rffit r IE FHODUCTS rHiFUOtlDTO BEGI1J11Y 19 A.. A" A. I DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, Governor Charges Fish And Game Commissioners To Settle Differences LE" OP.EGO nvmv JANUARY 5, 1920. I. . Mmmulc.Uon rtirmi to Ih. latur a dlrlsion of authority rer the jm.mbni of th atate ft ad tm. commercial Jid rtmn a inr conuniarioil Ornor Olcott Motiaajr , jbelT, br the etDijansne-. v. - 'put th adjuetment of tb difflcuitiee conmiM(IB of three 'member to b Kwtt aMreaant l ! ' vbkh ha P"t th board directly up c0)tro, y,, commercial lnt.r- Oroa r. "T cl'.laea of Ba- tb nunbtn. aa follow.: cmml-ion of Ct mom- fcrai ta k. .rf to pha. Or-con "1 bar. "' th. fi.hrrie. and jatne or.r tb. Inter- areductaTrto, tb. . be- commute of tbo two ho of the to he fc aua eirteiatur to meet in )olnl iun her dtaaeneion and "fl ,h ,4ih' oday to dla. oo,ly d fair!, do- f.y .llminafd. To tb. w lb. tlm lct4 at tho rwUrlvatoammta in affair. relatlre to atate "OTnmimion compM. Juiiodlction vwofcly lunch of tbo BaJom baaine. edmtnletralion over commercial fiah- hoa!(. ernlfi orr commercial mmm M ta tomworcMu o """r inj na over id. . fsum jnjrrw. ar.d to th otner complete and bring about harmony in any ma terial dcre. it 1 we" worui, dept thought. -la eonelueion it la tr.y opinion that tho gorrnor abould bo a member of, noitoer comnlaum. It ia not proper policy for tho governor to be a mem ber of a commi-lon of thla natur wbatorer legislation i n-- aboold contalo no proviaon p"" v.. ,.mor on aiiher or BOia ") auch eommtanlona I am hopeful that everyone w" work toward th. nd of tho greateat good that local, aecUona! or faction al Interest, may bo xoraoiwu -common effort to arrive at that good far tbo Home Product Wa. A com atttr. aae amdw of which repro arata on kind of boalnoea la th. city, ru aanwd to make ail . ry r- yacwweeu for tb. woek. ife of tho t turtadictlon over gam. flab and "It ia my plaa to oullin. in a general Ji(t way to yo th. propooai. I Intend to xgnatlon probably will bar. to mak. to th. -clal ocuafun of tb. leg- VOTuti out aa to opening and eloo lalmuro Mat woek. If you doem It i- 0f trma. and kindred matter Tkia wwek. only b-jflaning Jar.uary ... rfn .f,r a full and free dia- .hlrh mar be th. baai. of poesible IT. la th. Hrlo4 during whieh a a- I would ugwt that your int confllcta It tm jult. probabU that tloiaal thrift raieoalgs will bo ataged. coromjtW! formulate aoro. plan, fo Uch dlfficulUe. could b overcome rooliac that tb greateat thrift a ci 11-' propo4 leaiton which may be In- t y extending to th. aeparat. commla- viadrid. Jan. I. Earthquake ahoclu war. felt in th. interior of the Canary Ialand. yeaterday. according to o patchea from Laa Palmaa. Great crev- eaa were opened In the eann, irua which column, of amok. ar Issuing. A volcanic eruption la feared. prn of eommanity caa practloa t. the: 4aJMwtaiBt ef tbo lnteroeta of bia an ewnmoBily. which la thia caael vratd be tbo parchaae of homo-made yrwdona. the buatnea. men decided to 0aat both rampalgn. totbrr. Ctarh Mekre Talk. Hpxaklng for th. home product. wooIk. A. aoriarod te tb baatoeaa B. It roducd early at tb. .pecial o-oaiun. ion th. nncemxry power, oi opemna -M aole obloct In calling you and cloaing atram. reiaUve to their ether la that wrm. concrat. baal. may reapectlv. lnterea In cae or con . . . i. ii- nifia on Ihia or other matter, an arbl reacneo, u poawuie. ir - - .... ..t . eu-iv A. t.atlon board mlht act Thla board " ould bo conatltuted of th. chairman meo pian. of ,acn commlmuon, with the attor- -B.u- of tha intaraat that al of ,ral actln, a, a tWr4 MnVtt. to have had In fih and game matter. ' fh irt,ltP1,tlon board roa were ale.ted to aerv. on meae wul con,utu,d ln Kmm other thruuh;,'a'a ,!omrnlu, ' ""l lau manner, .uch aa by the aelection of 1 would be pleaa.d to meet here to die- ,h. rf(!nt,retd cltlna. theae elt- !T!T"!, ,i .k lr""- Problema and to ndMvUr , , a mradiately after "Tneea ugge.uwna r mil ... jmendatlon. whlth might matertan .n ., v. delay and enhance prompt action ,hlr nature and are offered for your Haw the mail order nouae Bv.nln of the eitraordl- tonalderaUon aa a poaalbla baaia from Mrim inroutbout in. we. '- n, which to work Ferhapa better plan. mmmg wcai wvmrr 'i Mv, mlm) ukeB lh, ub.rty ot . r b, work.d out than tho.. which ratara eoajf burin wa told by Mr. ., K ... . ..,, , . ,m frin I believe, however, tha: "t ?t ""a 'T'lTvutlon to any olha conanlentloualy r. rt conotdratlon .hould be ra weia laid by mall erdr bouaea to Mt wi, mnd di. glv(!n to th oueatlon of wgr.gaUon. eaalolt wtra tndttatry. and that If ,n,I " v. ..h.r blana hav. brougiU dlawnalon thia tat be halted th. "bu-ne. rdrtorotTh. t m. cl 'th to . 1-" n" "lan houM, tha wat ikuO ( their belt oa a ,n dtP"toii of tn. tim or tm. mt or.j ogt. Tn propoaal of . ..a !... .w. ,i l"ir entirely under your control the In- wor"a "ul; t. ' ... , .,.! ma navw m it i pulley and beat tha mail order mi at their own gm." Th pmoo who palruiiiara mall or-; .... i- aeereiratlon - .tr "i:.:: z r: " future, but by crui thought th.e fee fact thai th aaailty of th rood. " 4 'lna ,h,lr v,, upuB ha to purthaetog la t aw-flfth of th. . J"nt commit toe only. In aaking uauty the goode mad. In hi. own reprnuiWee of th. varioua intoreat. Imna towe are, and who fall, to have Pr"" I do an In th. feeling and We-wad product. In hi k.ua. i. a """ ha " nilrbU nJ hacmonlou. kaadwr and aught to move out.- 'djumt.t could b. rea. hed. KafemHc lleU lawnraaa. "A t,rUlu n'0UBl uf ly "' ,h Th fact that tow ftalem reaident. h UI rrlvln ot any lar kaov little or bMhiug of the Induatrto ccluloo for th. good of all. No two la thlr awa city waa mntlood jrUnd. willthlnk long dlrwlly the earn Mr. CJarh, Itrack In arriving at a given onclu- loa. Hut l reel mat w are an in- rtd in th welfare of th aial. I el that w. era all willing to aacilnce may b largely eliminated. If eegr "Jtow many of th. people In "alera know that two of th largMt dlatrtbw era and twa !( dvrtir ln the Caltod aWaa ara housed In their w,"" ' opinion in an endeavor to Jiyt ferhap they hav never vn -" h' " b h Wad af th lba ernnitan and ih au. greater bnent or ail. w nn tnea im- Klng rroduct. company "Haw many ot them know that (tla that are being aent and aed In all parte f the world are mad her m theto awa glev factory How many af theni va know you hav a glow tectoryr . "All thla wttl he brought to them aald, "and they will learn to know that pradupta for whtnh they aand to afl ardSer houae f,r are made right tor, bad ald even cheap than they haa get them at mail order hotia, In limn Product Week." Th aaaMCiRiad Induatrlea of Oregon ready with prtve. Mr. Clark aid, for ht dtaplay of home prod fcrt by merchant at th. city. Th eomwIHM rhMn to launch th toot prod wet ihrirt week la flalem U: fU Kbietd. VT. M Walton. Re. H. N Aldrtok, J. r, tlutrhaana. William Oahhaitorf, Jattia Klvla and John II Bnelt. portant Interaat at .tak. I took for m. atlafaciory aotutiun of Ih. prob m. developed. "Calm and dlapaaalonal dlacuaaton will bring out Ih varied Idea and out of .uch dlacuaaioa a wutltabl and aeceptaUl program .hould fullow. "in a general way I have had In mind auggeattng to th coming lgl. "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIYL book at Tonsnel BatBora Polasii From Stomactk, Unr and sotreia it - Clearance of Ladies' Hats Now greatly reduced. In keeping with our policy of never carrying over hats from one season to an other, we are placing ail hats on special 6ale at J4 to Vi Original prices. $ 1 .49, $2.49, $3.75 OUR PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST Gale & Company Commercial and Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store it.eoat -- vr i r nro it i ieffffS iflaKC 0J.JJ naUl been removed Saturday. OS ' In Blowiing Office Safe bonds, placed In the safe Friday, had string of freight cars, smashing engine ana inrovwug vnc t-aia aiuiu track. WANTED USED FURNITURE What have you to sell PHONE 1177 Best Prices Paid W. E. Lucas Ferry and Liberty Sts. 4 i 11 '1 The aernnrl train wreck within a 'week occurred at Toledo, Wednesday, Spokane, Waah., Jan. B. KcgotlaWe wnen a freight engine crashed into a securities, stamps and money to the to- Aeeept " (Xtfornla ' Brrnu of Fig'tai value of te952 were stolen from a, ZZIZIZZIZIiZIZI .nly-iook for the nam Uaiaonua on I the offlce of the internation. Ik paekajre, tben you are sure your , , ... ,ViM ia ),. ha.t -oat harm Portland Cement company in an office lea. laxative or phy.ie for tae little .building here some time Sunday, it was ttomack, Bver and howem. tTiiiilrea reveaieu iuuuj JOURNAL, WANT ADS PAT -JOURNAL WAXT ADS PAY v. it deUcioD. fruity tatt. ruU di-.-eeliom for child' doe en aack bot tle. Oiv It without fear. Uotkert Yoa moat ear "California" (Adv) when the safe wo opened. The lorn consisted principally o coupons of the first mortgage bonds of the company valued at $5850. Ten thousand dollars worth of liberty For Long Distance Auto Trucking Willamette Valley Transfer Co. P1400 WE ALSO DO LOCAL HAULING. mmf.S'SF!!!!!! 5 -.--aMaMaiimM aaaaaB Ba M TIIE FITTING OF GLASSES t all fi titn)iih kiHmk-lK of ilw ce. Iiiithly accurate actcntlflo tnatramrnta and tbetr tm4a manlmlion. In our iiunlrrn )(kl dttainttii nffcr Micao lilti- In llctr lullct im-wurr. Have aa rtHutiuo yuur rc. HARMN BROS. CO. Jewelers and Opticians State and Liberty St. Let us help you to beat the High Cost of Living. We can't do your work for you but we can help you to save when you buy your Clothes. j Salem, Or. II ARRESTED FOR RUNNING OYER BOylBsEmsEffl SPECIAL -TONIGHT ONLY -USUAL EUGH PRICES- BURNS BROS. Nashville Students Hart Shaffner and Marx Suits are All-Wool so they last Ion- ger. You buy fewer suits and therefore the cost is less. satisfaction is guaranteed. Youv rrid ah ninnlui over t'-n' 4j taaeeli. It, win ft Ut and Mia It U M lvil. a h a plalu lq from of )) kia fcim at ail kiih rowrtwnth: Hi Tj. l .Miiit. Jri- lrl,Aii CiS a frm i..t..l.y. 11 1. i,! W er4 ith fl.ii(. o ren.iee awi-)H) MM aftw I-!, c ti J (u,k tha iad jW liiafcaw l in a l.t hik,iui K aajure jti.j A(;-,u, a ut laft Hu iiial ksa ! -j., i.j til aia inuiu), ewrdi wltHrjM. CraKacu y atitwd hi Htarhbi ti.M k eyonj'Hj he th a ;.it.i ontirrvd, aft.r he d f lui.i.it. oer th ly j A aad ttai lie nura, tm .; U Uatted e l.i. may. I uti-,a U i. aid 1 taa., t.rut4 ) , aevwai ivi. (veta rr aiiu.ard ut j hp Steamer Bound To U.S. lM t With Orgo Worth ISMilBoalg eWltl. Waab . Jan t - -Cr r- 9 Md awrtft lll.e.'tf$ la etward tl J., iot, Ulkfc,. ami alar du Ivere Monday fv.w T.. !. th Niw Tu K .,,. ,.. af tK ua( aiiiuutt.i today. ) ia4 In lite ir are f.li , Ma tuua.4 .rt til.Ut a.d llll barkatr -t Co.w B, Ia:Uri, j 11a. T r 1 W lh moat vu. " ' aeht ta tWti n one Any man can dress shabily. Because that style of dress re quires no exertion no will power. If you are neatly dressed people recognize you as a man with a purpose in life. Your pur pose is to attain all which life offers you. Our merchandise is of High Quality and our Tatrons appre ciate the fact that it is. HART SHAFFNER AND MARX SUITS AND OVERCOATS. MICHAEL STERN SUITS AND OVERCOATS. BISHOP FABRIC SUITS ' g - 53 Jf.i, n ' I Pity ii-"jje fc --:: I i 1 1 ' 5 i; ... - A- - " a j " - - i t - I ' - r 1 f - .- " ; J ' - - i - - - JUST WRIGHT SHOES Pcdca Ms Te Boys Al i Stale Triias School Aa cue of f.muieaal liaWw' ' uunin. at Kooi. Wal- VS? a. r...... . u..n. cunaaj "ld IB tn!llu-i turn and tJWe4 te th tnn.&ir. KhS ava4 .! to tea o aim u r'-'t " i mnj inaut irM !he ! Mttuln dMeimined ta c4 a fcttjii l:f there. 'nr. ,it ilia ta.'k ta tl !.- at 11. train -...si onntH a aiua ta liae ac4 raa intlralinl a wll a iitMraiuU4 Ttfca boy. Invited bia t turn a.in tw tli ioauiuiiim and taifc l threa. JOI-nvtl. WANT A2a PAT JFii nAI H a.VT AOS J AT JuLK.NAX. WANT AUU I'AV IMTfU 15-C0LCRED LNTERTALNERS-15 SPECIAL JAZZ ORCHESTRA GOLDEN WEST COMEDY FOUR LAUGH LAUGH THE NAME BISHOP is a sign of High Quality and Unlimited Service. " 't'SH THEATRE You do not take a chance to lose if you purchase here. Salem Woolen Mills Store C: P. BISHOP, Prop. EVERY FAMILY IX MARION AND POLK COUNTIES A PATRON i " - V - v. t - - . t I ht r- --------1 ,8 - - - i f ' " - ' L - f i - - ? ! f 111 4 C "i - K? 1 " ' - - - 1 v ' ' ' . ' "J i 1 f. ' .". ? . ' ,i- 1 "Bi 'n r- -fhrnf V - . the th