Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 10, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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ful, these people, they make the firat
police trouble for me In my Iff. ! am
eon to move away from thoea buay
body neighbors."
Testimony by Mm. Tuleja that her
erstwhile. pou had killed a man,
1okwI tiumerous weapons and
uaed morphine was unaubstunUated.
will he dis-
The following subject:
cusec-1 fiom tin.e to time:
The commercial vilue of
Better music fur t!-.- movies.
Community nii!s:c.
Orchestral ant! oand ;
(sons in classics.
" """" """"" " j The phonograph.
Muslo l speedily coming to lt own. "In pae I had ever r-een at the er- j Airi.s and limitations of school mu-
(Director of Music for Ealera Schools)
i:istru:.;eiit lea-1
Vienna, Jan. 19. The Austrian r
publio (ace it second year with fore
boding. Boh)i the political and eeo
oml situation am believed here to
hare crown daily worm since early
Tha holiday aon found Vtoan
with reduned trend ration, virtually
B fata and without fuel. The
peeled supply of coal from C" ho
Blovakut ha not been received and
public utilities wore kept partly In
operation only by great efforts and
no nam lea. eg i
From the time when the morning stars
Hang together thru prehistoric age of
man e primitive life, thr.i the early
dawn of our racial career and down to
our very twentieth century civilisation,
mimic ha been ever with ue. It In aa
! natural tn the human being aa It is to
Rose lover In Kalem will welcome j the birds or the animals. It has been
information that the recent cold spelt well defined aa "the Lanicuage of the
haa pot Killed the buahc Outrlht. I Emotion." It I truly the lamruajre of
Much worry waa occasioned by the
fict thai tha rosea ware killed to the
vlce of man. In war was ! to be found i;-
The "new harmony.
Jtualc as a science.
Manic as an art.
Music as a lanfruaee.
Music, the Americanizer.
Why some boys do not like music.
Tou will want to hear the Salem Ap
olio club next Tuesday evening at the
now line.
"This will have the effect of reduc
ing: the quantity of bloom In the
aprlng," mis a Khltcht I'earey, 'eipert
hertlcultururt of thla city, 'How-
Jiign nope. na.i peon emeruuneo, ,... miy .. Mry Mnnm wl
from tha vlall of Chancellor Reimer fc b,r ot f rolll.B, ivofraslonal
to tha supreme council at l'ari. The gruwB( pnm(, th(.jr hwttln
people expected that Aualrla would (very severely to obtain fancy blooms
btalq sufficient credit, food, fuel and if,,, .u.niay. The effect of the frees
raw material for ih resumption of! neceaeitatea a aimilitr result. The late
tneir Mauatriai m. now mat tn btontu, or so culled second
recall of hla Journey baa become
known the newspaper sound a note
of despair. On of them lemurka thai
tha declahm of the supreme eouncd
(hat Vorarllterg moy not aeparnte
from Austria meana that that province
! oondemiiod to suffer nUui with the
met of Austria until the otdlnnry na-
should be as profuae aa ever
"The hybrid perpetuul, of which th
Teatout, the (ireviilllna; row In Halem,
i a prominent eiample. la a very
hnrrty bimh and hue not been perma
nently Injured.
"Many of the climbers belong to a
all the emotions, and emotions are the
strongest part of our Uvea much
stronger than Ideas, "When I have an
Idea, I have it. When I have an emo
tion. It haa me." and so "food, clothing
and ahelter come first In sustaining
morale and rendernlg comfort music
cornea next."
Tha following beautiful tribute to
music If from "Life." It is not merely
a bcaiilliul sentiment, but It la logical
and true to fact, and will well repay a
can ful reading:
The tircal force.
"I am the soul of the Joy of life
the comf,anlon of its sorrow s,
"All moods are mine. I am hllarlons.
I am frivolous. I tun Kay, I ntn serious
1 am sad. I spin out the silver threads
of happiness, the golden thread of
comfort and solace, (in wings of melo
dy I bear the dreamer off to strantre
places and slratiKe lands. To the waa
derer, 1 sing of home. In the despoii-
dlfferent family a much weaker
live will have hardly suffhslent forifortn and these In most esses have dent I renew resolve To the despairing
food and etothing becomes a iuxiirr j been froxen to the ground The real s I bring hope, In the child 1 engender
for even the comparatively well-to-do. j less to rose lovers will come from the I pure lasies, refinement and inspire
climbers j noble thoughts and high ambitions.
"No pruning should he done at lhij "1 am ever ready. I never lire. 1 m
tuna, lday ibis work until dauuer ! a well-spring of Inspiration, relaxation,
from severe weather Is past Along In i recreation, f tun m home In the dwell-
""""" "mck to tie. jing or uiu rienest or the most lowly In I see some of the practical possibilities
low the dNenlnicd liaauo. Thla will be! the Ian. I -where religion reign or un- that we see. w shall haw. bee.. ..ti..
dor the roofs of that know not (iod. fled with our efforts.
Aiuwialion lasims
Other provinces urn seeking In free
fhcsmvlviM from the burdens of Aus
tria and turn elsewhere for help,
' Tbero have ben rumors of an Im
pemllng revolt and deriarstion of In
Aependanoe In Tyrol. It is charged In
auni quarters that the whole separa
tion movement In the A list r Inn prov
InvM haa Iwvn limtdred by (lerman
rpiranda with a view to establish
aag corridor between Oermsny and
Vkblle Austria seems unsbte tu ob
tain foreign nredlt for rehabilitation.
than ha been much comment here
wanting? Was I to be thoughtlessly
brushed aside In the tremendous rusii
to armsT Many there were who would
have stilled my voice till peace ;hon:o
have come again. But I was put to the
teat. I waa not found wanting. I proeuo
my worth. I found rny niche, for I am
full of cheer, of undying, unflickertng
resolve of the spirit that knows not
"Iay and night fonnd me on duty
with the saviours of civilization In th
cam pa, on the ships. In strange foreign
villages, tn dugouts. In trenches right
up to hell- partition everywhere
where death and danger were common
place, soothing tensed nerves straining'
at the leash, singing of victory amid
the battle's roap restoring the balance
of upset mlnda chanting the dirge of
"In war, as In peace, food, clothing
and shelter come flrt in sustaining
morale and rendering comfort. I come
"I helped to win the war.
"I am music!"
It la hoped that this little depart
ment, "Concerning Music," which we
are running In the Saturday Journal
may be really and truly in the nature
of a public service. If we are personal
at times, or If we are not persona,
pleas credit us with .only the highest
motives for the good of a cause which
we consider one of practical everyday
importance. Social service is the big
word nowadays, and if we may per
chance help others to feel in music
some of the thrills that we feel, an to
Armory. They are in fine form, and !
besides the men's sieging which will be
worth the price of admission itself, Sa
lem will hear for the first time, the
popular young tenor, John Hand.
harder pruning limn la ordinarily
practiced. Kven If cut below evident
buds, new so called adventitious buds
will bo throftn out to form the new
"tlive the bushes good care In the
spring and Hulem will hav,. plenty
ol rows of a much better quulily than
"1I a way It was a blowing thnl
UBoa tha fart f..rir f.riu.i ""' buehea were Injured. Had It bee,.
apllal ha baeti diligently exploiting ! I"1"'''' '" "rcgon a beautiful rosea j
tha country. It is asserted that the;!" "It""1 ut ''"Uhd umUr ten bu- j
taiutitry has Virtually been gtripdi " "' would j
mt articles deluie while It remaining ! "." U",,s"r '"" "'' very own, but
Buwnn are uuauio to i.ntuln raw
material. According tn common .
!ot, foreign interest, principally
Italuin. haie ne.iuli.d enormous hold
logs of stock. In Austrian industrial
and nil ilea
Uovfrttim-Mt liiai llie
"The guivernnient la evenly bnlsn.'ed
bet ww ll s." lullnls and cons, i vativeo
and thus fsr bsa been unable tu give
birth tu const tuei v legislation look
tug to the solution of many internal
problem facltig the country.
tha Maittern and middi western slat
could grow them, The supremacy of
Willamette valley a Usual climate, for
rose growing and fruit growing, has
been mor f.rinly established than
ever by thv aMght loal ami Incoiivim
leuce of he. cMibi t s uold visltutlou."
American Army
Officer Holds
Strangest Job
I'm tail Prince, Haiti, Jan. I Pro
motion of Hcigcam William A. IHpotl
Miller, I:, H. M. C, to a llautwimitt In
ine general army in Unit! baa brought
forth Oi fsci thai he holds
lnii!reit Job m the whole cm pa
I.b utennt .Mill.-r for the lnt four
Se.tia baa been pec. null bodyguard
or rcaident Antegueittve of ttio
president of Haul,'
luvkalicns Sent to Atlcnd
Sunday School Conference
Invilaiotis Jtiex ben sent out
nf hi4!h;
ItvpMa witii h. i, ,,un in let tt and
witU tiiashea bcleeit tioinea for
both parlies Involved, the case ,,f ' public of llaiil lie ms Inwuinn so In
Male against jscb Tule)a Iplolioum'- j ' urmlal in imllvj governinontul cir- j
ni 1UI al a heard in Just Ice i '" he ' known as the "lv
'urt by Judgd n. nn t'nruh Krlduy
a(irt)uon, Vmd lihagmailou, uiitult
UnpM and hiy letioufca, wi tl
m ain factor of the ta.
I order la uven (ucther trou
ll. Judge t'nruh bound Tul.ja otfr
tt tha taiid Jury, tilling him hla ld
" t un bla n rogmaaiica. Tulela'a
my aaara tne court u tnjolu ; "'" e n.Meii (ttillilay school nsWM'ht. !
v-rtaiii ewiglibur tiuoi further pr. ' "" t all the Holiday ach.d in tiw
tHttiiU), and the court stated lltal ""'ty fr a young people's Hiufei, ..
any turthdr disturbance cauaed b ' be bet. lieiv Hnturday the I in of ttin. !
w neigbtwrs would riuit In their, '"onth and Humlav the flist of ) t p, ;
twtnt bound o er to (lie a'"d Jur t
j T,' .-nf. ini, e which l undei the'
T1 iMMrlng a lite aftermath t ;dhwtior of i;,v Harold tlun ,t-n. the'
fraeaa tn whb'll Tuiela and ttf ' '' "tcreiaiv t,M-iM,illv ,,.!
wlghtHHa. Mr and . A B.l.w h.o.l pup us urn! workeia
ur, bwi iv,n't,id aben loisn ' h
' 'l uej and l j t'",,, 'io-e and addicts will t (kn '
feebw.lwuer precipitated an alleged1" moat ..f the program ter the l
attack upon htm by H, -hwabauff, .n,'ii and on (ttuidav ,., there '
t. aighl f Jsiiu.ii y t Tuteja waitod ! b a l..ti.,!,.t rtnd social j
OMttl ttirf ,h t bvtoir trm o" The mien. .,..:, f.,,,..,,, ,,
lent a. asMttlt ,oi l..,tUfi y ialg lueal (or tin, ,trtrat..a w bile tbe !
rtel.tlbot, .,t,pu,.r .are beta and it la etpe.-led lln i
"" d., utd ,!,, about I i v cuiitf people alle'nd i
1uie waa ut t..r him and :
Tuleja .. h Uu l( Tun Tl I. l I A a i
aip..4 uto, in ,tt,hr( wo raiaii Acaueiits Uut
h tb aMUI( ,!,.,,, j JIA f , j a ... ,
th Mih-bta.. i,Kd that Tot u iu hcporled In Week
" i"d,' to kt'.t, and Im.t t
wt. Th thre,,j Two fit.liti.. wer re oded hi tbJ
a4Hd h.wr, thai h4 bsd kept .lain bntost rial Brt fr ,,, k
lir,,, hi hMtt"- ,,UI The workmen wh,
Tu wL, l, ', "VW ..;'- "lr inc. t vgo induatrle.
? !u" ' tmitK'. Iw.nt man. Ai,l K -,,', hi
Uric. .,, of .,.. TuU-m i-aMi. J- tarhman. ,w k,,,!' N j
bark at .abb,.,, with the charge the M'J sc. d,s, ,.t j
tbat ae f . had .(frt, h,ta!:wr cb!,vt , th- ,t,n ,,' ' I i
t It 1 i. , "" 'bl co....t..H. tha, h.vel
l tha do..,, iUl ...melhtej aaMon alllt u ,,, ,..,.
Uh" '- .-..,,.,, ,,,,1,. e I!
Tleja ,he . a da M..uer. I, ti prvvuio,,, of the act I
io(t cblldwn
mnm wMrorM lit r p. jtn
iwuaa.Rifl iiv Ie ,e,r
. , .
-c owes tmi ...a f ve (.pp.,
Mat, luar f whom in the sets
aw. It was earn, ,t tn Aututl
11. but lbs in,ne !.,m.., , Meval Jtn ti
iu weeks, a divotv euH agaswat '. t teart
"r i'vuii. n, -w t-.i h. i.i aei.i a
' J , -
i- , ; f
They cried "Peace"
before the war. They
said "Another World
War is a physical im
possibility. And now,
after the most frightful
shedding of blood the
world has ever known,
they are crying "Peace"
The Answer Is In the Btok of Books
Come Tomorrow Evening and Hear.
S. U, A. Churcli, N. 5th St. and Gaines Avenue, 7:30
Take North Commercial Car
Keeley Still Practicing
Law Under Special Permit
Lee Roy E. Keeley, Portland attor
ney against whom there has been filed
action to prevent his permanent ad
mittance to the practice of law in Ore
gon, is now practicing under an appli
cation for extension of his temporary
permit which expired December 26.
last, pending the outcome of the inves
tigation Into the charges which have
been filed against him. Keeley has
gained state-wide notoriety in Oregon
through the charges filed by himself
against the state Industrial accident
commission, alleging mismanagement,
and which are nuw under investigation.
Home, Friday, Jan. 9. Wearing of
fancy costumes and masks during car
nivals has been forbidden by the min
ister of the Interior, according to tho
And a full line of their
Patent Medicines.
carefully filled.
157 South Commercial
L (B. Jlljtpfrg (So.
Outfitters to Women, Misses
and Children;
Quality Merchandise Popular Prices
Salem is the only city on the Pacific coast to have
No. 8 to 14 wire. For several weeks I have combed
the entire country and have secured all the wire of
this kind that could be bought at any price.
You must suffer the consequences if you don't buy
Your wire now from the
Steinbock Junk Co.
'320 N. Commercial St.
Phone 305
We also have a large stock of tools and garden tools,
machinery, forges, vices, anvils, blowers, press drills
belting, pulleys, shafting, hangers, etc., etc.
We buy and sell all kinds of junk and second hand
goods. Remember to call 305.
tf u .sit
i - a. 5 ,
r ' "
.- ; '
Bed Room Furniture
i j'k . a"
On City Boulevard
or Country Road
You Wilt Find
sTbotmrds Left Dead in Wake
;Ut Norm That Swept Esthonii
Tlioui, Is ere '
a titii-Mi.t t, . . ;
Mttdar agakr.. i.c !...,. ..'.. J... ..... . ''
la. rlrvuit ssrt. The .iiv.ox ,,.Rv 1 btv. ,( ..i,, bundivd j
-7- at m It'lificl ti -
cty . .Vaus,
w olVel By j
leath I
h her 4!it..ta f t . . !
u,a that ihe s, (...,( ,.. l.iW .,
wirr- in ibtu- ar ,,,. act Am.-n.
aw .nai armia. 1 ,.us ,h. . many t., ...,. ,,rv hvttMn
. M',H'- " Tal. he,r . breaaia
trtg both h.r.a. Mi- K,...Ur,, L. CZ . " T a J
... .. .. - i ovt,, n i,
JTr: d ll rtcns.vw tt Ivi.L. T
Twlja rauaia ..;. h mirth .M,:h,w .,(isi.,a "S. 4 ,fua.
. utm orr ad apt.t,.,,. t,r to : 1 J;I 4H,,m "'
etsnr aiuni antipattty afca.a fal
J . v.iiviK- mhh"
waa araiiani .. rixw !vw, ,,
M'lt'Hitia; Tt H; III Mil l
.... .
tkMt dig SMtl SUM W MWa - . ! Il tHAHM.
idea.. rf the caa. . imw T.V f. "-'n
taring all .-. u s,, hi. nmih '. , ,1 W' " '
.rubie-. Mr. T.ilela aod h,. JTl '"! J?' ; " a,, few
trouWaa). Mr. Tuteja aud (us vbitdrvn i day
usMiiioat taai tu aitair kail trn r.
'W l-fV"M ef eMliCi i,i . tfc!
f.i.i.i .urt. .. " i
....... . . ... . . - MMrtOllWL atvw.iH,'
Uia anr tur ti jvat. ! mar.- vkatra.u, I
U the choior f f the man to whom provxj quality U
always the first coiak.' eta lion,
WV hiivc an "i;XiC," correct tn sin- Md cajMirity
fur -ottr car-it is mad? exactly to meet your own
uuiivkiual starting battery ttrrvls.
Our 'S:".XCM Scricr( which Kicks up the per
fonvuvnc of that ,j.Xt" lUttcty, aj, provklrt for
the rrvhrng. repairing atvd trstmg of yfy maie
of tutting hattry.
"t;.C" ScrviCf hat many excu featum
U of thctn cxwubitw to nuke it Jrt,Jbl0 srric
in rvtry tens ct the word.
Exidg SaJa nd Smkg
171 South ComaicrniJ Stmt
The wise buyer will not overlook our offerings in Bed Room Furniture,
beautiful pieces and suites in designs portraying the latest ideas of the
furniture makers art. Of course our prices are lower, quality considered,
than you will be asked elsewhere.
See the Beautiful Walnut Period Suite, in our north window.
Baby's Furniture
In our south window is a display of Baby Furniture
that is sure to please the fond parents.
it', wr
In 't
r -t ' - s -i i tt
A 1!
Cribs, Chairs,
Mattresses, Corrals
and Swings
All Ivory Finished ami Prked .Eight
Victor Dealer
You Get More for Your Money at Moore