Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 08, 1920, Image 1

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Average for Quarter Ending
December SI, XI
54 5 8
Member Audit Bureau of Circulation
Associated Press Full teased Wire
Oregon: Tonight and "Fri
day fair( continued colder,
gentle easterly winds.
Minimum, 26.
Maximum, 42
btt oil tinSil
Governor Coolidge Pleads For
Humanizing Of Industry
And Obedience Of Law In
Inaugural Address Today.
9 Additional Reds
Taken In-Portland
Portland, Or., Jan. 8. Nine addi- and It was the opinion of federal offl
tional men thought by department of cials that several of the nine addiUufttb
justice officials, to be connected with men may also be subject to being sent
tne communist movement in tnis sec-, to the country whence they came. - I (Associated Press Leased Wire)
tion, have been taken Into custody, it Hearings of the ten alleged "reds" London, Jan. S. The situation in
was announced here today by depart- who are being held for deportation'Russia is about as bad as could be,
ment of justice officials. Ten alleges 'proceedings will begin here tomorrow, 'from an anti-bolsheviki poin of view,
reds' 'are being held for possible de- It was said today by W. F. Watkihs, According to British war office reports
portation, It was made known toaay, federal 1 m migration Inspector.
(Associated Press Leased Wire)
Rnston. Mass., Jan. 8. The need of
humanizing government and industry
and maintaining obedience to the law
was stressed by Governor Coolidge In
his address to the legislature today, in
augurating his Becond term. He urged
more effort in production and economy
on the part of both state and individ
"The duty that government now
owes to the- people," he said, "is to re
duce their burdens by paying off the
obligations that came from the . war
rather than Imposing addtiional bur
dens for the support of new projects.
Machine Law Scored.
"Healthful housing, wholesome food
sanitary working conditions, reason
able hours, a fair wage for a fair day's
work, opportunity, full and free; jus
tice, speedy and Impartial, and at a
cost within the reach of all, are among
tlie objects not only to be sought but
made absolutely certain and secure.
Government is not, must not be, a cold,
impersonal machine; but a human and
more human agency, appealing to the
reason, satisfying the heart, full of
mercy from any Impositions of the
el rong.
"We need to change our standards,
not of property but cf thought, ilf we
put all the emphasis of our material
prosperity, that prosperity will perish
and with it will perish our civiliza
tion. Employer and employment must
find their satisfaction not in a money
return but in a service rendered. In
dustry must be humanized, not de
stroyed. ,
Reds Are Attacked.
"There are strident voices urging re
sistance to law in the name of free
dom. They are not seeking freedom
even for themselves they have it;
tliey are seeking to enslave others.
Their works are evil. They know It.
Tiiey must be resisted. The evil the
represent must be overcome by the
Rood others represent. These ideas
which are wrong, for the most part
imported, must be supplanted by ideas
which are right. This can be done.
The meaning of America is a power
which cannot be overcome. Prosecu
tion of the criminal and education o
the ignorant are the remedies. j
' It is fundamental that freedom fs
not to be secured by disobedience to
laws. Government must covern. To
To disobey is death." ' ,
Woodburn Highest And
Mount Angel Lowest On
Tax Rolls For County
Woodburn with 68.9 mills, and Mt.
Angel with 22.7 mills are respect
ively, highest and lowest of the cor
porated towns of Marion county rel
ative to the tax levy as ascertained
by County Assessor Ben F. West.
Salem is seventh on the list with
a levy of 38 mills comprising the
state and county levy of 14.9 mills;
public school levy of 8.3 mills; coun
ty levy in high school districts of
nine tenths mill and the levy for the
city of Salem 13.9 mills.
The high school tuition levy is a
special one designed to cover the tui
tion expense of those students who
are compelled to attend high school
in other districts than their own. The
eight tenths mill item is assessed in all
districts of Marion county not having
high schools. High schools for this
county are located in districts Nos.
4, 11, 14, 15, 23, 24, 73, 77, 79, 103
and 129.
Salem Levy Increased
Incorporated towns of Marion coun
ty and their respective tax levies are:
Woodbwm, .0589; Scotts Mills
.0439; Stayton, .0429; Hubbard,
.0412; Sllverton, .0397; Jefferson,
0384; Salem, .038; Donald, .0366;
Aumsville, .0397; Aurora, .035; St.
Paul, .0342; Gervais, .0309 Turner,
0282; Sublimity, .0258; Mt. Angel,
The levy for Salem is materially
greater than for last year, in fact
nearly all Marlon county towns show
a slight Increase over the previous
County Assessor West is having
much trouble in securing competent
and experienced assistants, the in
crease in "staff being made' necessary
because of the extra Work necessitat
ed by the 6 per cent limitation law.
In order to make sure that the excess
over last year, in computation, shall
not exceed 6 per cent, the excess in
relation to each parcel of property
must be computed. Because of the
extra work made necessary Assessor
West says that it will be impossible
for his office to turn the books over
by February 1, as Is usually done.
Other Counties Higher
Aiding in the task of completing
the books are Gordon Watts of Au
rora, and Arnold Wenger of Salem,
who were recently secured by the
county assessor.
.While some of the town levies ap
pear to be high this year, Marion
county taxpayers can get consolation
from the fact that taxes in myna
other counties are in excess of the
Marion average. Among cities with
much higher proportional levies than
Salem, are Portland and Eugene. The
Eugene levy, .this year is .0435 mills
while the Portland assessment Is
.035 which is much higher, consider
ing comparative population.
and there are few signs indicating
any likely improvement, mere are
two especially menacing developments.
In the first place General Denlkine s
army has been cut in two through the
bolsheviki push to the Sea of Asov at
Taganrog: and Its flanks have been
thrust back, leaving a large gap. In
addition there comes a claim from the
bolsheviki of the capture further east
o fthe town of Krasnovodsk, on the
Caspian sea, and while this is not con.
firmed It Is generally accepted as true.
North Is Threatened.
The capture of this important port
'of Krasnovodsk, It- Is . pointed out,
cratest the grave possibility that the
reds may overrun northern Persia and
occupy Teheran, which probably would
mean the establishment of bolshevik
frul in Persia. The taking of Krasno
vodsk gives the reds free access to the
Caspian. There seems little to prevent
them from gaining control of the Cas
plan from' the more or less ineffective
volunteer fleet. Once in possession oi
this sea there remains only a small
British force and the poorly organized
Persian forces between the reds. and!
the occupation or reneran ana nortn-
ern Persia through which would exist
the possibility of .their obtaining eon
trol of the whole country.
Baku Also In Danger.
Baku with Its , important oil sup-
Postal Freight
By Air Starts;
Pig First Cargo
Chicago, Jan. 8. Aerial mall ser
vice between Chicago and Omaha,
was officially opened this morning
with a plane here and on at Omaha
prepared to take oft with cargoes of
postal freight.
The first dressed meat shipment
ever sent by airplane tnrougn tne
post office were contained In the mall
sacks placed In the planes. The plane
starting from here, piloted by W. J.
Smith, carried ten pounds of sweet
breads to be served at a banquet to
night In Omaha for tleneral Pershing.
A dressed pig, consigned to Major
Reed Landis, In care of the first
Western Aeronautical show, which
opened here today, was part of the
freight of the Chicago bound plane.
National Committee Resolution Scores Republican Leaders
For "flaying Politics" In Consideration Of Pad; Ton
tempt Of World" Earned By Tactics Is Charge.
Washington, Jan. 8.--Resolutions indorsing the
treaty of Versailles and denouncing as unpatriotic the at
titude of senators who would defeat it directly or by nul
lifying reservations was unanimously adopted today by
the democratic national committee in session here.
Cincinnati, O., Jan. 8. August
Herrmann tendered his resigna
tion as chairman of the National....
baseball commission at the. annual
meeting of the commission here
The "arrogant" republican leader
ship of the senate was denounced as
having earned the "contempt o lab
world" by throttling the treaty for sev
eral months and the senate was called
upon to "quit playing politics" ' with
the question of ratification.
Reviewing the legislative record of
the two Wilson administrations, tne
resolutions also expressed gratification
that the president was regaining health
aftr a breakdown due largely to his
efforts for world peace.'
Concerning the peace treaty the res
olutions said:
Treaty Approval Affirmed.
We affirm our approval of the trea-
Deniken'a hard
Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 8. August
Herrmann, chairman of the National
baseball commission, recommended, ty of Versailles and we condemn as un-
nlles on the westirn coast of the Cas-!that n0 chairman to micceed him wise and unpatriotic the attitude of
'!. ifwh?J Ti. ,t 'should be elected at the present an-those senators who would defeat It.
. ... , j j i. iJnual meeting of the commission held:ratlfioatlon, either directly or by over
provide a base for further operations,"""' '.,a i.,.H.rt win hv th ffct of
fact that no definite conclusions in the nullifying It.
matter of a chairman have been reach- "The failure of the senate republl
ed by either of the two league or the .can leaders to offer or to permit con
committees representing them that the slderatlon of interpretative resolutions
v.. A.,i ,nHi th'4hnt would nrniwrvA the general nur-f
the reds severed all land communlca-l ,. . , . ,,., ., f thA troatv and to so'nermlt
. . . , , , M. i lUtj-ciiiiK J K- kilt? inu iv7iis uco mucu run . ' w - -.-.-. .
tion between his left wing and rtght next montn ratification condemns them to the cri-
wings, bu they have captured largej , ,,, h, ' m,.rt. 'tlelsm of the nation and to the con-
ra"u ' i m"lo"uV , lon In his annual report which he read tempt of the world
against the rear of
pressed right wing.
If the bolshevik reports are
General Denlkine has suffered a
slderable disaster, for not only
obey is life.
(Associated Press Leased Wire)
Spokane, Wash., Jan. 8.
William II. (Lone Star) Dietz,
former coach of the Washing
ton State college football team
and of the Mare Island Marines
team, pleaded guilty in United
States district court here today
to a charge of falsifying his
draft questionnaire and was
sentenced to serve thirty days
in the county jail. He will be
gin serving his sentence at 4
p. m. today, it was stated.
Washington, Jan. 8.-
Franclsco was srktctcd to
day by the democratic na
tional committee, In sowao
liero, a tlie pliice forth pap.
ty's 1920 notional convention.
After twenty seven votes
hud been cast Kansas 1ftj
nnit other cities withdrew And
llie vote for Kan Francisco
was unanimous.
Monday, Juno 88, wa fix
ed as the convention date
much that was Bent to him by the, al
(Associated Press Leased Wire)
Mexico City, Wednesday, Jan. 7.
The estimated casualties attending
the earthquake Saturday in the west
ern part of the state of Vera Cruz
still stands at 2000 or more.
Fragmentary advices would indi
cate the toll of death may exceed first
at the meeting. The resolutions saia mat wnen tne
In his annual statemen t to John nemocnua cum imu power
Heydler and B. B. Johnson, presidents ihey found "the nation In a condition
nf ti,o Kntinnni on Afnrlinn loniriiniL or comparatively inuustnai ana com-
respectively, the other members of the merclal depression ana wtui tne
lUr Harrmnnn on 1,1 Vila DSnKing BVSiem in in linnUB Ol . low
resignation wauld be forthoomlng If men at wnose win panic, periumum.y
ihov ihrmirht ha iihmiiH ifln rinwn and occurred." It was added that 'these
out Tint hn ulntorl Man that lie ll (1 owier nao r.mi .
not think a successor Bhould be chosen t""""- repumican ruie wunoui any r-
at this time because the club owners,116'
question of
are not agreed on the
whether the national commission
should continue ns a three-member
'Frisco J'nvorcd City.
Washington, Jan. 8. The delegation
body or be changed to a one-main Bf.,working for Ban l"' the 1!U
Washington, Jan. 8 American ships. ne suggested that reorganization
furnished by the shipping board will the commission ,and much other lm-J """
be used to repatriate Cezcho-Slovak"rtan' matters depending upon . n ' v
Ihe accomplished In a very short time
' "(convention city of the democrats went Lessor.
nf into today's meeting of the national The Juror,
lnrmitta rinnlii H n u thnv were iibsn. taken 111 late
(Associated Press Lcssed Wire) ,
Los Angel. ChI., Jan. . The Ill
ness of a Juror delayed the resump
tion of the trial of Harry New heM
today. New has been on trial for
about three woeks, charged with the)
murder hero Inst JUiy oi miss rrwu
Jugo-Slav and Rumanian whenevcr the n,rijr league club own-
from the ruins on Tuesday. Thirty
i bodies have been taken from the Pes-
The-- indictment against Dietz
charged that he had falsified his
rmestinnnnire for the purpose of evad
..uihj u.ito'is, iii aril i-i. i t o-. . . ... ...... - -
tii' i their deputies to administer oats stated he was a non-citizen Indian,
v.ul be introduced into the leglslntureiborn on the Pine Ridge Indian reser
ai the special session which convenes' vation in South Dakota; that he had
!' iv next Monday, according to Ben F. 1 received an allotment of land from
V vst, assessor fur Marion county and the government, and that he was en-svi-retary
of the stute association of paged in an occupation necessary to
County assessors. Ithe winning of the war.
According to Mr. West it has been' The indictment declared Dietz to
practice of deputy assessors in ar-,b an American citizen.-
"S at the v.Hiib f n.i . A Jury in United District
r'.y frequently in 'here disagreed last June 28
:ato,.,ent a to its worth Under an!havinS heard the presentation of evi
oi'.nion receifcly rendered by the Ore-ldence on a simi,ar indictment charg
f,n court the assessors do not,n "ith eva8f "fJL'lme
P"7SS authority to administer an!iv dft- "e,wiu? relnd cted the same
This, the assessors claim, leaves ia' b' a federal grand Jurj.
' at a great disadvantage in their
"K whil h they will attempt to cor-1
' tuU t!? s')eeiaI legislative wssion. j
' bill lias been prepared by Mr.'
H "ml is now ready for the atten-i
' oi the legislators,
troops now in Siberia, it was announ- era determine what they desire.
ced today at the state department. The Johnson is known to favor Herr-
first of the vessels, the President Orant mann ns chairman. Heydler Is snld
j estimates. It is said the village or Hn(j the America, will leave New 1 orK to oppose the retention of Herrman and
jSaltillo has been virtually destroyed for Vladivostok soon, where they will In view of the fact that no one has
and that 85 bodies were recovered :be about February ! jbeen selected to succeed the Clnclnnn-
These vessels will move about 10.000 tl man, it Is almost certain hp will wel
of the troops and It is expected that'conie delay. In this event, Herrmann
cados river at Apazapam, Pueblo Vie- th movement then will continue at will continue as head of the commls-
jo and San Carlos. Dispatches tell of the r(lte of in.OOO monthly until t slon, for the present, at lenst.
the pitiable plight of survivors. (completed. The cost of America's pnr-j
many or wliom Hist meir nom.-a uu ticlpation In the repatriation win ne
are living in the open In hourly feart.lken cftre of out (,f loans made by the
of renewed shocks. y lunlted States to the foreign govern-
Kelief measures are graHialiy talt-,mpnta whose soldiers are Involved.
ing form and a fund has been started RPpfltrlatIon of these troops will be
in this city, foreign colonies making un(1(,r tne direction of Brigadier Gen
liberal contributions. ieral nines, chief of the army transport
New earth shocks were felt here Bprvl(.e an,i wm be one of the last big
this morning and fears were enter- ;miutarv operations of the war. The
tallied that they were vibrations (TlpCno".giovai8 originally were part of
from another serious earthquake in 'the Austrian nrmy, but being unfriend
t lie region of Mount Orizaba. The :jy to the Oorman idea of world donil
shochs as registered at the astronom- i,;atjon (pS(,rtpd In a mass to the Russ
ical observatory near this city wer arn1je eartv In the war. In Russia
slight, beginning at 9:17 o clock ana, e re.formert into special Cze-
cho-Plovak units anil bore an lmpor
commlttoe declaring they were abso
assured that the Pacific coast
would win. Supporters of Kansas
City wore not so optimistic, but said
ithey still had a chanco.
The committee voted that until the
national convention was a definite de
cision, members nf the Associate Wo
men's National committee as now con
stituted should continue In office dur
ing the tenure of office of the' present
national committee men.
Charles II. Green, wsa
yesterday, He returned
to duty this morning but was nearly
an hour late and then had to be as
sisted to his seat.
Dr. 1. H. Colder, an alienist called
by the stale, resumed the stand lor
cross examination. Ho said that New
would not be able to timet any situa
tion like a normul man, because ha
lacked the Intelligence.
It was understood that I)r. Calder
was nrobiibly the state's last witness.
It reads as
Section 1.
The con my assessor of
y oumty and j,ig deputies, reS;.c-l"':''-
sh.,U have full i,nti,,,.- .
mn- ailv
? take
lasting three minutes.
r.K... fir.t tr. nr..,.) tt Thrt defense ,lt was announced, would
claims for the national convention, od- call one or two more witnesses, prob
dresses of invitation being made hyiably Miss F.dna Clancy, a half sister
former Mayor Carter Harrison, former!"' defendant, who has already
Lewis and!'mo ai i.-hkui. .."
(Ireen found himself unable to con-
Ponator James
Referring to'tbe local differences In tinue, It was believe.! the evident
democratic politics In Chicago, Mr. would bo completed today.
Harrison said nil of tho factions there
wore united in unking for the convention.
Treaty Iiwue Rutncflt II
The peqco treaty came to tho frontj
when nmld applause Senator Lewis de
clared tho paramount Ihhuo In the cnm-(
palgn would be foreign affairs and that!
-Major Oiuriatl,
signed as chief
the republicans by "malicious false-
Jan. 6. (Associated Press) .hoods" were seeking to "array the for
eign born citizens against America.
He pleaded that the convention go to
who recently re
of Gabrielo D'An-
ant part of the fighting on the east-IIUIIK0-H e;,idnet at Flume, left here jChicago so that the largo foreign born
em front. Honlght for Paris on a special mission population there could see first hand
Portland, Or., Jan. 8. The smallpox
epidemic In Porllund Is now under con
trol, according to City Health Officer
ParrlHh. 'i'lia health bureau, however.
Trie iwni-.-'5 n.w..,, .-;I()l. ,,le mHurgeni leaner in ine aui-i- tnui me party reauy whs iioi worsnm . . .,,.,.,..,,. ..,.u of new ruses for
ward through Russia and Siberia with atl(, MaJor c.lurlatl told the Assorl- HKilll,st them. 1 " t
the purpose of 'reaching VladlvcstoV :tlU.(, r,m he wa, empowered to deal "The republican.." said 8enator "ZoTi, lZ minil "ff
when it was proposed to send them tolWth ..crtan phases" of tho Flume iLewla. "have Indulged In that form of t"u1 , 1 . , ' . ....
of striiigent rules nod before the Isolft-
(Asociated Press Leased Wire)
'" oath authorized by law to;
not- ma(e relating to the as-!
El Paso, Texas, Jan. 8. Twice
i,i,i tho nast week Francisco Villa
""Mil and t . , .. . . I,,, to attack trains on the
' s-Ui-.e extent as any other officers railroad south of Chihuahua Citj,
"uhurixed to administer oaths (Mexico according to apparently re
tion It is hereby adjudged and' "able information reaching here t-
'Wei lhat txMi conditions are.- He also had two small encoun
'" h tnat this act is necessity for the ters whh MeTx troops dJr S
l'-'ehaie preservation of the public'same trtoi, if was said.
h-''h and safety; .da Villa was reported to -
feuc- la v.., . . ij.i tr. rfMtrdv a bruare near un-z.
'' declared to eiist inn
vi suai, taken effect and be lti
Chihuahua, and to have also auack-
1 ;'l force and e'fer-t fm ,. ed the railroad at La Cruz, cn.niua
wt frora and after is jiiua. He was reported to have 09
. men under his command.
i uoins ufrecteil ycsternuy.
ni'l Kirai "'O " i-.iin uiai i ... u,... ,y Aunoiii o.... afllcted
i withdrawal her iuse of the disorganize-; t,,t with Captain D AnnunzIo were', by seeking to summon every for- ,., , ' . m.anh bureau yester
Itlon of the country and frequent Inter- trUe,' 'he said. "Our differences were ,viK horn citizen to anltato his Krl"v-u ahw,.( 214 ,-ases In quarantine,
'ferenee by the bolsheviki and armed over questions of polity. I left theaucH mi, rely krauH the president, f .,,..,, ....,
port. and, or., Jan. . uoiwun (jfrmRn mn Auwr..i pnnn, 01 Moure 01 i-im-i 01 ''"' (napiieii,-i 10 n .i .,., 'Jefferson high school led to the luimw-
will gather In Portland today to con-; it was to neip extricate inese lore went iaca to my iratta.ion wiuui , iTewniing ie uiuiu:ii n... i v ..on1.. IIUI f umiKUtlon of ti
iHf ,hi fltute of the tariy anu matte from their precarious ookuioo umi. 01 our inaoiuiy 10 hkcc uui nn-, v w urcumtni, .vir. nuimflw t,.uH
1,1 in for the campaign of 19"0. It a merienn and other allied troops were , r.o conflict between Captain D'Annun- waH ready to make 11 guarantee of f "5,
will be a near-convention, camouflag- dispatched to Liberia last summer. Izjo nnd myself on Italy's asplralon odO for the eoiivention. The commit-;
ed as a "conference or tne pan) ior me annexaton 01 riumc. :te room roareu nan npiu.iuno n-ucu
leaders and ail good and true demo-j Major tiluriatl said a tralnload of ;he concluded by wiyiiiK that "for those;
ro;fl srrlven at nume tnoay. if us who have disagree'! aiioui 11 re-
"We have enough food to keep us ;cent public queMtion, can take
going," he declared, "but In any event care of both drys urid wets."
w will be faithful to the end In our ndi-ugo Is Out llhl.
dftenninatl'tn to bring about amiexa-j landore U. Jjockwellor of California,
. . Tl, . H'.li,I,tull . . . ... . 1 .... .i ,1 r'V. 1
j lion. v aro uii'i. ............ nomiriutini; mtn t riirittw.i,, um ii,
eouncll now is in complete ac orn cmko offer w Ith a prorrer or a guar
with Cat. tain DAnnunzIo. The fact'ttI),ed Buln of 1125, 00'J for expenses,
that I am going to Paris with full jtne free use of the municipal auditor-; vvtlson today was challenged under
powers to act prove wnat 1 nave t.lni; Btatin(f trout 1 5.000 to Dl.tlUO and tlje it,cj,ards pi luiary law to come tu
The day!
to be discussed.;
U Sllllir. nninrn iRfrrrUr VSn Fsmned
n mill) ruwni r,E - ",,n t a, a
II ni IIIIAT m ja
crats who wish to attend
will close with a Jackson Day ban
The main points
1 Systematic organization of the
t.mocrats In every county.
I Complete democratictickets
every county.
3 Complete democratic state tick
4-Com.ideration of the democratic .from Washington
presidential primaries. h(rf to,(!a3
"We are going to elect a democratic opening sess.on
resident In 1:0." declared
Senator Walter Pierce. La
Pierre, 8. D
Jan. 8, President
Spokane. Wash., Jan. 8. Delegates
Oregon afd Idaho.
In attendance at the
this forenoon of th
etate 'Washington IniKation Institute. Gov-,
Grande, ernor Louts F. Hart was expected uj
what address the afternoon session.
Pa , Jan. 8. Madam ltl Of two shoti
e.i Known mrouan- "" r . . k.-
f toun, - -.t..i.-, j.-- .- Kendelt. Is suspected 01 mum ..
hjtf j-er ,,i cv. .,',., the man who
1 niontown.
'"l Pow
&'-t th
todav after a battle with Patrcl- jical leaders wish it or not. an
,7 Murv during which Ran- this iue Oregon wiil roll up a
two shots at tne ouu." r. . juniy wt
bo gave the name of John)
lighter and more the afternoon program
SliiSJf additional funds for entertainment Houttl j,i,i,ota aml debute tha tssuun
purposes. Jot the coining campaign wltit Jamt
Han Francisco anked for the conven- .Monroe of Chkugo, who recently
tion for tho first time, Mr. Dockweller, f ilt!d um independent democratic
tiiild .as a tokn of a(,ireidatlon of what .cuudidulw at the March priiuariea.
the Pui.Sfic touJit did in the lattt election.
The claims of Han Francisco were,
seconded by Miss M. K. Foy, California
HMOt Ute di lexate, and J. lsruee Krem
er. Montana, vice chairman of the tia-
llional committee. Miss Koy said that
Policeman Dies Of Wound
Suffered In Bandit Fight
"as cane
. ,f.t, IttKt rpMri
l-nited States Senators U,dge, .IWa The president's addres. by Elbert M.
t.i a ri lan x Krt itansiu. ami jonnmtu nam "... t.-,... ... - .
trlK,H" .J-; IT:,,,. laa where he nate. The Issue will be 'the league ,the morning program, wttn aaartewe
escape from the Seattle Jail . h.,H.r the national tml.t- by Thonu.. B. Hill of KeatUe, secretary I
and on ,01 tne niiiniu .... , tional committee, Xilmi Koy saia tnat Denver, Co o Jan. 8 Officer Jamca
a ma-'ment aasociatloa .and L. C. Lur!m- Judge r. r. iiayes iv. 01 1 f ,.(,untry awake to nBKio died today from effecta of
game of Walla Wall. (burn, of Oregon is !, r,.0niblUtles of citizenship and wounds received Monday while police-
mate Treasurer W. V. fcherman and iU--n of the peace for alljlln 0o,t m the nation, "are mca wer, in battle with Adrian Thomp
Pliny aptK-aring iike.H. K. Dtan of Hermlston. Or., were oOjiore man ta """'"'''"'' "'.V aearchlna both parties to see what they . . youth whom the officers Bought
stand for." to arrest as a bandit suspect. Thomp-
She suffered a man . S,B Vrai.' .,,,able leads to the belief that al- I1" " T"V.. . I "We. the woman of the Pacific coast . wa. killed by the fire frora Boil-
n yesterday and,'"a"
-t . . "' . ; T..l n v nto-ht. 1
' nCVrt ,aSt':r,. b,T;;rar'. outfit were found in RwB
n account by
-fr,itntert I'ouce- aliver. out.
Harrington In fcan ma- maueao.. - j iJr.brak Dattnt WM uk- Hayes wa. a res.dent of Marion cun- ' r'VL ."'r
Twelve waicr.ea um,num was . " ... ..,!,,.' , ... P ,r than 49 veara are u"ar l"" ..Vw-.w gu, , revolver.
im oui . , e.,"b"" - - Wilson, she said.
his pockets, accoroms i