c TTTPf A V JANUARY 3. 1920, ..it i mTTPVAI QAI.PXf. OREGON, I II r. l)Jl.l i.ninu"m"-""-" - i I. : ) I 'J THE CAPITAL JOURNAL . - rna SOtt-I FrJ erT ; -.,,, r.. v'. ' . . . .i 1.44.: .1.,. w 1J'p":ri-.t. f ft ca tuation in wnich ne depicts trie ioiiy oi itiung iue . . ryerrr-t ri r A T i r T t 1 -)?' T7 to rr.ake me V- Trrr I,.- I--,,, -.f tU CotrTrrlir Frerinir Pnst. SaiH-!.:.-.. r km: think!' over 1 11!. L1.L I.T.' ir ' L cur: 4, Ui c4 V - , 44.44- - - j Off-. M lor til r T 1 ur-1 fi. Blvthe has an illuminating article on the pol-jand over: -i h-M r- .i ....-4- : U:U U ,1,.:o V, f,JU r,f lt-rtincr thp'it ice re. Just !t a iv Alt ir-inr! fiamp the next nre.dent of the United States .1 . . . I ... XL I t V.!veT irQ UreeS ine IWUWte IU aMen tucu nguw a'-'-i ,,,t.e tit frightened f .. r-.i t.'.t'ui&jCCV til 11 Li I IT llic lu'H fc' 4.?v.vv . Ct.OttOK ttT. .vh. ,tt;, , .,,,,k ee, o r. ." clr.mr.nctrnr&rt mnsMfr 5 h room he ca.iel itrifvliun li. smiie; suiu ixicui w uviuviwiiun-u -"tw , . , i M.a n tied a lot of your cH koaae. Iven this had no prr rate. I only seii away aad ' AI'.houKh my i-titr-m-u- - very ancry I tfijnK. uji. - Iwfore sr.e . i? r-f . "i ; r r. , ,riv w 'V. r. comn.anded: ( Stay witn Mm frftrJ-- Hr!rfrt Hoover. TVioro fi nn HCSpnt'fll (liffprfTlP ri-clare3 Bhlhe. be- tt-U'DPhone to hr tween the Republican party, bossed by the "old guard''; '''ZZTTo, avfl thf T)( mfcr&tic oartv. ruled bv the old ear.?, tacn rt. . m.u'is encaged in seeking control of the government for the:"" W,ilsr.nd it is criminal folly for the people to permit Lr, JWvrt ill?" Henrittif s . ,,. d Lftir.a rn 4 n.y pillow w eun.fortabl?. ktndiMros ii her evident r mud I wbusi i.-;.ir.:- r t: carr.e . aJ- r.:f f.r.e r liy -i r.ot I the political machines to proceed in exactly the same man - ,, cm j nf.r tt- have nmcceded for rears in pickine candidates rw T,Sf and "both machines are U work to produce the old pro--t JJ luni Ct., vJ'V.T''"l,T 2?! ducts, entirc-lv political, entirely partisan, entirely ar w r M rd." t'i mVm- Uhaic,M wt.rkfi,? for partisan and iwrsonal aims rather! "w"- tan: f;'J",hr 'J t4 lo , Rippling Rhymes. Y WAIT MASOJf THE l inl KTY IMVI homtht m ' " ! the old banners and rau them with the old hattie cries. 5m ntTZJt irTiifc! Thev insist that the shadow of the present is the substance n u.n tift--win nd 1 w'"h-; of the past." mr. Vp try f "r ine people miena to stand oy ana let tne ioiiticians i0wr to shut out t,;.- ;ieh: mi ni t bvnu. fcw ii i tu.hHf ftr thi m men of thf-ii riii'n nh-jfilefp .md' Ttartin "Th.mk 1 r. az wpm'I b ' r 1 . : ! i;r-!tii. f, Mn,llf!n.w tula u-W ia rian.1 rrinm unA van drove up 'and delivered them '!. wouldn't allow Into the hoiu. T: i area now." ' Oh," 1 thought ' too. F'ltr.i; to wotry njtrh 1 turned m; w.iil. -There, there. : ' wcrrj you with it .ii (With (iii' K cumprel t:i r'j'tui in order j ened the covers ar. si tec ' K tnan tne nuure 01 me repuwic. vit ha ih run.u. ? "Trtr, ttt'n ri'ti-tir-c: " savs XI 1 RKtVlP Mn fur Jl fnn perfectly furiou tha pn.r.s uarm'iniii puncica j;tt iiir tcasvii tu ijc ticuitrontc vi nut wide divergence in political and national feeling. The country has progressed, but the two old parties have fctood s'tiil until the names of them are merely ornate sign boards on empty houses. The Old Guard and Old Gang ; continue to trv to herd their sections of the public, under f 0- t y i St EVA.VC1J.M A. K. BK1.L V1h W ill a St-rio ' Sermons ;it S. D. A. Oiurcli rk-eiimiiis Toiikit-row. Open Forum ii 1 -: .Sit- 'i 1 T'JS E.'ur.r Jo r!K! 0' e i1.: I was somewhat lott.. ar'T?.! ri r in yes ; ratted b;.- a Mr. J. T. Tomorrow Evening 7:30 EVANGELIST A. R. BELL Will Begin HIS SERIES OF SERMON STUDUS Subject for Opening Service LOST IN EDEN SAVED BY THE SON OF MAN WHAT? Come Early and get a Seat-All Seats Free S. D. A. Church N. 5th Street and Gaines Avenue Take N. Commercial Street Car in .fully, hut I away again id IH.-t that ... f,.k. "t'utt r. l wtti take your noh4 l p I , . t 1 i t. i 1 .1 . .1 Mil, (iurdon earn..- back. fr the r.t m eb.- 1, abilitv to connn'ehend the task or the vision to see furth- su. tl, st r...vrvund it fcmv Ifru ot I1'" fir m u,e 4t-er than narrow oailLsanshin? If not thev should bep-in -i can un.iei- un? iy ' I nf ,rtrv. in fart t hi.mt4vr. j Kv? in ;t nrr nrutri tho nr.m " itr jw 1 ..., v . v.v .... . . .... v.. nim up at tn or:. DUSine'S txelanution. "1 fcr il ki "t tnb r -" . .;U - V .. . we are in up here. ' -k... MtrMW hn:, " t.ti.t.iiY w ininu uiuri t-ut tu uui uwwuc wuu-;of -uff frm yur home. 4nj I tand, -a I it ttatl II tv. im.er-u.f rr".!allon 0l truv richt Kind ot a man-preteraoiv a ;.irid why 1 hf an;.- 1 t.:n. ' i'.h lhat a! Adnms. i.-ritu the at-uon oi tne, My juiy in l.rine:r.? in a verdict "not' , to jcmity" iii the ca of the -y ft fclw. j id vs. Either "'fi'ii. this heii.e a case, ac-i re corOif.e tn Mr. Adams wnere.n several, irien were arretted in one t-f the loca.l rjf-o! rorti? accused of arr.t.hnc k- This is another one of those cases j wherein a per.,n rsht-s intn prim to, 1 .:'- air his v:e-.rs of a matter of which he j t 11,.- h.ts m l-'Tii'iedEe. and the f ict that j SERIES 10 ;i. he r.e wn-ii-i dr. w lef.fls me to hei:eve: your jh-n fc:s ii;dament is p.o: a irreat deal: t, M o . An I liltlrtnv : ntut.born refusal to hae anythmsr to he'ti-r than that .f the jury that he' lit t rirfc.ftairkly r m "! ty liiminp Im( tile ntir natlnnal f-ifl-t a hlici ' o "h " to .peak at-,ut it. cn:.-i,- In JuMie to the jury, of lna r at my d i nto ; tti a OUitineM H(.p!t, OUr national IiCUC a DUM- j ..A, fm he ,hj, 1 , u!.i h .ie wh..ch I was. foreman, and for the! iMr KMwirt mi th'tr ii t.-n j ness fabric, the problems of reconstruction are business u gt u.nB um best i ..ui.!. tut when benefit .t those wh n.icht feei a m , l TiilyMru'tnedadj ,, ,, !. rintiid'if f. ic ) Vuwinf.f' "n.l.rsund that you AchiiiT does. I will ytate why a verdict fww4. n4 , .u.d f.d yo'veiPn0KmS-UU KIOrX im ptoptt CamUUaie lh a pUintSu,1Iht.r wl,uWVol or ,Wd ,- .e,.k of ..nol Eiltv - was reaehl. brf. u ! ch.ii.d fcid j man-'-not a professional office holder, not a wind-jam-Wo anon. n ..m.-o turi-i mi T ,iefn.ia nt in this case ww ar- . mZ Zr?trt?Tu min politician, not a political soldier, but a business man 7'd bf "ty sw, and "-m-'-' money.- u; our pn tmutt.y uwn. 1 ' '., f .... ' , , , . ;arra; things. Mr. Au.uli will refer to that same lic-j iatii rm o .; 1 mm r or proven capacity and world vision and popular demand -it '.-rr .7 JT r:.;- , ... can lorce the nomination ot such a man. bv one or both " u" ,n xnn uu ,"'m r i ietwr. be wui tmd that money IM tMM culeiii ". - ' ' i eat tmnify S'lUM dltrm: o Uim, la boi4r tune. tital lttt bond hoh Liwjers Retain Lead Orer Oticr Crafts in Chamber no on. narties. retraraiess oi no uics. l ona ! xt- lii..v,.. .,...t , u..... o 1- t 1 :i mi. imjiuh: niiKi;rrva iiwivti , jjitjuic Ul I triill IViillia and Dawes of Illinois as possibly filling the bill with preference for Hoover, the only national and interna tional figure of whom he says: roeitiori you wih "(told. Filver or metal stamped "fiwivt r Ita idiniitNtv i,lrv,d t ,r tu.i1t.,ut reiii,.ti..M k... ..1-.. farka. Jan l jtyr r4old", " iriiut he t t nn. 1.1I an.) aKm nay he U a republican; l aai M the newly ldJ I'ten. h -""l nr ail 1 run m he hi itnp what he U tut far jdHU- f'hamlwr. ' M t Blr. tM ar ' aiw . . Hoover i a buKiness man He understand not onlv Aiwr retiiiial ltt'iiHr of lleitr il'-an buatueaa . lidoi national mum nra. w hich will he of vaat 'tinport Ktrmr et witn It Tb army' " ''ounliy In th next lt yearn lie h m had large u.lniinin- aad ir rrorewtiil4 bf f wj,r" eirlenc-e Me know lit niaehinery of the liovernn. -111 a well t( wham twu M jwwll, ," "'' popular affair. Hi poaiuon. no tar aiui.nio. ed. on H-'4nl nd w vtnr 1f!rn;n, lmart tnHn of Uie day. I .uiul in a fauoliteva ene and sound .e.le r iliiwl "wtain !n Ken"oM . ll known in ry tomiounuj in the t'mied pn" and onl five ar banker j '' UKlly vrd known in forrlcn emmine He h. .i.u.e a but Tb temle are rpreiti ,.M in t'is a ay. . If the mwpl aant liouver tbe van get bun. Thar four .. fathoMe prteal and b :n " ' "'"! uf u"' ' be l a great buwm .w n.n. apparently lUrra lroVtril paaiornt TH inepi-. """ " o), raailj are articulate cuoceru- tt to make 01 tno craie aim wfi j,, lefll authority and used as cur-j It a til ls Impossible for the trade- r1)),.v. Hn(i curreQ1.y uwtd lU4 monre. 1 men to drive to , the doorway white- Thrn ts no qusrum but that the th. y are there." m, played for makes, thev all ad-j I managed to aa: "lou and John mi lt h, ,fv WPr? not Kall!,mR ; an di!.oae of them aay way you ilk. f()r ni(JI1(.. Thev were plavinc for'1 if you will only Itave me awn. trttJt. ,.h.K!l. redeemable in merchan-j hat Hi piatt. r wiin you. any way? if you're 111 u must have a doctor!" "1 am nol ill I'm jut tired. SPECIAL-SIX , NLY actual driving brings out the mechanical perfection of this Series 20 SPECIAL-SIX to its fullest degree. Beneath the harmonious lines of its exterior are mechanical features which assure economy and efficiency that are at once apparent to the experienced motorist and will proclaim themselves by years of constant service. riu- only, and only redeemable at the. pool room in which they were playing.: If thev had been accused of "gam-1 T . . .1 .. .. ,ylfft. 1 nn (I1t.-.T t.n l,nf thf .ofit all l-le-!'!-' M i'1,'n' " they would have been found gtm-y. ( 1'ini i y nu tut wiu iiriii irnu. r r &t tit Jt!h rith it. iifir .iilHl Hftm itvw U Mm, t)ui fi.r thtn i First Woman Professor la BerSi University "rDLlTICAL riUSONKP.S. ON Christmns day some two huh-hed men and women, XlZVll . niotly women, pa rat led New York streets carrying I b""'""1 piacartis ani hanners tletiiamuiig the immediate release of "political prisoners'as thev term those incareenited for I ,li' I, .,.!,. 1,. il,., 1 ., , ;,.) .'u i wir ku 1 1 iiiiit iu tuiniig me war and since IVrlm. J I Twe f.rt aojnun rvfaaMM' ! Hi I"rHy oi i.erli.. o IVslen l-r. Hrti:. who wiil! i"ur n -.! nr. H l r .oie l ' team lrau ilwt the I'M, it . lr if. .. 1 .. ..... ...i.i k,... 1 .... t ti.aeat.il e-f tin ttw i niei 1 foiesi w us also igtt'i'ed apainst the arrest and dt por 0,"M' iUT. I nation of ala-n anaivhbts set-king dotructiun of the gov-1 it CLOD 1 m l'Kie was led by a preaJierof course a ia Upon l-rCCh W YXtmtt , cifist-anll the marchers wetv mm of t -ducat ion and u ,;m- J 1 , IV f" f nil! 111. len-l.ir Iw.K-K. ? .- S .: . 4 11 . . . , , ruii. of i. .. , V' 7 . rM '.-. u.ts..Uiu imeuecuuus wruis-. j"lllat if Mr, (aofdun had a piece of ' loajit and a eup of colfee it m:t,rht help I brace her up? She seein utterly x j haualed. ' j ' Kvh,tui.'d Why ohould a young. : healthy woman like her be cs ' haustedT" j Thii, caused a rushing fl.o,t .,f re J menibrance' Why should 1 be ex ihauMea? 1 1 illlN liil-.halul rilllllH4llH-lkr j In ihe k.it w. .k I hd lui-t m fattier nnd bc.-n attending upon all the fill 'i.!iiub- whirh a.'com- I had found that mot uit.-.Mnpatheue wiili m ufft'riiig. that he eioeclei! r.e l,. ..Lev lu llKhtt-t wish without iueti.-n. ihoiiirh 1 were a child. I '..liO.I tl be 'he k.e.l r.b.d- jost a.s guillv of eimblhiE as are Mr Ad.tms rhlidren if he has anyi. or my; ehtldren when thev play marble f.irj keenp. Th evidence shows that card plavitiir wan gome on at five or tlx! table, ail Ihosie tranven whvrein thei loser fvatd The vi?,iH-r in tra.le cheeks i The offieer admitted that they had' open!;.- w atel.e,! the t: nr.es for i-'Htiie little time but no arrest were made until they saw ore player hand another; plnver Sr Ttie nlayers n' this table! were then arr. s'ea. ch trird with j ' 1 r. f,,r money," The sworn : t-; im'.ry of the two tnn was to the! effect that the 50c had nothing what-: ever t tb, with the pitne. the f.utg ho-! ins that one h.u! borrowed a dd1r from the other at the bednniuc of the' nol al.ove rntering " ' ns n " "s b .i'.tec -r home. ! fiiitatton he would !' b-W what he had bf-,. which w:i.s n.e. and that he r"''' Tht :e Wing no reason for riis- JIQ-imh vjhttlbasi; o-karirpo-u;er ie maunteblt htad meior; improved ku-iptt intakt manifold; inttrmedinlf transmisihn; improved ixindjliit'.d tiilA taU.t itdt lamfj; ctri tins; txtensun Unneaa lamp. V $2,035.00 F. O. B. Salem MARION AUTOMOBILE CO. ''- .! fi m-m im'iv, . , 1 i!m. ,bo hu i wmg rg.t i oaiancc uneei ta bet n thiosn out J'iei tle,ei)...ttii wtm it . ' k V re ! v t h nf.l 1 ...til ;,! a . the , part wont af r, aceoitiRn it. " ' .,. ; ' njs.i 1 it i,; ft.F.4,ti.e.ft m u ebniif ot Jauuig traitois and enemies of the puiiew M t .en.eeceau p.dlit eat to JJJIJ i raeai t.i p. M tt. per ( r pea rti.g ttane. 4 , il im uiui: f gear by solvsister rt'IMiiuic. :t r.''t"-;t in c .rSr;:)1111 lk tlul, birth bomb thro- .eis. jiieatmng ine UestriK'tion of society, is regarded by ,t!ue faultier us violation of the iowt i'ruti,... -;i ,-,,.(,t. ..V ' 'I.H.iV'H,.. iiriii,-. ui . ll.iv IX moan the fact that An-ene.-HK in war or K-ing dynnmitevl i!d I..r t,,.p nil to use (v e with- '"''A ,v- r.-,.T,!, tr in, tWtliig. as b !p ta po-iba- hu 1 eat of 1 1 Uk'y me and that bll'iK fi, is no 'Uo. -Ml tn the due . t what should be the :1 ''V' : vi- i.,, T, , ( my life a burnetii 1 crre. lui' t;.,l u'd probab.v !..l a 1 atu B - 1 eti-! I M-e. . a If.-h rai.-. .1 at Vat- for I ,v!d rod A.' i e ' a lot of every n. irried K.-.e. tn.) this statement, it was tm-i to f;",,! them c.iiliy i f "cam-1 r ittorey." It wis siir.jde a 15 '-f whether the) i .rd I feel m,t, -t ere lrtiilty rt.utt that ch. ,1 trade check. at, that tr ' resent af the' rHSKLSKX. ! t e- A , ..ru 4a b log AU Si arr S'.l l.l tuactaaag t iuiStfien ) !. t Ja, a,,g biak an aiHe He W fweevd ta rl ia be 1 S..W.1P. a tout t tii pri.tm. itT, Ml Mr Adaipll Oiol ltl.u.g triietffd ilal?e u gwia tlir e-k freed. I t. . . I . . I 4 .1 toit iate imi'.tUU 10 UK' eilt'tllV into anarvhv m sn-acv. America hn.s Ut-n and will continue to he the avlum of the oppressed of all humanity. long as the oppressed do not intake hU ity for license and seek the dest me lon of their hosts. lint the flagrant abuse of huspiulUv by hair-brruned fanatic h.ns causeil t.n-dv :,et:.,n 1,1 ,.,i. ,,'erant government ft.r self pmtect ion. vna ueinocracy offers every ommi -tmmv fi- .-..i;...,!.. ! t ! i ,ltu4I'ra 'i,n.lh.0,rau i!l and peaceful j 4li. vuv I U y) n rv7 g ur.k . " v u" Ks l" convert enmiuh pwn e'i AVzlnnrni thnr thtHlrus to m'cu "-..juritv of the voti Hvi ldZJb&lMm S a je.UH ul revolution. The Nmh Dakota fanner, t f .V , t- LS T tlu"' r"lY0 absttlute control ; i rn t ;;UT f "tHll w .m enacting i.tu actuality th.-xr pmgmra of reform ! t i Ai ic ii -ji Li It I V yf'. . - ' lbJl. utiicaiii need no instiiieti..!. ii, f,-.,i,... r. ,, "":"' hl ii. ver .l, m,;str:it,.,l .,' ;:rJ' :ca aeit if ntiili .b i i ,...t.u j , ,v. .... vv, , lJU msi'.ves lMr..J.Sf r - i. 1 ' 1 I f I A I 1 -e.j l,4SSJCaJ 41 - u I.-, a de buy- a pate ii Miai lit your pkihiwi wn -itji Us.it i. LC)WandMAIIIFi tn. the noted authnr Idah MSGlone Gibson MmUtaf i4.t. ai t .. tft 1 . 4 .... 4... ti4. lUiA- k " "- .e. I t.,.d . j '"jt-iait-fiiijiirt,..,,,, ka - - -.e 4,i m .... . ,. I, i.A-t .-- .4, ! t V4 t4 6S B t ! v . I J,.-n 4 1 If 4 . . 'K ..... 1 K44IH 4 J . ... .... ... fjj a raitdidat lr mi ' Ui. ik,n ev' yvm ,!,'- . ., " m nas i iiave I aluv AM X-ray ' la e-.i ! V i -d " . '' t i j ALWAYS GOOD MOST TIMES GREAT VAUDEVILLE mm&mm SUNDAY 4efett&i ED AN- EDNA FANTON A XOVHL'. x AERIAL ODDITY OEVILAND AND FAY OH DOCTOR 0 Ot 3 'i ar a. V''' . , -. - -, tiiiff .afVr ",i ' t a..- r-j .jt -4- -v . - - - . s. -e- - e-1 - . - 4e3 r " 02 Cfy Boulevard or Country Road You Will Find MISS BILLY BOWMAN Lite enurtainer with A. E. F. in France and Bel gium and the army of occupation in Germany. HARRY B1CREY ia "THE MAN WHO WON" JI t !l , II The fcttia -'dHivHfi lkUf.t ?ii I 4a - ,.cd ,r;l-;-,: : mutt and jeff comedy v. . - 1! - ki tM-C. t,,t ,.'!; Jl1"! ' te, 4. 4 1 ".' .jr I IU4MI 1 4. .r.- .. je 1 ;-t-a.iit1!1,)il,,K, ,,., . - wV "Sa.,, is the choict of the man to whom proved quality is always the f.rst consideration. We have an " ExC." correct in sue and capacity for your car it is made exactly to meet your own 'ndivtdual starting battery needs. Our "Exiee" Service, which backs up the per formance of that "ExtJC" Battery, also provides for the recharging, repairing and testing of every make of starting battery. "EXC" Service has many exclusive features aJ of them combine to make it s dependable seme, m every sense of the word. C.LL FOR A FREE B.TTERY TEST REGULARLY . HD. BARTON- Exide Sales and Service 171 South Commercial St. i Wi. ICAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING RESULTS :.-SlliC-f--,e-w-44.f- T r.f