Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 08, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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EAiL tfiPLOiES 10
Bushey Explains
Wherefor And
Why of Bandana
THE nATT.Y CAi'llAUuu-'" " -
BflKFIinn PI AN All Diamonds Mined and
! Politic are. funny thing Bo Pr"
hspa the funniest th;r. about then,
J re the tactic politician o In ac-
In Use Worth 13 Billion j
Dollars, Expert Says
havins learned his trade !a ih. . I
Jsylvania oil fields.. He says that if" I
equipment on the present jh mi&Z f
e;andard in every particular, The 7
j salready in place and 2000 wtl I
pipe for the proposed 10-inch bai, u
-,i..-..,4o on the ffrftnnd
.meM o the well prospects of
ileum company,
. ' Chicago. Jan. t. If ai! the 4U-
i momls mined in hU'iy J existing
Viirfng Mends, support and in. Idet-t- Xew York, Jan- .-ll.tnrw u" ' .,ta. M cut and polished srn were
WMhtaKtM. J". t.Orgi4 ,,,y .published detail, of the 'dr.ut , from f lb earth.
Ml employes v trtJ tb 01 Ourmg the prrtl he PO'HpUn President Kisoaevelt haa decided , thf). woulrj form m ,,ne about as large ;
r and f th line In an effort to ! ticln wlib bin bo of cigars was thr. , adopt settle the aml.racite tke a wagon j,)8d 0f coal dumped on ,
, Pt th high rout of IWto. twrrxii in grronirer reiiet was ani-(0f noj, and tu nave owen th sidewalk, say a 'P ucRO sia-iai..... j
is starting op'
'Lebanon- Or.
It.; in Waller
erauons at Lacomo. uea.
his taken C. H. Watt,
street, north, into that
vl-cie be will act in m
tha arbJm i
.. . 4. .111 tiiuoua nr.. nei. . on e ia iwu n.cmoeti. o .- - - .r.bPi ti una. mnu n coii.o i
. . t i - ...i. n r.l i.T iimHin UO- . - j - . - .-- -
" Latr. when lha town lawyer was .... . r.. in who were to .. ... j ,h .-eni wouiu
appear in ui i
louid contain 41.- .
Cal. Jan.
(Mm v. - " - - . ki to arioro a car u an part in !( el cotton appear m " wtcb ton. If the pile wen- .,,, svw charpe
Matt aaW InvariaWy followed .,,, . nifr downtown t the ,.f th C!onH own . " . , . ',d have a ; prosecution of IUrr fe. ew en .
kr iMMM In living eota. tba foaf ' fr)rl( you wera jrreahl to m chxl; ,utrlt by Jvaeph Buc-kUn ' . ,f,f .f '.irtt f-et and
tmttnm rwrrn - en hta posnlWlltlea for lecuatur n:. . , sll j,,nuary iaaue of Strib- ,,,,,h, iv. fe,.
BNalM fHwar WMrP nma auvtx- t,. m-l also Kive .. -. . ,i would
-i a w -ap th. profit, ol. ., ad T4rle4.: " . " - . .h,. Room- .T.. . .! .ni i- It i far a evidence
.,.'tv of chief driller ior me v...,--
: V.'.nr.U.t: to Mr. Watt the PrP
of striking oil in the Lacomb terr.tory
rt firm 10 a wi""
f necess-'irv. ine
is prcparm
7. ine . . , fjni it
tit aUddla mo by a irym of co- hM lr, UM.4
Eulgar Goyernment Resigns; l
Copenhagen, ! Jan. 7. The Bu!t.
ian government haa resigned and
cialists are tiring to form a cabins
under the leaaersmp oi ur. a i.
neff, former premier and minister t
foreign affaire, according to a gca,
dispatch filed yesterday.
A semi-official statement issued ai
Sofia states that bolshevik bank a
taeked Premier SUmbuliwsky wb
he was returning ' from Belgru
vrhere he failed In negotiations wi
the Rumanians. - . i
Seattle, Wash., Jan. 7. Fire la a
said he believed New was snne Mr -vatt is empioeu. ' ,,;engfne room oi me lawman raejut
when the shot was fired, but said he has m formerly soie., s the tranB"Pac"lc Monteagie has crlj.
was not certain whether New could tal purposes by residents m le(J the boat and compelled her to e.
distinguish the consequences of the jnb neighborhood, who nav e, & grydock at Hongkong, according
act at the moment it was committed, bribed $55,000 for the worn, ai received here today by re
rnder cross examination r. EIook is ."s . , j.jijpr Merchants Jxcnanse.
a moron. He siiiu jir. ati. m " "-i -
that oil was to be found in
"''- ,.. i""- - - ...rai years
with the murder or ai:ra r. tj,ilt section
ser here last July
hvA itH fma near- i,on rnal nrospecii" . -
. . i . cu. r ncrp ubl ui.'i i. rfi. u . - . , . . u
p.eckonins inir- - - ,,rv h today. Ro , I(." struck a 17-foot layer o.
inK oeivir ... v- . . .
was coneerned It n(1 ut a dpth of 600 feet. Since that
rrr r! v.-r 'XV y.-" -a : r,T: ; TViTbv,.! the sa?,y .;l n;w , , h p;.; ;-Wch
"" ' WmDt to mil vote out or in n'n on, Aa .,rA ltl,rin th riotins In' ... o t,.hel All time oi ine l,uu""fr' """T.'"'. . , a Th enmnany
. . 1 1 nnfk. ' ... ... Ji ---1. -- VAiuru Itl CS.WIV.l- ' .- -- ... Li A V n- wa Bnnt H'rt W Pill llf cu. ......
Ml ior io " h .laaiar. It tit nai-v tmiific an ne . . - .... i .......... ,.k nt . ..... . ... .. .. .., .1,,1 1 len said ne oeneveu - -nr. aw - .
Mea laid at tb farmer-tabor:. -the uei.i ami miiK-" .the wonas atatnonas cou.u i-
wvr. " , tli: t.ruui!ht with It Ui prospect i nr4inrv cl.xkus closet or a
mmtunmet at .:nman m i"", Judaw W. M Bushey. He. " " , , . ,.,,. n,
MftvM eauea .or nw "":wt often aeen If he ban, aa he can't; r" . . . . .Z. . ...... . V" r." Mifie4 New as a moron
: iitv 1.1 11..'.. . " - rctlKn uianiuni-ii! jit 11' " "' ' -j ' . .,
litnists. to
has been done in the wa
According to his j history. India. It is estimated
mt fl 19 1 , , .. . 1 . , ... ... tiiuttiet
Tt maoal eaiia for aa alllaa ba-: .fare and safety.
tmrmerm and Iabrra to rel. Ka . ,1(,d, . , , r.,ur,. bCtrrajiher. Mr. Koosevelt had de- (, d, all lod. S.0.00 carats
Vtm aliBa ktwo farm produc-i. hm ,hat , vnI,r jT,'cided. in cae the openuors peraisieu , Urmzii ja.o0.00; South ATrica l.-
ra and city OMmm and bwfl' v,h . " H -f,,i.B. ; In their refusal to accept a comniis-, &. 4it,e(). i)orneo, l.uOO.uO't. British
My aroducar and farm isonsumar. , lu n)). (1n.iild It not so ln. ". ",u Powers which the;uUna 50,00; Australia
ek mtm tm luitii worked out by th . . ...... . . iCunailtutlou did not upecifiraily lv i .,... t nun- .iiu.n.i &
. p-- - - a ICO in tn .nmtnin u c uti at a in in n - - - ; v.. ,....w ,..!,..
-M. a --. f am -labor ea-otwiraUv " .. . . ," and tu uae the t'nlted Mtates I . Thi. i. ..! rouirh out- n to twehe )an.
...-w. " akf k 11 tip Y II ISt 1TI (1 I fiUt IflV r'I Il'ltiPa; " " " -
nas ihis first examination arousen a m
I plcion that New was ieeoie iinnur..,
I hut later he determined that he was
i moron, which term he defined as
I . .... ... ;ni.lllr.,.n(ii
1 jO U"0' HenotinK one nuar ...n.....-
i-i,i,..i' to that of a child of from sev-
w,.n If. .v.ilalriji fhiit the red hunk.
uhlch formed after . ,.,!, v ,.t v.,.vvU,t army to i-uppreaa
th Narwiilr Billn. In Chkmao and ,u(110(i M j,,, down the street diaoriler.
all violence and ,
II InclHd th rr t;on of warehouse
M iatrlbti!un center and Ih organ
laattvn f a ra-operative batik.
It was expe' ted that the state would
comnlete its evidence late today, per-
mopiilH hi nowtrlla Indirectly he'
likened th ter unto the proverbial;
a hl!e ee. bull
1 tut of 238.777,374 cai.
r.-l HU.U, l. i onTv :,kiu, r of r.h ta I" m. to permit the ar.ument.
Wrltlnit tu Hubert llacon on Octob- j diu,110IUii are cut into r-m and lose ( to oreii.
k, uoj, snoruy ant-r a com. - a,ul n ner cent of ti.cir T.'fiKnt in
ll.rt thai Im I wher he st..rtr Judre In WashliiBton of Hie mine operators t ut and polished. Miamomls are AM prrl-.if of e f fjr"hin6
WM a r-aaw -
To Evade Mexican Tax
Mexico City. Wednesday. Jan. i.
. w n,i ! Petroleum producers in the Tampiea
el K ami. ... .. Viir-.i.tinn
district nave lonneu u. .v.m".
illnxhey ( a Wiley man. He know thai and the strike leaner, tnr late .onn . pra.Ually Indestructibie ami the first
ifn hi Job he deal moMly with the'. Mitchell. In a futile effort to settle , diamond ever mined may possibly
Imaa rr""1 farm. He further 'lb trouble by the appointment of ,tlll be in existence Itut the estimate
.know Ihat this aid farmer doesn't commisjiton of liivestiKa'Jon or arbi- j f()r thc Ume of at least 1.000.000
'port a silk handkerchief. Jung tratlon, he said: i carata by flood, fire, shipwre
nijm.ey nis inai .11 n... ...e . n nu....u m..,j 0r.ner disasters. I nese reuuctions aim 1 duties on
.. 1. . --t. hat.Kv 1,1,.. -i.-. 11 1. n.M.ii.1. II mv arow in-' . ..iuh.a . I"4kv4 not !' reent auues 011
- ' - ; -- - - - , umwb li"ave luiui unui 'i " , , . . . i t ildree
,i. m .11. I.I. MtiUWi...,t lr.u't. rirtlli.1v If wl...n the wvprl ' ... .. .. i a or r i-i Oil Iixeu vy inrnM..i.i..
ion a piece of nunny-aack, If h hasn't weather conies on there is a coal. price Estimate Smallest
fot a bine or red bandana which !, mine, t dread to think of ihe auf- Tn jailmate of liOO a carat Is
imoirt of Ihem have, I f rinit In parts of our (treat cities tn(, minimum price ut which dla-
1 Ju'lre Hushey know that Intimacy especially, and I fear there will be ; monda can be bou;ht today. The .
;nd frlen.lslilp Kamtiol on Hie pouie 01 fu, i ru of aa bad a type a any oouar demand for diamonds was
bread r ots we have ever seen. f ; never so .real and they have become
Krm lark. Jan. . A commanity quality. bread r ots we have ever seen. Of
o-jr-riirtani nimisr o in nt n mat wny, wnen ne siis i ins m-ss course once he riotinif has beKUn. 1 , u.,n ,,,i a. wll as
haa MsM carried on In a section of In the court house, nnd talks to sconce there tat a rem.rt to mob vlolenre. ' ,h, wth claasea. They are worth ! Bay'"K
aMBitll the past two ana a nail (roup of fanner, his fold itrnws th only thi - to do is to maintain j IJni. a, riiu' h nuw as before
r-ara by lb National Korlal Unit or- makio the fr.ient use of the red urder. It is a dreadful thlnK to be ,ni, war aIld mil , ,,.om :iuo to
ww win ?'.Tu i..i. in natinniia impcraiivp. nn can we. 11 brought face to facn with a neces
KM, M plana for mergwr of tnai doesn't take n optimist, or even a ally of taking measures, however tin
rcaalsallu and b rjommunlty conn, phlloaopher. lo see the sparkle In theudable, which will mean the death
M af trreatef Nw Tork. recently for- fanner eye Ihat sparkle of profound f ,, h(ive lM.t, ,addened by
Htalatiid by tb cullv bnard ol brotbet hood' jwant anil sufferlnit "
awn naaiew ,r consuiomMteri. a 00 mat tins unusual pomicni sirai. i,, ,, i,.it,.r iu Hinatur Iahua be
cording- to Luis Cabrera, secretary of
the treasury, interviews with wnom
were printed here today.
This is the only contribution lev
ied bv the treasury department m.u
I must be paid before the nil leaves
! Mexico." the secretary is quoted as
11 0 '10 a curat.
alia Kara (irttitaiti Muinail, Mr ey mane tor success is uiivious wrlle ,nil ,e was "feeling" hi way
Kdjrarttta Wlnthrop and !r. Alliert Judre Hashey ha held the Job In the , w)v, tlt, difficulty and was de
Mktets. dtredor of tb ewmmunlt eourt house for a semi foitiilnht of rlll,t nol ,,, (Je ,t,aw to n
antaeii I stealer .-tear mm, nr years
If it is not paid exportation
can be prevented, and if international
friction should develop, .Mexico
would have right on her side."
And. until the farmer re&rhet,
"vluleut step whltUt would bring re-
an aninetti in tn propoaea emerpriaa inai ik oi arittH-racy w orn ne win , h.? 1 1 rt and disaster afterward
Wilbur C rhililii, titrutlM ecr- "port a lac. encircled essential, lie s
(sry of tb N.tli.nal ttoel! l ull or. likely to hold the pdi
aniaaliMi, eaplalnlng th projeut.
, anolher time, he said:
"Tb work of I be community poun
dla, already established In 10 section
New Toik t'l'y. ha den.oostniled
tiele stilliiy ta awaken ctvte ini.c-H,
Ineraaa iteighl'rllr.-s and promote
n ensllv d-ur. Th Clnelnnatl
Ml baa ahewa Ihat th nrttnlsniitia
f pi by small fHtpulatlou units,
kh a repeewentatlv tor each unit.
with a repreoeiiiallTw for e. h unit,
has been ucaesfil a
.,.,n i hv. ,,(..,ly deceased
mil hwimis an 11 prvarama - U ounly
rvbipiueut ut tli work In New .i.i
Vrh." said Mr Pbllllpa "mf first!
wwiiwr aiwunu sum nmhhh pnu.iem. .. h made sow ial of Heat lis 1
Most eni-
. pliatically I shall not rii.iuinle
jwlth Iswleaaneas. 1 have been lold on
(excellent nuthoiilv. Ihat Ihe dis.irder
jbas been ery great and of an evil
1 kind. On equally good auihorlty. I
am told Ihe enact contrary. I shall
speedily find out for mself. I stand
WashiiiKtou, Jan. 7 No pnimise of 1
Immediate reductions in food prices as;
he resutta of the? dsssulutHin ai;ri'e-!
ineots between Ihe Kiifrninoit and the;
aK..liisl socialism; aawlnsl anarchic . ..kers Is seen b Atomey (ieneral
disutdrr." ii.ii.. 1.. iia ib. ....... t-
I Vnn Waa Itruslk-. icuinmlttee today In exnlaimiiR the clr-1
j Colonel K.ii.sevell' "drastic" plan ,eunistaneea leadinsi up to Ihe settle-',
TH wood alrobul w hll j of actlmi which Mr. Illalnip says heiment. '
Haleni, acmrding In IViuiuir A. M makes public u ih the l.xe president's 1 The tuickers were nut luecluded
ii'loutiH. who say a Ihat V.ulenl deatli i perndsslnn and eii'fli.rliy Included hi i from handling butler, eggs cheese and
lit Mni-lltll H....i.llil..i,..ll ..f ,1.1 1... ..-.i .i. 1. .....1.. .
HMtiBRUtttlv niMula amt tin,ai.,a " --- ... ,,,, K ,,, ,Hitiiir.. iiir.iiik'u iiujir rei riKei aung ,
-Ii.irfoLI.lTi ..t 11. si. ;""'' Ihe clumplntt un the lid ;aibltrary c..ioiuiKio without regard systems. Mr. Palmer eg plained, be';
. . ..... . ' against Uoue sale I to whether or net the oi.eralors asked cause, he concluded, that this iirurileei
Cniiiey riougli, a eoruner for t ! fur It or agreed In abide b Us dc had "economic .ilue" but he added;
ars. has niada aoiM'ial itula uf deat hs ; ,.iMi... 11.. .l...i ... ...uui.. .i.,,. ..... .1......... ....... ......
ate aa Infant welfare, Ih twdiMtbm . dlr,nl or Indirectly t,. Int-xl ' land In case he were t ,,i.,i .....h !o renew tirosecutlona In that fielJ If u
t living ur rMTt Ion. This Murine l.i. r lils. there has , .... 1.1 1 ....i. ..1.... !
yr'..l.te ertbet Ittanfar aen ,, liioeat in Marlon e..uty ; u.-e .... 11. ,!. nccrrtl'iig I,. Mr Senator Kranre. republican, Marv-'
MaIM ky the Womett i. til eily act-iaud that .me oyer (he body of a l-t lih..p, Mr Oct eland,d favor-''"'". augested that the department
NutT M kwlunte!. An effi.rl ln will ti.-nl whu di..d of pneumonia at the! .. .. i,,,.!,.. ,,, ,.,iino- ....1 ..... ...
iniai. in i.u,uci in-iiii can-, c ,is f..mml.i,.ii w . . i,N. ...ri ..r PV upnii labor union and eav ng it-
lh president' plan," says Mr. Itiahnp "''" open to the charge that it is n,,t
Tli. in. 1...II.., ,!.,.,, .1.1.1. i ... pushliiK rrlmiiiitl ai lions akrainst mnlil-
wa ni.i, .nu ions ; nai wi tnwasure against in imtlriu . ,.i. i ... . . iniillioiiaiies
.at wuiavts, ciwrgymen sn.l mini was ut vioieiii comutlou wn."i
Forty four fires in Orepon, outsal.'
of Portland, during the ruonth of De
cember resulted In losses aggregating
11 40,745. according to the monthly
port of A. C. liar her, state tire mar
shal, lust Issued. Garages ami aum
mobiles suffered the greatest losses
aggregating $43,075. Twenty three
liwellimis were damaged by fire with
losses aggregating $31,000.
Outfitters to Women, Misses and Children,
Coats, Suits, Dresses, Blouses, Silk Under
wear, Knitted Underwear, Petticoats, Bath
Robes, Kimonas, Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery,
Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, Yankee Notions
1. gtaby do.
'"rtii?r'i -f" "''Jalssiswwi, vh&3$
waken tb Inlnltlgeitt In- istale he
tarsal ana ea-owrlin or lii.M.rtsnt .d ba-ua of III fact that an m-
I Ml III .opiiUtli.ii . a bu. pluy of Ihe lniilutt.iii bad Used
rat mciat"
lecetind at Ihe toatitution Tb win
itloe was ubne.Untly dtHiuiAard.
jlul lb niiwim Jury f.xmd toat hi
twr pneumonia had been the ciu
jot death
While (in. i. mm wet available lu
lame!H! l ln.iieal averaii. .1
two per iu.ii.ih and nmat of the.
:w,.fe lia.-.-tible Hi ab-nli.-l c vauie-s
frlthar directly or Indirectly, a.coi.1
j ing to t'.ti'uner tluuith
. I
mew link Jan - rs.r Ih pur-1
lmf mt creallli ttalluu wide
l Oia devtrUipinrnt tf Ihe Americaii
ftwe-tkaat . m..i.. ..f .1......M. i
ssrwUsw show in inarm rsiuuia ol I
I b watry. wilt bemn hi Apid Uj
d bust etie w. V. It uutuua.w.1
? by the li..l ee. n.ailue league
, AaMHdiiig t It W. Um. pr
ttrMl of the leatiiie. tb. itriiuinsiia
lawn will nf (Mta.le itliiiiiis
M wfei. b ptuinUiiMtt maiine a at In. il
lime In nriler .
thai mining npetalluna might l. re ,
sumul as (.pcedtty as pitaialble the
lit. stdaM cieauli.-d wl'h '
Wuav. wb.) a is all powerful in I'eim
s.Haiiia politics, and was asured by
him thai whenever the president le
sired hu I,. , t. w,,. bale (he '
goienior of the .1 iic ttntifi the pres.
i.b el Hint he could not m-der
In Ihe o. it l.kinii and needed federal
lil'i f.-t.ii. 1
i "The t'KS'.dent ihcu infi.i Ma.'
I n t'.ei.cial John M S. h.diebl ihat1
in cast, of r. ,t,'.-l inlet f. .
il.. , o. srti.t hii. i to ihe rea-itins
niili Do. regular aru.y Hoops with'
' tKti u.-i cm. !.. a. I as rsn-t'iier ,.f ihe1
ie;o, talk., fill i ha lit, put dew n -ill
lolence. and dinrecnrd am oidcra'
'"III the o..-:U.,i, U,. .,,ki..t the
setinal if lii ..I-.,- t!i -, it,,,, went
li Piled I h it I
Md. 'All His!..!
1 W ill
vouil ..n.t I... 1 a writ elled Ol
1 lock, Jan. -Imniu and bim. wuuM he d-.i as was uiol
ASiiei lews l.riutucla ae l,i Im. a.K r. ilk..1 laioola .'mi.iv ....l ..... .....
I lata Willi b. .,,t.,. ..i . " ' " "'
' " ..i- ... M i-faw iHiicb Kant Indie by nutea me ptenoli i. After a In
I ... "'" utolwi truck A liaiel e th.-at.i- geurial
trtl . " " ''"' 'V 'rh" """ ' durmg the war gave I! ,
ZTZT. 1 " ""; raMformsnce si ihe Hon, for -d y. u "
a iMinai BRiii'iiioi, aiMIIS. aawiTWISIS Wl 1. ... .... ..... . . ... ....
.... Winn. i"i i rrai.ieui uaon aim ' .eaiii. oi 11 was an I.I
thr elfulala ha been loaned to IH.- bad all pi. ..i r.. ,. made for start
lut-h ljkt twdiaw government by the the ti..p within half an hour
buroau of ce-niHierc al ( and alter Km ie.u,s for fe.iet.i! .n.l w
will t f ie Witisa.r, atraita ((!.; 'wiif J Th ol .n w i. u.,i .
ment. twntorfiiw wn the ten.h!p I.ihn Mr tliahop any. "bec.uir at Ida last
ni4-n. imoincnl the oprratoi
riny thottwsnd fvet t film deptctlnt ol wiunilol I., the
Ai'lillS (lose to car line
About 2 miles from town.
3 acres in fruit and ber
ries Pour buildings, but
land Drat class. A bargain
lha: can't last M.'illll
.a.,....!..., k . ..ft ..a
. ...tlo.,S .w.i. aaiiaiail VI t.
a w .S'esanaer. a) olh
prmiitttei.t tu A met Us putu
4elota.eet will b k al
ksadaaL ti.l t enlenua ta New
I awa, tb d. i,u i.tio wilt b aa
tissa mUm la .. ft tu ad.ted
TkHt teattte, wc-.ftlwk tit II nfri
bus mere than see aim
z 10
babata lclUllC nt wl.ty ptl.iill
ISesvt fgaaaastiik ttiea. but iv
bada mi tuany of lb. aigwt mnvt
taaitwrtnc, txnkog an eneiwl Vw
Iwaaa lt i ej- stai id tha un
th irifea of manufacturing tarbtu -i.muiisien Whether
article made In Ibis country. A inert- got wind ,-t die president'
ttaimed front
-.OtUvr-nt of
Ai'llr.'S ,, .av4 road about
t'-B from eapitol 7
room i'lastere.1 hoicii-.Mo.h-rn,
electric llRhis lu
lli ni e b..rn and garage.
A gtest deal of fruit on
tluii. place. Electric water
swt. i.i Will trade on
larger turrit. What have
mi "
Al'Kl S a Soul JS miles
fioin Salem. acre In
rmu o buildings, but
m. be: t.-i fruit laud ani
w lu re Yea Its un a good
i-a-k road If you act
tUvk . ti.lHHt
en itle.t uf prvservlng brdiHh and ha ceier ten it...,;,,!
ifi.i n.fluri re wa i
their au.l.ieii rewrwal "
lot they j ,
Viif iuj 4
IfcyrWIwrge And Nitti
Ceaffr Willi QcraeiKcatt
preev mln diaraae Areet-i. au faiw life
and the woik .f th Ameti.-au army
b will I sen I wuh ihe- track:
which t e. . i e,t to t-es'n a peiform
Ba al niM w .trier it a S, i,.,
of tbe t.iin i ui ...J l i ., .......
Miawo'i. . tt. and iw.i by the ..-
but some -1?H
outi tile .
mile uut. All
e.-a thi imve.t
Qoverdale Notes. t
f. ult I
ion! tan buildings. Will
take ,n sood house In Sa
lem in trade.
Ac H IIS i;oJ buiUUags
n. ilea fioin town tioo.l
heavy soil YVlll take .,i,e
fade SIHKI
f f . 'I' I'
T If
Thi l th flist truck em abr.-d by
lisavdien, Jan t.IHnilwr I Jo id l buieu which nji rusne-l eleht
tleaHir an4 Premier KltU Willi their r ao to promote tiate Uigei, b ; Cteyrd... Jan . t h. VY'
ma morwing me miia -o... o. ......... i. iu i ladies Ueid aa ail day ceei-ng at
whet they -)!) eun.'er with Pie.iuer Uv M I '.ifiei . ttv,..i,, v)uii
Wca-t f rr r-Jrl Pv-'e snas rewna ,tl order of tn da. A feast wa
"... itwuutikjutltl WWKM li-r.a,t for ihy jtl,o. .......
WW" Itl twT,IMIOl 1 I. IV.-..:.-. Af llf ' klk lll Mru a.,1 b. IU.J!
(lt w hii.i.j the wii began the,?
,.-e..k. rs-twrta Ust today , J
I ki ss Hum Mums and her bCMih.r
' atorr; at iHrttdiu (ew teu f
li. Autinwui wi.'h (heir graad mothei
Ac ni-l T mile from jsa
lec. Hi bulldlnic
W.viei pijand to house
' ' fiuit trees 171 acre
under culttvatlun. Hal-ain-e
tiu,lr and pa slur
A Iiaieain fur amiaaiia.
MTIW Per Acre,
Isrrjr A. Pupper, tat gtaeer. i
kaft Ibta iwmuif for Washington, i j torn TPtsncMc Jaw t -ttaibavd In
C. aa a Mtu.r ef Ihe exerum wa. wiiinan a att-.iv V ugtl Twlliv a fed
mitts m4 the wvairra wlw rsaHaui. w ptiaaner al th I'ntied !t ! di
tia mafervuee w hich, tin neat Mt.. dplln.i tattack on IsHtsd
day. will tnteniew th WKatis-i. iiai ,iw thin ITranciwc tsty. Md'y a.'krJ
kkClwgattya fpuut Ihe If isslamauoi. i paat ttw guai.ta ea.t -a.-a-ed. d la ea
utaa in the interest of inevwataed ap- taping en a got element tug las ihi
IMwaartatlaMa for readaiuuMilon and irii II was reported te tb a'i,e early i
KatiM prwjecta Cupper la day The tug landed l IVrt Mis.!
JV-aa tb wthcr meiubei of lb owm-Und T.ier t reported t be walk
mittra In larmer Saturday, nin- ,,t l4ai tb tie af gwaida
(saunas la raliUtMt oonfeiwaBuea
tmrtmt Urn reinammr thrws das mm
gwala b the national cnltal.
TIT A l-ai'liii tracw ck
IflUk-te urvunda tVlve 1'
At'HVJt w mile out All
cult li sted Oood build
in . . UitaM
; Mi ii .iikit.att
; Vie t:uakth Morruv wixm
"c i l r ttse pa4 tww weeks wuh
-.-.!.l attack of loieutooiaa,. t
palled i'wl t-ilprtiliivg
r. V.f Mwsf tf tall tntt
; bi Huitdsr atssnd a few
'-" "h her tsarentav Mr And Mra
i U rs.fet.
' It
!. wetw held kcs-d by th (
unda tVlve ft
the other III.
r. u,si Htvv sivi: twto
MtH SftX
Set Us First!
-:- itvrwwa Itktg
A leader at the Head of the Economy Parade.
Men and Women with an eye for Economy will
hasten to make the most of this opportunity.
Such values as these at such remarkable low
prices do not linger long.
Here are a few of our many values:
Cooper's part wool union suits $2.95
Wrights all wool union suit $5.00
Drawers and shirts, part wool $1.95
Best grade flannel night gowns $2.65
Coat sweaters, heavv neck S1.G5
Hi-grade flannel shirts $1.50, $2.95 and $:195
Overcoats, value $29.50, sale price .....$17.50
Mackinaw-?, value $1-1.00, sale price $8.50
Cashmere hose j)oc to 65c
Mackinaw gloves 25c, 35c and 50c
Canvas gloves 10c
Neckties !!"."!".13"-----65c
Boys' part wool union suits ..$1.6-"
Boys' Hi-grade night gowns $1.45
Boys' wool shirts .. . " ". $2.95
Boys flannel shirts . !ZZ..$l".3o
Boys' fancy flannel blouses $165
Boys' flannel blouses '"Z'Z"ZZZ....50c
Blue denim and striped, age 1 to S .... tjoo
Boys' sweaters Tl"to' IF' 75
Ue still have a few Lounging Robes at greatlv reduced prices"'
"WATCH OUR Wixnriws" 1