt A I
low on S. 111K11 street. j
rather attractive horn.
Hln room modern house on N.
Cottage street; two nice lots with
young fruit. $2700. Will glv. good
Desirable bungalow on N. 4t'
street. Close In. $2K00. Nlee cor
ner lut.
Six room bungalow on T street.
Ijirge living room. Gursgs. $30"0
Well located bungalow on North
Front street. Lot 60x122. $3000.
Near Salem King's plant.
An S room, modern bungalow
i.,i M. Canltol street. All eonven-
furnace. Hue flvf
h.,.l rooms. $3500. A fine buy for
the money.
'Mum I have a good range til
umia-rtkfi which may k nougl
on lis- Installment plan. Mne
r flutist falW b-HcrllM'rf little
Is low. Go and lx them orj
on Suniluyl
1 773 State strml has been re
duced from $2500 to $2000. Could
be fixed up Into a very comfort
able homo. F.verytlilng pa'd up.
155 N. 2lld street: 5 loom bun
galow. $1000. Hee this.
1383 Marlon street. Old. but a
desirable locution. $1100.
12HB S. 15th street; dandy 6
room bungalow im
etles of good,
Only $100.
young fruit trees.
1272 Fir alreet, 7 room house,
loud barn, and all kinds of fruit on
two lots 100x150. This Is ti dandy
spot for anyone who likes u
roomy place. $2250.
HS Miller street; 9 rooms. Up
per floor celled; downstairs plas
tered. JlulU about or 7 years ago.
Garage. $ii00. Look this over.
112 street t rooms, buth
room. $2500. I A coming commer
cial sit.).)
I can give you the best of tsrms
on any of the above. If none suits,
then I hav a few mors that I
shall be glad to submit to you.
If Interested In
Cull around and let me show yoa
a few, You will be under no obli
gation. 1 have a splendid list.
Many of th properties may be
bought on very
C. W. Niemeycr
"Jut Rjul Estate"
Farms, City and Suburban
215-216 Masonic Temple. Phones
Halem. Oregon. 100-114