1 l I f 1 FTT'iT T MONDW.JAXPART&liia I HE DAILY pAfiK FOUR. PROPER EMERGENCY LEGISLATION THECAPITALJDUHHAL ... i lirE WOULD respectiuny can :ne autiiuuji i - t . - - i -mmM-m m?W: -fi i - i i t ; ?! - '.' : W"! ,tf!i Joni 1'rn.tudt m.-n..,.,. toVlinflr r.f nrOtluctS DroUUCeCl in eiliinr . This law is made necessary by the fact that Oregon ckwbue ita. k ! products are being misbranded as California and Wash- -iintfton products, to which they are superior, and Oregon" "mi-riuN bat rat i M i0smg tfte advertising ana renuiauuit uwi iiu ARTHUR SCOTT BAILEY Br 'rts"';; n . fvvi progressive sister states are stealing, t or instance . ;?JT.Tt.'lJUi Oregon terries made into jams and sold as " ash-fc".T-r .. . inrton iamsM and as "Washington Pure Fruit Products. L ,..i,.ii.a ! - ' CTffY WARR IT Oregon apples are sold as Wenatchee and Yakima ap- uin Advertmlng Mr r,,ffv- ruffing bis sister. (And r. Bear ami . 7T - Monn- Weir, to think that at ut. -"'. Far up on the tue " ,..,- cureJ of hi bad habit. lived Cliffy Bear wnn i.. , . Ulie the child to gr- mother and hl !!!! . J"'. 'V" i Wr mannered." Mr. Bar woo,-u-ar's hmiM wa 'lulte tne t.n-i . ,.....,..., . ,,. watched Oregon prunes are canned and sold as "a California u ""t tars tir and daughter playing upon ..wnATK ; r !.,.' 'r1fAr r.lr.f.-. PmriPS." ,TJ"": : .u" , R dar.r the floor Ann tnn " . rn M. B nr i n f. , ... imivit ' 1 nmuu aim .- xaniit . r mone. inn " - . fi , they Knew iuiu wan built straight into (he ih rtj.f u.ts so very hlk that Cuffy' father never n i L " 4 hurt hi. famUy. N CV rnlifnrnia . ..... w.. .h. .inter blew. Hr. think that Hear wa never afraid oi Just a gfjod as naa uear t - ,,lirifi litle hear roiijn lie. ne -- he was asleep! ou see Id wt-ather came, Mr. and Mrs. ii ,r hti.1 their ehi i ren snt . in men Rippling RBpei very the ear, or inne. But for iuv-i aim v wwiww.u " ,., ... of mone. an'i w..v. lhj) Orrnn rJ'PlT PS arp Sli d as "LallfOmia tilaCe frUlt of 1U ever catching f re ar. . . hard hox on aim a uaiuufiiiu injai iinii'- imo Oregon salmon is sold as "Pugtt Sound Salmon, i hi. Oregon pears arc sold as "Canned California Pears."!" Oregon peacnes are IVaehes " i Every day this situation exists works injury to the h(,art uut often when he wa puy-anv 1, i name and fame of Oregon-there fore it is proper to con- t; when isider it as emergency legislation and act upon it at the 'rjx-eial session. :i' Senator Lachrnund made a hani fight for a similar hiaji a long time every winter never naughty. You mitfht tluit was jnyt before Christ- it was not tnen. in z .. .. a Baii'i ,Lmr wveBieen; 4 measure at the last session, but its importance was not; , r n - eeneraiiv n-cocnizeu, ana u was log r (aieu 10 emascuiaiion In rfi ' . . .- ... ,t . Little Cuffy wan not a Wit ,.t Kl..l' .1 '! I el.-' h H,r.; through the influence of Portland jobbers, and cannersj rfiMtoti lt ' .,fi w.mB,;:f.n mpn tvliniiP frf-pfl fn - the rlnllnr niitwciVhs ' j - IHl W V - .' " ' v.. v v ..... . v..v .... - . . I 11 i I .1 A .;: ..... i m to ""' Mate iovuilv. ie hiiuum itimiumur me uiftiMiic iit-At . . . ..! ft ft ' : '..:;;.:, -if .h o- - f .1,1 t fflKhlefi- t rrnol' t iil-r' week. WHAT DOES IT COST? iilin fare" IM..K. ed.,d.-. or M I'- uwy ' ' mid li; 1T. Bnr chert,l..Hl j.tp.. ! I " -. .... for world)? hlK in rr t -r " r"'' '"'?J.to submit a referendum measure at the special election to IZTIZ TMwIi'Xn....1 Ik held jointly with the primary m-xt May, increasing the r).U in- . -4 mV!niillage tax so that the higher educational institutions .h'rt.V'"' lu-ill ;ppmp truii-P fiimis; fur thi prprtion .f needed build- r EGENTS of both the state university and state a ,ri- IV cultural colli' ire are nkmninir to ask the legislature! r..;j,v;;'w 13 W' z4 m rozy house, which was sriui? and warm, and' blept and slept and sif'I't for weeks and weeks until spring came, i s.iw. this tale begins on the verj f.rst day of sjirint;. And on that day Mr. Hear waked up. He rose slowly jtn hia feet, for his hones f.-lt stiff be-' jean he had been a.leep for s'tch a il.ma time. And he was hungry oh! Scry hungry, hei ause he had not eat ien anvthine for inon'.h? and months, hiiu-e he went to sleep at the beginning .of winter. i Hv went to itie dour of his house 'and looked out. And he saw that the 'weather was warm and fine. So he 'dTeppeil bark into t lie bedroom and 'said "Ou-e-e-ee! " just like that. And 'then .lrn Hear awaked. "Spring has icoir.e," Mr. Hear told her, "and I am 'point; out to fetch something to eat. V'ake up Cuffy and Pilkie and tell .them that it is time to get up." ' Oently Mrs. F.ear roused Cuffv and wa bilkM with H 1 ""' ritib. t ineini. tocdWiefs No one desires to dwarf, stunt, or starve either of these creditable educational institutions, but it does seem that some scientific plan of financing could be devised that would keen them out of politics and away from th? legislature, and off referendum ballots. The millage bill was supposed to have done this, but it was no sooner pass ed, than the legislature was again iK-seiged for additional funds, and the supplicating continues. Before the legislature acts upon the proposed in crease millage bill it should make public the total income and expense of each institution, the numlK'r of pupils in structed, and the unit cost per student hour, in compari son with other similar institutions. Before the people vote any increase, they will want to know just how much the taxpayers ace paying per pupil in both institutions. C l: Otlr. ruunir ic'liuul superln- t iit.l lk euiit, was kit vMinr with h rnun, t u- 'r. CVmbtoAlH.M ttutitiiif md fmhli f ip 14km t.atv ben Kf.un"! by tn bd Ijkii.W named i...r(woo Marlvii t oirili. lirue A. Juiwa, I U iiid ft P .lrm The.' M fMIlllt wmmb lu b vrt Miiul.ir Out m,i be- rmvlnf b,'l trtiml b tV.tint C'ieik liuyw as t !. tlttf ITtUle livimm soil i.Kler fuini liuiiiiog lieemif net niou mule out u I I. Ci.if..nh and Hu etiet l-Blh P lend. of Oel .!! Itan AH,ii.n. it. ut 4tli.o af- t.- r i.t-.i i rk iniili ii uf the I iiii. d ".i,o l-i I ytwi bi. oli-d tli il t tlf tlit vtiiultr l.l tNMtinnitt n.it tin liint liriw .!ipi in rnMii- i .f u..Kl,m ti bl liAt.te lliU sod! in I. n.4 Mr. ttr.iw.ii was bi.ru lit ! ,! ! UrnmaiSt aii.l iiHfil i llietl-4 .'. t, IVumi iii n ( iu.rvii!(t ia sti tlee. liilm -.! 't b b . t.l t iihs N-mh C'lfik H re ill In t.w in aS (..) .i.. I, .uitlitt; eii k of ' il..i. ,-i i,n t'"i nu.k.'4 tboie mi C'ldet iM otH b'e n .v..uoi h Oit t'k C. MN.lv bui'k. I'liiie-i M ' '""'' ... - ' llrim. K.s ... f- II. Uiis) b been .h.im. .1 j sve-.l dui.,iun S.u,it-.ll.-.n.r tf l.e M.i X t" V ... . t-M.s: 1., Mil tti !.. d'.d l ftiijtou, Nov i u , ., i 1 . 1st W X O lfcu W j,,, snt Mtiiptijr wilt 4ti lb', ,nt ,,vl e; tt'ie I.-. .'t-.. u ."It iiul, II . i,t ttl l . t- ii i.ip ftwm Jetit hut Aid Xt id AO Uoltlioi ..'hue 111. 1 tnS n-i..,..!,, iun U!i llti-m lo b-'i'i-r H I He vi jii oind K se to or two away!" she said. . .... r 4.utm.iytiii srciiit? mute iliihi.i mi me ciea nil ui ituv imuu- . u - n-.,.., to- . ii.i.nun iviifi im.'.i ... - .... , iir-.iw .tin. ninitc .i. i ...... ...w Ail day I wMsl tut tl sh f I'lan! Jrjjrg j fat her or his mother would cuff hlm.ilkle. ' ,,,i Mnjt lmmI MB sutoaest 1". ,. .. , , A, 'Komehrvw b never could learn not tni "Come children! Run out and play :rTTi tTZ J .-j N one ever saw the time when more money was not the j iVtle .,.r,-. Th-t'a B iu.,k. fun of nice, fresh ,.. .Mm r r. '.crvinc need of lwith of these institutions and doubtless! why h cuii.d cuffy. n hop- air. now, i.e and don't go far imk i ur stTSithp I mo will never romp when thev do not ask monev. ii that a day i fiutiers to niiu p - ----- - , - ftil day. My laltn in ll"' 1 HCtt! IS Ul Wiiys P"IUl CIIMI JJVIIlCIlt Ul 1IIIJM UVVIIICIU tlCfUl- iv.svu uai iiiiii iifv i-iviuj ai v ii iiic v.1 is i hi nunc aim it seems impossible to establish any ratio of taxation that will care for their expanding needs. Both institutions are growing with the state-- and the suspicion is, some what faster. BY EFFICIENT WORK LOW and MAPPED LIFE il the noted author Idah MSGlone Gibson mended to me by K!l&ahetb More land " " "O- n Kllsatietli Moreland! I nev er waul lo hear her name again'," "At that time, you thought of, ' hunting her name lo yours, you will1 t'emeniher " j "uh. I've Iwn a fool a good many: times in my life," he growled. "Thai's no reason why you should j lie it fool now, wai her answer. ! . "Oon't you remember that Mlu-n this' house was done uv-r three years ago; ''"''' damaged the Salem Tublic all the pipers In town gate us col-1 library Saturday night. The blaze was uiiiiis of news about If You eem.l discovered at 11:D0 p. m. by Dr. L, R. perfectly satisfied with it unlll yn t ....,, ,h ..,. ...,,...,, ., to th building by the breaking of one of tlie windows and an outburst of flame. The fire had originated In the fur nace room and when discovered had jiiNt g.iin.'d head.t.iy in tin. eaittheast i oroer of thf n; iln n.:,llri r. r.f New Tom- Ammn ,h. 1;1,alrv Th)lt prI1n ,ne ,H)k 7 ", '"'"f"1" ' hv tn..r. !,,.,..,. hy Uu, n.inu,9 con. tied ,t OioiiHiulit'rea, and also that l,t,ii,,,l ., it,. ,..,, , . .... uiucs of the library's collection. The exact extent of damage to these books has not been ascertained but at least volumes were destroyed. Among these were the KncKi iopedt.t l'.rit tani.,,, various reference sets and lirougnl that girl in there into in v. house, and alreadt she has made you fet-l her supei i.irlty of I. n th and breeding. 1 can not understand hy j vott. who Intve .hv its gliirled so nuioti J in being n self mu te man should now ' 'o-tiin to I. ilk i,f ancestry." t m Cross! - (4 M Uw P' 4k i'mm . -S r m mi l' Very smart shoes . can be comfortable ft1 Have von come to believe that it is quite impos- W j PI, sible to find foot comfort the j dt, m M ' Ml f So many worn e a fjf 1 HH have that mistaken fe'kf I I f lifroael Decause "icy nave put r i m lew a y'mg the Rcd m I I Cross Shoe. It really I I does conceal wonder- . hj f gf ."j ful comfort in the very : ds .1 smartest rriodels, be- . cause of the special j S M "bends with your foot" jS 'VV feature. gs l fV A You'll find so much J: - V more pleasure in doing j, V fyVi Jl the thousand and one Jl I s Vt t. A thines women are be- JS t. i XVV 1 ? ca!led to do M I ' I I XivSk. A which makes your foot fa j i. 4i feci better and look ? i i i ,.iV better-both! " I Sa-ir?. Come in and see and E I , I Ui isaH try on the lovely new t . "fii mode!-.. They are mod- iC "81 erately priced from &5S I 1 $8.50 to $14.75 g ; sign-snoKS" -"li: H : SjttH-iul accredited CfIh n .1 rTT8 S f ! .1.1 1 lt,tvi' hotie of jiretrriy," said John into hi voice -eelm.t to creep . t -lie that t bad not before beard titer '. "oh. dear 01, dear, I Jus knew Mint Oils' lloll.e ttotlo! he full of children ti ?,-oii o;td. ' 1 titld K.tthei me thl looiiiloi; lh.il 1 w nthl not have till. hot.11.. ehaofed In any aitteu!.(r toti as I ! ilW Oit 1 .-tel. p. 11 The d ii It. an 1 1 can see if g to be changed in 'kmg of ntottiig?" re -If cold, so incisite I shuddered. .lohn v- 1 uet to ins uiorh-T 10 me. stt.t yet I f,-u eUe.l around tot he. ; t uigazitttv now dif- ku4 laitl Mm iittjr will misu4 the trvtstr tt.e el,iotrd 4 11 of ht b It (! The kn -so bMis fet Ism tie M,t X Munk.j wife ul Ihe de -- A t". i. t.-i. . h .libit a Moti I s , auMghltt, whin ' tesiitw at A!t IKHC MU. Slid 11,1 Sviti tf Ml , MutsktM Itetirsm W . WiUisnij H. vf . t let .d :le.l K lit '.! o i l"4a t 1 it-., is 1 bound volumes of ficult to replace. The lota! damage is estima'el at f O'ld ,,nd It fniit proteetcl by in-iit.iii.-e 1h.it the building was not a total loss is credited to the early dis cotety of the (ii,- and to prompt re -l'oi., ....a ilt...uKli tvoik by the fire b p,u uncut. Although the liuue was diseuvere I before the entire building wad in fl.tmei itie f i.. u ,u ....ii tofotttn tltought that he I ,,i,i., ,,1 , ... ,, ., . ' . . taouxnett in the turn ice rretm that neermg .ii-ioki!. :i,,,, v. , , . . . . .1,10 s i..,,t to re i irr; a .uong the base- .....i.e-i. wiiien ttas Well atiJa'Aei in the souihernwail A chemical line! was also run tlo.oieh r., 0,., ... ! be held in Ireland fi,M,.. ctt. c-i ., ... xiooi. Mi.-s tloia 'as, hhraniu. said l SPC the begin- M,,n.l.v th ,1 ti,, i,i,,...,. . - .ioi..ia) in. it the library management , . enpected 10 show f,.j ,ha, lM tl ,,.,Mrtme,,t deserved1 '" ""y " !,; u.ullu,lfl,.a ,,,.,, u,r wf;c,tnit .v,ltk 1 tie iietiartment arrived at the h'.vje at 11 ai,,i worked until m.ir. t'.v S p. m before pronouncing tt,,. re- Good Used Buys The prices of new cars are going skyward. Buy a good used car, run it, and when you are ready for a new car trade in the old one. One Chevrolet, 1918 model, fine shape $600 One Ford 5 passenger, good shape $325 One Dort, 5 passenger, 1919 model $900 One Studebaker 1918 model six cylinder .$900 One Studebaker bug, a dandy ...$325 One Ford truck, good shape $700 One Buick. 5 passenger, good buy $300 SALEM YEUE COMPANY Phone 1604 fac III b jMtito.-Ht rl)-. to II i ti'll. e t Nurllt Owiaiirli ltl S'.ieeb Jdedj- f,utwn HI at', ul el whei-. dutiut; fae vms in in- Tbs ti..i tttt i.ti. I y e:n $ ., .t i4 i t ltn. is "i. Z- O -rs b i t. t. . -.1 a. i r v. a i . USA J ), P It ii K'olll.1 I... ijillle MU.VM .....OM.N , Ulv ...r . . ! --"'' be.. ... . . . , . 1M, , j,,-! i f : , ,i : ., j I Uf . e fiMlK 11 the - I! e ! i r ai: !,..;.,, ,,. , f i bv tit. Ml O. (don " i-ali.e ,!,,.,, t , jj . ltl l ,, , ,, h d..t isal keep all his w thoith fiei.iu ft'it.t i f' r o,e i 1 t'oti an r,..v ll.e.rla In Tin I l...le timiKbt Jtltlj Mi ., ,.,.,, , .., t ,' . e, and shook " l k"! ' '" at the coot. ,..,,. tf.ii .t , j "'' '' '- ' t ..,,1 d,.,k a 1,..;J.U tH-ttte-n t... ...' , I.1" "' "" 'v,! ;' ,. I fa: 'tie ,-'.; , ll.-ed ,t!t t 1 11 i, ..... , , , .... . ... . .. - ,i It. t k.-eif tr..ri... x.,.a ,,.,., .... . .., ,, I I ; i in. , . . "" ibi-ue at It a.,,1 worked unt.l ,,..,r.l t 1 1 V Pitml ! ii ; .,;) ,, t,r ! , f t' ! before pronouncing tt-,. re-! I t t U,,. I1X in sin tier ot the buiMing um o (1:ut. , , t , . , , t r !'' ; " ; !' f . ..LI, ..a,;,, 1 l., ,v I Wish KtfV-v " ------------., M'.lat l. ,-. t , I : la-a-tt IhJ C w7 J -g ."!"" -f gieat ,m--..i. .,.-e ,., i your KVvV A fFV , . ;koe t (1,it ,. 4 ,,. . vtA Asbev ' l 1 ys-m ii.. ! " '! Dnn't Hcrx-Xr 7 j -t ! I'd hand ; h lef.ilillstl.-n CoViiJ hat St-otlSi. it.. t l-t b. . lit... I . . - A th.l J..I111 ev.Ut hitp l-'.r ..bin,, thai t-d t" r t went . .... . . f . : . f botta UHt.,f,l K,t lnuh'ht ..in t.tii.it i t v ... -p ho t; 1 t ih . ; in 'e -it ttiat 1 1,. ., ,iM ttd sen! t-. t. 1 wt; i h."o.r h lo -' I , '. I 1 1 .1 4 -. t:--r ts.e an, I l ;.n,..tv,.' t FIX STOMACH RIGHT UP ; l K llKrJ,H- ft llWtt J . ;' (,t. jt -. tor a . e.tj K' .4 i ; b ...t t e I ,.i.. . ;i'r.i H witti inMg 4:u0 j ' H'ai l,-i wttt h,i i I' ' I I, ... - ii.i. t;tl r t lot's! t a i,., Sa .tji t tum wk., 6!-,, !o-4 Whelt tt t: te-i 1 . i . iSi.' b. .ir'ts-arii l ik, Jteoin stl,b!, t4 -A Is'.ict vEn."e'. 1 -t.t....t'.y..4 8i,.,S t;e c 't '. -'.1 t I f.ii v;.:i- li.M IV, x-. I-- It's g ', M V U .1 l.lwr MIM.sJ l'm' t-.'s-t. k i,.4 4 J " i.'l . i. i in" 1 i .btn-i ' ut.urfd,t ,-Tt.et) Mt.ett tht n..t,s,.' ;.,ii, .t,,j !... C -'en I '. ,' 1. 1.. tt ever :t. e-.t th t-i -t. . t '. i a . t. ..... r w Lvian '. ' . (it .1 t o. r vi-.ti tr .1 il tie !. on't'ti'tf tssn 44k. i!. f ..a. I, Mll ief T M4 tt I'M UttiC Wtt. I JI4I YV. ' . t . 1 tt ,1 i..: .1 . . ' Ii t t t .', .s . . ! Right , ,. t'?' b. tit , Tea, made from tnr vnnj tender lcac, i f;:!l i t"h :1th and cliecr. Tea. hum older leaves, is full ot tannin , which is bud U t Knh Momav h and nerves. For Schilling Tea thev V s pivlv only the voung leaves, till oi rich tea -riai-vr and vvry utile tirr.'m. ROBUST CHILDREH ! embarrassed ale. A child should not bynt , r. lam or worn. 5uch condition denotes malnutrition. To i v-- ' ' iUUUSC by disfiguring blemishes. 't ft-..' ' !'.y e -i?S I . t .e; .1 5 f- r -.Us.. '" w A i at, 1 v.- I aiftt. m , . ; ' r- oe f t fc-A a I I ?ir w N el 1 k , - . . Us .. f Thai i why SvhiUinyTea . Pe-wachildneevU a plenitude i v looa rich in vitamins. S ' SCOTT'S emulsion! abundant in growtlH.Prrr,,;t.2 mUl kxi tht .k,! - r utc vnct ot Ci crv . , STvUro. riuLI " . on Saf, Emulsion. Inw lil.u 1, a ma . ... tnvipiratcs, rttrcs.h, rt;x It i slv cheajx-r xt cup than vornmon tea it iuake st many cup la the I'kei . t.'-i( lser 5.W .isc-is. Crrti.Wi. tk.ik. I .tl)i t ieiii. A J M iuu. La S l-.w.i St. .!trf.Jivt.HjLig!tk At jittn tr( ciSt, ii.. " 5-4 ar? urub.e to reii: ettkw Uie fcictetv ctf beciSS; pf (tV fe if ;!,. th wreteited ernrgioo r.kr.'.'hcirntottch. "a :.; tk) . ! " hH - Cei. try Kentnoi "Vi, There ts no need of etxiaring soch aicomltwt when Reiincd Ointment U,''T relieve itching promptly nd nu kes the skin eletnr snd healrisy run. When aided by Resirtol ? it a even more edecrive. MMNCtl SHAVIXO STICK t bC fX sinol 1T11F. DAILY CAriTAL JOURNAL -IV ANT" ADS PAY 4 m """-v. rt-i' y.-iia'i'l"''M "i.. .