WEATHER FORECAST Oregon: Tonight and Satur day fair, continued colder, moderate easterly winds. Minimum, 26. Maximum, 42 CIRCULATION Average for Quarter Ending December 31, 1919 5 4 Member Audit Bureau of Circulation Associated Press Full Leased Wir j ORTY-THIRD YEAR.NO. 8. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1920. EIGHT PAGES, PRICE 2 CENTS. Capital !ii Joe peal JAIM IE ENGULFS SEVEN TOVNS !::ican Villages In Section Devastated By Tremor Are Csrerwhelmed And Water Covers Settlement Sites. Mexico City, Jan. 9. Seven towns near Toocolo, south of Jal n pa, have been overwhelmed ,by Cio earth disturbances and a. great (ike Is covering ttieir former s.ico, according to a message re ceived this morning from Teocelo through Vera Cruz... Thirty-four bodies had been recovered when the message was filed at Teocclo. The towns that were Inundated are Tlatanalan, Quiezmltlan, Coastnleca, Toslgue, Ixtlahaucan, Choloya and San Jose Achilchlca. Every house in Teoccol has been made uninhabitable. Mexico City, Jan. 9. Intense ex cilment and panic reigns among the inhabitants of the cities or Cordoba ud Orizaba, in the western part o$J the state of Vera Cruz, because oft the opening of a new crater of the volcano of Orizaba, 15 miles north ward. The new crater is emitting smoke, according to reports from army offices. It is officially reported that noth ing untoward has been noticed at the t pi ler volcanoes in Mexico. Bxperts believe the reported 'open it. of a small and supposedly extinct volcano at San Migu;l and the break .' s out of a new crater on Mount ; rutaba provide an explanation of the t trthquake which on Sunday night centered with terrific effect along the Lite between the states of Vera Cruz and Puebla. New advices tell of 200 deaths near S.n Miguel and in the country dis tticts near Cordoba, and it seemS im probable the final list of casualties will fall below original estimates of 200 even if reports of 1000 deaths nt Couztlan were exaggerated. It is ( thieved 20 villages were completely stroyed with-. -almost double, that r "mber Of towns and , villages-badly i naged. - ; , v UTELS FILLED TO T With the special session of the leg J'"tiire due next week and with Sa 1im hotels already full of guests, cit iKons are called ui on to furnish rooms for the legislators. Any person hav ing heated rooms is urged to notify tl.o Marion hotel in order that rooms may be listed and legislators assigned them. ' The Marion is unable to care for wny more guests." states Manager ."nuier, "we are already sleeping peo-i-;-' 011 cots, so great is our regular business and unless Salem homes are thrown open, many legislators will be forced to go to I'qrthind to find a place to sleep." f orrians To Meet Tonight To Plan Work For This Year The activities of the Salem Chor ions for the year will be planned at a meeting Friday night at the aud itorium of the Commercial club, begin at eight o'clock. Ail active mem bers are asked to attend and to take part in the work of outlining the Jirar's program. At the time of the annual election f officers enthusiasm and boost v "re the keynotes bf the meeting, and iuch expression was made of de '.iiniimtion to make this year the t tatest in the organisation's history, 'ihis "pep." with the tentative plans f r work this year, indicates the am Hon of the Cherrians to make this a .U year. Allies Seek Means to Rid Europe of Turks Without Inciting Open Rebellion Washington, Jan. 9. Having aban doned hope that the United States wi,l accept a mandate over Turkey, 'he allied powers are attempting to -wd some solution of the problem of fipeliinitthe Turks from Europe with u: rau.-;ng such an uprising among the Mohammedan peoples as would endanger the control of the European tuitions over them. Information reaching Washington i that these effort are in progress uutMule of Paris where the supreme council is sitting, though it is ex isted that the ratification of that litly mill be ntcfwarj for any plans adopted. One project discus! contemplate AHmp'ln 4f the control of Comrtais l. ri.n br the league of nat.ons. the iU- laraliun of th city as a free port Hip Pockets to Go; Prohibition Removes Value New Tork, Jan. 9. Prohibition will sweep his pockets in men's trousers in to innocuous desuetude, according to a prediction by experts of the Interna tional Association of Clothing Design ers, who today issued an edict: " -them smaller end shallower this oetifon " Commenting on the attitude of the designers, Geo. w. Hermann, a mem ber of the organization, said: "It's illegal to tote a gun, it's un handy to carry your handkerchief there and you can't buy anything but wood alcohol to put in your flask. So the pocket just naturally will shrink away." REINSTATEMENT New York, Jan. 9. The executive committee of the New York socialist party today demanded that the assem bly "re-enfranchise the thousands of voters" of the state who voted the so cialist ticket by immediately revoking its "disgraceful and autocratic action" in suspending five socialist assembly men. In a statement i ssued after an ah night session the committee declared that the voters who sent the socialist assemblymen to Albany asserted that the socialist party Is not "Inimical to the public welfare." Revocation of the assembly's action was demanded In or der that "a republican form of govern ment, guaranteed to each state by the federal constitution, be restored to peo ple of New York," the statemen said. Dismissal "Outrage." "The state executive committe of the socialist party views with astonishment and indignation the action of the state assembly In unseating the representa tives of the socialist party. The action of the assembly is the culmination of a long series of outrages against consti tutional rights and the best tiditions of the nation." The assembly resolution "proceeds to deliberate falsehood when Its., as serts that the socialist party urged the people to refuse to engage in the pro duction of munitions of war and other necessities," the statement said. "The , resolution of the assembly !n a covert way is Intended to convict the socialist party of the use of violence to overthrow the government, implying mat the violence accompanying the revolution In Russia is desired and-fa-vored by us here," the statement con tinued. ' GUARANTEE TO POT RAILWAYS ON FEET Washington, Jan. 9. Continuation of the standard, return to railroads for a period of six months after the termination of federal control was agreed upon todty by the senate and house conferees on railroad legisla tion. In fixing this date the conferees accepted the Eoeh bill provision. The Cummins bill would have limited the time to four months. Washington, Jan. 9. The memor ial adopted by the national shipping conference, opposing provisions of pending railroad bills, was presented to Chairmen Cummins and Esch of the senate and house interstate com merce committees today by Clifford Thome of Chicago. Mr. Thome, head of the legislative committee of the conference, said shippers opposed cre ation of a transportation board, any form of a permanent guaranty in the way of a definite percentage of re turn as prescribed in the Cummins bill; appropriation by the government of surplus earnings; compulsory con solidation of roads into a limited num ber of systems, or the pooling of earn ings of the carriers. and the actual administration of the place by a commission nominated by Uhe Mohammedan population of coun tries and colonies, such as India. ; Egypt, Tunis. Morocco and possibly jthe Malajs of the. Philippines, if the United States can be induced to par ticipate to that extent, i It is proponed to clothe this com i mission with full power to control Constantinople politically and to ad minister the local government. Bat to satisfy the Mohammedans the sul tan and his suite would be permitted to reside there and to exercise from there all of the functions of the head , of his church. His position would therefore, in some measure, corre spond to that of the pope in Rome after he had teen diverted of hi tt-mporaI powers. OF ASSEMBLYMEN DEMANDED TODAY MMIN FIR SUBJECT British, French And Italian Premiers And Other States men Discuss Knotty Prob lem At Secret Paris Session (Associated Press Leased Wire) Paris, Jan. 9. The Fiume problem was taken up at a meeting held in pri vate today by the premiers and other allied statesmen assembled here for conferences. The meeting was attend ed by Premiers Lloyd-George of Great Britain, Nitti of Italy and Clemenceau of France; Earl Curxdn, British foreign secretary; Vittorio Scialoia, Italian for eign minister; Andrew Bonar Law, British privy councilor; Hugh C. Wal lace, American embassador to France; Baron Matsui, Japanese ambassador; Paul Dutaste, general secretary of the peace conference, and Philippe Ber thelot .political director of the French foreign office. Supreme Council Meets. A session of the supreme council pre ceded this meeting. It was presided over by Premier Clemenceau and at tended by Premiers Lloyd-George and Nitti, Foreign Ministers Scialoia and Earl Curzon and Mr. Bonar Lak. At this meeting Secretary Dutasta report ed his conversations with Baron Von Lersner, head of the German mission. regarding measures taken by the com mission on Schleswlg affairs, which will be applied .upon the coming Into force of the peace treaty. The council decided that the expen ses of the high commission in control of the Rhine regions should be borne by Germany as well as the cost of the army of occupation. League Meeting Discussed The council took up the subject of the first meeting of the executive coun cil of the league of nations which the treaty provides shall be called by President Wilson. It was announced that the date for the meeting would be fixed later. - Before the supreme council Bession Premier Clemenceau conferred for an hour with Mr. Lloyd-George. Previous ly he had received Alexander Millerand governor of Alsace. The supreme council will hold an other session tomorrow. WOODCOCK TRIAL SET TO BEGIN FEBRUARY 2 San Francisco, Jan. 9. The trial of Mrs. Alice Harris Woodcock, charg ed with being an accessory in the murder of Edward C. Kelly, newspa per employe here, last September, will begin February 2, it was indicat ed today when the case was called in the superior court. Edgar Woodcock, husband of the defendant in the present case, was acquitted several weeks ago on a charge of murdering Kelly. It was ad mitted that he fired the shot which resulted in Kelly's death, but a claim of temporary insanity was put forth by the defense. The verdict of the Jury in acquitting Woodcock now Is under investigation by the grand Jury. MINERS ORDERED TO Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 9. Organizors, field workers and International union heads interested in the nation wide strike of steel wurkerswhich went into effect September 22, were in re ceipt of an official order today from the national committee calling off the strike. This action was taken by the committee here last night. The order declared the committee's decision was forced by "ruthless mis use of power" by the steel corpora tion, the press, the courts, federal troops, state police and many public officials In that they denied steel workers "their rights of free speech and free assemblage and the right to organize." The order added that the union will, launch an immediate cam paign to further organize the work ers "and will not cease until industri al Justice In the steel industries has been achieved." Harold McAllister, 19 Years 0!i Dies At Home Near Citv i After a lengthy illness that steadily: grew more severe Harold A. McAllis ter, son of Mr. J. M. McAllister, whose i residence Is H mil-s southeast of Ka-I lem, passed away Thursday. He was! 19 years old. The funeral will be held at the chapel of the Webb iuh company Uurday at J: JO p. m. .lth ho rut roilowing in City View cenu-t-ry. I ik his moiher, Mr. McAllis'er U.-ire fix sister and two ore'h.-rw. Thy are: Mrs. Mary Croc-., Sjlem: Iaura Welch, CaUforrca; Mrs. Mryli HoHx, Mrs. Kvelyn Cotnirn. j Mrs. Geneva Psrrter, Mt. M-iba ! Guerne of tftis cty, and John McAllister j ai.d Lee McAllister. I m 0 C0E DEMOCRATS RESULT OPPOSITE TREATY VIEWS OF WILSON AND BRYAN, BRYAN SAYS PARTY CANNOT GO BEFORE PEOPLE WITH PACT (Associated Press Leased Wire) Washington, v Jan. 9.- William J. Bryan split openly with President Wilson at the Jackson Day dinner last night on the question of whether the democratic party should make the league of nations an issue at the next election. . The former secretary of state, three times a candidate for the presidency and a power in his party, declared the democrats could not go before the country on the Issue and that they must accept such compromises as may be possible. Conceding the right of the repub lican majority to dictate the senate's course, Mr. Bryan' declared: "Our plan has been rejected and we must face the- situation as It Is. We must either secure such compro mises as may bef( possible or present the issue to the country. The latter course would mesn a delay of at least fourteen months and then suc cess only in cas of our securing a two thirds majority of the senate. - "We cannot afford, either aa citi zens or as members of the . party to share with the republican party re sponsibility for further delay; we can not go before the Country on the is sue that such an appeal would be present. A majority congress can declare war. Shall we make it more difficult to conclude a treaty than to enter a war?" Reviewing the present and survey ing a program of the future, Mr. Bry an said he ventured to suggest "three new propositions." ' They were: A national system of roads, extending in every state,, to be known as "a. national peace way," both as a utilitarian project for bind ing the states together in commerce and. Intercourse, ,'r,i,a -atumoflal as wen to uie sojmer aeaa. A national bulletin not a newspa per, Mr. Bryan declared to present national Issues under bi-partisan con trol. The initiative and referendum which he declared the. democratic par ty might well adopt as lis "new great reform." FINNISH PORT TO BE IS PRESENT BELIEF Stockholm, Jan. 9. The 249 unde sirable deported from the United States on the transport Kufurd, "the soviet ark' 'probably will be landed at Hango, Finland, and will proceed to Russia by rail under a strong guard, it was said here today. The Finnish legation lacks official Information but belief was expressed there that no communication would be allowed with those landing from the Huford who will be furnished with suf ficient food for the Journey by rail. The harbor of Reval is frozen and the port of Llbau Is believed improbable as a landing place for the undesirables. The Swedish authorities declare that those deported from the United States will not be allowed transit through Bweden. Washington, Jan. 9. Allen radicals deported on the army transport Bu word, which now Is Hearing the Kiel canal, will not be landed at Copen hagen nor is it planned to send other deportees from this country to the Danish port. Anthony Caminetli, com mlssioner general of immigration, said today. lie still refused, however, to say where the Buford would land. Mr. Caminettl conferred today with army officials presumably for deport ing additional radicals to soviet Rus sia. PREMIER SEE DANGER Dublin. Thursday, Jan. 9. -Premier Lloyd-George has put a "f?nKerou weapon In the hands of declared ene mies of the empire," In framing his Irlxh home ryle bill, according to reso lutions p.-tsxed by the executive com mittee of the Irish Unionist party here today. Recognition was given the fact that the premier had made "an honest endeavor to settle the Irish problem, according to Knglith Ideas." but the committe went on record as "feeling boun!o inform him his proposals. In stead of bringing peace and content ment to Ireland, would still further ac centuate and embitter present difficul ties between different sections of the Irinh people." "The only way In which Ireland can he saved from civil war and anarchy." It 1 said. Is to establish a onion form of government. President's Failure To Touch Upon Position Regarding Third Term Big Surprise Of Jackson Day Dinner; Split Between : Leaders May Precipitate fight Such As Marked Noisin ating Convention Of 1912. : f (Associated Press Leased Wire) Washington, Jan. 9. President Wil son's decision that the league of na tions issue should be placed before the voters as a "solemn referendum" and William J. Bryan's contention that the democratic party cannot go before the country on the question but should accept such compromises "aa may be possible" are tha twin surprises of the conclave of party chieftians which found its climax in the annual Jack son day dinner. The president's message to the part. written from the aick room in the White House mad no mention of a third term for himself and no an nouncement of an impending retlre- - SPECIAL LA WS NEEDED TO INSURE SUCCESS OF IRRIGA TIONPROJECT (Associated Press Leased Wire) Spokane, Wn., Jan. 9. Passage of special lawa by legislatures of Mon tana and Idaho probably will be re. quired before the success of the Co lumbia basin Irrigation project is as sured, Prof. O. L. Waller of Washing ton State college, secretary of the Columbia basin survey commission, declared In an address before the Washington Irrigation Institute this afternoon. While the water supply tor the pro ject, as shown by government reo- ords, is abundant, some must u stored In Pend Oreille lake In Idaho and all of It must be diverted from within the boundaries of thut statu, he declared, jund about halt the impound ed waternust be stored In Flathead lake in Montana. The Indian service has filed water rights upon t'lathead lake for the Irrigation of Indian lands The main line canal of the project would be approximately 130 miles ling, Professor Waller said surveys have shown, and has been designed to carry 20,000 culiic feet of water per second. It would consiHt of 83.8 miles of tunnel, D 3.7 miles ot cumil, and 49 3 miles, of lakes. All of the lakes are to be artificial except 16.1 miles. They are Intended to care for waste In case of high water. No definite figures us to the cost of putting water on the 1,700,000 acres Included In the project uie yet uvailuble, Professor Waller said. OF T SESSION HERE TODAY The committee of 15 named by Governor Olcolt several months ago to conduct an investigation into the affairs of the state Industrial accident commission is in session here today, completing the Interviewing of wit nesses and rounding out its report which will probably lie handed to the governor late this afternoon. The In vestigation was requested by Win, A. Marshall, chairman of the commis sion after Lceltoy K. Keeley, a Port land attorney, had spread broadcast throughout the state numerous alle gations as to the mismanagement of the communion's affairs. In the course of the formal hearing held here at the opening of the In vestigation H was openly intimated that Keeley was in the employ of an insurance company which sought to discredit the state commission In an effort to overthrow the workmen's compensation act. A move has been niaitei since that time to disbar Keel ey from practicing law In Oregon. . .L -r of !.. wing lilts; as well a D O MFFT AT DlCPflloM e per D U 1 ILL Ml ioiilIi';,,,,ta"lronf,!P,h,,nv 1SIU 111.1,1 III vWWirew. the populur reader, Washington, Jan. t. 1'Ians for the democratic national convention at San Francisco on June 2 were dis- uj-e.J by Chairman Cumming and other members of the national com mittee today and were to be taken up formally at a meeting of the execu tive committee later. A committee on arrangement for the convention probably will be an nounced today or tomorrow. This com n.ltt- will go to San Francisco with in 20 day to lay out the seating ot the delegate on the convention floor and to arrange for hotel accommoda tions, committee, room and the like. N. W. Slurnford of Freewater hip ped four carload of Wineaap apples to Copenhagen, iJenmark, last week. speculate ntent to private life, aa many had pre dicted it would. . Mr. Bryan's speech, taking- definite issue with the president'! decision on the great question, was accompanied by a statement that ha waa not apeak lng as a candidate (or the presldentltl nomination. Many of the democratic lilner freely said that portion was a distinct surprise to them. Party Studios Views. Today the rank and file of the demo cratic party well aa tha leaders throughout the country are studying the opposite announcements of the two national leaders and art attempting to (Continued on page two) chiee mm. TO SAVE TREATY Washington, Jan. 9. A lettar from President Lowell of Harvard, urging that democratic senator should "not stahd'too firmly" uKninst a vaaarva- tion to article ten of the league ot nations covenant, was made public today by Senator Walsh, democrat, Massachusetts. Although in the past an advocate of unreserved ratification, President Lowell wrote that If artlcla ton was a stumbling block to a compromise, the administration might well ctn cde a point Blnce the real strength of the covenant In preventing wars seemed to rest In the economla boy cott provisions of article 18. "It seoms to me," the letter con tinued, "that article ten la not well adapted to promote peace, and does Involve obligations whioh It Is not wise to accept." Government To Aid Dependents Of Deportees Washington, Jan. 9. The govern ment hns definitely decided to ren der aid to the dependents of alien radicals whom It deports, Assistant Attorney (ieneral Onrvan announced today. Action in this direction will be taken purely as a humanitarian measure and not because of any ob ligations to the fumlllc of the aliens, he added. It hu not yet been determined thru what chutinels provision will be made for the cure of the persons left alone by the deportation of the bread win ner. It was Indicated, however, that eventually If the persons concerned so chose, they would be sent to Join the deportees overseas. Legislation may he necessary to accomplish this. Officiuls said that much of the firound for possible reprisals would be removed If the families were fin ally sent to Join their leaders. Willamette Glee Club Sings At Pen Tonight The Willamette university glen ch.b will givo Its first concert tonight at the penitentiary. The members of the glee club have been working on their new program since the opening of aehoo! In the fall, and have prepared a nurtiVir s t ine of I he personnel of the er. Fred Mc- wlll be heard again after an absence of a year In L'mle Sam's service, and has prepared a number of strong selection. Radicals To Be Deported Via Copenhagen, Report Copenhagen, Jan. 9. Undesirable deported rfroin the United Htate will be landed here and trans-shipped to Danzig under supervision of the lan. lull police, according to reports. The radical will not be permitted to come in contact with the population here. Kach ship bringing deportee will bear COO persons, it la said, and the United Htutes government has arrang ed with the United Shipping company ot this city to take thorn from here to Danzig. LOWELL WOULD asfo:: mso:i SAVS PACT ClIST BE REFEQD , TO PEOPLE AT FOLL (Associated Press Leased Wire) Washington, Jan. 9.- President Wil son In his message to the Jackson day diners here last night said "the clear nd single way" to determine tha will of the American people on tha leagtia of nations , to make it an torn at tha next ' ' " ., The lng wU' hln.sel' -. ' .t ,13 V jUiiy' fesnairv was t his intu it tha fluty join lit th impll'" rot for t ' ' f and why hat 'ntly wdr. nn , ' i mother . t to crush tl . ', - ansof Ei4 m!d b mails,' . .resident aaldL Jiie United tViitea rinlnof. . - -V , -The president expressed his attliu-J . ward reservations, much a ha di tut s eonferenea with tha, senate foit n jRtluna nnntmltfMV InrtMff Inntfi 4 -w undoubted meaning of ")h treaty Sa I ahivli hava no objection. There an bo no lesronable objection to interf rota tions accompanying tba act ot ratifies, tlon Itself. But when iha treaty ta act ed upon I must know whether It means that ws hava ratified or rejected It. W cannot rewrite this treaty. Wa must take It without changes which al ter Its n, eanlng or leave It and then, after tha rest of thf world ha slnel it, we must faee the unthinkable task of making another and separata kind of treaty with Germany," mm BOLES WARN Tl '(Associated Prets Leased Wire) Mexico City, Jan. 8 f. J. Honey anil Earl llolns, Americans who met death in the 'Ismplco renlori early this month wore killed by rebel after having d la regarded warnings from local author), tics who advised them not to venture into luwleH regions alone, according to iHc;,viin front tstnte officials at Tum pleo given out tonight by the Interior department. They were shot by out laws (in the seashore between camp belonging to the International and Transcontlnnntal Oil companies, It la supposed. Advices given out here stale that fol lowers of General Manuel Peine, out law chief, and virtually Independent ml !' In that district, had been expect ing to reoclvs munitions from a steam er at that point on the coast, Certain bandits who were rivals of adherents of l'elnex were opernilng near tha la goon of Tamplahau and learned of tha expected shipment. They laid In wait at a point where they thought the mu nitions would be landed and when Ho ney and Doles appeured the rebels b lleved they were carrying arms to tha I'elaea force. Fire wa opened upon the two men. who were killed. It Is stated government forces are pursuing the bandits and that tha for eign office has asked local authorities for further information regarding tha shooting of the two Americana IRRIGATION END SPOKANE MEET TODAY (Associated PrM Leased Wire) Spokane, Wn., Jan. 9. fit) porta of committees and election ot officers this afternoon were to bring to a close the two day seiislon of th Wash Ington Irrigation Institute here. Iel egutes will meet at a banquet thla evening. Resolution before tha committe early today outlined what It was de clared wers the needs of tha west In a reclamation way, and contained an assurance of support for the program of the western reclamation congress In meeting them, it K. Tiffany of Yakima, reclamation engineer for tha Yakima projects. wa prominently mentioned ns a probable selection for president of the Institute. HAII.KOAD HF.OUGAMZKD Bpoknne, Wash,, Jan. 9. Reorgan ization of the bankrupt gpokana Inland Empire Railway system bo came known here today with th fil ing of articles of Incorporation for the Spokane & Eastern Railway A Power company and the Inland Emplr Rail road company. The former Is capital ized for 13,000,000 and the latter for 11,000,000. ' EDAGACIST tAVELIrlG ALONE