MONDAY. JANUARY 5, 1020. PAGE TWO. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON C01ITIEESIO PROBE CHARGES AGAINST DANIELS (Cealieerd from pe ) previous letter wttr n.a !e without mas sunk by a submarlf." hm a ship is But sunk It Is' the on jvi-nf enmiijanding of.l--c.ear !. ..! ..: the blow of the .commanding .ffi'-r should he rewaru cer wliow ship ft it the Wo enemy eept one who was court mar tialed. aii'i who. though fully acquit ted, bad no reoommenilat on from cd If he meeta thin nupreir.e crisis with poise, utter fearlessness, with thought f h, men himself, with the CO-OPERATION OF WEN m any superior offlr for l'''"laiUivili,m vf aU thoee attributes that I of any rharaoler. Admiral V tlson , "u"""m v ,,,' stated that 'th future a man a hrn h h0"rj ft.ii,. nu.i,rMU'k to r-turn to hls-atrlke for nut supreme, uw- ship t rfavMeht with saivsg party, tht principle l to deny one or the wa an olfti.M mur serious than an j haws of the moral law. The greatest others. KerreUry rnle! , eiplain at length th tilery n which ha dla agree! with m of the award, aa finally raeomoieaded to him aod ala bow ha differentiated between awards for ffteers who served at and ttes who served on land. rormer Man4 ItWutwtesl Mr. lanlrla refer to hla f'mt com tnaniratlnn to Chairman I'ag aa he art (0rtk th prtnilple that the hlgh aa slsiln.'Uon should be conferred m-sn officers and men who had com fa onta- with th enemy snd h,lJ by courage and Judgniant under at tack samptified lha highest traill llona of tha arv!c and that tha dia tlngutabed tuadal should la also award anly to Ihoa offowrs on aiiora duty who In lha language of tha Ml of owngr had dUamgulahed thamaai "try eseept tonally marttor loa servlca to tlx government n a duly of grest rponibi!lty "la thua following tha art vf con grss authorising t'.irea class of anadala," wrota tha secretary, "hon ara lea than th distinguished aor vm madal should ia awarded to f ftoara who ahora duty was merttor sews but (tot of ar.-st rinloillty.' hhlp lmva l frruW-d "i aUtad thnt 'tha iwrvu worthy of tha hlghoat diatlnt'llon la that ren dered afloat In Ilia preaenra of lha tiaoiy and that tha diatliiKiiUhed arrvtiM medal ahould la awarded to Iba aaataln of avery ahip atruck by tha mtnaa or torpadoea of the enemy H hta conduct waa mirltorioue In the hovra that tnrta rourane and load rahle. 1 do not think tha American people can ta pvrauailifd u aeeept lha Mew thai the dlllnuiahad eorvlce madal ahoald not lia it ran to tha cap taJa ef a ahlp who twart hlntaelf eour Mreoualy In the eup rente hour for wbuiai all othara houre In hit naval araar ware hut preparamry, tf hla atilp la IinN by aubmaiina or mine allacka If thla theory had bean ev aeptad la former yeara Iawranca and t'ortar and other naval heroea would here baen denied name of the early beaore whlrh their uittryma Rlad ly rave them. r.uh of them know whet It waa to luee hla ahlp wlthnul taaa of omnia and with tha aaliafaa Mae) of raralvin exprtnwlona ef hub appreciation of I heir eountrymen. It bj, of oourae. tha victory In battle whkib hre hittheet lory bu dala f dtatlartlon are awarded for 'as uptlenally merilorloue oerelra' and Ijiwrwitr waa no lee tUawrvlua of a natlao'a cratltuda when bla ahlp waa tm ta hte rountry than waa Perry. wbo Mtvln hla alnklnf ahlp won vle lorr after tieferrl hla flaa from tfc Iwreme In the NUra. Indeed. farrf and all hi. ajllont and vKHorl- won crew wera inepired to win vlo by the Immortal worrte of lxw rwe. for IVrry had edopud Imw Itewe'a dyin wonle a tha ablUbolah ww hla fl' I win I lv up tha ahipl Tm Htm ardntnt Tan enmiHaluliiac tifflrera of attlpa tmpae and aunk or put out of ae tiMi wera arieitied a worthy of re- awteiNC tne dlalinvulehed eervtco mad Tneaa awarda. aa I Mated la iy .n i.t tuJiKi-nf nrid Admiifii ithinif a nmii k:ieav elated official! that -thoug I world ta to turn a itlie court fully him. my (own opinion I uen t-t"1 ' !ot)Ot rec omnind him for the award, cithe- for a tneilal or a croee However. o catiee tranaportat PROTECJIOHELK; Appealing to the piwd iior!.- evfr due in turnblsn block hip of the people of OrK"i. Into it ateppii.- atone. If in-dalH ar Taylor of Mc-Clewy Je co-operatii'R with rot Kiven f'r thla aort of thintr whr0rPKon nimroda In an effort tu hrirg oa eurth are tW deaitcned for?" about an adequate law. the of Incorporated in the letler wera the wh.h win diK-ourai-e una rupuloua of hie prevloua eervire hi the'rerorde of all of th officer who hunter from demroyinit the band oi, urtatloo of troops and without j Ihelr vewwie, including Commander J7 pk retentjy piated i the Atnua reference to hla action afier hie ahlp waa torpedoed Captain waa aclixsted by my direction for a naval eroa. the aame aa waa award ed to commanding offlcere of other traneporta. Captain Haabrouck write ha doe not deeir to accept the med al. Inrretitfatlon Ortlerrd "Inetructlon have been Riven for the fullaet Invelitatlon with the view of further award to other offlwra 1). W. Itaglay. nephew 01 Mr. Ualn. 27 rnlle eaet of Silverton. Haabrouck ! Ic.'a. and (iiniiiandcr Percy . oote. . The .lliiclj, ot the ln the Silver- the eecreiary a ' "ut wtlom iton hlli la due to the untirln? effort much of the controveray has center- of Jr Taj.,or who )rt.lievPS th.u the , . ,, jwaate mountain aecUuns can be made In Commander Ila!ey a cae -Mr . ,uce a crop of ()regon L-Hnlel. quoted from a letter d WM Admiral Hint. .in connection with known ,tamIljnl! pproval of the finding th. cour I , g reMlal, ta.m itt Inquiry convenen to fnviwtJgute thv'," , ' . there. if.tKl'' handling of th situation i The elk were lilierated in the moun- tains on New Tear's day after a tetli- .1 . . . it.. . ..'i- 1.1. uh. BLoa ri-tA1iatr1 laV'Qaa V. una nt"n on u rie u nny umn m.. -- - . . , , elilp. who rendered meri.orlou. rv-. ery.nln that I expected In ,h. way , "'TJl lu, ci n v ice by reaaon of attack by enemy , of emcuncy. koou juaKmem. tour- ,.,.,, .... i. i i wna mafia ti nrlac r-i rt tniil r 1 V n fflf'lllt ship. Home of thew would have'uite ana chlvairou action, Auniirui , , " " , , ' " . . bean announcail before now except .Sum wrote. ... for the reconvening of the board of The fliKlinCT of the court of in- th merctiryreglirterlng 45 degrees be award to eonaldar all tneritorioua aorlqulry were that ' tbe commanding of- . low ?-ro. The animal, were brought vice and maka further recommenda-; fleer, offb era and men of the V. H. 8. tthrouKh on Bled. That Marlon coun- tlona Lata and Incompleta reporta Jacob Jonee Iwre themaeive In a -;ty eecurea tne nrat portion oi tne eiB have necMwarlly delayed full Jutl e j ( ordanc..' with the lt tradition of, for umirtDution can oe amiouiea to to all who deacrve recoirnlllon. Hut. the aervlca and no blame for reapon- line ertona oi Mr. taytor. me ennie thouch poalponed. It will be c!vn nihility for the loaa of the veaael at- plan na oeen given material anu en- tlioae who f"lt the ahock of the enemy urceaefully or otherwlne when emir ate and irooil Juilument werj ahnwn ralher than to thoee who rendereil eervlce luihore In place of lea re- pnnthlUty. "I am appendinir a brief atatemciit of tha raxea where the dltlnirulhed jnlilpa etcpt Captain Haabrouck to eert'lee medala were announced where dlHllnKulahed service medal. hip wera torpedoed or came In con-! HevlewloK the cmk of Commander tact with mliiea and were either uiiif, looie, whone ahlp, the I'realdent Lin- or put out of action. A mere readlna ' oln. wa atruck by three torpedoe of tbe plain recllal In each of thoee t aimultuiieoualy and unk In thirty and the hlirhea honor ehould go to tacht to them " cotirairement by State Game 1Varaeu, tiecretary lniei aaid that Admiral Carl 1). Shoemaker. Him recommended Commander lmx-1 The Wallowa herd from whii h the loy for a navy croaa. the KniKht board .Marlon county elk were taken, was on naval award approved the award .brought originally from Jackson Hole, and th eecretary changed It in com- j Wyoming, aevantl .year ago. That the tnon with the award of all other 'animal thrive In Oregon m proven by Mtinutndlng officera of torpedoed ; the increase of the Wallowa county. herd from about 25 to MO. ten attack and the demeanor of In.' commanding officer will leave no room to doubt that If awards are to be given for eoolneaa and judgment In danger, dlreard of personal nafe ty and aplendld courage to any men who gave glory to lb navy In the world war, they chouht go to all ten of these commanding officer and dis tinct honor should likewlan go to oth er brar offloare and men under at tack, ll.Mior Iuo Offl.'er We cannot give too much honor to Ih commanding offlcere of sur face hlp which wera able lo sink or minute, the secretary quoted Admir al Him' report aa follows: In the remedies of law as proposed, by Mr. Taylor, the present code will be; amended to make it a penitentiary of fense to slaughter one of the animals until such time a they have multiplied, eufficlently to warrant the declaring of an open season. The present law L ' J r ' 4 i ' 'If l . ; fi t- ) i ft t A , destroy a aiibmarln The truth must also I recoKiiiscd, however, thai th. 1 offlcor aboard and gun e urn", skill, determlnallnn. resource . Ii.g fulness, foresight and judgment of off leer whose ahlp were torpedoed and suddenly sunk are put In quite as ever a leat aa In the caaea of com manding officer of surface ship whlrh are and sink the enemy. No body ha siiggeatod that an officer should be honored Hocauae hla ship in amaii loss oi lite is uue to iprovid tt rine of 100 whl,.h is m, thorough disilpllne of the ship s com-!COImiaer(!(1 KuttwlfM protection as puny and excellent seamanship of jhany wealthy ..called ai-ortsmen arc Commander toote. willing to -pay the fine In order to se-. Admiral (.leave a report on the I re ,he Rnd ,,f a pk ca,, the latter aald. contained the cltU(M1, of 8llv,r,on u,.,are), a ,,.; Ulomaat .hat the email os. of life waa due to the spleud id discipline of ' ., , , , , ' ,, . ; ,, , , . , , ' that city and S0O Silverton resident ac- llie ahlp loiopiioy and their fine sea-1 . . , . , , . , ,, . . ii , i i i hi. companied the special tran to its deHti- ... ........... .K , ot Co'iimandcr root. rHlil.ili, ILt ii.Um.i.1 fnnvnv e.tiik.nun der, wroto that "it wa an inspiring nio"ai"en- sight to see the ahlp. her stern awash " "pc'tt, trln w"1 t"l "ll ., ih. o.,in. .,f .inking .in, h.Tresident M. C. Woodard of the Silver still fir- limner company Ann ran out to Ithe end of the company' logging road. Admiral (Heave recommended , 1 nB "inner company also provided a Commander Foot for a distinguish-1 dinner for the J00 guests of the ) acrvlce medal, the letter said, and fears day. the recommendation was approved by nation making up a purse of f 400 to defray expense in the aid of forest Fine For Sore Kyes ll la surprising how auicsljr eye In flaatisatVia ! helped by ctannion ait.'li el, esmphor, fcydtaitls. ete.. tni ed la lvnttlik era wh. One elderly lady who bad fceen tmublcd wlti rhmsie eye Inflammation for many rears, was greatly Mptsl In tw dsvi. W (uarinle a small bottle of loop Ilk to help ANY CAHK woak, ilmine.1 or inflamed eyed, AUiminum ere eup KK. J. C. I'errjr, druggist, 115 Bonth Commerciat. (Ad) Admiral Mayo, commander In chief no r rencn crown jewels, including of the Tutted Utate fleet and by the the 'regent diamond, with In. 1)00.000 Knight board. (franc, are to be brought from Bor- In concluding hla letter to Senator ideaux and again exhibited at the I age. Secretary Daniel said; iLouvre. They were taken from the "When we shall have forgotten the Louvre in 1914 when the Germans ad- rtlatlnaTUlshad and honorable service vanca threatened the captuie of I'aris of aide and devoted officer ashore, ho will worthily wear thd dlstln IsUishnd servl.-e me.tal, the eplendlit courage of tile men ho met th shock of the submarine still .tloe un nlrat.l and demonstrated Initiative, valor and wlnib.nt under such circum stances as landsmen never knew these hrav men and their deed will remain as a living glory and an hon orable Incftitlve to future naval heroes." --ie-t--a-, a a a ra a m. - 0; WoJCtvritv t Complete liivo of FhiOMSON'S GLOVE-riTTING CORSETS .-p.',?ji ' 'i ' , The thuutunub uHn thtiusamLs of Thom son's "Glove Fitting- Corsrts Kmht hire in recent years, ly S.Uem's women, wonKl indicate that these are truly gannent of real merit. And. their jvopulaHty has never slacken ed, but is constantly increasing. In this daily (scramble for merchandise, we feel very for tunate indeed, to be able to meet your wants with m complete a line of these just ly famous corsets. We make no promises for the future. We &dvie early purchasing. I H ill IM A La Victuire Corsets vtr iksv ski tsh Itssr U omerrtal. ettaiMiaaj aod fSnth If you want your family and friends to hear the greatest music by the greatest artists, exactly as the artists themselves sang or played it, the Vic trola is the only instrument for you. Any style of Victrola you select will play perfectly any of the more than 5000 records in the Victor Record Catalogue. Get a Victrola! Get It Now! On easy payments if desired. It will be a source of pleasure for the entire family throughout the years to come. Home of The Victrola You Get More For Your Money at Moore's To Cure a Cold in Oris Say TaV LAXATIVE IIUOMO IJUININF, (Tablets.) It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. K. W. GROVE'S signature on eai-h hnx. 30c. (Adv) THIS NURSE Prison Sentences For E'k Shyers Is Proposed I The repeal of the present state law maklna the killing of elk in Oregon j pniiiehnble by h fine and the aiibstltu-l jli.ui of a penitentiary sentence as Ihei 'penally will l,e sought at tbe special iseKxitjit ,.f ih,. !itai. b-iiwl.tuire. accord ;ln to W. A- Talor. promlnenl Marlon! 'coontv The proparntlon of jelk in Oils state has be. n Knatly hand-, jlcnppcd by weolihy hunters who bit ! willing p.iv Oie small fine now 'Imposed In older to wm,. m,. teeth , nt hole of an elk, nt-coidliig to T.iv- wlo. ,l.n!,in tpat more drastic punishment Is iie.-ei.sni v it efforts to sto. k the f.-rvsis vt the stale with these are to mover.! j iNomian Ross Wirs 200-Yard I Champicnsiiip Swimming Race Melbourne. Anstrniia. Sundae. TVe. ADVISES Women Who Are 111 To Take Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. ' V S I I itiet. won the !Ji ard championship sprint in nit athletic meet hei today Siwncr and Osterteier. Ameiicana. won the day bU-vele race w ith a purve of 1 pounds fourteen teams com-eted. Coat master T A Hevis of Hood' Hues reports that the mall handled i hat cftu during ll$ for outgoing: I lns tntl tor local delivety rl.-ee.lej thst of any p..t ) by .vr cent, ; Mt M.m A,, a redolent r,( ome in Alir.,v Mon.Uj mght. aged St Past T5,vhet..r N Y - "1 h sea llOiVst t.ydia K. I'mkham'g ne table Coin- pound tor several yeara and think it fine. 1 am a prac t i c a I mirte and when I get run down and nervous I take tha Vegetable Corn round. I also have J trouble with my I llaJJer when 1 am on my feet and Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash re- that I I. & reconinienacti your medicine to several Jfoong la.lie wha have all benefited hv it. "-Mrs. AtiVKS U BeUjOWS, 806 Lincoln Kd East Rochester, N, Y. Young women who tre troubled with painful or irregular perkxia, backache, headache, dragging-down ttensations, fainting spells or tndiireation should ta LyAi E. einkham't VegvUbhs t impound. Thousands have been re ittired to healta by this root and herb vaiedy. Write for tree and helpful advice to 'ilia K. nkham Medictre Co. (cutv intial). Lynn. Masa. Women onl it, read and answw gucfa kttera. ! ...... "' ' ' '" "'" ' Hs 'fsftkall his Samuel Goldwyn . Presents Madge Kennedy u jewini. mi i .jp w;saw an ma iiiaaMaaaaaaJBaiaaataaaaB ! iWUlTNOMAH7. 1 1 c van ii. W Ar Ms.ottkg a rf line lia. rf MlJt WUvll hls 3'M J. . aiayaay "IWt Bum ixtartAittv oaa. Tfc pleaaura ml trim U INirt- ilvi,i ra tss kit you sMK't. !". umiaUeg nt0rt - - ' nnwi ymt fVM ta k to., await r at Garage (a Caaueertlaav. FffiM coip GctDr Edwards' Olive Takl?f 3 COLDS Mead or i beat are beat treatrj a a i i VICKSVAPOm ill; I T!u U the kv fuj cry o trsxrarxh ance lr ranivis proitatsi cv 1 . tl subojtuJr aw cakaisH. IV t-daanls. a prartxuv; pfcv;'ua eV I vrfi... vl caanelvt oki-tinw eramv. Cv.xvvi the KmsHiia hT t'Stve "I iitsirts wtule tivaunc putamts ht chrtguc agal Uni avrr Dr tthanV tive TabaH tk not rtmtn csiJ.!M. but a braktai. xHhuig Krtaiiat iavative ph pi;sng b Uie "Vevtw" of thcae attar utw iuatrvt. cavw-cvaxard US IrU. Thrv cause the bvsswat arrf km ta act vma;:y 11a y new Mve t am tv uuitual a. tx t! you havx a "iJarl brown mouth" bad bftU- a duk. tnl tre lanattahe- -tvJ tw curwiiiuixai vu 8 teai qtoik. aure attd pkKnt n a fnn ur Vi ta rt. fcctwaixte' Jaws T atart at ttitime. t .-rBal uk UMa gwrry esgrst rmrf j t..s m'tu. Try Uaaia. lu. ataJ ii In-s tj . i fsJ i-A iLvs rf xA 7, Ti'i-y ,v, 'v .-. i;! &feM' TwWtricthi Confidential" UmWW 4 It' !JWM 9' OtrrcrNVwColdwru Releases: Rarsrt RugW "The Cup of Fury" Tees Meore Is "IjmiI anl Lady Al.v" ss asattt's '"1"S t.lrl tram tut,t" Win a ' Almost s lltuhana" Carsbrln Fsrrsr ta "Flaaas of th It's a wise man who knows his wife's relations! And they're more particular about It In Eng land than they are over here. Hera you can marry anybody. In England, It isn't done! But It couldn't be helped in "Strictly ConB denital." Imagine twenty-three relatives all ln one house, and Madiie kennwlv went and married the Owner, alter lying about her social con nections. Funny? It's no word for it. 13 a riot of risibilities! Ft? pnlllnl the bell rope foe I Relet Or posMwc a button twice foe tnaii fcmlly to bring up a brandy ei"T ! Fesderlvk ta "Tae Lent at tatty" CaMwya arar AaiasatW Cartaaaa m ' Twa. taey r tUl mtmMnl ihera In Engiaaa). u imis is pnotatur. Th plajr's the thing I & M,d Kennedy. She's taimltabt. And tf yoo w actsHMuy, k chsrttsble. No sits is rapow"Ma t.r Sec riUon. Sh ioaa't want ta hs that s skf ana ta Bring onasr aa assume, saiaa Tewrsl Watch for this Goldwyn Picture at your favorite theatre ey G O LBTYN MOTION PICTVBFt: f CAPrTAWOURXALVAN'T ADS BR1GRESULTS 'CzS-