PAGE EIGHT, FLO PH FOR MI INDUSTRIES IS NOV PROPOSED Liberty Bonds Alone Can Buy Reds' Freedom I 'HE DAlLi CAi-l'l AJLJOUKNAi. SALEM, OREGON, Quartet of Boys Rob 20 Tacoma TTTTTPgTUV JANUARY 8, 1920 BEARCATS 10 INVADE DALLAS FOR CONTEST New Tork. Ju. 8. "Parlor bolHe- vikl" who ar raising a fund to assist comrade held on deportation proceed- Homes for Fun Tn,L Wn.. Jan. 8. How four With Wapato back from his vacation ,,,. between 15 and 18 year trip to Pasadena and again working burglarized twenty homes, sev- out with th aauad. Coach Matbew era! tores. the nuston. Ing. will hav. to invent it in liberty hJ, of Bweat fie. .no a" . wvnu. iu a - ouuu "wn i" ' ' crimes "JuBt for fun" was descriDea lout on bail. Tha aulhorltie at EUU evening for a workout against th "i ulS Wednesday by two of the Wsehlnrton. Jaa. Plumb plan Mlina announced today that offer of American Legion team of that city. h , Prosecuting Attorney W. -i-.ii.ji .h k.n h.a baa r.rud sine tha The rami will be in th nature of a l0".. 8 far ail American jnnusirj. 7. .,. U. WIHU. iiiiiiili'i nAKULul HIT BY FOOD FAMiNE OF ALL CONTINENT Vi r i-.n. Dec. .n I't WHUbpi Ci-ie the British director or relief declares hat Vienna is the worst of all the famine-stricken places that he visited on a recent tour through central Europe. i,hrt more than 2.400,000 tons after h. plan of tha Bam. nam. for Island bad do facllltle. for handling preliminary to the J" Andrew Hansen, 18. and Joe Llnik. of food9tuff8 at a cost of nearly 8500 - Sh Trallro-V ha been prepared and large .urn. A mrety company ha. re- and upon the work of the yariou. men leadership, are be- M 000 havc been delivered In Euro- Ud to b publidy announced to PPJ again . depend I large y to pe-nn. f h. and the rell ( 8,nc the ofthe ar- - ioi:nunu -mi- rv.w.. - ---- smaller boya are at me coumy mistlce, Dy rar me e''" - - - i ih. Bi.n. "An that It did not car to aid enemies of Whitman college five here next week. i.h.h he Haiti, had been furnished b Industrial Program by Olenn E. the country. Ths Immigration author- Friday night Mathew. will give all Oi arUc,e, were cach!d ln the tne Unlted states under the direction Plumb" ara being circulated In Wash- Kiss, however, will accept liberty hi. hopefula a chance to show what ,urroundlng TaMml, the head . f Herbert Hoover, conditions are still t.n and some of them recleved In bonds and releaa red. on ball as soon they have to offer, and under the con- . . ,n a hut rtninrabie as almost to "beggar de- cnrammt circle las their preliminary hearing, before In dllons, he Is not predicting a victory where th had a ph0. , , tlon.. A distinguished British BOOS. Briefly th plan p ropose for all sector, ar completed. Ameriran Industry th ystm of trl-j " aartJta railroad control advanced sum time ago with the barking or tne great brotherhoods, which, It ha been an etineed. would b mad an Issue at the Ictlona It propose practically hs asm division of representation for aapltui and labor and th public Industry classed Into four divis ions, in thl way: (1) Those "Individualistic In owner- aftiin anA nnratlnn. Including ths farm m and th small artisan, contractor McClur and William Chastaln. over the wast Legion quintet. It la likely that all of the 18 men now car ried on the regular Willamette squad ... . Mn ... l.j i. n t Viannn for noerapn, iooa ana otner conuuiis, my orncer wno oau --- lmDlorea mm Deiure stolen. some time, PLEAD GUILTY TODAY Ban Francisco, Jan, 8. Floyd Leo rho To Hold Party Conclave and William Chastaln, wno a I I ad manurasturer who I bob capital- "r,ot na K1"a ntun ncnoemos, nan najS UIITC3 HI 1CUItl t- i-v...-.- .t,a nn-om.-" iKrunclsco police detBctlve while he was m iin t (f) All Industrie "formerly Indlv-lfylng to p revent the theft of an au but which throosh ormnlta- tomotille, pleaded guilty before Huper- tlon hav so developed that ownership i Judge I-oui Ward here today. Denver, Col. Jan. 8. Will H. Hays, t otuiraM from labor and concerns Judss Ward said he had determined chairman of the republican national lUartf only In direction and supervision 'J19 h1 committed first committee, arrived hire today to at- f production In which It engitgc tha murder but In view of their ten,i , conference of national and ffnrt of other who hav no share In P,e ut lfullt """' "t Impose the ei- sectional party leaders. Hays was ac wnershlp." ilreme penalty but would .entence them companlod by a number of workers 8l Industrie 'ased upon a grant !o lmrisonw.s " date of .en- prominent ln the party councils, from society In Ih shapa of a fran- tno was set for Monday. Governor. Carey of Wyoming. Davis shls. grant of prlvlleg or monopoly. MoCiur waa tried for first degree ,)f ldttn0 an(1 iarraaolo of New Mexl In this division ar Included all publld murder but th Jury split lx to rx c0 wll) attend the meetings, which In-arvi.- cornorations xept those n- ovf th question of whether he should cude a banquet tonight. ag4 In Inter-stats eommerc "ana J"rgea guilty ot a rirBt or eoonu all Industrie engaged In etwinliln ns- degre orrense. re fesourrea." The lalaer ar de- -"- Including mine, ga and ..... n . . iMihtarv Rpnnspntahvt i-osds and commercial trans- . r . . . The first games of the Interclnss iwrtatlnn faollltlea Ths plan explnlns; (If A jlM ATfi ArTCSlCu b"k1'i" season at Willamette Uni- thslMhes ar considered separately i v verslty were played yesterday after- W" m.hiie - . .. .,.. . . , noon. the former ara "under local rested by local authorlU and to , .... "Puhllfl interact " la A.ftn nghf or th publla to obtain' : , "'"""."'Th Wolverine. (Soph) won from the hsaner or mor product or servlc as "f ,a7 ' '" Kan. (Krosh) 8-4. Rackett was nrhiia rna Tatrla the owner. Ils- game. Because of tha fact that th armory la leased for dancing purpose on Sat urday nights. It 1. not known definite ly whether or not th University of Or- . ,.w tVmh. i. would be fun v. it I had snent ten days in tho to It burn." cell of a condemned murderer who hns Defin.le charges have been with- given up all hope of a reprieve. I held until deDuty sheriffs have com- atoved at the best hotel but I saw no i pleted unearthing all the cache, and mi an(; no eggs the whole time I wi assembling the loot. cnance to worg out in mo . ... ,w- , hnv. a aeribed how they had burned Petrie'a rummer horn. "We climbed Inside and set fire to th curtain, with a match," said one egon-Willamette game, scheduled for January 81 will be played on that night or the date changed. eft the Austrian capital: "For Gods ake go home and tell them what it is ike." Sir William told his experiences o the American Luncheon club here. Old Comforts Gone, r fn nnnn leavlne Vienna," said hcaflMS Inter-Class Basketball Starts At Willamette there. .'!' the bitter torn nan oi i-.e . otcl. orce the gayeat rendezvou ii. K. te. the visitors ha .it:d I"Ke r ln th' t'oom of one Uent I'.v-ra nine uju to be forty. They e i- imm i k shadows than representatives of rich Vier'.n' world-famOUS C'B!.a Ii-.'jKC K ........ it - .very atternoo'i u -iy n en men go thero m ordo- to , eer Chemawa'. runners are working out .,,. , . ei, Warrr anr. !iei:-.i.-ft they for participation ln coming meets, the have no work to do. first of which la a five-mile cross ir my office I made several experl country to be run at Portland early rnenta at working In overcoat and with In February. Th line-up in athletes blankets for the staff when the ther for the long run this year Is: Choate. mometer Inside was only one degree War-Bonnet, Spearson, Thomas and above freezing point. Finally I deter Raclne. Spearson and Choate will be mined to get wood enough to light the remembered as the Indian School's one small fire for two days. It cost representative, at the Pacific North II v. . n 1 iu Just Received w Blue Flannel Middies - Bffc..... Fir Extra Special Value ' $5.98 Each Our Prices Always the Lowest GALE & CO. Com'l. and Court Sts. Formerly Chicago Store t ! 1 For Long Distance Auto Trucking Willamette Valley Transfer Co MM WE ALSO DO LOCAL HAULING. ' 8-7, The seniors defeated the Juniors ana tne I'remlers (Hoph) won control, Z"u r.'Za Z7r .7 . , , ,rom ,h "asorbacks (Hoph) by a close Printer of Balem. was a Ubjct "H. .n J T .,nI. "U" rd'-ore. Plmlok .tarred for the seniors "or her. the first of tl Hungary 1. reported in a Prague dls- , h f Dalrympl I. at present fit.. "iri.uHn tttomvn loimy, ,,, ... ... u ... . ,h. ririrnn ritv nnn.r ! isolated from tha continent of Europe me S70 crowns, which to the Viennese cv a narrow strip of water and still less west meet last year. Spearson making a equivalent to about 30 or 40 pounds. jn the Tjnned States, isolated by the second place ln the mile run andi lieh Bi'-n lunlturc. . D,; n(,orv Choate getting second honors in the Do you wonder that the .veil to do Atlantic ocean .that Austria, Hungary, broad-Jump. I eople In Vienna are burning their Bulgaria and Turkey are still teenni- furniture to light th;lr stoves? Can cally at war with the allies and, what A. M. Dalyrmple. former a Job you Imagine how the poor live or tr . imnortant at war with most of business vis- o nve f n i not uinu.ii i n.., ttel neighbors. the week. Mr. affic in one or tne main streets wnica employed in''- t0 tne cem.-?ry t:c(.l " r,y mjU8 red i ma rine-terins :airy tna u cieu f i' a ti oni.n ,,i a ' "In Vienna, In the palace of a for te progres of th art permit, th .th' dl"'r'ct pr!":'" ""'P1 th. individual star of thl. game. Iwlth the Liberty Exctiange. on North mer archduke, I saw thousands of chll- wn iim" ovi n h-b wiin n -pi. i Yrir,.i..ini at Ma Tt'-M- aren DijinK leu wan American reiii mmk at a low ot of produoUon. .nwrln ild hav f , . . . . . , . ., frnm . hll.,nM ,H, ' , . ., ,.in ni" - ... ,,r . - rtt three from the annh M PMOI10 BO lO lrCI K. DOW. A "a . . n.i.uii f-m ,nB PM,hmen. Th. n,n .,111 t low. OcHit of produoUon. TnuZVj 7 a eath trom Ul" "n" nn evening from t.u.lon de. '- . . f '''I" 'h".,r'"U.m.",- !rICT,ed h' hree from the sophomore, and lx Seattle. 0 BO tO ire!. ( powtr a. .".. ...i.iar a on.r.unn ( tn - h " - 'ei. ' . t. wn.r " " ,",,'"' "'"-'d t ha , ,,lr .,,,, . roprty or bl Investment. s,.t.,l. "'" "V ly . mluloia fair return on uch Inyestmanb Xf p Bclsty pay, mor it. a., .outit n I I A 1 '11 :r ;J Kolph Opens Third Term - - ----- woiwi im raqulicl t ,1By tt(U uvl) i .livs snor tnao h i lawfully entitled to re v." 10 FIGHI RELEASE OF I! SOVIET ARK B0 month, after which a championship series will be played be tween cIhss team.. Brown Ranting Large Filbert Grove At Willows II. Itmwn. tha vtt I ... Imssnberry grower of Willows furm tlnrvsls, I selling tntt Mi. lur 4 flllterl grove In the mti, c.m Wtag (if 10 acres, set abuut the am dlsiant-. .part a. pruiifs. In S Jr thl grove, It I sstlmsled, will Md a harvest ttf J0 nil acre and n I years MflQ or 1900 jn sure ksd upon th production of other grows Th planning and planting of ih, ia dun. by I'tmr.-y ln.., ivn. aalllitg and commu ting hot lli ultural Ma, for whom Krank tnvey, the vt- rsa J.HIIIIMllbt, . llfflie lHOII.iK'T -mm mis s lung ri'lt nee Mpplrlng fUntlf!o kiii.ttimtife sod iperhmce tu lu.itlruHili li.l.i. As San Francisco Mayor Big Merest Shown h First Plane Exhibition Chicago, Jan. 8. Ijitest type of alr- Reverond Father Derouln, assist ant pastor of 8t Joseph's Catholic church. Is enjoying a visit with friends ln Astoria this week. Silver Bell Circle and Salem camp fM - rtitr, No 1 1 S, Woodmen of the World, will , , Serl)la alonCj Sir WIlliam declared ho d a Joint Installatlo of officers, there nre B00,000 fatherless children, KrmiiT nvAnlniy or S n M .o V I,, XT . .... a a v- Planes and eiiulDment anil d sn avs r. .. " ," 'iinuiu,iunuiuiir - vurnai.iv nun. 0f snowing ilia progress of aviation were food under the control of a young nav al officer, who I was proud to recot,- nlxe as one of those Americans who did! excellent work in the early days of the' commission for relief ln Belgium. Our' Tacoma, Wn., Jan, 8 own British relief missions, both ln District Attorney F. R. Austria ana in Hungary, ana a num bor of unofficial British workers are rpiPn-p from the doing everything possibleto stem the ,,ral prlson of wilhelm von Brlncken Hun Krani'laro, Jan. Cisco ii a new administration Its public affairs today when Mnvor Mhlblled today at the opening of th James Hnlph hasan his third term, "''' western aeronautical show at Jumko Matthew Ilrudy assumed tha eollseum. Down, of American and Ca Office of district attorney, which, he haillnn "aces" attended the exhibition, won from Charles M. Klckert, the In- Exhibit were entered by the United i tl in !. til for ten years and or 'Httaes navy, the signal corps uml aerial re-elected city officials wrfre seated, mall scrvlca nnd airplane niftnufiictur- Juil Hrsdy was a police court Judge up to today, , Among the fiaturtM of the to. University Enrollment Washington, Jan. 8. The soviet ai Buford with its cargo of 249 radia aliens, is about to enter the Kiel nal, according to official dlspatcta received here today. While refusinjfc disclose the destination of the ship, fiicals said " a very good guess raijtl ; be ventured since passage througi Icanal has become known." It was believed that the Bufim-' Assistant would go to Riga, a port ln Livoua Conway an- to discharge its radicals for trampw; nounced today that he will fight theltation across the country into away. McNeil Island fed-, Russia. ' I So far as has been made known, : when his hearing is held ln federal gotiations for the transportation ol : court here' tomorrow morning. radicals across one of the Baltic pi Von Brlnckan, who was sentenced Jnces adjacent to Russia have not tea in 1917 in San Francisco to two years completed and the government til : and a fine of $10,000 for conspiracy await the outcome of the Buford'sw to violate the neutrality of the United age before deporting any more radial States, is due to appear for a hearing tn -owwin. ' i gcr and exposure. Breeds Bolshevism. "It seems to me that you cannot trl- in 1.1. 1 .i , CI M-Jl-J) 1 .ti w. " Ms Pauper's oath for relief from I allows HMrnea increase rviea "wout 7unninV; r ne- f ?VtrZ T end t0 i a carnival of bolshevism which wouldlm01;T' .1 f J. f ?,a Wf University of Oregon, EuBene, Or., probably not be confined to this con-nt for tha arrest and deportation to Jan. 8. The university's enrollment ,it t , - j Kiermany of Von Brincken. and yes- ",r ",B Bccomi semeaier, wiucn oegan am rather Inclined to think that bol- enow. Tuesday, exceeds by about 100 stu- shevism heen nP,l too n.n,.h ... wiucn win continue a week were dem- denta the total registration f.,r th. ,-. i w... ... .7... Flora .......ration, of the radio ...U-graph and ,, term. Tota", n for the win. ZZX ' tT. TJu'Z lul bombs, (ornedoes, r tn, will mnxh mno o ,,.,., . friends. Mrs. Wo fendeu i,.ft nlmust mall machine.. enrollment last semester was 1550. ex- whole world the United States as well atly for Kugene. Mrs North- The famous Hpad In which Captain cluslv of snecha students. The . 1 11 "I ' .m L 1, .""" -,- . ..... .... H i.i.-n iiua an. ntnuw i ic n,n iui nrr oroilKOl nown crt'aHcd me gui-t or Mrs. r . I., rurvlnr tZ; ', V, i V. t"":'' ,nr.: A"' ,p,ttnM fl"" t0 ,hBlr l' rK. Mid-year ent situation in central Europe is the t 4U's, 93.30 Mrs. R, Norlhup and Mr. Wotfeiiiliti of McMlnnvllle arrived In telephone. terday, in order to be enabled to visit San Francisco, Von Brincken filed a bond for his appearance in San Fran cisco later for a deportation hearing. IJBl'.RTY BONDS enrollment Is due largely to Sir William declared that New York, Jan. 8. Prices of liberty bonds at 2:55 w. m. toilnv vorp a'n m -o ueiman opponents, was one or tne he many former service men return-foremost among the causes of the pres- 99 0; rst 4's, 93; second4 s, 92.02; Pal-go, center of attraction. Air planes fle- ng to their .cliolaslio work. Mid-year ent situation in central Kurone is the rst 4U's, 93.30; second 4'g. 92.48: third 44's, 94.66; fourth 4-s, 92.66; terance on the subiect. I have no seems to be realized In victory a d-4 s, 39.14; victory 4 3-4's,'tention of calling a special sessions im will wtKtimi iur i-o una iiv nir wun meti run- trr,i.iti,.ta 1.1..1, ...i.nniu i.. . 1.. of K.,ril,i. e m..m ., ... ,' . 7 " T " Place, , iM-nsnr.i lan.uoK gear, mere using tiivnntni.'rs or the new semester " among tne extiimts. ur starting tli Washington Governor Not To Call Special Sessa Spokane, Wn., Jan. 8. Definite , nouncement that he will not call special session of the Washington I Islature for the purpose of ratifyi the federal woman suffrage amene mpnt wna mntlr here today by G- ernor Louis F. Hart, who Is hire attendance at the Washington irriga tion institute. "Reaffirming my every puDiio - 'It scarcely the governor said Han? Licenses Issued To Sportsmen During 1919 Proof thst Marion Coimiy la pmV. piei.M in 1,1,,, pi-,,i,.,-il,!ii i(l.,l p,,,B lli.ill Is tvstlfla,! ,1( . ersa,!!,. niiml.r of untiling ,, u. n iHiimlu ttvi Coivi'srmlvs riKui-s of the mi ml-or ih-oiisps ur aiious kliul. la.u,.,! aianon e.utiiiy during the cm iu and III), t c,,iuiu'v,' , n wi,..iiv. in ..i,-.l. r)rt f a,-s t-a.e ,.f ,,.. ,UlU atwl i.ii ius of trm (,n, utUrr nitm. b-1 t.f ih. fl.n.y tribe. c...i,ps,-t(vv w '' : .mi . Rsi.1nt huiiteis IUnw: i$m jj !, Mil Ka4,tii skiers license; mj in ir .wmpuwiioo hunlli.t and ll. 5J; 1, Ul, Mun-rasiJvtii lwnt.-r: Tu of (h,w tlMlltll!lin Slid ,.M War Trns liif.,o lt. u 0amrhm Leads fHsfe On Water Power Bill Today W,i.t,B J in. , Sr ,,.., Chntb.fli, ,lf iHT.a M off th. asHsts ,. jmwvr HSI i a, rMlllt l)H, (V -i.i, pit-tuiinw ti,s t,(; a nil n wh!ta state jwrik-uim-iy f..r dvel.,p,e( ,.f ! r..u,,-r ,(t ,.t!.,., , CWlUHri'taiJ. iir rKawWi tain .inula a '!;! """-' ' ' i-.n-. . f " 'orm it wuM Wt aniut of priiata ein) u r k not imly f..r IU ov, f"r all lh .wr sutr, the lriflc fMt h e,.i,. " ier pwiu r tn wair ar reaMMrraa f Oi renMry h h-m thm thre per twtit d,vl,'i. ,,a fsiaaeasml no tl ktiem. Wenaifiee Man Seeking IVasfiinCD Goveirorh 0iakan. ash , Jan. $ Jrh A Clls of vrna)che. at nHMiu ttvm trom the fiftyjik dial riot, ttntav aasouaood Ms eandilncy tat th r. pn' '.iii ntHtijnstitia fr governor. J4 lia woud Biak pubilu a 4 Mum of friaclpl inter. r university worit. me i nueu jvinguom," he continued, a'J. OS. the ln-ui.-nure " with! IX . -t v ' . . v. ' - . i i'i.' J X . i ' t r 7 7-vi i -jf hL fishings II. A t l i X k fv ' - rr7-J . 1 S . - r l V I $ f -"-asaJ ..... 1 vvjy f - ' i : - ! - 1 ihli icr hie work. ?4!-. ' J" i -7 - r . f i a 1 ,-3 . l , "" 1,11 ' ' ' " kma.ail- .i j.'aej, I sSSSBaaaSaSlam I th ra-' nor. lll ,IH'JI I Nl Altelhr TnJisppy, ftt Sot Xt All Iteallay CMU!r of th Type Tlut l liuMB Nuunion Uinic MWe WelL KTCU'E: To maVc laurnl sJults, Vtcp luU!rcn well uurinf tSeif jrcr i,f ilctctvpuirnt. "li. li't mu!a i itit-iiii lo be hkccs," Jc;hrc rr. Helen VH rttCji o. w loi Is t i(v, wf,o hut mdc cUiU l.ej lr. W4lll(e U OOW WKtVlillUt U.C WiUk Of malUi AX1 dlilJrtn tatin.l The tlnMicn Htc membrr cf th nutrition c!in',c tttauluhed fcy St. t.orge'i r piviipl t hurch Ut r!rary. (or the purpose oi demcm- !tvi iht tihi-ii-y i( I'r. Wjlibhdje recipe. ' " i notlwus new in my Method," lr. Wa'.IbrlJs, "Th w t'ans U i'uHti4 ihcm into rativ-. "I Isr U-f nut-.iv thst it ivxupyiii!? the aitenlion pI t!:e whole world l.viy. u hi w to kci-p .en'i t The 8tet war. with its ttr r.'Ic wiiB ol h!e and health, h cude us .l reahte, as never beiore the 4lu l l.ft-nd tl,c trcit drtjiik tt ft titilth. Welti t!ibUhfd deiccti certainty int le cured I ,- meJwine or trfatttt'Ri in aJuti n4 (he number , iui) t!!t-t U arpattinj l!;e uattitus remctv. ts(, it to psttm adult i!; .vi lii'tr, by Vc n the elntdren well duting their ttrt c-t dev ttoj-mcut. t'Kder the impeiia ( th Xation-Wide Camj-isn of te Ftoopal t.i;uvh, srecul ItM-uiry iw bcin tnjide two UU t!ure anotbtr eiilciH- of the teRi!-Ai- tif the ni.nlrn ... .,. . . us to the s.Mit 7 The notrisia cUatc at Si. CMtt' b one of two cr three that t . "'"vi vouta supetvHKva. T j bitf sunny roomi en the gtiHinil Hikw il the IVv-vne HiHi are given tip to th cb. whkh aim ,ww pvMrsiioo! WUfaBrt, a CvKtvf and Uiitit. - . . . W- .U I . t, . AttOfether IIuppT ld ITi'slthf. NutritloB CUntc Children Reporting Weight Progress to Dr. WaHbridge. tern once, to, rttura. It wis totvtJ wlien the rnrst estalHshecl contact with tha Hthft tQJ iroprened opon them the atue of having their h." mmt1. wiiag Ut caty a very few favored ones wcte to be .rl , H.unua tuturf- MS" WaUbridte, "did the rtst. fter tbat. tb Invitation, ta attend the class were awafted with .11 man, cbJi fcaviag Uard of tl new UTffi nTSSCMi 404 !M.whkh "Tk rfcattst Mttjfaction come from the fact ,v. ,vnj A v. of realty tike t? con-e. Part of it may W orc!v. but , Si nm than that For one thing-, the art teaiir interetet si ,,0VlM.etll!n , 91 satins isbt ad ia their witjO " "treed m u,tir own 5amgteasa!BjBiaB