Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 07, 1920, Image 1

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Ayerage for Quarter Ending
December 11. 11
54 S 8
. Member Audit Bureau ot Circulation
Associated Preae Full Leased Wire
Oregon : Tonight and Thurs
day fair, continued colder,
gentle northerly winds
Maximum 45
Minimum 31
nvrAP xtna , .nT nmrnTirgnAv taxtttapv7 loon EIGHT PAGES. PRlCE2CENTS.
e l ' .
DEPORTATION Agreement Ending
Strike Is RaMedmiim W
Order For Arrest Of Alleged
Columbus, O., Jan. 7. The miners talf en on the motion oQ president
inconventlon here today voted to rat-'Murray ot the Pennsylvania miners
If y. the compromise agreemeat offer-organization that the report of the:
ed by President Wilson In the coal international officers be accepted. Ac-
miners strike and appointed a com-:cording to Acting President Lewis, the
ratification carries with it acceptance
of any award to be made by the pre-
The vote was
a plea for ratification. The vote was, 1,639 for ratification to 221 against.
'mission to draw up a new wage agree-
i i iir vulc wvtia lancii iiihl i i," i l i i noon
I noiW Of nniTiniHP.lStS III after Acting President Lewis had made sidenfs commission.
LllUUVl v w
United States Issued By
Justice Department
(Associated Press Leased Wire)
Washington, Jan. 7. A warrant for
the arrest and deportation of Ludwig
C. A. K. Martens, self-styled ambas
sador of the Russian soviet govern
in, 'lit, has been ordered executed by
the department o fjustlce.
Martens, regarded, officials say, as
the real leader of the Communist
imtv in the United States, was said
i, he in Washington. His arrest was
exneoted soon.
Determination of the government to
take Martens into custody was defi
nitely made after all evidence which
had a bearing on activities of the Rus
sian soviet bureau in New York had
been assembled by Assistant Attorney
General Garvin.
.Martens came to Washington near
ly a week ago from New York and
-v. ith his secretary and other assistants
lias occupied a suite at a local hotel.
Abe Ruef Free;
Good Behavior
Cuts Sentence
To ReoiK-u Ellis Island
Washington, Jan. 7. To provide a
place of concentration for the radical
aliens taken In the recent raids by the
department of justice, the department
of labor today took steps to reopen El
lis Island, New York, to its full ca
pacity. Assurances have been received that
sufficient funds will be forthcoming
from congress.
San Francisco, Jan. 7. After hav
ing been at liberty on parole since
August 25, 1915, Abraham Ruef, for
mer political boss of- San Francisco
who was convicted of bribery after a
sensational attempt to overthrow the
distrct attorney, was freed of all pa
role prohbitions today.
Today marked the completion of
Kuef's 14 year term which his cred
its reduced to 8 years and ten months.
He was committed to San Quentin
penitentiary March 8, 1911.
For the first time in approximately
12 years, counting the period of his
incarceration in the county jail while
awaiting trial Ruef may visit a cafe
where liquor is permitted, may leave
the city without a permit and may
sign a contract.
Eugene E. Schmitz, who was mayor
during Ruef's period as boss, was
convicted of extortion also in connec
tion with ' Ruef's activities, but tho
conviction was overturned by the i
slate appellate court.
Rural Dance Halls, Capital
Punishment And Dangerous
RaHroad Crossings Enter
Into Report To Court.
Washington, Jan. 7.'
indorsing President Wilson's stand on . a kept the 0f(lcers at bay for sev
me peace treaty ana cuiiimeiiums i eri hours. '- "r -.
.. To Pace Court Martini.
Young Bergdoll was taken to the
federal building and locked up.
Hearings Arc Sot.
New York, Jan. 7. Hearings In
the cases of more than 500 alleged
reds held at Ellis Island on deporta
tion proceedings began today before
immigration Inspectors. They were
taken singly from the detention quar
ters to small shearing rooms where a
stenographer recorded their test!
It-'ron H. Vhl. acting commissioner efforts to establish a, league of peace
at the island, estimated that the force Is to be laid before the democratic
of inspectors could complete from1 .national committee at its meeting o
thirty to forty hearings daily unless morrow with the backing of the com
the extremists prove recalcitrant and mittee officials.
interpose technical objections. "
At least three New York lawyers said Chairman Cummings today, after
!,,. have made a specialty of defend- consulting with various party leaders,
in- reds Since raids began in Novem-"the resolution will be so clear as to
her are ready to conduct protracted .leave no doubt about our position. We
proceedings are behind the president."
W hen deportation Is finally ordered The announcement that formal ac
.... ,n., ,.., ek to hrlmr his case be tion by the committee would be sought
f,,,- nnnn. hv ha hens oomus iiro-iwas taken as enhancing the prospect
, dings. i,,,at the treay would become an
i ,,. '.-,1- tiAaa n...w.,i in recent live campaign issue. The general
raids are likely to he released on ball pectation was
soon. Serret.irv Wilson has decided , would adopt
upon J 1 0 0 0 cadh as the amount
(Associated Press Leased Wire)
Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 7. Grover
Bergdoll. one of the two brothers ac
cused of draft dodging and who have
been sought by the police for the last
two years, was arrested In his motn
er's home here today.
Detectives broke into the house"by
the front and rear entrances. While
one of the men wrested a revolver
from Mrs. Bergdoll, mother of the
two accused men, the others went
through the house and found Grover
wrapped in a blanket, hiding In a box
Escaped Two Years Ago.
Grover escaped two years ago in a
high powered motor car and reports
reached this city that he was seen in
various sections of the west. He sent
impudent messages, written on post
cards to the authorities. Once he was
seen in Mexico and again In Cuba. He
was provided with a large sum of
money. His mother, Mrs. Emma
Rergdoll, is the widow of a wealthy
Although born In this country, the
Bergdolls were of German descent and
declared they would never fight
against Germany. Mrs. Bergdoll was
arrested several times on the charge
of obstructing the draft,
Later Mrs. Bergdoll was arrested
nhi -crai with nhstructlnsr lustlce
A resolution,,,. ..mi,,1c it wnH nlleeed. she
-The Marion county grand Jury
makes various recommendations and
findings to Circuit Judge Percy R.
Kelly, department No. 1, in a report
filed late Tuesday afternoon. Rural
dance Jialls, poorly protected railroad
crossings and capital punishment
were subjects of the grand jury's re
turn, i
The charges made by J. A. Ander
son concerning ine auegea miscon-
behavlor of an employe of the state
school for feebld minded was appar
ently not given consideration by the
grand jury. While the Jury was in
session, many witnesses were called
before the Jury and a special trip to
the school for feeble minded was
made. Anderson, as a former employe
of the Institution had aroused state
wide interest in his allegations by
writing letters to Governor Olcott and
to District Attorney Max Gehlhar.
Public Laxity Seored
The grand Jury report recommends
the reconsideration of the capital
punishment question by popular vote.
statingr . ! '
"The grand jury rurtner yecom
mends .that the legislature re-submlt
to the people the constitutional ques
tion of capital punishment."
Severely arraigning public laxity
which permits the evasion, of Juvenile
and common decency codes by the
toleration of public dance halls, es
tablished beyond the scope of city
regulation; the grand jury reported
observations concerning rural dance
Spurred to activity by numerous
complaints and by reports made by
city and county authorities and per
sons interested m Juvenile protection,
the Jury called numerous witnesses
during the session now terminated.
Testimony was received which estnb
llshod that the condjjet of patrons of
Tho hall was questionable especially
as to occurrances in the vicinity of
the dance halls and in journeying to
and from these amusement resorts.
Control Is Needed
That persons 'under age were jible
to attend these dances at later hours
than permitted under city ordinances
whs another feature of various com
! nluints entered, and also that the
greater portion of patronage Is re
crulted from Salem and nearby towns
Rural dance hulls near Salem are, the
Auburn hall and the halls near Che
mawa and I.Ivesley stations. The evi
halls did not
Twenty Churches
Represented At
Big Conference
Atlantic City, N. J.. Jan. 7 Near
ly twenty proteatant denominations
are represented at the opening session
today of the co-ordination conference
of the Inter-church world movement.
Nearly one thousand delegates were
on hand when Dr. John R. Mott, gen
eral secretary ot the Y. M. C. A. rap
ped for order. Among those In at
tendance are 11 bishops of the Meth
odist Episcopal church. Representing
the Philippines are many heads or
church boards and field workers in
the new era movement.
The primary object of the great con
ference is the coordination of the ex
penditures of the protestant denomi
nations with a view to avoiding
waste and the overlapping of effort.
The opening session was devoted
to some extent to presentation of for
eign surveys, designated to show the
needs of Asia and other foreign fields.
Rev. F. W. Bible of New York,
forecast a homeogenous Chinese em
pire stretching from Siberia to the
Pacific coast, and including Malaysia.
Gabriel Porter American Citizen Employed Bv Penn-Mex
Company, Shot At Tuxpam, December 21. Advices To
State Department Say; Total Of 20 Deaths Reported
From Tampico District Since April 1917.
(Associated Press leased Wire)
Washington, Jan. 7. Gabriel Por
ter, an American cltlsen In the employ
of Penn-Mex company, was shot and
killed by a Mexican federal army o
ftcer at Tuxpam on December II, ac
cording to advices received oy me
state department today, from the Am
erican consul at Tampico.
The consul Immediately was order
ed to report further Information and If
the circumstances warranted to urge
'the local authorities In the Tampico
dlsrlct to arrest and punish the guilty
SO Americans mucu.
Mobrldge, S. D., Jan. 7. A score
of persons traveling In day coaches
were injured about fifty miles west
of here last night, when the west
bound Columbian passenger train on
the Chicago, Milwaukee and St, Paul
road broke through a small bring
near Watauga. Twenty five vlctfms
Washington. Jan. 7. The Mexican
government has been called upon by
th state deDartment to use very
This makes a total ot !0 Americana .,.. UOBHble to apprehend and pun-
killed In the Tampico district by Mex-lim tne nvunlerer ot yJ. Honey and
leans since April 7, 1917. Klghteen ofjKHrl u0wlea, American oil men In the
them were employes of American oil
Yesterday the consul at Tampico re
ported the murder of F. J. Roney and
Karl Bowles, oil men employed in me
Tampico oil field. '
Immediately upon reoeipi yesxerauy
ot the ieport of the murders, the Am
lean embassy at Mexico City wa In
structed to urge the Mexloan govern.
Tampico fields. The state department !ment to take prompt steps to brine; the
immediately instructed the embassy at, murderers to Justice. ii
Mexico City to urge the Mexican gov- consul at Tampico was urged to get
eminent to take prompt steps o bring action by local authorities.
ih ntv to lustlce nnd similar ac- The dispatch to the state department
tlon by the department In the case Mia the two men were murdered near
brought here today. Ten are porter was expected when the con-
qulte seriously Injured
ably will recover.
but all prob-
Aberdeen, S. D., Jan. 7. Twenty
persons were Injured, several seri
ously, early today, when several cars
of passenger train No. 17
sul had reported additional Informa
Accident Report False
Washington. Jan, 7, The Mexican were killed.
authorities first reported that Porter
Port Tjohos and that their bodies were
discovered January 5. They were em
ployes of the International Petroleum
company and were supposed to have
had the company's payroll when they
17 on the Chi- had been accldcntly shot by a compan
cago, ana hi. j-hui '. ion In a party roturning irora s osnuo.
known as the Columbian, went thru investigation by the Penn-Mex offl
a burning bridge two miles from Ma- cinia anj by the American consul was
tauira. S. D. The train was west bound
Several of the victims were
to Mobrldge on a special y-ain.
Meager reports rewivwu im nvin
Mobrldge saldUhat the "locomotive
and first few coaches" of the long
train passed safely over the bridge,
when it collapsed. The coaches and
sleepers were alt of steel construction
and none caught fire. It was said.
uii.l to have deevloped. however, that
fhe was Bhot by an army officer. Por
ter's home wns In Fullerton, Cal.
released by the immigration aulhori
I: s. In some eases they were found
i lie citizens and in others it develop
ed that there had been improper iden-.uiealion.
Stockholm, Jan. 7. Nikolal Lenlne.
ao- Russia,, bolshevik premier, has mado.ience ugalnst-the rura
ex- a new neace offer to the allies, which tend to show that any actually
that the committee ,, being taken to London by Colonel j( ctlonuble conduct occurs at the halls
the resolution; helping Tallents, British representative In the The report of the grand jury fol-
to open the way for discussion of the Baltic states. Among other conditions lows:
complaints have been made regard
t..i, Ti'tiiient 1 1-'.-r,i n inta pv tribunals. HCCOrulIlK IU
speech by William Jen-nn Esthonlan newspaper. i-lml"" '"5"
the treaty Is expected
' Sixteen persons' sent to Kills Island subject at the Jackson Day Banquet included In the offer Is a Prorniae to
os the result ot recent raids have been .Thursday night. abolish terrorism and the activ ty of
son and in a
nines Bryan,
hv committeemen to be brought prom
inently forward at the banquet. hat
they will say nnd how far their views
will coincide was the subject of spirit
ed discussion today. ' j
The committee resolution Is under
stood to go no further than indors
ing the position of the president.
avoiding any direct declaration for.
ratification without reservations.
The fiKht over the place of this!
year's national convention also to be
'derided tomorrow, has become more
spirited. Of the six cities asking for
'the honor, only three seemed to i.e
Hserlous contenders. They were San
Francisco, Kansas City and Chicago,
Mexico City, Jan. 7. Hundreds, ;,vth the two former making ine mui
'ss.hly thousands of lives were lost 'vigorous fights.
Galveston, Texas, Jan. 7. Francis
co Villa Is surrounded by Mexican
federal troops In the desert of Hcch
Icero between the states of Chihuahua
and Coahulla. und his capture Is ex
pected momentarily, according to a
dispatch received here today by Mex
ican Consul Firro. Generals Muigula
r.nd lMecue are III command of the
pursuing columns,
(Associated Press Leased Wire)
Antwerp, Kunduy, Jan. 4. Tho sum
of 7tU,"0,00 was realised from the
.-in ..f American slorke .remaining In
France after the departure 01 tne
American army, said Brigadier Men-
..rni w. I). Connor, ciilef ot starr 01 ine
American department of supply, wnoi
o,,in.,i ti.dav for America. no esu
muted the value of the stoc k at $1,700-
t'uoo.OOO and declared It would have
, Ha.OOO.OOO. to tako them bueK to
...I !.. retailed In various
i in. . j
icokinlileH Kreat losses would have lieen
1 ,i m il... imienso would hive
ibeen heavy, lie Hilld. Franco paid
1 1 ao, 000,000 fur stocks It too over,
'while other allies and smaller na'lniiH
im,.,l mmnllc for filBO.O'ift.OOO.
!ah an Ufsel against the stocks boimht
Everett, Wash., r Jan. ,-Luollle
Corbett, aged HQ, and iXjJ. Parsons,
both of Seattle, are dead as the result
of an automobile accident last night
on tho Pacific highway at a curve at
Silver iJike, south ol Kvereii. sr.
nnd Mrs. W. . Bwenson, also of Se
attle, who were the other member of
the party, and who suffered broken
legs, are In a hospital here. Parson
was driving and fulled to make the
turn, the auto striking a telenhi'iie
pole, llu was killed Instantly end
Miss Corbett died here early thle
Heallle, Wash., Jan. 7 1. C Par
sons killed at Silver Lake last night.
v. as .5 years old and
as a printer on
was employed
Heattle newspaper.
( Associated Press Leased Wire)
as a result of the earthquake which
shook the state ot Vera Cruz Satur
day night. So widespread was the dam
ae and so wild are some of the sec
lii'iis that suffered that it is probable
l', number bf casualties will never
t-f known.
Private dispatches from Vera Cruz
ai.d Jalapa s.iy that i00 persons lost
iKs'ir lives at Cuuxilan. Thirty lives
v t? lost at Tcorelo, where thivej
ti-arches and forty houses were d-
Tho legislative :ialls are
ready for the reception
of the lawmakers who
will convene here in spe
cial session next week at
the call of Governor Ol
cott. The dust that has
accumulated on the dv-sks
In the house and senate
since the adjournment of
the regular session has
been cleared away. Spit
toons hava been resurrect
ed from their hiding
places and new Inkstands
and wastebaskets have
been provided to replace
thuse purloined by the
... I souvenir seekers In the
I last regular assemblago
Pnrls Jp.n, 7. Today's newspapers j , h ,inn and the
apree that Premier Clemenceau will be; u,rm puri0in;d" is used
Volcanic rvuiitloiia have occurred icte.t uresident of France on Janu-
i.t Cofre l'el'.Mite, from which point nry j?, although there has been no of
n the of Orizaba the shock acknowledgment of his accept-."ff-ined
to center, according to rum- the candidacy.
advisedly at that, for
when It com8 to souve
nir hunting there Is very
liitle In the form of move
Kdltnrlal opinion Is for tne most pan , , nroueny that
eulogistic, although ine exirennm.
or. Mood nisters pouring down
i escados riwr have Inundated lsh- poiogisTlc. although the extremists re;,,.4r7M .:ie eagle ey of
uacan. M.ihauxtian and Tlepnnala. sarcagtlc. It is pointed out that thls; thoR(i who fliow ln th(
tule many ranches are under water. ,g ,he amX fme In the history or tne, tral, fi( a legislative as
lMrranra Grande and Los Stmones r.i, rs,niiMlc that a president has. , .
10:30 Moniluy (lie Hour ithe well known dilatory tactics of
nnrnln. at t ft 5 11 n'rilifV '. leKIBJilll . c " J
T. Vinton In the J
Instance of the kind was mat 01 aiar- ,(nd g)ieaker Seymour Jones in the
are also suffering from fluoda. It Is re-',. v,n from amone "outsiders.
U nited from Vera Cruz. Twenty bod- ... .he fact that M. Clemen-j
i -s have bn recovered from the Pes- .i,rv 17 will be neither a! Monday
tide at Jaleonuiloo and Apaxapan. '!,,,,.... nor a senator. The only other j -resident W.
. rrr inree hiisiu. iiiuvKs
i VF.V "rs I , fl i
, t
Aberdeen, Wash., Jan. 7. Jaeli
,. ,i,i ,i,..k ..rricnr of the Aber-
Krance that country unde-toot J0;,,,,,,,, 'l(,n,.e department, was myster-
clal.ii.1 unioununn nil,r,i,(ri.,i shortly btttore i
iiiiv damage
nnmlv 1.000.000 francs as a rnsibt or . . . , ,,illt on thd Utmham
American operations in iiaiiiinK'u-"i"',(1()eki ,)t of tl street, on tile hum"
When the American army went, ,),.,, w,lt,.r front, shot throuKh the
1'iance it was iiureed that rarnis uno hwirt rturI1( a KUti duel, liut one oui
bulldliiKS used by It In training 'vouhl ,,.t e,ere, (irecr's body, and powder
bo left In the same condition as found. !,a,.kM nmir the wound showed the
Miles of trenches were dUK anil build-,()h()t , ll!ive .eii fhed at close ranKe
Inns were tleniollshed and American i N,,,ir (ir.,.r-B body was his own re
f.irces were rushed Into Germany bo-, v,,V,,ri wnh four shells empty.
fore the land could lie resioreu m n. One theory is uiai nri
former condition. boot!cKfrers runnlnK a Phmt. Greer
Gouerol Connor BKnln denls t thn Uv(.(1 ,.,. t,e scene of the crime,
old story that the I'lench made thej
American army pay ror tne ue. n.
It occupied ill France.
Th. ..! truth." he said, 'Is that;
provident oy
the Piiabe
ole Houe
tlie American army has not pan
cent for any ground used or for any
thing destroyed at the front."
I- rday, so feeble that they could be slml jfncMnhon. second president of
u lecieu ot.iy oy instruments, w he republic
1. rr.mean noises are still ni.llce.tble (
i the I'edresai. a rocky wasle near,
It . city and groat rravka have ap-
I'.aied in tho earth. Travelers return-i
'is? here front Vera Crux say some!
'"'-ami were dried up as a result of j
the shock and It U feared that many;
t 'ills near Ori4b;v which depend up-;
i watet4oeer wi I b compelled to
Sev er.vl oil wells nrtr Tuxpam have
b.'en Kpuutiitc petrolecm since the
e.rthquake, ncvorJtns to aJyices from
era Cruz.
Not Particicatra'
h Demand Fcr Wilheki-r
(house of representatives will beat up
',m their respective desks with their
Ires'H.-ctive travels and rail
sjectlve orifariizatlons to order. H )W
ill last Is a mere mat
in which the av-
IllllH Mount l'p
Governor OaoU's cull for Ihs ses
sion set forth five measuies Vir con
sideration. Tbi se ir.cluded the In- j
crease in tile rate of compensation !
their re- paid to irijure l workiin. ine resto-
ration of r.!i punishmnl, provis
ion for adili i"iil funds to carry on
the work of educating Oregon ex-
qualified to. service men under the terms of the;
educational a;d bin. remMiy-
(the creation of a new commission of
two 'ler.anmem or i
n. one to care fo
Ameroneen. TueK'lay. Jan- " Urate reader is as iuny
,,.! f,,r the extrsdllion oi ., is the wit polr.ician
' - - n-,ni,.m nt nermarfV & ...... , ar ruh nr.usrh tii "G;sllaBher aniendtnent'' to
In which it Is known America will not ,0 papr, iheniselve as of the pin
.... r. ainected at the Hasrue , ,h lf dsvs will uuffice it
, ' . it th.,h in rinr the decics f .r adlourn- r.n irrgdtla lind, and the rtific.
I it nn dispatches have stated r,nt. Among th more eonwrvatlve , (son ot th,f
..i..ny,itAri. rr-iirnt BurTnnitr v,....v.r if, ximti limit 19 -l ai sii r.jeni ij
nn embarrass The .etner-',n way fr.,m ten to teentjr ia- . taeee rave i-h ' a -
Uresis of the commercial risncrrnen j
and the other representing the sports
men of state.
s .on U-ngth t muTtaln
Aided to these administrative"
ineasures are numerous other pet
measures which have bobbed up from
every section of the state umli now
r.iore than a seor of bills stare the In the face. These bills ev
er tt wide range of subjects. Including
tu protection of lk and the regula
tion of the high cost of living. Wheth
er or Rut these will 1 admitted Into
woman suffrage amend-.the prex-nee of the egi.ur i"
the federal constitution. T,j . tjenend upon the action taiun ijr inai
I Amoclited l"rei- leased Wire)
Wostiliigt-iii. Ja- T. I'euiocratK
from all parts of 'the country cm
tinned to arrive In Washington today
t . . . 1 A ..
the In-1 to attend tomorrow tne j.-ickb-.u -mj-
the famous quiuiiienniiw
event of
the state corortliution providing rr
in mate guarantee of Interest pas s;.m
In Lane county last year marrt.
b'-enses nurtiliered SS. while 1H di
vt.-e actions were f.leil. '
. . ...rr.M Tne .eiUT- r , .
rvtner if - . ,. , ..,.... .'. .. ...... w ...,..,-,,- Hin.iu.-k the
lands siAernmen!, nut it ie hoiik-h'- upon ine ii i iv "' .
' . . ii Hu tiro.!. a .... .inn ih. !. unw nrominentlT roention! fish and,
Wton of Holland and her refusal Ur the session of the lepslature andignrt.e controvery. This will cull for; the
honor the allied demand.
organization upon Ite convening here
Ami up'-n this action largely depend
er.gth of the special semiion.
The members of the Oregon state
as oi -lalion of lb national farm loan
iiMoclallons. numbering about 75, will
gather 111 Hale m January 27 and I
for the second annual convention of
the HtW'jclatlnn, according to an an
nouncement Wednesday by A. C
l.ohmHt.-dt. l-eal representative of tne
farm loan association.
The Oregon mate association wae
formed at tt meeting last year In Ktt
Kene. when the organization had 5
..i, bein. About ten more niemtwre
he democratic party whenjiav)( ien in. lulled since. It la esti
mated, and It Is believed inai n
Kccond convention will bring all mem
ber. The president of 'he Oregon state
association U K. C. Kmery. The sec
retary Is 1. V. Kyre, cashier of the
t tilled States National bank hero.
The convention will be attended t
representative of the district federal
..un bank at Spokane, Wash., and
repretk-nlatlva of the Joint Ktock-lin-1
tank of Han Francisco.
sneakers considered of presi
"timber" discus public qiieHtlons.
Although the bumpiel la supposed to
be a side Issue I 'he meeting of the
ilt.ttif.cratic convemion lor -
of time and place for the national!
convention, main centers in
A letter from President Wilson will
be read and an address by William
Jennings I'.ryan are expected to have
an Important bearing on the presi
dential campaign.
federal officials ill a governm-nl
raid at Urhfield Saturday night
failed to make a single arrest or find
any Incriminating propaganda
radical literature.
A bill will be presented at the com
ing special session of the leKtslatur
removing all school evies from apul
catton of the 9 per cent taz limitation.