Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 08, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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! Socialists Denied Seats la
I N.Y. Assembly Under fire
taken after a de-1
Vienna. Jan. 8 Forty offir.- .
mm to
Coming Next Sunday
hv Sneaker Sweet of the old Austrian army, ranging i
.... . 1 r . .. . o ft,.
socialist party. He declared
i.iira were elected on a
nlntform have eone to work as luh..
t v. T.. Jan- "The
" inimical to the best inter
chopping camps at 40 crown . . !
esrs of New York and
United One major remarked that
that t. 5
TO HI F ador.t-d to 6 late to-
iter than starving.
lay. were denied aU pending an In-
THURSDA 1 . J A A lAKi c w.w.
' ves:;ea:ion of their eusiu""- . - aBOREjjg I
Itatr.'lftg assirst Ih crack U'hl'man!
rW I've, th 'iilm(W MlHr!!?
jiott Wl 1 . debut ,M ,:!
,nhMt Ititr.!lri:lat
nn th hon-.e fl.-ot in a two -gam ser-j
tea. nett JVrJr.ct-Jr and Thursday
nwhta when tb northerner Invade
ttrrgnn for games lth I local -" (
I'Btveraity of (. Dragon Ar;uH
taral co!lt and fuMr.ian eib
"rllsnd I
Jturt bow I r th trat'e of
Hi IVsreat l' !" P en 'h ii:C'
it unsonarte o r. ran let! with ar.
,t .?r .f acrat-my 'W'i" the j
hahit f pUnn a strong team the
fvor (l will number ia It bneojS at
.t two star rvrnesl snd Carver.
to lbnihwet s!erOf.s or WW.
var llP-fc. rated by l"rt r!"- s
t f K
' r )
y i -" j .. . . - l-y -..-.-
. ; . !,
i ' 'V- ?.
It - . -7 v-- , j
j -.-- ' "... - 1 "' "v.'-- .-. i-; " " " . --I
, :. The proprecy of ffi
January Clearance balef
London, Jan.
j Thomas the Rhyrstr. who wrote
i -Tyde whay mav Hais shall
I be Ha! of Beroery.5e." bids fair to
; be fueled. A ir.ovenint is on foot
i here to purchase the Scottish estates
; of ftoinerayd toffether with the hls-
i toric mansion and prr.ent
1 K-.irl Haig (who a'!.-rt
i ,ion of E.trl Ha; f 1
X0U0JLAS rjilRBJimiS m'lUhtn the Clouds K'oll &y -
one ft tr.e ir..'ii priimiu ,
ltfctw !;?" ,b '' Wahlflf
,.n 14 r-nt 3-i. will w" 'b
if h i'or
'A h. th f . !b r;t(l of tb
M-(' bi'5. .-h Whw t,
tK..-b th h ptartL-r;
rk ftr-- t th srmfrrr A!l f;
t'.,. rM h rrtwrtH ,',,m!
tt ('l..KllnM nimties. with ih
-t.fl.r. nf 'H, h pit h'.it-S
J srtutbrr Cst-'fonna. "j
,). ,,),,,.,.. m,i f tesra work a4 utivf;
' ,.,;t bR1 tk- b pbe '.
tt, ijt.t worltr.iit t.f UiH motith j
i r,irit. It MmH, ifvin. j
M- K .Km k. V. k;-. .to an-J I."r bw'St '
l.l.. il (irv.!k.l,' wlw-tton f J ''"
t., 'rt tf'tt1 th Mltn"'. n j; it Mry l'lrkf.'f'!. Chrll C tal'
(ttrw of i hi . Kr!ln b b4 ,N j i if (iriffitn. dwldod to
vwt !4rifne t-u fw.f flm . ,,rMiur Indt'eiidi'mif a er t.
,1iVs W tt!S, ' MiKiitrl'le nl C(t( h (rtiie.nili! niuun rmrnt frrn
.(.mo 4itrif.r tK 1' aii "! Fifir" l trftJ wlih miu h
It. t.t.k i.r ! ","b,'"iii:b!im. Tb I'wt.d Arit Cor
. fffhmi t.un of 1"t Jrn,rsl!wn fmri lhitr Nw York offif
i.ub vaiKnii!, th vift.iry hni of ,;r,,j th oosun thter f-.-y that
' br Wfk iUs-h kr)l trr-i..lh,U)(. w,( pruxturiinn. "WMn lis
KtiKkHS, 'i.: Itull Jty," b roji'ly for
li-rth -f tho srw In l ta.- utnit-n her nn Humlav.
Ih smiarr fio'r, aivlott th U-amS, y lp jn.Hi' of U. iirri'm thenar
ini.Uii nf iHr c.Kirt- ' -.UrH. the lumi star to lv tlte
rfae tt4 fur tfsnrlnf l"'rt'"" ' j,,,,,,,..,,!,.,,! avni f thi eviumuul- ibank h ever pi;irr.I
ii Ij remote-! to ) d tip th pta
art ami'l (! irfumwiMliiiiitii .
will l rvHi f..r h umt
ftltte !UK'ns Firbantia, awtocist-
ty the very b(t obtainable, bads 1
patron HKam to i"i4 forward wn;i
an ,il -itH-.'I:i;it pi.-ii.iire In thi pif-luie-
In1.peri.W'n. In pro-lui.tlon hits
8lvn the "l:m Four' of Die rn-n
Hi opportune of (h lr i;n. Thf a
hataot front liii..- prolu.t.r (hul
tl a1 titiot-..i p.i . w in i-r.t'lf I !
l-r ltlni? l the puiiao hf l.i-fii
utaiiid. for I te r.-vieww of r:
Ittn.UKhoftt th c'Mi'Mrv r-tn'K '''in
Ui CioU'l li.ili 1! ' in h tri.. ttifh'
Kf.... t.ii-uhtr ti. itit.'r-iluu; lur In wliii h the lultiiiialile l-'.itr-
iti! Iw pl-l ptt l ttt Ilur lln,
i,..rtc Ao4Min, n'rt?t'f ad
rm h i.f th lt itr. ma h rlb ontott.
0u hna won the rctn!ti'n of blnf
of th tt t.infrwttr btf!.
will trtbbly reftre lit tamM
M, 1Oul. ! . att t Jloilolr
t Hat. ttl!tlh 11 rlg III l iiattiplou.
til tttaa his et('t4 appatano tt0.
for tit At'.t't. I'uMle ttn h
itifct ot.e-ft) i H. Abr, Iwtit-
l.inaiBl.l tliaiiipum tf lit A. K. F,
in a hr.lulr t t '.I vut,-.t l.oul het
1 ml I.I it Hill I e a no ! Ulun tn
trt wtltia )ii jv a lid aur.
aitt. Aatirr a end III b i t jwrivnl
l the ititifi
N lta-a, "X".t.r.. Jan. I The
t tt pn . luivn announced lu
4 v tt awuld k- nt rfutt la aiup
mn lotw fig hi hUh ma) be attempt
ed III tit..ti, vtt
njt round tnaiih between
ltttit iJKtnatd and iohtrnj- un.
a h.lul4 fo" January II,
Hlherlott, Jil II riovernl yrsra
aK when Jtoerfler lioilif fitt ton
rvived ih id-a of t Itlin their farm
in th Hllia Willi fani'jr atm-k.
f-)ittg unlveraally eolured-
fed to tte rsttavagHt); ptii va. Iht.jf were
the t-.f(tr of altra. lion thtouKhoul
tht rototMUolty, and. ati luannrr tf
pt.tlt tl.tii aul failure and ImiiU
rupiry rn eurrent, bui at lite ihi
f!er farm today may l wit lllualia
lltit.s of what ulrtttiftti d.iirjlne will
do for Ih fprmera of (he VVIIlilmell
tall..) If lby will piitaitn ihe aaiou
(-our Uieax enlerpruiitt nietl have
Itt a rototouttU-atlntt ftoot K. Halt'
tifmatt. ho la op.itttt'mWtt of the
F. A ItofilWr farm. II ) (.'.trued that
tin" Jr t'n, t, it to. lull Koaalt.
w put unuiuTirr
them to j
d the deaigna-1
i;eryde on his
elevation to the beeraeet as a rewora
of the British people' admiration for ,
hi triumphant j.-ad-rfhip oi the
Uriiiab armies durtn the war. The
property is now owned oy Lieutenant,
Colonel A. B. HaiK
It was to Bemer.-yile where Turner, i
the painter, was taken by Sir Walter.
Scott, the poet f jr the purpose of j
making drawings to illustrate he;
cenerjr of Scott's ptwttia.
The tate. which in. dude the f un-!
ous mansion, have an ara of UOtj,
ar-res and tlie market vi'ue is put at
J 2i s.notj for whkti sum it has been
decided to apnea!. T'ney have been
owned and occupied by the Haiajs
tontinuously for more than seven cen
turies. liemersyde Is si!ui" J in the parieh
of Mertoun. 8otlard, In the very
' renter of a dtstri'-t wif.o'h for more
than 30 years wa the hattlesround
of two hostile nalionaii'.ies as well as
the scene of almost nver-ceaaili8 in
'lrnal confilrt. Mi-ine and dixsenrtlon.
ff the hundred" .jf forts and castlet
which ones existed on the gtrottieh aide
of the horder. Itemersvd is the only
one that Is mill li.babited as a man
orial residence and inhabited, too, toy
the family that were Its oriKinnl
f'Hliidt'is. Bemersyde House itself
stand on an elevated rocky bluff
tveiianitinn-f one of th- in'.'.t heauti
ful reaches of the n..-r Tweed On
the opposite hank of the river is the
promontory of ' ! Melrose, Ihe spot
on which the Saxon Uisc.ples of Ai lan.
more than 1209 years atcn. uplifted
the symlmls of Christianity.
! Contributions toward the purchase
, of the estate are to be accepted by
j every bank in England.
Catalonia Under Sie
Madrid Report States :;:"
Cincinnati, O., Jan. S Election of
a new chairman may (. on of Ihe
retit!i of Ihe annual meeting of the,
national bawhall c?.r.afiiissiott here to- '
dtv. I'residenta John Heydler of the
Xatlonal l.-aKtle and R 11 Johnson of j
I'ar.a. Jan. t f leorat-a Carpeotler th. American league are in Clnoln-
I tahlinB to dive ronceastntts in the nat for tlie y;!-;y -wtif..renoe wild -iiitt.r
of wi'IkIU in order to m."et August Herrmann, tlie liiud member
Jack iN-ntpsey, aceordlntt lo a state- of the commisMon.
tuent made toiutrlit . Ihe Associated' '
t'tvos by Imsi amps. Cat penile r's tuan San Francisco, Jn. S Miller Hun
alter. 1-Matup said he was wllllnt! Kins, tnanair-r of the New York Amer
to spin the Ho topi purs offered by lean leattue baseball club, is expected
James Cofrroth on a baeis of 80 per here today for the purpose of snolnR
cent for the winner and i(J per cent puffy Iwls. former outfielder for the;
for lb loser. Iloston Americana According to
' Carpeitller is wiillmt to Join ncy o friends of l.e s he will sian with
a atraitK land, face an t.ic fit- New fork If Ihe salary figure Is asiree-
inate ule away "1 to Jil pnuttda able to him.
In wciifbt ami accept a split of 80 ta Lewis announced his retirement
,"( Mr. Kof froth olfer,'' said l'e- from basebatl several weeks n, say.
camp ' VV had Intended to demand ini; he was Koimi to open an autonio-
a St H stilit hut are wiltimt to ac- bile lire establishment In Fresno.
crpt a r - -I rtlvltiiot) In t.lder to show
this is not merely a moocv itinkintt' Kan Francisco. Jan. (5. Cnarte'
lisnril .y Mr i'trii.r, na iniiii. rti ."i .- ..., wi"-noi nnoir iu.-i'oi,, tn.o. i.i uiciiii.
witltln Ih .A I ww inonlh ec J ) win enaeavor to kH, Amen.aa tairo American leaieue baseball club,
poomli of f..t and nearly 4fto pounds sportsmen teal vhanipioimh p b.u- announced today that he hnd retired
of nut. t;.ii.bila lios.tlto th.. dam ;'' from baaetuill and would open a res-
lut llrn wot Id record heifer, Mi I tsvearna I rk'nwd. laurant here, lt!sberE expressed hlm-
I Chime (!Mla. and t!U la her' 1 Anttelea. Cal , Jan. Jack self dissatisfied with major leaxue sal-'
'fourth Jrtxir oH lt, l had leaa lliaii .Keauta. manaser for Jack empev, Miea !
wtwk real U-for f ivIinlnsi The enpretwed t'otittdence today that In
jatdmal Is a beauty and has proven a view t,f the attitude) of Caipentler and fan Francisco, Jan. S The "spit
Madrid. Jan . A l of a! bis lS(,i aen .s owner bl inatiaarrr. I'emmp. there would lII" ha been barred frmi the Pacific
beea ptwlatmed thruhottl Ihe pis t llig I'rh I'aM no difficult In Kttii g touetber on VVast bawhttl league. Charles flraham.
wtila. 1h mm later I'tlte Is not an objei 1 with Ih lb details n f tin f.jtbt plans and at i . mana-r of the San Francisco club1
Intertu d-jcSarvd today 0a aib,tia twittm alien punhaalns atock for I'd It at Tijuana. Meuco, under he announced ladav The Wag tie ejecu-'
confirmed reports th.-lr farms i(ornll F A I'oerflrr dire, tbu, of IVonoder Cffrollt live have dem tnded that a list of all
li.. than l artrala bad IsstMi ml paid for a Jcia.- cow at a stock I "1 am gji . to be,ir thai 1 Vacant pa pitchers uitc this style of delivery be
In cotamut' of witrases i in Tso.hill count and he find 1 tlllif lo yield few point on the sabmmd to them In order thai thyy
leader of lb amditaU! ih had, that a ansa good tU iau of the purse" sad Kearna Way b notified that they mus el!mi-i
d reapivaMsuJ. be said, lis added Itiaij Tu succeed In dairin It is plain and I feel sure that this ran b t. nat this pitching feature, Utahanit
ll. iiuvrnint tetsaded I order Ih that vry man must huv as hiijn raned 10 stilt cverv body s-iid . I
triml-taitwa t th lockout rentMtr d-!an appreciation a I poaaibl f.r hmi ! "A ira.trd rVsramtm' statement ' 1
catod ia I an, ahiih l.a be-enito obtain b ld and vloa obei-- thai Carpentier will nr aw
seeping. ., ttaoias out of s-m-Mton of Caj ..,u.i auabtUatixo of that Is Jut a joke Jack
1 " "t- is rtasiy cow ,rt ihuM ami a .talt wto ti be met Vv u.atd Cmt.entier
j. ow tiin-.w.t ana of c.ui e It Is on - 'a e , ti betw een I a . -i I pcunds
I poaaibi for him to kt.osr Ihis ut.ttl The slight: differenr in hpavw:aht Kome. Jan. The Arno vallev
bus had lota t.f et ' U o.'e Wittt tli llienna nuthintf Accavtitoiir to the e.,n flooded and tn.nv towo aoo.t, .!,..
apeeae ll rAraf frnva !'"' un,!! " h ,"t'1 J r ber, ltv, lrta. Ihey must think that Jack ar IU1.I Capjoii. IWriola and I'erc-
ww" " "w' stave.! by her ihroush her miik- the gtanl killer Welsh li: p.mnda olo are routed The lower part et
"'" " i" pern..! until h twache Ihe high, j ialr Ikaj Sucinolt-vt the city of liM Inundated and it is
Word has rvlv4 -f th lfh t stale of hr phync. a J "ll Is true, of courw. thai Carpeti- feared lives hav been lost CaUlea
at firtorl tio-hard ll Fut,i, lf oe want to get a pvrfMI lytm la tier U leaving bts home bind and un- -
anu-iy ii,tct,- ct this city, ker mind be ha only , look at the dertakm a long trip to meet IVmpsey
he ttsa many (. friend .., fau... J.(w stock which inhatitt ! ! ft, ibla If Cffrolh ia willing
will tvsld im rWsat irv, wart fi ili isirirr farms yuaiitysuw k has I will suggeal that tb fiKht be held
sntny -ar b lued aa llv Uf and always avsa lb motto of Messrs. on Labor da, Instead of the Foittth of
f.e hM nplr Chrlstisn cliag j HvMHrfWr They tvavs froat time to tin. Juiv This will giv Carpenlier a
ctt for I-.jhi Is.wts of iltds. iiHircbasrd faucv stock from eaasera to gi msj 10 u, char, make
Im!miboi ui taa Plac at tseattl. ; bidders and Unlay a herd see- h,. a. g as be likes and
tu. boms in former Hear wk , o.,4 to aoa. In ihe Th.- pra V,k,M pi, k up a bus . lit lb.
' ''' " ' Mt Idkldioa of field (,!, has loag t atrlca! work or thlUiltos If he want
f aatd aaa an uncle of H,.i. M -as factor of lb Waldo 1
Umbii, so. r.f k.r, llelea, itibbv . Hill f ..,. aBd constituted a i.h ,.. i "lwl, I think laWr dav t a bet
"7 ttW' - '"r asU..t. of 1.0 small Im- let- f-shi dte ti,Jrl JH!v 4 bc-ause
of this city jparUw., t Ml todav, in,. to Ihe b.t ,.f sponamn want to symnd Ih
tVI4lti'll..''it'k. ... parvhaaws of Koulk with their f.vmiW whiis thev
111. iw ... '" ' '"bee etoivs Ih lw.f.e,s don't mind being w. , father day -
-"--', ' - . i.e ia. ar lei'iunj weraty cl. k fi-.i the i Kc.,
'", Ar 'lds to found te.'d.b ti,.l,w,v. and twlljwg fancy o k 't'lwgo i.nla
... ww 01 ci! aiition, the at taotmow i--.r stitpidtid to
gesdt'sts plk.s vt ah.-h x a,i part of th r:tr4 iat,
I., ii f errv tor ani.v and ...,. t mvfhr lUiamuo
Former Salem Resident
Italian Towns Flooded;
Fear Felt For People
Alexander ft Ureal. J Ceasar j
and th liuk f Wellington never met ' t
defeat in a ba'tle, i I
ail i
as fti g
Grand Opera House
Th Chemrw Kaskeiball u!
. a.-v.'.,t ,.t ht iut.rt bet. at, "''" -J ,,l'!r 'bird victory fo,
"-ei. season. I t'ur!a m;h
rn.-ls ar ..' tdr way la rus lbe! Ttilougk Ih ttaisow wide f.,
iii,i', tshich w is ssNisaat! U wttl ibli4d b li,, tiumns Usvuy ba)i
t.-Jt lliaugur! bS at hoi.! joe F A iKJerfSer went la !ihS .,.
' "" '"" 11 -I l '"' is l'-i lo uprintitd a Ui t
sijiAgtsjigjigtgtgigi o dairy ft, ad his Waldo ItHla tarut
S b bee M klohrr so i'etvV.on of K.
at T RI UI VF f xTVIiltMVL tillwi kn l.rf r ha r.t.
It.4 j I ni . HI All ' sa po!ws t lh 4 hovr.
If ) hav Csiharrbal IValtiM. r " profii . t iu. t boa. . uul " the ... of 51 t.
aiw bald f beriHg or have, head' . .
ootico f fwiiat sdooai ..-....., isMgra juicnou noinaii . r iu d mnt.
and add t M V 14.11 of k..t ter".a- IffaaW I a If! ' -'t the
iuvvi arvj,, 4Uauv rnir.e r reny"iit, o
ter foe Albany . wd eat as prnwr
-fiveB. Jan.. i(m w 1 K'ma lUr tr R viaitora, wb.. Ch.
u return ttu month i Kk after
t bterd wt.oh ha W
be a I !.- drfeated lb AtlHV Atc.e'i
a )U11 gtaulatcd sugar. Take or
I il'i.'.-poonful f,.u limes g &.tf.
Tin will often bung 4Ht k ,:uf
rroa th dii.11 vaw.e.g bead
tin. tied BSMtritS Shouid cpa-n, )valh
11 g Ina-me eay and th o-uau
ied '. Iro. .l:e.l .1 it.. ...... . was cse.ter KiMinaid .t..j . - - ,
! daur!itr, M . H IV,1i,m sa l'i l rie firew atari lo fii,i,h Ja,:
tt c:i ICunday cVwr.ina aa-.l w to.... IWuie. t'Ul forw .1 w... 4 t. ......
Dtl al. u-l., ..... ... . . 1,. ... . . . . . . .
d.opptug into Ihe ihrv,v It ia fta.v i TUraOay f. sorsa. . satiw dasb sad vigor htto
I Mpr. co,-.. lime aad b. pWmm J Z 'T f h"4 tB tls " "U,f Unsv He.
. . w. naa i.iw,a ii,-a ffev t n waiaa. a.oi . .. iu.-.
-' . - .v imiai
i r jaltSMlii II II I MIIIIWII 1
slaiajsMsjaslisSS " -a- a. aa... -
' .''.'-v,.- .--- ' 't
m . ...eA la, '. ,w
: t ,. lma.1 eiavasir
t,,,a, n,,-,.,-,.. ' . i .immmi l
ivafness or Lead ,.ie ,i...u J .. ""'"' K' '"- s,k re,a Tb ga. a. at o tb. I
"'' ' f 'bat tints. UejJR It ,t .. 4ij, ... . . ,
te''. It lo t at I A. ....1 r.f e ...
FKH IS l M k 1V
llat ta-pst m Sale Satar.
day si tpei ltsan Israg S4ot
In Order to Celar our Shelves For Spring Goods We will Mate
Cut Prices on All Shoes-NOTHING RESERVED
and will make many specially low prices of which the Mowing are a few.
FOR TEN DAYS-January 8 to January 17, 1920
One job lot ladies' small sizes up to 4 in Hanans, Laird Schober, Selbys, etc
at the special price of $1.35
Another lot of black kids and patent with grey, tan and white cloth tops, 144
pairs, all sizes, to close out at $2.95
Lots 107. and 108 Ladies' "Selby" black, cloth top, French heels, all sizes and
widths, $10.00 value today at $4.95
Lot 126 "Red Cross" quality fieldmoiue and dark grey kid with matched
cloth tops, $11.00 grade goes for $6.45
Lots 176, 177 and '296 dark grev, all kid French or Cuban heels, real values
$15.00, our regular $11.50 and $1:100 for $7.85
Lot 191 Ladies' fine all fieldmouse kid, $12.00 grade for $7.45
Lot 210 all brown kid, Cuban heel, $12.00 value for $9.75
Lot 0204 black kid, black cloth top, school heels, worth $6.00 at $4.35
Value Price
Lot SU, Misses gun metal button, spring heels, 11 to 2 $4.50 $2.95
Lot 517, Misses brown elk button, spring heels, 11 to 2 4.50 3.35
Lot 500, Misses black kid, grev cloth top, lace 11 to 2 4.00 2.85
Lot 0542. Misses dark erev. all kid lace, 11 to 2 5.50 3.95
Lot 0630, Child's dark grev, all kid lace, 8 to 11 5.00 3.65
Lot 0640, Child's dark grev all kid lace, 5 to 8 3.50 2.85
Lot 537, Misses "Hamate" black elk bal, 11 to 2 6.50 5.35
Lot 638, Child's "Plamate" black elk bal, 8 to 11 5.50 4.65
Lot 612, Child's brown elk button, 8 to 11 4.00 2.95
Lot 32, Child's black kid turn sole, 5 to 8 2.25 1.65
Lot 0629, Child's patent cloth top, button, 1 to 5 1.50 1.15
Lot 730, gun metal English last, neolin soles 750 4.95
Lot 0722, brown Bulldog toe, oak welt soles 7.50 6.35
Lot 718, young men's 2-tone brown, ta n top English 13.50 11.45
Lot 726, "Stetson" high grade black cal f, English lace 18.50 12.95
War Tax 30c
Lot 756, heavy brown blucher welt soles 7.50 4.95
Lot 0760, Foresters hand-made loggers' 10-in. top 20.00 16.95
There is no better loggers shoe made at anv price.
Lot 821, black calf blucher, sizes 1 to 5! 2 4,50 3.35
Lot 826, extra heavy oil grain blucher, sizes 1 to 5I2 5.00 3.85
Lot 0-S7S, little gents' brown grain blucher, sizes 9 to 132 3.50 2.85
Ladies' spats 51.45 to $3.50
There are lots of other fine bargains. See them.
Ittmttmtt - f'ltl'lllllllltMIIIIMIIMIIIIIHIrt
001 and SILK
These creab'ons are up to our usual standard quality. Ha
terial Trfco&es, Serges. Silk Crepe de Orine. Wool,
Jersey and Taffeta. Tbey are much below
our Usual Prices.
l STRUT Caee? ,Jf j' Vfr jjfT1 J$Tj.
"WWWW'whhw, ...iiee.'