Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 08, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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f APfi TllKEiS.
Water Permits.
Tha receipts of the state treasur-
Retaining his defiant attitude toward
The development of power from the
waters of the North Fork of the Santl-
,am near Mehama, Is contemplated In
ian application filed with State Engi
ner Cupper. Wednesday, by D. G
ers office from state taxes on gifts, Drager of Salem covering the annro- the court in particular and th. .rM
legacies and inheritances for the year .prlation of 1000 second feet of water. in General. Frank Wagner, now nerving
1S " -!;:.':." .r.. " Other applications for water rihf, " year3 at tne Penitentiary, received
of " W filed with the state enrfneer'a nf- an add'Utal sentence of five year
U, unit "'"-jiice toii0T; . 7" yesterday after consideration of hfc,
SL7op1oSjS forwarded1 By the Si,ton company. by Ju.e Pere K"-
Treasurer O. P. Hoff Just forwarded ,for appropriation of water from AVa8"er s se"ond sentence is the re-
to Gl'L PtJtCTnUBJ. f indictments returned against
1"?; ,rrB7 i.,.. ln and for a log pond. n'ra y the grand Jury on
ijikriiuo" v - - . Tirni, , . cnftrffpR or nninn
I h final rccelDt for this sum' "a,ltt varieion or Med ford TJ : i rung-
itS Z'S, the appropriation of overflow J" Aulm-store at 611-
is being held in abeyance pending the
investigation of the appraised yalu
' alien
The large increase in tne receipts
water from the city reservoir for irri
gation purposes.
By Paul F. Irwin of Harper, cover-
verton last spring.
Wagner when brought before Judgk
iveuy ror arraignment, created a een-
P18 I . . . - . flntlnn In 1. , .
.. . . .. a . , iiik iub a-pproDnation or WRtni- rmm i mini jie eeizea inp in
VL 1 . - . . th Spilth rnttnnnrns - 1 . CiCtment tranSfWnt njl hi.l.4 t .
attributed to the new policy or the 7. """"" " iuI . ------- "
- irntinn nnrnnaDo tne 1 1 Of H ripplnHrifv V. .
x .rtmntit which involves thft care- t ......j. . , ..0 tv hui
ful scrutiny of all appraisements with i By Berwick B. Wood of Ontario care t0 Plead, that he was too busy
the attendant material increase in the ?verinS appropriation of water serving his 40-year sentence to be con
. . w-t- from the Malheur drainaere district ca- corned about anything else .and thnt
YlUUiLlIULl VI men j tomuvo. t . , . -
Total receipts of the treasury, de- nals for Irrigation purposes. ne oii not want an attorney "butting
partment for the year were $20,876,- utivia Burrows of Ontaria for " ' ousiness."
101 with disbursements of I17.604.- tvna..n,ii ui wnsie water irom iyuicuwy cnangea ni
(03 74 leaving a cash balance of 3,-,tne Malheur drainage district for irrl- nd, however, and entered a plea
J71798.06 at the close of the year. jeation purposes. Tuesday of guilty.
Deposits in the banks of the state By pearl Wr'Sftt of Keating covering The convict has a state-wide repu
at the close of the year totalled $3,- lthe appropriation of water from Bach- , n of Delne a hard man to deal
415 9S0 77 secured by collateral val-er cr-eek and reservoir for irrigation wlth- He was committed to the penl
ued' at $4 S13 782 18 iPurposes. ,tentiary in September on a 40-year flat
Interest' on state funds collected! By F- p- Ma'9 ot Tygh Valley cover-'!e"t.e"Pe f,J the 'noting of safety de-
durinL' the year amounted to $53.- J"B l"B appropriation oi water irorai' " " over-
inis jog is said to have netted Wag
ner $40,000, most of which has not
been recovered, according to the au
thorities. The Silverton escapade was
committed by Wagner at an earlier
S5 82 as atrainst $47,857.77 for 1918. sn creek and imager creek.
an increase of $5798.05 for the year.
The increase in this instance is ex
nlained as being due to the policy of
..w ni( in the active, fnrt nf htocKnim, Jan. 8. The real reason '"a", securing it is estimated about
: .... . why no Nobel Prize for literatu re wan ooo lott from both sores, and ovr
tne State wiin un uucuuuai liicrt-itBt; i . - li,t onnrv M ,
i the interest bearine funds in the awarded this year, says the Dagens JooWng $8000 worh of bonds, said to
various state depositories. ,Nyheter, was that the secretary of the,na "een in tne Aulm safe at the time.
..... . .. Swedish academy, tho noet. M. K.arl- "hen asked by officials as to his
the various funds under the jurisdic- fetat- wh "ad been selected as the ' i"?ne the, Silverton boxes
rr . a A nrizn ti-iTiTior floniir,i tr. o, v, Wagner said "My professional wcrnii
tlnn nf the state treasurer for
years 118 and 1919 are shown in the distinction offered.
ing table: J
State deposits' 53,655.82
Common school fund 446,162.79
Agricultural colleg fund 14,834.04
University fund 6,268.62
Ilura.1 credits fund - 21,865.27
Segregated accident fund 91,814.91
Industrial accident fund 44.485.43
Burbank trust fund , 1.463.89
$ 47,857.77
are none of your business." During
(Tuesday's hearing, Wagner is said to
,'have intimated that he would be able
to restore the Astoria bonds and other
oot to its owners "anytime that bunch
wantsto ease up on my 40-year jolt."
Totai $680,550.77
Decrease. Net gain for 1919.
Special attention is called In the re
port to the marked increase in rev
enue in the segregated and Industrial
accident funds for 1919 over 1918,
this being accounted for by the pur
chase of sound and large interest bear
ing securities.
Bonded indebtedness of the state
December 21, 1919, was $10,665,750,
an increase of $7,375,750 over the pre
vious year. With the exception of
$460,000 issued by the state land
board as Oregon farm credit 4
eent bon1g and $75,000 Issued by the
Oregon securities commission to pay
the interest on irrigation bonds this
bonded indebtedness represents is
sues for road and highway improve
ments. Of the highway bond Issues
$1,200,000 were issued under the Bean
Barrett act, $2,940,000 under the six
million dollar bonding act and the
remainder under the ten million dol
lar road bond act. v
Revenues from the motor vehicle
department turned over by the sec
retary of state's office and diverted
to the state highway fund, aggregat
ed $745,703.50 for the year with an
additional $290,795.49 from state
taxes on motor fuel oil sales.
$541,052.81 $139,497.96
Chilean Turns
Here's Reason
Santiago, Chile, Jan. 8. "Why
am Yankop'hile" Is the subject of an
p'r" article contributed to Ultimas Noticias
by a Chilean who has visited the
Unit d States.
he gives for liking the United States
Because when a person fulls down
nobody laughs.
State House Briefs.
All county school, superintendents in
Oregon will be appointed county direc
tors of thrift education with franking
privileges on all mail relative to the
thrift campaign to be waged in this
state, under authority received by J. A.
Churchill, state superintendent of in
struction and state direcor of the thrift
campaign, from C. A. Farnsworth, as
sistant director of the war loan organ-
I.lzation today.
The committee of 15 appointed by
Governor Olcott several months ago
Some of the reasons !for the PrPse investigating the af-
iaira oi tne state industrial accident
commission, will meet in Salem Friday
morning, according to information re
ceived here Wednesday. It is believed
When in the street a person steps lne "port or tne committee will
on anothers toes, they do not insult be Presented to the governor at that
cob nthoi. ,lline.
The shopkeepers can leave their de-
IMer Salaries For Envoy Of
Med States Recommended
liveries on the doorstep.
1'eople keep in line at ticket of
fices and have respect for each others
place in the line.
Everybody takes a bath.
People have only one surname.
There is profound respect for the
police. The public fear the police
and not the police the public.
The people know how to walk in
the streets, always passing to the case of emergency is forbidden by
S. A. Hughes, member of the house
of representatives from Marion county,
has asked C. II. Gram, state labor com
missioner, to investigate reports to the
effect that contractors on state high
way consruction work are violating a
state law by working employes more
than eight hours a day. Employment
of labor for more than eight hours a
day on any public works except in the
January 17th, Benjamin FrankliVs
birthday is the date set to begin a
special economic program activity..
The purpose of this thrift week is to
educate a community on the impor
tant service financial institutions ren
der. This is something concerning
which'a large number of people are
ignorant. To encourage every Indiv
idual in the community to become the
owner of a bank account. To encour
age people to own property and help
them accumulate funds with which
eventually to own their own homes.
To encourage the making of a will,
the paying of bills promptly, the op
eration of personal and family finan
ces on the budt plan ani the im
portance of thrift in industry. To help
people to think straight and r.ct wise
ly about their money matteis in th-
round of earning, spending, saving
and giving. To develop character.
The National Young Men's Chris
tian Association has inaugurated this
campaign because it is in business
primarily for Ijhis purpose." James
Elvin, secretary says, "Its emphasis
in this campaign on the necessary ed
ucation of American people as to the
constructive power of a dollar is
frankly placed because of this sup
reme objective. Teaching the right
value of things material opens the
doorway to a corVect valuation ot
things moral and spiritual and an In
dividual acceptance of the involved
principles which will relate man
aright to himself, his brother man
and 'hiB God. We believe that to the
bank, to the community and to him
self the man Is of infinitely more val
ue when he is so related. We believe
that character so developed is tho
country's greatest economic asset The
program for the week is as follows:
National Thrift Day or Dank day
Saturday January 17th. To empha
size the service a bank renders a
Share with others day. Sundry
January 18th. To emphasize the rela
tion of money to character.
National Life Insurance Day, Mon
day January 19. To emphasize tin
value of protecting loved ones
life insurance.
Own your own home day, Tuesday
January 20. To emphasize the desir
ability of owning ones' own home.
Make a will day, Wednesday, Jan
uary 21. To emphasize the import
ance of making a will.
Thrift Industry D:iy, Thutsday, Jan
uary 22.To emphasize the identical
interests of employer and enipl ye.
Family Budget Day, Kr d ly, Jan
uary 23. To emphasize the advantage
ot using the budget plan for finaiic..
Faff Tour Bills Day. Saturday, Jan
uary ii-j. fo emnjhasize the moral ob
ligation to pay your bills promptly.
The committee having in charge
this program for Thrift wtnk will
meet on Wednesday uf.ernoon at 5
o'clock at .he Commerj'.il CI uh.
tm tui SYR I P
Thousands of
Easily and cheaply nut Oc at
home, but it brats tlioiii all
for quick results
Three bills will be introduced into
housewives have the special session of the state legis-
Marion News.
right and they do not stop to talk.
There is only "first-class" on rail
Minimum sal- road trains and special cars for
state law. Gram has stated that he
will investigate the reports.
Marion, Or., Jan. 7. Mr. and Mrs.
Winn are in JCohlotus, Wash., visiting
their son.
Will Palmer and wife of Berkeley,
Cal., are visiting relatives here. They
are former residents of this place but
as they have recently bought a home
in Berkeley, we can not hope to have
them with us long.
Measles are in the McNeal home, but
as everything is being done to keep the
disease from spreading, it is thought
that it will not get In the school.
Wayne Ham mitt of Philomath is vls-
Klamath Post. American Legion. Is t.i i .
Drunkards in that country are an carrying its fight against the proposed I Mr- cave iH enloyln a visit from
Washington, Jan. 7.
tries of $35,000 for ambassadors and smokers.
15,000 for ministers with government
"" emoassy buildings and allow- extinct species. jieuoniK ui iv.uuu acres oi iana sur- her brother from the east.
u. lor upkeep were recommended The name doesn't make the man, ruu'B upper iviamatn nine into Mr and Mra Carrlck of Portland are
to the house foreign affairs commit, but he man the name. ; congress, according to Information Just,here the of thelr dttUBhter, Mrs.
tee today by Secretary Lansing. The It is a sign of ill breeding not to received by Attorney General Brown. .shlriey Roland. Mrs. Roland has been
eommittee is holding hearings on the respect the opinions of others. Congressional delegations from the re-1,, , but ,s now much improved.
annal dlsplomatio and consular serv- (There are two hundred religions in Carnation states of the union will bej John rjencer of Salem has purchased
Ice appropriation bill. that country.) urge t0 suPPort the Sinnott bill which ,he CiayD00l p,ace eaBt of t0wn and
Ambassadors now receive $17,509 Youths of 18 are In the universities, !uiTsnt lne ePa,ynmt Cf the expecU to move ther6 , and spend
no ministers $12,500. land not in the stock exchange or "T 7"T "s""- the remainder of the winter cutting
wu iiiicimuiiB ui leasing tniH nuge wood
, . , The Morrow place has been sold to
to a syndicate of California capitalism 'r , Dr., J k.i
J.Jc ... . . ........ iwimiitvu wjr .1,0 BMW 4JIU lUllfVN
found that, they can save two-thirds of l.uure next week in the interest of the
the money usually spent for cough state industrial accident commission.
preparations, by using this well- One the most important ot the three
known old recipe for making cough in many respects and the one upon
syrup at home. It is simple and cheap which the need for the special session
but it really has no equal for prompt ' based will provide for an Increase
results. It takes right hold of a vt 0 per cent in the rates of compen
cough and gives immediate telief. atlou paid to injured workmen under
usually stopping an ordinary cough in the provisior j of the workmen's com-
24 hours or less. pensatlon act. The second will pro'
Get 2 ounces of Pinex from any vide tor the creation of a fund for the
druggist, pour it Into a pint bottle Physical and vocational rehabilitation
and add plain granulated sugar syrup of injured workmen and the third will
to make a full pint. If you Drefer. restore to the funds of the commission
use clarified molasses, honev. or corn $400,000 appropriated by the last regu
syrup, instetad of sugar syrup. Kitner ,ar session for the erection of a recon-
way, it tastes good, keeps perfectly, uenon nospitai in roruami.
and lasts a family a long time. t T'19 hospital Involving a constltu-
It's truly astonishing how quickly tlonlU amendment in that It would
it acts, penetrating through every air have crao Institution out-
passage of the throat and lungs loos- 81110 OI lne 8"" capital was oeiene
ens and raises the phlegm, soothes h ,he voter8 at th8 June p'1""" '
and heals the membranes, and grad- legislative action Is now necessary to
ually but surely the annoying throat "ur "'" lu " vl
tickle and dreaded cough disappear
entirely. Nothing better for bron
chitis, spasmodic croup, hoarseness or
bronchial asthma.
Pinex Is a special and highly con
centrated compound of genuine Nor
way pine extract, known tho world
over for its healing effect on the
Avoid disappointment by asking
your druggist for "2 ounces of
rinex" with full directions and don't
accept anything else. Guaranteed to
give absolute satisfaction or money
promptly refunded. Tlie Pinex Co.,
VI. Wayne, Ind.
Uerlln, Jan. 8. Alfred Rohola, who
has been eleced mayor of Neukoelln,
will lie tho first socialist to occupy
such a position In any o f tho munici
palities composing greater Berlin. Herr
Schola was editor of Vorwaerts, a so
cialist newspaper.
Ak Any Draitilsl JTow Rwat3
fiiitfoa Have MtuJr lntmll tlto
IleotikuUcd TteutMeut.
Mailed free In plain wrapper. Tt
gives you relief. Hot a CO-ceut box
ffv- i
V xv V
lev Have IVo Idm How Wnnrtrrtal
lTriul S i mil ,,a Try it.
of Pyramid Pile Troatmont of ry
nrugglHt. Be rollevt-tl of Itchlmt,
protruding piles, heinorrlinUls ntiil
such rectal troubles. A elnsla bo
has odvn been euttlclent In one
nlKht. Send coupon for free trial.
Take no substitute.
6KP;rauild liklg., Xfanhin. Ml.b.
Klwtlr wwfl Kit a Ynv sm'!i t
Pyitwia file plain rip,-r.
Stmt .'
dtT ...Sfste
Plans are being drawn for an ad
dition 77 by 80 feet to the high school
building at Yoncala. The addition will
contain a gymnasium, a room for do
mestic science rnd rooms fir voca
tional training.
Mrs. S. E.
Says Vinol, our Cod Liver and
Iron Tonic, made her ea t better,
sleep better and feel better.
1 , j
W a
EE: SERIES 20 '""""it. f
Mrs. Greenwald' s Letter
Centralia, II!. "I was run-down,
could not eat or eleep, and my lunR9
pained me a good deal so I could hardly
do my housework. Vinol built me up
after all other medicines had failed so
now 1 eat better, eleep better and feci
better in every way. Vinol is certainly
good for a run-clown system." Mrs.
S. E. Greenwald.
Such letters prove how nervous,
anaemic, run-down, overworked men,
women and children Increase their appe-
tites, strength and endurance by taking
Vinol. That fa because it contains becl
and cod liver peptones, iron and man
ganese peplonates the greatest tonics
Your money back If It falls.
v j" .an"". '. -X
A RARE combination of beauty and me
chanical excellence. Light weight and
a perfectly balanced chassis induce maximum
tire mileage and low gasoline economy. An
improved hot-spot intake manifold gets the
last atom of power from even low grade fuel.
9-inch whe!bB; 50-norsepower fe
mountabla htad motor; InnamiiiMin
intermediately placed juat baek of motor;
improved windshield with bullet-nhapeit
aide lamps; exfonaon fannesu lamp; cvrj
tires front and rear.
P. O. 11. Salem
1(1 .
',. '
J.. (-J
4 '
i and not in
Columbus, O., Jan. . 7. The eon-' Democracy co-exists with the gov-
Vetltlon r9 , V. - T I . . in ... .
f AnlJL l i' r"uc" m ne vorKers , - , The Legion post seeks to have the land
nujuuiueu sine oie at, ins men ruuw how iu "US aim sm rtmlntmnA K tha ,tqt.
! not bashful about it.
open to settlement
can drink
Wthout fear of any of the after effects
"which often follow coffee drinking.
Postum has a thoroughly pleas
ing flavor greatly liked by those
accustomed to hih-rade coffee
There's not a trace of "Caffeine" in
Pbstuni,so sleepless nights do not
follow, and headaches, nervousness
and indesiion do not result from
lts use. Jheres a Reason.
Made by Postum Cereal Co. Battle Creek, Mich.
metlc" are being Introduced In our
school, and an improvement along this
line Is a sure thing.
Mrs. E. J. Miller and her daughter,
Mary, and son, Cecil, and her mother,
Mrs. Schmidt, have returned from
Portland where they spent part of the
Mr. Uoble of Salem has moved onto
the BcholU place, and Mr. Kcholu and
son have moved to Salem.
Rev. Ulain lironner left Monday for
Greenleaf, Idaho, to attend the min-i
isterial association there. J
Roland Dimick left last Monday for'
Talbot where he ezpectsto remain for
an Indefinite period cutting wood.
Miles Harber was summoned to Port
land on Monday where he may have to;
act on the grand Jury composed of;
postmasters to try those who have rob
bed postoffices.
- A series of meetings will begin in,
the Presbyterian rhurch Wednesday,
Jan. T. Rev. W. J. Large will be n
charge. j
Mr. Monroe from Washington ft a
visitor at the Sherwood home.
Slgna Her km an started to school
Monday adding one more to the sev-.
enth grade.
Mr. Beckman returned home from
Salem last Friday where she has been ;
for some time In a hospital. We are
pleased to slate that she is much Im
proved after a eevere operation.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wert are the par
ent of a baby girl.
Mrs. Keuacher and baby and Char
lotte Runde of Salem were Kunday
visitors at the White home.
Head or chest
are best treated
'externally with
wen Hon
Saturday, Jan. 1 0
1:30 p. m.
Houses adjoin. property of Hunt Bros. Packing Company
Division and Front Streets
These Houses are to be removed from the property by buyer. For further
information call at office of Hunt Bros. Packing Co., or tekphone 150.
F. N .WOODRY, Auctioneer