Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 10, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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d Town
n;,nn recital. El
lin. 1-' . .....!..
i ra'ture opens at state house.
l'f Women's Repub-
.. ' i,.h meets in Commer-
4 ucan
. -i..K mums.
ciaicu Ann,,Q club Con-
Jan. i- -
"In "-Regular Monthly
Dance tonight Auburn hall. 9
f!. O. TJeVere and Miss D. De Vere
are week end suests of friends in
Bier wei.c
eho"- , Business men's
J&on at Commercial club;
o08- . ciil session of
'Phone 100, Smith's cigar store. 11
Mr n ,1 li.c r r T! ;...
tertaining as their guests over the go dwell upon fte German origin of
week end. their sons. C. M. BishoD. nf his slleeed m fl Hen f ra
il-Virk ai-itAl rn)lA ! i
day and Chauncey Bishop of Pendle
:i:rrLhc flflR8B8BaB8BaB8B8B8B8B8BaB8BMect Meat Meyers ffi86S6S86S6858BS8686SB85
iences an! indulged in other forms of ii
vicious attacks. Coghlan s charges al-
nnen Forum
club. 8 P- m-
nelt " Marion
Midi's bureau clinic. Com
2&T club auditorium 2 p.
m', 17 "4 Home Products
Jan. J."
Thrift -nday 8chool
training course at library.
1 , 19--T, Sixth Annual
Ja ' Prv Corn Show,
H"'0.',; : Co.. tractor de-
pariment, Stale
.Tampa Chambers of Portland trans
acted business in Salem Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dennison, of
Portland are visiting friends in Salem
' for a few days.
Rlgdon company, leading funeral
directors. Superior service. Moderate
J. M. Watts and family of Alberta,
Canada; have arrived in Salem, vis
iting friends here and looking over
tie Willamette Valley. They intend
locating here.
The Three Link Needle Club was
pleasantly entertained at the home of
Mrs. Charles Cameron on Friday af-
Thomas Claggett assisted the hostess.
r - " v..
were served to the thirty guests. The i Tompkins.
ciuo win meet Jan. at tne nome
of Mrs. W. A. Weist. 2055 D street.
, v
Miss Flora Ca:
Advance Shipment of Draperies
and Front
Tve, watchmaker jeweler, Salem.
Dance tonlghtjirmory. 9 p. m.
The Salem King's Products plant,
which was forced to suspend opera-
" rlv six weeks ago, because, of
fre-h vegetable, with which
to work has reopened.
Dance tonight armory, 9 p. m. 9
Hay for sale, baled oat hay,
..". ton. T. L. Davidson.
WIS l'v
Mm A L Hirsekorn and child
ren returned' from Everett Wash
Tunaay evening after spending the
holidays with relatives a..."
Wanted, to lot contract for grub
bing 15 acres land on Indian Hill
farm. T. h. Davidson.
Dan Vanderbilt, who operates a
lama farm near Turner, was in
' Salem Saturday transacting business.
Cirvult Court.
Estella J. Thonipkins vs. Daniel K.
Supplemental findings to i
modify original decree.
City of Salem vs. Lizzie P. Ryan et
al. Motion.
Clair Richardson, by his guardian ad
litem, Lydia W. Richardson, vs. Philip
Winters. Verdict
Estella J. Thoinpkins vs. Daniel E
librarian, an
nounced Saturday that the public lib
rary will be open for the return of
uvwiiB .iunu;i- imernoon irom l uniu t Esieua J. inuinpRins vs. uuurei su.
6 o'clock. It is hoped by the board of i Tompkins. Decree modifying original
nirntn tlint thn l; will ha nnnn I .4.-V.,....
tor circulation Tuesday aiternoon at
1 o'clock. I
The funeral of J. A. Bishop, the an
nouncement of whose death appears
on page one of this issue, will tie r.eld
at the chapel of the Webb & Cough
company at 2 p, m. Monday.
James Coats, Turner farmer, visited
friends in Salem, Saturday.
Miss Helen Savage, deputy in the
office of County Recorder Brooks,
leaves for Mill City Friday night to
spend the week end with menus.
The minils of Miss Rlma Wpller
will be heard in a piano recital Mon
day evening. January 12, at 8:15
o'clock, in the Presbyterian church,
assisted by Mrs. Ethel Raymond Boyd
s W. TontHan. Armenian refugee
who escaped the Turkish massacres,
will give a lecture at Moose hall Mon
day at 7:30 p. m. Seats free.
The Marion County Women's Re
publican study club, will meet in the
Commercial club auditorium. Monday
afternoon for fSieir regular meeting
and for election of officers. Frank
Davey will speak on some of the
most momentous questions of the day.
The Japanese problem will again be
the principal topic of discussion.
Mrs. A. Yoger was slightly injur
ed shortly before noon Saturday
when she was run down by an auto
driven by J. A. Remington, at the
corner of Liberty and State streets.
According to police reports Mrs. Yo
ger became confused when she start
ed across the street, and stepped back
in front ot Mr. Kemtngton s car. sne
was bruised considerably.
H. C. Howard vs. Charles W. Nei-
meyer. Complaint
.Albert H. Brown vs. Mark S. Sknr.
Probate Court.
In the matter of the guardianship of
the Massey minors. Order confirming
Augusta Matthes estate. Order ap
nointine appraisers.
Anmista Matthes estate. Undertak
ing of Willard A. Matthes, administrator.
Viola H. Cornelius estate. Adminis
trator's undertaking.
Vinln H (irnplhiR estate. Ordpr ap
pointing administrators and appraisers j
' IT
M 1, iViW f '
if3' V"
It is time to think of
To replace those smoke
stained Curtains and
Draperies with New.
We are now showing
some new things in
and NETS, and all are
priced close for quick
The funeral of Mrs. Lucille Corbett
19, who died as a result of injuries
sustained Tuesday in an auto accident
near Everett, Wash., will be held at
the chapel of the Rigdon company,
252 North High street, Monday. Bur
ial will follow in City View cemetery.
G. A. Nve. 1495 Saginaw street
was severely injured, necessitating his
eonfinpiruMit to betl at nis nome. at
about nine o'clock Saturday morning
when he, riding a bicycle, collided
with Jehu Oliver, janitor at the pub
library, also riding a bicycle, on State
street, between Winter and Capitol.
Mr. Oliver escaped injury. Two phy
sicians are attending Mr. Nye. He
has been mail distributor and mes
senger at rhe state house for 20 years.
Dance tonight armory, 9 p.
More than ?300 was realized from
the High school play "The House Next
Door", which was presented in the
High school auditorium Friday even
. . -p cleverly hand
ing, a" i""
M. ana the production was excel
lently directed.
Hear noted Armenian refugee at
Moose hall Monday at 7:30 p. m.
Robert Pearce as executor of thd
Elaabeth M. Pearce estate "led Anal
iPPirtts of 13545
account, i ntwi. -
and disbursements of a like amount
i,n Ponntv Judge Bushey set
February as the "-date for final-set
Mrs. Lillie Wright, 40, a former
Saem woman who died at San Diego,
Ca Monday, will be laid to rest here
In City View cemetery, Monday. Fun
eral services will be held at the chapel
of the W. T. Rigdon company.
Hear "Can the dead communicate
with the living'' at Moose hall Mon
day at 7:30 p. m.
According to a list compiled by
Postmaster Huckestein for official
use, there are 14 publications pub
lished in Salem. The list follows: Cap
ital Journal, six Issues weekly; Clar
ion, monthly; Collegian, weekly;
Daily Statesman, six issues weekly;
Lend A Hand, monthly; North West
ern Poultry Journal, monthly; Ore
gon Teachers Monthly, morthly; Ore
gon Teachers Association Quarterly,
quarterly; Outlook, bi-monthly; Pa
cific Homestead, weekly; Salem Stern
monthly; Semi-Weekly statesman,
The Manufacturer, monthly; Willam
ette University Bulletin, quarterly.
Undertaking of appeal was filed
Saturday b ythe Salem King's Pro
ducts Company from the recent de
cision of Judee George G. Bingham
to the Oregon supreme court. The
decision was rendered in the suit of
the Products company against S.
Ramp, Bruce Cunningham and sev
eral other loganberry growers of
Marion county. For t"his suit the com
pany questions the right of the grow
ers to so construe contracts with the
company, that deliveries could be
made to other parties than the com
pany In order to secure a higher
market price.
Circuit Court
Php Farms company, a corpora
tion, vs J. H. Dtinlap et al. Answer of
defendant G. L. Gibson.
Mrs. J. W. Collins vs Charles E.
Palmer. Verdict.
Security State bank vs Louis Aral.
Cost bill.
Lizzie Evans vs C. E. Evans. Affidavit
Albert H. Brown vs Ralph Swarts.
R. L. Swarts and Mark Skiff. Cost bill
Albert B. Brown vs Mark Skiff.
Business Men's Adjustment com
pany vs M. S. Lange and Nora Lange,
his wife. Non military affidavit.
Business Men's Adjustment com
pany vs G. B. Landers et ux.-Non mil
itary affidavit.
Salem King's Products company, an
Oregon corporation, vs S. V. Ramp,
Bruce Cunningham, Unit Aspinwan,
C. H. Denser, Clyde Harris, August
Lents. L. S. Murdick, W. Howard
I'.arap and A. E. Harris. Notice of ap
Probate Court
Gilbert G. Evans, estate. Petition
for allowance for widow..
Gilbert G. Evens, estate. Order mak
inc allowance.
Hnttlp Wptch. estate. Order ap
proving final account and dfscharge
of administrator.
Nancy E. Milster, estate. Oath of
Georee P. Clark.
Nancv E. Milster. estate. Bond ot
George P. Clark.
We are almost through with the Inventory. This is the last call on this ODD
TrwQMT? Wo Viavo trm flpnnPKt: stork in the countrv and it's going to
C 1J X kJXlUAJ. (IV AIM.V V- . . . . ( . 1
? remain clean no ODDS and ENDS and ancient accumulations. Always bear
this in mind-- we handle oniy uuuli ajvjuuo, wmu yuu
Quality Merchandise.
You Can Always Do Better at
JL - la
Who Always Do Better By You
The A. J. Rahn residence, 807 south
Commercial street, was slightly damag
ji n;rUf rnnk
Tne spa nas a ssijeuiai 1,'"- commercial tui tci, o. r
and will serve steaks, oyster frys ann'ed by fire Friday afternoon at about
all short orders until closing time. 10
The body of -Mrs. Lucille Corbett,
ase U, who was killed in an auto ac
fdont at Eveiett. Wash., Wednesday,
arrived here Friday noon, and was
L.lnn in ?h:v'o hv the W. T. Rigdon
ndertakiiig company. Salem is. the
former home of Mrs. Corbett For
many years she made her home with
Mr. and Mrs ,1, S. Taylor, who reside
Mar The Dalles. No arrangements
fur the funeral have been made.
4 o'clock, caused by a tiying spar
fr,n the firenlace. Mrs. Rahn was ab
sent at the time, having placed a screen
in front of the fireplace Derore leaving.
It is believed that the spark flew over
the screen and settled upon a coucn.
Bfittlnar it afire. Only theliving room
was damaged, and the blaze was quick
ly extinguished with chemicals trom
the fire department.
The Y. W .C. A. will hold "open
house" Wednesday to which all resi
dents of Salem who are interested In
the work of the organization are In
vited. The affair will begin at 5
o'clock With a chicken dinner served
from 5 until 7. An Informal recep
tion will follow, for which an excel
lent program is being arranged.
Everything will be shown and ex
nlained the guests, the social gath
ering lasting until 10 o'clock. The en
tire evening will be strictly informal,
Don't fail to attend the Open Forum Meeting at the Commercial Club next
Wednesday, January 14. If you miss this meetiing you will never get over it.
Something on you'll never forget.
JOHNSON Eli Kmnnual Johnson, 69
Rickreall, died at a local hospital
at eight o'clock Friday morning.
Body at Kigdon's. Funeral an
nouncement later.
Drapery Special, Fancy nets and
MarnuesoUes, values to 75c yard, spe
cial at 49e. Hamilton's.
Amelia Kiesrhnick has been ap
pointed executrix of the estate of her
husband. John Kii schnick, who died
in Marion county. November 20, 1919.
Personal property estimated at $750
will be aooraiscl hv Aucust Kerber-
Ker, Charles M ir and Eva Grants, the
appointments being made Friday by
Judge Bushey.
Tryouts for the inter-class debates
ot Willamette university were hold by
the freshman and sophomore classes
Thursday. Sheldon Sackett and Ber
nardo Gapuz will represent tne
nhomores. and Bernard Ramsay and
Howard George will debate for the
fraehmon in tli contest between tm
two classes next week. The work done
In the trvouts was very hign ciass
for debates of this kind, and shows
that the debates will be hotly contest
ed. The juniors held their tryout Friday.
Kefined, capable young matron
will care for your children at your
kome while von shoo or call. Call at
HI Union for further information. 10
The case of C. C. Coghlan against
A. Miller is being hoard before a
jury in Judge Kelley'M court. t.ogn-
inn is sueinsr Miller, a Woodburn res
ident, for J2050 fur alleged malicious
persecution. The case is supposed to
have grown out of pro-Gennnn and
anti-military sentiment and culmmat
o,i in rloKhcs in whuli Miller is said
Un luvs cniDloved rifles and a crow
bar; following Coghlan's return from
France, where he served for nearly
two years. CoKhlan returned Irom
France with a first lieutenant s com
mission, two decora:Miis and three
wound stripes, lie claims that M'.ller,
in addition to personal attacks, brot
false charges against him; circulat-
SHIIOKE Mrs. Emma Shroka, 68,
of Portland, died Thursday at a lo
cal hospital. Body sent to Portland
for burial by tho Webb & dough
Woodland, Cal.,
and funeral.
Monday for burial
M'ALLISTER Harold A. McAllister,
19, died Thursday at his home 3 Vi
miles southeast of Salem.
V'ineriil at chapel of the Webb &
Clough company Saturday at 2:30 !
HUNT Mrs. lieuhla Hunt, 29, died
at 747 .South 1-th street early Sat
urday inornlni:. Body fit Uigdon's.
Funeral announcement later.
Mrs. Nancy Amanda Norton
Passes Away At Tcrner
Mrs. Nancy Amanda Norton, Sll,
for six years a resident at me inmie
of her daughter, Mrs. Annie, nun..,
at Turner, died there rriflay. iviot
to her coming to Turner to make her
homo with her daughter, Mrs. ron
ton reside' with another daughter,
Mrs. Kffle Jane Campbell, t Ueilie-
l.,ir C-:,
Tho body will be shipped to Wood-
land, Cat, Monday by the Klgdon j
r I I l.t, I It. I i
company, wnere, iiiiinm t
will be held.
ton. h6. ihed
Body at ltlg'l
Nancy Amanda Nor
ut Turner Friday,
mi's. To be shipped to
1920 Calendars for practical use.
Homer H. Smith. McCornack bldg.
Appraisers Ed It. Adams, M. O.
Conderson and I'.oscoe D. Ames have
sported on the Albert and Olive
Pinska estates. The Albert D. Pifiska
state consists of land held at $1000,
"Ml located in Lane county. The Olive
Phwka estate consists of $2000 in per
mmi property and of Lane county
rt1 -ate valued at $1000.
Wood for sale. ISO cords large sec
y rowth fir on the ground, not
than 50 cords to one nartv.
tils fro
m pavement. T. L. Davidson,
A Jury in department No. 1, of cir
cuit court, yesterday returned a ver-
Hiot ir, f,ivnr of Phi n winters unei
hearing the evidence In the case. The
suit was one Involving anegeu wjui-
....talnd bv daire Kicnaruson,
14, of McMinnville, following an ac
cident in which Winter's car and
young Riehardson's bicycle had col
lided. The suit was Institutea py ai-
t.,i T,v,!,a.n. the bovs motner,
and damages In the sum oi ti,"
Frr,m the evidence sub
mitted, the jury had to decide wheth-
wtntr n-as driving in an irre
sponsible manner or whether young
Richardson was riding in accordance
with established traffic rules.
Th Will of H V Hnffnrrl Wnnrl
J resident who died in Portland
moer 4. 1919. was admitted to
"we Friday by County Judge W.
Bushey. u.z Hoffard has been ap
pointed eiecutrix of the will and
n Whitnia.,, C. O. Emmett and a
Brune are r.ansed as appraisers of
J "ie which consists of personal
Pertr :, r ; . i a it
proviaions of the will the proper
y bequeathed to Mrs. Hoffard.
lratrr Hlwial. Finrr not. nd
C. N. Needham about Baby Chicks
658 State Bt Phone 400.
If value, to 75c yard, spe
cial it . .
'1 " "" 1 " "' """" , y-1 ' "1
... t-..v. .... i Simprintendent
m smith onnounced Friday that ail
school teachers of Marlon county are
invited to attend the afternoon ses
sion of the special meeting of Lie
..- -..... Trincinals association
aiunuii Lvumj - i
which convenes Saturday in Salem
The meeting, which will be held at
the hitrh school building, wiu oe uc-,
voted to the interests of th schoo
heads during the 4nornlng session mu
the main portion of tne PK"'"
Ukea place in the afternoon, when
address. of special importance will
be made. Among the speaKer. '
... . . . .K rul:lEOgUeS 1
Thomas W. Gentle in charge of
er training work at the siae
school at Monmouth.
Special meeting of Pacif
ic Udgc No. bO, A. r. at
M. this evening. Work In
ths M. M. degree- Vinitor j
To Buy or Sell a Business
If you have a business to sell a store, a
factory, whatever it may be, you cannot depend
on the old word-of-mouth method. The modern
way is the Want Ad way. Describe your business
in detail in a Want Ad in this newspaper where
thousands will see it. . '
Or if you wish to purchase a business read
the Business Chances Want Ads in this paper
regularly. Many splendid offerings are made
there. If you don't find just what you want
a Want Ad of you own.
A Big Dals Have Resulted from
Want Ads Like These
sr ntf TtUXliS
We wish to thank our fridn f..r
their sy mpathy and kindness at th j
death of our baby Norbert. and also j
for the beautiful floral offerings
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Herschorn and j
children. - r
mt ron fsi.k-t';
. w im t' .- ,:
L, Gmi .vr.
JlAf'.iO Ait.H -ti'i'E A'
t.w ' l,,,rl. '
I i
London. Jan. Suct-rsH nttrndltig
he .strike of several tlioiihanil men mid
women employes of the army und
navy stores, who obtained a subHtonllai
n.Tcuse of wages nf I 'r a thrnnm
cfiistil to work, Is hailed by many ob
crvers her as the first signal victory
or a union of "middle class" employes.
There is a widespread movement In
icireat Britain toward the full unionisa
tion of these kinds of workers.
aim AVC
uwu&&&3! SUNDAY
Comedy Aerial King Kxpeits
The Icader and
The Tenor
" A A ,iiFrvn flf a wonderful Buil-
KJMT want. v '
ness Clearing House for transactions of every
Read and Use the Want Ada in
st i
MOur fTVl:e are of J
tlie highest charac- ?TV
; d ter. We are equip- U ifidLvk
' !i ped to satisfy " $A Jifj
tjA most exacting cil- jA
Dl e(. The courteous W VU1 7ltTl fcV
J conduct of our staff Xl'' JT
I fT matches the up to V
j dateness of our
11 j equipment J I "
ears of t j
1 H&!im, Vrefivw " " I
Fun In a
Fire House
11 -M5l.ti M S&toJf lL
2.1 i
ft Till 'K Wil li TWO Tt).V
X '
I'hoim ISf I
Tick So Toag
rVn Met!!r!B 64 Ts 00
Jf Biedifine winpb e" a
kEiriWB din;.
oon fim i.-r tt'-.f io a,, u.
oat 1 8 1'. M.
1S3 HiK It
Bai.m. Oregon. Thone S
Abo Junk of Al! Kindt
Eett Price Oiiarautceii
CALL 388
Tie 8iuax Dal HauM 1 i
i m C'bf meketa Bt men 3US J ;
House Furnisher
You get more for your
Jloney at Moore's.
Remnant Store
S'l Nurth Cumuierel&l
I1ADK '1U Oltt'KK TO 'IT
YOl! KWlvnOWH.
3 tO Court Sreet