Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 09, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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I North Howell Items.
North (Towall. Jan. Al Ny and
family of lJrook visited Bunday at
the horn of Kill tevn.
John Ifchiieberk, who sola hi farm
bar last apring. ha rec-ntly pur
akiJ lurir farm lii th Waldo
Farm bono aiona 01 " "'" hila.
r In Oregon oB compelled
is umrut a derrenae in wag duriog
the aia month period ending lrvm
ber SI, lal, according to report
Just gubmltfed to C. f. Oram, gtale
labor cirairoiaaioner, by J. W. Kl-
jrr!d. deputy In eharg of th I'on-
Und offlo of lh tat labor bateau.
At lb end of June, the aw
wag for farm hand In tbto stale
wee IT 1-4 8 r month and board. e
oordlns l Mutgerald report which
how that at tha end of Oeoember
thia wag a decreased to 1 V"
month and board.
Wmn of carmt.!ra have Increased
from UM to per day during
tbe aJa noritft period; teanutfer from
11.11 to M.G pw day: hoad faller
from H si to tt t; iwoood fallara
from IS II t" t 1; laborara from
111 to H II. Camp cook who at.
In and of August war receiving
1111 par month and board at tha
ad of IxworuW Vera getting llii
(wr month and board; iHahwaaliara
km bad InrrauMd from ftT.10 and
board to $! and board, and mllkara
had benefitted from an Inrre frum
III II and board lo tM.11 and board
Ted Ti!Iet of m. Paul wag a North
Ilowali vlaitur Baturday.
. Fred Manning ha ,. pure baaed a
rood mw outfit and la at present
sawing for C. A. Hawyer.
Mr a. Huaa vbilted hr alatar, lira
(Continued from (? one)
aoiwM their effect on tha party' for
tune at tha nominating convention
which will ba held In 8n Franelaco
June it and at the poll bt Novera
t.rr. Many political observer feel It i yet
ton early accurately to aaUwtat tha po
ailiun In which tha cleavage between
n preeident and th forwuoat demo
crat In prlvt Ufa leave tha party
They feel that the situation mut ecf,
tla down a little and that the op!nT.
of be rank and file maitt ba sounded
Whether tha position of tha two men,
nnw definitely announran, mean a
Mr. and Mr Bam Cutsforth are
visiting thla week with Mr. and Mra.
R, C. Jefferaun.
Util f.urlla Wattman la atayln
for a whlta with bar arandmiither,
Mr John Inai.'brtaon of Hilvarton.
Mr. and Mra. ttA Mannlnc and
children vlaltad Hund;iy at Thomaa
Hume a
1'eta liuaa and ll'k Harrlaon ra-larnad-lo
thalr auhool iluilfa at Cor
vallla In Ul. k'a ford.
"Farm loana and Invaatmanta."
That la tha way tha advarllaaniaiita
rwtd war tha firm caption, of Ha
bloa and Hobarta. Uraon building.
Hut Whlla tha bualaaa ntarprla
uonUuned, earrtaa a '"'d trad In
loan and awurlilaa. what thay r
Hard a thlr baat antarptUa, la very
addon) given public notira,
Aad th Oranon builillnt Daalf la
anar than an ti(rprla, anortjloa" to
II. M. I'awklna, Jinir I uiombar of th
firm, ' We took lh Oraaon bulldini
rr, Aaauat 1. 1111," an Id Mr. Hob
mrin. "and It la the Intention of lb
muiajren))! 1 maintain. It a an of
flea bull'lin only, and to aHulr thn
tt.uat desirable Umante."
Th buildlnit. oni known a the
Hubbard, ta batnii thorouMhly rna
vatod, refinlahad un th Interior and
put Into first olnaa condllln enr
Jly. Tha old bntirtr -Mm ww found
to be IndtUnl bactauM tit Ilia In
(BTiMum In th number of tenant, and
new ilm ha been iHainllud,
Another fart or makiuc a ehanae
ta th haatinK plum nafeaMiry la that
' a emplatiy aquiliuad balhlna; a,
tabliahmant la blng eonduided on the
ub floor f the bulldlnt. A larae
awlninilnif pool, aliuwera and Turkish
ttatha are provlilod. The iimiinniinnl
ef th balhlna rlal.llrlin.iil rairl
that a. high tirade of patronaaa la re
etiundniK la th limuvatieii.
Berlin Cable Telephone
Is World's Record Line
Berlin, Jan. I. A new telephone
Una hit Juat been ripened from Mer
lin to HIorklKilin. The dletnm; In
IZS tnllea ef which KO nillea nr of
cable, an Id here lo be one uf the lonK
t telephone 'ahlea In Uia vTorld.
The lowerltiK of the elertrle Ini
pulae In pnealna through the cable
la In part overcome by aperlnl con
Htrui'tliin of that part of tiia line and
by atrenRihctiln the telephone p
paralua At both entile landliiK ln
tlon the aounda are rnlwl tu their
original atrennith.
Iter I In, Jan. s A union of the big
banker and private banker of Merlin
haa drafted and forwarded to the na
tional ajui" in lily a memorial In which
the flnnneter noike a renewed pro
teat aaalnet the adoption of the na
tional aiiiftrseiipy levy propoaed by
Malhlaa UralierKer, mlnlaier of flnnnrn
The bunkere aay III levy will de
prive I he nation of tutiilinl needed to
carry on production, aerlonaly Impair
the Indivldiittl credit needed to con
duet leaitiinnt viilvrirlee mid t tin I
thei I diunier t hi,t t tieiuinny' enn
nilee may net the proceed of tha lev)
A Quanta That loc Not Affin Head
lte ef It tent and laaatlv ef
ITabMa) ran be taken by anyone
without raualnit neremianee or ring
Ira; In the bad. Ther I only on
"Hrvmo Quinine." 8. W, UltOVKH
etgnatur th boa. teo. (Adv)
! Conservative Stvle
The Beauty of Mich is the Embodiment of Neatness.
Comfort, Serviceability, at Low Cost
a ..I 1 1 A,-, r.mj n
llBg-w in rHi.". ' ih. I .n ...ilonul aonventlon remin
Mia Rather Bcharf vlalted bar ,..., h,. In
fHand M Edna Hterena at her ' Mr M
horn hr, during holiday week. . ,.,i.,lr.n .ha
purty leader i willing to predlut for
KpeeU-rs Are Dl1lb d.
Kentiment among tbe democratic
ledra at the Jackaon dinner aa -preiuud
In their epeechea atntmed to b
dHldi'd between aupport of th preai-
denla poalllon and Mr. Bryan'a poai-
tion, while aome of tha men who are
In the Hat of the ninnlnatlng poaaiblii
tie did not touch o n the aubject at all
U aeeina agreed tbut Mr. Ilryan'a
argument that the treaty ahould be
ratified with euch comprornla n may
ba poiwibl will give a tnmiendoue
Impelua to the movement which atead-
lly Una lieen going on In the undercur
rent of the aenate for a compromise of
all fncliona in putting through tha
I'renldenl Wllwin'a reiteration that
there can be no renaonable objection to
Interprelfitlone to "any what the un
doubted mennlng of tha teitgue la," it
la thouKht by koiiki of those on both
ill dee of the content, may apeed the
Henutor. Ixolge, the republican lead
er, and foremoat In the fight agnlnat
mtlfi'' ulori of Hi" treaty without rK
ervHttona, tnke a wholly nppoalte view
and hue leaned a atulement declaring
tie priMldtnt niea ge make Ir.'poa
allile tha hope thai the nc mile might
eompoae Ita illffereneea nnd ratify th
trietv 'protected b ytlik pi'liicl,lr aet
forth In lha fourteen leeervatlona."
An nppeul tu tha people at the pull,
the republican eenale iuader declnrad
In In Kliilenient, won' t I ) lit n e
"moat cordially welcome,"
Kimikera l iimw lew.
There were a doxen or more other
apenkera at Ilia dinner and their
view on whether the league Hhould he
made u cnmpiilKtl Iwiue were either il
vldml in ftivor of the preaideiit'a or Mr
Itrvan'a or elae they did not toot h on
(he autilect lit all,
The glut uf their apeechea might
citally b.i )! I .un I-.! in thia fnehlon:
Henator I'omerene Itutify tl.e trea
ty with or without rexei vittloiia.
roiiiier Hecretury McAdoo A'l ar
inlKiiiiiunt of republican mlmliilitr.t
tlou but no enpreaeion at. out Hie
lretiiry I'uiilel Mr. Iliyuii Is en-
tltleil In credit for the league of im
tloim tieiity lieciiuee hie pence I.ivi.
giition ronveiittona wera the g.cuin 1
work for It,
Hemitor Hitchcock Konornble com
promise on the leiigue queatlnn, or .1
fliilnli fli-lit
Henator tiwen Inimediute rnllflciv
tlon. and prueeed wllh reimuairiictlon
illlllillogH Snu Vh'tory,
rhiiliiimn f'uiiiiiilnga "Inevitable
llupulaee" are curiyliig the drmocriitlc
parly" each day nearer and nearer tu
vii t.tiy "
(loveinor foinwell of Weat Vlrglnln
Auiei'lruii liiHtitiitlona are in dani r
of being overthrown by the unchecked
i,i nili ,,f labor autocracy."
t'lee Cliaii uiaii Kleiner - "We nccjiit
the gunge of lutttle."
tloveinoi- fo of tihlo 'The old
guard ia In control of tbe party tie
publican) which It well nigh wrecked
ly itn gi-eed
AUnniey DiMiera) I'almei "The war
will not be over, In fact, until the l
o ii oa rumen aim (.awt, !! up.
..n by tile eieat court of iipr,il M '
Anteiica and the iudginent of the pen- j
pie ! enteied " I
I in1 (tier Amlwaaitdiir Hward -"The '
louiilrv dcinandu that both (i j
lortathei Unit a nmiui.nil.e I
ud p-ave given to the world " j
r'i'iiiier HHaker rim g -Uemocratlc !
a-''lnjllhiii.'hU doling 111,- hiatal!
' entitle th onitj to a long leu j
jjencan Underwriters
Locate In Argentina
Normal Notes
More I ban
In Max tea.
19 dlahmlx at epoken
Sec Old, Faded
Urea Turn New
"lilninoml live" Add War of Wr-nr
l llmrib-d tlarmrm
lion't worry about perfect reeult
l!a "liiaiuoud Dye," guaranteed to
give new, rich, fadeleaa color to any
fabric, whether It b wool, ailk, linen,
rotten or toiled gooda, dreaae.
bbMiMva. aiocklitga. eklrta, vbildren'a
oneia, fealheiv, diaperlea, coverlnga
The Idreetloii llook with each
paekage telle au plainly how to
diamond dye over any color that you
nan mil make a mlelake.
To match any material, have drug
glal huw ynu "IHaiiiond lye" Color
Monmouth, Or.. Jan. t The norm;-l
opened Monday with practically all tu
oenta and faculty member present.
The repair on the normal buili'm::.
occasioned by the damage done by the
froet will be entirely completed by th.)
nd of the week.
Mine Uramherp. regintrar. haa no f ir
recovered from her recent lllneua an to
contemplate resuming her work very
aoon Ml Holiday t a!o gaining
utrength rapidly, though he will not
Uave the hoapital for aome little time.
The member of the faculty who at
tended the Btat Tenchera' aaaoclation
at Portland laat week report a very
'neplrlng meeting.
bean U. K. Bailey, head of th.j ft
tnlun department of Cornell unK'f
klty, will gpeak to the atudentg and
faculty of th normal achool and cM
iten of Monmouth at I: IS P- m. In the
hapel on Fbruary J.
Ivan, Wood, a graduate of the nor
mal, wa a vlaltor at the achool Mon
day morning.
ltalnev B. flurkhead , a former ncr
rifclite, left Monday for Rjgt-ne to en-
ler the Cnirereity of Oregon.
Isurance h:ia been chiefly in the hands
lot British and French companies. The
irroup is known aa the American For-
The insurance
Buenos Aires, Jan. 9. Representa
tive of a group of American insurance
companies deuling chiefly in fire and
marine underwriting have just com
pleted arrangements for eHtablishing
their business in Argentina and will
open an agency here on December 1.
it will offer Argentina the first op
portunity to inn'ure with American con
cern. Heretofore the business of ln-
department i.
searching for a man giving his nam,
as J. E. Howard, alias J. E. Power
who ia alleged to be swindling
ern Insurance association and is said pie by representing himself to fce an
... . .. .... iQcfcnt of rnilrlatilA inctiN...
to im-iude ztl oi tr.e loremoai v-Muccioa j -.- coin-
in the ' niied States.
I panics.
Read or chest
are best treated
"externally" with
fk. TiTi1
Bat You Mut Drive It Oat of
Your Blood.
Catarrh i annoying enough
when it chokes up your nostrils
and air passages, causing difficult
breathing and other discomforts.
Real danger comes when it reaches
down into your lungs.
This is why you should at once
realize the importance of the prop
er treatment, and lose no time ex
perimenting with worthless reme
die which touch only the inrfaec,
To be rid of Catarrh, yo most
drive the disease germs oat of your
Splendid results have been re
ported from the use of S. Sl S
which completely roots from jnvtr
blood the Catarrh germs, for
which it is a perfect antidote.
If you wish medical advice as to
the treatment of your own indi
vidual case, write to Chief Medical
Adviser 4Z Swift Specific Co., Au
lants. Ga.
German Losses Heavy j
In Aeroplane Service;
Wnahlngton, Jan. 9. According to j
report received from (lermany byj
the United State army air service. ;
the following loaae were experienced;
by tha German air service during the
In battle, J.857 officers; 3.047 en
listed men.
In training, 884 officers; 1,379 en
listed men.
Total, 1,441 officers; 4.425 en
listed men.
The large number of enllHt.d men
in the casualty list Is due. the report
explain, to the fact that German
pilots were not ail commlseloned men.
Manila, Jan. I. The women of the
Philippine have laiuulied a cam
paign for suffrage. The senate com
mittee hue been holding pulilic hear
in K on the Hlson bill, providing for
their enfranchisement.
Get instant relief with
Tape's Cold Compound'
Don't atay etuff4 up! Quit blowing
and snuffling! A da of "1'upe'a Cold
Compound" taken every two hour un
til three doses are taken usually
breaks up a cold and and all grippe
in Isery,
The very first doe opena your
elogged tip nostrils and the air pa-
angea of your head; stops nos run- i
nlng; relieves the headache, dullnese, I
feveriahnena, aneesiiig, o re lieu, atlff-
'Tape' Cold Compound" la the
quickest, gurest relief known and
costs only a few c.-nta at drug atores.
It acta without a mint a nee. Taatea nice
Contain no quinine. Inaiat on t'ape a
.; fv
A f.i.. 1 J I
i ; ui ckuu uiy rtiia uresnam
jj Mortgage Fire Equipment
j Asa reauli of ftre eurveva rei-emly
1 : nvade by depittlea In the stale fh. mar
1 s.ihai s offti. iit-tiii, imiv Mti.i nuk....
4 a II ((..n.M.ll.t.l..
, ; -. ........... ii,..!,,, inrir lire I
I j tijiMiog iHiuitMitriK according to Infor-!
I j illation raeeivad by A, V. lUrtwr.
4 , fire A survrv i.r rim l, i. i
HACltl'S on uv
i miles fv
,1111 iu cwndiicled net
j IIp ami
; forva.
week at The
I'ufiir by the fir marshal'
l took at TeagtMl K4nof rouon rruaa
haauKki, Liver and Ma was
Pretty Good Looling Sloe Isn't II At
Seven Sixty-Five
Here is an excellent Calf Leather Sin, the best of
workmanship, not reduced from peak prices but of
fered at a figure that merchant would willingly
When Spring Shoes art offered at the advanced
prices, men will think of what we now show at $163
to fS5t but will then be too late.
Mr- tr y
Aeeeut Ck)lfrat', 8v f fgi
)y lk fut tb a aw lnfoi, a
Ik patdajt. tkea y ar tar y
skild l kaviag tk bt aj karai
wm as tan I'kyti f iSh bttks
m a k. bve aad bwU. Ckuajaa
1M Vbw ftwty tai. IVil d!
stia far tkiii ' oVaa auk but
tle. U.v tt itkt fear.
UsUwt Vsat aMM s CjyrraL"
AOUKS closit to car line.
About 2 miles from town.
S acres In fruit and ber
riKK Ivor buildlngH, but
land flint clasa. A bargain
that curt last IJ.MM)
ived road about
from capitol. 7-
room plaatered house.
Modern, rleetrhJ llghta in
boil,-. Kun and garage.
A great deal of fruit on
this place. Electric water
a.vatem. Will trade on
larger farm. What have
you 7
ACHKH about 11 mile
from Kalrin. t acre in
fruit , building but
no bett,.r ffun u,nj Any.
where Ye it on a good
ro.-W road If you act
quick . , ,, M.noti
Off AOItK.s
0 under
mile out. All
cultivation, SO
fruit i iv, a. tn leaved
rod. Fair building. Will
take in s,.o(t ho una In Sa
lem in tiad.
AOKKst t;w, building I
nii!r ftoiu town. Gtmd
heav ,u will take wuk
trade .. Imies
ACKKS T mile mm H.
em I building.
Vtrr pij.ed ta houae.
i ftuit ireeev 1T acre
tinder t-uitivwtkui. !bl-
timlwr and pauMure.
A bo in am for aomaen.
M1M IVr Aer.
AC R Kit IH mtw out All
ulttvat4. no4 bulld-
l I4MM
S-.VCUK tract ciee ta
rlr tiro und On
the iMher .
See Us First!
V'! Tt!UT.
-t-a tHsegnai ItMkg.
Commercial Salmon, tall, can....25c
White Seal Coffee, 1 lb pkg 46c
White Wonder Laundry soap,
4 bars for 27c
Ridgeways 5 o'clock Tea, can....45c
Pineapple, 2 cans for 'doc
2 lbs. Good Trade Coffee for....85c
Speckled Beans, 4 lbs for 25c
Sunbrite Cleanser, can 7c
Armour's Very Best Milk,
per can 15c
Codfish, 1 lb. brick for 25c
-e o
& :
.S2 i
w 3 ;
a O ;
. C o
e-t TJ .5
Kellogg's Cora Flakes, 2 for 2Sc
Quaker Corn Flakes, 2 for ..25c
Saratoga Chips, 2 pkgs 15c
Prepared English Mustard,
2 jars 25c
Booths Sardines, 2 for .......45c
Soda Crackers, per lb ... 18c
Pop Corn 2 lbs. for : 25c
Rice Mince Meat, pkg 15c
Macaroni, 3 lbs for 25c
Salad Oil, per bottle 30c
rilOXE 436
January Clearance Sale
fjz 167 NORTH
In Order to Celar our Shelves For Spring Goods We will Make
Cut Prices on All Shoes NOTHING RESERVED
and wiO make many specially low prices of which the Mowing are a few.
FOR TEN DAYS-January 8 lo January 17, 1920
One job lot ladies' small sizes up to 4 in Hanans, Laird Schober, Selbys, etc.
at the special price of .. '$1.35
Another lot of black kids and patent with grey, tan and white cloth tops, 144
pairs, all sizes, to close out at 52 95
leots 107 and 108 Ladies' "Selby" black, cloth top, French i heelsT all sizes and
widths, $10.00 value today at $4 93
Lot 126 "Red Cross" quality fieldmouse and dark grey kid with matched
cloth tops, $11.00 grade goes for 13,45
Lots 176, 177 and 21K5 dark grey, all kid French or Cuban heels' "real values
$15.00, our regular $11.50 and $13.00 for $7S5"
Lot 191 Ladies' fine all fieldmouse kid, $12.00 grade for $745
Lot 210 all brown kid, Cuban heel, $12.00 value for $975
Lot 0204 black kid, black cloth top, school heels, worth $o.00 at " 4 35
t . 110 rt?i h i 1. . ' U.'JV
ia.i ot-, v ana s Drown eiK outton, h to 11 4 00 9 95
Lot :2, Child's black kid turn sole, 5 to 8 o'o ?f&
Lot 002), Child's patent cloth top, button, 1 to o' "ZZZZ " 1 50 1 15
Lot .30, gun metal English last, neolin soles ..
Lot 0?22, brown Bulldos toe. oak welt snW
Ut 71S, young men's 2-tone brown, tan top En'eTish""' '""i V
Lot 72tV "Stetson" high grade black calf, lgliSiftoZZZIlSO
Lot 756, heavy brown blucher welt soles
Lot 0760, Foresters hand-made loggers' li-in top
There is no better loggers shoe made at any price T
Lot 821, black calf blucher.
ff S-i1,1? heavy oU grain Wucher.'siesTto 5
T -A. ""..i .11
ixti -., musses gun metal button, spring heels, 11 to 2 $4 50
Lot 517, Misses brown elk button, spring heels, 11 to 2 450
Lot 500, Misses black kid, grey cloth top, lace 11 to 2 4 00
Lot 05-12, Misses dark grey, all kid lace, 11 to 2 550
Lot 0650, Child's dark grey, all kid lace, 8 to 11 . 5' 00
Lot 0640. Child's dark grev all kid lace, 5 to 8 "'"
Lot &57, Misses "Hamate" black elk bal, 11 to 2 aw
v-v v mu o i lauuiif uiach. t'lK u:ii. f til II X Kt
..... 7.50 4.95
7.50 6.35
13.50 11.45
1S.50 12.95
War Tax 30c
7.50 4.95
.....20.00 16.93
LadiwpiS brWn gfain Uucr' sesS to 1311
There are lots of other HnelarSnTrstl
.$1.43 to $3.50