Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 05, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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ew 1 oday -
esulis a
Small Ads GetR
11 Cost
Rate per word Each Insertion one .
.mi six mseruuu u vuun -
5 insertions. II cents, one j car. per
"outh. S centa Minimum per ad 2
WFaat Insertion only In New Today,
ntv ads cash in advance and not tak
en over phone, unless advertiser has
monthly account. No allowance for
chone errors
New Today.
V NTED To rent house, 4 or 8
' ropi.s. furnished or unfurnished,
rhur.e 1944R. 6
I OR SLE Nine room house close
ni on paved street: good terms.
Price S2S00. Call 740 S. Com. 6
IOR RENT Three furnished house-l-e'epinp
rooms on first floor. Call
-it 574 X. 15th and Marion. 7
rem SALE Baled oat straw.
BARRED Plymouth Rock cockerels,
'"'stiindard bred, choice stock. $3.50
Mrs. VV. A. tsones. a.
74F2. -
nMVTcn School girl to work for
Loan! and room in family of three,
m, washing, rnone siom.
FOR RENT Front bed room to gen
tleman. 854 N. Com'l. 6
V ANTED Driving horse and buggy
in exchange for feed and .upkeep.
pplv Cherry City feed barn. 4
i,,)STOn Jan. 2 a lady's pocketbook
containing a check for $50. some
Keys and some small change. Ke
ivard 1 1)73 Marion street. 7
K'OHAXGK Will exchange part or
111 of thirty raw prairie quarters
in the Red River valley. Marshall
lovmtv, Minnesota, for a running
garage, city property, or small Im
proved farms near Salem or Ku
gpne. Or. These lands are level,
well drained and rich soil. Give
particulars first letter. H. Hadrath,
Thief River Falls, Minn, la
TOR SALE Or rent, at Sublimity
LZSh acres, 100 acres plow land, 45
with good loganberries on same, 40
acres in fall oats and wheat, 36
in pasture and 10 of this in ever
green blackberries. Will take city
property or acres in exchange. On
rock ro'a'd. O. D. Miles, near Sub
limity. '
WILL the party who took the Collie
puppy from 257 N. Liberty return
same and oblige. Jack Lewis. 5
PATENT 1ust received, first time ad
certised, uuto necessity: Agents
wanted In every county. $10 a day
easilv made. 309 Stock Exc. bldg..
Portland, Or.
WANTED Two voung men. 19 to 22
for advertising work on road. Call
nfier 4 p. m. Hotel Marion. Room
l'Oli SALE Timber acreage near Sa
lem in ten acre- lots. E. M.,
Salem, Or. 7
. I.
1 LIMBING Plumbing repair work,
coils made and repaired. Get our
estimate on your -work; all our
work is guaranteed. Phone 645. 6
I HAVE left a few choice Italian
prune trees at reasonable prices.
Phone 9SF3. 6
Pins for sale. Phone 1678W.
I OK SALE Dandy 3 room house On
Is. 23rl, 4 blocks from State St.
Cement basement and garage, full
lot. Can give immediate possession,
Terms, by owner. Phone 8. 7
1 OK SALE Truck for light haulintr
or transfer, $300 for quick sale or
trade. 1296 Market St. 9
LOST On Court St. between 12th
ami Summer Sts., one tan- right
hand driving glove with high cuff
and gents dress glove inside. Phone
14SUJ. 6
LOST Bunch of keys; return to
W. Steusloff. Reward.
1 OR SALE Burroughs
chine. Phone 1330.
adding ma-
V, ANTED By ex-service man,. 21,
work of any kind. H. S. graduate
and 1 year of college. Your offer
will interest me. Write box Hi
Journal. (
moving from High street to South
Commercial and will be open -for
business about the 20th of Janu
ary. 7
l vi; SALE 12 Rhode Island Red
pullets for $20. Also cockerels $1.50
each. Eox 30, Rt. .1. Salem. 5
'OR SALE Chevrolet roadster, me
chanically good. Looks good. See It
at f 6 S. 19th St. Phone 1777M. 5
I on
SALE Three Plymouth Rock
kerels. 1130 N. 17th St. 6
V, ANTED Girl for dining room help
at the Oregon state tuberculosis hos
' pi'.al. Pays $35 per month with
board room and laundry furnished.
Phone 433. fi
1 uit SALE One team, 7 and
.'ears, weight 2350, light wagon,
harness, steel framed harrow and
I'iow. 2540 Lee St.
FOR SALE A good heifer calf, three
weeks old. Phone 1790W1. 4
I OP. RENT Nicely furnished room
in private family. Phone 1669.
FOR SALE A rood cow. K45 South
Liberty St "7
Any amount Low rates.
Full repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask
about our 20-year loans at
205 Oregon Bldg.
Salem Oregon
right man.
Phone 1752.
HIGH school- boy wants Avork eve
nings and Saturdays. 9
WANTED Man to slash about 20
acres of small brush by contract.
See Merlin Harding at Salem Hdw.
Help Wanted '
WANTED Experienced housekeeper
and cook, good wages paid. Call at
People's Cash store.
EXPERIENCED seamstress will go
out by the day. Phone 1413.
FOR CARPENTER Day or contract
work, call C. W. Nist. Phone 1942R
. 314
YOt'NG man wants steady job, sin
gle; most any work suitable. Ad
dress A. E. Norman, 636 N. Front.
Salem. 6
WANTED Man over 25 years, well
educated, with a car, for strictly
high closs home educational work.
None but the best need apply. Ad
dress Box 48 Journal. 8
WIDOW with a son wishes housekeep
ing for gentleman. 1255 Broadway.
Phone 503J. 4
T. A. RINEHART, income tax ac
countant has had experience in the
federal tax department and will
take care of your income tax re-
" turn. He is in a position to protect
your interests, and at the same time
- keep you right with the govern
ment. Room 403 Bank of Com
merce bldg. 4
Lost And Found.
LOST Elk tooth charm, lodge 336,
initials E J H. Liberal reward.
Please leave at Capital Journal. 6
WANTED All kinds of Junk and sec
ond hand goods. Liberty Exchange,
241 N. Commercial. Phone 841.
Spier & Scott, Props.
BIDS WANTED Bids are hereby re
quested for the building of an out
side enti-ance and stairway into the
basement of the Salem Masonic
temple. Plans may be inspected at
the offioe of this association 403
Masonic temple, Salem, Oregon.
- Salem Masonic Temple association,
Elmo &. White, secretary.
WANTED Secondhand furniture,
rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and
tools. We pay the highest prices for
everything. The Capital Hardware
and Furniture Co., 285 N. Com'l
St. Phone 947.
DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician,
eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
610-12 U. S. bank. Phone 341.
PAPER hanging and tinting, expert
work, reasonable price. F. B. Wood
ward, nhone 131 or 1201 after i
o'clock. 315
HOUSE painting, tinting and paper
hamring. R. H. Keltn. tsnop
Ferrv St. Phone, Res. 821, shop
849. 325
FOR plumbing repair work call 1310
WANTED 4 roomers.
Call 411
16th or phone 1184J.
WANTED By the Oregon Land Co.
Geo. Swegle, H. S. Belle, to list
property for sale or to take options
on the same. What have you? Call
and see us, 442 State street oppo
site the Bligh. '
WANTED To trade for acreage near
Salem a four room furnished-bungalow
and a 3 room house and lo-t.
both located in Spokane. Box 70.
trt 7 Sjilem. 8
WANTED To rent furnished house
Willing to go as high as $75. A C F
P. Phone 2010.
WANTED 2 Indian Runner drakes
also gilt doe to farrow in Marcn
Rt. 6, box 146. 5
FOR .SALE All the cows on what is
known as the old PincKney uairy.
BJiniip 1855. 8
FOR SALE 2 fine Barred Rock
cockerels. Rt., 6. box 14U.
WANTED Sewing. crocheting or
nmhrniripr nir. 1785 N. summer bv
wtipv vnn thinlr of a transferman
Cull the Verihest M ransier. uouu
service for 1920. Phone 1344.
tion 2 doors south Perry's
wiVTETi From owner 5 to 20
acres, give price and full particu
lars. Farmer P care journal.
WOOD SAW Phone your orders
Lester C. Cline. Phone 2062M.
Used Cars for Sale.
FOR 8 ALE 1917 Ford fully equip
r,..i a.i condition. Liberty Gar
our ln Oakland six. 1919
run oAut. - - - . ( j
,Hnn M I M I TTIIiri. Ill A
condition. Will sell at big discount
... . ... T i r-r 1 r) Jf-
ir lateen .
f.nn Rt. 1. or inquire . C. Rush
371 Court St. Phone 36F3X
FOR SALE Late 1917 Maxwell first
-inu mwhamcal conuiuuiH
sale. A snap. Phone 754.
5 pass. Ford $3ia
6 pass. Ford $425
S pass. Overlard $425
1 Ford coupe $550
1 Maxwell truck $SI
Open Sunday 11 to 4 p. m.
Phone 1752, S54 Ferry St.
FOR SALE A-l Dodge car.
Great Western garage.
FOR SALE Ford roadster with de
l'vrry bed- Mechanical frU Ki
Good tires. Phone 44F11 evenings
BcsTsnger Garbage and r
ot all kinds ""
CmTpooIs cleaned. Ja4 aiUmala
o4d. Office phoaa Mala !.
For Sale.
POTATOES for sale, ic per Poum, o,
? . Free trom frost. Phone ,
llo cittora w. crown, in "M
Front street.
FOR SALE Duroc Jersey male. also
some Rood pigs. Phone 23F15. E.
C Eoff. - SIS
FOR SALE Oak and fir siumpage.
t miles out Inquire 544 Ferry St.
FOR SALE: Creeping Grip caterpil
lar tractor nncludmg ; i n-inen
bottom Oliver plows. In perfect
order,- 11000. E, Deitrick, Carlton.
Rt. 1, Ore, : ". . ". '- . ... 313
'FOR SALE Or trade on small ranch
a Ford touring cai Just overnsuiea.
Will sell cheap. F. 6rr, 175 S.
Com'1 St. 31 3
FOR SALE 2V, acres for sale. Rt. 6
box 147B. B. Papenfus. 14 miles
end car line. - 314
FOR SALE Or trade 1 Hudson
speedster, run three months; 1
1918 Dodge touring car; 1 1910
Ford roadster, in- fine condition.
Cherry City Garage, 170 S. 12th
St. 314
10 ACRE tract, all in fruit, good im
provements, on paved road, on N.
Frent street. Some terms. Rt. 8,
box 38, Salem, Or. Inquire at
ranch. 314
BARGAIN 10 acres nearly all in
filberts, close to Salem, very cneap.
F. L. Wood, 341 State St. 6
PRUNE trees 20e each. Order now.
. Phone 111F3.
taan v.t.acic Mazxard cherries for
sale. J. C. Morris, Turner, Oregon
Phone 466.
STARKS Delicious apples. I still have
some fine ones, arop me cam
vou want some. A. E. Zimmer-
FOR SALE The cheapest buy in
Oregon mv 1917 Studebaker. Call
at Cherry City garage. 170 S. 12th.
FOR SALE Prune trees. 3, 4 feet.
35 cents each, uninjured by tne
freeze. Pearcy Bros., 210 Oregon
bldg. Phone 663.
FREE wood for the cutting 8 miles
out on Silverton road, pnone iun
T16. 8
FOR SALE-Fresh cow. B. E. Ed
wards, 1849 State street. 0-
BABY CHICKS We are now book
ing orders for spring delivery, om
in touch with us early. C. N. Need
ham, 558 State St. Phone 400. 8
FOR SALE 10 3-10 acre fruit farm
between 4 and 5 . acres nearing
prunes, 7000 strawberry plants, 2
years old; other small fruit, small
'stump pasture, 5 room house, barn,
chicken house, etc., close to Pacific
highway, 6 miles south of Salem.
This is In the heart of the Red hill
prune district. $400 acre; mortgage
$1200 on farm. See S. R. Pearson,
405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43.
FOR SALE 5-months old calf. .455
Court street. ... i 8
FOR SALE Jersey-Holstein cow; a
good butter cow, and neirer can.
Phone 1790W1. 4
FOR SALE Top buggy and harness.
Inquire at Farmers reert Darn. o
GOOD apples, price ranging from $1
to $1.75 a bushel. Phone djik. b
FOR SALE: 25 White Leghorn hens.
B. G. Briggs, Turner, Or.. o
FOR SALE A real snap, 23 acres, i
uota hni dinirs. in eood town wun
standard high school, an Ideal cldck
en place or prune ranch. Price
$4500. Chas. Ransom, Aumsville
-6-weeks old pigs. Phone
Real Estate Houses
FOR SALE 6 room bungalow with
or without furniture; terms, w. a.
Liston, 434 Court St. - '
FOR SALE $800, four room cottage
large lot, garage, electric ngnis. cuy
water, Nob Hill district. Owner,
phone 1390R.
FOR SALE Or trade, 6 room mod
ern bungalow. Call at IZbi .Marion
St. Phone 1390R. Owner.
FOR SALE 6 room modern bunga
low. Pric ereasoname; terms. re
owner 2545 Lee St. Phone 829. 314
FOR SALE Furnished 5 room mort
em house, except furnace. Call 630 N.
17th St.
Forr SALE Strictly modern bunga
low on Fairmount. Owner leaving
oitv rail at 1660 Fir street or
phone 1429. 4
FOR SALE 4 room plastered bunga
low, Dutch kitchen. 8 lots set to
harries, cherries, prunes, 30 walnut
trees, fine water, close to carline,
..itui.lo -H v limits, south. $1850. H
it Kmun ltt. 3. Salem. 4
FOR SALE Apt house furnished.
Owner 694 N. Commercial bt.
rrii? RALE Strictly modern bunga
low on Fairmount. Owner leaving
citv. Call at 1160 Fir street
phone 1429.
FOR SALE 2 bungalows, modern
uIko 2 extra lota Owner. 1723. 4
With a membership of less than 60.
the Chrlsitan and Missionary alliance
of Hood River has during the past
year given $245 toward Armenian and
Syrian relief.
We have good loans for
Investment at all times.
Farm Mortgages do not
fluctuate in value.
They are a home invest
ment. Inquiries invited.
203 Oregon Bldg.
Salem, Oregon
MAKES your clothes last. All work
We do cleaning, pressins, repairing.
14 S. 12th St Phone 8. 315
OIL BURNER The Dreadnaught
burner in your cook stove or heat
er cuts your fuel bills in two. Guar
anteed for 5 years. 343 Court St.
OSTEOPATHIC physicians and sur
geons, Drs. White and Marshall,
506 V, S. bank bldg. Phone 89. Dr.
White, res. phone 469; Dr. Marshall
res. phone 834.
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
phvsician and surgeon. 43-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res. phone 58K; office
phor.e 1394. 29
WE buy, sell, trade lands, acreages,
etc., correspondence solicited, give
full particulars and price. Box 194,
Salem, Or. 8
For Rent
TO RENT Fifteen acre tract located
1-4 mile from Waconda station,
Oregon Electric R. R., with dwell
ing,, barn, orchard, pasture and
farm land, together with monthly
cash payments for board and wash
ing for an elderly gentleman. Ad
dress Gervais, Rt. 2. box . 45 or
phone 3F11.
NEW house for rent, modern except
furnace, 6 rooms and,' basement.
Good garden ground. Phone 494 or
1267M. 8
Best Buys.
5 acres on paved road, best berry
land. $1560.
5 acres, house, barn, well, fruit. $2,
000, terms.
10 acres, 7H cleared, house, barn,
a lot of timber, fruit, best of soli. $3,
600; H cash, balance per cent.
20 acres close in, best of road,
good house, barn, some orchard. $7,-
500; on dasy terms.
70 acres, two sets of improvements,
some logans, family fruit, best of wal
nut, berry or prune land. $22,000.
6 room modern bungalow, paved
street, garage, fruit. $3500.
6 room bungalow fine location, pav
ed street. T$4250.
7 room plastered, modern house,
paved street, good location. $2500
$500 cash, balance easy terms.
11 room modern, paved street, car
line, lot 80x200, lots of fine fruit with
two sets of plumbing. This would
make a fine flat. $2750 caBh.
We do not advertise all we have list
ed. If you do not see what you want
in the ad call and let us talk it over.
341 State street
Bargains and Investments.
40 acres t miles from Salem, good
road, 15 acres bearing prunes, 2 acres
Iganberrles, family orchard, good sot
buildings. $3500 cash, balance crop
payments. Snap.
Fine 10 acre tract near Salem, best
dark loam soil, set buildings, orchard,
well; good location. Price $3600,
Choice 11 acre river bottom tract
close in on paved road, geod set
buildings and all in fruit, fine loca
tion, ideal hpmcT Investigate.
11 acre tract 4 miles from Salem,
6 acres in bearing gooseberries, cher
ries and apples. 6 room bungalow and
other buildings.. Snap. $2750.
For bargains and square deal.
Perrine & Marsters
211-12 Com. club bldg, Salem, Or
Money To Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Ore.
MARION-POLK -National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 6 1-2 percent. S03 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Why Sell For Less?
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you selL Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store, 271 N. Com
mercial street,' Phono 734.
Water Company.
corner Commercial ana Trade Bts.
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Phont 06.
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop. 347 Court 8t '
Lodge Directory.
r-xJ meets every Wed needs
evening at 7:30 at L O. O. F. halL
McCornack hall on every Tuesaay
at 8. Harry Levy. C. C; P. J. Kuntx
K. R. & S
Oregon Grape camp No. 1300 meets
every Thursday evening in McCor-
n,pk hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mra. Carrie E. Bunn, (48 Union St.
recorder. Mrs. Melissa Persons. 1416
N. 4th St. I'hons 1446M.
bly No. 84 meet every Tnursaay at
8 p. in. in 1 O. O. r . hall. ienn
Nile. M. A.; C. A. Vlbbert, seers
tary. $40 Owen street.
Oreaon Cedar Camp No. Z''
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock In McCornack building,
Court and Liberty rtreets. W. M.
Persons. V. C. Frank A. Turner,
W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118. Meets
very Friday night at t o'clock In
McCornacK nan, cor. court ana im
erty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome.
C. D. Boss. C. C. L. 8. Geer, clerk.
Money to Loan
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount. Long time.
6 and ( percent interest.
City building loans.
A. C Bohrnstedt
401 Masonic Temple. Salem. Oregon
Ratem Alirn F.Yrhanirp
aiem AUIO rXCnange.
Monitor ears now on display, come - rtihrmen.s
them. 229 taat St. rnone . - -
ea mem. $i5l,377., ths report showa
For Sale.
Four Real Bargains
1 10 ai,M' ati.i,.tlv ni.!
, ..... . ... K-.....,
!. room h 1 1 n I iMv I , B,,rM huu
ing prunes and seven acres logaiis.;
two acres timber, balance cultivated.
Watered by never failing brook and
good well. Situated on good rock
road. 3 miles from slate house. Trice
$23,000. Terms if desired.
No. 2. 30 acres. 8 room house, good
outbuildings: pressure lank water sys
tem; land all in cultivation; high and
sightly location; one mile to carline.
Price $15,000. with terms.
No. 3. 16 acres; no buildings; IS
acres cleared, one acre timber; run
ning water. Ideal for loganberries.
Three and one half miles out. $3000.
No. 4. 10. acres; cheap buildings:
5 acres of 7-year old prunes; situat
ed about one mile from feeble mind
ed school. Will exchange for a good
modern home. Price $3500.
W. A. Liston
484 Court street
For Sale
3 room house and lot, good loca
tion. West Salem, $5000.
3 room house and lot HE. $635.
5 room house plastered, 2 good lots.
6 room house, rooms upstairs not
finished, good lot. $1500. Trade for
8 room. house, modern, good resi
dence district, fine lot, basement not
completed. $2650.
7 room house plastered, modern,
$2000: cash and terms.
6 room ceiled, 2 fine lots, $1600.
5 room house, old, lot 75x150, all
kinds of fruit, close in. $1100.
9 room house close in, modern, lots
128x148. plenty of fine fruit. $3500.
Fine dairy farms improved from 60
to 60 acres.
Walter McLaren
Room 25, 180 N. Com. St.
Good Buys.
54 acres 3 miles out; stock and
machinery, paved road.
24 acres 4 miles out, gravel road.
254 acres close In, modern build
ings; $200 acres in cultivation. Price
10 acres all in fruit, modern build
ings, 1 mile out.
21 acres joins city, modern build
ings; a fine home.
A 6 room house on N, Capitol.
Price $3600.
6 room house on N. Winter, with
furniture. A bargain.
We have other good buys. Call and
see us and list your property with
E. C. Derrick Realty Co.
Room 7, D'Arcy bldg., 462 State
street. 4
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years experience; Depot National
-and American fence, stses It to 68
Inches high. Painls, oip and varni
Ishes, etc, loganberry "sod hop
hooka. Salem Fence amf Stove
Works. 260 Court street Phttn 114
No Cash Required Good overcoats,
shoes and suits, all kinds of musical
Instruments, shotguns, rides, heating
stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 1000
other useful articles to sfU or trade.
What have youT The Capital Ex
change, 337 Court Bt Phone 4fi.
Start 1920 Right Own
U.R. Own Home.
A good modern house 8 rooms,
bath, toilet, full basement, hot wa
ter, furnace, close In; 4 rooms rented
for $40 per month. $3750.
New modern house 7 rooms, full
basement, furnace heat, two toilets
and baths, cement walks; this Is a
good buy for some one at $3750.
Two houses close In, rented, one o
room the other 4. U can have both
for $1700.
A good 6 room house, not modern,
but a' dandy buy for $00; $250 cash
balance $15 per month.
8 rooms close in, large lot, a nno
ocatlon, lots of fruit, good basement.
ni proved street. $4500, $2000 cash.
balance to suit.
Remember we stand ready to ar
range good terms on any property
sold out of our office.
John H. Scott Realty Co.
22S Oregon bldg.
Good Buys,
32 acre farm located on main pav
ed highway, nearly all cultivated, fain
ily orchard, good bungalow, burn,
well, close to school, 5 miles from Sa
lem. Price $12,800.
30 acre tract, all cultivated, rtne
fruit land, house, barn. well, rock
road, 5 "4 miles out. Price $200 per
40 acre farm, 5 miles out, good
buildings, fruit, crop mostly in, Price
6 acre tract, 4 acres or logans.
Price $30fl0.
25 acres of Umber and pasture,
house, spring, hard road, 6 Vi miles
southeast. Price $2000.
270 acre farm, all cultivated, build
ings. Price $125 per aire.
18 7-8 acres of land locaten close
to carline, nearly all cultivated, sight
ly location, house and barn, price.
80 acre farm. 30 acrs cuitivateo.
house and barn, stork and machin
ery goes. Prlre $7500.
10 acres of good prune ana nerry
land. Price $1500.
20 acres located close In, 7 acres or
prunes, some cherry, apples and
pears, house and barn, well, good road
Price $11,000.
t room modern home,
good location. Price $5000
t room modern home,
large lot.
Price $3200.
7 room modern home on
street, close in. Price $2700
8 room modern home located in
south Salem. Price $3800.
S room modern bungalow, located
at 2030 N. Commercial St. Price
$2800. $500 down, balance $25 per
month, per cent Interest.
6 room modern bungalow locaten
at 20 south 18th street. PrlCJ $2000.
$200 down, balance $15 per nionto, s
wr eent Interest.
W. H. lirabennorst & o.
275 State street
l.0 Anio Accidents
During December, Report'
A lotfJ of 13(0 accidents of which'
were fatal were reported to the state
Industrial accident commission daring
fths month of December, according
lbe commission's monthly report. Just
o,,, tttr the month totalled
The county court, Salem, Ore
gon, will receive sealed bids for the
following- supplies until January 12,
at S o clock p. m.t . -
10 boxes Dennision's fasteners No.
22 and 23 K. H.
1 book of letters, 640 pages 40 lb.
meM. Bound, flat opening, bands 3-4
Russia.- record sise, four gold letter
ed index tabs. Canvas cover. Four
forms printed.
1000 Judgment rolls.
1 Binder for ducket
2qts ink, Stafford or Carter.
2000 receipt blanks, tabbed In 25.
1 canvas binder for claim . docket,
14-ln. x ISH-ln.
5 M Hotchkiss staples No. 1.
1000 patrolman's blanks.
10.000 R. & H. claim blanks.
5 lbs. sealing wax.
Printing 4 record books and covers.
23,000 acreage assessment blanks.
23.000 town lot aasessrrtent blanks.
14.000 personal assessment blanks.
23.000 l4x4Vi Index cards, two-ply
3000 pieces 8xl4, 18 lb. Exchange
200 pieces S'xl4 typewriter car
bon paper, black.
300 jueces 5 4 & pencil carbon
paper, black.
Binding assessment rolls for year
Binding 3 Index books for tux rolls
for 1919.
Letter heads, 2000 H sie, 1000 full
Envelopes, V in. 3000; 1000 9V4
Inch. .
5000 mlmeognuih paper 8ixl3 In.
10 boxes Columbia Clasp envelopes
No. 75.
16,000 tax receipts.
3 cash registers.
25 turnover sheets,
2 delinquency sale books.
2000 stamped postal cards, notices
to districts.
2 redemption of tax sale books.
2500 white vov envelopes, slse No.
600 Manila, small sine.
18 rolls adding machlns paper.
10 lbs. scratch pads.
2 bottles Cico paste.
1 doe. blotters. 24x24.
3 dos, T, W. erasers.
1 dot. bank penholders.
Pens. (Hunts) 1 gross No. 5: .5
gross No, 96; 1 gross Arrow No, 4; 1
gross No. 97; 1 gross No. 6 drop point
Pencils: 8 boxes Eldorado 4 II;
boxes Venus 3 11: 6 doi. No. 3 pencils.
velvet; 1 gross No. 2 pencils, velvet;
8 dos. No. 2 pencils, velvet.
All goods delivered by Feb. 1.
Bids will be received for the whole
or any part of tin above. The county
court reserves the right to reject any
or nil bids. Address ' all envelopes
marked "Bids" to V. G. Boyer, County
Clerk. 6
Grain: Wheat, No. 1, $2; feed oats
8086c; milling oats F6ij'K8c; cheat
hay $18.50010.60; oat hay $22923;
elo,yer hay $23024; mill run, $.
llutterfut; lltitterfnt, 71o; cream
e.-y butter, 69 700.
Pork, veal and mutton: Pork on foot
14c; veal fancy 21c; steers
78a; cows 5 97 l-2c; spring Iambs
tvte: ewes 4 6c; sheep, yearling la
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 67c;
light hens 22c; heavy hens 28o; old
roosUrs 15Ciflc; springs 220.
Vegetables: Onions per sack 8c;
celery dos. $1.76; potatoes, Yakima
6c; Oregon 3c; sweet potatoes (o;
beets per sack $3.75; turnips per suck
$5.75; carrots per suck $1.25; parsnip
per sack $3.76.
Fruit: Oranges 4.00tB 5.50; lemons
$6.6014 7-00; bananas 11c: honey ext.,
20c; bunch beets 45c; cabbage 6o;
head lettuce $1.25; carrots 45c; grapes
15c; Brussell sprouts 16c; caulifflowsi
$2 dox; red peppers 25o lb.
Retail price: Eggs down 85c;
creamery butter 77c; country butter
68c; foul, hard wheat $:i.25H3.40; soft
vhcat $2.90.
I.IVi;STO( 14
Portland, Or., .Ian. 5. -Cattle, slow;
receipts 2188. Steers best $10.7"i(
11.25: good to choice $10910.50; me
dium to good $9tf9.75; fair to good
$89: common to fair $74(8; choice
cows and heifers $9 9 75; good to
choice $7.76iif9; medium to . good
$5.75 7.75; fair to medium $4.75
5.25: canners $;i.25( 4.25; bulls $
8: prime light calves $ 1 2.550 i 14;
heavv calves $712; stockers and
feeders $89.
Hogs higher; receipts 1065. Prime
mixes ll4.75iiHS.75; medium $14.00
fU4.75;rough heavy $ 1 2.25 19 1325 ;
pIkh $ll.76cl3.76.
Hheep steady, receipts 9. Eastern
lambs $U''il3.50; light valley $11.60
iS12; heavy $l0.60ftl!; feetler lambs
$1011; yearlings .t)4 lo.bu
wethers $9(ft9.&0; swes$67.
Butter .
Portland. Or.. Jan. 5, Butter, low
er. Cuges extra 62 V'; purchmern
wraiiiied. box lots C7c; cartons 6Ho
half boxes (4c more; less than hulf
boxes. 1: more, iiulterfat 666
. b. station.
Poultry and J'ggs,
Portland. Or. Jan. 6. Eggs, selling
price, case count 69c; buying price
selling price candled 4c; selected can
died In cartons 70c,
poultry: liens 28ffi33c; broilers
old roosters lc; turkeys dressed
Inal; geese 25c; ducks 40c.
Wheat and Mill Stuff.
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Wheat: $2.20; barley; $71;
$65.50 bid; corn No. 3 yellow $57.75
bid. - -
Hay: Buying price, valley timothy
$3 28: alfalfa $31.60; grain $25
MIHstuffs: Priees t.o.tx mlH, cKy
cartage $2 extra. Mill run, car lots or
mixed cars $45 ton; rolled barley $77
rolled oats $6K; ground barley $77;
scratch feed $80.
Com whole 73c; cracked 7c.
Real Estate Transfers.
Joseph Miller nnd Gertrude
Miller. Louis Webert and Li I
lie Webert, B. F.-Olesy and
Anna Giesy, Grover Glesy
and Ethel Glesy, Ida, Mush-,
berger and Eugene Mosh
berger to George W Atwood
and Mnud Atwood. 9 K V of
NK V sec U, also 10 A sec
11. 48 1W $750
i AIvIh DeGuIre to Christian L
Halseth. 2.8 A. 1) L C Jume
Hrewn. S 1V
Martha Marty to Nels O Hel
gorson. Prt D L C John Bar
gr and wf. Silverton
B F Giesy and Anna Oleay,
Grover C Giesy and Kthel
(ilesy to Ida S. Moshbcrger
and Eugene Moshberger. Prt
bl 2, Aurora
OLIVE Jenkins to Joseph
Micholson. Lt 17 bl 2 llur-
llugton udd, Salem
August lluckesteln und Mary
Huckesteln to Chester Good
man and Theodosla Good
man. Lt 6 bl 60 N Salem ....
E Roy and Anna Roy to Hor
ace Lilly and Lulu Lilly. S
4 Its 5 and 6 bl 4 original
town Stayton 8000
George W Jones and Ella
Junes to Lee II Roberts nnd
Dora U Roberta E 50 ft It
4 bl SVV add. Salem
K S Lutgen and' Jennie Lutgen
to Levi Kellls. fruit Its 77
and 79 townslte of Scotts
Mills Friends Oregon rolony
H Wllborn Smith and Cora
Smith to D Italferty. , 6 A
bet sec 35-36 in S 3V ....
U llalferty to J G Woodward
and Ella Woodwnrd. A, D
L C. W P Pugh and 1 A,
D L C, W P Pugh, H SW ....
Hublimlty Dairy association to
Peter Welter, prt It bl
11 Sublimity
A W Schrunk and Mary R
Hehrunk to Thomas Cole.
Prt bl 8 Roberts add Balem .
T L Benddlut and Kosabelle
Benedict. II F llelkes and
Kdlth Helkes to VV F Nep
tune and Alice Neptune. Lts
11-1 Sunnvslde Fruit farms
No. 8 sso 23 8S 3V
F Brady and Dellluh Brady
. to Agnes KskeUou and Ptutbe
Hammer. Lt 26 Ewald Fruit
fnrms 7K0I
A J llurdlck and Elisabeth
Burdlck to II Helmer, 10J.0
Henrlcttt McAdams and R R
McAilums to Joshua Sutter
and Mngdalena Sutter. 1 A
M L Havnge 1 L C 7S SW....
O A O Moore and L A Moore
to Bettie G Hi'iggs. Lt 6-
bl 3 Turner
James A Curry to 8 J Wells
4 A Hodleys add Mill City
Time Tables.
No. Northbound
64 Oregonlan . a:"" a.m.
6 Oregon Express : a.m.
8 Willamette Limited :n am.
8 Portland Passenger 1:8" P m.
24 Coos Bay -.. . :3 p.m.
4 Portland Express ?: p.m,
3 Oregonlan -
3 For Eugene .........
5 California Express ....
7 Roseburg Passenger ...
. 8:1 am.
10:06 a.m.
11:06 a.m.
.. 4:08 p.m.
6:44 pm.
10:08 PS.
27 Willamette Limited ..
13 Han Francisco Pass..,
k m:m-'jkf.u linf.
78 Arrive at Bulem ,. 8:10 a.m.
74 Loave Htilem 4:00 p.m.
161 Leaves Sulem, motor .... t:so m.m.
163 Leaves Salem, motor .... 3:28 a.m.
185 Leaves Salem, motor :t P-m.
Thru c-ar to Monmouth ana Aims .
171 Leaves Salem P
162 Arrives Salem s:zo a.m.
164 Arrives Hulem , 11:00 a.m.
166 Arrives Hulem '-20 p.m.
172 Arrives Haletn 7:40 p.m.
Train Leave Arrive Arrive
No. 'Portland Salem singsns
5 Ltd 8:16 urn 10:15 am 12:30pm
7 10:45 am 13:60 pm Salem only
9 2:05 pm 4:16 pm :36 pm
13 Ltd 4:45 pm :40 pm :60 pm
17 6:05pm 8:07 pm aiem oniy
19 . 20pm 11:20 pm 8 Hem only
Mrth Think station (leave Jeffer
son street 15 and 20 minutes later)
North Donna
Train Lsave Arrive M'WZ
No. Eugene Balern ronuan
9 7:16 am 9:30 oin
10 Ltd 7:25 am 1:46 am ll:aoare
12 12:00 pm z:a P"1
1 Ltd 1:66 pm 4 00 pm 6:60 pm
20 Balemonly 6:80 pm 7:40 pm
22 4:25 pm 7:66 pm iv.vv pm
North Bank station (arrive jeimr-
on street 16 minutes sarller.) 'Leave
Corvallls. .,
tXmVALI.iH :on:im;tu.."i
Northbw J(l
Leave Corvallls Arrive Balem
8:20 am :45 am
2:35 pm 4:00 p.
1:1$ pm 7:65 pm
Leave Salem Arrive Corvallla
10:16 am H:7 am
6:40 pm 6 6 P"
4:12 pm :4 pm
Salem Auto Radiator Shop
Radiators, Fsnders and Gas Tanks
Tractor ItadlaUirs a Bpecwlty
Ford Radiators for Bale
19$ S. 12th Street. Balem, Or.