Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 08, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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slide Results atama
ere jihci
n 7 . nF
H Cost
11 Ad
ivew i
Rate per word Each Insertion one
Mn't x insertion 5 cents, one month,
H insertions. IT cents, una jcar, per
B.onth. 9 cents. Minimum per ad 25
WFiist Insertion only In New Today.
C'ty ads cash In advance and not-tak-over
phone, unless advertiser has
monthly account. No allowance for
shone errors
New Today.
,r; SALE Sunt the New Year
. leh: and buy this farm, you can
ins 240 acres, about 160 un
nlow balance pasture and tim-
d-r, fair improvements, located I
,,h.v.!t miles from good town of I
..mi ioiiiilation and H- mile of I
.,.;.k road, 14 miles from K
-r .Tii.ii. A good team, harness.
.,'. i.ugtrv, buT,' harness and six
i,el milk cows goes with place,
crice $75 per acre, $5000 down
n - i balance own time in reason,
i you see this place once you will
no- turn it down, for It is the best
i,uy m the valley. Chas. Ransom,
Ai;mville, Ore.
,11 SALE 81.95 acres, whole or
put lll miles east of State street
'arii'ne. has 5c car fare. Immedi
.,, nf.ssession of part. Paved road.
-., better loganberry land. This
wlU SPU. reuti iiuu m.
Hotel F.itgh. 12
Oil It ENT Close
Phone 1.1-5.
sleeping room
tVil" LE 7 room house, modern
.v'avi'iiiences (except furnace) with
one or two lots. Terms. Address box
a. Journal.1 9
p V. i'.ALLANTYNE. piano tunor
'with Clierrington's Piano House,
41.". L""iut St. Phone 3f2. 33
jri-ST Punch of ribbon violets Jan.
1 i,m State street. Reward. Phone
IV' tt
SALE Full blood White Mi
a cockerels at 690 N. Cot-
l.ii: SALE Good 1913 Indian motor
cycle, first class condition, good
tiW new license, a bargain for
,,!.:. one. 1338 S. 12th St. 8
V.'WTKD To buy 5 or 6 room house
on- t. trade as nart payment, bal
ance monthly payments. Phone
1..Q4 or 1743. 8
0l"s mid carrots for sale cheap
by tor. or sack. Phone 399. 9
FOR SALIC 33 acres, 31 cultivated.
btilldingM worth $1d00; 12 acres
scaled. $3550. Estes & Magee, 42S
Orc-oii bldg., Salem, 909 Chamber
inipn-.o-cc. Portland. 9
V A.VTKli Partner for growing busi
ness, onlv $375 required. Call 589
Tr.ul- St. 8
V NTK1 To rent a typewriter, will
$3.50 per month for good L.
c Smith. Remington. Underwood
or Royal. Call 1598M.
V.iK SALE 21 White Leghorn lay-
mi: hens. $1.50 each. Iu41 S. High
V. AXTKD Two young men located
Here permanently ill connection
ivith rew factory, desire room and
board with private family. Refer
ences if required. Box 144 Capital
loiiinal. " 7
rOVt SALE 5 room bungalow with
,!e"iii,ir porch, all modern except
fhcplaee and furnace. Price $3.
Miit. easy terms. W. H. Grabenhorst
A Co.. 275 State street. 7
Ht SALE 5 acres three miles from
Sal "in. nearly all in bearing fruit, house. Price $2500, $1000 cash
bthnce 6 per cent interest. W. H.
Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St. 7
1"U SALE One Jersey cow now
Khir.g milk. South 22d and Hyde. 8
IV'i; ItFN'T Furnished housekeep-
ooms, also sleeping rooms. 204
t'n:i street. Phone 1802.
r .HUi :, room house, lot 100x100.
Ssr.i, ;u acres, H cultivated, new
i'tr::, house not quite finished. $1.-
rci) Estes & Magee, 428 Oregon
b', .in ., Salem, or 909 Chamber Com
" ,",, Portland, Or. 9
I -'(; SALE Team, harness and wa
(::. 791 S. 13th St. 9
-'THS & MAGEE, real estate. If we
iv it ne advertise it. Portland of
fi .. e ;ni Chamber Commerce; Sa
': v. office 428 Oregon bldg, over
cl-oinc depot. 34
! SALE Full blooded White Leg
'luni cockerel, O. A. C. strain. Call
X. Summer. 13
For Rent
- y RENT Fifteen acre tract located
1-4 mile from Waconda station,
Oregon Electric R. R.. with dwell-
'"R. barn, orchard, pasture and
f.rm land, together with monthly
cash payments for board and wash
ins for an elderly gentleman. Ad
dress Gervais, Rt. t, box 45 or
Phone 3F11.
house tt-kr- rent nm.ljpn i.nt
umaee. c rooms and basement,
tion-a garden ground. Phone 494 or
'Jit RENT Three furnished house
Keeicii; rooms on first floor. Call
N. 15th and Marion. 7
fVf- KENT Furnished apartment.
' N- High St. Phone 45. 1
f 'J: It F. XT Close in sleeping room.
1 hotie 1525. 8
Any amount Low rates.
Fu3 repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask
about our 20-year loans at
203 Oregon Bldg.
Sakm Oregon
Help Wanted
EXPERIENCED seamstress will go
out by the day. Phone 1413. 331
WANTED Man over 25 years, well
educated, with a car, for strictly
high closs home educational work.
None but the best need apply. Ad
dress Box 46 Journal. 8
HIGH school boy wants work ev
nings and Saturdays. L V care Jour
nal. 9
KA1LWA1 mail clerk examination
ialem Jan. 17., Hundreds needed.
$1300-$1500. Age 18-35. Experience
unnecessary, for free particulars.
write J. Leonard former civil ser
vice examiner) 13 Equitable bldg.
"Washington, D. C. J
WANTTWn Pin r,it fur , v nt.;.-. .1 . . i ,-
ment. F. W. Woolworth Co.
WANTED Two farm hands, mostly
team work, steady employment,
prefer men with families, house fur
nished; come and see, do not write.
Phone Jefferson 86F22. W. J.
Turnidge, Talbot, Or., O. E. rail
road, 19
WANTED Girl to help with houso
work, good wages. Phone 1304.
WANTED Woman wants day work.
Phone 112F13. 8
WANTED H. S. boy wants to work
for board and room. Box Work
Capital Journal. 9
WANTED Laundress. State school
for the deaf. 11
WANTED Farm help at the Oregon
state tuberculosis hospital. Pays Salt
per month with room, board and
laundry. Phone 433. 7
Real EstateHouses
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow with
or without furniture; terms, W. A.
Liston, 484 Court St.
FOR SALE $800, four room cottage
large lot, garage, electric lights, city
water. Nob Hill district. Owner,
phone 1390R.
FOR SALE Apt house furnished.
Owner 694 N. Commercial St. 8
FOR SALE A good cow. 1745 South
Liberty St. 7
FOR SALE Truck for light hauling
or transfer, $300 for quick sale or
trade. 1296 Market St.. 9
FOR SALE Dandy 3 room house on
N. 23d, 4 blocks from State St.
Cement basement and garage, full
lot. Can give immediate possession,
Terms, by owner. Phone 8. 7
BUY THIS INCOME 30 room apart
ment house, good location, good
building, well furnished, modern,
nduding heating plant. Always full.
Can be bought right. Consider some
trade. H. 1L Baker, Phone 1806W. 6
6 room close In with basement,
7 room close in, good, plastered
7 room modern, State street., $4000
12 room close in.'double house $4,
8 room strictly modern, $6000.
6 room close in, completely furn
ished. These are all good buys
with terms; many others to select
from. S. R. Pearson, 405 Oregon
bldg. Phone 43.
FOR SALE A house on South Lib
erty and Lincoln, Phone 1186.
ALMOST new 9 room bungalow, new
barn, 1917 Ford car salary $1600
per year, contract, for about. 24
years. About $800 side money
makinc around $2400 per year, all
for $2750. Estes & Mugee. 428 Ore
gon bldg. Portland office, 909
Chamber of Commerce. Office
open Wednesday morning 8 o'clock
FOR SALE 6 room house, barn,
chicken yard, 2 lots 50x140, fam
ily orchard. Price $1850. '2164 Ma
pia street. Address W. W. Blakeslee
Chemawa, Or. 10
5 room house, barn and three lots
with fruit, on Laurel Ave., near the
new packing plant. Portland owner
will take best offer made for it in
30 daya See John H. Scott Realty
Co., 228 Oregon bldg.
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, mod
ern except furnace, located on State
St. Price $3600. W. H. Grabenhorst
A Co., 275 State St. 7'
FOR SALE 6 room modern home
located on State St., furnished.
Price $5000. W. H. Grabenhorst &
Co., 275 State St. "
Modern bungalow type 8 room,
basement, cement walks; a real buy
at $3200, good terms. See us today.
John H. Scott Realty Co.. 228 Oregon
FOR SALE Three lots, small house
plenty of fruit; reasonable terms.
Room 2 over Grey-Bell. 31
IT MAKES your clothes last All work
strictly hand done.
We do cleaning, pressing, repairing.
194 a 12th St. Phone 8. Jla
OSTEOPATHIC physicians and sur
geons, Drs. wntie ana
i- a h.nir hlHi? Phone 8il- Dr.
White! res. phone 469; Dr. MarshalJ
rea. pnone
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon,
ki,!., w. nhone 68F5; office
phoce 1394.
WE buy, sell, trade lands, acreages.
etc.. eorreaponoence
full particulars and price. Box m,
Sulem. Or.
EXCHANGE Will exchange pan
all of thirty raw prairf ""
In the Red River valley. Marshall
w.iii for a running
garage, city property or small im-
provea Farm n 4JrM . .
proved farm near Saim or
Tha IanLa JLTC
Vm drained ad r
particulars first letter. H. Hadratb,
Thief River Falls, Minn. "
fnc w. . .
AUTOMOBILE painting, furniture re
finishing and brss work. We call
for deliver. All work guaran
teed. The Salem Ref.nish.ns Co.
Hi a l-th St. Phone 167$. 19
For Sale.
FOR SALE The cheapest buy in i : TTT
Ore con mv 1917 Studebaker. Call 'FOR. SALE AB the cows on what is
at Cherry City garage. 170 S. 12th. I . known as the old Plnckney dairy.
- 7 Phone 1855. 8
BABY CHICKS We are now book
ing orders for spring delivery. Get
in touch with us early. C. N. Need
ham. 558 Stat St. Phone 00. 8
FOR SALE 5-iuonths old calf. 455
- Court street. 8,
GOOD apples, price ranging from $1
to $1.75 a, bushel. Phone 631R. 8
PIGS for sale. Phone 1678W.
FOR SALE Timber acreage near Sa
lem in ten acre lots. E. M. Crol
san, Salem. Or. 7
FOR SALE Or rent, at Sublimity
136 hi acres. 100 acres plow land, 45
acres good loganberry land, 40
acres in fall oats and wheat, 36
in pasture and 10 of this in ever
green, blackberries. Will take- city
property or acres in exchange. On
rock road. O. D. Miles, near Sub
limity. 11
-Baled oat straw.
JERSEY cow for sale, gives one and
a half gallons per day, four and a
half when fresh. Call 810 after six
p. m. 1
CIDER Sweet and pure, delivered
for 30c a gallon. Phone Walter
Pearmine 9SF2. 7
CAR for sale. 158 S. 12th St.
FOR SALE Or exchange. 40 acres of
fine alfalfa land near R. R. town
in eastern Oregon. Would sell at a
bargain or consider exchange, Sa
lem or vicinity. 292 N.. 20th St.
Phone 1902W evenings. 7
FOR SALE One good, young fresh
cow. Phone 84F11. 7
FOR SALE 1 pair 1200 lb. mules, 5
and 6 years old, well broke, and
harness. One nearly new rubber
tired bupey. Call 477 Center. Phone
1040J. - 7
WANTED Strawberry plants some
Treblns and Wilsons. Want W ilsons
from the hills. P. S. Handry. F. M
school, Salem, Or. 7
FOR SALE 8 tons No. 1 baled
wheat straw $10 a ton. Phone 58
F12. 7
FOR SALE Young pigs; also 3 fine
brood sows. Phone 86F4. 11
FOR SALE 4-year old Jersey cow
giving gallons 01. limn per uuj.
1311 N. 4t'a street. 7
FOR SALE 24 yards inlaid linoleum
nearlv new, at a bargain if taken
soon. 165 S. Com'l St. 7
FOR SALE 4 acres land on 25th
St. suitable for loganberries or veg
etables. Terms if wanted. If inter
ested cut this out. Address C. L.
Stewart, 423 N. 12th Ave., Nampa.
Idaho. , 1
FOR SALE Hy owner, 20 acre full
bearing prune orchard, some ap
ples, pears and cherries; 5 room
house, barn, chicken house; desir
able location for fruit and a good
home on rock road near highway,
7 miles south of Salem. Indication
of big crop and good prices this
vear and spring will soon be here.
If sold this month I will take $9,
500 and $2500 will handle, balance
easy terms, 6 percent. Investigate
this. Owner, S. R. Pearson. 405
Oregon bldg. Phone 43.
30 acres, 12 In cultivation, good
family orchard, some good wood
timber and pasture, a modern farm
house, plastered; bath and good
closets; small new barn: $3500 on
good terms. John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldg.
FOR SALE Fruitland nursery ,ias
a few thousand Italian prune trees,
grafted Franquet walnuts, and al
so other nursery stocK. rnone 111
F21. Rt. 6, Snlem, Or. 17
FOR SALE Nice Baldwin and Wag
ner apples 75c per bushel. Your
own delivery and boxes. EaRt D St.
second house north side D St. 80
rods east of Park and D Sts. 7
FOR SALE Dry fir wood. 1205
Cottage St.
, FOR SALE Large wood range. 1386
Ferry St.
ED Kinney & Smith, real
estate dealers from Corvallis,
are opening an office in
room 201 Bank of Commerce build
ing in Salem and are out for list
ings of farms of all sixes. If your
farm is for sale and you will accept
a fair price for it, write us at box
264, Salem, Or., and wa will send
you a listing card for description of
your farm. We want to personally
inspect each one of our listings and
will follow an extensive advertising
policy, describing your farm as It
really is: Write us now at box 264,
Salem. Our office will be open af
ter January lSt;-. with Chester I
Smith in charge. H
FOR SALE! 22 acres, about 20 acres
of peat and beaver Uam. lair nouse,
barn, onion house and silo, 14 acres
cultivated. Located one half mile
off Salem and Portland road. See
Fred W. Durbin, phone &1. -275
State St. $
FOR SALE Or trade, one corner lot
one block from colleges, 7, t-or-vallis.
1 Mi acres, 4 room house, well
fenced in logging town, $500. Want
stock or Salem property. Address
box Lot Capital Journal.
FOR SALE Pedigreed New Zealand
Juniors, either sex Two Intermedi
ates. 809 N. 21t. $
We have good loans for
Investment at all times.
Farm Mortgages do not
fluctuate in value.
They are a home invest
ment. Inquiries invited.
203 Oregon Bldg.
Salem, Oregon
tFOR SALE -Leghorn roosters, Tan
j cred strain, full blood. Ri. 2, box
I 49. Phone ' S
HAVE the old furniture made new.
phone 17S, the Salem Kermlsning
Co.. 156 S. 12th St. 19
FOR plumbing and repair work,
1310J. Work guaranteed.
Lost And Found.
LOST Saturday evening Waterman
fountain pen without cap. Finder
please phone 593. T
Used Cars for Sale.
FOR SALE 1917 Ford fully equip
ped, A-l condition. Liberty Gar
FOR SALE Nearly new Studebaker
rubber tired buggy. 1311 N. 4th
street. 7
$200 DOWN balance $30 month buys
Studebaker 6, repainted, new top.
This car is a snap. Will take Ford
as part payment. Phone 361. 8
FOR SALE 90 Overland, model 1919
Phone 44F5. 11
WANTED All kinds of Junk and sec
ond hand goods. Liberty Exchange,
241 N. Commercial. Phone 841.
Spier A Scott, Props.
BIDS WANTED Bids are hereby re
quested for the building of an out
side entrance and stairway Into the
basement of the Salem Masonic
temple. Plans may be inspected at
the office of this association 40$
Masonic temple, Salem, Oregon,
Salem Mnsonio Temple association.
Elmo 8. White, secretary.
WANTED Secondhand furniture,
rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and
tools. We pay the highest prices for
everything. The Capital Hardware
and Furniture Co., 285 N. Com'l
St. Phone 947.
trist-optician, eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
610-12 U. S. bank. Phone 341.
HOUSE painting, tinting and paper
hanging. R. tl. Keltn. fcmop ia
Ferry St. Phone, Res. 821, shop
849. S25
WANTED To trade for acreage near
Salem a four room furnished bun
galow and a S'Toom house and lot,
both located in Spokane. Box 70,
Rt. 7, Salem. $
WANTED Sewing, crocheting or
embroidering. 1785 N. Summer St.
WHEN vou think of a transferman
Call the Veribest Transfer. Good
service for 1920. Phone 1344. Loca
tion 2 doors south Perry s drug
store. - 11
WANTED From, owner 5 to 20
acres, give prioe and full particu
lars. Farmer V care Journal. 8
WOOD SAW Phone your orders to
Lester C. Cline. Phone 2062M. Z9
moving from High street to Bout.i
Commercial and will be open for
business about the 20th of Janu
ary. '
WANTED Second hand lumber
garage. Phone 1363M.
WANTED To rent farm, 160 acros
or more. Address Box Farm Jour
nal. 10
WANTED Cord wood stunipage, or
will buv small tract well wooded
land. Box E L H Capital Journal. 7
HIGH grade enamel and varnish
work. Phone 1673. The Salem Re
flnishing Co.. 166 S. 12th St. 10
WANTED To rent modern furnish
ed or unfurnished house. I'hune 718
evenings or 22 during day. -
WANTED To rent by Feb, 1, 5 or
6 room house will take lease lor
long time. Phone 1604 or 1748. 11
WANTED Wood cut on shares. H.
E. Gilbert. 2195 State SI. H
WANTED Garments to remodel;
new suits $15. Ezra Sparks, over
Grey-Bell. $1
Finding suitable tenants or
purchaser usually Involves
negotiations. But It Is not a
matter of mere salesmanship.
It needs also a thorough and
extensive knowledge of real es
tate conditions, and of funda
mental property values.
This knowledge only conns
from such practical experience
and study of real estate as en.
ly one who specialises In r-al
estate can gain.
Property owners could do
much worst than -consult m
about the sale or leasing of
their holdings.
Your listings are solicited
with the object of giving them
personal ami expert attention.
" Just real estate
Farms. City and Suburban
215-216 Masonic
bldg., galsm
WANTED To trade auto as part pay
nient on house and lot in city.
Phone 66 or write Olson Auto Ex
change, 349 N. Commercial. 8
WANTED To buy 10 to 28 acres old
growth stumpage. Phone 666 or
write Olson Auto Exchange, 349 N.
Commercial. 8
I WANT to buy a hit,' low priced.
Desire location within eight blocks
of State: and Commercial streets.
Near car line vicinity Mill and Win
ter streets preferred. Must be reas
onable for terms, or low for cash.
Give location and price, address
Z-48 Capital Journal. 7
WANTED To rent a house with
good garden ground. Address H. E.
Darling, 33 Rush. 8
WANTED To rent building for gar
age purposes- or will take lease on
new building. Don't all speak at
once. I must have n larger huild--ing.
Cnll or address 162 N. Com
mercial. 7
Best Buys.
40 acres all cultivald, . IS acres
bearing prunes, fair house, barn, fam
ily orchard, at school, on rock road,
7 miles from Salem. $8500. $4000
will handle the deal, balance 6 per
cent. 20 acres the best of land, all culti
vated, fair improvements, on good
road, close to station. $7000. Terms.
30 acres, 20 fine bearing prunes,
house, barn, new drier, 3 acres lo
gans. $15,000; $5000 cash, balance 6
per cent. 1
82 acres, as cultivated, on pavea
road. $3500- all cash. This place Is
i miles from g-nod town and Is a snap.
7 room modern house; lot 140x125,
fine lot of outbuildings, fine lot of
English walnut trees in bear; the
place could not be produced for twice
the money, if taken soon $4000, $L
000 cash, balance 6 percent.
5 room modern house, good lot.
basement. $1500, cash.
7 room modern, on pavement, car
line. $2500, $500 cash, balance 6 per
6 room strictly modern bungalow.
$4250 easy terms.
Want a $1300 loan on well located
$3000 property, also $1200 loan on
$3000 worth of chatted security, 8
per cent,
341 State street
If you want to sell your property In
the city or country, see the John H,
Scott Realty Co. at once. We certain
ly have been selling property. There
is reason for it. We endeavor at nil
times to give both the purchaser and
seller a square deal anil we get re
sults. We now have a large list of
prospective purchasers for both city
and country property. We can sell
your property without doubt If your
price Is right. If you no not nesire to
sell, do not list It with us or you will
be without a home, sure,
John H. Scott Reaity Co.
228 Oregon bldg.
Bargains and Investments.
10 acre tract 4 miles from Salem,
5 acres fine bearing prune orchard,
balance fine loganberry land, nice lo
cation. Bargain, $4000.
Fine Howell prairie farm. extra
nice location, good Improvements;
sacrifice price for few days $135 pel-
acre: terms.
10 acre tract near Salem on good
rock road, good buildings. 3 acres
bearing prunes. 3 seres bearing lo
ganberries, 1 acre mixed orchard and
strawberries. Snap $5200. terms.
For nice home residence, good
farm, loganberry or prune tract, acre
age or good investment, and a square
deal see
Perrine & Marsters
211-12 Cora, club bldg, Salem, Or
B room house, 2 good lots, north.
6 room house, good lot, trade fur
acreage, soutn. iiiiuu.
X room modern nous, very Close 111
$4000; trade for farm and pay cash
6 room house, ground zuvxzjv:
umerous ' outbuildings, fruit, gosd
black soil. $2600, cash and terms.
4 room house, barn, 1 lot, fruit.
$850, $300 cash ami terms.
4 room house, lot 125x200. fruit, on
Pacific highway. $1600. cash and
6 room house, modern, 9 lols in
fi ult, city limits. $4000. Snap.
room house, modern, water y-
em all kinds of buildings. 3 acres in
fruit, at city limits. $5250. Snap.
2 1-ncre tracts, good bouses. 1!i0
nd $2500.
10 acres, buildings, ready to plant.
prunes, etc., galvanized tank, gaso
line engine; 12.000 pern-h pits plant
ed; on rock road. $3500.
Also numerous fine farms tor saie.
Walter McLaren
Room 2S, 180 N. Com. St. U
Good Buys.
32 acre farm located on main pav
ed highway, nearly all cultivated, fam
lly orchard, good bungalow, narn,
well, close to school, 5 miles from Sa
lem. Price $12,800.
30 acre tract, all cultivated, fine
fruit land, house, barn, well, rock
road. 6V4 miles out. Price $200 per
40 acre farm, S miles out. goou
buildings, fruit, crop mostly In. Price
I acre tract, 4 acres or logan.
Price $3000.
25 acres of timber ana pasture,
house, spring, bard road, 6 H niius
southeast. Price $2000,
270 sere farm, all cultivated, builcl-
Ingii. Price $126 per acre.
18 7-8 acres of land locatea ciose
to carllne. nearly all cultivated, sight
ly location, house and barn. Prico
80 acre farm, 30 crs cumvai-a,
house and barn, stock and macnin-
., ,,,!. !Hi- I7',0Q
1 acres of good prune saw- turrr
land. Price $150.
20 acres located close In, 7 acres or
prunes, soma cherry, appms "
par. house and barn, well, good road
Price $11,009.
( room modern home, furnished.
good location. Price $6000.
room mooern norne, win
Price $J200.
1 room modern home on pavu
street. cle In. Price Jlw.
8 room modern hom located in
south Salem. Price $380.
5 room modern bungalow, leratea
st $039 N. Commercial Bt. Price
$2109. $199 down, balance $2$ per
month, 4 per cent Inter!.
i roKU modern bongaJow located
at 429 south lth street- Pries $2000.
$299 down, balance $15 per month.
per cent Interest.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
J7 Stats street
" Scavenger.
Salem Scavenger Garbage and re
fuse of all kinds removed on month
ly contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals
removed. Office phons Mala 167.
Stove Repairing.
8TOVE3 rebuilt and repaired. $0
rears experience; Depot National
. and American fanes, sixes 16 to It
Inches high. Pain s. OBr and vara.
Ishes. etc, loganberry "nd hop
hooks. Salem Fence an Stove
Works, tit Court street. Phons 114
No Cash Required Good overcoats,
shoes and suits, all kinds of musical
Instruments, shotguns, riflee, heating
stoves, gas stoves, suit coses) and 1000
othsr ueeful articles to wM or trade.
What have you? The Capital Ex
change, $S7 Court St. Phous 4S.
Money To Loan.
On good real estate security
Over lAdd & Bush Bank. Salem, Ors.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Asa n. Government money to loan
at 5 1-1 percent SOS Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Why Sell For Less?
WE) will pay you mors cash for yout
household goods. Get our bid be
tors you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store. 871 N. .Com
mercial street. Phons 744.
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Sts,
Rills payable monthly In advance.
Phono 0. '
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY ranor blade sharpening ma
chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop. 847 Court St.
Lodge Directory.
y-jQ. JHBMEKBTA Lodge No. 1
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:18 at L O. O. F. halt
McCornack nan on every itimiuj
at 8. Harry Levy, C. C; P. J. Kuntt
K. R. & B.
Oregon Grape camp No. lseo meets
every Thursday evening In McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie 2. Bunn, 648 Union St.
recorder. Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415
N. 4tu tit Phons 1436M.
blv No. 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. In 1. O. O. F. hall. GUnn C.
Nlles. M. A.; C. A. Vlbbert, secre
tary. 840 Owen street.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock In McCornack building,
Court and Liberty ctreets. W. M.
Persons. V. C. Frank A. Tumor,
W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118. Meets
every Friday night at 8 o'clock In
McCornack hall, cor. court ami t.iD
erty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome,
C. D. Ross. C. C. L. S. Geer, clerk.
Salem Auto Exchange.
Monitor curs now on display. Come
and see them. 229 tSate St. Phone
Money to Loan
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount. Long time.
6 and 6 percent Interest.
City building loans.
A. C. Bohrnstedt
401 Masonic Temple, Uulem, Oregon
Robbers Enter Drug Store,
. Hold Up Men, Get $100
Portland, Or., .Tun. 7 - -Two unninsk
d robbers entered an nll-nlght drug
torn In the downtown district lu-re
oday, held up tho manager and a cus
tomer and made nwny with $100 In
cash, taken from Ihe cash register and
the two victims. The robbers then
forced the druggist and customers to
go to the sturq basement and remain
according to the version of the affair
old to the police.
Salem Auto Radiator Shop
Radiators, Fenders and Oas Tanks
Ite paired
Tractor Radiators a specialty
Ford Radiators fur Hale
198 8. 12th Street. Balem, Ors.
Will buy direct from
owner for Spot Cash.
Mutt 6c Bargain.
Prefer close in, but will
consider any good lo
cation, or small, im
proved suburban acre
age. Address,
Can mf Captiai Journml
Notice is hereby given that ths fin
al account of F.lli J. Bra, admin
istrator with the will annexed or the
estate of Charles Henry Davis, deceas
ed, was dub' filed in ths county court
of the state of Oregon, for Marlon
county, on the 4th day of December.
1919. and that on said date the said
county court duly entered an order
fixing Monday, the 12th day of Janu
ary, 1920, at the hour of ten o'clock
a, m at tne court room 01 ui ; v
In ths city of Salem, Marion county,
state of Oregon, as the time and place
for the hearing of objections to sues.
final account and the settlement thero
of, at which time any person Interest
ed In said estate may appear and file
objections to said account or the set
tlement of said estate ana contest me
same. .
Administrator with the will nes
ed of the estate of Charles Henry
Davis, deceased.
Grain: Wheat, No. 1, $$; feed eat
80 85c; milling oats 85 88c; cheat
ay $1920; cat hay 33I4;
lover hay $24 25; mill run $484.
Butterfat: Butterfut, 71c; cream
rv butter. 69 8$ 7 On,
Pork, veal and itiuttoa: Pork on foot
14o; veal fancy. 22c; steers
1 C 80; cows t91 l-$o; spring lambs
tto: ewes 4 So; sheep, yearlings a
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash Slci
light hens 22c; heavy hens 88c; old
roostfirs 15iffl6c; springs S2o.
Vegetables: Onions per pound So "
celery doa. $1.78; potatoes, Yakima,
6c; Oregon 814c; sweet potatoes 70;
beets per sack $3.75; turnips per sa:
$8.75; carrots per sack $1 bb; parsnip
per sack $3.75; spinach lOo lb.; ad-(
ishes 40c dos.
Fruit; Oranges $4.00S.50; lsmona
$6,60 6)7.00; bananas 11c; honey rt
30a; bunch beets 45o; cabbage 60;
head lettuce $1.28; carrots 45o; grapes
15c; Brussell sprouts 18o; caullfflowar
$3 dos: red peppers $60 lb, .
Retail price: Eggs doxen 5c;
reamory butter T375oj country but
ter 68; flour, hard wheat $3.2R4f3.40;
oft wheat $2.00.
Portland, Or., Jan. 8 Cattle steady
receipts 41; steers best $ll.oW
11.75; goad to choice $10.60iii; me
dluiri to good $9fl9.76; fair to good
$889; common to fair $7C'; choice,
cows, and hulfers $910;. good tt
choice $7.76 9; medium to good
$5.75 0 7.75; fair to medium $4.78 9 '
5.75 runners $3.50 5.50; bulls $
8. 26; prime Tight calves $12.50 015".
heavy calves $713.50; Blockers and
foedxrs $8.50,
Hobs higher; receipts 994, Prima
mixed $16.25 it 15.75; medium $14.76
15.25; rough heavy $12.25 & 13.75; pig
$12.25 ff 14.25.
Sheep steady; rcclpts 731i eostsrsi
liimbM $13H(14; light valley, 13.Bt
14.00: heavy $10.5QI1.50; feeder
lambs $1012; yearlings $1011;
w others $9.6010; ewes $617.
Portland, Or.. Jan. 8. -Butter weak:'
cubes extra 62 He; parcninont
wrapped, box lots 67c; cartons $8o;
half boxes c more; lees than half
boxes Ic more, Butterfut 8W9o f.
o, b. station.
Poultry and Kggs,
Portland, Or., Jan. 8. Effective to
morrow. Eggs selling price, cose count
63c; buying price 82c; Helling pries
candled 68c; selected candled In car.
tons 70".
Poultry: Mens 2833c; brollors Z
(T 30c; rost.'rs 16c; turkeys dressed
nominal; geese 25c; ducks 40c.
Wheal, noil Mill Muffs.
Wheat: $2.20; barley, $72; onis
$86.00 bid; corn No, 3. yellow $69.09
Hay: riuylng prlre, valley timothy
$26fr28; alfalfa $31.50; grain $96.
Mlllstuffs: Prices f o.b. mill, clly
artitge $2 extra. Mill run, car lots or
mixed cars $16 ton; rolled barley $77
rolled outs $; gruund barley $77;
cratch feed $80.
Corn whole $72; cracked $74.
Real Estate Transfers.
W C Wlnslow and Lottie Wins
low to the Northwestern Na
tional bank of Portland, 79 A
sec 36 In IIS 3W
Arthur .1 Ilanjuiu to the North
western National bunk, 35 A
sec 3fl 3H 3W N Co rd
Charles K Lenon and Maud
lotion to the Northwest.Tii
NftHoniil Imnw, N Mi Us $
and 2 mf 3H 3W N Cu rd
con 35 A -
K L K Coleman and (iladys
Kva Coleman to I'ena llau
gn and .1 N Hiiugen. 96 A
in !SH 1W
Nancy K Prollier to Anna.
Beer, parts of It 16, 19 and
20-21-23. also part It 24 of
Cottle and Coods add, Hcotls
Johanna Harris and Jessie
HiirrlNH to O J oFss. 26 70 A
sit H IK
Jeople Hank lit Nets O Tok
stad, prt Id l Killth May
Conrud and John Conrad Ui
Clara M DurineliH, rec 89
180 MM
A C Snyder to Iroy I) Walk
er, W of KK ' of sec 7
4H IE Clackamas Co
William J Wugniir Kt. to Joi
othan I' Miitaer. Lt 4 bl
add C: Wuodburn 494
Al Cooliilh-e and company Ui
W II Williams. 20 A sit D L
C. James Smith and wf TH
IW .
! Julian Manning and Ada man
j Jilng to Laii J Malarkey.
1 Id 7. 8 J A III Felix Ilergevin
! IJ L C 6S W
Marseilles, Jan. . Twenty persons
lost their lives when the ocean going
tug L Pluvler went down with all on
board betwen Tbulon and Marseilles, a
cording to advices received here today.
! Ancient Romans knew 29 varieties
of apples.